
Executive Summaries

Social Impact Day

@EVPA Conference 2013

enabled by

Session 1

Time Topic Who ?

08 :45 - 08:50 Opening

Dr. Anaïs Sägesser,

Director Climate-KIC

Swiss Centre

Dr. Dominik B. Domnik,

Co-CEO seif

08 :50 – 09:15 A Primer on Social


Brigitte Baumann,

Founder and CEO Go

Beyond early stage


09 :15 – 09:30

PITCH 1 (5min

Presentation/ 7 min q& a/

3 min recommendation


Team WeAct [p. 1]

09 :30 – 09 :45

PITCH 2 (5min

Presentation/ 7 min q& a/

3 min recommendation


Team Eaternity [p. 9]

09 :45 – 10 :00

PITCH 3 (5min

Presentation/ 7 min q& a/

3 min recommendation


Team BoxTango [p. 14]

10 :00 - 10 :15

PITCH 4 (5min

Presentation/ 7 min q& a/

3 min recommendation


Team Polarstern [p. 20]

10 :15 – 10 :30

PITCH 5 (5min

Presentation/ 7 min q& a/

3 min recommendation


Team Bluerise [p. 25]

10 :30 – 10 :32 Wrap –Up : Floating &


Dr. Anaïs Sägesser,

Director Climate-KIC

Swiss Centre

Dr. Dominik B. Domnik,

Co-CEO seif


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

The programs of weACT are based on an innovative, bottom-up approach to changing people’s awareness and behavior by making sustainability fun and rewarding.

Year of incorporation

The weACT Association was founded in January 2011. We plan to establish a foundation in 2014, which will implement impact projects on a non-profit basis, and an AG collaborating with both companies and the foundation.


[email protected]

Country of Impact

We are developing our initial activities in Switzerland and aim at growing internationally, first in Europe, by working with international companies and developing student networks at universities.



Field of Focus

Sustainability, Education, Employee Engagement

Short description

Our Approach: combining group dynamics and game design on our online platform


The weACT Games are designed as group competitions (typically ranging from 1 week to 3 months), in which participants form teams and choose simple daily actions from areas such as mobility, energy, food, waste & recycling and well-being. During the competition, participants are encouraged to earn points for their team by completing simple sustainable actions in their daily lives, such as heating more efficiently, eating more seasonal vegetables and fruits or commuting by bicycle more often. Additional points can be gained for doing activities with team members. The weACT online platform tracks participants’ progress as they record which actions they’ve completed, and provides appropriate motivational feedback. The best performing teams are rewarded with social recognition and real prizes at the end of the challenge. The amount of CO2 emissions prevented during the competition and advice on how to continue with the activities after the competition are also communicated to the participants. Our online tool not only provides constant feedback for the participants regarding their performance, but also allows the administrator to measure progress in real time. The interactions happening during team activities reinforce participants' motivation and learning.

Our target group: Sustainability for businesses and for youth

weACT will establish a hybrid legal structure in order to increase its social and ecological impact while securing its long-term finances. The weACT AG will mainly service companies, while the weACT Foundation will implement educational projects for youth. The weACT AG will offer various Digital Employee Engagement Programs (DEEP) to companies as tools for establishing or improving a culture of sustainability in their organizations. This has a direct contribution to the engagement and well-being of a workforce and simultaneously serves to reduce a firm’s costs and ecological footprint. The weACT Foundation will coordinate innovative educational programs at universities and schools. By means of social media and group dynamics it will create innovative learning experiences that help to clarify sustainability challenges and identify local solutions.

Our next milestones: increasing effectiveness and scaling-up

So far, weACT has organized numerous challenges in which 800 students and 450 employees of companies have participated. During the past year our team programmed the online platform powering the competitions and tested it in several pilots. Our efforts received substantial recognition and allowed us to attract our first business customers (AXA Winterthur). The next steps are to standardize the processes related to the implementation of the games, grow our customer base, develop games focusing on life-balance, run pilots with schools, and develop a competition that’s open for the public. In order to successfully increase our impact we are looking for partners supporting our development and increasing our network.



What social problems are you solving?

Despite worldwide efforts in both the private and public sectors to reduce human ecological footprint through technology, there is no absolute improvement in sight. Given the lack of a technological magic bullet, we must look elsewhere for the immediate, absolute reductions in human environmental footprint that are required to steer development onto a sustainable path. Fortunately, we already have the ability to improve our environmental impact substantially. With little everyday actions like choosing public transport more often, saving hot water, lowering heating temperature and eating more vegetarian meals, Swiss citizens could reduce their CO2 emissions by 20% ( If 67% of the Swiss population were to do so, the national reduction objectives of 2020 would be reached immediately.

Building a sustainable society will be a transformative collective learning process that requires a more empowered population. This optimistic attitude can be learned and trained. Today’s youth in particular have great potential as they are in the process of developing personal values and making educational choices.

The private sector is also becoming increasingly aware that it needs to change from business as usual towards more sustainable approaches. A 2010 Accenture global survey of more than 700 CEOs found that 93% see sustainability as important to their company’s future success. For companies to balance their financial, social, and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities, sustainability must move beyond marketing to become integrated in daily business operations.

Who is the core founding team?

We are a multidisciplinary team of passionate entrepreneurs working together in a professional and creative way.

Majka Baur (CEO) initiated weACT while doing her Master in Environmental Sciences at ETH Zürich. She manages the project and the product development with enthusiasm.

Prisca Müller (COO) started weACT with Majka at ETH Zürich and brings psychology know how to the team. She leads the implementation of programs in companies, is a master in developing strategic partnerships and shaping the development of weACT.


Samuel Müller (CTO) is the technical mind of the team (Ms Mechanical Engineering ETH Zürich) he passionately develops the weACT platform and leads the IT team.

Christian Kaufamnn (CMO) is in charge of marketing activities and sales. He's international experience, creativity and business background (Master Business & Strategy HEC Lausanne) perfectly complete the cofounder team of weACT.

Five additional members support the work of weACT: Lucas Fievet and Naoki Peter (software development), David Schreiner (software development and sustainability research), Viola Zoller (school projects implementation), Olivier Moos (employee engagement program developer).

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Our team is driven by the need to create a positive impact on the life of people, society and the planet. Our three main ambitions are:

Empowering people to shape their lives

Imagine a situation you are unsatisfied about. You may think: "I can't make a difference: I'm not responsible for the situation." If you think this, you will probably not take action, but rather wait for better times. Now imagine a more positive reaction: "I can make a difference at least here. I care about the issue. Let's find a solution together." People who feel empowered are proactive and drive change in their social environments. Helping people to become more proactive motivates us, because it tackles the source of lots of the problems in our society.

