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social media

what you need to know for 2011 and beyond

brought to you by: sam mutimer -director of social media @

thinktank media - feb 2011

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The more you give, the more you get back

Share your experiences and frustrations

Questions and answers



Case studies

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What we will nail this morning!

2010 - The year in review

Best platforms and the best tactics to use to maximise your returns within the social media space!

Best campaigns in 2010 and why they became so successful.

Perceived trends for 2011 and how to be reactional to these.

What you need to do to either get your social media program up and running or tighten up your efforts so far.

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“Australia is the country with the second largest reach (behind Brazil), with 72% of their internet population active users of social networking/blogging”

“Australians spend the most time on social networks/blogs, averaging 7 hours 19 minutes and 13 seconds per month”

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What does that mean for YOU?


Potential customers are waiting to hear what you have to say

They are actively looking...right now

People who trust, like and respect you...will assist in marketing for you ( unconsciously and consciously )

Opportunity to be listened to by your target market 1. solid strategy 2. great product 3. exciting/meaningful creative 4. execute wisely

Spend a quarter of the costs of traditional media AND have a bigger impact

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Let’s take a look at Australia......

stats Sept 2010

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The game is changing with more people shifting their focus to social networks for:

Trusted referrals from their friends and online connections

Social channels for recruitment - gaining insight into a possibe candidate

Closer contact with the brand

Increased touch points to connect then sell products/services

Another communication channel

Organic search rankings

Realtime news

Networking with highly targeted audiences

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Facebook Statistics, Stats and Facts for 2011

Facebook is now used by 1 in every 13 people on earth,with over 250 million of them (over 50%) who log in every day. The average user still has about 130 friends, but that should expand in 2011.

48% of 18- 34 year olds check Facebook when they wake up, with 28% doing so before even getting out .

The 35+ demographic is growing rapidly, now with over 30% of the entire Facebook user base. The core 18-24 year old segment is now growing the fastest at 74% year on year.

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Over 700 billion minutes a month are spent on Facebook, 20 million applications are installed per day and over 250 million people interact with Facebook from outside the official website on a monthly basis, across 2 million websites.

Over 200 million people access Facebook via their mobile phone. 48% of young people said they now get their news through Facebook. Meanwhile, in just 20 minutes on Facebook over 1 million links are shared, 2 million friend requests are accepted and almost 3 million messages are sent.

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2011 Trends:

What we saw in 2010:

a) Putting greater focus on data in social media – people increasingly point out the difficulty of using easily obtained measures, such as pageviews, bounce rates and so forth.

b) Defining your audience and learning to join conversations are key – it is becoming increasingly more critical to produce content that has real value and relevance for your target audience.

c) The importance of a social media strategy - it’s simply just not about setting up a facebook page and assuming thousands will “like”it!

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So what’s in store for 2011 ?

What is a Facebook fan worth?

Social media marketing is becoming a significant driver of consumer product discovery.

Clicking ‘Like’ on a brand’s page is one thing, but regularly returning to that page or reading its content is another matter.Trend 1: Integration

Trend 2: Location based marketing

Trend 3: Group buying

Trend 4: Social gaming

Trend 5: Realtime interaction - planning sm around events, product launches, promotions etc Trend 6: The “always on” consumer

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Communications and Branding

The mindset required for social media campaign success:

Genuine quality of the product and the way you engage with the people.

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Trend 1 : Integration

Social media has gone past its infancy phase and many brands are now using it in brilliant and imaginative ways.

Integrating your most effective communication channels is key. We can no longer take a single channel approach to implementing strategy as the idea is diluted.

Create your big engaging idea, integrate it through all channels (all together team! No heros!) and reap the rewards.

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Yellowglen at the races

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Brilliant example of integration - Yellowglen

Outdoor-Ambient(projecting bubbles)-Sampling-Installations at site-Billboard-Raceday booklet advertisment.

ALL directing people to the Yellowglen fb page

Tent at races that only sold Yellowglen sparkling wine. Free make-up sessions/ manicures. Photographer taking photos of anyone who wanted one. 4 computers set up for Facebook, anyone could use

1. Photo taken 2. Given business card and bottle of champagne glass shaped fairy bubbles with the Yellowglen Facebook page address on it with time slot of when photo was taken, so that you could go and look at it. 3.Uploaded all the photo’s to the page in albums by time frame. 4. You can share with mates.

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Trend 2: Location based marketing

The final piece of the social media puzzle. The where of the who, what, where, when, why, how..get it?

We’re talking foursquare and facebook places in Australia.

Many businesses have been slow to adopt this in Australia up until now... however it has been used effectively overseas. The Oz maket is now picking up at last.

Brilliant twitter location activation from Levis. Simple and effective. It’s 18 months old now but we see location being extremely important in 2011 so how can you do something matching online and offline?

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Brilliant example of :

Location based marketing

Levi’s sent out hand selected people in their signature jeans across Australia and New Zealand while clues were released through twitter as to their whereabouts, after following clues throughout the day, all you had to do was ask the person if they were wearing Levi’s… if you were right, they dropped their pants and gave you the jeans on the spot!

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Trend 3: Group Buying

The more people that buy, the lower the price becomes.

Local businesses are finding that they can successfully attract new and repeat business by introducing customers to their services with a deeply-discounted group coupon. In fact, Groupon asserts that 97% of merchants featured on the site want to be featured again, which further demonstrates just how much demand they are dealing with. - more people buy in the more valuable the voucher gets

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Group buying on facebook - why wouldn’t you apply the deeply discounted deal model to their own products and services?

