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Submitted by:

Deepinderjeet Singh Hunjan

Lovepreet Singh


Harinder Pal Singh

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Social Media

A form of online media Sharing opinions in online world Democratization of content

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Definitions of Social Media:

• According to Brain Soils “ social media describes the online tools that people use to share content, profiles, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself, thus facilitating conversations and interaction online between groups of people”

• These tools include blogs, bookmarks, networks, wikis, microblogs, message boards, podcasts and vlog etc.

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• According to Ron Jones “ Social Media essentially is a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking and bookmarking online . Most social media services encourage discussion, feedback, voting, comments, and sharing of information from all interested parties ”

• “It’s more of a two-way conversation, rather than one way broadcast like traditional media. Another unique aspect of social media is the idea of staying connected or linked to other sites, resources, and people.”

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Categorization of social media :

According to Jones , there are different types of social media with examples as follows :• Social news

o Diggo Sphinno Ball hypeo News vine

• Social sharingo Flickr o Snapfisho Instagramo YouTubeo Jump cut

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• Social networkso Facebooko LinkedIno Myspaceo Twitter

• Social bookmarkingo Deliciouso Faveso Stumble Upono Blog markso Digo

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History of social media

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Concept: Status, Power and Identity• Status simply means position.• If we talk in terms of online media, Status is

achieving certain position in the virtual world.

• Power, in terms of social media is the achievement of certain ambitions due to the interaction of people socially.

• Identity in virtual world, is creating your image online on social networking sites.

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Past of social media and work

• In the past, people were hardworking and they believe to do work by their own hands.

• In the past, there were following media’s to broadcast information like• Printing Press• News channels• Radio stations• Television • Telephone and telegraph

• When Internet came to existence, It took place of all above media’s.

• Social Media was one of the important part of the Internet.

• But in the past, social media was not popular within organizations, businesses, companies and different institutions.

• As the time changes, social media took its place in the society and people start to promote their businesses through social media.

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Advantages of Work and social media in the past • Calm and nice work environment• Not too much rush in the work • No cyberbullying, fake news in the work as

social media was not so popular • Increasing productivity in work environments as

they focus on their work more.• Employees do not have to worry about the

privacy settings of their companies, businesses and organizations websites as the main access of the businesses is only confined to the top people of the companies.

• Less chances of hacking, identity thefts etcetera.

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Disadvantages of social media and work in past

• People come to know about the latest news after a short period of time , as there was no social media in those days.

• Equipment's like Television etcetera were too expensive in those days.

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About Present Work Environment and Social Media • With the invent of Internet

or say Social media on web, competition has increased between different companies.

• Most of the brands advertises their products through internet through social media

• Looking at consumer’s side, people feel more• Relax able• Comfortable• Efficient in their work


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Why people want to work through Social Media?

• Increased productivity• More profit• Time saving• Easy way of setup business

Due to all these reasons, most of the companies today use social media sites to establish and grow their business.

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Impact on Work in 2020

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• Technology will become fully adopt at workplaces.

• There will be no pity for people with bad behaviors.

• Way of working will be different.• Excitement in employees to work with social

media.• Relation between employees and companies

will become strong

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• More and more health issues• Eyes problems • Less time for family and friends• Fake websites or blogs misguide people• Chances of hacking will increase• More stressful life

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• As some brands will show off their products via social media, which will not be good for them.

• So, They must show actual products on Advertisements .

• As shown in the picture, the difference between actual and fake products

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• Business• Creativity• Competition

Social Media and

Future of Work

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Business in 2020• It is our prediction

that business will increase through social media as compared to today.

• More and more companies will use social media to establish their business.

• It will change business

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• Work will be more transparent

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• According to Gartner “Smart Machines, including those that take over human roles in manufacturing, will have “widespread” and “deep” impact on businesses through 2020”

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• Moreover, Kenneth Brant, research director at Gartner said

“Most business and thought leaders underestimate the potential of smart machines to take over millions of middle-class jobs in the coming decades, Job destruction will happen at a faster pace, with machine-driven job elimination overwhelming the market’s ability to create valuable new ones.”

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• Work in 2020 will be more goal oriented

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• Future of Work will be more commutable

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• Computers will become more compact as compared to today in 2020.

• Taking example of Sony Vaio, even one can tie them on their hands like wrist watches .

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More on Business and social mediaIn 2020

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• New ecosystems will be there.

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• Strategic Partnership will be there in future through social media

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• Companies will work like communities through social media

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Competition of work in 2020

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• The future of the work will be more competitive with the use of social media

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• There will be a high race among people to compete each other

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• Apart from that, people have much more power to save their online reputation during that competitive time.

• Online reputation is a term which refers to managing your reputation online.

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• Moreover, competition between different companies will be increase dramatically to attract more and more consumers towards their products.

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• The ultimate aim to get into competition will be to earn fame

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• Advertisements on social media will be the most popular way to attract the customers towards their products.

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• Beyond all these reasons, it will be the belief of the companies that competing the opposite companies via social media will be the only way to earn profits and power in the society

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• In this way, relationships between companies and consumers will improve a lot as compared to today in 2020.