Uncovering the behavioral potential for climate change mitigation

In developed countries most people already know of at least some measures they could take in order to reduce their CO2 emissions. However, people tend not to change their behavior until they have an external incentive to do so. If we are able to bridge this gap between knowledge and action without waiting for regulations and financial incentives to change, we could release a massive potential. The weACT team is driven by the conviction that this potential can be unlocked through a game-like approach focusing on group dynamics.

Spark change on a large scale


The diffusion of innovation theory states that if at least 10% of people in a community embrace an innovation, the effects spread and lead to a shifting of the norm. Accordingly, we realized that we needed and wanted to reach many people. To do so we developed our platform: an innovative scalable web-based solution that we believe will fan the sparks of change.

Describe your impact!

We have developed an impact assessment framework for our programs, which allows us to estimate the effects we have on the participants’ life and their organization.

The assessment is based on questionnaires filled out by the participants before and after participating to the programs, as well as on data gathered on our platform. Additionally, we cooperate with research institutes in order to gain third party evaluation and theory-based suggestions. Presently a Master student from the TU Delft is running in-depth interviews with former participants.

The assessment of the impact on the participants encompasses three categories: personal well-being, social interactions and ecological impact. The category of personal well-being aims to measure the level of empowerment and proactivity of the participants, their life satisfaction and values. The social interactions category relates to the sense of belonging and trust among team members. This factor is key in the corporate context as the interaction among employees is at the root of the company culture. The environmental impact is measured through a CO2 calculator built into the platform. The calculator displays the CO2 emissions avoided during the challenge by comparing the emissions before the program with those during the program. Additionally, questions on environmental awareness are included in the questionnaire in order to track learning progress. Finally we also track spillover effects on non-participating people by asking participants about their interactions concerning the topic with non-participating people and about system-related changes (install recycling facilities, buy company bike, etc.)

Assessing the impact due to our programs at the organizational level can only be done indirectly. For companies we gather employee engagement data from the questionnaires. As studies have shown correlations between employee engagement and employee turnover and profits, these data may be able to uncover a possible trend. weACT plans to assess the long-term impact of its programs with recurring customers by gathering data on their employee satisfaction from internal employee engagement questionnaires.

So far 1250 people have participated in weACT’s three-week team competitions. The participants performed a total of 125'000 sustainable actions. With an average saving of 15 kg CO2 per person, it can be estimated that the competitions so far have led to the avoidance of 18'750 kg CO2 emissions, corresponding to the amount absorbed by a


forest of 1'500 trees during one year. 97% of participants would encourage a friend to participate as well, and 72% reported that they became more environmentally aware and learned new ways of doing things.

How does the Business Model work?

The business model of the weACT AG consists of selling Digital Employee Engagement Programs to companies (DEEP). DEEP are sold as a CSR and HR solution for developing a sustainable culture in companies.

DEEPs are based on the use of the weACT online platform and are completed with additional services (consulting, internal marketing, customization, evaluation). The prices of the programs are based on the length of the competition, the size of the company and the number of company-specific customizations.

Presently weACT AG works mainly with larger companies (200+ employees). In 2014 we plan to develop a new format of the team competition in order to open challenges to the public and SMEs starting in 2015. This will allow us to supply a new target group.

The weACT Foundation’s business model consists of developing project-specific partnerships in which a sponsor or a foundation supports the organization of educational programs for youth of different ages (universities, schools) and regions. These partnerships allow charities to use an innovative way to reach youth and increase the environmental awareness and engagement level of new generations.

weACT has already secured seed-funding in the amount of CHF 140’000 through awards and foundation contributions, such as: seif „Green Innovation“ Award, Social Impact Start Award von SAP, Prix Nature „Generation Zukunft“, Idées Vertes Social Startup Award from WWF und Migros, Finalist Award 2012, Klimapreis Stadtwerk Winterthur, Umweltalumni+plus Award.

Amount of capital you seek

For the ongoing expenses of the weACT AG, consisting mainly of salaries for software development, program content development, marketing and sales, we seek CHF 800'000. This would allow us to break even in 2016 with a customer base of 70 companies, 120'000 participants and revenues of CHF 1'000'000. The weACT Foundation seeks CHF 400'000 for developing the education program in 2014-2015.

Type of capital you seek


Equity & Philanthropic

Why this kind?

We are seeking equity capital in order to develop our activities with companies, develop further products and increase our customer base. Financial gains are directly linked to the increase of this activity, enabling also shareholders to benefit from the invested fund.

Meanwhile we seek Philanthropic funds for our education-related activities with youth in schools. The funds will allow us to develop programs tailored for youth by using our framework, to run pilots and to scale them up. This target group cannot afford the services we provide, but serving it greatly increases our positive impact, so a third party for philanthropic donation is being sought.

Reference Person

Anaïs Sägesser, Director Climate-KIC Switzerland ([email protected]) Niels Rot, Program Director and co-founder of Impact HUB Zürich ([email protected]) Bas de Leeuw, Managing Director of the World Resources Forum Davos ([email protected]) Regula Schenkel, Director Public Affairs & Corporate Responsibility AXA Winterthur Switzerland ([email protected])


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

A truly unique cloud solution and database for dynamic Scope3 LCAs (CO2-Foodprint) for the Food Gastronomy, ready for application.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact

Pilot: Switzerland / Scale: World



Field of Focus

Environment, Food, Health, Climate

Short description

We enable cooks and restaurants to serve delicious and CO2-friendly meals. With

our innovative cloud-services they can automatically track real-time the Scope3

CO2-footprint of the restaurant, break it down to meals, attract the interest of the

guests and effectively create relevant impact. With us, system-gastronomes can


differentiate themselves in the market and satisfy the growing demand of

corporates and guests to have easy access to healthy and sustainable foods."


What social problems are you solving?

More than 1/3 of European greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to our

daily food consumption. This amounts to at least 2.7 tons of CO2 per capita and

year. A growing world population coupled with an ever-increasing demand for

resource-intensive products result in an unbearable burden to our planet."

Further, 43% of sickness results from unhealthy diet in European high income


Who is the core founding team?

Manuel Klarmann: Co-founder (100%) Sales and Marketing. MSc ETH NSC, BSc


Judith Ellens: Co-founder (100%) Operations and Science. MSc Environmental

Sciences, BSc Biology, pre-diploma cum-laude Philosophy."

