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SLaM Recovery College1st Floor Administration BuildingMaudsley HospitalDenmark HillLondon


Telephone: 020 3228 3643Email: [email protected]

DesignedByArt2Printstudio South London and Maudsley 

NHS Foundation Trust

South London and Maudsley 

NHS Foundation Trust

timetablespring term 201520 january – 27 march

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Recovery is about a personal journey towards a meaningful and satisfying

life, towards living as well as possible, whatever symptoms or difficulties are

present. The workshops and courses we run aim to provide the tools to make

this happen, to help you become an expert in your own recovery or that of

someone you care for.

Our college offers a learning approach that complements the existing services

provided by the Trust. Co-production is at the heart of everything we do.

Every course and workshop we offer is co-designed and co-run by trainers

who have experienced mental health difficulties working alongside trainers

from the mental health professions.

Who are our courses for?

Our courses are free of charge and open to:

•People who use SLaM services

• Supporters (carers, family and friends) of the above

• People who have been discharged from SLaM services within the last six


• Supporters (carers, family and friends) of the above

• Volunteers and peer supporters working with SLaM

• SLaM staff (not students)

No one needs a referral to enrol at the college and it’s up to you how few or

how many courses you sign up for. All we’d ask is that, if you do put your name

down for a course, you make every effort to attend. At the very least, please letus know as soon as possible if you can’t make it, so we can offer your place to

someone else – our courses are in high demand and it would be a shame for

places to go to waste.

About the college


Please note that you also need to be aged 16 or over to come to any of our courses.

Please see page 14 to find out how to enrol.

Brief descriptions of all but five of the courses and workshops we are running

this term can be found on our website:

The five new courses for spring 2015 are described in the following section.


Course descriptions

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New courses for 2015


Introduction to Psychological TherapiesOne-day workshop

What are psychological or talking therapies? The morning session of this one-dayworkshop will explore how psychological therapies can help people, the potentialrisks and things to take into account when considering them. Students will geta general overview of how therapies can be accessed including referral andassessment processes.

During the afternoon session we will explore and explain the different types ofpsychological approaches that are available in secondary care, primary care andin the voluntary sector, and what you can expect from taking part in these typesof therapies.

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 Februar y

Alcohol: Friend or FoeOne-day workshop

People who drink alcohol can have very different experiences. This workshop looksat why that is and some of the things you can do when you or someone you know

is having issues managing their alcohol use.

The workshop will include:

• interesting facts you might not know about alcohol• sharing of tips• an opportunity to talk to people with professional and lived experience about

options to try when alcohol becomes a problem.

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 March


Understanding AutismHalf-day workshop

Approximately 1 in 100 people in the UK are diagnosed as having autism,characterised by difficulties in communication and the way a person experiencesthe world around them.

In this introductory workshop, students will learn from people affected by autismand those who care for them. Facts and common misconceptions about autism,

diagnosis, treatment and care options will be explored along with the strategiesand services available to support people with autism and their families and carers tolive meaningful and socially inclusive lives.

Bethlem Museum 1pm-4pm Friday 27 March

Helping to Manage Your Physical Health and WellbeingSix-week course | One-day workshop each week

Managing your physical health is important if you want to achieve and maintaingood mental health and wellbeing. This course of six workshops aims to supportstudents to learn about managing such long-term physical health conditions asdiabetes, obesity, asthma, and pulmonary and cardiovascular disease’ as well aslooking at:

• making health-related lifestyle changes• improving nutritional intake• exercising• managing alcohol intake• stopping smoking

Students will develop knowledge and skills to use tools to manage their own healthand wellbeing, and support others to manage their own.