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• Employees will have more flexible time in their jobs

• Understanding within the coworkers will be good.

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• Job Competition via social media• Difficult to get job as competition will be very high

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• Here is one of the link in which Brain Soils discuss the concept of competing for future and competing for now with Peter Guber.


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Creativity in 2020

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• As the world is becoming more and more technological day by day.

• People are learning a lot of new things from social media.

• In this way, they are becoming more and more creative.

• Hence, we can say that social media will increase the creativity in the coming time and people use it for their workplaces.

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• Future of work will be more creative as compared to now and People use social media to get new thoughts, creative ideas.

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• In 2020, the main focus will be on research, development and exploitation of new or emerging technologies.

• There will be hi-fi techniques at the workplaces.

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• Forbes also discussed about how will be the creativity of advertising landscape look like in 2020.

• Levy: “looking at 2020, I think fragmentation might be strongly mitigated”.

• Cooper: “Five years ago there was a lot of talk about consolidation of all client businesses into holding companies……….. So, for 2020, I see things being even more complex, dynamic, and fun! The agencies that have a strong collaborative streak will be the ones who win”.

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• Wiener: “By 2020, we will see a tipping point where the floor literally falls out of the current model”.

• Roberts: “By 2020, they will want different relationships, sometimes one-stop shop, sometimes a brand agency leader model, sometimes a general contractor model. But they need to get more efficient”.

• Edelman: “At Edelman, we will have a combination of the classic PR business with the addition of strong digital and research. Public relations focuses on the opinions formers, but the new paradigm is not the pyramid of influence we used to have”.

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• “The Era of “Distributed Creative Production” is upon us”

• “The “Credible Mass” will determine Quality”• “A new Genre of Advertising will educate us”• “The Static Portfolio will be replaced by

connected portfolio”• “We will display our work in more private


More predictions about the creativity at work in future

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Few more interesting things about social media and future of work

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• If talking about news channel or newspaper i.e. a form of social media, it seems that with the emergent of new technologies in future, social media will take place of those media’s and may be a time have been come when people will not even know about what newspaper and news channels are?

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• Moreover, in the future, almost all of the subjects will be online.

• So, it will be easier for the students to study at home.

• It will save time.• No outgoing to colleges or universities .

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• Online shaming may not be there in the future, as most of the people those days will be well educated.

• Matthew Fraser and Soumitra Dutta defined online shaming as

“The violation of someone’s privacy with the express purpose of humiliating the targeted person through discredit”

• Here is one example

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Last, but not the least

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• Future of work will be more• Collaborative• Connected• Creative

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• Online Reputation would be more important than anything else in the future.

• It may be possible that by 2020, more social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn would be invented which would help people in getting jobs.

• More innovations will be there in future to make the world a better place.

• People in future will have more clear ideas about what they will have to do in life because they easily will get information about different topics from social networking sites.

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• Overall, we can say that social media will be used in every field of life in future.

• The ties between customers and companies will get strong.

• Moreover, it would be one’s responsibility to use social media in a good way.

• For example, if companies will use social media in a significant way, it would be good for both companies and customers.

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• Apart from these, parents must have to take care of their children and have a look at what they will do online because parents will be going to busy in the future and they must have to aware of their children.

• Furthermore, privacy settings would matter a lot on social media networking sites.

• We will have to very careful about cyberbullying in the future as it seems that it will be going to increase in future.

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• Belsky, S. (2011). Shaping the future: 7 predictions for the creative community. Retrieved from This link provides information related to the predictions about the future of creative community.

• Evans, D. (2013, July 30): The workplace of the future: Connected, collaborative, creative. Message posted to

It shows information about the future workplace like how and where we will be going to work in future.

• Jones, R. (2009). Social media marketing 101, part1. Retrieved from website gives us information about what are social media and different categories of social media.

Annotated Bibliography

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• Naeger, J, L. (2013). United States: effectively managing social media in the workplace. Retrieved from

This site reveals that how social media will be used in the future in workplaces and how we have to manage that.

• Osborne, C. (2013). Smart machines will have deep business impact through 2020:gartner. Retrieved from

It gives us the link to the research by Gartner which tells us about how smart machines will affect different businesses in 2020.

• Sheehan, B. (2014). Advertising in 2020: the industry’s key players weigh in with divergent strategies. Retrieved from

This website gives us information about the advertising in 2020 and how it affects businesses during that time.

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• Solis, B. (2014). Let digital natives be your guide in defining the future of work. Retrieved from is a link to how work is transforming to digital world from past and about customers and company relations in future.

• Solis, B. (2007). Defining social media. Retrieved from link provides us with different definitions of social media provided by different authors.

• Solis, B. (2014). 10 quotes by brain solis on the future of business. Retrieved from link provides us with some of the important points discussed by Brain Solis on future of Business.

• Solis, B. (2013). Peter guber: producer/entrepreneur/chairman/ceo of Mandalay bay/revolution season 4/brainsolistv. Retrieved from

This video is about the interview of Peter Guber taken by Brain Solis. They discussed about differences between competing for future and competing for now.

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References of Pictures

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