Aurelian Jaggi: Co-founder (100%) IT-product. BSc Informatics.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

We see the possibility to truly make a big scale difference with the success of


Eaternity. We strive to develop a counter-weight to our system at crisis, a tool to

base decisions on environmental impact rather than money. "

Personally we are driven to create direct technological and innovative value and to

empower people. We also share a common high respect for the value of nature.

And we do enjoy working with the excellent people in our team.

Describe your impact!

We see the potential to reduce food related emissions by at least 50% through

making smart diet choices. If we eat 3 times per weak a climate-friendly menu, we

save over 1 million tons of CO2 per year in Switzerland alone.

How does the Business Model work?

Eaternity offers a comprehensive CO2-Management solution for caterers to

reduce their food related carbon footprint. Our core product is Eaternity the

Membership, a web application designed to track, measure and optimize CO2

emissions of restaurants and menus. "

With this we provide System-Gastronomes with the innovative edge to differentiate

themselves in the market and deliver additional value to corporates and guests."

Amount of capital you seek

1 Mio CHF

Type of capital you seek



Why this kind?

We are confident to create social value at a monetary profit, given the opportunity to

role out our business at scale. Any funds we bind will nurture our success.

As we gladly receive and have build on philanthropic donations, and as we also see

the opportunity of equity and convertible investments - we are open for discussion


Reference Person


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

We provide a new reloading technique for containers between road and rail that is extremely flexible to use, that halves the cost at the intersection of road and rail and that reduces the CO2-emissions of land transport by 50 to 80%.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact




Field of Focus

Container transport / combined traffic

Short description

BoxTango moves containers horizontally between road and rail with a newly developed transshipment technology. We will use this technique to provide a very competitive container transportation solution (combined traffic) to the needs of European shippers that is environmentally friendly, very easy to use and cheaper than conventional truck transport. With this new way of container handling we will achieve substantial cost savings at the intersection of road and rail – up to 50% cost reduction. As those costs


make up between 40 to 60 % of the whole transport chain in combined traffic, we will be able to offer a very competitive solution.

So: instead of immobile container terminals we use “nomadic” transshipment points. And with the cost advantage we can relocate traffic from road to rail which reduces primary energy consumption (mineral oil) and CO2-emissions from 50% up to 80% compared to road transportation.

Let’s have a look at our transshipment technology to better understand what we do:

The two blue cross-beams are new to the world of technology – at least to the world of container handling between road and rail. We will mount them on a standard truck, using standard containers and swap bodies and standard container rail cars. We use standard trucks in pre- and post-haulage that are not modified in any way and that are not equipped with the two blue cross-beams. And on top of that, we do not need expensive infrastructure to handle the containers – we can simply use a private railways siding or a loading track. And the fact that we can use all standard containers of any length and weight is our competitive advantage – because that is novel and patent pending.

Website (no content yet)


What social problems are you solving?

Freight transport is growing rapidly, fuelled by growing world trade, economic growth and the growing middle class in developing nations. This increases CO2-emissions as most of this transport is done using roads. Roads become increasingly congested, incessant noise next to highways and road increases, road accidents increase, especially deadyl accidents as trucks have a high risk of killing people in accidents. And as trucks use primarily fossile fuels, valuable ressouces are burnend in the engines of trucks.

Who is the core founding team?

Martin Burkhardt gained previous experience at

- Rhaetian Railway as head of freight transport

- SBB Cargo as head of fleet management and as head of product development

A total of 8 Engineers are working on the project or about 4.5 FTE.

Future Employees (they have sent their CV, we had interviews and they want to come to work @ BoxTango):

- Urs Huggentobler: will drive our first transshipment truck, is a sales crack and knows how to maintain the truck

- Mathias Schön: Mechanical Engineer, will help with the future development of our transshipment technique and will establish our maintenance system for our equipment. Has been active in the development of the transshipment technique

- Frank Burkhardt: Master in Computation Science, will build and maintain our IT-infrastructure and all the connections to our partners and customers. He is an expert and senior architect in mobile applications.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Why not make our planet a better place to live? How much fun is it to think about and discuss problems and find new, better solutions to known problems? And what kind of a feeling will it be to have converted ones ideas successfully into reality? That is what we dream of, that is what drives us to move forward.


Describe your impact!

Let’s look at an example of a train between Hamburg and Munich and vice versa that runs every day for 5 days a week and 45 weeks a year. The distance between Hamburg and Munich is about 760 kilometers. If we assume a net load per train of 720 tons, we have about 1 million net ton kilometers every day. Multiplied by 5 and by 45 that gives 225 million net ton kilometers per year. The CO2 delta between one ton kilometer on road versus the on rail in Germany is about 70 grams. If we multiply the total ton kilometers with 70 grams we have a total reduction of CO2-emissons from this train pair over one year of 15’750 tons. We want to run more than 10 daily train pairs by 2018.

In addition to reducing CO2-emissons, we will reduce the number of road accidents, while only slightly increasing the accidents on rail, as rail transport has about 10 times fewer accidents than road when comparing the same amount of net ton kilometers.

How does the Business Model work?

BoxTango will act as a forwarder – buying transport services from road and rail and recombining them using our new container transshipment technique. The only physical interaction of BoxTango within the transport process will be the loading and unloading of containers at the intersection of road and rail. We will organize the complete transport chain from door to door. Since we have a strongly reduced cost base (compared to pure road haulage) with our way of moving containers from road to rail, we will split this cost advantage between our customers and ourselves, thus attracting large amounts of traffic to our services while still being able to partly finance our growth from revenues (cash flow). Our business model also reflects the competencies within in our team and it fits nicely into the roundel of partners that are working with us. Plus: we feel that the need of our customers is not to buy new equipment or a new transshipment technology - instead, they would simply like to have a solution to their transport problems.

Amount of capital you seek

1.2 Mio €


Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

We are looking for mezzanine financing as we feel that a strong balance sheet is a prerequisite for strong growth. We expect strong growth as we have a very competitive solution for the European transport industry. But we welcome equity as well.

We feel that we have to pay back some of our return to our investors as we have a hybrid business model and because our investors will carry some of the risk that is inherent to a startup company.

