Page 1: Skills Development Journal - Contents Page

Skills Development Journal

Music Magazine – Contents Page

Page 2: Skills Development Journal - Contents Page

TitleI used the font ‘Optimus Princeps’ from ‘da font’ to create a simple title which matches the masthead of the magazine. I then added a line underneath to finish it off and match the masthead.

I then added a drop shadow so it again matched the front cover and make it stand out a lot more.

Page 3: Skills Development Journal - Contents Page

Page Number

I created a plain box and angled it to the corner with an outer glow to make it stand out a lot more.

I then used a font called ‘Coolvetica’ from da font to create the page number for the contents and further pages in the magazine as it stands out and matches the front cover fonts.

Page 4: Skills Development Journal - Contents Page


I created rectangles like the page number box and moved them to a slight angle, I then added an out glow to create an outline and make the titles stand out more.

I then added titles with the font ‘Coolvetica’ from Da font as it matches the front cover and stand out well.

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Right corner

To create a house style I duplicated the masthead from the front cover and shrunk it and added it to the corner.

I then added the date and issue number to fill up space to show it on the inside as well as the cover. All written in Ariel.

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Editor and Front cover Image

With these images I used a drop shadow to make the images look like there standing away from the page.

To create the front cover image I saved it as a JPEG and then added the image in.

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Editors Note

I used Ariel font from Photoshop in the colour black using text.

I used handwritten fonts from ‘da font’ and made them completely black and simple.

Page 8: Skills Development Journal - Contents Page

Article ListI used the ‘Coolvetica’ font from da font to create the number as this was bigger and bolder.

I used Arial Black font for the titles of the articles in Black.

I then used regular Ariel font to add in information about the articles.

To create the background boxes I used rectangles in a hot pink colour and added an outer glow (size: 5) with a darker/plum pink.

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Subscribe and ContactSubscribe created the same as ‘Titles’

Pink boxes created the same way as ‘Article List’

Bold text created with Ariel black and other text with Ariel Regular all in colour black.

I used Ariel font again, bolder text in Black and regular text in Ariel Regular.

I then used colours for the Facebook and twitter names similar to the brand colours.

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All Images

I used original images and added a small outer glow in bright pink (size:5)

For the text and page number I used the font ‘Coolvetica’ from da font and changed the colour to white.

Background BoxI created a large rectangle in bright blue and the created an outer glow in a darker blue like I created for the boxes on the front cover.

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