
Sir Edmund Hillary By Brandon Rudalavage Early Life Born on July 20, 1919 in Auckland New Zealand
Moved to Tuakau (south Auckland) in 1920 He started to get interested in climbing at 16 years old whenhe went on a field trip to Mt. Ruapehu He studied science and mathematics at the University ofAuckland Early Life Was a navigator in the Royal New Zealand Air Force
Had 3 children Peter, Sarah, andBelinda Was married to a woman namedLouise Mary Rose Accomplishments First person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest
First person to stand at bothpoles and the summit of Everest Was named one of the 100 mostinfluential people of the 20thcentury by Time Magazine Expedition Everest Started in Nepal
Part of 1951 BritishExpedition that failed Returned in with John Hunt Expedition included400 people, with 362porters, 20 Sherpaguides and 10,000lbsof baggage Expedition Everest Carved a route through KhumbuIcefall, and the South Col The first two hikers had to turnback due to exhaustion Hillary and his Sherpa guide,Tenzing Norgay, who had extraoxygen, reached the summit onMay 29, 1953 at 11:30 A.M. Everest is 29,029 ft. high Expedition Everest Hillary and Norgay spent 20 minutes atthe top of the world Norgay dug a hole and filled it withsweets Hillary buried a crucifix Expedition Everest Queen Elizabeth II knighted Hillary when hereturned to Britain Pictures Pictures Famous Quotes by Edmund Hillary
Lifes a bit likemountaineering- never look down It is not themountain weconquer butourselves The End

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