Reference Person

Samuel Ruggli, former head of combined traffic at SBB Cargo AG and coach to Martin Burkhardt


Executive Summary

Polarstern GmbH


Your USP in one sentence

Polarstern is Germany’s most sustainable utility company that supplies people not only with 100% green electricity but also with 100% green gas from organic waste and supports for each customer a family in a developing country to get green energy as well.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact

Germany and Cambodia (soon Nepal and Laos)



Field of Focus

Renewable Energy

Short description

The German energy market is changing fundamentally. This change is driven by technological as well as structural developments: huge centralized, fossil fuelled power plants are replaced by decentralized, clean concepts and technologies. This provides new companies as well as consumers the unique chance to actively form this market that is so essential for our life.


With Polarstern, a cutting edge independent green utility, we are a driver of this fundamental change. For investors Polarstern provides the rare chance to perfectly combine their financial investment with a high economical, ecological as well as a social return.

Since summer 2011 we supply end-consumers all over Germany with 100% green power as well as with 100% green gas. Our self-invented European trading system makes our 100% green gas from organic waste extremely competitive. Therefore, Polarstern is the first utility that is able to market 100% green gas at fair prices. That means a price advantage of to 40% compared to competitors. The invention was supported and financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and certified by TÜV Nord.

At the same time, we combine our customers’ energy consumption with further development of renewable energies in Germany and developing countries. We think a clean Europe is great, but a clean world is better. Climate change and environment do not care about borders. Therefore, a worldwide change is necessary. Inspired by fair trade we, on the one hand invest in green power plants in Europe. On the other hand for each customer we enable a family in a developing country to get clean and green energy and a better life by supporting the construction of micro biogas plants. We started in Cambodia, Nepal and Laos will follow.


What social problems are you solving?

The energy turnaround is one of the biggest challenges of our society.

We are tackling two explicit problems:

First, we enable a full energy turnaround. When talking about the energy turnaround most people only think about electricity, even though 80% of the energy used in private homes is used for heating. Looking at the grid-based energy sector for heating in Germany, it consists of 99,6% fossil natural gas. We are the first company in Germany to sell 100% biogas made out of organic waste at a competitive price. Together with our green electricity product, we enable people to use 100% renewable energy.


Second, we support people in developing countries to get green energy as well, thus accounting for the global dimension of the energy turnaround. By connecting people in Germany with small farmers in Cambodia (and later Nepal and Laos) we provide a blueprint of global solidarity and global problem solving.

Who is the core founding team?

The Polarstern founders Dr. Jakob Assmann, Florian Henle and Simon Stadler are burning for the energy turnaround. And we want to electrify other people with our enthusiasm and zest for action. Together we will actively create our future.

We are highly educated in business management and supremely complementary. Before founding Polarstern we gained a broad range of experiences: at Utilities (Fortum, E.ON, Landwa¨rme), Industry (BMW, Siemens), Consulting (Droege & Comp., Actori) as well as Cleantech (Natoil).

Concerning operative business we focus on our strengths: marketing and business development. Trustworthy, specialized partners assume Polarstern’s role in energy production and energy logistics.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Plain and simple: We want to change the world.

Describe your impact!

By 2016 we plan to supply 52.000+ people in Germany with green electricity and 13.000+ people with green gas.

Social impact:

Together with our customers we will have improved the lives of 162.500+ people in developing countries, more precisely Cambodia, Nepal and Laos. We will have initiated 32.500+ domestic biodigesters.

Ecological impact:


With our products our customers will save 134.446.000 kg of CO2 per year.

Economic impact:

Our EBIT will be 2.7+ million Euros per year.

How does the Business Model work?

Polarstern stands for a new generation of social entrepreneurship: we combine the professional, flexible and scalable structure of an online company with a truly sustainable philosophy. The online based, flexible and lean concept is easily scalable and enables us to expand quickly.

Our business model is simple and established: Polarstern is a utility company. We buy green electricity from hydro power plants, green gas from biogas production facilities and sell it to private households and commercial customers all over Germany. We have a customer retention rate of more than 95%.

Amount of capital you seek

1+ Mio €

Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

We want to guarantee a fixed interest rate.

If our investor brings more than money, equity could also be an option.


Executive Summary

Curaçao Ocean Ecopark


Your USP in one sentence

Bluerise has developed the concept of Ecoparks based on the deep seawater resource needed for OTEC implementation. Deep seawater can be used for: cooling of buildings (saving 90% of the electricity required by conventional methods); fresh water production, by means of thermal desalination; horticulture in hot, arid regions, by means of cooled greenhouses; enhanced fish farming, by utilizing the nutrient-rich and pathogen-free water from the deep ocean; and enabling other new technologies and processes that could benefit from the ocean water in a setting conducive to innovation.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact



For Profit

Field of Focus

Renewable Energy

Short description

The Curaçao Ocean Ecopark will be a 20+ hectare lot of land located on the premises of the Curaçao International Airport. The Ecopark will offer its tenants some very


unique natural resources; pure, cold deep ocean water and warm surface ocean water, as well as highly favourable solar and wind conditions.


What social problems are you solving?

This concept is perfectly suited for tropical islands. It can provide a source of energy, food and water independence to regions that are currently import dependent. Cooling accounts for a large percentage of the electricity demand in these regions. Most tropical islands around the world are dependent on diesel and other oil derivatives for electricity production, resulting in high energy prices. The unique characteristics from the deep seawater resource can thus provide a source of cooling and other benefits which can not only increase value but can also lower the overall cost of business in these areas.

Who is the core founding team?

Bluerise is the fourth startup that Remi Blokker (46) has (co-)founded. Previous startups include No Wires Needed, a WiFi pioneer, sold to Intersil Corporation in 2000 and Avinity Systems, sold to ActiveVideo Networks in 2009. After Avinity Systems, Remi made the decision to pursue a long-felt passion for renewable energy, specifically Ocean Energy. Remi holds a BSEE and an Master of Business in Energy Systems from TU Delft Berend Jan Kleute (27) is CTO and co-founder of Bluerise, a technology provider in the Ocean Thermal Energy market. He holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and is currently finalizing Offshore Engineering (MSc) from TU Delft. Through his involvement in various international offshore renewable energy projects in collaboration with industry, he found his passion and works hard to accelerate Ocean Thermal Energy technology to come to fruition. Diego Acevedo (31) is VP of Business Development for Bluerise. Previous experience included International Sales Management and Product Line and Project Management, with assignments in Latin America, Caribbean and the EMEA regions. Originally from Colombia and with strong family ties to the Caribbean, Diego has lived in several countries. He holds a BSME from the UF and is finalizing his masterÕs degree in Sustainable Energy Technologies from the TU Delft. Paul Dinnissen (43) is CIO. Paul has a strong entrepreneurial background in the IT and Internet industry since 1989. He sees similarities between the early Internet market and the market for ocean renewable energy today. He is


convinced that this source of energy will prove to be an essential part of the future energy-mix.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

See above

Describe your impact!

