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Dec 27, 1831- English natural historian and geoplogist Charles Darwin stepped aboard the H.M.S. Beagle to begin a voyage to South America and the Pacific Ocean.

In the course of the 5-year voyage, he became convinced that species of animals and human beings had evolved from lower forms.

1859- he published On the Origin of Specie 1871- The Descent of Man He argued that human and apes

descended from a common ancestors.

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Considered as the earliest humans Lived 4 million years ago After 14 million years, there were signs

of physical improvements among the hominids.

The shape of their hipbone and the bones in their legs and feet hinted of their capability to stand straight.

The teeth were similar with those of man than those of the ape.

Has small skull.

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1924, a fossil estimated to be 2.8 million years old wsa discovered in an excavation and was named Australopithecus Africanus.

Latin and Greek word mean “southern ape” by Professor Raymund Dart of Johannesburg.

It has very similar characteristics to that of the ape except that its jaw was rounded.

1938, Robert Broom discovered another specie of the hominid in South Africa.

It has big teeth and jaw; estimated to be between 1.5-1.9 million years old, and it was called Australopithecus Robustus.

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1959, Mary Leakey discovered the third hominid species, and it was called Australopithecus Bosei.

Discovered in Olduvai George in Tanzania, East Africa and the fossils were estimated 2 million years old.

Composed of seemingly large human-like teeth and cranial bone fragments.

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They knew how to hunt small or even big animals and glean bones of wild animals.

They also used primitive tools for cutting things.

They are believed to have acquired important skills necessary to protect themselves when hunting.

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Homo Habilis

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Considered to belong to the very first group categorized as man-like, the Homo Habilis appeared 2 million years ago.

2 years after the discover of bosei man, Jonathan the son of Mary Leakey discovered the 1.8 million year old cranial; the remains of an erect primate with a much larger brain than the Nutcracker Man.

Homo Habilis means “man having ability”

There are 2 types of Homo Habilis : Peking Man and Java Man.

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• Homo Habilis is characterized bi bipedality or upright walking but still with limited thinking.

• Considered to be knowledgeable in making tools made of stone in caves where they lived as part of communal groups.

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The first to have walked erect Lived from about 1.5 million years to

about 300 years ago. First species that migrated out of

Africa. Able to craft a variety of stone tools

and implements. Learned how to use fire for the purpose

of keeping warm, protecting himself against wild animals, and perhaps, cooking food.

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Between the last 750 000 and 500 000 years, the cave dwellers learned additional skills to help them survive the rigors of prehistoric times.

1856- evidence of early migration was found.

They were skilled toolmakers and crafty hunters.

They also built shelters out of tree branches and bones but also lived in caves.

Has the capability to control their world. They know how to perform religious

ceremonies (e.g. burial)

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Cro-Magnon Man

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Found in the southwestern part of France were the reamins of skulls resembled those of the modern human beings.

Learned to improve weapons and tools made not just of stones and bones but other materials as well.

Used bones as needle to sew his clothing which was made up of animal skin.

Attributed to the Cro-Magnon man is the creation of the famous cave murals of Lascaux, Southern France and Altamira in Northern Spain.

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