  • 1. So You Wanna Use Technology . . . we can help Ida M. Jones Denise Farag Lori K. Harris-Ransome

2. 21st Century Literacies Literacies Attention Participation Collaboration Network awareness Critical consumption Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies by Howard Rheingold, available at tention-and-other-21st-century-social- media-literacies Article 3. THE BACKCHANNEL Twitter and TodaysMeet What the F@#!@ is a Backchannel? 4. Twitter v. Todays Meet Twitter Easy to create account 140-character limit per posting (can use programs for longer postings) Designed for public access Can link pictures, videos Cannot moderate content Todays Meet No account required/access by room name/number 140-character limit per posting Designed for limited interaction or could be public Very simple interface Can moderate content How could YOU use a backchannel? 5. THE BACKCHANNEL Twitter and TodaysMeet 6. Twitter Home Page 7. Twitter Account Page 8. THE BACKCHANNEL Twitter and TodaysMeet 9. TodaysMeet-Simple Creation 10. TodaysMeet-Join 11. TodaysMeet: How to Chat 12. USING TWITTER IN THE CLASSROOM 13. My Tweeting Class Sports Marketing Law class Required for Sports Marketing majors 18 students Most hadnt used much technology in their marketing classes previously Survey: 50% created a Twitter account for the first time in this class 14. Twitter Assignments Student Assignments: Take notes and ask questions during class 5 minute presentation which was a group summary of weekly tweets Tweet outside class My Goal: More involvement with and knowledge of Course Content Reading Reflection Current Events 15. Group Summary Weekly summary; 5 minute presentation Immediate feedback Reinforcement of learning Discussion of current events 16. BA179-First Exams Number of As higher pre-Twitter Number of Bs higher Twitter first use Number of Cs same sp 2011 & 2013 (pre and post Twitter) Number of Ds remained the same Fs higher 2nd Twitter usage 17. BA179-Course Grades A Course Grades equivalent B course grades lower Sp 2014 C course grades much higher post-Twitter D course grades same F course grades higher pre-Twitter 18. GATHERING AROUND THE FIRE: NEARPOD PowerPoint on Steroids? 19. Nearpod Homepage 20. Example of Nearpod Interface 21. The Upsides: Useful in the Classroom Easy to use: provide meeting number & students join Students must follow along Can be used on any device Majority of students (80+%) liked it better than PowerPoint Can conduct polls, show poll results to the class 22. The Upsides: Evidence/Data Analytics Who logged on Who participated in polls and poll results Results can be downloaded as a report 23. The Upsides: Additional Info Free for basic accounts; limited number of users Free to students even if you upgrade Can be designed as homework, with polls Easy to learn 24. The Downsides Students must follow along Cannot download presentation from Nearpod; must create PDF or PowerPoint first Moderately difficult to design depending on your current presentation methods Requires good wireless connectivity Students cannot work on group projects from within the program-that must be done outside the program 25. 21st Century Literacies Literacies Attention Participation Collaboration Network awareness Critical consumption Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies by Howard Rheingold, available at tention-and-other-21st-century-social- media-literacies Article 26. Questions

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