The oceans represent a vast and largely untapped source of energy. Our idea goes beyond the introduction of a new technology, the use of Ocean Thermal Energy as an economically attractive option allow us to see the possibilities that can be opened by applying a systems thinking approach. The implementation of OTEC and related ocean thermal energy technologies is based on matching the available resources with the needs in a sustainable manner. The needs of developing communities located on coastal regions in the tropics are different from the needs of continental communities in northern latitudes. The largest concentration of population in the world is within 100 kms of the coast in tropical regions, for these large segment, Ocean Thermal Energy can provide clean, sustainable energy, food and water production now and in the future. OTEC will enable higher standards of living with less impact on our environment. OTEC will prove to be a very attractive and essential part of the future energy mix and play an important role in cleaning the worldÕs energy. Optimizing the use of resources and being able to obtain the maximum possible output and multiple products from a single source, for instance by means of Ocean Ecoparks, can lead to a change in the way we think about the systems being used worldwide. By making our solutions visible, the approach can then be replicated to other systems and be used around the world.

How does the Business Model work?

The Ocean Ecopark has four revenue streams; lease of land; sale of water; revenue sharing and services

Amount of capital you seek

50 Mio €


Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

We seek an optimum in the type of capital. Debt financing is actractive because of its lower cost of capital. We believe that with proper guarantees, debt financing should be possible.

Reference Person

Remi Blokker

Session 2

Session 2

Time Content Who ?

14:00 -14:05 Opening

Dr. Anaïs Sägesser, Director

Climate-KIC Swiss Centre

Dr. Dominik B. Domnik, Co-

CEO seif

14 :05 – 14:20

PITCH 6 (5min Presentation/

7 min q& a/ 3 min

recommendation talk

Team Endignorance [p. 30]

14 :20 – 14:35

PITCH 7 (5min Presentation/ 7

min q& a/ 3 min

recommendation talk

Team E-Glas [p. 36]

14 :35 – 14 :50

PITCH 8 (5min Presentation/

7 min q& a/ 3 min

recommendation talk

Team BONZUN [p. 40]

14 :50 – 15 :05

PITCH 9 (5min Presentation/

7 min q& a/ 3 min

recommendation talk

Team Sportunity [p. 45]

15 :05 - 15:20

PITCH 10 (5min Presentation/

7 min q& a/ 3 min

recommendation talk

Team SwissLeg [p. 50]

15:20 – 15 :45

Debriefing :

-Feeback (Hand out feedback


-Should pitches become an

institution on EVPA ?

-Regular Investor meetings –


Dr. Anaïs Sägesser, Director

Climate-KIC Swiss Centre &

Dr. Dominik B. Domnik, Co-

CEO seif,

Brigitte Baumann, CEO &

Founder GoBeyond


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

Easy way to find different opportunities to do good, collaborate and share the good an organization, enterprise or an individual has done.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact



For Profit

Field of Focus

Short description

Endignorance is a humanitarian and environmental social network for individuals, organizations, enterprises and schools to collaborate, do good and share it.



What social problems are you solving?

1) Inability for individuals from young to old and across demographics to get involved with social issues easily and depending on their means and interests and receive recognition for their work.

2) Lack of transparency and ability to easily follow projects

3) Inability for many NGOs to build engagement and relationships with followers.

4) Inability for individuals to find likeminded people to collaborate around social issues either around a particular issue or in an area.

5) Lack of systematic engagement in social issues from the private sector.

Who is the core founding team?

Taha Bawa 23 and Marcus Bonalumi studied Economics at HEC Lausanne together. Omar Bawa, 21 studied law at Geneva University. All 3 went to International Schools and witnessed the injustices and difficulties certain people’s face. Taha and Omar Bawa were born in Switzerland but lived in Pakistan, Iran the US and Sri Lanka. They have interned and been exposed to the social sector, while their passion for new technologies made them realize that technology could improve productivity and bridge the gap between what is required in the social sector and is being done. They are hardworking, passionate and determined to make this vision a reality.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

The founding team have interned, and seen first hand the problems that exist in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran and during their trips. They have also seen the inefficiencies that exist on multiple levels in the social sector. They want to use their passion for technology and entrepreneurship to improve the efficiency and impact of schools, individuals, enterprises and organizations and thereby bridge the gap between what needs to be done and what is being done in the social sector.

Describe your impact!



1) Getting more individuals informed and involved with social, more effectively and on a more systematic basis given the different means of getting involved and the easy to use interfaces.

2) Maximize impact of individuals already getting involved by working, sharing and collaborating on worthwhile projects rated by the crowd.


1) Allowing organizations, not just the top ones, to create long lasting relationships with new followers and better engage with existing followers by pushing them interesting content and ways to get involved depending on their means and interests.

2) Allow organizations to display their projects and activities, thanks to crowd verification better ones get ahead.


1) By presenting real value/returns to companies in terms of creating impact, team building and CSR exposure by using our system companies and employees will get involved more systematically.


1) Getting schools to educate students from a young age on the importance of community service, sustainability by systematically getting students involved with NGOs and projects. Students who are sensitive to world issues are likelier to not only do good but make sustainable sensitive decisions when later in positions of influence.

How does the Business Model work?

The platform is free for individual users and is to be paid for by schools, enterprises and organizations for certain value added services on a subscription basis.

Services for enterprises will include a private intranet with the profiles of employees who can work internally on projects, find projects to work on, monitor employee “exposure” and have the intranet connected to “mother sites”.


Services for organizations include closed communities for employees and followers to engage with using collaborative tools along with segmenting tools to build better relationships with potential donors and evangelists.

Schools have a private community to get involved with projects and then display work.

As we build critical mass in terms of individuals using the platform organizations, enterprises will be interested in targeted content ads. For example Rolex will not push watches but rather environmental project videos, photos it is sponsoring, which is relevant content on our platform. A relationship can be built in this way. A similar model can be applied effectively for organizations in search of funding. has been successful adopting this sort of business model in the social sector. Generating 15 million in revenue.

Amount of capital you seek

Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

This sort of project requires a significant amount of resources and risks to be taken in order to maximize its potential. A for profit model permits investors and employees alike to do so because of the potential large in terms of returns of investment and in terms of global social impact which this project has.

