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SoapUI Pro Plugin Workshop#SoapUIPlugins

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Plugin Scenarios

Integrate with other tools, platforms or technologies

Tailor functionality for specific APIs

Add new functionality for existing protocols

Add new protocols

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Business Scenario

Target SoapUI Pros 40000+ paying customers

Plugin authors can charge for plugins in any way they want

SmartBear is planning a plugin “Marketplace” to help promoting and monetizing

Plugins can be promoted to all existing SoapUI and SoapUI Pro users (> 1 million) from within the tool

Join the ranks of Mulesoft, Swagger, Apiary, etc.

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How are plugins distributed?

Via SmartBears Plugin Repository

– Available from inside SoapUI Pro

– One-click download and install

Commercialization and Licensing up to the plugin author

Can be distributed as standalone files also

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How to Submit Your Plug-in Idea

• Build Your Plug-in• Email Your Extension to [email protected]

with the following:• Plugin Name• Description• Creator• URL to read more

• IMPORTANT: remember to change the extension first! We’ll change it back to .jar for you.

• First 50 submissions will receive a T-shirt

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What is a plugin technically?

A single JAR file that contains– Plugin functionality– 3rd party libraries

Plugins are easiest written in Java or Groovy

Building and packaging easiest with Maven

Plugins are distribute either via the integrated repository or as standalone files

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A plugin can contain

Actions - that users invoke via menus/toolbars

Listeners - that are triggered for specific events happening in SoapUI Pro

Factories : that add– UI objects (editors, inspectors)– Testing objects (TestSteps, Assertions)– Miscellaneous behavior

Any combination of the above

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Plugin Annotations

Plugin classes are “marked” with corresponding Java annotations

When SoapUI Pro loads a plugin it looks for these annotated classes and configures them accordingly

Annotations exist for each possible extension point (Actions, Listeners, Factories, etc)

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The @PluginInfo annotation

Provides plugin metadata

All plugins need to have one @PluginInfo annotated class

@PluginConfiguration(groupId = "com.smartbear.plugins", name = "testplugin SoapUI Action", version = "0.1”,autoDetect = true, description = "testplugin SoapUI Action”,infoUrl = "" )

public class PluginConfig extends PluginAdapter {}

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Languages and Tools

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Java Editor or IDE (like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA)

Maven build tool

SoapUI Pro (trial will work fine)

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Creating an empty plugin project

Generate: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.smartbear.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=soapui-plugin-archetype -DarchetypeCatalog=

Prompts for name, package, version, language and type (lots more on that later)

(Read more:

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Build and install

The archetype creates a working plugin skeleton

Build the plugin with

mvn clean:install

The .jar file in the target folder is your plugin!

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Packaging 3rd party libraries

Need to be added to the created jar in a “libs” folder

Automate this with the maven assembly plugin

Have look at the sample plugins on GitHub

Build with

mvn assembly:single

SoapUI Pro will automatically unpack and add jars to plugins classpath

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I know this is tedious – but I want to show you all the possibilities

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Plugin types – Actions

Action: creates an Action, by default at the Project level

@ActionConfiguration annotation specifies;– actionGroup: which popup menu (see ActionGroups class added by archetype)– toolbarPosition: which toolbar to show in – beforeAction/afterAction: position in menu/toolbar– iconPath / toolbarIcon: icons to show– keyStroke: keyboard shortcut– description: (used for tooltip)– separatorBefore/separatorAfter: adds surrounding separators

Annotated class must implement “SoapUIAction” interface– The “perform” method is called with the selected object when invoked

Use to add any kind of user-driven functionality

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Plugin types – Discovery

Discovery: creates a custom REST Discovery method

@PluginDiscoveryMethod – no annotation properties

Annotated class must implement “DiscoveryMethod” interface

APIs can be discovered asynchronously

Invoked from “New Project “ dialog

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Plugin types – Import

Import: creates a custom Project Importer

@PluginImportMethod – no annotation properties

Annotated class must implement “SoapUIAction” interface

For new ways of importing APIs – for example an external API file format

Invoked from “New Project” dialog

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Plugin types – PanelBuilder

PanelBuilder: creates a PanelBuilder for a SoapUI object

@PluginPanelBuilder– targetModelItem property; the object class for which panels can be built

Annotated class must implement “PluginBuilder”

Used for building Desktop and Overview panels (main and bottom left)

Main use case: Create panels for custom TestSteps– Secondary: Overriding existing panels

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Plugin types – Prefs

Prefs: creates a custom tab in the global Preferences

@PluginPrefs annotation – no properties

Annotated class must implement “Prefs” interface

Shows up as a tab in the Global Settings dialog

Use it for managing global settings related to your plugin– Project-specific settings are better managed via a custom Project action

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Plugin types – Editors Views

RequestEditor/ResponseEditor: create a custom Editor view

@PluginRequestEditorView / @PluginResponseEditorView annotations

– viewId property; name of the View

Annotated class must implement “EditorView” interface

Adds custom editor tabs to request/response message editors

For new message formats, specific APIs, etc.

