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HetNet Integration Solution Helps Telcos Improve User Experience &

Increase Revenue

Huawei Blogs HUAWEI2/20/2014!s_rss_latest

The proliferation of smart phones and the mobile Internet results in massive data and network traffic growth.Total mobile data traffic is widely forecasted to exceed 10,000 PB per month in 2015, with an

expected annual compound growth rate of over 100% from 2011 to 2015. Network traffic is now

converging on hotspot areas. 20% of sites in high-traffic areas carry 80% of the total network traffic. The

traffic rates of sites in high-traffic areas are 6.5 times that of common sites. Presently, telcos' primary

concern is to alleviate network traffic pressure and deliver excellent mobile user experience. Based on a

profound understanding of hotspot areas and rich industry experience, Huawei provides the HetNet

Integration Solution to help telcos improve user experience and increase revenue efficiently.

Coordinated indoor and outdoor coverage in built-up business districts, delivering a first-class

network while enhancing user experienceA large number of large buildings, shopping malls, and commercial streets are often found clustered in

crowded built-up business districts. Signals receptions in these buildings where many high-end subscribers

reside are garbled and susceptible to interference and signals on the streets between these buildings are

weak because of the building sizes.

Huawei adopts the industry-leading indoor/outdoor traffic analysis technology to address weak or excessive

coverage, improving traffic absorption. This technology assesses hotspot coverage and implements

coordinated indoor/outdoor coverage simulation and capacity planning to enable seamless coverage and

improve traffic absorption.

Huawei provides diversified solutions and customized product portfolios based on network requirements. For

example, micro cells can recover bottom-layer coverage holes in built-up business districts and the LampSite

indoor coverage solution can improve traffic absorption in shopping malls.

Coordinated coverage of multiple networks for large-sized stadiums, carrying ultra-large traffic and

improving telcos brand competitiveness

During a sporting event, large-sized stadiums have dense spectators and ultra-large traffic and signals in

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these stadiums are subjected to strong interference. For example, in a large-scale stadium designed to

accommodate 70,000 spectators, tens of thousands of voice calls are made and some hundred GB of data

traffic is generated during the event. Calls and data traffic peak at the beginning, during half-time, and at the

end of the event. Dozens of cell sectors are used to process the ultra-large traffic. Any interference between

these cell sectors may increase background noises and then cause network congestion.

With rich experience in serving over 400 major sporting events, Huawei provides dedicated solutions tailored

to large-sized stadiums. These solutions can accurately estimate the capacity of an event and customize

traffic bearer policies based on empirical traffic models for large-sized stadiums. These solutions can also

interwork with the G/U/L/WLAN Offloading Solution to dynamically balance traffic between GUL base

stations and Wi-Fi hotspots, improving traffic absorption and enhancing resource utilization.

Based on experience accumulated from serving over ten well-known stadiums, Huawei provides a high-

density cell sector solution designed to eliminate strong interference. This solution employs three-

dimensional simulation to calibrate models, power, and layout positions of antennas, effectively controlling

interference between cell sectors and maximizing the traffic capacity of each network.

Multi-telcos and multi-standard sharing in the metro, delivering high-speed service and achieving

double win

The metro operates in narrow and enclosed underground areas which provide limited space for installing

telcos devices. Usually, the metro is served by multiple telcos and thus has high requirements on

interference control.

Based on technical indicators of different telcos, systems, and frequencies, Huawei provides a dedicated

solution to detect and analyze interference sources in a multi-system environment and customize

interference control measures. Besides, Huawei provides a modular SingleDAS solution with flexibly

installed device modules to meet coverage requirements of different systems which can enable long distance

transmission and reduces device space occupation, allowing end users to enjoy high-speed data services in

express trains.

Dedicated solutions for school/corporate campuses with multi-functional areas, enabling resource

sharing and improving resource utilization

A school/corporate campus has many indoor functional areas such as teaching buildings, dining halls, and

dormitories as well as outdoor functional areas such as playgrounds and campus roads. Traffic generated in

these different functional areas is extremely uneven. Huawei provides dedicated solutions to analyze

possible traffic generated in these functional areas at different time based on their service requirements, and

then customizes a capacity model adapting to traffic changes. In these solutions, a 3-Layer network with

coordinated macro cells, micro cells, and indoor distributed systems is adopted to achieve seamless

coverage and multiple remote radio units (RRUs) are used to cover one cell to enable network capacity

sharing and improve resource utilization and the ROI.

Flexibly scalable and large-capacity solutions for transport hubs, helping telcos win more high-end


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With many large-scale buildings, functional areas, and roaming/high-end subscribers, a transport hub like an

airport has high requirements on user experience and is a hotly contested spot for telcos to win more high-

end subscribers.

Based on the analysis of airport subscriber behavior and traffic models, Huawei accurately determines the

coverage and capacity requirements of different functional areas and then takes corresponding measures.For example, the parking apron area is fully covered with signals to ensure passengers' fast access to the

network. This measure helps telcos win high-end international roaming subscribers. Based on current and

future traffic requirements, Huawei appropriately plans cells for areas such as departure halls and VIP

lounges that generate large traffic and also uses the remote capacity expansion feature of the LampSite

indoor coverage solution to dynamically expand capacity on demand.

To date,Huawei has provided indoor coverage services to 115 telcos in 64 countries all over the

world and set up over 26,000 hotspot networks. Huawei's indoor coverage solutions are adopted in

many landmarks such as the United Nations Headquarters, Mall of the Emirates, Brazil World Cup stadium,

Baku Crystal Hall, Paris metro, and Zurich Airport.

Steve Perlman's Amazing Wireless Machine Is

Finally Here

By Ashlee Vance 

February 18, 2014http://www.$usinesswee!.com/articles/%0&'-0%-&8/steve-perlmans-ama(ing-wireless-machine-is-)nall*-here?campaign_id+,0%&&'

It was almost three years ago that Steve Perlman began courtng controversy by !romsng somethng o"a wreless technology !anacea# A relentless entre!reneur an$ nventor, he unvele$ a !rototy!e calle$%I%& n ths maga'ne(s !ages# )he technology woul$ $o away wth wreless networ* congeston bygvng each smart!hone an$ tablet ts own su!er+"ast connecton nstea$ o" as*ng these $evces to share ban$w$th !um!e$ out by a cell tower# )he ns an$ outs o" the technology were $""cult to un$erstan$,an$ !lenty o" crtcs $smsse$ Perlman(s clams as beng msgu$e$ an$ trum!e$ u!#

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ourtesy Astro Stu$os "or Artems)he Artems !-avetransmtterPerlman tre$ hs very best to !rove the crtcs wrong to$ay by unvelng a commercal'e$verson o" hs wreless nnovaton, now *nown as !ell or !ersonal cell technology# Perlman blls thewreless system as bascally the successor to .)/, the current hgh+s!ee$ wreless technology# In$emonstratons at hs laboratory, Perlman showe$ o"" Phones, Sur"ace tablets, an$ )Vs streamngmassve "lesthe 4 ltra3% verson o" House of Cards "rom et"l5, "or e5am!leva hs ownwreless networ*ng e6u!ment# )he $emonstraton !rove$ not only that the hgh+s!ee$ wrelesstechnology wor*e$ but also that t woul$ wor* wth e5stng $evces that su!!ort .)/#

7)hat wll shoc* !eo!le, Perlman sa$ n an ntervew# 7It means we have hun$re$s o" mllons o"$evces out there that are rea$y to go#

)he !roblem Perlman s tryng to solve revolves aroun$ how current wreless networ*s are bult#om!anes l*e A)9) an$ Ver'on wll !ut u! a cell tower that sen$s out a sgnal, whch must then beshare$ by any !eo!le n range# )he $ea s to have the sgnals overla! at the e$ges o" ther range l*e aseres o" crcles nu$gng u! aganst each other# )he arrangement must be $one very art"ully because thecrcles cause nter"erence " they(re too close# As a result, there are s!ots n ctes l*e ew :or*,hcago, an$ San Francsco where you o"ten have tons o" !eo!le n the same cell all !lacng calls an$ !ullng $own $ata to ther $evces at the same tme, an$ ther connectons slow because they(re allsharng the ban$w$th n that gven area# )he congeston ssue s e5!ecte$ to get worse an$ worse as !eo!le *ee!ng a$$ng wreless $evces an$ $ownloa$ng larger an$ larger me$a "les#

Story; -hat<s Better "or -reless, Faster In"rastructure or .ower Prces= 

n$er Perlman(s !ell system, nter"erence "rom the cells s not an ssue# Instea$ o" blastng out a $umbsgnal across a gven area, Perlman an$ hs team o" researchers have $evelo!e$ a smart transmssonsystem# )her networ*ng e6u!ment locates a $evce l*e a smart!hone an$ uses com!le5 mathematcalo!eratons to create a un6ue sgnalhence the !ersonal cell $ea>ust "or that $evce# )he u!shot o"ths s that you can !lace the !ell transmtters anywhere an$ not worry about ther sgnals blee$ng ntoeach other# An$ nstea$ o" sharng a sgnal, each !erson gets to ta! nto close to the "ull ca!acty o" thetransmtter# 7-e beleve ths s the largest ncrease n ca!acty n the hstory o" wreless technology,says Perlman# 7It(s l*e the wreless e6uvalent o" "ber+o!tc cables#

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Artems etwor*s s the com!any Perlman has "orme$ to sell ths technology# It(s n the !rocess o" !uttng !ell transmtters on about ?@0 roo"to!s n San Francsco, an$ Perlman s loo*ng to wor* wth atelco or technology com!any l*e oogle &&C or Dcroso"t DSF)C to get a commercal servcerunnng n the "ourth 6uarter# 7-e(ll $o San Francsco "rst an$ then $o ew :or*, hcago, %allas, an$other congeste$ ctes, says Perlman#

)o wor* !ro!erly, a com!any bac*ng the !ell technology woul$ nee$ to bul$ out a large $ata centern a$$ton to $e!loyng the transmtters# It(s n the $ata center where servers constantly crunch away onthe algorthms that "orm the un6ue wreless stream ame$ at each $evce# As !eo!le move about, theservers must *ee! recalculatng an$ !rocessng a new stream# Perlman e5!ects that a sngle $ata centercoul$ sats"y the nee$s o" a cty l*e San Francsco#

Story; A Startu! )hat .ets :ou Pay "or -reless %ata -th )me 

Perlman has s!ent about 10 years wor*ng on ths technology wth a han$"ul o" em!loyees# I !a$ arecent vst to ther San Francsco laboratory an$ saw the technology wor*ng "rsthan$# Perlman ha$ !ut

a "ew o" the transmtters u! near the celng an$ was able to $rect a wreless beam rght at a $evce nmy han$# %es!te such $emonstratons, Perlman has been unable to tem!t venture ca!talsts wth thetechnology# 7)hey nvarably brng n e5!erts who say t $oesn(t really wor*, he says# 7I am showngthem a $emo, but they reman convnce$ that t(s somethng else#

Perlman, who ma$e mllons sellng -eb)V to Dcroso"t, has "un$e$ all o" ths hmsel", an$ he $eclnesto reveal the e5act amount s!ent so "ar# 3e wll show o"" the !ell technology at olumba nverstyon -e$nes$ay $urng a m$$ay lecture

AT&T, Cisco promise Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Firoaming for MWC attendees

February 17, 2014

Read more: AT&T, Cisco promise Hotspot 2.0 WiFi roami!" #or $WC atte!dees FierceWire%essTec ttp:''(((.#ierce('tec'story'attciscopromiseotspot20(i#iroami!"m(catte!dees'20140217)i*++2ttus-AH 

Te bacers o# Hotspot 2.0 (a!t te mobi%e i!dustry to !o( tat te tec!o%o"y is ready #or primetime, a!d tere probab%y is !o better (ay to mae tat poi!t ta! to dep%oy Hotspot 2.0 #or automaticuse by at %east a portio! o# te atte!dees at !e*t (ee/s $obi%e Wor%d Co!"ress 2014 i! arce%o!a.

 AT&T 35:T6 is co%%aborati!" (it a ost o# oter mobi%e operators as (e%% as e!dors Cisco a!d Accuris et(ors to bri!" te serice to #ruitio!, i# o!%y #or a (ee a!d o!%y (iti! te co!#i!es o# teFira 8ra! 9ia co!e!tio! "rou!ds.

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! additio! to AT&T, participati!" serice proiders i! te demo i!c%ude e%% $obi%ity, Ci!a $obi%e,;orea Te%ecom, $5<, $obi%y, TT =oCo$o, >CCWH;T, ; Te%ecom a!d True. AT&T negotiatedwith its roaming partners worldwide, inclding the participating mo!ile operators, to add Wi-Firoaming to their roaming agreements.

?Customers o# te participati!" mobi%e operators (it te %atest compatib%e po!es (i%% secure%y a!d

automatica%%y aute!ticate o!to te Hotspot 2.0 WiFi !et(or (e! tey (a% trou" te co!#ere!cedoors, @ust as easi%y as tey roamed o!to te mobi%e !et(or (e! tey %a!ded i! arce%o!a,? said are%ease #rom AT&T, Cisco a!d Accuris.

Cisco is proidi!" te carrier"rade WiFi !et(or, i!c%udi!" >asspoi!t access poi!ts a!d co!tro%%erscerti#ied by te WiFi A%%ia!ce. Te p%at#orm uses se%#optimi+i!" !et(or <6 tec!o%o"y.

 Accuris et(ors is respo!sib%e #or e!ab%i!" $WC atte!dees to secure%y a!d automatica%%y co!!ecto!to te WiFi !et(or. ts AccuRoam p%at#orm (i%% e!ab%e aute!ticatio! a!d bi%%i!" ma!a"eme!t ia$ cards, @ust as tey are i! te case o# ce%%u%aro!%y roami!".

?As te WiFi a!d ce%%u%ar (or%ds mer"e, dee%opi!" a commo! aute!ticatio! meca!ism (itsta!dard roami!" a"reeme!ts is a !atura% !e*t step,? said R Wi%so!, ice preside!t o# part!ersipsa!d a%%ia!ces at AT&T $obi%ity a!d cairma! o# te Wire%ess roadba!d A%%ia!ce WA6.

Te compa!ies !oted tat o!ce users ca! secure%y roam o!to WiFi as easi%y as tey do o!to ce%%u%ar!et(ors, operators (i%% be positio!ed to be"i! mareti!" !e( serices tat tae ada!ta"e o# i!door%ocatio! i!#ormatio! a!d a!a%ytics u!iBue%y proided by i!door sma%% ce%%s.

! re%ated !e(s, te WA %ast (ee u!ei%ed (at it ca%%s a compree!sie de#i!itio! o# carrier WiFi,(ic it !oted as bee! %oose%y used as a! i!dustry bu++(ord but (it !o u!iersa%%y reco"!i+edmea!i!".

?Aciei!" a commo! isio! #or te #uture o# carrier WiFi a!d (at !eeds to be put i! p%ace to mae ita rea%ity is imperatie,? said >i%ippe ucas, se!ior ice preside!t o# sta!dardi+atio! a!d ecosystemsdee%opme!t at <ra!"e, (ic %ed te i!itiatie a%o!" (it Rucus Wire%ess.

Te WA "uide%i!es #or carrier WiFi capabi%ities address reBuireme!ts suc as co!siste!t e*perie!ce,#u%%y i!te"rated e!dtoe!d !et(or a!d !et(or ma!a"eme!t, (ic addresses Bua%ity, security a!dma!a"eabi%ity.

Te WA said it (i%% a%so se!d te paper to oter i!dustry bodies #or teir #eedbac. Te a%%ia!ce asstarted i!itia% co!su%tatio!s (it i!dustry bodies i!c%udi!" D8>>, te roadba!d Forum, 8$A, 8$a!d te WiFi A%%ia!ce re"ardi!" te carrier WiFi de#i!itio!.

Analyst Angle: Go-to-market tune us !or small cell

in!rastructure layers

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Poste$ on 0@ February 2014  by Aaron Bla'ar, VP, Atlantc+AD# )ags'0%0/opinion/anal*st-angle-go-to-mar!et-tune-ups-for-small-cell-infrastructure-pla*ers/?utm_sourceomcast-12nal*sis4utm_campaigncomcasttimewarner4utm_mediumemail

)ower !rov$ers, "ber !layers, ntegrators an$ others are "ocuse$ on ca!turng busness "rom the ne5t roun$ o" #S# moble n"rastructure e5!anson E smallcells# In my !revous Analyst Angle, I !ose$ the 6ueston o" whether or not the$eman$ s real #e# when t(s comng or what wll ma*e t realC#

)he ne5t ste! s to un$erstan$ how ven$ors can wn busness "rom #S#wreless o!erators# At ths !ont, wth the carrer out$oor small+cell$e!loyment game n the early nnngs, there s no clear+cut a!!roach to

wnnng busness# )here"ore, "ormng an un$erstan$ng o" what there6urements are, who the !otental !layers are an$ how to a!!roacho!!ortuntes wll $rve wns n the ne5t roun$ o" moble n"rastructuree5!anson#

#S# moble o!erators have yet to "ully $e"ne small+cell n"rastructurere6urements, resultng n an ecosystem wth a w$e array o" !layers lne$ u!an$ rea$y to serve rollout nee$s# As clarty on $e!loyment re6urements

 begns to emerge, busness mo$els wll ta*e sha!e an$ wnnng a!!roaches tothe mar*et wll be $e"ne$# So, "or to$ay, the largest 6ueston n the mar*et swhch solutons wll wn small+cell n"rastructure busness#

"#o schools o! thought 

)wo a!!roaches have emerge$ "or servng #S# wreless o!erator nee$s Eturn*ey an$ a+la+carte# "urnkey solutions, also *nown as small+cell+as+a+servce, nclu$e ste ac6uston, ste leasng, attachment rghts, utlty

contractng, bac*haul an$ ongong bac*haul networ* management# Danyecosystem !rov$ers are lnng u! to test the turn*ey waters# Potental !layersare leveragng e5stng n"rastructure tower o!erators or "ber !rov$ersC or$evelo!ng busnesses as sourcng !artnersntegrators to $elver turn*eysolutons# A$vantages to ths mo$el nclu$e the ablty to $rve scalesubs$es

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across e5stng !ro$ucts an$ the o!!ortunty to become a one+sto! sourcng !artner "or wreless o!erators#

)he a+la+carte mo$el "ollows the classc macro+cell n"rastructure tra>ectory

wth "ber n"rastructure com!anes !rov$ng bac*haul an$ tower com!anes !rov$ng ste ac6uston, leasng an$ other servces# )hs mo$el s sm!le,yel$s no changes to the current moble n"rastructure ecosystem an$ $rves$ee!er com!etton n sourcng an$ access to a w$er array o" !rov$ers# Italso !rov$es the o!erator wth $ee!er control o" ven$ors an$ un$erlyngn"rastructure# -e note that, as the wreless busness has scale$ u!, o!eratorshave "avore$ greater n"rastructure control, es!ecally n the bac*haul s!acewhere $ar* "ber has become a *ey bac*haul re6urement#

)he $owns$e o" the a+la+carte mo$el s t sa$$les o!erators wth lots o" !ro>ect management, nclu$ng the sourcng o" mult!le ven$ors across anncreasng number o" networ* !onts, wth each !ont havng more than onen"rastructure ven$or# Snce small+cell $e!loyments are e5!ecte$ to occur at asgn"cantly hgher or$er o" magntu$e than macro+cell $e!loyments, thesco!e an$ scale o" ths management wll be challengng#

/arly $scussons wth mar*et !layers an$ $ata "rom Atlantc+AD(s 201? Detro Ge!ort

ar$ Survey suggest that a turn*ey soluton s not a re6urement to wn small+celln"rastructure busness E at least at ths !ont# -hen we surveye$ wreless o!erator buyersabout the servces they e5!ect to !urchase along wth small+cell bac*haul, nearly @0H o"res!on$ents $ent"e$ ongong networ* management an$ utlty contractng ascom!lementary re6urements whle the remanng com!onents o" a turn*ey soluton wereeach cte$ by 2H or "ewer buyers# 3ence, whle the com!le5ty an$ scale o" small+cell$e!loyments "avors sngle+ven$or sourcng, $esre "or control o" the bul$ out !rocesse5sts wth the ma>orty o" buyers generatng !lenty o" o!!ortunty "or a la carte !layers#

"hree layers !or the t#o mo$els

)he turn*ey an$ a+la+carte mo$els are both un$er $evelo!ment by three *ey su!!lergrou!s E towerreal estate !rov$ers, "ber o!erators I./s, ./s, metro "ber

 !rov$ers, cable DS&s, etc#C an$ ntegrators#

)ower !rov$ers nclu$e the bg tower com!anes l*e Amercan )ower, rown astle,SBA an$ others# )he ablty o" !layers n ths grou! to com!lete ste selecton an$

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ac6uston !ostons them well to hel! o!erators !rocure resources n small+cell mar*ete5!anson# -hle ths e5!ertse s !ower"ul on ts own, some tower o!erators have gone aste! "urther by nvestng n small+cell e5!ertse# rown astle s the most vsble !layern ths regar$ as ts ac6uston o" e5t !rov$es t wth a large base o" $strbute$antenna system busness as well as a "ber "oot!rnt n ma>or metro areas# As a result,rown astle can !rov$e a turn*ey soluton that nclu$es not only stes but also carrerservces such as "ber bac*haul#