In terms of accomplishing vision we believe that during the critical first years the investors and founders on board are committed to the vision and are not affiliated to political or organizational bodies, which may have other motives.

In terms of management, having to provide returns on investment and acquire investment requires remaining lean, ambitious, scalable and hard working.

We do not feel such a structure compromises our integrity, which is probably the biggest risk or fear. If anything it allows us to remain independent from organizations, companies, government bodies and other funding sources. Our investors are very aware that compromising our integrity and our stance for quick returns will lead to an even quicker failure, as our brand value is key to our success.


Reference Person

Anna Czekaj


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

Servus is an electronic assistant for persons with disabilities which enables them to control their environment by voice commands.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact

Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Benelux, France, Italy


For Profit

Field of Focus


Short description

With Servus, one can literally talk with his home and thus control lights, TV, telephone, door opening, radio, air conditioning, or even surf the web. Servus can be installed very fast into the already furnished apartments in a single day since it uses wireless communication. Also, Servus speaks six languages and it is speaker-independent so no training is needed to start using it. Compared to competing products, Servus is technically more advanced and at the same time more affordable.



What social problems are you solving?

We are empowering persons with disabilities, giving them independence with Servus voice control. Having Servus increases self-esteem and safety of a person, and also saves money since it reduces the need for paid personal assistants. Furthermore, Servus helps a disabled person to become employable.

Who is the core founding team?

Miroslav Vrankic (37) – CEO, PhD in electrical engineering

Kristijan Lenac (41) – CTO, PhD in computer science

Jasmina Dulic (41) – CSO and CMO, experienced sales and marketing manager

Damir Arbula (35) – software developer

What is the motivation of the founding team?

E-Glas Ltd. was founded by a group of scientists and engineers from the University of Rijeka. Our desire was to use all our expertise and knowledge of modern technology to help all people living in difficult circumstances due to physical disability, old age, illness or disability in general.

Describe your impact!

Persons that cannot control their bodies are completely dependent on other people’s help. With Servus, the simple tasks of everyday life can be done hands-free, by simply saying a voice command. Furthermore, with Servus even a severely disabled bedridden person can work from home and earn a living. Our goal is to reach 50.000 users by 2018, significantly increasing their quality of living with Servus voice control.


How does the Business Model work?

We are selling Servus to distributors of assistive technology and have the installation partners for the technical support. The end user is paying a rather low initial Servus price and a monthly subscription fee. The subscription model lowers the entry barrier for our users, and ensures a more stable revenue stream.

Amount of capital you seek

450.000 €

Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

We are looking not only for funding but also for experienced long-term partners that can help grow our business and to make it together a success. Therefore, we find the equity investment the most appropriate one.

Reference Person

Nikolaus Hutter


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

BONZUN have a way to save the lives of millions of Chinese children, as well as many of their mothers; adressing UN declaration of human rights articles 1,3 and 25 and making some profit as well.

Year of incorporation

Founded 2011, Launched 2013


[email protected]

Country of Impact




Field of Focus


Short description

BONZUN fill an unmet need for relevant and trusted information to pregnant women in China – a target group with very specific needs and high spending power

BONZUN provide these pregnant women, and the professionals supporting them, with an information platform that can increase the rate of survival for fetuses and small children substantially


BONZUN fill a highly demanded need of information and direct access to this ‘market’ for corporations, government, NGOs and academics

BONZUN has the support of key Chinese Government bodies and Universities, WHO, UNICEF, SIDA (Swe Intl Dev Agency), etc

BONZUN has gained access to relevant much needed evidence based content previously not available in the Internet from key international and Chinese academic institutions


What social problems are you solving?

• Reduce mortality rate for foetuses, children under five and pregnant women

• Improve health for the same target group

• Improve access to information and knowledge for pregnant women, as well as to the professionals that support them.

The problems addressed are also related to the following UN Articles on human rights

Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 3

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 25

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health

and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing,

housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to


security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood,

old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Who is the core founding team?

Bonnie Roupé

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Philantropic + Economic

Describe your impact!

BONZUN provide vital information that will save lives.

• China is number five in the world with the highest amount of children under the age of five dying. Further more there are over 30 millions stunted Children in China. This is caused mainly by wrong information to pregnant women.

• Pregnancy is the main cause of death for women in the fertile age-span, and maternal mortality is still high in China.

• China is one of 68 countries included in UN’s extra focus on maternal health.

• 60% of the pregnant women in China are anemic and 45% of the children. This can be prevented with effective knowledge sharing.

• According Unicef, 50% of death for children under the age of five could have been prevented with better information to mothers and doctors.

How does the Business Model work?


Evidence based research is verified by expert teams connected to BONZUN and written to be clear and informative to Pregnant women. The Bonzun web is designed to accompany pregnant women with information and discussion forum across the various stages of their pregnancy. The research community can obtain statistics and trends from BONZUN. The webpage also display selected commercial offers from Advertisers that provide core revenuestream for BONZUN. Part of the Profit of BONZUN, as well as Grants are used to speed up coverage for speciffic target groups or geographies,

Amount of capital you seek

10 Mio €

Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

BONZUN business model will yield economic return. Hence, pure Philantropic capital is not neccessary.

Reference Person

Bonnie Roupé


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

Providing financing and support to high potential young athletes from low income backgrounds.

Year of incorporation



[email protected]

Country of Impact




Field of Focus

Social inclusion, Sports, Education, Access to Profession

Short description

A young athlete making first steps towards professional career in sports may need up to 50.000 EUR per year on equipment, training, access to tournaments and other related expenses. Most of these expenses today have to be covered by the child’s parents. In the world of uneven distribution of wealth and infrastructure, many kids with unique athletic talent will never get a chance to realize their potential.


We create a transparent and dynamic model of young talent development in professional sports while building a new type of sports-related, socially engaging interactive mass entertainment.

Through a network of local partners among sport and education-focused NGOs active in the world’s underprivileged communities we search the world for outstanding athletic talent. We then conduct a thorough multi-stage selection process involving local sports authorities, as well as world-level coaches and athletes - in order to ensure the quality of the athletic talent enrolled in the program.

For every child selected, we create and implement a personal talent development plan which includes physical training, mental coaching, training and tournament related expenses, marketing and sponsor relations support. In certain cases (i.e. when the necessary infrastructure is not available locally), the plan's budget would also include temporary relocation of the young athlete.