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Plugin types – Editor Inspectors

RequestInspector/ResponseInspector: create a custom Inspector tabs

@PluginRequestInspector, @PluginResponseInspector annotations– inspectorId property; name of the inspector

Annotated class must implement “EditorInspector” interface

Adds inspector tab to request/response message editors

For editing custom aspects of a request, for example together with a custom RequestFilter or RequestTransport

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Plugin types - TestSteps

TestStep: creates a custom TestStep

@PluginTestStep annotation, properties:– typeName : internal id to uniquely identify this type of TestStep– name: a verbal name of the type of TestStep– description: description of what it does– iconPath: an icon to show in the toolbar (optional, but recommended)

Annotated class must implement TestStep interface (usually extends WsdlTestStepWithProperties)

Adds a new TestStep to be used with functional tests

Usually combined with a @PluginPanelBuilder for providing views

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Plugin types – Assertion

Assertion: creates a custom assertion

@PluginTestAssertion annotations, properties;– id: unique identifier for this type of Assertion– name: name for the type of assertion– description: a description of the assertion– category: which category the assertion belongs to

• Available categories defined in AssertionCategoryMapping

Implementing class needs to extend WsdlMessageAssertion and implement RequestAssertion or ResponseAssertion (or both)

Adds a new Assertion for asserting request or response messages during functional and load tests (and soon MockServices as well)

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Plugin types - RequestFilter

RequestFilter: creates a custom Request filter

@PluginRequestFilter annotation– protocol property defines which URL protocol to apply to

Annotated class must implement “RequestFilter” interface

For modifying incoming/outgoing messages, for example;– Add tokens/content– Apply transformations– Validations

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Plugin types - ValueProvider

ValueProvider: creates a custom property-expansion ValueProvider

@PluginValueProvider annotation– valueName property – the text that triggers the provider

Annotated class must implement “DynamicPropertyResolver.ValueProvider” interface

For inserting dynamic content into messages and property values, for example tokens, external data, etc.

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Plugin types – Listeners

Listener: creates an event listener

@ListenerConfiguration annotation – no properties

Annotated class must implement one of the supported SoapUI listener interfaces

Powerful way to react to SoapUI events, for example you could;– If a TestCase fails – automatically report a bug in issuetracker– When a load-test finishes, automatically write results to database– When a project is added – prompt user if they want to do X– Etc…

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Execution related Listener interfaces

Functional Tests:– TestRunListener– TestSuiteRunListener– ProjectRunListener





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Object-modification related listeners

WorkspaceListener– Notifies when projects get added/removed/opened/closed– Notifies when workspaces are switched

ProjectListener– Notifies when Interfaces, TestSuites, MockServices and Environments get added/removed– Notifies when projects are loaded / saved

InterfaceListener– Notifies when Operations and Requests are added/removed

TestSuiteListener– Notifies when TestCases, TestSteps, LoadTests and SecurityTests are added/removed

Most objects also support standard Java propertyListeners for observing changes

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How to know your way around

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The SoapUI Object Model

Defined in com.eviware.soapui.model.* packages

Workspace– Project

• Interface->Operation->(Action)->Request• TestSuites->TestCase->

TestStep/LoadTest/SecurityTest• MockServices->MockOperation->MockResponse

Common methods for navigating;– getXXXCount(), getXXXAt( index ), getXXXList()– getXXXs – gets a Map<String, XXX.class>– getYYY for getting parents

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The SoapUI Pro API

Javadoc available at

Code completion is your friend

Useful classes include SoapUI (soon to be deprecated) SimpleDialog UISupport

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Very useful class for interacting with the SoapUI Pro GUI

UISupport.showInfoMessage(String) UISupport.confirm(String, String) UISupport.selectAndShow(ModelItem)

… and much more ..

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How to get help!

Have a look at existing open-source plugins– RAML plugin:– Swagger plugin:

plugin– API-Blueprint plugin:


SoapUI open-source codebase is the foundation of SoapUI Pro

Don’t be afraid of asking on the forum, on twitter, etc

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