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Small Business Marketing Plan Outline

Follow this small business marketing outline to learn how content marketing and social media can hit your traffic and

sales goals.

Marketing Challenges

Not Enough Time

It’s easy to lose marketing momentum when you're busy running your business day to day.

No Clear Next Steps

It can be hard to step back in and know the best next step marketing-wise after you've been away from it for a while.

Also, there’s something about being so close to your own business that it's hard to see the big picture (not seeing

the forest for the trees).

This article will give you a marketing guideline to follow so when you feel stuck you can refer to it and take the next

logical step.

This Marketing Plan Outline Has...


Traffic – Need more visitors to site Leads

Leads – Have visitors, but they’re not taking action

Sales – Getting visitors or leads, but they’re not becoming sales

Traffic - Content

On-site blog Social media Content curation

Article posting

Guest posts

LEADS - Credibility - Enticements like free tools, white papers, podcast/MP3 files

Contact form

Call to action

Follow up

SALES - Conversions

On-site copy and photos

Check out process

Customer service



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A good plan starts with the goal in mind. In your marketing plan, there might be two or three objectives – to get

traffic, collect leads and make sales.

Or it might be easier to focus on only one of these, Conversions (leads or sales) for example, if you’re already

getting traffic. Or you’ll goal will be traffic if not enough people are landing on your site.

Inbound Lead Sources

Here are the most cost effective methods of receiving inbound leads according to a survey by marketing software

company HubSpot.

Inbound Marketing sources

In this study, people agree that Blogs, Social Media and SEO are the most cost-effective ways of getting leads from

the internet.

Let’s look at how each method can bring traffic.

Inbound Traffic – Create and Share Content

Whether looking for sales or to get more people to your site. There are two things that will happen:

1. People arrive directly at a page of your site

2. People see something you post elsewhere that links to your site

Here are Five Steps to Generate Traffic


On-Site Blog Social Media Content Curation Article Posting Guest Blogging

Blogging - Helps Traffic and SEO

Studies have shown that the more you blog, the more traffic you’re likely to gain from it.

There are probably two reasons for this; first the increased content provides more material to be found by searchers

and search engines (Google).

Second, the more often you add content, the more Google considers your site a good information source and might


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be more likely to show material in the search results (is the theory).

Blogging Builds Credibility, Helps with Conversions

Another advantage of blogging is it makes you look like an expert in your field.

If you post new blogs a couple times a month, you’re on top things. If you publish a couple times a week, you’re

practically a news source for your field – talk about being seen as an expert!

Social Media Marketing - For Traffic, Awareness and Credibility

There’s a lot of misunderstanding about how social media works if you’re not used to using it.

It’s not “free” because it takes some time to use it, BUT it’s not hard to get in the habit and it can be fun and a great

way to network.

The social media platforms most people use are Facebook, Instagram (the new hot one), Twitter, Pinterest and

LinkedIn if you’re a B2B service provider.

Simple Social Media Marketing

1. Share your own content like blogs/articles, white papers, new product pages, inforgraphics, videos, etc.


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2. “Curate” content valuable to your readers – this means reposting/retweeting and commenting on content your

audience will find valuable.

Curating is classic networking. Try not to share your direct competitors too much (but sometimes leverage the

audience of the biggest in your field), but instead share with people in related businesses with whom you can build a

mutually beneficial relationship.

RELATED: Get a Custom Marketing Plan for your business! Call us at (424) 237-8155.

How to Do Social Media Marketing

Here’s a brief summary on how to use popular social media sites for to build Traffic and Credibility.


LinkedIn is now much more than a resume and job posting site, there are interactive groups and places to post your

own links and comments.

On LinkedIn you can also have a company page, upload header photos, it’s a lot like Facebook. If you’re in B2B

and haven’t been on LinkedIn a while, check it out.


Twitter is fast-paced environment that’s very interactive. People mention each other by using their @username in

retweets or replies or to reference someone.

You’ll get a notification for every mention, which makes it easy to keep up on the conversation without needing to be

on Twitter all day.

You don’t have to engage heavily in Twitter. It’s ok to post a short message a link to your online blog or other page.

But you might find it addictive!

Twitter makes it easy to meet other people because of the notifications feature and because they recommend

people to Follow in the sidebar.


Pinterest is used more by women than men and it’s a good medium for visually aesthetic products like art,

furnishings, homemade goods. However, that’s not to say B2B companies or less tangible services couldn’t find a

way to put it to good use – if you think you’re best prospects are likely to be found there.



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NOTE: Facebook marketing has changed in 2014 – 2015!

It’s harder to get your posts seen in Facebook unless you pay for their advertising.

It’s still worthwhile to post links to your content on Facebook, because some people will see it. But it might not be

worth investing to build a large group of fans because such a small percentage of them will see your material.

Facebook is a good place to answer questions and conduct customer service. And it’s worth having a presence

because people might still search for you there.


Instagram uses photos as the main part of its message – but look how even B2B company FedEx has found ways to

use it creatively and effectively,


Also, it’s easy to connect Instagram to Twitter and Facebook so if you do get good at using it, it’s automatically

shared to your other two accounts, a major time saver.

RELATED Articles on Social Media Marketing:

"6 Must-Have Tools to Boost Your Social-Media Productivity "

"5 Reasons Why A Social Media Content Calendar Is Important For Your Business "


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Get a Custom Marketing Plan for your business! Call us at (281) 624-5835.