Ortus Learning Centre 1 10am- 4pm Tuesday 20 Januar y

Ortus Learning Centre 2 10am- 4pm Tuesday 27 Januar y

Ortus Learning Centre 3 10am- 4pm Tuesday 03 Februar y

Ortus Learning Centre 4 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 Februar yOrtus Learning Centre 5 10am- 4pm Tuesday 24 Februar y

Ortus Learning Centre 6 10am- 4pm Tuesday 03 March

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Managing Your MoodHalf-day workshop

This workshop provides an introduction to behavioural activation for depressionand the principles of a compassionate mind for self-criticism/ rumination. We willprovide an evolutionary and developmental understanding of how our minds workand interplay the drive system, the threat system and compassionate system in thebrain. We will describe the principle of ac tivation and following your values in life

despite feeling low.

The course has been designed in collaboration with staff from the Centre forAnxiety Disorders and Trauma (CADAT).

Ortus Learning Centre 1.30pm-4.30pm Monday 23 February


Understanding mental health difficulties and treatment

Understanding PsychosisHalf-day workshop

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 1.30pm-4.30pm Monday 26 January

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am-1pm Tuesday 03 March

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Half-day workshopMind Fairfield House Croydon 1.30pm-4.30pm Friday 06 February

Understanding DepressionHalf-day workshop

Bethlem Museum 1.30pm-4.30pm Friday 06 March

Understanding AnxietyHalf-day workshop

Bethlem Museum 1.30pm-4.30pm Tuesday 24 March

Understanding Panic DisorderHalf-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 1.30pm-4.30pm Wednesday 25 February

Understanding Personality DisorderHalf-day workshop

Ortus Learning Centre 1.30pm-4.30pm Monday 23 March

Understanding Eating DisordersHalf-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 1.30pm-4.30pm Friday 06 March

Understanding Self HarmHalf-day workshop

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 1.30pm-4.30pm Thursday 05 March

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Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Half-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 1.30pm-4.30pm Thursday 05 March

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)2.5 hour workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 1.30pm-4pm Wednesday 11 March

Understanding the Impact of Substance Use on Mental HealthOne-day workshop

Employment Academy Southwark 10am- 4pm Friday 30 January

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Thursday 12 March

Hearing VoicesOne-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 10am- 4pm Thursday 26 March

If Only I’d Known: Caring for Someone with DementiaSix stand-alone Two-hour workshopsThese sessions are for carers of people who have received a recent diagnosis ofdementia or people who think someone they care about may have dementia.

Workshop 1: Signs to look for if you think someone may have dementia

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 16 March

Workshop 2: How to get a diagnosis if you are worried someone may have dementia

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 23 March

Workshop 3: Dealing with Social Care

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 30 March

Workshop 4: Health of the Person with Dementia – Physical and Emotional

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 13 April

Workshop 5: Care for the Carer

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 20 April

Workshop 6: The Money Side of Things

Carers Support Centre Croydon 11am-1pm Monday 27 April


Rebuilding your life

Introduction to RecoveryOne-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Tuesday 20 Januar y

Employment Academy Southwark 10am- 4pm Tuesday 24 Februar y

Introduction to Recovery & Support PlanningOne-day workshop

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 10am- 4pm Thursday 22 Januar y

Mosiac Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Thursday 05 Februar y

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 10am- 4pm Thursday 26 Februar y

Manor House Library Lewisham 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 March

Making Changes: Where To Start and How to MaintainTwo-week course | One-day workshop each week

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 1 10am- 4pm Tuesday 17 March

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 2 10am- 4pm Tuesday 24 March

Staying Well & Making Plans: Managing The Ups and DownsTwo-week course | One-day workshop each week

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 1 10am- 4pm Friday 13 March

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 2 10am- 4pm Friday 20 March

Mental Health AwarenessOne-day workshop

Employment Academy Southwark 10am- 4pm Thursday 12 Februar y

Confidence in Social SituationsOne-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 March

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Understanding and Challenging StigmaOne-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am- 4pm Monday 02 Februar y

Bethlem Museum 10am- 4pm Tuesday 10 March

The Mindful Way to WellbeingTwo-hour workshopAttending this workshop is strongly recommended for students considering enrollingin next term’s ‘Introduction to Mindfulness’ course.