Fber o!erators are all about bac*haul# Partc!ants such as A)9), entury.n*, Ver'onommuncatons, )me -arner able, harter, o5, omcast, Fberlght, Fbertech,)ower lou$, P/ ban$w$th, Jayo an$ many, many others are leveragng ther wrelnenetwor* assets to r$e the wreless $eman$ tsunam# &ther !otental roles "or these

 !layers n small+cell bul$ outs nclu$e !rov$ng local mar*et e5!ertse or "ull, turn*eysolutons to wreless o!erators#

Bul$ng metro "ber networ*s re6ures local *nowle$ge #e# establshng rghts o" way,negotatng commercal bul$ng !ont o" entry agreements, etc#C# Fber o!erators wllleverage ths *nowle$ge to !rov$e a broa$er soluton "or small+cell $e!loyments to wn$eals# )he best current e5am!le s Jayo, whch has establshe$ a moble n"rastructureteam, combnng a strong base o" "ber networ* wth the ablty to !rov$e wrelesso!erators wth a$$tonal small+cell networ* re6urements# I" the turn*ey mo$el becomesa wnnng re6urement, we e5!ect other o!erators to "ollow Jayo(s "ootste!s n$evelo!ng robust moble n"rastructure teams an$ com!lete o""erngs#

Integrators such as /5teet Systems an$ /$geonneK lac* un$erlyng n"rastructureownersh! but $elver the ablty to sngle+source solutons n !eces or as a whole the

 !roverbal 7A+J menuC# /$geonneK, "or e5am!le, combnes $ee! *nowle$ge o" "bernetwor*s wth $ee! e5!ertse n ste ac6uston# )hese o!erators have cons$erable*now+how an$ have success"ully bult an$ $e!loye$ networ*s, but ther lac* o" har$ assetownersh! !laces them at a !otental !rcng $sa$vantage relatve to the n"rastructure+ownng tower o!erators an$ "ber !rov$ers# 3owever, ther ven$or+agnostc value

 !ro!ostons, combne$ wth the real+worl$ !ressure they can !lace on su!!lers $urngthe b$$ng !rocess, go a long way towar$ mtgatng those $e"cences# &verall,

ntegrators are "5ate$ on the turn*ey o!!ortunty, whereas t(s easer "or tower an$ "ber !layers to stra$$le both mo$els#

Which mo$el #ins

ltmately, the wnnng busness mo$el wll vary by o!erator, regon an$ n$v$ual buyer !re"erence# .oo* "or heavy testng o" both sourcng o!tons over the ne5t s5

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months# )hese tests wll $rve w$er scale strateges that wll $ctate sgn"cant networ*$e!loyments n 201@, wth the wnners o" the ne5t moble n"rastructure boom begnnngto emerge at that tme# For n"rastructure !layers, un$erstan$ng whch geogra!hcmar*ets hol$ the most o!!ortunty an$ how to !oston e5stng assets to wn busness s*ey# "he ne%t si% months #ill &e ivotal n $rvng the emergence o" ths ecosystemtren$# Atlantc+AD wll "urther e5!lore #S# wreless o!erator small cell n"rastructurere6urements n an u!comng whte!a!er that wll be release$ later ths 6uarter#

 Aaron Blazar works as a VP for Atlantic-ACM on projects ranging from market sizing

and forecasting to corporate strategy covering ot! t!e wireline and wireless telecom

markets" Blazar !as a road perspective on t!e telecommunications industry and

e#pertise in market segmentation$ market analysis$ market entry strategies and statistical 


2014 Carrier Forecasts - The Good, the Bad & The Ugly

ttp:''(((.capacityma"a+i!'%o"'D2E1D2'Capacity9oice'2014CarrierForecastsTe8oodteada!dTe"!a%ysis&utmcampai"!IcomcastJtimeJ(ar!er&utmmediumIemai%=ec D0, 201D

ie a%% years i! our tecce!tric i!dustry, 2014 prese!ts bot opportu!ities a!d ca%%e!"es #orcarriers. HereKs a Buic ru!do(! o! te 8ood, te ad a!d te "%yL

etKs "et te "%y o! te tab%e #irst:

M Tota% oice ree!ues (i%% co!ti!ue to sri!, drie! by te !tercarrier Compe!satio!Re#orm <rder CR<6. ote te #o%%o(i!" ATATCAC$ pro@ectio!s:

o %oca% (o%esa%e oice ree!ues (i%% dec%i!e #rom NO.1 i! 201D to NP.4 i! 2014o %o!" dista!ce (o%esa%e oice ree!ues (i%% dec%i!e #rom N2.0 i! 201D to N1.O i! 2014

M CR< imp%icatio!s (i%% drie co!ti!ued co!so%idatio! i! te .. oice maret, e%imi!ati!" sub

sca%e !et(ors tat do !ot sere e!d users. oo #or subsca%e (o%esa%e oice proiders sucas >eer%ess et(or, !te%iBue!t, mpact Te%ecom, a!d oters (itout deep e!duser bases, tobe ro%%ed up i!to %ar"er, sca%ed, tirdparty oice serice proiders. Tese compa!ies are %ie%yto #o%%o( !te%e>eerKs sa%e o# teir oice peeri!" busi!ess to >eer%ess ystems Corporatio!.

o( o! to te ad but (it si%er %i!i!"s6:

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M Te base o# re"u%ated T1 specia% access (i%% dec%i!e as carriers a!d teir e!terprisecustomers si#t to 5ter!et oer eeryti!" #ibre, copper, coa*6. A%tou" ree!ues #or specia%access bri!" more mo!ey #or %ess ba!d(idt, 5ter!et "ro(t o##ers "reat opportu!ities #orprepared carriers. ATATCAC$ e*pects (o%esa%e 5ter!et ree!ues to "ro( #rom ND.Pi! 201D to N4.O i! 2014. Wi%e (ire%ess dries N700m o# te NE00m y'y i!crease, carrier

spe!di!" o! 5ter!et (i%% co!ti!ue to "ro( as mi"ratio! creeps a%o!". Fibretoteto(er (i%%p%ay a ma@or ro%e i! tis "ro(t, but e!d o##ice co!!ectiity to oter #aci%ities (i%% i!creasi!"%yp%ay a %ar"er ro%e i! co!!ecti!" #aci%ities.6

M Tower companies emerge as competitors for fi!re !ac"hal !siness withtesting of small-cell !ac"hal opportnities. As (ire%ess operators co!ti!ue toe*p%ore te best pats #or(ard #or dep%oyi!" sma%% ce%%s, to(er compa!iesK ro%es i! te sma%%ce%% ecosystem (i%% si#t #rom simp%y proidi!" sites to dee%opi!" additio!a% serices tate!ab%e cost e##ectie sma%% ce%% dep%oyme!ts. oo #or to(er compa!ies to #o%%o( te pat o#Cro(! Cast%e, actie%y p%ayi!" more o# a! a%%e!compassi!" ro%e i! sma%%ce%% dep%oyme!ts.

M $< competitio! (i%% ramp up a!d moe (e%% beyo!d bacau%. $<s (i%% co!ti!ue to %oo#or (ays to %eera"e teir e*isti!" !et(ors to "e!erate "reater ree!ue. oo #or tem toactie%y se%% 5ter!et serices de%iered oer #ibre a!d coa* i!to "reater !umbers o# !o!(ire%ess operators. Cab%ecos a%so (i%% see opportu!ities to %eera"e teir tec!o%o"yi!estme!ts i! te (o%esa%e are!a by se%%i!" serices %ie osted 9o> p%at#orms, > Tra!sita!d c%oudbased =9R p%at#orms.6

M Cab%e compa!y acBuisitio!s (i%% drie co!ti!ued #ibre maret co!so%idatio!. Fo%%o(i!" TimeWar!er Cab%eKs p%a!!ed acBuisitio! o# =ueet a!d Co*Ks acBuisitio! 5asyT5, %oo #or otercab%e compa!ies to #o%%o( suit. Cab%ecos ae %o!" pursued c%usteri!" strate"ies i! pursuit o#eco!omies o# bot scope a!d sca%e, a!d i! 2014 (i%% pursue #ibre compa!ies tat e!ab%e temto i!crease de!sity o# teir #ootpri!ts a!d add "reater data ce!tre co!!ectiity. $ea!(i%e,Time War!er Cab%e is itse%# bei!" pursued by Carter, Comcast a!d Co*.6

Fi!a%%y, te 8ood stu##:

M Fibre "ro(t (i%% co!ti!ue, drie! by te myriad o# !e( e!duser desires. From medica%records a!d co!te*tua% mareti!" to !e*t"e!eratio! a!a%ytics, i" =ata promises to co!ti!ueits marc #or(ard, drii!" i!creased dema!d #or co!!ectiity bet(ee! users a!d users, usersa!d apps a!d, amid te A> boom, apps a!d apps. At te same time (ire%ess carriers #aci!"i!satiab%e dema!d #or (ire%ess data to #eed mobi%e co!!ectio!s #or a%% tose serices @ust %isted(i%% drie (ire%ess carriers to see #utureproo# bui%ds (it sca%ab%e #ibre. A!d ee! sma%%ce%%dep%oyme!ts (i%% re%y o! #ibre.

M Carrier i!estme!t i! A> capabi%ities (i%% i!crease, drie! by cost cutti!" a!d te !eed toi!ter#ace more e##ectie%y (it (o%esa%e customers. Carriers (i%% moe #rom addi!" A>s toteir oice p%at#orms oer te %ast t(o years to ope!i!" up A>s #or i!ter#aci!" (it teir dataserices p%at#orms. oo #or carrier A>s to e!ab%e i!te"ratio!s o# orderi!", prici!" a!dproisio!i!" p%at#orms, mai!" it easier #or customers to do busi!ess (it teir (o%esa%eserice proiders.

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o raise a "%ass to our ca!"i!" times, positio! yourse%# (e%%, a!d saour te ride.

Analyst Angle: Small cell #hat(s the $eal )is it real*+

Poste$ on , .ovem&er ,/01  by Aaron Bla'ar, VP, Atlantc+AD

Small cells may be one o" the hottest to!cs n the wreless n"rastructure s!ace to$ay, butther m!act has yet to show n the nte$ States an$ many are begnnng to 6ueston ther relevancy; %o they really matter, an$, wll they really !lay a ma>or role n #S# wrelesscarrer networ*s an$ the mar*et!lace= &r wll they go the way o" /thernet e5changes,VoIP !eerng, mcrowave bac*haul, 40 ggabt wavelengths, -DAK, an$ L well, you

get the $ea#

-th the ntal .)/ bul$s o" Ver'on -reless an$ A)9) Doblty nearng com!leton,the ne5t ste!s n networ* e5!anson wll revolve aroun$ $ens"caton# )hese e""orts,combne$ wth contnue$ ca!acty e5!ansons, wll $rve new networ* re6urements,whch s where we "n$ the strongest theoretcal case "or small+cell e5!anson# )hse5!anson !ero$ can(t come soon enough "or an entre ecosystem o" e6u!ment ven$ors,tower o!erators, ste ac6uston com!anes, "ber bac*haul !rov$ers an$ others, whchhave lttle to show two years nto what was blle$ by some as the era o" the small cell# Aswth most new networ* technologes, a$otion has &een slo#er than analysts e%ect2

&ut e%ansion nee$s remain3 -th busness stll n the early nnngs, 6uestons aboutsmall cells shoul$ be roote$ more n whether or not there are alternatves that are moreeconomcal or " *ey mar*et m!e$ments e5st that nee$ to be overcome n or$er "or acarrer+$e!loye$, small+cell boom to begn# .et(s $g n "urther to have a loo*#

Wireless e%ansion is a !oregone conclusion

At ths !ont, all carrers are tal*ng tra""c growth an$ the nee$ "or networ* e5!anson tosu!!ort ths growth# /rcsson recently release$ a re!ort "orecastng seven+"ol$ growth n

 orth Amercan moble $ata tra""c between 201? an$ 201# sco estmates $ovetalwth ths estmate, !re$ctng "ve+"ol$ growth "rom ths year through 201M# -relesscarrers have establshe$ even more aggressve targets "or tra""c growth, e5!ectng .)/e5!anson to $rve a$o!ton over the ne5t "ve years n the same way smart!honea$o!ton $rove usage well !ast estmates over the !revous "ve# )hese carriers are

heavily !ocuse$ on suorting this e%lo$ing en$-user $eman$ at a high 4uality o!

service2 &ut !ace restraints on sectrum availa&ility an$2 there!ore2 are !ocuse$ on

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&uil$ing net#ork $ensity3 Snce a$$ng cell stes $rectly m!roves servce an$ networ*ca!acty, small cells can !lay a role here, but the e5tent to whch they m!act the mar*et$e!en$s on whch "lavors carrer networ* e5!ansons come n#

Small cell alternatives

arrer+$e!loye$ small cells metrocells, mcrocells, !cocells an$ the l*e, but notconsumer+$e!loye$ "emtocellsC are not the only game n town when t comes to

 bolsterng networ* $ensty# Sm!ly a$$ng more macro cell stes an$or s!lttng e5stngcell ctes !rov$es a relable alternatve to small cell $e!loyment, an$ on earnngs calls,tower com!anes have been vocal about alrea$y mmense but also rsng o!!ortuntessurroun$ng these more tra$tonal alternatves# Amercan )ower, "or e5am!le, recentlyn$cate$ that 40H o" current contract amen$ments "or busness "rom #S# o!erators arecomng "rom re6uests "or a$$tonal co+locatons at current stes com!are$ to ?0H n the

year !ror 6uarter the remanng N0H o" re6uests are centere$ on !rcng changesC#

A$$tonally, n s!ec"c areas, $strbute$ antenna systems networ*s o" antennasconnecte$ to hubsC reman vable alternatves as well an$ have been e""ectve n sho!!ngmalls, s!orts sta$ums an$ other areas assocate$ wth am!l"e$ coverage re6urements#3ere agan recent earnngs calls hghlght busness $evelo!ment o!!ortuntes n theseareas, wth rown astle whch entere$ the busness through ts 2011 ac6uston o"

 e5tC an$ Amercan )ower whch has ta*en an organc growth a!!roachC re!ortngongong $eman$ "or %AS solutons# In other wor$s, >ust l*e macro cells an$ cells!lttng, %AS solutons o""er mar*et+teste$ alternatves to scale$ $e!loyments o" small

cell networ*s#

It(s the economics2 stui$

-hen cons$erng the o!tons outlne$ above, we must cons$er the costs o" small+cell$e!loyments, each o" whch nclu$es the u!"ront costs o" ste ac6uston, !ermts an$'onng, constructon an$ networ* engneerng# Gecurrng costs nclu$e all thoseassocate$ wth macro stes E networ* mantenance, bac*haul, ste leasng costs, utltycosts, etc#

-hle each o" the cost elements has ts own ssues, Atlantc+AD(s ntervews wthecosystem !artc!ants !in$ that the key recurring cost item that remains a stum&ling

&lock in the economics o! small cells is &ackhaul# -reless o!erators e5!ect macro ste bac*haul characterstcs "or each small cell but at sgn"cantly lower !rce !onts# In turn,n many cases wheren bac*haul !rov$ers woul$ nee$ a new bul$s to antc!ate$ smallcell locatons, challenges e5st wth res!ect to ma*ng return on nvestment targets "twthn e5!ecte$ !rces# )hus, wthout sacr"ces on bac*haul technology, o!erators may

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struggle wth $e!loyments outs$e "ber+rch, $ense central busness $strcts# In the en$each o" these cost com!onents has the !otental to >eo!ar$'e $e!loyments an$ we caneasly con>ure u! scenaros wheren the net costs o" a$$tonal macro cell $e!loymentsare more "avorable than small cell $e!loyments# As a result o" ths realty, !artc!ants nthe small+cell ecosystem are searchng "or ways to wor* wth o!erators to generate coste""ectve solutons that ma*e the economcs wor*#

"he &ottom line

Small cells contnue to !resent ntrgung technologes wth the !otental to meet o!erator re6urements "or e5!an$e$ $ensty an$ ca!actyC an$ ma5m'e the use o" e5stngs!ectrum assets# In the "uture as small+cell !layers nnovate, $rvng stronger economcvablty, loo* "or outsource$ mo$els wheren ecosystem !layers !rov$e more thansngle+element solutons, !erha!s nclu$ng outsource$ servcng an$ mantenance that

enable carrer to better >ust"y small cell e5!en$tures# For no# since the economics o!small cell $eloyments have yet to &e !ully $e!ine$ an$ #orka&le alternatives e%ist,the long+term outloo* "or small cells also remans not well un$erstoo$, an$ whether ornot they are relegate$ to nche a!!lcatons or wll generate the small+cell boom manyanalysts have !re$cte$ remans to be seen#

 Aaron Blazar works as a VP for Atlantic-ACM on projects ranging from market sizing and forecastingto corporate strategy covering ot! t!e wireline and wireless telecom markets" Blazar !as a road

 perspective on t!e telecommunications industry and e#pertise in market segmentation$ market analysis$

market entry strategies and statistical analysis"

"o#erstream to Particiate in W5A's .e%t Generation

Hotsot 6ive 7oaming 8%erience at Wi-Fi Glo&al

9ongress in 5eiing2 9hina

;emonstration to Feature 6ive .e%t Generation Hotsot

DI%%./)&-, G#I#, .ov 0<2 ,/01 .&B/ /-S-IG/ va &D)/KC ++)owerstream or!oraton , a lea$ng 4 an$ Small ell Goo"to! )ower com!any,announce$ they wll be usng ther e5stng networ* to su!!ort the -BA n an u!comng-+F lve roamng e5!erence to $emonstrate the -reless Broa$ban$ Allance<s -BAC

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 e5t eneraton 3ots!ot 3C ntatve at the -+F lobal ongress n Be>ng,hna ovember 18 through the 21#

)he -BA wll o""er an e5clusve loo* at e5t eneraton 3ots!ots# )he -+F lveroamng e5!erence wll be a collaboratve e5!erence "rom com!anes such as hnaDoble, sco, Acent an$ )owerstream or!#

For the $emonstraton, a select number o" moble !hones wll seamlessly roam betweencellular an$ -+F networ*s usng the e5stng )owerstream 3 !lat"orm locate$ n the#S# )he !hones wll automatcally recogn'e an$ !ass through the connecton to the)owerstream -+F networ* n the #S# thus ta*ng the !hones o"" o" the current cellularnetwor* an$ onto )owerstream<s -+F networ*#

O)hs $emonstraton gets straght to the !ont o" everythng we have been wor*ng to

 bul$ the last several years,O sa$ e"" )hom!son, )owerstream /&# O-th the e5!losono" moble $ata tra""c contnung to create sgn"cant !er"ormance ssues, than*s to the-BA<s 3 !rocess, we are now able to o""er o""loa$ o!tons across any o" ournetwor*s to carrers locate$ anywhere n the worl$#O

Arthur "ta*s, VP o" /ngneerng an$ &!eratons at )owerstream a$$e$, O)owerstreams e5cte$ about showcasng ts 3 com!lant networ* "ully ca!able o" su!!ortngcarrer -+F at the -+F Doble ongress# )he $emonstraton o""ers a lve e5am!le o"seamless roamng between a cellular an$ -+F networ* trans!arent to the en$ user# It sour !leasure to !artc!ate#O

For more n"ormaton on the event, !lease vst + htt!;www#w"globalcongress#com  

About )owerstream or!oraton

)owerstream s a lea$ng 4 an$ Small ell Goo"to! )ower com!any# )he com!anyowns, o!erates, an$ leases -+F an$ Small ell roo"to! tower locatons to cellular !honeo!erators, tower, Internet an$ cable com!anes an$ hosts a varety o" customers on tsnetwor*# )owerstream was orgnally "oun$e$ n 2000 to $elver "5e$+wreless hgh+s!ee$ Internet access to busnesses an$ to $ate o""ers broa$ban$ servces n over 1? urbanmar*ets nclu$ng ew :or* ty, Boston, .os Angeles, hcago, Phla$el!ha, the SanFrancsco Bay area, Dam, Seattle, %allas+Fort -orth, 3ouston, ashvlle, .as Vegas+Geno, an$ the greater Prov$ence area# For more n"ormaton on )owerstream servces,

 !lease vst www#towerstream#com an$or "ollow us Q)owerstream#

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)he )owerstream or!oraton logo s avalable at;htt!;www#globenewswre#comnewsroom!rs=!*g$RN@M0

About 3etets )ower or!oraton

3etets )ower or!oraton O3etetsOC was "orme$ n anuary 201? as a wholly owne$subs$ary o" )owerstream or!oraton an$ o""ers a neutral host, share$ wrelessn"rastructure soluton, ether n$e!en$ently or as a turn*ey servce# Its wrelesscommuncatons n"rastructure s avalable to wreless carrers, cable an$ Internetcom!anes n ma>or urban mar*ets where the e5!loson n moble $ata s creatngsgn"cant $eman$ "or a$$tonal ca!acty an$ coverage# 3etets o""ers a carrer+class-+F networ* "or Internet access an$ the o""loa$ng o" moble $ata# Its street levelroo"to! locatons are $eal "or the nstallaton o" customer owne$ small cells nclu$ng%AS, Detro an$ Pco cells# &ther solutons !rov$e$ by 3etets nclu$e bac*haul,

 !ower, an$ relate$ small cell re6urements# Dore n"ormaton s avalable athtt!;www#hetnets#com #

#$H %perience

First e'er li'e deplo(ment of a net generation Wi-Fi networ" at aninternational conference

$ai!" 8H !et(ors a!d otspots a commercia% rea%ity is o!e o# te ey maret ob@ecties o# te

WA i! 201D. Tere#ore te Wireless )road!and Alliance is %au!ci!" its #irsteer %ie 8H5*perie!ce duri!" te Wi-Fi $lo!al Congress W8C6 i! ei@i!" tis oember 1t21st6 (itpart!ers China Mo!ile as host operator  a!d Cisco as the networ" infrastrctre pro'ider . Tis (i%%be te #irst eer %ie dep%oyme!t o# a !e*t "e!eratio! WiFi !et(or at a! i!ter!atio!a% co!#ere!ce,o##eri!" atte!dees a rea%%i#e e*perie!ce o# seam%ess%y a!d automatica%%y co!!ecti!" to te e!ue WiFi.