Content Curation

Why Use Content Curation

Provide information that your audience will find useful

Helps you build relationships or leverage the audiences of others

Shows you’re up on the trends in your field, builds your credibility

How to Curate Content

Share via social media (mentioned above)

Place someone else’s article on your website

Link out to a related article (as we did here by linking to the FedEx – Instagram article in Fast Company)

Guest Blogging

This is when you write an article and another website publishes it to

their readers. Almost always there’s an author bio box with a link back

to your site.

At a minimum your company or product name should be mentioned,

and usually with a link to the relevant page of your site.

Guest blogging is another way to build traffic and build your creditability

as an expert in your field.

A Note About Guest Blogging in 2015...

Google has started to frown on guest blogging just for the sake of

building backlinks to boost your SEO score.

Therefore, use it wisely with actual blogs related to your field or those that share your audience. Try to use it to get in

front of quality readers, not just as a backlink and it should be fine with Google.

Article Posting

When you write original content, such as a blog post or article, there are places so share it online to help you gain

backlinks and exposure.

It’s also a good idea to find sites related to your line of work where you can get exposure to your best audience.

Article Sharing Sites (a partial list):





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Content Gems


BizSugar - A great place to share PowerPoint presentations and PDFs

Vimeo and YouTube - Good for sharing video content

Posting articles in sites like these should be done in addition to using your own Social Media site to share your

content, as discussed above.


Enticements - like free tools, white papers, podcast/MP3 files Contact method - email form or phone number Call to

action Follow up

Capturing Leads

A “Lead” might mean filling out a form, calling an 800 number, downloading a document or booking an appointment


Website visitors alone are rarely a lead because just having someone visit your site doesn’t move the sale forward

Your Leads Might Be Sales

Some businesses won’t have leads . They might just have sales. Amazon for example doesn’t require a lot of

customer interaction. People either order or they don’t. This is a nice simple model for less expensive items which

tend to have shorter sales cycles.

How to Get Leads

Usually people need to be prompted to complete information by a, “What’s in it for me?” type giveaway. Basically

you need to offer something of value before people will turn over their information like email address or phone


The Four Elements to Lead Capture

1. Giveaway – free informational paper, consultation, comparison tool (think loans or insurance)

2. Call to action – “Sign Up Now”, etc.

3. Contact source – a form, phone number

4. Follow up ability – email responder, customer service process

Facebook Sign-Up Page Example

Here is an example of how Facebook had a simple sign up page to get people to join:


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Facebook's website lead capture example

Lead Capture Tools

Call to Action Landing Page (or Squeeze Page) Tools or WP Plugins

The WordPress plugins just below are free, but there are reports of being buggy. Read latest reviews for updated


WP Landing Pages WP Calls to action WP Landing Pages WP Leads

Paid or Free Trial Services:

Inbound Now



Optimize Press 2.0

Thrive Content Building and Landing Pages

Email Auto Responders

For many businesses, capturing a lead means collecting an email address and automatically generating emails or

delivery of electronic material.

Check out these services for capturing email addresses and generating automatic (or manual) emails:



Get Response

Constant Contact



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On-site copy and photos Site trust Check out process Customer service

The Sales process of your marketing plan might replace or have some overlap with the Leads process.

The most important parts of online sales are:

1. Product or service description

2. Site trust

3. Checkout process

Product Descriptions

It’s always hard to get nudge people to actually take action online. What and how to say the right things to move a

customer to action depends on what’s being sold. But here are some generalities...

Good Copywriting

High quality copywriting often uses these three elements:

1. Excitement – make it a must-have

2. Urgency – limited time type offers or language (“scarcity”)

3. Assurances – Safe to buy seals, or customer testimonials

And Visuals – Again, it depends on what’s being sold, but having a visual image of the product for sale is almost

always a requirement


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Product Views

Simple to use sites like SquareSpace or Shopify now make it easy to offer all-angles views for selling things like


Electronic Product Photos

Even electronic products can benefit from a visual representation

Product Reviews

Use product reviews and customer testimonials to provide assurance and lower resistance to making the sale: (see

Customer Reviews directly under product purchase page):

Site and Payment Security

Verification seals by familiar names can be the final key to winning a sale. Familiar types of merchant verification



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Short Check Out Process

It’s said that a check out process should be no more than two pages

long. One page is even better.

Shopping cart abandonment rates are already as high as 30% for online


If you’re losing sales after people select an item, but don’t follow through

on the sale it might be worth testing different checkout options, including

collecting only the information you need to fill the order.

A lot of resources are invested to get a customer to select an item; it’s

smart to keep as many of these sales as possible.

How Is Your Customer Service?

Do you offer online or telephone chat before the sale?

Do you send an email confirmation right after a sale? And a

tracking number as soon as an order is sent, or other


Can customers talk to a person on the phone?

These are all things that can be deal maker or deal breakers in

making online sales or getting repeat sales.

Custom Marketing Plan

Want a marketing plan created specifically for your business,

customers and goals?

We can develop a custom marketing plan that includes marketing

calendar detailing the steps we offer to improve your copywriting,

social media marketing and content creation. It's a customized

solution made specifically for you!

Call us at (424) 237-8155 for a free consultation.


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