Manor House Library Lewisham 2pm-4pm Thursday 19 March

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 2pm-4pm Thursday 26 March

Introduction to MindfulnessFive-week course | Two-hour workshop each weekThis is a highly popular course and priority will be given to students who havepreviously attended the introductory ‘The Mindful Way to Wellbeing’ workshop. Students must be able to attend each of the five sessions. We are runningthis course twice this term – once in Southwark and once in Lewisham

Introduction to Mindfulness (Southwark)

Employment Academy Southwark 1 2pm- 4pm Tuesday 27 January

Employment Academy Southwark 2 2pm- 4pm Tuesday 03 February

Employment Academy Southwark 3 2pm- 4pm Tuesday 10 February

Employment Academy Southwark 4 2pm- 4pm Tuesday 24 February

Employment Academy Southwark 5 2pm-4pm Tuesday 03 March

Introduction to Mindfulness (Lewisham)

Manor House Library Lewisham 1 2pm- 4pm Thursday 29 January

Manor House Library Lewisham 2 2pm- 4pm Thursday 05 February

Manor House Library Lewisham 3 2pm- 4pm Thursday 12 Februar y

Manor House Library Lewisham 4 2pm- 4pm Thursday 26 February

Manor House Library Lewisham 5 2pm-4pm Thursday 05 March


Tree of LifeHalf-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 10am-1pm Monday 23 Februar y

Bethlem Museum 10am-1pm Wednesday 25 March

Go Smoke Free the Stress-less WayTen-week course| Two-hour workshop each weekThis course is being run in collaboration with the CNWL Recovery College.

Bethlem OT Department 1 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 20 January

Bethlem OT Department 2 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 27 January

Bethlem OT Department 3 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 03 February

Bethlem OT Department 4 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 10 February

Bethlem OT Department 5 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 17 February

Bethlem OT Department 6 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 24 February

Bethlem OT Department 7 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 03 March

Bethlem OT Department 8 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 10 March

Bethlem OT Department 9 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 17 March

Bethlem OT Department 10 1.30pm-3.30pm Tuesday 24 March

Spirituality and WellbeingHalf-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 1.30pm-4.30pm Tuesday 03 February

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 1.30pm-4.30pm Tuesday 03 March

How To Get A Good Night’s SleepHalf-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 1.30pm-4.30pm Friday 23 January

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Recovering Your Wellbeing through CreativityOne-day workshop

Bethlem OT Department 10am- 4pm Saturday 07 Februar y

Telling Your StorySix-week course | Half-day workshop each week

Bethlem OT Department 1 10am-1pm Monday 26 January

Bethlem OT Department 2 10am-1pm Monday 02 Februar y

Bethlem OT Department 3 10am-1pm Monday 09 Februar y

Bethlem OT Department 4 10am-1pm Monday 23 Februar y

Bethlem OT Department 5 10am-1pm Monday 02 March

Bethlem OT Department 6 10am-1pm Monday 09 March


Developing knowledge and skills

How to Complete a Limited Capability for Work Questionnaire (ESA50)Half-day workshop

Manor House Library Lewisham 1.30pm-4.30pm Thursday 12 March

Personal Independence Payment ExplainedHalf-day workshop

Mind Fairfield House Croydon 1.30pm-4.30pm Wednesday 18 March

Carers Communicating for ChangeTwo-hour workshop | This course is specifically for carers

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 10am-12pm Tuesday 17 March

Making the Most of Online Health Information: A Hands-On Taster SessionTwo-hour workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 2pm-4pm Friday 20 March

Introduction to Coaching Techniques for RecoveryTwo-week course | One-day workshop each week

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 10am- 4pm Monday 02 March

Ortus Learning Centre Southwark 10am- 4pm Friday 06 March

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Getting Involved in Peer Support2.5-hour workshop

Employment Academy Southwark 2pm-4.30pm Wednesday 04 February

Volunteering and RecoveryHalf-day workshop

Mosaic Clubhouse Lambeth 10am-1pm Wednes day 11 February

Bethlem Museum 1pm-4pm Tuesday 17 March

Getting involved

How to enrol

If you registered with us for the previous Autumn 2014 term, and your

contact details haven’t changed, there’s no need to fill out an enrolment

form again. Just email or phone us and let us know which courses you want

to sign up for.