Te 8H 5*perie!ce (i%% co!sist out o# a e*te!sie 8H !et(or i! te e!ue tat ca! be used todemo!strate di##ere!t i!!oatie serices e.". %ocatio! base serices6, as (i%% a%so demo!strate te #u%%sca%e o# 8H a!d roami!" capabi%ities o! >asspoi!t certi#ied deices. sa"e o# te !et(or is a%soope! to te e!dor commu!ity, to demo!strate teir deices, app%icatio!s a!d serices duri!" teee!t.


Crown Castle CEO: Sr!nt" #er!$on LTEo%erla&s w!ll '( ' tower a)t!%!t&*cto!er +, 20+ Q y >i% 8o%dstei! 

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y te midd%e o# !e*t year most Tier 1 carriers/ macro T5 bui%douts are e*pected to be %ar"e%y comp%eted. ome

carriers, suc as AT&T $obi%ity 35:T6, ae i!dicated tat te !e*t pase o# !et(or eo%utio!, to T5

 Ada!ced, (i%% be %ar"e%y te resu%t o# so#t(are up"rades to e*isti!" !et(or eBuipme!t. Ho(eer, i! a! i!terie(

(it FierceWireless, Cro(! Cast%e C5< e! $ore%a!d co!te!ded tat despite tat tre!d, tere (i%% sti%% be a %ot o#

ce%% site actiity a!d ame!dme!ts i! te !e*t #e( years.

He poi!ted to pri!t 35:6, (ic as i!dicated it p%a!s to bui%d out T=T5 serice usi!" its 2.P 8H+

spectrum to 100 mi%%io! ><>s by te e!d o# 2014 o! top o# its e*isti!" 1.E 8H+ T5 !et(or a!d p%a!!ed 00

$H+ T5 serice.

pri!t a!!ou!ced it (i%% bra!d its #ortcomi!" trimode T5 serice as ?pri!t par,? a!d said it (i%% bri!" te

serice to te top 100 .. marets duri!" te !e*t tree years (it speeds capab%e o# reaci!" P0O0 $bps a!d

peraps #aster. Te #irst marets (it %imited aai%abi%ity o# pri!t par (i%% be Cica"o, os A!"e%es, e( 3or,

$iami a!d Tampa.

pri!t plans to ha'e ,000 2. $H T/-T% sites on air !( the end of 20+ , a "oa% i! %i!e (it C%ear(ire/s

preious bui%dout p%a!s. Today pri!t cou!ts a tota% o# PP,000 macro ce%% sites, a %ee% pri!t e*pects stayi!" at #or 

te !e*t #e( years. pri!t/s curre!t p%a! #or et(or 9isio! is to moder!i+e D,000 ce%% sites (it mu%timode basestatio!s.

?pri!t as!/t do!e a %ot o# sites i! te %ast si* years,? $ore%a!d said. ?As tey bui%d a ery robust product (it

et(or 9isio! a!d add capacity (it te 2.P 8H+ spectrum, (ou%d e*pect tat tey/re "oi!" to !eed to come

bac a!d add sites.?

Tat co!te!tio! #its (it bot comme!ts #rom a!a%ysts a!d Cro(! Cast%e/s competitors. A Commu!icatio!s

C5< e##rey toops to%d FierceWireless i! <ctober tat A (i%% %oo to "et a piece o# pri!t/s p%a!!ed !atio!(ide

dep%oyme!t o# 2.P 8H+ spectrum #or T=T5 serices. ?We/re c%ear%y i!terested,? e said. ?Tat/s our busi!ess

a!d (e e*pect to "et at %east our #air sare.?

?We e*pect tat pri!t (i%% repurpose te C%ear(ire to(er sites a!d add a! estimated 1P,000 to 1,000 ce%% to(er

sites, (ic (i%% "e!erate i!creased %easi!" ree!ue tat te carrier pays to te to(er compa!ies,? 8re"ory

Fraser, a $oody/s !estors erice a!a%yst, (rote i! Au"ust. ?Tese !e( to(er sites (i%% rep%ace te 1O,P00

C%ear(ire sites scedu%ed to be decommissio!ed a!d (i%% tere#ore e%imi!ate te ris tat %ost re!t #rom tose

to(ers (ou%d !ot be rep%aced (it !e( re!ta% ree!ue.?

e( treet Researc a!a%yst o!ata! Cap%i! predicted oer te summer tat pri!t/s tota% ce%% site cou!t (ou%d

i!crease to some(ere bet(ee! P0,000 a!d O0,000 sites, more ta! o##setti!" disco!!ects o# o%d C%ear(ire sites.

pri!t/s co!#irmatio! o# mai!tai!i!" a ce%% site cou!t o# PP,000 i! te years aead seems to co!#irm tat.

t/s !ot @ust pri!t tat (i%% ae !e( ce%% site actiity, accordi!" to $ore%a!d. 9eri+o! Wire%ess 35:96, #or

i!sta!ce, as said it (i%% !ot commercia%%y dep%oy 9oice oer T5 u!ti% its T5 !et(or ca! produce te sameoice Bua%ity as its D8 C=$A !et(or. 9eri+o! p%a!s to %au!c 9oT5 i! te #irst a%# o# 2014. $ore%a!d said

"etti!" to tat %ee% o# Bua%ity (i%% reBuire additio!a% T5 ce%% sites. Furter, 9eri+o! is e*pa!di!" its T5 !et(or

#rom its 700 $H+ spectrum to its AW spectrum, (it P,000 sites p%a!!ed #or te e!d o# tis year, (ic cou%d

"e!erate additio!a% to(er actiity.

$oody/s a%so said tat o!ce AT&T acBuires eap Wire%ess A=A-:5A>6, it ?may tae simi%ar steps to tose o# 

pri!t,? (ic (i%% %ie(ise be!e#it i!depe!de!t to(er #irms. AT&T is e*pected to #urter its T5 dep%oyme!t by

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tai!" ada!ta"e o# eap/s u!deruti%i+ed spectrum o! rou"%y 1P,000 to 20,000 sites, i!c%udi!" te E,700 %eased

sites AT&T (i%% "ai! trou" buyi!" te re"io!a% carrier.

$ore%a!d said a%% o# tis actiity (i%% i!dicate te compa!y/s strate"y oer te %ast t(o years o# a""ressie%y

acBuiri!" .. assets. ! eptember 2012, T$obi%e 35:T$6 a"reed to se%% te ri"ts to 7,200 o# its

to(ers to Cro(! Cast%e #or N2.4 bi%%io!. ! te T$obi%e dea%, Cro(! !oted tat D perce!t o# te to(ers (ere

%ocated i! te top 100 .. marets a!d 72 perce!t (ere %ocated i! te top P0 marets.

! <ctober, AT&T a"reed to se%% a!d %ease E,700 o# its ce%% to(ers to Cro(! Cast%e i! a N4.P bi%%io! dea%. Cro(!

said tat te to(ers are most%y i! urba! areas, (it !ear%y P0 perce!t o# sites i! te top P0 .. marets.

 A%so, i! =ecember 2011, Cro(! a"reed to pay N1 bi%%io! to acBuire distributed a!te!!as systems =A6 proider

e*t8 et(ors, (ic as "ie! te to(er compa!y a %e" up i! sma%% ce%%s.

$ore%a!d ac!o(%ed"ed tat te T$obi%e port#o%io as more to(ers i! te top urba! marets ta! te AT&T

port#o%io, but e said tat, u%timate%y, as carriers co!ti!ue to de!si#y teir !et(ors tat disti!ctio! (ou%d !ot be

materia%. Tae! to"eter, e said, te !ear%y 17,000 to(ers are you!"er ta! Cro(!/s %e"acy to(ers a!d ae, o!

aera"e 1.P to 1.7P te!a!ts per site, %eai!" a %ot o# room #or "ro(t.

?A%% o# it basica%%y "oes to our ori"i!a% strate"ic moes (e/e made oer te %ast 1 mo!ts, (ic is to spe!d NE

bi%%io! o! .. assets (ic (e ti! are e*treme%y (e%% positio!ed to a!d%e tis pat o# "ro(t #rom T5,?

$ore%a!d said.

Re%ated Artic%es:

pri!t par to combi!e T5 i! 00 $H+, 1.E 8H+ a!d 2.P 8H+, (i%% o##er P0O0 $bps pea speeds

pri!t to coer 100$ ><>s (it 2.P 8H+ T5 by e!d o# 2014

 AT&T se%%s a!d %eases to(ers to Cro(! Cast%e i! N4.P dea%

A: To(er co!so%idatio! (i%% come ia sa%es #rom carriers

$oody/s: pri!t, AT&T T5 ro%%outs (i%% boost to(er compa!ies

 A!a%yst: pri!t/s !atio!(ide 2.P 8H+ T5 !et(or cou%d be boo! #or to(er compa!ies

Read more: Cro(! Cast%e C5<: pri!t, 9eri+o! T5 oer%ays (i%% pump up to(er actiity FierceWire%ess 



Sr!nt *e(onstrates 1 +!,a-!t O%er.t/e.A!rSee at S!l!)on #alle& La-

print par! urrentl* +elivers 0-60 ega$it "er econd"ea! peeds

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Sprint poised to deliver the industry’s fastest wireless network speeds to approximately 100 of America’s largest cities

<95RA= >AR;, ;a!. 5 WR56, *cto!er +0, 20+  pri!t 35:6demo!strated %ie today 1 8i"abit per seco!d 8bps6 oerteair speed at its %ab !ear i%ico!

9a%%ey, Ca%i#. Tis (as te i"%i"t o# a day tat so(cased te i!!oatio! a!d (atKs possib%eo! te pri!t !et(or as te compa!y u!ei%ed tec!o%o"y (it te pote!tia% to surpass(ire%ess speeds o# a!y .. !et(or proider.

amed pri!t par, te superi"speed capabi%ity demo!strates P0O0 $e"abits perseco!d $bps6 pea speeds today (it i!creasi!" speed pote!tia% oer time. 8ie! pri!tKsspectrum a!d tec!o%o"y assets, it is tec!ica%%y #easib%e to de%ier more ta! 28bps persector o# oerteair speed.

Spri!t par is a combi!atio! o# ada!ced capabi%ities, %ie 1*, 2* a!d D* carrier a""re"atio!#or speed, TR #or coera"e, $$< #or capacity, T== #or spectra% e##icie!cy, to"eter (it te

most ada!ced deices o##eri!" bot triba!d capabi%ity a!d i"de#i!itio! oice #or te bestpossib%e customer e*perie!ce, said =a! Hesse, C5< o# pri!t.

pri!t p%a!s to dep%oy pri!t par i! about 100 o# AmericaKs %ar"est cities duri!" te !e*ttree years, (it i!itia% aai%abi%ity i! #ie marets today. pri!t 48 T5 serice (i%% be aai%ab%eby mid2014 to appro*imate%y 2P0 mi%%io! America!s, a!d pri!t e*pects 100 mi%%io! America!s(i%% ae pri!t par or 2.P8H+ coera"e by te e!d o# 2014. Te #irst marets (it %imitedaai%abi%ity are e( 3or, os A!"e%es, Cica"o, Tampa a!d $iami. Te #irst smartpo!es (itpri!t par capabi%ity are scedu%ed #or customer aai%abi%ity i! ear%y oember.

How 1print 1par" wor"s

pri!t par combi!es 48 F==1T5 at 00 $e"aert+ $H+6 a!d 1.E 8i"aert+ 8H+6 a!dT==1T5 at 2.P8H+ spectrum, T==T5 tec!o%o"y 2.P8H+6, a!d carrier a""re"atio! i! te2.P8H+ ba!d. Tese spectrum assets, tec!o%o"y a!d arcitecture are desi"!ed to de%ier aseam%ess customer e*perie!ce ia triba!d (ire%ess deices. Triba!d deices, !amed #or teir abi%ity to accommodate mu%tip%e spectrum ba!ds, support actie a!do## mode bet(ee!00$H+, 1.E8H+ a!d 2.P8H+, proidi!" data sessio! co!ti!uity as te deice moes bet(ee!spectrum ba!ds.

1print 1par" components

pri!t is bui%di!" te pri!t par capabi%ity usi!" a u!iBue combi!atio! o# spectrum capacity

a!d !et(or tec!o%o"ies. Today te compa!y as appro*imate%y PP,000 macro ce%% sitesU a%ee% pri!t e*pects stayi!" at #or te !e*t #e( years. Te compa!y a%so a!ticipates usi!"sma%% ce%%s to au"me!t capacity, coera"e a!d speed. ma%% ce%% dep%oyme!t is e*pected tobe"i! i! 2014, co!ti!ui!" i!to 201P a!d beyo!d.

Radio eads

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 A ey i!"redie!t e!ab%i!" pri!t par is eBuipme!t compatibi%ity (it te arcitecture o# tepri!t i!itiatie !o(! as et(or 9isio!. A%cate%uce!t, oia o%utio!s a!d et(ors a!damsu!" ae bee! se%ected to proide 2.P8H+ radio eads a!d to e!ab%e pri!t par. 5accompa!y (i%% serice appro*imate%y o!etird o# pri!tKs dep%oyme!t marets. Tese 2.P8H+radios are e*pected to ae capabi%ities #or Tra!smitters Receiers TR6, (ic (i%% be a

#irst dep%oyme!t o# its i!d i! ort America. Tese radios (i%% be capab%e o# improedcoera"e, capacity a!d speeds (e! compared to te more traditio!a% 2T2R or 4T4R radiosused by our competitors.


pri!t par comes to %i#e #or customers ia teir deices. ui%di!" o! et(or 9isio!Ksmu%timode capabi%ity, pri!t par is desi"!ed to accommodate a%% o# pri!tKs spectrum ba!dso! a si!"%e deice. Tese triba!d smartpo!es are desi"!ed to "ie users te beste*perie!ce by tra!spare!t%y si#ti!" #rom o!e ba!d to a!oter, depe!di!" o! suc #actors as%ocatio! or type o# app%icatio!.

Te #irst triba!d deices (i%% be aai%ab%e to customers i! te !e*t #e( (ees a!d o##ered byHTC, 8 a!d amsu!". For more i!#ormatio! o! deices, speci#icatio!s a!d prici!", seepri!'!e(sroom.

How it will !e sed

pri!t par proides te capacity to "reat%y improe te per#orma!ce o# ideo a!d oterba!d(idti!te!sie app%icatio!s (i%e ope!i!" te (ay #or #uturistic app%icatio!s. Today,(ire%ess !et(ors a!d smartpo!es ca! boo #%i"ts, %ocate ci%dre!, store potos a!d music,ideo cat a!d muc more. pri!t par supports a !e( "e!eratio! o# o!%i!e "ami!", irtua%rea%ity, ada!ced c%oud serices a!d oter app%icatio!s reBuiri!" ery i" ba!d(idt. ee

o( app%icatio!s %ie tese cou%d sape #uture %i#esty%es V S9isio! o# Co!!ected $obi%ei#esty%e.6

pri!tKs !e( 48 T5 !et(or is a ey compo!e!t o# its et(or 9isio! pro"ram. pri!t 48 T5!o( coers 2D0 marets across te !atio! a!d is o! trac to sere 200 mi%%io! peop%e by tee!d o# tis year a!d 2P0 mi%%io! peop%e by mid2014. Wi%e bot T5 tec!o%o"ies bri!"si"!i#ica!t e!a!ceme!ts i! !et(or speed, te 2.P8H+ spectrum is crucia% to te e*ceptio!a%capacity, speed a!d #%e*ibi%ity e*pected (it pri!t par.

 A%so trou" et(or 9isio!, pri!t is up"radi!" its D8 serices (it a%%!e( eBuipme!t tobri!" users improed coera"e, better si"!a% stre!"t, #e(er dropped ca%%s a!d improed oice

Bua%ity. Te et(or 9isio! D8 capabi%ity i!c%udes Hi" =e#i!itio! 9oice to mae H= ca%%spri!tKs !e( sta!dard #or oice Bua%ity. H= 9oice is a !e*t"e!eratio! tec!o%o"y #or mobi%epo!es (ere bac"rou!d !oise is irtua%%y e%imi!ated a!d sou!d Bua%ity is dramatica%%ye!a!ced. pri!tKs H= 9oice o##eri!" reaces appro*imate%y P mi%%io! peop%e across tepri!t !et(or today, a!d te compa!y e*pects 2P0 mi%%io! to ae access to H= 9oicecapabi%ity by mid2014. pri!t e*pects 12 mi%%io! H= 9oice deices i! te customer base byte e!d o# 201D, "ro(i!" to 20 mi%%io! by te e!d o# 2014.

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! additio! to demo!strati!" te 18bps speeds ia oerteair (ire%ess, pri!t as a%soe*te!ded its %eadersip i! (ire%i!e speeds by commercia%%y dep%oyi!" o!e o# te %o!"est1008bps circuits i! te !ited tates. Tat %ie tra!smissio! reBuired !o si"!a% re"e!eratio!oer a dista!ce o# 2,100 m, or 1,D04 mi%es.

For more i!#ormatio! about pri!t par, isit pri!'#aster . Tere youK%% #i!d ideos a!doter use#u% i!#ormatio! o! o( pri!t par bri!"s to %i#e a !e( (ae o# app%icatio!s a!di!!oatio!s.

A!ot 1print

pri!t 35:6 o##ers a compree!sie ra!"e o# (ire%ess a!d (ire%i!e commu!icatio!sserices bri!"i!" te #reedom o# mobi%ity to co!sumers, busi!esses a!d "oer!me!t users.pri!t sered more ta! P4 mi%%io! customers at te e!d o# te tird Buarter o# 201D a!d is(ide%y reco"!i+ed #or dee%opi!", e!"i!eeri!" a!d dep%oyi!" i!!oatie tec!o%o"ies, i!c%udi!"te #irst (ire%ess 48 serice #rom a !atio!a% carrier i! te !ited tatesU o##eri!" i!dustry%eadi!" mobi%e data serices, %eadi!" prepaid bra!ds i!c%udi!" 9ir"i! $obi%e A, oost

$obi%e, a!d Assura!ce Wire%essU i!sta!t !atio!a% a!d i!ter!atio!a% pustota% capabi%itiesUa!d a "%oba% Tier 1 !ter!et bacbo!e. Te America! Customer atis#actio! !de* rated pri!tas te most improed compa!y i! customer satis#actio!, across a%% 47 i!dustries, duri!" te%ast #ie years. 3ou ca! %ear! more a!d isit pri!t at (((.spri! or((('spri!t a!d (((.t('spri!t .