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Credible sites


Leading the way. Over 35 million registered users, serving 250 total markets world wide. It’s not in Australia due to some tricky circumstances so they are known as Stardeals here.

Australias leading are:



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One to keep your eye on facebook......prototype

Facebook wants to participate in the recent success of Groupon and Living Social.

Facebook’s - “Buy With Friends” - allowing users to get disounts on virtual goods purchased by their mates.

It works like this. 1. User makes in-app purchase using facebook credits. 2. User shares it in their newsfeed. 3. Friend sees purchase and then can buy the same item at a discount directly in newsfeed.

It’s restricted to virtual goods right now, however physical goods will certainly be in the mix soon with more brands setting up shop on facebook.

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Trend 4: Social Gaming

With facebook topping over 500 million users and 53% of those users playing games, there is HUGE opportunity for brands to get their communities involved and build positive brand experience through gaming. *doesn’t have to be complex, simple with a social experience50

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The mechanics of gaming can be replicated for any product.

It’s not about “can toilet paper have a game - eg. Kleenex”. It’s about, what’s a

game that we can build that will link to Kleenex. Positive brand experience.

Kleenex create a game that adds value to people, as long as it’s - FUN,


It’s NOT about why it’s softer, etc.

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The gamefication of advertising is also one to keep your eye on.

The New York Times iPad app HTML 5 game banner brings new fun to a tired format. HTML5 Gamified Banner Ad on the iPad

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Trend 5: Realtime Interaction

A tactic that is increasingly being used this year in terms of success is timely and realtime responses. Planning social media around events - pre /present and post, product launches, promotions etc

Hyper Alerts - For facebook page you’d like to monitor, or you can select from a list of pages you administer. Each email looks like a screen shot of the conversation, but with all facebook links clickable within it.

Hugely useful for those posts that you had 2 days ago that inevitably drop off the radar, but get responded to by fans

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Trend 6: the “always on” consumer

The always-on consumer - Smart phones, iPads, tablets, iPhones, Kindles. WiFi. It used to be the Three Screens report - TV, mobile, and computer. Now we may have up to 5 or 6 screens we juggle. It’s consumers revenge, because if we want to find the best price or don’t get good service, we can search & find or be vocal about what we want - on the go - whenever we want!

Brands need to be aware of this and impliment their marketing strategies to take into consideration this consumer.

Mobile sites - eg. jetstar. Social network presence+involvement.Apps etc

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More $$$ are being spent on facebook this year:

A few egs of how our clients are monetising....

Jones Soda

South Pacific

Richmond Football Club

Slap the goon

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Jones Soda Australia* - facebook application - competition

Brand awareness in Australian market

Building community of brand advocates - viral effect - positive brand experience


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South Pacific Health Clubs -* Facebook application -Free 7 day trial

A downloadable coupon to entice people to come into the gym

Highly Trackable. Offline promotion - stickers on bottles/sticker bombs/flyer handouts/posters

Call to action is facebook >>>


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Richmond Football Club - facebook application *

Provide and experience for their fans - more time spent on page - sharability

Sell merchandise and memberships


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Great American Country - Facebook Promotion to engage upwards of 20,000 users in a promotion to win merchandise from their favourite country singer, and replicated the results again and again and again with other campaigns over time, experiencing no fall off in interaction. A winning fan engagement strategy!

Sweepstakes approximately once a month over several months to engage their fans and attract new ones to a constantly rotating but always engaging grand prize always related to country music.

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Slap the goon: facebook store - if you have a fanbase then offer a point to purchase.

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Remember....investing in your Facebook community with great activations, rewards for sharing and creating content and distinctive experiences in a uniform platform (Facebook itself is just a vehicle remember...) is your key to FB success in 2011. A wall post every other day doesn’t cut it!

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Case studies:

Together Incredible by Orcon - internet and phone company competing with Telecom and Vodafone in NZ

Featuring : Pop icon Iggy Pop

9 NZers via online auditions and then one day, link them from their homes to Iggy Pop in his study (Miami) to re-record his hit song “The Passenger.”

Iggy coached new band via skype +recorded new song - demoing Orcons faster broadband worked

Unprompted awarness of the brand up 60% and 20,000 new customers were added. Picked up awards also.

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Together Incredible - brand awarness and demo of faster broadband

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Case Studies:

Vodafone’s Power Pinata Facebook Challenge

Using online to create real world outcomes. With Vodafone Facebook app, you were able to jump in the cue and control the robots next swing of the bat in real time through the app for chance to win one of 500 prizes.

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Case study:

An airline that uses social media to create a REAL smile! KLM

1. It’s not about social media - it’s about human relationships.

2. It’s not about the numbers - it’s about one person.

3. It’s not always about coming from a place of “ROI” - It’s coming from giving value and making people happy.

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Some qualities of a successful social media campaign:

Timley - Fun - An experience - User generated content - Access to share with friends - Make people feel part of the big picture - Caring - A no brainer deal - Intergration with other mediums - Great product/service offering- Using the right platforms where your target market hang out eg. facebook - Edgy and different - Fill a need eg. what’s in it for me? - Strokes the ego.

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Get in touch!

Thanks for attending today’s session. We trust you took some value away with you.

If you’re keen to speak with us further then:

Contact : 03 90231487

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @thinktankmedia or @sammutimer


For a downloadable presentation please contact [email protected]

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Assigning tasks:

What Who When

SM Policy

Monitoring+ Analysis

SM Strategy

SM Tools Strategy

SM Style guide

SM Crisis Management

SM calendar/timetable

Tools set up, branded

Resource allocation on roll out

Monthly Measurment and Reporting

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