The easiest way to enrol is online via our website:


Download, from the website, the form as a fillable pdf (i.e. there is no

need to print it out, you can fill it in on your computer) and email it to us at

[email protected]



Let us know if you would like us to send you a copy of the enrolment form

(either by email or post).


[email protected]


SLaM Recovery College Enrolments

1st Floor Administration Building

Maudsley Hospital

Denmark Hill




Alternatively, we will happily to fill out the form for you over the phone if

you’d prefer.


020 3228 3643


Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend a courseor workshop for which you have enrolled, giving as much notice as you can,

so we can offer your place to another student.

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Need our help in any way?

Additional support

If you feel that you need additional help in getting to a class or in fully

taking part, please let us know in the space provided on the enrolment

form. We understand there can be things which make getting to and

participating in education more difficult such as:

• Feeling worried or stressed about being in groups and talking

• Having difficulty getting to places on time or using public transport

• Problems with concentration

• Dyslexia or other learning challenges

• Vision or hearing impairments

• Mobility difficulties or pain that prevents you from sitting comfortably

We will do our best to make it as easy as possible for you to take part.

Volunteer travel buddies may be available to support you to attend our

workshops and courses.

Course materials

Please tell us in advance if you will require course materials in a more

accessible format (i.e. in large print, on a coloured background or in a

particular font you find easy to read) and we will do our best to meet

your request.

Disabled access

We try to ensure that the venues we use for courses and workshops are

fully accessible and have disabled toilet facilities.



Details for each venue (address, directions and map) can be found on our website:

Ortus Learning Centre82-96 Grove LaneDenmark HillLondonSE5 8SN

T: 020 3701 1641

Mind in CroydonFairfield House10 Altyre Road East Croydon CR0 5LA

T: 020 8688 1210

The Employment Academy29 Peckham RoadSouthwarkSE5 8UA

T: 0203 617 6070

Carers Support Centre24 George StreetCroydonCR0 1PB

T: 020 8649 6290

Mosaic Clubhouse66 Effra RoadBrixtonLondonSW2 1BZ T: 020 7924 9657

Bethlem MuseumMonks Orchard RoadBeckenhamBR3 3BX

T: 020 3228 4227

Manor House Library34 Old RoadLondonSE13 5SY

T: 020 8314 7794

Bethlem OT DepartmentMonks Orchard RoadBeckenhamBR3 3BX

T: 020 3228 6000


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If you have more specific access requirements, please tell us in the space

provided on the enrolment form.

Can a carer, friend, or family member come to thecourse to support me?

Absolutely, but we would ask that they take an active part and book onto

the course by enrolling as a student too.

Do you provide refreshments?

Like any other college, we do not provide students with free food and

drink. Most, if not all, of the venues we use offer tea and coffee, although

sometimes these may need to be purchased (depending on the venue’s

facilities). We are not able to provide lunch, and it is advisable that you

bring something with you if the course lasts all day – just in case the shopsare a distance away from the venue.

Remember: our courses are free of charge!

Will you pay my travel costs?

Similarly we cannot reimburse you for your travel costs.

I still have questions. Is there someone I can talk to?

Of course! If you would like to chat to us about these or any other issues,

please call our office on 020 3228 3643.

18 19

Hope: sometimes it is difficult to live hopefully in the face of whatcan seem like overwhelming odds. Hope, believing that a meaningfullife is possible, is essential to recovery

Control: making decisions about what you want to do in life, overthe path your journey takes, the challenges you face and the helpyou receive

Opportunity: the chance to do the things that you want to do, todo the things that make life worthwhile, and to have access to theroles, relationships and activities which are important to you

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