Srint unveils Sark2 its ultra-!ast 0G& #ireless service

S!ar*, whch wll start at @0 to N0 mb!s an$ move to 1 b!s, arrves n "vemar*ets to select S!rnt !hones, nclu$ng . 2 an$ 3) &ne Da5#

 by Goger heng 

=cto&er 1/2 ,/01 10;0M AD P%)

S!rnt wants to get bac* nto the networ* s!ee$ $scusson ba$ly#

)he com!any on -e$nes$ay unvele$ S!rnt S!ar*, ts bran$ "or the ultra+"ast .)/ servce thateventually wll o""er a wreless connecton ca!able o" $elverng $ata at a bla'ng 1b!s# But ntally,S!ar* wll be able to $elver !ea* s!ee$s o" @0 to N0Db!s#

S!rnt, whch has "allen behn$ n ts $e!loyment o" a "aster 4 .)/ networ*, s n $es!erate nee$ o"catchng u! wth the com!etton# S!rnt has been ham!ere$ by the shut$own o" ts e5tel networ* an$com!lcatons wth busness $eals, nclu$ng the ac6uston o" "ormer !artner learwre an$ a ta*eover

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 by a!anese carrer So"tBan*# )he com!any lags behn$ at a tme when consumers are "ocusng more onthe s!ee$ o" ther servce#

S!rnt earler re!orte$ a return to !ro"t n the thr$ 6uarter , even as t lost ?1?,000 net customers,nclu$ng a troublng loss o" ?N0,000 contract customers# Its loss comes at a tme when )+Doble has

thrown out !romoton a"ter !romoton n an aggressve b$ to wn bac* customers, as Ver'on -relessan$ A)9) busly loc* u! ther most valuable subscrbers#

S!ar* s !art o" S!rnt<s b$ "or comebac*, but t<s more !romse than a "ull+"le$ge$ servce# /& %an3esse $emonstrate$ the networ*<s ablty to $elver a !ea* 1b!s connecton at the com!any<s lab nBurlngame, al"# )he servce, however, won<t be able to $elver that *n$ o" s!ee$ anytme soon#

S!ar* s avalable to$ay n "ve mar*ets; ew :or*, .os Angeles, hcago, an$ )am!a an$ Dam, Fla#S!rnt also unvele$ a new set o" !hones com!atble wth S!ar*; the Samsung ala5y S4 Dn, ala5yDega, an$ . 2 ++ all o! #hich launch on .ovem&er ># )he S!ar*+com!atble 3) &ne Da5 wll beavalable Osoon,O the carrer says#

S!ar* s able to $elver hgher .)/ s!ee$s because t >uggles three s!ectrum ban$s, entalng S!rnt<ss!ectrum, s!ectrum "rom ts now $e"unct e5tel networ*, an$ s!ectrum ta*en "rom ts ac6uston o"learwre# Because the three swaths o" s!ectrum run at $""erent "re6uences, t was seen as a !otentalmess "or S!rnt# But the com!any<s etwor* Vson u!gra$e !lan allows ts n"rastructure to han$le allthree ban$s# )he "our new !hones wll be the "rst wave o" tr+ban$+com!atble $evces#

)he ala5y S4 Dn an$ ala5y Dega wll get a so"tware u!$ate "or tr+ban$ com!atblty shortly

a!ter launch, whle the 2 wll get ts so"tware u!$ate early ne5t year#

)he com!any sa$ the new !hones ++ once u!$ate$ ++ woul$ be a&le to get eak see$s o! ?/ to

@/M&s on a limite$ &asis in those markets# 3owever, gven that ths s the theoretcal !ea*, theconnecton s!ee$ wll l*ely be sgn"cantly slower# Stll, t woul$ be much !aster than the stan$ar$

see$ o! aroun$ 0/M&s that customers #oul$ see on rival 6"8 net#orks#

S!rnt sa$ the networ* coul$ ncrease the s!ee$ over tme an$ that t s techncally !ossble to $elver a !ea* s!ee$ o" 2b!s over the ar#

)he com!any !lans to $e!loy S!ar* n 100 o" the naton<s largest ctes over the ne5t three years# Italrea$y sa$ t e5!ects to cover 200 mllon !eo!le by the en$ o" the year# S!rnt has bum!e$ ts estmateto 2@0 mllon !eo!le by the en$ o" 2014#

%urng a con"erence call earler to$ay, 3esse hnte$ at an announcement that woul$ te n wth tsunlmte$+"or+l"e o""erng# )he O"or l"eO !art coul$ be sgn"cant "or customers who hang on to getS!ar*# Because "or many !eo!le, t wll be a long wat#

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Srint Sark 9urrently ;elivers ?/-@/ Mega&it Per Secon$ Peak


Srint oise$ to $eliver the in$ustry's !astest #ireless net#ork see$s to

aro%imately 0// o! America's largest cities

&V/G.A% PAG, an#++BSI/SS -IG/C++=cto&er 1/2 ,/01++

S!rnt :S/;SC $emonstrate$ lve to$ay 1 gabt !er secon$ b!sC over+the+ar s!ee$ at ts lab nearSlcon Valley, al"# )hs was the hghlght o" a $ay that showcase$ the nnovaton an$ what<s !ossbleon the S!rnt networ* as the com!any unvele$ technology wth the !otental to sur!ass wreless s!ee$so" any #S# networ* !rov$er#

 ame$ S!rnt S!ar*, the su!er+hgh+s!ee$ ca!ablty $emonstrates @0+N0 Degabts !er secon$ Db!sC !ea* s!ee$s to$ay wth ncreasng s!ee$ !otental over tme# ven S!rnt<s s!ectrum an$ technologyassets, t s techncally "easble to $elver more than 2b!s !er sector o" over+the+ar s!ee$#

OS!rnt S!ar* s a combnaton o" a$vance$ ca!abltes, l*e 15, 25 an$ ?5 carrer aggregaton "or s!ee$,8)8G "or coverage, DID& "or ca!acty, )%% "or s!ectral e""cency, together wth the most a$vance$$evces o""erng both tr+ban$ ca!ablty an$ hgh+$e"nton voce "or the best !ossble customere5!erence,O sa$ %an 3esse, /& o" S!rnt#

S!rnt !lans to $e!loy S!rnt S!ar* n about 100 o" Amerca<s largest ctes $urng the ne5t three years,wth ntal avalablty n "ve mar*ets to$ay# S!rnt 4 .)/ servce wll be avalable by m$+2014 toa!!ro5mately 2@0 mllon Amercans, an$ S!rnt e5!ects 100 mllon Amercans wll have S!rnt S!ar*or 2#@3' coverage by the en$ o" 2014# )he "rst mar*ets wth lmte$ avalablty are ew :or*, .osAngeles, hcago, )am!a an$ Dam# )he "rst smart!hones wth S!rnt S!ar* ca!ablty are sche$ule$

"or customer avalablty n early ovember#

3ow S!rnt S!ar* wor*s

S!rnt S!ar* combnes 4 F%%1C +.)/ at 800 Degahert' D3'C an$ 1# gahert' 3'C an$ )%%1C+.)/ at 2#@3' s!ectrum, )%%+.)/ technology 2#@3'C, an$ carrer aggregaton n the 2#@3' ban$#)hese s!ectrum assets, technology an$ archtecture are $esgne$ to $elver a seamless customere5!erence va tr+ban$ wreless $evces# )r+ban$ $evces, name$ "or ther ablty to accommo$atemult!le s!ectrum ban$s, su!!ort actve han$+o"" mo$e between 800D3', 1#3' an$ 2#@3', !rov$ng $ata sesson contnuty as the $evce moves between s!ectrum ban$s#

S!rnt S!ar* com!onents

S!rnt s bul$ng the S!rnt S!ar* ca!ablty usng a un6ue combnaton o" s!ectrum ca!acty an$networ* technologes# )o$ay the com!any has a!!ro5mately @@,000 macro cell stes a level S!rnte5!ects stayng at "or the ne5t "ew years# )he com!any also antc!ates usng small cells to augmentca!acty, coverage an$ s!ee$# Small cell $eloyment is e%ecte$ to &egin in ,/02 continuing into

,/0? an$ &eyon$3

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Ga$o hea$s

A *ey ngre$ent enablng S!rnt S!ar* s e6u!ment com!atblty wth the archtecture o" the S!rntntatve *nown as etwor* Vson# Alcatel+.ucent, o*a Solutons an$ etwor*s an$ Samsung have been selecte$ to !rov$e 2#@3' ra$o hea$s an$ to enable S!rnt S!ar*# /ach com!any wll servce

a!!ro5mately one+thr$ o" S!rnt<s $e!loyment mar*ets# )hese 2#@3' ra$os are e5!ecte$ to haveca!abltes "or 8 )ransmtters 8 Gecevers 8)8GC, whch wll be a "rst $e!loyment o" ts *n$ n orthAmerca# )hese ra$os wll be ca!able o" m!rove$ coverage, ca!acty an$ s!ee$s when com!are$ to themore tra$tonal 2)2G or 4)4G ra$os use$ by our com!ettors#


S!rnt S!ar* comes to l"e "or customers va ther $evces# Bul$ng on etwor* Vson<s multmo$eca!ablty, S!rnt S!ar* s $esgne$ to accommo$ate all o" S!rnt<s s!ectrum ban$s on a sngle $evce#)hese tr+ban$ smart!hones are $esgne$ to gve users the best e5!erence by trans!arently sh"tng "romone ban$ to another, $e!en$ng on such "actors as locaton or ty!e o" a!!lcaton#

)he "rst tr+ban$ $evces wll be avalable to customers n the ne5t "ew wee*s an$ o""ere$ by 3), .an$ Samsung# For more n"ormaton on $evces, s!ec"catons an$ !rcng, see S!rnt#comnewsroom#

3ow t wll be use$

S!rnt S!ar* !rov$es the ca!acty to greatly m!rove the !er"ormance o" v$eo an$ other ban$w$th+ntensve a!!lcatons whle o!enng the way "or "uturstc a!!lcatons# )o$ay, wreless networ*s an$smart!hones can boo* "lghts, locate chl$ren, store !hotos an$ musc, v$eo chat an$ much more# S!rntS!ar* su!!orts a new generaton o" onlne gamng, vrtual realty, a$vance$ clou$ servces an$ othera!!lcatons re6urng very hgh ban$w$th# See how a!!lcatons l*e these coul$ sha!e "uture

l"estyles ++ OVson o" onnecte$ Doble ."estyle#OC

S!rnt<s new 4 .)/ networ* s a *ey com!onent o" ts etwor* Vson !rogram# S!rnt 4 .)/ nowcovers 2?0 mar*ets across the naton an$ s on trac* to serve 200 mllon !eo!le by the en$ o" ths yearan$ 2@0 mllon !eo!le by m$+2014# -hle both .)/ technologes brng sgn"cant enhancements nnetwor* s!ee$, the 2#@3' s!ectrum s crucal to the e5ce!tonal ca!acty, s!ee$ an$ "le5bltye5!ecte$ wth S!rnt S!ar*#

Also through etwor* Vson, S!rnt s u!gra$ng ts ? servces wth all+new e6u!ment to brng usersm!rove$ coverage, better sgnal strength, "ewer $ro!!e$ calls an$ m!rove$ voce 6ualty# )he etwor* Vson ? ca!ablty nclu$es 3gh %e"nton Voce to ma*e 3% calls S!rnt<s new stan$ar$ "or voce

6ualty# 3% Voce s a ne5t+generaton technology "or moble !hones where bac*groun$ nose svrtually elmnate$ an$ soun$ 6ualty s $ramatcally enhance$# S!rnt<s 3% Voce o""erng reachesa!!ro5mately 8@ mllon !eo!le across the S!rnt networ* to$ay, an$ the com!any e5!ects 2@0 mllonto have access to 3% Voce ca!ablty by m$+2014# S!rnt e5!ects 12 mllon 3% Voce $evces n thecustomer base by the en$ o" 201?, growng to 20 mllon by the en$ o" 2014#

In a$$ton to $emonstratng the 1b!s s!ee$s va over+the+ar wreless, S!rnt has also e5ten$e$ tslea$ersh! n wrelne s!ee$s by commercally $e!loyng one o" the longest 100b!s crcuts n the

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nte$ States# )hat lve transmsson re6ure$ no sgnal regeneraton over a $stance o" 2,100 *m, or1,?04 mles#

/ats !,n!t!n, Sar A loo !ns!e Sr!ntss'er.LTE networ  * evn Ftchar$ % hours ago O)t 30" 2013 - :%8 " "+1!-a-loo!-inside-sprints-super-lte-networ!/


print has )nall* tapped into the spectrum treasure trove that has sat dormant forso long in learwire. 9ts new 51; networ! is fast< $ut more importantl* it hasenormous amounts of pent-up capacit*.

print didnt =ust launch a new '> service toda* when it announced par!< it alsolaunched two new 51; networ!s< one of which has $een man* *ears in the ma!ingand should give prints nationwide competitors cause for concern.

 1hat networ! is the %. >( time-division 51; @1+-51;A deplo*ment started $*learwire $ac! in %0&&. 9t uses a fun!* of version of 51; that no other carrier in theB.. utili(es< and it runs on a spectrum $and most radio networ! engineers

consider atrocious for widespread and indoor coverage. ut it more than ma!es upfor those faults in sheer Cuantit* of freCuencies it uses.

print has more than &00 ( of %.>( in most cities< and while its not using allof the $andwidth for 51; toda*< its strung enough of those freCuencies together toproduce a s*stem averaging 0 $ps to 60 $ps on the downlin! D at leastaccording to prints mar!eting materials. 1o put that in perspective< the other twoplain-old 51; networ!s ma!ing up par! use &0 ( each and have theoreticalceilings of 37 $ps.

print is also $alancing out coverage and capacit*< using its 51; networ!s at &00

( and 800 ( @which occupies ,extels former spectrumA for coverage< whilepac!ing the wea!er 1+-51; cells into dense ur$an areas where capacit* is mostneeded.

A new see !n,

everal B.. 51; networ!s toda* are capa$le of $reeching the 0 $ps mar!<though most of them are averaging &0 $ps to %0 $ps. 9f print can reall* deliver

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average throughput of 0 $ps it will most certainl* ta!e the speed crown awa*from 141. s of now< though< par!s full capa$ilities are onl* in )ve cities D ,ew Eor!< 5os ngeles< 1ampa< iami and hicago D and its footprint in those cities islimited at that. 9t appears it will grow slowl* as well< covering &00 million people $*the end of %0&'.

nd print will soon face a challenger in Feri(on 2ireless< which is set to launch anew 51; networ! of its own using '0 ( of spectrum in man* cities. ;arl*sightings of that new networ! in ,ew Eor! it* are showing speeds of 80 $ps< $utonce launched commerciall* it ma* actuall* $e much faster.

ut print has a lot of $andwidth to wor! with. 9n la$ tests< print demoed toda* an51; lin! of & >$ps< speeds it said it could eventuall* $oost to % >$ps. 9tsaccomplishing this not onl* $* patching together all of its availa$le spectrum< $utalso using new 51;-dvanced techniCues li!e carrier aggregation and multiple pairsof antennas. 9ts unli!el* that an* user in the real world would ever see a &-% >$ps

mo$ile connection< $ut theres a lot more to this demo than mere $ragging rights.

 1hose !inds of la$ connection speeds spea! to the enormous pent-up capacit* inprints airwaves. s 9ve written $efore< print has long tal!ed a$out $uilding themother of all '> networ!s< $ut its never delivered. ,ow it seems as if its read* toma!e good on its promises.

o!a asserts !tsel 

prints 1+-51; networ!s were $uilt $* amsung< lcatel-5ucent and ,o!ia. 2hileamsung and lcatel arent surprises given their wor! on prints other + and

51; s*stems< ,o!ia is a shoc!er. 9t actuall* started wor! on print and learwiresoriginal 2iG networ!s D the predecessors to toda*s 1+-51; s*stems D $eforegetting !ic!ed oH the contract for failing to deliver its eCuipment on time.

 1his is a $ig deal for ,o!ia. 1hough a glo$al powerhouse in 51;< its $ig wea! spothas alwa*s $een the B.. efore the print deal< its onl* 51; contract of note waswith 1-o$ile. ,o!ia has long tal!ed up its 1+-51; technolog*< impl*ing it could usethe new 51; variant to outmatch its archrival ;ricsson. 9t appears that was morethan =ust tal!. ;ricsson has won a piece of ever* ma=or 51; contract in the B..except this one< even though its currentl* prints largest eCuipment vendor.

Srint a$$s ? 6"8 markets2 uts ressure on "-Mo&ile

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)he com!any now o""ers .)/ servce n 2?0 mar*ets aroun$ the S, >ust o"" the !ace o" )+Doble<s 2?? mar*ets#

 by %on Gesnger  

=cto&er ,<2 ,/01

S!rnt launche$ a ma>or e5!anson o" ts 4 .)/ coverage, the wreless carrer announce$ )ues$ay#

S!rnt rolle$ out t<s hgh+s!ee$ servce n 4@ new mar*ets, brngng ts total coverage to 2?0 mar*ets#Srint's rollout inclu$e$ arts o! Manhattan, Tueens, an$ Staten Islan$, whch "nally brngs ts 4.)/ coverage to all "ve boroughs o" ew :or* # &ther areas to see .)/ access turne$ on nclu$eAblene, )e5as, a!les, Fla#, an$ Ge$ Blu"", al"#

S!rnt has been slow to e5!an$ ts 4 .)/ coverage as t wor*s to overhaul ts wreless networ*# -th)ues$ay<s e5!anson, the carrer comes a long way n the ongong race "or .)/ coverage aroun$ the S#

O)o$ay<s announcement means that we are contnung our natonw$e networ* enhancements, tower bytower, to !rov$e even more S!rnt customers the s!ee$ an$ !ower o" S!rnt 4 .)/,O sa$ Bob A'',S!rnt<s senor vce !res$ent o" networ*, n a statement#

S!rnt s stll slghtly behn$ )+Doble, however, whch announce$ earler ths month that t<s nowcoverng 2?? mar*ets# Ver'on, the country<s lea$er n .)/ avalablty, has over @00 mar*ets# A)9) boasts that ts networ* s the "astest an$ most relable#

3ere<s a lst o" all o" the new S!rnt .)/ mar*ets#

at)/ o't ATT: #er!$ons new LTEnetwor (onster st!rs !n C * evn Ftchar$ O)t 14" 2013 - :&6 " "+1 Ict. &'< %0&3 - :&6 " "+1'/watch-out-att-veri(ons-new-lte-networ!-monster-stirs-in-n*c/

14 Co((ents 

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photo: ilan ilanovicummar*:Feri(ons dou$le-wide 51; networ! has made its )rst appearance in ,ew Eor! Dspotted $* a >igaI reader. loc!ing in at 80 $ps< the networ! is alread*speed*< $ut it li!el* will $e even faster when it oJciall* launches.

tweet ths

photo: ilan ilanovic141s 51; service has $een $eating Feri(ons '> networ! soundl* in performancetests D as an* a ell mar!eting exec will tell *ou if given half a chance D $ut theda*s are num$ered in which 141 can claim the title of countr*s fastest networ!.ince the past spring Feri(on 2ireless has $een planning a new 51; rollout thatwould put 141 or an* other B.. carriers networ! speeds to shame. nd thatnetwor! has Cuietl* popped up in ,ew Eor! it*.

>igaI reader and mo$ile networ! trac!er ilan ilanovic spotted Feri(ons

awa!ening $east in multiple locations in idtown anhattan. ilanovic happens to$e the t*pe of gu* who carries around a handheld spectrum anal*(er D and 9 lovehim for it D which shows the new 51; signals in the %.& >( dvanced 2irelesservices @2A $and. ut *ou dont have to own special hardware to see thenetwor! in action. 1he new 51; signals are registering on smartphones that support'> in that $and< such as those wor!ing on 1-o$iles networ!s< and ilanovic wasa$le to force his Feri(on i"hone s to connect to it.

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 1he results< according to Io!las peedtest app< were download connection speedsof 80 $ps and uplin! speeds of & $ps. Feri(on is a$le to achieve this $*dou$ling up on freCuencies. 9ts deplo*ing its new 51; s*stems in man* mar!ets ona full '0 ( of spectrum< ma!ing the new networ! twice as powerful as an*currentl* in the B.. Feri(on was a$le to piece together such a large piece ofspectral real estate $* $u*ing up all of the ca$le operators '> licenses last *ear.

2hile 80 $ps ma* seem impressive< !eep in mind this is a trial networ! with nocommercial users D real-world speeds will $e slower once the networ! is loaded. 9nfact< its actuall* Cuite surprising that the ilanovic didnt cloc! much faster datarates. '0-( 51; networ! theoreticall* supports &0 $ps on the download< andwhile hitting that theoretical ceiling is impossi$le< a single connection on anunloaded networ! should $e getting close to that mar!.

ilanovic h*pothesi(ed that either Feri(on is arti)ciall* restricting data rates orthat the )$er $ac!haul connecting the cell site to its networ! core isnt *etpowerful enough to support these $oosted speeds. oth explanations are plausi$le.ilanovic said he /as ,otten reorts o s!(!lar networ s!,/t!n,s ro(ot/er testers !n C/!)a,o an Los An,eles< though 9 wasnt a$le to con)rmthose reports. 9 reached out to Feri(on to as! a$out the networ! trials< $ut 9m stillwaiting to hear $ac!.

Kegardless< when this new networ! comes online< Feri(on will have a powerfulweapon to com$at 141 in the '> wars. 141s current 51; networ! is averaging&6.7 $ps< according to "ags most recent tests< and has a theoretical ceiling of 

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7 $ps. 141< unli!e Feri(on< doesnt have the spectrum necessar* to $uild afatter pipe< at least not in the near term. Ince Feri(on ta!es this networ! live Dand hopefull* drops its capacit* restrictions D well almost certainl* $e crowning anew '> speed !ing.