The support provided to disadvantaged children comes with a moral obligation to allocate a share of future revenues (in case of a successful athletic career) to support social programs fighting poverty, inequality and promoting sports development and access to education in the athletes’ home communities.

Focusing mostly on individual sports (tennis, athletics, swimming, skiing, cycling and boxing, among others), we intend to source the talent in Africa and Eastern Europe in the first place, and expand globally in terms of sourcing both the talent and financing support.


What social problems are you solving?

Social exclusion in sports. Building a professional sports career is a challenging path – and not just because of the hard work and persistence it requires. In the world of uneven distribution of wealth and infrastructure, many young people with great athletic potential will never get access to modern sports facilities, professional equipment, high-class trainers and international competitions. High entry ticket leaves some unique talent forever un-discovered and the athletic potential unrealized.

Who is the core founding team?


Irina Aleksandrova, Founder

Formerly a journalist, media executive and advisor on communication strategies and political technologies, for the past ten years Irina has been working as strategy consultant for market leaders in FMCG, telecom, finance and digital entertainment. Her first-hand experience in global sports development comes from her previous role of an external strategy advisor to an international sports federation’s president. She has collaborated with companies such as ING, BGL BNP Paribas, FOX Mobile and RTL Group on projects in Russia, UK, Germany, Italy and the USA and most recently has been focusing on developing an investment fund advisory business in Luxembourg. Irina speaks 7 languages, has an MBA from INSEAD and has successfully completed the CFA Program.

Hedda Pahlson-Moller and Uli Grabenwarter are Advisory Board members.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Change the balance of wealth distribution in sports (resource-heavy market ready to 'pay' the talent with sponsors', fans' and media money - at the developed stage, while huge amount of talent is left undiscovered at an early stage). Challenge the outdated dynamics of sports talent management (come much earlier and reach out further to discover the talent, bring on full-scope support to build a success story by leveraging the power of crowd funding and social media). Raise a few star athletes and with their help create positive change in whole communities.

Describe your impact!

Promoting social inclusion in sports and providing access to education and career for talented kids from low income backgrounds, SPORTUNITY brings hope, inspiration and social-economic development to the world's most underprivileged communities. This is ensured by the 'giving back' principle that is incorporated into the personalized talent development plans where part of the future revenues of a successful athlete is 're-invested' in development of sports and education infrastructure in the athlete's home community. SPORTUNITY graduates become ambassadors of the new generation of socially responsible celebrities, raising awareness about social issues around the world and showing with personal example a sustainable way to solve some of those problems.


How does the Business Model work?

Personalized talent development plans developed and implemented by prominent sports professionals are financed by the general public (via online crowdfunding), private sponsors and socially responsible businesses. Supporters will be able to follow career development of the young athletes on our proprietary online platform with community functionality and digital entertainment features. SPORTUNITY will monetize the platform by providing partners and advertisers with an opportunity to use it as an interactive tool for their promotion and branding activities.

Amount of capital you seek

1,5 Mio €

Type of capital you seek


Why this kind?

We are currently incorporated as a not-for-profit association ('association sans but lucratif'), intending to transform into a hybrid structure after the concept proof stage. The funds will be used to support our pilot project in equestrian sports, to build sustainable operations for global talent sourcing and development, to launch of the online crowdfunding platform and ensure marketing support in selected target countries.

Reference Person

Hedda Pahlson-Moller, Uli Grabenwarter


Executive Summary



Your USP in one sentence

SwissLeg provides high-mobility prosthetic legs to meet the high demand of solutions for amputees in the developing world. Applying an innovative prosthetic design and a simple manufacturing process with low-cost and readily available materials. SwissLeg can produce comfortably fitted below-knee prosthetic legs at the lowest cost in its category in just three hours, allowing patients to literally walk out of the workshop the same day.

Year of incorporation

Sep 12


[email protected]

Country of Impact

Switzerland, Middle East, Africa



Field of Focus

Med Tech, Rehabilitation

Short description

SwissLeg’s mission is to increase the accessibility of prosthetic services to amputees worldwide.


This mission is threefold:

1) Providing high mobility at low-cost using SwissLeg innovative technology, and

2) Create efficient prosthetic fitting and rehabilitation centres using innovative management and technology approach.

3) Train local qualified Ortho-Prosthetists and managers to increase the skilled labour in this field

The Social Need

The World Health Organization estimates that 32 million people worldwide live without one or two limbs, of which 80% amongst them live in the developing world. Only 5% of these 25,6 million amputees have access to adequate, affordable prostheses. This means that over 24 million amputees in the developing countries do not enjoy the commodities often taken for granted in the West. Since 85% of the total number of amputees need prosthetic legs, there is a significant (~21 millions) unmet amputee demand the developing world.

Currently, there are no adequate artificial legs that meet amputee demand in the developing world because the available technologies are either (1) expensive and high-end created to meet the demand in the developed world, or (2) cheap but very uncomfortable and poor quality. The lack of appropriate technologies to meet the significant demand in the developing world results in small adoption rates. Hence, the need for affordable prosthetic legs designed to meet the needs of amputees in the developing world is enormous.

Poverty and disability do, sadly, go hand-in-hand. Limb loss can make it extremely difficult for victims to provide for themselves and their families

We believe that walking is a basic right to be enjoyed by all people worldwide. This is not the reality for amputees in the developing world. SwissLeg intends to satisfy this global humanitarian need with an affordable and economic viable solution making a difference in the lives of millions of amputees and reshape the global prosthetic industry.



What social problems are you solving?

Persons with disabilities are estimated to make up at least 15% of the world's populations. According to the most recent High-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (23 September 2013) the inadequacies in care and infrastructure are no longer negligible. For this reason, a resolution has been signed, to promote a disability-inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond.

In this regard, we also stress theAs a result, the importance of ensuring accessibility for and inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development and of giving due consideration to all persons with disabilities will be stressed in the emerging post-2015 United Nations development agenda.

As mentioned, the WHO's estimates show that of the 80% amputees amongst them living in the developing world, only 5% of these. This means that over 24 million do not enjoy the commodities often taken for granted in the West.

Currently, there are no adequate artificial legs that meet amputee demand in the developing world because the available technologies are either (1) expensive and high-end created to meet the demand in the developed world, or (2) cheap inexpensive but very of poor quality, uncomfortable and poor qualityyet cumbersome to manufacture and distribute.quality. The lack of appropriate technologies and distribution models to meet the significant demand in the developing world results in small adoption rates. Hence, the need for affordable prosthetic legs designed to meet the needs of amputees in the developing world is enormous.

