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Chapter 9

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Outline Social Construction of Race

Defining Race and Ethnicity

Minority groups and Racism

Prejudice and Discrimination

Theoretical Approaches

Life Chances

Conflict and Cooperation in Race Relations

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Social Construction of Race Race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories

Meanings are created over time

Race is also a means of stratification

19th century shema-3 races

Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid

Modern scientists-there are no “pure” races

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Race and Ethnicity Race-social category, based on real or perceived biological

differences between groups of people Ethnicity-social category based on common language,

religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor How do we show our racial/ethnic group membership? Symbolic ethnicity-enactments of ethnic identity that

occur only on special occasions Ex.: St. Patrick’s Day

Situational ethnicity-ethnic identity can either be displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation In U.S., if you are non-white you don’t get a chance for

symbolic/situational ethnicity – your ethnicity usually shows

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Minority groups and Racism Minority group-members of a social group that’s

systematically denied same access to power and resources available to the dominant groups of a society Not necessarily fewer in number

Minority status is not about numbers!! It’s about social inequalities!

May serve as a master status

Racism-ideology about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group used to justify inequality Often rooted in assumption that differences between

groups are genetic

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Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice-“Pre-judgment”-inflexible attitude about a

group of people rooted in generalizations or stereotypes

Applied to all members of the group, unlikely to change unless evidence against it (usually negative)

Discrimination-unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group, usually motivated by prejudice

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Prejudice and Discrimination Individual Discrimination-discrimination carried

out by one person against another

Institutional Discrimination-discrimination carried out systematically by institutions (political, economic, educational) that affects all members of a group who come into contact with it

1944-G.I. Bill- advantages were institutionally blocked for blacks

Loans granted to those only buying in all-white neighborhoods

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Why does race still play such a critical role in society?

Functionalist-Groups have a tendency toward ethnocentrism and social bonds toward their own group-can lead them to view other groups unfavorably

Conflict-Struggle for scarce resources drives society. Split along racial lines. One group is routinely paid less than others

Ideas like Manifest Destiny helped to justify the taking of lands from Indians (heathens) and justified killing them

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Interactionism Passing-presenting yourself as a member of a

different racial/ethnic group than you were born into

Light-skinned blacks try to avoid consequences of being black in a racist society

Occurred via marrying other whites, having no children, using make-up to lighten skin

“Doing white” still occurs

Bleaching, make-up

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Race, Ethnicity and Life Chances Health-Disparities in life expectancy rates of men and

women of different races

Education-High dropout rates are associated with those from economically disadvantaged and non-English speaking backgrounds

Among high school dropouts:




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Work and Life Chances Work and Income-People of color carry burden of

most difficult jobs

Many minorities in semi-skilled or unskilled occupations-fill bottom tier of job market

Minorities also compete with each other for those jobs

Class and race often intersect, influencing life chances

In 2001, below poverty level:

7.9% of whites

23.1% of blacks

24.9% of Hispanics

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Criminal Justice and Life Chances U.S. population is 69%

white, 13% black, 13% Hispanic, but 40% of prisoners are African-American, 34% are white, 21% are Hispanic

Half of all hate crimes related to racial discrimination; 2/3 targeted towards blacks

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Race Relations: Conflict Genocide-deliberate and systematic extermination of a

racial, ethnic, national or cultural group “Ethnic cleansing”

Ex.: Holocaust: 6 million Jews, millions of other undesirables (Gypsies, people with disabilities, political enemies, gays, etc…)

Population Transfer-forcible removal of people from the territory they have occupied

Native Americans forced to move onto Indian reservations in early 19th century

1838-9:“Trail of Tears”-17,000 Cherokees moved 800 mi.

4,000 people died on the way

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Race Relations: Conflict Internal Colonialism-the exploitation of a minority

group within the dominant group’s own borders

Takes form of economic exploitation

Includes physical segregation

Segregation-formal and legal separation of groups by race

Ex.: Blacks in the American South up to the 1960s

Separate neighborhoods, sections of buses, restaurants, etc…

Separate and unequal

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Race Relations: Cooperation Assimilation-the minority group is absorbed into the

mainstream or dominant group

America as “melting pot”

Society becomes more homogenous-immigrants lose sense of “foreign-ness”

Racial assimilation-minority groups absorbed into dominant group through intermarriage

Cultural assimilation-minority groups adopting the dominant group’s culture

May be forced-results in loss of previous cultural identity

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Race Relations: Cooperation Pluralism-(multiculturalism)-encourages racial and

ethnic variation within a society

Tolerates and celebrates racial/ethnic identities

America as “salad bowl”

Switzerland-French, German, Italian

1848-constitution makes sure power is shared among all groups

How can the U.S. gain a more multicultural national identity?

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