Berizon's rumore$ $eman$s may hel e%lain small cell


By Tammy Parker

Ver'on -reless  :S/;VJC wants to $e!loy small cells but only " they are ne5!ensve, accor$ng to

a recent rumor# I" true, that coul$ hel! e5!lan why the wreless n$ustry<s e5!ecte$ small cell ram!+u!

has not yet ha!!ene$ an$, n "act, *ee!s beng !ushe$ out#

%av$ 3owson, !res$ent o" sales an$ customer management at "ber bac*haul !rov$er Jayo rou!

commente$ $urng last wee*<s /thernet an$ S% /5!o that the "emale )& o" a ma>or #S# wreless

o!erator tol$ hm her com!any s on the hunt "or chea! small cells# 3s comment was re!orte$ by  %ig!t

 &eading , whch $e$uce$ that the o!erator must be Ver'on -reless as ts cola Palmer s the only

"emale )& at a )er 1 #S# o!erator#

Alternatvely, 3owson mght have been re"errng to A)9)<s rs Gnne, senor vce !res$ent networ*

an$ !ro$uct !lannng at A)9)  :S/;)C , but hs use o" the term O)&O sent s!eculaton bac* towar$

Ver'on# For ts !art, Ver'on nether con"rme$ nor $ene$ 3owson<s comments, wth a s!o*es!erson

tellng %ig!t &eading  that the o!erator Os not n a !oston to comment about elements o" our busness

strategy whch have not been !ublcly announce$#O

Palmer sa$ n February that Ver'on woul$ $e!loy 200 .)/ small cells ths year# In Day, the o!erator

ta!!e$ Alcatel+.ucent  AS%AT; A.C an$ /rcsson  AS%AT;/GIC to su!!ly ts .)/ small cells#

ay Brown, F& o" tower com!any rown astle Internatonal, hghlghte$ the ssue o" cost when tcomes to small cell $e!loyments n comments last month# S!ea*ng at an nvestor con"erence, he state$

that small cells are Cincre$i&ly e%ensive to $oC &ase$ uon the total cost o! $eloyment an$ sai$

oerators #ill only turn to small cells in locations #here macro sites cannot !ul!ill their nee$s #

ven that most wreless !rov$ers are stll testng an$ !lotng small cells, 3owson !re$cte$ small

roects #ill &e teste$ an$ $eloye$ in ,/0 n !re!araton "or more manstream $e!loyments n 201@#

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)hat tmelne s about a year later than many have been e5!ectng, an$ l*ely re"lects not >ust the cost

 but the com!le5ty o" ntegratng small cells nto e5stng wreless networ*s#

O)he large servce !rov$ers reman commtte$ to ther small cell $e!loyment !lans, but the ace o!

$eloyment is much slo#er than e%ecte$ $ue to a sa$ realty; Small cell an$ macrocell rollouts share

nothng n common,O sa$ Ste!hane )eral, !rnc!al analyst "or moble n"rastructure an$ carrer

economcs at In"onetcs Gesearch#

Accor$ng to )eral, because there s no Ocoo*e+cutter tem!lateO "or small cell $e!loyments, o!erators

are wrestlng wth new nternal busness !rocesses that can accommo$ate the $mnutve base statons,

ta*ng nto cons$eraton ssues such as "oot"all, bul$ng $mensons, bac*haul avalablty, an$ wreless


In"onetcs "orecasts the global small cell mar*et to grow at a 48 !ercent com!oun$ annual growth rate

AGC "rom 2012 to 201M, to U2#4 bllon

Ver'on an$ rval A)9) wll l*ely ta*e the lea$ n rollng out small cells n the nte$ States# In a

recent ntervew ohn %onovan, A)9) senor e5ecutve vce !res$ent o" technology an$ networ*

o!eratons, a$$resse$ A)9)<s aggressve !ush to $e!loy 40,000 more small cells by the en$ o" 201@

un$er ts Pro>ect Velocty IP VIPC# 3e sa$ A)9) ntally tres to "ll coverage ga!s by o!tm'ng

e5stng macro cell stes# I" that o!ton "als, the o!erator wll $e!loy small cells as sutable#

For more;

+ see t!is %ig!t &eading  artcle

+ see ths In"onetcs release 

Gelate$ artcles;

Small cell, %AS $e!loyments coul$ s!ee$ u! un$er new F rules

/rcsson goes a"ter enter!rse, %AS mar*et wth %ot

A)9)<s Vo.)/ e""orts stll n the lab

rown astle; ee$ "or more networ* ca!e5, tower s!ace s not gong away

Ver'on ta!s Alcatel+.ucent, /rcsson "or .)/ small cells

A)9) wll use small cells to strengthen Vo.)/ coverage

A)9)<s Gnne; Small cells, S& an$ Vo.)/ comng n 2012, 201?

Ver'on !rowlng "or .)/ roamng !artners, to $e!loy 200 .)/ small cells n 201?

Gea$ more about; small cells

Thin"1mallCell nter'iew with Arthr $ifta"is, Towerstream

Te #o%%o(i!" artic%e (as pub%ised o! Wed!esday, 2 1eptem!er 20+ 17:00 (((.ti!

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Writte! by =aid Cambers

WeKe eard a %ot about ma%% Ce%% osti!" serices i! 5urope but !ot tat muc i! oter cou!tries.

To(erstream as bee! Buiet%y bui%di!" up a port#o%io o# suitab%e sites #or urba! outdoor metroce%%sacross te , a!d (e spoe to Artur 8i#tais, 9> 5!"i!eeri!" a!d <peratio!s, to %ear! o( tat

came about.

His ie( co!trasts (it te street %ee%'%i"tpo%e o!%y dep%oyme!ts promoted i! oter cou!tries, seres

outdoor rater ta! i!doors, a!d su""ests (o%esa%e WiFi e*pa!di!" to mu%tioperator ce%%u%ar sma%%

ce%%s may be te %o!" term so%utio!.


Towerstream3s )ac"grond

Tis %isted compa!y TW5R:A=A-6 (as #ou!ded 10 years a"o to o##er #i*ed (ire%ess access

a!d as "ro(! to sere 1O marets across te , most%y by or"a!ic "ro(t but a%so trou" a #e(

acBuisitio!s e.". #iresa%es o# stru""%i!" sma%% %oca% #i*ed (ire%ess operators6. TeyKe bui%t a

compree!sie (ire%ess > bacbo!e (ic de%iers a!yti!" #rom 1$bps to 18bps #or busi!ess

customers, (it doub%e di"it Buarter%y ree!ue "ro(t.

Tey rece!t%y #ormed a !e( subsidiary compa!y, Hetets To(er Corporatio!, (ic is simi%ar to a

to(er re!ta% busi!ess a!d %eases space #or WiFi a!d ma%% Ce%%s i! urba! outdoor roo#top %ocatio!s.

Mo'ing into Wholesale Wi-Fi for data offload

SAs te i>o!e a!d oter smartpo!e tra##ic too o## a!d ce%%u%ar operator !et(ors started to become

capacity co!strai!ed, (e %ooed at o##eri!" a data o##%oad so%utio! to a%%eiate teir capacity issues.

 A#ter tria%s, (e sett%ed o! Rucus Wire%ess as our WiFi access poi!t part!er a!d ae become a

premier customer. We dep%oyed oer 200 pub%ic WiFi access poi!ts across $a!atta! #irst, a!d

mareted te serice to ce%%u%ar carriers, $<s a!d i!ter!et compa!ies.

SWe soo! #ou!d (e ad a cra+y !umber o# data sessio!s a!d tra##ic #%o(, a!d rea%ised tis (as a!

opportu!ity tat cou%d "ro( #ast. We #ocused o! site acBuisitio! o# roo#tops suitab%e #or bot WiFi a!dsma%% ce%%s V typica%%y 2D storey roo#tops. Tis as become a bit o# a S%a!d"rab sce!ario, (it premium

properties suc as at Times Buare stro!"%y i! dema!d. We !o( ae a%most 2,000 outdoor Access

>oi!ts dep%oyed across $a!atta!, a!d substa!tia% dep%oyme!ts i! $iami, Cica"o a!d a! Fra!cisco.

S*r wireless !ac"hal infrastrctre is a real differentiator  V most o# tese sites do!Kt ae #ibre

co!!ectio!s i! p%ace. We use sta!dard 400$bps poi!ttopoi!t micro(ae radios #rom =ra"o!(ae,

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i%u a!d Cera"o!, mea!i!" (e do!Kt ae a!y rea% bacau% capacity issues. 5ac site as its o(!

i" capacity 5ter!et s(itces, (it 24 or more 8i"5 ports eBuipped (it >o5 >o(er oer 5ter!et6

a%%o(i!" us to connect 'irtall( as man( de'ices as we want. 5ac site as p%e!ty o# access, space,

po(er a!d bacau% to meet our customersK !eeds.

So #ar, (e are #i!di!" our propositio! o# bei!" ab%e to proide premier %ocatio!s (it bacau% aai%ab%e

oer our #i*ed (ire%ess !et(or to be #air%y u!iBue

First to achie'e W)A C4 certification

STe WiFi roadba!d A%%ia!ce pub%ises sta!dards o! te tec!ica% a!d commercia% i!ter#aces

bet(ee! (o%esa%e a!d retai% WiFi serice proiders. We are proud to be te o!e o# te #irst to "ai!

!teroperabi%ity Comp%ia!ce >ro"ram C>6 certi#icatio!. Tis maes it muc easier to (o%esa%e WiFi

serices to a!y operator. tKs !o( a%most as strai"t#or(ard as setti!" up a!oter 8$ roami!"

a"reeme!t V the commercial and technical procedres are all in place.

SHotspot 2.0 a!d >asspoi!t (i%% a%so mae it easier a!d tra!spare!t #or customers to co!!ect trou"

erice >roider WiFi, (ic (i%% co!ti!ue to be a! importa!t compo!e!t o# a (ider paca"e o#

(ire%ess serices proided by !et(or operators.

i"e a tower compan(, !t for small cells

STere are seera% %ar"e a!d (e%% !o(! to(er site busi!esses, suc as America! To(er a!d Cro(!

Cast%e, (o o(! ma!y sites a!d pysica% to(ers across te cou!try. >eraps surprisi!"%y, tey ae

%ess pe!etratio! i! te urba! areas.

SWe effecti'el( operate li"e a tower compan(, renting space and power !t also !ac"hal in

capacit( increments of 0M!ps. <ur %ocatio!s are suitab%e #or sma%% ce%%s a!d WiFi access poi!ts i!

te urba! i" tra##ic areas.

2-+ store( rooftop sites rather than at street le'el

SWeKe bee! primari%y %ooi!" at 2 to D storey roo#tops, (ic #orm about EP o# our port#o%io, (it a

#e( #irst #%oor or a(!i!"s #or specia% situatio!s. We ae !ot used %i"t po%es'%ampposts because o#

po(er a!d bacau% issues.

Sei!" do(! %o( at street %ee% as ada!ta"es V te c%osest a!te!!a to a deice a%(ays (i!s V but te

#%ip side is i# you positio! at door ei"t, you (ou%d ae a muc sma%%er coera"e #ootpri!t. WeKe

#ou!d tat by usi!" Rucus Wire%ess a!d tai!" ada!ta"e o# teir smart a!te!!a tec!o%o"y usi!"

beam #ormi!", (e ca! aciee a %ar"er WiFi coera"e outdoors o# up to D00400 #eet radius ee! i!

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ery !oisy RF e!iro!me!ts. Tese A>s a!d%e !oise ery (e%%, reacti!" to i!ter#ere!ce a!d adapt

easi%y to a 2!d storey roo#top bui%di!" %ocatio!.

Sy co!trast, (eKe #ou!d some street %ee% %ocatio!s ca! become temporari%y b%oced by trucs pari!"


%'ol'ing to T% otdoor small cells net

S!itia% researc (it our part!ers i!dicates tat T5 sma%% ce%%s (ou%d be positio!ed o! te roo#tops (it

a!te!!as ti%ted do(! to aoid macroce%% i!ter#ere!ce.

SWe epect each of or sites to e'ol'e to host mltiple small cells from different operators ,

seri!" bot D8 a!d T5. ome o# tese ce%%s may ae a! e*ter!a% a!te!!a, a!d tereKs p%e!ty o#

space to support eiter mu%tip%e or sared sma%% a!te!!as o! te roo#%i!e.

So #ar, (eKe !ot see! muc i!terest i! D8 sma%% ce%%s V ere i! te , reBuireme!ts are #or T5 a!dpossib%y dua%mode WiFi'T5 products.

STimi!" a!d sy!c (i%% be importa!t #or T5 a!d is commo!%y proided usi!" 8>. Ho(eer ee! i!

outdoor $a!atta!, you are o#te! %imited to a sy ie( o# o!%y t(o sate%%ites (ic ca! become a

ca%%e!"e i! some %ocatio!s.

Carr(ing otdoor rather than indoor traffic

Sui%di!" co!structio! materia%s a!d i"er #reBue!cies used #or WiFi a!d ce%%u%ar mae it more di##icu%t

to pe!etrate si"!a%s i!to bui%di!"s #rom outdoors.

SToday, a %ar"e !umber o# macroce%%s dep%oyed i! do(!to(! $a!atta! are poi!ti!" i!to syscraper

bui%di!"s to sere tra##ic i!doors. Tis is!Kt sustai!ab%e, a!d (eKd e*pect more i!door capacity to be

i!sta%%ed i! te #uture. <!e metod i!o%es te %atest P8H+ WiFi #reBue!cy ba!d, (ic rare%y %eas

out #rom moder! bui%di!"s, reduci!" i!ter#ere!ce a!d a%%o(i!" #reBue!cy reuse bot i!side a!d outside.

5*r approach is to pro'ide capacit( otdoors in the street and we do not attempt to penetrate

inside !ildings from or otdoor deplo(ments.

9isit (((.ti! #or more i!#o.

1mall cell ramp won3t happen this (ear 

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Campbe%%, CAF<RA, *cto!er 6, 20+XTe%ecom maret researc #irm !#o!etics Researc re%easede*cerpts #rom its %atest Small Cell Equipment  maret si+e a!d #orecast report, (ic tracs D8 microce%%s,picoce%%s, a!d metroce%%s a!d 48 T5 mi!i eodes a!d metroce%%s.

A#A71T #*T%1

STe %ar"e serice proiders remai! committed to teir sma%% ce%% dep%oyme!t p%a!s, but te pace o#dep%oyme!t is muc s%o(er ta! e*pected due to a sad rea%ity: ma%% ce%% a!d macroce%% ro%%outs sare!oti!" i! commo!, e*p%ai!s tYpa!e TYra%, pri!cipa% a!a%yst #or mobi%e i!#rastructure a!d carriereco!omics at !#o!etics Researc.

TYra% co!ti!ues: S5ac tec!o%o"y reBuires its o(! i!ter!a% busi!ess processes, (ic ae bee! i! p%ace #or decades (it macroce%%s but ae to be bui%t #rom te "rou!d up #or sma%% ce%%s tai!" i!to co!sideratio!ti!"s %ie #oot#a%%, bui%di!" dime!sio!s, bacau% aai%abi%ity, a!d (ire%ess tec!o%o"y. Tere is !o cooiecutter temp%ate #or sma%% ce%% dep%oyme!tsZ

Coautor o# te report Ricard Webb, directi!" a!a%yst #or micro(ae a!d carrier WiFi at !#o!etics, adds:S8ie! tat serice proiders are i! te process o# retoo%i!" teir p%a! o# attac, (eKre !ot e*pecti!" te sma%%ce%% ramp to appe! i! 201D.

1MA C% MA89%T H$H$HT1

• <peratorsK cie# purpose #or dep%oyi!" sma%% ce%%s is to comp%eme!t a!d e!a!ce te macroce%% %ayer

#rom a capacity sta!dpoi!t, to e!ric te mobi%e broadba!d e*perie!ce

• e"i!!i!" i! 2014, 48 metroce%%s (i%% become te mai! "ro(t e!"i!e i! te sma%% ce%% maret, drie!

by i!bui%di!" dep%oyme!ts i! retai% ma%%s, stadiums, tra!sportatio! statio!s, ote%s, a!d ee!t e!ues

•  Asia >aci#ic is (ere te actio! is a!d (ere it (i%% stay trou" 2017: Te %ar"est macroce%% !et(or

de!sity, (it more ta! 100,000site #ootpri!ts, ca! be #ou!d i! Ci!a, apa!, a!d out ;orea

• !#o!etics #orecasts te "%oba% sma%% ce%% maret to "ro( to N2.4 bi%%io! by 2017

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:erion ma"es a forsome for #7C s!wa(/A1

Agst 2, 20+ Q

Read more: 9eri+o! maes a #oursome #or 3C sub(ay =A Fierceroadba!dWire%ess ttp:''(((.#iercebroadba!d('story'eri+o!maes#oursome!ycsub(aydas'201D021)i*++2c@tpED00 

Wit a #i!a%i+ed a"reeme!t #rom 9eri+o! Wire%ess 35:96, Tra!sit Wire%ess as !o( si"!ed a%% #our Tier 1 operators to its e( 3or City sub(ay distributed a!te!!a system =A6.

9eri+o! (i%% be"i! to i!sta%% its eBuipme!t i! Tra!sit/s base statio! #aci%ities oer te !e*t seera% (ees, (it a!eye to(ard e!ab%i!" 9eri+o! customers to start receii!" serice %ater tis year i! te DO statio!s a%ready o!%i!ei! midto(! $a!atta! a!d Ce%sea.

Tra!sit (as #ormed speci#ica%%y to respo!d to te $etropo%ita! Tra!sit Autority/s reBuireme!t to proide a sharedwireless infrastrctre to ena!le commercial wireless ser'ices #or te e( 3or City Tra!sit Autority3CTA6 riders (iti! 277 u!der"rou!d sub(ay statio!s. ! additio! to de%ieri!" (ire%ess serices to sub(aystrae%ers, Tra!sit e!isio!s te =A ena!ling localied !siness promotion and pro'iding a !ac"!one fordigital ad'ertising to e( 3or/s more ta! 1.O bi%%io! a!!ua% sub(ay riders.

Te compa!y/s sub(ay =A bui%dout (i%% be comp%eted i! see! pases, (ic are s%ated #or u%timate comp%etio!by Apri% 2017. >ase t(o o# Tra!sit/s =A pro@ect, (ic (i%% comprise 40 !e( statio!s i!c%udi!" 8ra!d Ce!tra%tatio!, is s%ated #or comp%etio! i! ear%y 2014.

! Apri%, Tra!sit a!!ou!ced tat its netral-host /A1 had alread( signed as anchor tenants AT&T ;#71%<T=and T-Mo!ile >1 ;#71%<TM>1=. 1print ;#71%<1= signed on last month. oi!"o Wire%ess is a%so usi!"Tra!sit/s =A to e*pa!d its spo!sored WiFi otspot o##eri!" (iti! te e( 3or City sub(ay system.

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Read more: 9eri+o! maes a #oursome #or 3C sub(ay =A Fierceroadba!dWire%ess ttp:''(((.#iercebroadba!d('story'eri+o!maes#oursome!ycsub(aydas'201D021)i*++2c@t"TR 

Mood(?s< 1print, AT&T T% rollots will!oost tower companies

Agst 2, 20+

Read more: $oody/s: pri!t, AT&T T5 ro%%outs (i%% boost to(er compa!ies Fierceroadba!dWire%ess ttp:''(((.#iercebroadba!d('story'moodysspri!tatt%tero%%outs(i%%boostto(ercompa!ies'201D021)i*++2c@sdsy 

ot pri!t 35:6 a!d AT&T 35:T6 are e*pected to dep%oy T5 o! tousa!ds o# additio!a% ce%% to(er sites,i!c%udi!" sites "ai!ed trou" acBuisitio!s a!d subseBue!t%y repurposed, (ic (i%% %i#t te bottom %i!es o#i!depe!de!t to(er compa!ies, accordi!" to a !e( report #rom $oody/s !estors erice.

Te rati!"s a"e!cy poi!ted to pri!t/s rece!t a!!ou!ceme!t tat it (i%% %au!c a !atio!(ide T=T5 !et(or usi!"2.P 8H+ spectrum #rom its !o( (o%%y o(!ed subsidiary C%ear(ire. =ue to te (ea propa"atio! caracteristics o# tat i"ba!d spectrum, pri!t said it (i%% !eed to dep%oy more sites beyo!d te D,000 et(or 9isio! sites tatit as a%ready mapped out.

pri!t/s strate"y sou%d be!e#it i!depe!de!t to(er compa!ies suc as America! To(er, Cro(! Cast%e!ter!atio!a% a!d A Commu!icatio!s, $oody/s said. t predicted eac (i%% e!@oy a boost i! 5T=A duri!" 2014due to pri!t/s actio!s.

?We e*pect tat pri!t (i%% repurpose te C%ear(ire to(er sites a!d add a! estimated 1P,000 to 1,000 ce%% to(ersites, (ic (i%% "e!erate i!creased %easi!" ree!ue tat te carrier pays to te to(er compa!ies,? says 8re"oryFraser, $oody/s ice preside!tse!ior a!a%yst. ?Tese !e( to(er sites (i%% rep%ace te 1O,P00 C%ear(ire sitesscedu%ed to be decommissio!ed a!d (i%% tere#ore e%imi!ate te ris tat %ost re!t #rom tose to(ers (ou%d !otbe rep%aced (it !e( re!ta% ree!ue.?

$oody/s assessme!t ecoes a! ear%ier researc !ote issued by e( treet Researc a!a%yst o!ata! Cap%i!,(o predicted pri!t/s tota% ce%% site cou!t (i%% i!crease to some(ere bet(ee! P0,000 a!d O0,000 sites, moreta! o##setti!" disco!!ects o# o%d C%ear(ire sites.