Poverty and disability do, sadly, go hand-in-hand. Limb loss can make it extremely difficult for victims to provide for themselves and their families.

The SwissLeg beneficiaries are not considered onlnot limited toonly the amputees that regain their mobility. SwissLeg has but can be extended their families or caregiver (For for each 1 amputee rehabilitated there are 6 indirect beneficiaries) and their whole communities.

Who is the core founding team?

CEO - Roberto Agosta, a Swiss national living in Switzerland, has twelve years of humanitarian experience working in education and development in Africa. Has recently completed a Master program in Humanitarian Logistics and Management (USI, MASHLM02) . He ist he responsible for overall management, marketing and financial operations

CTO - Mohammad Ismail, a Jordanian national, is the designer and inventor of the SwissLeg technology. He is a professional Ortho-Prosthetist with over twenty years of


experience and a former employee for the International Commission of the Red Cross (ICRC). He also graduated in the MASHLM02 class and will be responsible for directing the orthopedic and the ortho-prosthetic training centers.

COO - Paulo Gonçalves, a Brazilian national living in Switzerland, has a PhD from the Sloan School of Management and is director of the Master in Humanitarian Logistics and Management at the University of Lugano. He will be responsible for the strategic design and planning of scaling operations as well as general operations management.

What is the motivation of the founding team?

Our motivation is to improve human condition through the development of a community. In beginning with each individual and starting by the first most basic human needs. CEO and CTO come from a humanitarian background and COO is director of the humanitarian master from USI. This is something personal for us.

By pursuing a cause we believe in, entrepreneurs apply knowledge and ability to execute to change life as we know it. Considering that tens of millions of amputees in the developing world do not have access to a prosthesis nor to a dignified life, and knowing that we have an invention and the means to change that, it is almost a moral choice that cannot be avoided.

When we met at the USI master program, and saw this potential to address this basic human need we started thinking in terms of concrete projects, and that's how SwissLeg was born.

Having a positive impact in peoples’ lives is a huge driver in our lives, all three of us. With SwissLeg we have the opportunity to run a global business that will impact the way the world looks at disability by changing the reality on amputees in the world.

We believe that walking is a basic human right that all amputees should be able to enjoy everywhere, not only reserved to the privileged few.

Describe your impact!

The social impact of SwissLeg's activities are based on the two accomplishments of our pilot projects: the Irbid center and the IOM contract, focusing on several parameters focusing mainly on 3 principal ones:

1) the impact on direct and indirect beneficiaries (the patient, their families and caregivers, their communities and the Center’s community and the donors);


2) the impact on the training of professional prosthetists who have upgraded their technical skills to SwissLeg technology; and

3) the impact on the implementing partners.


Creation of the first training and manufacturing center in Jordan

SwissLeg’s operations are based in Lugano, Switzerland. One of the Co-founder resides in the field, in Irbid, North Jordan, where the first operational prosthetic center is located. This center currently houses training and manufacturing efforts. SwissLeg does not own this center but has provided financial support for equipment and materials to start operations. This center is acting as our main center for training.

Creation of our first partnership agreement with IOM

SwissLeg has partnered with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to support their rehabilitation program in Missan, Iraq. Prior to SwissLeg’s involvement the rehabilitation program was not as successful. The limb factory in Missan Iraq charged US$ 800 for each BK prosthesis, quality was low and patients were unsatisfied with the final result. SwissLeg signed a direct contract with IOM to train ortho-prosthetists from the Iraqi limb factory and to produce prostheses to fit 20 amputees. In addition, IOM, the Department of Health (DoH) from Missan, a governmental body, and SwissLeg signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure that SwissLeg retains exclusive rights to sell materials for the purchase of SwissLegs. We plan to sell up to 13 kits in 2014 and increment quickly leveraging our success and IOM’s access to rehabilitation funds. At the same time, we are discussing a possible partnership with Handicap International, MSF, and the Syrian Commission for Refugees in Jordan.

How does the Business Model work?

Our business model derives revenues from indirect sales through franchises and NGO partnerships with different types of organizations (governmental or non-governmental). SwissLegs negotiates and signs training and quantity contracts as well as manufacturing license agreement with partner organizations. SwissLeg generates revenues by selling the prosthesis material to partners at a margin.

The first prosthetic center has been created with the support of SwissLeg in Jordan. An NGO partnership agreement has been signed with the IOM. Other partnerships are currently in discussion.

The 2 models:


The Franchise

SwissLeg partners with a local entrepreneur or ortho-prosthetist center. The prosthetic center receives a license and the know-how to produce SwissLegs’ prostheses (franchise agreement). In exchange the Prosthetic Center pays SwissLeg a royalty fee and a material fee (CHF 100.-) on each prosthetic leg produced. The center is purchasing materials from SwissLeg, price including the fees CHF 200.- per leg. The prosthetic center can charge the patient a price of about CHF 500.-. The COGS for SwissLeg is CHF 100.- per leg.

This model is designed to also give independence and sustainability to the local center.

Expansion is programmed for Ghana in 2014, Mozambique, Nigeria 2015, Angola, Cambodia, Vietnam 2016, possibly India 2017.

The NGO partner

In this model, the partner organization would already have a prosthetic center present in the host country. The center can belong to the NGO, another organization, or a government. SwissLeg negotiates partnership agreements with various organizations, such as IOM, HI, ICRC, MSF, Emergency, etc.

The NGO provides the global fund for the purchase of material kits and training to treat a certain number of patients. SwissLeg receives CHF 25'000.- from the NGO to ship material kits to the manufacturing center to treat 50 patients. The CoGS for SwissLeg is CHF 5000.-, that is CHF 100.- per leg.

Amount of capital you seek

200'000 to 500'000 CHF

Type of capital you seek

Equity & Debt & Philanthropic

Why this kind?

All 3 types with 3 different focus'.


Equity: for investors who desire to participate with equity if a particular nation. Ownership of SwissLeg subsidiary. Each investment segment: 200'000 to 300'000

Debt: For the development of the business for 2014-2015, 500'000 in convertible loans or low-interest loans (social investment)

Philanthropic: Additionally for amputees of crisis situation we ask for grants to support the establishment of a new rehabilitation center (250'000) or donations for prostheses sponsoring (500 CHF per leg, 25'000 CHF per 50/leg kits)

Reference Person


Social Impact Day - Network Partners

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