$oody/s a%so said tat o!ce AT&T acBuires eap Wire%ess A=A-:5A>6, it ?may tae simi%ar steps to tose o# 

pri!t,? (ic (i%% %ie(ise be!e#it i!depe!de!t to(er #irms. AT&T is e*pected to #urter its T5 dep%oyme!t bytai!" ada!ta"e o# eap/s u!deruti%i+ed spectrum o! rou"%y 1P,000 to 20,000 sites, i!c%udi!" te E,700 %easedsites AT&T (i%% "ai! trou" buyi!" te re"io!a% carrier.

 AT&T a!!ou!ced o! u%y 12 tat it i!te!ds to pay N1.2 bi%%io! #or eap. Te dea% is e*pected to c%ose i! te !e*tsi* to !i!e mo!ts.

3esterday, AT&T disc%osed te !ames o# P0 additio!a% marets (ere it i!te!ds to dep%oy T5 by year/s e!d,bri!"i!" its tota% T5 coera"e to more ta! 400 marets a!d !ear%y 270 mi%%io! ><>s. Te operator a%readyproides T5 coera"e to more ta! D70 marets (it 22P mi%%io! ><>s.

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! oember 2012, AT&T a!!ou!ced >ro@ect 9e%ocity > or >ro@ect 9>6, trou" (ic it (i%% e*pa!d its T5!et(or to D00 mi%%io! coered ><>s by te e!d o# 2014 a!d dep%oy more ta! 10,000 !e( macroce%%s, 60,000small cells a!d 1,000 distributed a!te!!a systems =A6 trou"out its !et(or.

For more: see tis $oody/s re%ease

see tis AT&T re%ease

4rogress report<  A s!apsot o# .. T5 dep%oyme!ts i! 201D

Re%ated artic%es:pdated: T$obi%e is #ue%i!" $etro>C/ re!aissa!ce, (i%% AT&T do te same #or eapGpri!t puses bac et(or 9isio! comp%etio! date to mid2014

 A!a%yst: pri!t/s !atio!(ide 2.P 8H+ T5 !et(or cou%d be boo! #or to(er compa!ies

Could “T-Rays” Rescue Our “Wireless Economy” From the Broadband

Abyss?Posted By Elizabeth Carney On August 6, 201 ! 6"2# $m

%n Elizabeth Carney,Energy,%nternet,&obile Te'hnology,Te'hnology (to'ks,Tele'om )

9f *oure loo!ing for a relentless technolog* growth trend< loo! no further than the mo$ilerevolution.2eve covered it man* times $efore< and some of the forecasts are mind-$oggling. LorexampleM* %0&< an estimated & billion mo$ile devices will $e in use worldwide. 1hats twodevices for ever* man< woman and child. 1here are< of course< implications to such rapid growth.2ith so man* more devices connected to the we$< data usage is going to explode.9n fact< its alread* happeningM

Can You ay “!ata O"erload?”

*e already 'reated 2+ zettabytes -a zettabyte is one .uadrillion gigabytes/ o digital data in 2012, a''ordingto resear'h irm, %C+ To $ut that in $ers$e'tie, the entire 3orld 3ide 3eb totaled 0+# zettabytes as re'entlyas 2004+

(ui'e it to say, the data inrastru'ture is bu'kling under the $ressure, 3ith AT#T -T 51/ re$orting that mobiledata 'onsum$tion on its net3ork has ro'keted 2#0 times higher in 7ust ie years+

*orse8 by 201#, that 2+9zettabyte number is e:$e'ted to double+ And a 2,000; surge in global 3eb trai'

is $ro7e'ted by 2020+

As more $hones, tablets, 'ars and een 3at'hes go online, ho3 the he'k are 3e going to handle all this datageneration<

Behold$ the %o&er o' T-Rays

(ome hae suggested au'tioning o band3idth to the highest bidder+ But a better solution may be to e:$lorelesser9kno3n $arts o the ele'tromagneti' s$e'trum+

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($e'ii'ally, the rarely used terahertz -T=z/ re.uen'y might be the ans3er+ That>s be'ause there>s 0 timesmore band3idth aailable in the T=z region than in the entire allo'ated radio s$e'trum+

?esear'hers rom the @niersities o Cambridge, eeds and @niersity College ondon 3ere re'ently grantednearly 10 million to e:$lore the 'ommer'ial iability o the terahertz re.uen'y+ (ays Program ire'tor, Al3yn(eeds, This $rogram 3ill enable us to address the T=z s$e'trum 3ith the same $re'ision and sensitiity as is$ossible 3ith radio re.uen'ies, leading to this underused $art o the ele'tromagneti' s$e'trum inallya'hieing its ull s'ientii' and 'ommer'ial $otential+D 

A loty goal, indeed+

But there are other adantages to T9?ays,D as they>re kno3n+

or a start, unlike F9rays, they don>t a$$ear to be harmul to human tissue+ And they boast a range oa$$li'ations G rom homeland se'urity -or e:am$le, the millimeter 3ae body s'anners used in air$orts relyon T9?ays/, to medi'al s'anning, to dete'ting ake art+

T9?ays are also making an a$$earan'e in la3 enor'ement+ Be'ause they 'an $enetrate long distan'es, a T9?ay s'anner 'an .ui'kly s3ee$ a 'ro3d or guns or e:$losie 'hemi'als and $enetrate 3alls during sting

o$erations+ The HIP has already de$loyed a multimillion dollarD ersion o the s'anner mounted on a tru'k+The s'anner 'omes rom British se'urity 'om$any, !i(ital Barriers -JB+ 52/+

Com)anies Ridin( the Wa"e

amsun( is already looking to the T=z re.uen'y or the #J net3ork o the uture+ As my 'olleague, ouisBasenese, 3rote in &ay, (amsung announ'ed that it had su''essully deelo$ed #J te'hnology 5+ The'om$any is using the T=z band to transmit data 100 times faster  than 'urrent KJ net3orks oer 'om$arabledistan'es+ That means you 'ould do3nload and send huge iles -like high9de moies/ in 7ust se'onds+(amsung aims to roll out the ne3 net3ork by 2020+

%n addition, *B+ -%B& 5K/ has deelo$ed a stable mi'ro'hi$ the size o a $enny in the T=z s$e'trum+ (u'h abreakthrough means that 'urrent terahertz uses 'ould get mu'h smaller in s'ale+ (o those intimidatings'anners at air$orts 'ould be transormed into a 3and+ A 'hi$ this size 'ould also make its 3ay intosmart$hones seeral years rom no3+

+icroso't -&(T 5#/ sees a uture or T9?ays inside 9 $rinting+ %n 'on7un'tion 3ith Carnegie &ellon,&i'rosot ?esear'h has deelo$ed %nra(tru'tsD G a tagging system that harnesses T9?ays to read embeddedtags inside 9 $rinted ob7e'ts+ The adantage is that the system doesn>t disru$t the $rint 7ob and, unlike aL? 'ode 56 or ?% tag, it 'an be hidden rom ie3+ %t 'ould also allo3 hobbyists 3ith 9 $rinters to identiyand 'onne't their $rinted ob7e'ts to the internet o eerythingD as soon as they>re made+

As the te'hnology matures, the resear'hers beliee %nra(tru'ts 'ould be used or a range o othera$$li'ations+ or e:am$le, kee$ing tra'k o inentory, enabling systems to sense ob7e'ts -een i they>resta'ked or hidden rom ie3/, hel$ing robots to re'ognize and dierentiate bet3een ob7e'ts, or en'odinginormation into 'ustom gaming a''essories+

There are a e3 dra3ba'ks 3ith ta$$ing the terahertz re.uen'y, ho3eer+ Hamely, the 'urrent ma'hinery is.uite bulky and uses a sizeable amount o $o3er+ That>s 3hy the @+(+ Hay>s Oi'e o Haal ?esear'h islooking to gra$hene as a 'ondu'ting material+ As % e:$lained re'ently, gra$hene is a great 'ondu'tor o bothele'tri'ity and heat 5M+ And des$ite being ultra9light, it>s also the strongest material on Earth G and its su$er9strong $ro$erties make it an e:'ellent 'ontender or ei'iently harnessing T9?ays+

@ltimately, though, T9?ays 'ould ra$idly re$la'e F9rays+ Ho more ear oer F9ray e:$osure at the air$ort+ Homore lead dra$e at the dentist>s oi'e+ %n a't, those t3o reasons alone might be reason enough to embra'ethe terahertz s$e'trumN

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Ahead o the ta$e,

Elizabeth Carney

Arti'le $rinted rom Te'h %nnoation aily" htt),&&&.techandinno"

@? to arti'le" htt),&&&.techandinno"

AT&T hints at !ig news to !e annonced @l(

@l( 0, 20+

Read more: AT&T i!ts at bi" !e(s to be a!!ou!ced u%y 1O FierceWire%ess ttp:''(((.#ierce('story'atti!tsbi"!e(sbea!!ou!ced@u%y1O'201D0710)i*++23BBArF 

 AT&T $obi%ity 35:T6 !oti#ied members o# te media yesterday tat it (i%% be a!!ou!ci!" !e(s o! u%y 1O. Teemai% teaser i!ited us to ?8et ready #or (at/s !e*t i! (ire%ess? o! u%y 1O a!d i!c%uded a bu!c o# testimo!ia%sabout te compa!y/s T5 !et(or.

 A%tou" tere (as %itt%e detai% about (at te u%y 1O a!!ou!ceme!t (i%% e!tai%, a! AT&T spoesma! said tecompa!y (i%% !ot be osti!" a! ee!t, @ust mai!" a! a!!ou!ceme!t. ecause o# te testimo!ia%s about AT&T/s!et(or, it/s %ie%y te !e(s (i%% i!o%e te operator/s !et(or. AT&T as said it (i%% dep%oy T5 Ada!ced tisyear a!d carrier a""re"atio!, (ic is o!e compo!e!t o# T5 Ada!ced, is topo#mi!d #or te compa!y.

! a! i!terie( %ate %ast year, ;ris Ri!!e, e*ecutie ice preside!t o# !et(or tec!o%o"y at AT&T abs, said tecompa!y (i%% #irst dep%oy carrier a""re"atio! i! te 700 $H+ a!d AW spectrum a!d te! i! te 700 $H+ a!d1E00 $H+.

<# course, AT&T is!/t te o!%y .. operator moi!" to T5 Ada!ced. ast mo!t, 9eri+o! Wire%ess 35:96a!!ou!ced tat its T5 !et(or is !o( ?substa!tia%%y? comp%ete, coeri!" more ta! EE perce!t o# its D8 #ootpri!t.! additio!, te compa!y/s cie# !et(or o##icer, ico%a >a%mer, co!#ide!t%y said 9eri+o! (i%% %ead i! T5 Ada!ceda!d (i%% %ie%y dep%oy carrier a""re"atio! ?(ere (e !eed it a!d (e! (e !eed it.?

Read more: AT&T i!ts at bi" !e(s to be a!!ou!ced u%y 1O FierceWire%ess 


Frontier, Fair4oint, others find new wholesale life with wireless!ac"hal

u%y E, 201D

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 As (ire%ess operators e*pa!d teir 48 T5 ro%%outs i!to seco!dary a!d tertiary marets, (ere tey te!d to ae

%itt%e, i# a!y, (ire%i!e #aci%ities, the( ha'e trned to a host of independent telcos for wireless !ac"hal


Tae 9eri+o! Wire%ess 35: 96. ico%a >a%mer, cie# !et(or o##icer, said tat its T5 !et(or is ?substa!tia%%y

comp%ete? (it coera"e i! more ta! P00 marets a!d 2E mi%%io! ><>s !atio!(ide. t a!ticipates tat T5 tra##ic

(i%% "ro( si* to see! times i! te !e*t #e( years.

Tese bui%douts ae created a !e( (o%esa%e serice opportu!ity #or Tier 2 a!d Tier D te%cos, (ic are appy toproide te same #iber a!d 5ter!etbased bacau% serices tat are typica%%y o!%y aai%ab%e i! %ar"er Tier 1cities.

ie te top #our (ire%i!e te%cos, te di##ere!ces bet(ee! members o# tis se"me!t ary (ide%y i! terms o# si+ea!d #ocus.

Te %ar"est Tier 2 te%cos, Fro!tier asdaB: FTR6 a!d Fair>oi!t asdaB: FR>6, ae %au!ced a""ressie(ire%ess bacau% !et(or e*pa!sio!s tat spa! mu%tip%e states.

Fair>oi!t a!!ou!ced it (ou%d bri!" #iber a!d 5ter!et serices to about 1,00 to(ers i! its e( 5!"%a!d #ootpri!t,(i%e simu%ta!eous%y e*pa!di!" its retai% a!d (o%esa%e 5ter!et capabi%ities i!to oter areas i!c%udi!" osto!.

ie(ise, Fro!tier proides bacau% serices i! te 27 states it seres. Wit te i!te"ratio! o# te 9eri+o! (ire%i!eassets it purcased i! 2010 comp%eted, te te%co %ast year be"a! e*pa!di!" its bacau% capabi%ities to support100 $bps a!d #uture dema!ds #or P00 $bps.

Te!, tere are sma%%er te%cos suc as e!a!doa Te%ecommu!icatio!s asdaB: H56 a!d Ha(aiia! Te%comasdaB: HC<$6. e!te% mai!%y proides bacau% to its o(! (ire%ess !et(or a!d oter to(er compa!ies oerits #iber !et(or i! 9ir"i!ia a!d West 9ir"i!ia, (i%e Ha(aiia! Te%com proides serices o! te Ha(aiia! s%a!ds.

! te seco!d i!sta%%me!t o# our #ourpart FTTT series, (e e*ami!e o( te top see! i!depe!de!t 5Cs aretac%i!" te (ire%ess bacau% opportu!ity a!d te u!iBue ca%%e!"es tey #ace.

 A%so, cec out te #irst report i! our (ire%ess bacau% series: AT&T, 9eri+o!, oters o!e teir (ire%ess bacau%si%%s.

Read more: Fro!tier, Fair>oi!t, oters #i!d !e( (o%esa%e %i#e (it (ire%ess bacau% FierceTe%ecom  ttp:''((('specia%reports'#ro!tier#airpoi!toters#i!d!e((o%esa%e%i#e(ire%essbacau%)i*++23(>T" 

8eport< Ca!le companies will deplo( 20,000 Wi-Fi

hotspots !( mid-206

u%y , 201D Q y ue $are

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Cab%e $<s are p%a!!i!" a bi" pus i!to te WiFi space as a (ay to e*te!d teir broadba!d

#ootpri!t a!d add more a%ue to teir cab%e paca"es. Accordi!" to a researc report #rom

Heay Readi!", .. cab%e #irms (i%% dep%oy more ta! 2P0,000 WiFi otspots by mid2014,

a! i!crease o# more ta! O0 perce!t o! te curre!t i!sta%%ed base.

 Accordi!" to Heay Readi!", te cab%e i!dustry as a%ready spe!t more ta! N17P mi%%io! i!dep%oyi!" WiFi otspots, a!d tat (i%% %ie%y doub%e to NDP0 mi%%io! by mid2014. Curre!t%y, te

cab%e compa!ies ae dep%oyed about 174,000 WiFi otspots trou"out te !ited tates,

(ic is up #rom te 1P0,000p%us otspots dep%oyed by te members o# te Cab%eWiFi

roami!" a%%ia!ce, (ic i!c%udes Comcast, Time War!er Cab%e, Co* Commu!icatio!s,

Cab%eisio! a!d ri"t House et(ors.

Te cab%e i!dustry/s a""ressie moeme!t i!to WiFi is!/t surprisi!". <er te past #e(

mo!ts, ma@or cab%e compa!ies %ie Time War!er Cab%e, Comcast a!d Co* ae a%% made

a!!ou!ceme!ts about p%a!s to dep%oy WiFi i! teir serice areas.

For (ire%ess operators, te cab%e i!dustry/s "ro(i!" WiFi #ootpri!t cou%d be used #or WiFi

o##%oadi!". Ho(eer, some be%iee tat te cab%e i!dustry/s (idespread dep%oyme!t o# WiFi

!et(ors coup%ed (it !e( roami!" tec!o%o"ies cou%d disrupt te curre!t (ire%ess


ast mo!t, e##eries a!a%yst Tomas eit+ (rote i! a researc !ote tat e be%iees te cab%e

i!dustry (i%% e!ter te (ire%ess maret i! a disruptie, WiFi'$9< ma!!er. Tese e##orts, e

said, coup%ed (it >asspoi!t Hotspot 2.0 tec!o%o"y tat supports ce%%u%arWiFi roami!",

cou%d a%%o( cab%e compa!ies to cut i!to a (ire%ess i!dustry curre!t%y domi!ated by te %ies o# AT&T $obi%ity 35:T6 a!d 9eri+o! Wire%ess 35:96 as ear%y as !e*t year.

Read more: Report: Cab%e compa!ies (i%% dep%oy 2P0,000 WiFi otspots by mid2014 FierceWire%ess 



ubscribe at FierceWire%ess

9a&le Wi-Fi on a Hot Streak 

Duly /?2 ,/01  Alan Bre'nc*  

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I" you thought #S# cable o!erators ha$ alrea$y $e!loye$ lots o" -+F hots!ots, you an<tseen nothn< yet#

)hat<s one o" the conclusons o" a recent re!ort "rom Heavy &eading , whch !re$cts that cable hots!otgrowth wll contnue a!ace as DS&s scramble to e5ten$ ther broa$ban$ networ*s wrelessly, a$$ more

value to ther cable !ac*ages an$ guar$ aganst !otental encroachment by over+the+to! &))C v$eo !layers#

)he 3eavy Gea$ng able In$ustry Ins$er  re!ort, 'rom (ired to (ireless) Cale *ses (i-'i to +#tend ,ts &eac!, !ro>ects that the #S# cable n$ustry wll $e!loy more than 2@0,000 -+F hots!ots by m$+2014, an ncrease o" more than N0 !ercent on the current nstalle$ base#

)he re!ort also estmates that the cable n$ustry has alrea$y sun* more than U1M@ mllon n ca!tale5!en$tures nto $e!loyng -+F hots!ots $urng the !ast cou!le o" years# Heavy &eading  e5!ects thattotal to $ouble to more than U?@0 mllon by m$+2014 as the $e!loyment !ace !c*s u! "urther#

O-+F has gven cable a vtal entry !ont nto wreless,O sa$ rag .e$$y, a Heavy &eading  contrbutng analyst who authore$ the re!ort, n an emale$ res!onse to 6uestons# OWe !oun$ that the

maor MS=s are aggressively $eloying hotsots an$ #e e%ect that their role in #ireless #ill

continue to gro#3 For #ire$ service rovi$ers2 #ireless has &ecome an imerative #O

In$ee$, >ust n the !ast month, omcast, )me -arner able an$ o5 ommuncatons have allannounce$ aggressve new $e!loyments o" -+F n ther servce terrtores#

In the latest nstance, )me -arner sa$ t wll nstall 10,000 hots!ots throughout ts ew :or* tyservce area by the en$ o" the year, u! "rom about 2,000 hots!ots now#

As a result, cable o!erators have now $e!loye$ more than 1M4,000 hots!ots throughout the #S#,accor$ng to the latest $ata trac*e$ by Heavy &eading # )hat<s u! notceably "rom the 1@0,000+!lushots!ots that the "ve bg DS& members o" the able-F roamng allance ++ omcast, )me -arnerable, o5, ablevson Systems an$ Brght 3ouse etwor*s ++ re!orte$ at the able Show n-ashngton, %## >ust last month#

ablevson lea$s the way wth more than 80,000 hots!ots $e!loye$ n the greater ew :or* metro area#omcast, whch recently unvele$ !lans to convert wreless mo$em gateways n ts customers< homesnto -+F Oneghborhoo$O hots!ots, "ollows wth more than @8,000 hots!ots rolle$ out throughout ts ortheastern, m$+Atlantc, Atlanta, hcago an$ al"orna mar*ets# See omcast )urns 3omes nto3ots!ots#C

)he Heavy &eading  re!ort also !onts out, however, that cable o!erators "ace numerous techncal an$o!eratonal challenges n e5ten$ng ther -+F reach "urther# )hese challenges nclu$e 6ualty o"servce, scalablty an$ securty, wth servce 6ualty !robably to!!ng the lst#

O-+F s an unlcense$, best+e""ort technology that "aces tra""c congeston an$ 6ualty ssues as !ublchots!ots mult!ly,O .e$$y sa$# OSo the nghtmare "or cable o!erators s " they roll out hots!ots,

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 !romote moble broa$ban$ an$ out+o"+home v$eo ca!abltes an$ then the -+F servce >ust $ownrghtsuc*s Wan$X customers can<t get access#O

In a$$ton, .e$$y "n$s "ault wth the "ve bg cable !artners "or not $ong more to ta*e a$vantage o"ther able-F cross+DS& roamng ca!ablty so "ar# For e5am!le, he note$, although able-F s

avalable across the ew :or* an$ .os Angeles areas, "ew cable broa$ban$ customers are actuallyaware o" t yet# O)he DS&s nee$ to combne more hots!ots an$ $o more !romoton to rase awarenesso" able-F,O he sa$#

Bur .e$$y e5!ects that stuaton to m!rove as such technologcal enhancements as 3otS!ot 2#0 an$other emergng -+F ca!abltes are m!lemente$, enablng more seamless roamng across wrelessnetwor*s# O)hen you mght see DS&s !ay more attenton to !romotng able-F as a metro!oltan,regonal or even natonw$e servce,O he sa$#

Although they now mostly o""er -+F servce "or "ree, .e$$y also beleves that cable o!erators have theo!!ortunty to generate revenues "rom the servce# 3e sa$ DS&s have the !otental to sell $aly servce

to non+cable customers, u!sell hgh+s!ee$ Internet ters an$ a$$ revenue+!ro$ucng busness a!!s an$servces# In a$$ton, he sees "nancal !romse n DS&s o""loa$ng smart!hone $ata tra""c onto ther-+F networ*s, much as they alrea$y $o wth cellular bac*haul tra""c#

"ime is right !or Wi-Fi integration

Dune ,2 ,/01

Soarng $eman$ "or $ata s boostng the case "or -+F ntegraton n heterogeneous networ*s as ameans "or o!erators to ease the bur$en on ther cellular networ*s, an$ o""er subscrbers guarantee$levels o" servce# )he theory s sm!le# /mbe$$ng -+F nto a heterogeneous networ* allows o!erators to use thenetwor* n con>uncton wth ? an$ 4 networ*s# )he networ* steers consumers to the best ra$o accesstechnology avalable base$ on real+tme analyss o" tra""c -hle the ablty to smoothly move subscrbers between ra$o access technologes s one clear bene"t o" 

-+F ntegraton, t s not the only one# Doble o!erators can also use the technology to boost coveragen areas where ther cellular networ*s are wea*, such as n$oors# An$res )orres, strategc mar*etng manager "or South /ast Asa an$ &ceana at /rcsson, notes the lowout!ut !ower o" -+F e6u!ment, combne$ wth ts use o" the @+3' "re6uency, o""ers hun$re$s o"D3' o" a$$tonal s!ectrum, ma*ng -+F 7a !er"ect technology to use "or both n$oor an$ out$oorshort range $e!loyments# 3e also notes that a growng number o" $evces now ncor!orate -+F ch!s,

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 !rov$ng o!erators wth a$$tonal subscrber o!!ortuntes beyon$ the obvous smart!hones an$tablets# )he growng avalablty o" $evces can only a$$ to the current surge n $eman$ "or moble $ata#/rcsson(s annual Doblty Ge!ort, !ublshe$ early une, shows moble $ata tra""c ht >ust un$er 1,N00

 !etabytes n 1T1?, $ouble that o" 1T12, an$ !re$cts tra""c o" at least 10 e5abytes !er month n 201M Ethe ma>orty o" whch wll be v$eo tra""c# ABI Gesearch also !re$cts surgng $ata tra""c, notng the "gure rose NH year+on+year n 2012# It"orecasts tra""c wll ht 2?,000 !etabytes ths year, an$ at least 1?1,000 !etabytes n 2018# a*e Saun$ers, vce !res$ent an$ !ractce $rector "or core "orecastng at ABI Gesearch, says mobleo!erators have several o!tons to han$le the growng $ata tra""c, however, he notes that by en$ 1T1?7only a han$"ul ha$ commtte$ to a small+cell strategy ncor!oratng -+F hots!ots an$ 4 .)/ basestatons# )hose carrers are mostly base$ n Asa Pac"c, wth So"tban*, )) %ooDo, S )elecom,an$ ) among those !ursung a 7com!rehensve small cell strategy#

 In"orma )elecoms 9 De$a !rnc!al analyst, %mtrs Davra*s, a$$s Vo$a"one to the lst, notngthe "rm began tralng small cells combnng ?, 4 an$ -+F n Darch# 3e !re$cts !ublc accesssmall cells n busy urban areas wll become 7one o" the $e"nng moble networ* tren$s n the comngyears, an$ that ven$ors that succee$ n the mar*et 7are gong to wn the lon(s share o" small cellrevenues# Gecent research by "rm "or the Small ell Forum shows the number o" nstalle$ small cell unts nowstan$s at close to 11 mllon, an$ "orecasts the number wll ht 2 mllon n 201N# It also t!s the valueo" the small cell mar*et to ht U22 bllon by 201N# 9onsumers come !irst

-+F ntegraton o""ers the !otental to match consumer(s e5!ectatons o" broa$ban$ access# )he !ublc(s habts have been "orme$ n the all+you+can+eat worl$ o" "5e$ nternet, meanng they e5!ect thesame level o" servce on moble networ*s# /rcsson(s )orres sa$ $evelo!ments nclu$ng 3ots!ot 2#0 Ea new -FA -+F $evce stan$ar$ $esgne$ to sm!l"y $scovery o", an$ access to, the networ*s E an$SID authentcaton are a$ng -+F(s cause, wth the latter ma*ng ver"caton on -+F networ*s 7assm!le an$ secure as t s on current ?PP mobleC networ*s# -hle 3ots!ot 2#0 goes some way to a$$ressng -+F ntegraton, )orres argues that the stan$ar$ alonecan(t o""er carrers the same ablty to control ra$o access technology selecton as embe$$ng -+F, because the new stan$ar$ can(t co!e wth the ra!$ changes smart!hones can nee$ to ma*e n accesstechnology# 7)he networ* s the entty that shoul$ be ma*ng ths WaccessX $ecson by steerng the tra""c to the mosta!!ro!rate ra$o technology, base$ on the networ*(s un$erlyng *nowle$ge o" !er"ormance across$""erent connectvty alternatves at any gven tme# )hs ma*es much more sense as the networ* *nows both the stuaton on the cellular s$e an$ the -+F s$e an$ also has n"ormaton about usersubscr!tons, servces an$ locaton# 

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7-hat s m!ortant wth the networ*+centrc a!!roach s that t s han$le$ by the o!erator(s GA# )orres says /rcsson(s a!!roach s $""erent to that o" other ven$ors, because t a$vocates !uttng thenetwor* n control o" steerng moble $ata tra""c, rather than en$+user $evces# In$ee$, the ven$orclams to be the only "rm su!!lyng real+tme steerng o" tra""c on cellular networ*s wth ntegrate$ -+

F# arrers( ntegraton e""orts may well be booste$ by the ?PP(s recent stan$ar$'aton o" the S2a+)P base$ nter"ace "or anchorng IP a$$resses n the core networ*# &!erators that have alrea$y nveste$ nthe stan$ar$ can utl'e t "or -+F users, meanng subscrbers( $evces $on(t nee$ to ac6ure a new IPa$$ress when they swtch access technology# 5usiness &ene!its

)he man bene"t o" ntegratng -+F nto cellular networ*s s m!rovng networ* !er"ormance# Arecent stu$y "rom /rcsson reveals that ?0H o" smart!hone users e5!erence !roblems $aly when web browsng or usng a!!s# )he "gure $oubles when measure$ on a wee*ly bass#

  etwor* !er"ormance s one o" the $rvers o" loyalty "or a moble o!erator, accor$ng to the "rm(sresearch, an$ m!rovng the 6ualty can have twce the m!act on loyalty com!are$ to m!rovng areassuch as customer su!!ort# Im!rove$ loyalty wll have obvous bene"ts on subscrber churn, but ntegrate$ -+F has more to o""er# arrers can o""er mult!le busness mo$els by uses vrtual access !onts, whch enable a sngle !hyscalaccess !ont to !rov$e several secure an$ n$e!en$ent bran$e$ -+F servces to subscrbers# )hose canalso be o""ere$ to other networ* o!erators an$ busnesses as a manage$ servce# )he managementelement also o!ens the $oor to !rov$ng servces to large venues or "or s!ecal events, base$ on a "5e$"ee, a consum!ton base$ tar"", or even s!onsorsh! $eals# &ther o!tons "or moble o!erators nclu$e !ac*agng -+F access nto subscr!ton bun$les, an$ sellngwholesale access to other carrers, or local authortes see*ng to o""er -+F hots!ots# Future $eveloments

In a$$ton to 3ots!ot 2#0 an$ S2a+)P, the ?PP s also wor*ng to e5!an$ current Access etwor*%etecton an$ Selecton Functon A%SFC ca!abltes to -+F# A%SF s a commonly $e!loye$ corenetwor* !olcy en"orcement tool, so the goal s to e5ten$ t to cover $evces accessng -+F networ*s by enablng the networ* to $strbute !olces to en$+user e6u!ment# )orres says /rcsson has $emonstrate$ A%SF at the Doble -orl$ ongress 201? last February an$ !re$cts the "rst com!atble $evces wll a!!ear n 2014# %es!te conce$ng the stan$ar$'aton e""ortswll m!rove the overall !er"ormance o" -+F networ*s, )orres $oes not beleve they are an nstantcure# 3e notes that because user connectvty sn(t 6ual"e$ n real tme, carrers wth .)/ an$ -+Fmay see most users sttng on the latter networ* even " the cellular networ* s em!ty# A !rol"eraton o" "ree !ublc hots!ots n !laces nclu$ng ca"es, bars an$ ar!orts means consumers havecome to e5!ect the servce to cost nothng, meanng o!erators may struggle to monet'e a -+F lovng

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subscrber base# It also means consumers are >ust as l*ely to enter a ca"Y or bar to en>oy "ree access,rather than usng carrers( ? an$ 4 networ*s# )he stan$ar$'aton e""orts may o""er moble carrers a *ey a$vantage over rval -+F hots!ots, though, by ensurng seamless access to the networ*s E currently regar$e$ as a ma>or !roblem "or consumers

tryng to access -+F alone# 3owever, )orres argues the !ower s nothng wthout control, noting that oerators nee$ visi&ility into

the 4uality o! e%erience on Wi-Fi net#orks2 an$ that the net#ork itsel! is &est lace$ to steer

tra!!ic to the &est availa&le access technology#Sta"" wrter 

T.Mo-!les lan to s'er)/ar,e LTE: A w/olelot o antennas

une 4, 201?htt!;ggaom#com201?0N04t+mobles+!lan+to+su!ercharge+lte+a+whole+lot+o"+antennas


/5clusve to ga&D; &ver the ne5t 12 months, )+Doble SA wll bolt thousan$s o" new .)/antennas to ts cell towers, utl'ng a techn6ue calle$ 4K2 DID&# It(s not .)/+A$vance$, but t wllcreate a "aster an$ more reslent networ*#

)+Doble SA has been tal*ng some smac* lately about how ts bran$+s!an*ng+new .)/ networ*

gves t an e$ge over the com!etton# Beng the last ma>or #S# carrer to launch .)/ means )+Doble susng the most u!+to+$ate ra$o access gear an$ s thus  better !ostone$ to m!lement "uture .)/+A$vance$ techn6ues an$ other "ancy ne5t+generaton networ* technologes#

)+Doble, though, has been short on s!ec"cs, so "ar *ee!ng mum on what !artcular twea*s t !lans toma*e that wll beat out ts rvals# But tal*ng to )+Doble(s e6u!ment ven$ors, ga&D has learne$some o" those $etals o" ts networ* roa$ma!# )he most m!ressve u!gra$e on ts lst s a !lan to blan*etts networ* wth e5tra antennas n or$er to acheve sgn"cant !er"ormance gans#

)he smart antenna techn6ue s calle$ 4Z2 DID& shorthan$ "or Dult!le In!ut+Dult!le &ut!utC an$ )+Doble wll be among the "rst " not the "rst global o!erator to m!lement t# )hose o" you "amlar wth

4 !robably have alrea$y hear$ o" 2K2 DID&, whch s use$ n all .)/ networ*s to$ay# It sen$s thesame $ata transmsson over !arallel !aths "rom two antennas at the tower, whch are then !c*e$ u! bytwo antennas at the recever# 4K2 DID& actually $oubles the number o" antennas an$ thus thenumber o" transmsson !aths at the tower whle the number o" antennas n the $evce remans thesame#

In /nglsh, that means there are a lot more sgnals "lyng at your smart!hone, an$ there wll be a lotmore antennas at the tower to !c* u! your !hone(s generally wea*er return sgnals# )hat ncreases your

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chance o" gettng a $ecent ln* at the e$ge o" a cell(s coverage 'one where connecton s!ee$s ten$ totral o""# 4K2 DID& won(t ncrease the ma5mum s!ee$ o" the networ* beyon$ ts @0+to M@+Db!stheoretcal lmts, but t wll ensure that customers at the "rnges o" the networ* get much betterconnectons#

3ow much better= o*a Semens etwor*s orth Amercan hea$ o" technology Petr 3auta*angas sa$that n lab trals, )+Doble an$ S are seeng s!ee$ gans at the cell e$ge as hgh as 100 !ercent on theu!ln* an$ anywhere "rom a @0 !ercent to N0 !ercent ncrease n $ownln* ban$w$th# Sm!le geometrymeans overall networ* gans woul$ be bg the "urther the $stance "rom the tower the more s!ace scovere$C# )he en$ result s a bg boost n the real+worl$ ca!acty o" the cell t can su!!ort moresmultaneous connectons whle ma*ng more o" those connectons "aster an$ more reslent#

)he best news s "or )+Doble(s accountants# Im!lementng 4K2 DID& on )+Doble(s networ* wllre6ure sm!le so"tware u!gra$es to /rcsson an$ S(s base statons as well the nstallaton an$ themountng o" new antennas on )+Doble(s towers E many o" whch are alrea$y n !lace# Snce 4K2DID& s alrea$y n the baselne .)/ stan$ar$, most current generaton han$sets wll automatcally

su!!ort the techn6ue#

As "or tmng, 3auta*angas ha$ to be a lttle cagey when tal*ng about a customer(s rollout !lans# 7I cansay that n less than 12 months we(ll have a commercal 4K2 DID& networ* rolle$ out wth a ma>or#S# o!erator, he sa$ $urng an ntervew# S has only one )er 1 ra$o n"rastructure customer n the#S#, an$ that(s )+Doble#

I tal*e$ to )+Doble VP o" ra$o networ* engneerng Dar* Dc%arm$, an$ whle he woul$n(t $scussthe s!ec"cs o" )+Doble(s networ* blue!rnt, he $$ con"rm that 4K2 DID& was one o" the mult!le.)/ an$ .)/+A$vance$ technologes )+Doble was cons$erng "or "uture use#

7-e have a very goo$ han$le on what 4K2 DID& can $o "or us, Dc%arm$ sa$# 7An$ we(re one o"the "ew that are n a !oston to use t#

As "or other technologes on )+Doble(s roa$ma!, both /rcsson an$ S con"rme$ that ther networ*gear wll su!!ort the eventual u!gra$e to carrer aggregaton, the "rst o"  a long lst o" .)/+A$vance$techn6ues though t(s stll a "ar cry "rom beng .)/+A$vance$ rea$y as )+Doble l*es to clamC#

arrer aggregaton bon$s two $s!arate .)/ ban$s together creatng a su!er+"ast connecton# )+Doblealrea$y uses carrer aggregaton n ts 3SPA[ networ* , whch s how t acheves 42 Db!s s!ee$s overwhat s techncally a ? networ*#

Agan Dc%arm$ woul$n(t comment on )+Doble(s s!ec"c !lans, but he sa$ )+Doble s weghng theuse carrer aggregaton n two ways# Frst, t coul$ glue together $""erent !arts o" ts current .)/networ* n the A$vance$ -reless Servce A-SC ban$, gvng t bgger channels n mar*ets where t$oesn(t have contguous s!ectrum# Secon$, when t launches .)/ n the PS ban$, t coul$ bn$together two com!letely se!arate "re6uency ban$s, creatng the mother o" all moble broa$ban$connectons#

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  Wit eery !e"atie, tere is a positie. >%ease see te i"%i"ted %i!es be%o( i! ye%%o(L As you

!o( TW5R as te <3 carrier"rade WiFi !et(or i! te cou!try, so te CTA so( !e*t (ee

sou%d probab%y be ery i!teresti!" #or temL (i%% be atte!di!" te so(, as (e%% as, speci#ica%%y

(atci!" TW5RKs C5< "ie is prese!tatio! o! te sma%% ce%% !et(or pa!e%.


4hilip 1. )rown


Bantm $rop, C

1P1D0 roadmoor treet

<er%a!d >ar, ; OO22D

E1D.2DE.ED0D e*t. 22O

E1D.424.EED ce%%

E1D.2DE.0DOO #a*



Sent: 1hursda*< a* &6< %0&3 %:6 "

To: "hil rown

S'-;e)t: > @and '> improvementsA li!el* to ta!e center stage - 19 %0&3


> @and '> improvementsA li!el* to ta!e center stage -

19 %0&3

a* &6< %0&3 O * i!e +ano

By D*e %ano

Samsung<s announcement ths wee* that t s wor*ng on O@O wreless networ* technology s one o" the

"rst shots across the bow n an area that wll l*ely $omnate tra$e show $scussons "or years to come;

-hat comes a"ter .)/= As wreless o!erators across the globe !ut the "nshng touches on ther .)/

networ* $e!loyments ths year, ne5t year an$ beyon$, ven$ors l*e Samsung are sure to begn !ushng

the ne5t, best thng#

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)o be clear, Samsung<s technology wor*s n the mllmeter+wave a ban$s an$ l*ely won<t be rea$y "or

 !rme tme "or another $eca$e or so# But the com!any<s announcement serves to hghlght the growng

nterest n technologes beyon$ .)/#

Alrea$y n the nte$ States, Ver'on -reless  :S/;VJC e5!ects to com!lete ts ntal .)/ bul$out

ths year# A)9) Doblty  :S/;)C, S!rnt e5tel  :S/;SC an$ )+Doble S  :S/;)DSC are

each e5!ecte$ to com!lete ther own .)/ bul$outs n the ne5t year or two# )hus, )er 1 #S# o!erators

l*ely wll atten$ )IA ne5t wee* wth an eye towar$ m!rovng an$ e5!an$ng ther .)/ networ*s an$

 !lannng ther ne5t ste!s#

At ne5t wee*<s )IA -reless 201? show, OI thn* we are gong to see more tal* about @, .)/+

Beyon$, or whatever label ven$ors are sla!!ng on .)/+A$vance$,O sa$ %aryl Schoolar, an &vum

analyst an$ 'ierce(ireless contrbutor # O&bvously we are startng to see some movement n that area

.)/+AC wth small cell $e!loyments# 3owever, as the #S# s one o" the lea$ng .)/ mar*ets, I "ully

e5!ect the .)/+-hatever tal* to heat u!#O

.)/+A$vance$ s generally $escrbe$ as a collecton o" technologes meant to enhance .)/, an$ small

cells have been !egge$ as a ma>or element o" the .)/+A$vance$ !ush# At ne5t wee*<s show, Ga$sys

 !lans to show o"" ts .)/+A$vance$ small cell soluton along wth lve $emonstratons o" 3% Vo.)/

calls an$ Gch ommuncaton Servces nclu$ng v$eo rngbac* tones, v$eo con"erencng an$ more#

Se!arately, Aero"le5 wll be $scussng ts new .)/+A$vance$ !ro$uct $evelo!ments eragon

 etwor*s wll show o"" ts 3olstc 3etet 3aulng a!!roach to organ'ng the 3etet<s wreless

haulng re6urements an$ S!$erlou$ wll $s!lay ts small cell system $esgne$ "or use n$oors#

)he larger networ* !layers wll also be on han$; o*a Semens etwor*s has a !ress event sche$ule$"or -e$nes$ay mornng at the show to $scuss ODa*ng money wth Doble Broa$ban$,O whle /rcsson

 AS%AT;/GIC has !romse$ to show o"" how ts Ovson o" the "uture, the etwor*e$ Socety, s

 beng real'e$#O Fnally, both Tualcomm<s  AS%AT;T&DC Peggy ohnson an$ Alcatel+.ucent<s

 :S/;A.C Allson erra wll !artc!ate n )IA<s %ay &ne *eynote sesson, startng )ues$ay at


&ther networ*+"ocuse$ events at the show that coul$ generate nterest nclu$e the 'ierce(ireless 

O%esgnng )omorrow<s -reless etwor* O brea*"ast on )ues$ay mornng the %DA %evelo!ment

rou!<s %DA+.)/ Interwor*ng event on )ues$ay a"ternoon an$ the )ower 9 Small ell Summt

that runs both )ues$ay an$ -e$nes$ay#

&vum<s Schoolar sa$ that, as$e "rom .)/+A$vance$, carrer+gra$e -+F coul$ also be a bg to!c at

ths year<s )IA show, as carrers contnue to nvestgate 3ots!ot 2#0 a technology nten$e$ to

ntro$uce the roamng an$ securty !rotocols "rom cellular networ*s nto the -+F realmC#

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Fnally, Schoolar sa$ he e5!ects O!lenty o" acton aroun$ networ* o!tm'aton an$ bg $ata analytcs#

)hese to!cs are gong to be everywhere "or the ne5t cou!le o" years#O In$ee$, ArSage wll be at the

show to $scuss how t can !rov$e Oanonymous $ata "rom more than 100 mllon moble $evces, whch

s almost M0 !ercent o" all #S# cellular $evces#O Ga'orsght an$ ena too !lan to show o"" smlar

analytcs technologes#

Source E76: http://www.)'g-improvements-li!el*-


"er "w %0&% ,. wireless industr* surve**/communications/pu$lications/north-american-wireless-industr*-surve*.=html

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1G2 G Wi-Fi: A"" Plans Small-9ell "hreesome

May /<2 ,/01  %an ones 

A)9) Inc# s !lannng to combne ?, 4 .)/ an$ -+F access n ts ra$o access small cells an$ amsto $e!loy 40,000 or more o" the tny base statons through 201@#

)hat !lan was unvele$ by Bll Smth, !res$ent o" networ* o!eratons at A)9), on )hurs$ay mornng atthe e""eres 201? lobal )echnology De$a an$ )elecom on"erence n ew :or* ty as he !rov$e$some nsght nto what was character'e$ as A)9)<s Olea$O n #S# small+cell $e!loyments#

Small cells are tny, stan$alone base statons that, n theory at least, hel! a$$ voce ca!acty an$enhance$ $ata access n hgh usage areas such as urban centers#

O)he early small cells that we<re $e!loyng to$ay are sngle+technology ### our !lan s to go to unts thatcan su!!ort D)S W?X, .)/ an$ -+F,O Smth sa$#

A)9) has !revously sa$ t !lans to $e!loy ? 3SPA[ OmetrocellsO that are currently beng nstalle$across a sgn"cant !orton o" the #S#

O:ester$ay mornng I was n St .ous loo*ng at one o" early trals,O sa$ Smth o" the o!erator<s small+cell e""orts so "ar# 3e e5!lans that A)9) has been coverng a res$ental neghborhoo$ usng cells

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attache$ to every thr$ or "ourth street lght !ole an$ connecte$ bac* to the metro networ* va a V%S.connecton#

)hs wll be one o" the uses "or small cells "or the o!erator ++ wor*ng aroun$ the Onot+n+my+bac*yar$Omentalty that greets macro cellular $e!loyments by usng much smaller an$ more $screet ra$o access

unts# OAs beaut"ul as I thn* a new cell ste mght be, you *now, not everybo$y $oes,O Smth 6u!!e$#

Intally, however, A)9) wll be usng early small cells to bolster n+bul$ng coverage# ODost o" whatwe $o ths year ### wll be n$oors,O says Smth#

OSho!!ng malls are a !roblem "or us,O he a$$e$#

All o" ths nvolves a lot more wor* than >ust boltng $own a small cell an$ connectng t to the networ*#)he networ* hea$ says A)9) has learnt a lot "rom ts $e!loyment o" ? "emtocells $urng the !ast "ewyears# )hey wor* well n a rural area where macro cellular coverage s unavalable, Smth e5!lane$#

O)he real challenge,O Smth sa$, s when the small cell battles the macro networ* "or a $evce that sattem!tng to connect to the networ*# %ealng wth ths, he sa$, nvolves havng more ntellgence an$vsblty at the networ* control# For nstance, " a user s n ther car connecte$ to the macro networ*,A)9) $oes not want that user roamng onto a small cell locate$ n a restaurant on the street as they !ullu! at a sto! lght an$ then losng the connecton as they $rve away#

A)9) has been wor*ng on ts own an$ wth others to $eal wth some o" these ssues "or several years,Smth sa$# OI thn* we ultmately wll get to !ont where we character'e each connecton at the control !lane an$ $e"ne where they go,O he sa$#

)hs s !art o" the reason why A)9)<s !lanne$ combo .)/?-+F Dult+Stan$ar$ Detrocell DSDC

small cells are stll n the lab rght now an$ not e5!ecte$ to arrve on the networ* untl some tme n2014 or 201@# Puttng n the smarts to $ec$e the rght connecton "or the rght a!!lcaton whle not"ghtng the larger macro networ* gets e5!onentally more $""cult when layerng together an$managng ?, 4 and  -+F connectons#

Smth says that A)9) s wor*ng wth technologes such as O3ots!ot 2#0O n a b$ to "5 some o" thesessues "or -+F# All ths wll lea$ to an eventual goal that every cellular small cell $e!loye$ by A)9)wll also have -+F onboar$#

)he /& o" A)9)<s ma>or rval, Ver'on -reless, sa$ -e$nes$ay at the con"erence that t wll be$e!loyng ts "rst small cells sometme n 201?# See Ver'on /&; Small ells omng n 201?#C

  %an ones, Ste /$tor, %ig!t &eading Moile

Berizon 98=: Small 9ells 9oming in ,/01

Day 08, 201? %an ones 

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)he /& o" Ver'on -reless says small cells wll start to be $e!loye$ n ts networ* later ths year#

%an Dea$ tol$ the e""eres 201? lobal )echnology De$a an$ )elecom on"erence n ew :or* ty-e$nes$ay that the o!erator regar$s small cells as Ocom!lementaryO to ts larger 4 .)/ networ*s#

Small cells are tny base statons that can be $e!loye$ n hgh+tra""c areas to ncrease call ca!acty an$$ata s!ee$#

O-e<re gong to have small cells $e!loye$ n our networ* later ths year,O Dea$ says# 3e says the$e!loyment o" the tny ra$os wll become more $ense n 2014# See Ver'on Gea$y "or .)/ Small+ellA$vance#C

O-e<re gong to be aggressve n that area,O he sa$#

Dea$ tal*e$ about small cells a"ter beng as*e$ whether the o!erator woul$ nee$ more $ense .)/coverage "or voce+over+.)/ servces# 3e once agan reterate$ that Ver'on s !lannng to

Ocommercal'eO Vo.)/ servces n 2014# See Ver'on Promses Voce+&ver+.)/ n 2014#C

O-e(re gong to ma*e sure t<s an e5ce!tonal e5!erence,O he sa$ o" the $e!loyment, sayng t wll be aOvalue+a$$O servce that wll layer n v$eo callng an$ other messagng u!$ates#

3e !onte$ out that Ver'on has a 4 voce a$vantage over rvals because t has by "ar the largest .)/networ* n the #S#

O:ou can<t have Vo.)/ wthout the .)/ networ* ### we<re aroun$ @ !ercent com!lete now,O Dea$ sayso" Ver'on<s 4 $e!loyment# )he networ* s e5!ecte$ to be Osubstantally com!leteO by the en$ o" theyear#

The Small Tech Solution to America’s

Massive Mobile Problem

 Published Wed, May 8th, 2013 Louis Basenese, Chief Investment Strategist 

Picture the scene…

One minute, you’re happily tapping away on your smartphone The ne!t minute… nothing

 "ou’ve hit a #$ea$ spot% an$ the signal is lost

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That important call you were on… $roppe$

 &hatever business you were $oing… hol$, please

The streaming music or vi$eo you were en'oying… how about silence instea$(

)t’s happene$ to all o* us An$ these $ays, it’s not surprising

 &ith the incre$ible growth o* smartphones an$ tablets + an$ the applications available on them +

our $igital $ata consumption is e!plo$ing an$ putting an incre$ible strain on telecom networs

 An$ as mobile $ata $eman$ continues to rise, the capacity problem is only going to worsen

That’s why the tech an$ telecom sectors’ biggest names are busy looing *or an e-ually #mobile%


More Phones… More Data… Same Old Network 

The amount o* $igital $ata we create$ last year hit ./ 0ettabytes, accor$ing to research *irm, )12

O* that, three3-uarters o* it comes *rom consumers

 &hat’s a 0ettabyte(

 &ell, it’s one -ua$rillion gigabytes An$ as we note$ a *ew wees ago, the entire &orl$ &i$e &eb

only containe$ hal* a 0ettabyte o* $ata as recently as .445

 What’s more, that 2.8 zettabyte number s e!"e#ted to double by 2$%&, with a whopping

.,4446 surge in global $ata tra**ic by .4.4

But as the number o* mobile $evices grows + an$ $ata usage grows with it + the e!isting networ

in*rastructure isn’t eeping pace '()( 7T8 alone says mobile $ata consumption on its networ

has rocete$ .94 times higher in 'ust *ive years

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So how $o we go about e**ectively connecting all these $evices to networs an$ han$ling the ever3

increasing amount o* $ata that they pro$uce(

 As it turns out, the cure *or mobile problems is… mobility itsel*…

 ' Small Soluton to a *ar+e Problem

There’s simply no way *or mobile networs to eep up with the insatiable $ata $eman$ without

some help

But this problem has opene$ up a big opportunity *or companies trying to solve it

Mobile chip giant, ual#omm 7:2OM8, an$ wireless provi$ers are tacling the growth o* mobile$ata by essentially becoming more mobile themselves

 An$ they’re $oing it through small cell technology

 &e pinpointe$ this technology as one o* our Seven Most Investable Technology Trends of 201 

 bac in ;anuary

Simply put, small cells are cellular base stations that are installe$ in homes an$ neighborhoo$s to

complement the e!isting networ in*rastructure *rom tra$itional cell towers

<nlie cell towers, however, these small base stations are obviously much cheaper an$ easier to

install )n *act, :ualcomm’s 2hie* Technology O**icer, Matt =rob, says a station is small enough to

 wor with a regular home router

The goal is mae these base stations available to mobile users in the surroun$ing area, o**ering

 better, more reliable connectivity an$ *aster spee$s

This is a little3nown, yet massive, growth tren$ By .4>?, the number o* small cell stations is

e!pecte$ to top ?4 million, accor$ing to AB) @esearch + aroun$ 5446 growth *rom the si!

million $eploye$ last year

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:uote$ in MIT Tech !evie", =rob, con*irms, #&e’re woring e!tensively with operators on this

particular pro'ect%

The company has also installe$ .4 stations aroun$ its San 1iego campus, which means mobile

users get a better, *aster connection as they pass by

The -uestion is &ill consumers go *or this #communal connectivity%(

 Wanna -orrow My W/

There’s no $oubt that in $ensely populate$ areas, where mobile an$ $ata usage is higher, networs

coul$ use a han$

But in some areas, it’s alrea$y happening MIT  says 0erzon 7 C8 an$ S"rnt Ne!tel 7S8

customers living in areas with patchy connectivity, who’ve receive$ base stations *or #personal% use

to improve their signals, may also be helping the masses + even i* the owners $on’t now it eri0on

an$ Sprint $isable the personalDprivate con*iguration *eature by $e*ault, whereas ATET $oes not

=rob says there nee$s to be more transparency + both in $esign an$ mareting + maing it clear

that these stations are *or the public in*rastructure, in a$$ition to their own nee$s

But the mo$el is attractive in terms o* *in$ing an innovative way o* bee*ing up ban$wi$th without

nee$ing to buil$ more e!pensive, unsightly cell towers

Fe says companies lie :ualcomm coul$ wor with mobile an$ cable operators to install base

stations in routers :ualcomm an$ ATET have *oun$ that it woul$n’t tae many base stations in

local homes or o**ices to improve coverage an$ essentially serve as another networ

O* course, any plan woul$ nee$ to ensure that the connectivity o* homes an$ o**ices that actually

own the base stations isn’t weaene$ an$ that online activity is secure

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But with mobile connections e!pecte$ to increase *ive3*ol$ between now an$ .4>9, an$ mobile

operators alrea$y o**ering more public &i3Gi to ease the $ata bur$en, this small cell technology an$

home base station mo$el is the ne!t step towar$ han$ling the smartphone an$ $ata overloa$

 Ahea$ o* the tape,

Louis Basenese

P.S. The companies )’m most bullish about in this area are ones that mae e-uipment an$

components *or this small cell technology One o* them is a member o* our WS#I  port*olio

 &ith sales alrea$y rising, ) believe it’s only a matter o* time be*ore the company is ac-uire$ ) 'ust

crunche$ some numbers to *in$ out how much it woul$ be worth in a taeover + between >446

an$ >H>6 higher than its current share price To get the name o* the company + an$ all the others

in our port*olio + sign up *or a ris3*ree trial to WS#I here

Carr!er.+rae S(all Cells to O'tn'(-erCons'(er e(to)ells !n 2016

 Apri% E, 201D Q by /awn Hightower  Q )ac"hal Q #o Comments


$obi%e 5*perts as re%eased a sma%%ce%% maret #orecast, (ic predicts more ta! P mi%%io! metroce%%s to besipped i! 2017. Te compa!y predicts s%o( "ro(t #or reside!tia% #emtoce%%s at o!%y 12 perce!t per year, basedo! (ea sipme!t data duri!" 2012. As mobi%e operators pus ard #or i"capacity sma%% ce%%s, #aster "ro(t(i%% come #rom capacity up"rades.

Te researc compa!y predicts tat outdoor metroce%%s a!d i!door capacity !odes (i%% oertae reside!tia%#emtoce%% sipme!ts i! te 201O time #rame. $ore ta! 100,000 pub%ic sma%% ce%%s are a%ready dep%oyed i! ;oreaa!d apa!. STe Asia! maret is stretci!" te #emtoce%% i!to areas (ere sma%% ce%%s are a!d%i!" capacity

e##ectie%y #or operators %ie ;T, ;T a!d TT =oCo$o. <ter operators arou!d te (or%d (i%% #o%%o( tis e*amp%eas te T5 macro ro%%out is comp%eted a!d capacity ti"te!s up i! ort America, Ci!a, ati! America, 5uropea!d te $idd%e 5ast, e*p%ai!ed oe $adde!, pri!cipa% a!a%yst at $obi%e 5*perts. Accordi!" to $adde!, tebottom %i!e is tat sma%% ce%%s are OP perce!t %ess e*pe!sie ta! macro base statio!s, #or addi!" mobi%e capacity.

5i"t di##ere!t types o# sma%% ce%%s, by arcitecture a!d by po(er %ee%, are ide!ti#ied i! te #orecast. ! tis yearKsa!a%ysis, $obi%e 5*perts i!c%uded %o(po(er remote radio ead u!its, mu%tiba!d sma%% ce%%s, a!d carriera""re"atio! i!to te #orecast, (it DD ba!d combi!atio!s ide!ti#ied #or i!terba!d CA. Te report breas do(!sma%%ce%% sipme!ts by #reBue!cy ba!d a!d ide!ti#ied D #reBue!cy ba!ds #or sma%%ce%% dep%oyme!t.

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TowerStrea( La'n)/es S/are.Inrastr')t're S'-s!!ar&

April , 20+ Q by @. 1harpe 1mith Q /A1-, 1mall Cells, Wi-Fi Q #o Comments

To(ertream as #ormed Het!ets To(er Corporatio!, (ic (i%% o##er (ire%ess carriers a!d oters a ra!"e o#sared i!#rastructure serices a!d access #or mobi%e (ire%ess !ter!et serices.

SWe are e*cited to %au!c our !e( subsidiary, Het!ets To(er Corporatio!, said e##rey Tompso!, To(er treampreside!t a!d C5<, duri!" te compa!yKs #ourt Buarter ear!i!"s ca%%. STe e*p%osio! i! mobi%e data i! urba!marets is drii!" a mi"ratio! to sma%% ce%% arcitecture, a!d te ma@or carriers are prese!t%y #ocused o! tede!si#icatio! o# teir !et(ors.

To(ertreamKs #i*ed (ire%ess i!#rastructure i!c%udes 1,P00 roo#tops (it D,000 WiFi !odes. S<ur #i*ed (ire%ess,

bacau% !et(or a!d street%ee% roo#top %ocatio!s e!ab%es us to Buic%y de%ier so%utio!s to te ca%%e!"esassociated (it sma%% ce%% dep%oyme!ts, Tompso! said.

i!ce 2010, To(ertream as bee! e*p%ori!" opportu!ities to %eera"e its #i*ed (ire%ess !et(or i! ma@or urba!marets to proide oter (ire%ess tec!o%o"y so%utio!s a!d serices. Wit te rise o# mobi%e data p%aci!" atreme!dous dema!d o! te !et(ors o# te carriers, To(ertream co!c%uded tat its WiFi !et(or ca! serecarriersK data o##%oad !eeds.

S=e!si#icatio! is !o( te #ocus o# te carriers. Te de!si#icatio! ca%%s #or ery %ar"e Bua!tities o# sma%% ce%% a!d WiFi a!te!!as. We (i%% a%i"! our ro%%out (it te sur"ica% approac a!d ro%% out (it tem as (e si"! eac a!corte!a!t, Tompso! said. S<ur bui%dup oer te %ast 1.P years as "ie! us a si"!i#ica!t #irstmoer ada!ta"e a!das put us i! a %eadersip positio! i! sma%% ce%% (ire%ess sared i!#rastructure.

Te strate"y o# te (ire%ess carriers i! terms o# sma%% ce%% a!d WiFi o##%oad as eo%ed si!ce te ade!t o# i"=ata. We! To(ertream bui%t its #irst test !et(or t(o years a"o, te busi!ess opportu!ity %ooed to i!c%ude o!%ypure WiFi o##%oad a!d it (as co!sidered by some to be sortterm so%utio! to te data co!"estio!.

SCarriers e*pected trou" co!so%idatio! to acBuire te spectrum !eeded #or capacity, Tompso! said. STeco!so%idatio! did !ot e!d up bei!" te so%utio!, a!d te carriers ae !o( %ooed to sma%% ce%% !et(orarcitecture a!d etero"e!eous !et(ors, a%so ca%%ed et!ets, to meet te capacity dema!ds. WiFi is !o( part o# te sma%% ce%% arcitecture a!d part o# te %o!"term so%utio! a%o!" (it metro ce%%s a!d picoce%%s.

To sere tis !eed, Het!ets To(er Corporatio! p%a!s to re!t space o! street %ee% roo#tops #or te i!sta%%atio! o#customero(!ed sma%% ce%%s, (ic i!c%udes WiFi a!te!!as, =A, a!d metro a!d pico ce%%s. Ca!!e%s o!

To(ertreamKs WiFi !et(or (i%% a%so be aai%ab%e #or re!t #or te o##%oadi!" o# mobi%e data. Additio!a%%y, te !e(compa!y (i%% re!t cabi!ets, s(itc ports, bacau%, tra!sport, a!d po(er a!d po(er bacup. Te compa!y (i%%operate i! 1D ma@or metro marets, i!c%udi!" e( 3or City, osto!, os A!"e%es, Cica"o, te a! Fra!ciscoay Area, $iami, eatt%e, =a%%as'Fort Wort, Housto!, >i%ade%pia, asi%%e, a!d as 9e"as'Re!o.

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Min$see$ 7ea!!irms Small 9ell 6ea$ershi Position

#ith @1 Market Sharein 3>""< press-release< indspeed< mall ell< "< 51;

e- 12" 2013

,;2"IK1 ;< alif.-- indspeed 1echnologies< 9nc. @,+P: "+A< the industr* leader intechnolog* for small cell $ase stations< announced toda* that according to 9nfonetics Kesearch<it had 63Q of the 3>"" small cell mar!et. ost of these shipments were for commercialdeplo*ment of " small cells.

2ith 51; small cells starting to deplo*< indspeed announced that it is in pole position in thissegment too with commercial deplo*ments in R 1elecom< Rorea 1elecom and other operatorsaround the world. 1he compan* has 3' design engagements for 51; and dual-mode small-cells<including mar!et-leading I;s and is well positioned as operators launch. Linall*< thecompan* has deplo*ments in hina for 1+-+ and has announced a technicalcolla$oration agreement with hina o$ile Kesearch 9nstitute.

Sindspeed has a ver* strong position in small cells<S said Kichard 2e$$< chief anal*st of 9nfonetics. S9t is clear that the* have the leadership position in 3> small cells and a strongplace in the emerging segment for 51;. 2e $elieve that the economics will favor dual-modeand multi-mode small cells< so having this portfolio will help indspeed in their position as themar!et evolves and competition intensi)es.S

indspeed is the onl* o compan* with commerciall* deplo*ed products for $oth 3> and 51;.dditionall*< it is the onl* compan* to have demonstrated $oth L++ and 1++ versions of 51;.Linall*< indspeed is the onl* compan* with an o solution for 1+-+. s such<indspeed has< $* far< the most mature and the most comprehensive range of small cell os.

an* semiconductor companies are loo!ing to the small cell segment. ased on 9nfoneticsT

data< indspeed has 63Q of the 3>"" segment. 1he remaining 37Q is shared $etween allother suppliers.

Small cells represent one of the most exciting segments in the wireless mar!et toda*< and weare proud of our position in it<S said Kaouf E. alim< chief executive oJcer at indspeed. S*ear ago indspeed acCuired "icochip< who had pioneered this mar!et and $uilt a dominantposition. 9n the twelve months following the acCuisition< we have extended our lead D not onl*are we num$er one in 3>< we are num$er one in 51; and are still the onl* o compan* with)eld-proven products in $oth technologies. 2e have integrated the teams< gained thes*nergies we had aimed for and< as a result< are the onl* o compan* with credi$le dual-mode solutions.S

 1he compan* will $e hosting small cell technolog* demonstrations for service providers< I;customers< press and anal*sts during o$ile 2orld ongress %0&3 at stand 7;.&0' fromLe$ruar* % - %8< %0&3 at the Lira >ran Fia in arcelona< pain.

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