  • 7/31/2019 Singles Rules Pack 2011




    CHALLENGEJuly 30 and 31 2011

    At the Royal British Legion Portsmouth (South)


  • 7/31/2019 Singles Rules Pack 2011


    The Solent 40,000 Challenge

    Welcome and thank you for the interest shown in the Solent Wargamers and Core-

    Games latest Warhammer 40,000 event. For those already familiar with our events

    there will be a few changes and new additions to this years event. For the newentrants we are hoping to give you a great gaming experience and a weekend to

    remember! This event is a tournament, we will be giving out prizes and there will be

    a competitive atmosphere. Our biggest ambition is to champion the spirit of the game

    and hobby, and we encourage all our guests to join in the gentlemanly atmosphere.

    What you need to do

    Ticket prices are 16, not including meals. To buy a ticket please use Paypal to send

    16 to [email protected], with your name, address and a contact

    telephone number. Tickets can also be purchased through the Treasurer of SolentWargamers Club and Solent Wargaming store.

    Be flexible. The event will be planned out with everything we can think of, but odd

    stuff can still occur.

    What you need to bring on the day

    All you require for gaming, specifically:

    *Your miniatures

    *Objective counters

    *This rule pack*The rulebook and appropriate supplements

    *Pen and paper

    *At least two legible copies of your army lists

    *Dice, tape measure and templates

    *Something to carry your models on

    *Superglue and poly cement

  • 7/31/2019 Singles Rules Pack 2011



    The report point is the main entrance to RBL Portsmouth (South) This is

    the only access point and the gaming hall is situated on the 1st floor of

    the venue.

    Day 1

    9.30am10.00am = Registration, tea, coffee and donuts. = Game 1

    12.00pm12.30pm = Lunch, Best Army shortlist selection and army list


    12.30pm - 14.30pm = Game 2

    14.30pm - 14.45pm = Afternoon Break14.45.pm16.45pm = Game 3

    17.00pm - End of Day 1

    Day 2

    9.30am10.00am = Tea, coffee and donuts, = Game 4

    12.00pm12.30pm = Lunch

    12.30pm - 14.30pm = Game 5

    14.30pm - 14.45pm = Afternoon Break

    14.45.pm16.45pm = Game 6

    17.00pm17.30pm = Presentations for prize winners

    The scenery is placed by the judges before each round, but if players have

    a problem with setup they can ask a judge to rearrange it. Please do not

    be offended to use a table as is.

    All games will be played on a 6x4 foot board

    If your opponent is late by more than 15 minutes then they are considered

    to be late and the necessary action will be taken by judges.

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    The Rules

    Throughout the weekend all the games will be played using the Warhammer 40,000

    5th edition rulebook. For each army the players are to use the most up to dateversion of their codex. The FAQs available on the GW website will be used

    alongside these rules and codexs.

    All models used must be What You See Is What You Get. If in any doubt please ask

    a judge before your first game. We will be walking around and asking players to

    show us your models to make sure.

    All models used must be citadel miniatures, or a model from another manufacturer

    that is suitable for representing a citadel miniature and in the same scale.

    We would very much like all players to bring a fully painted army, but given the size

    of the armies used we understand that not all players will be able to achieve this. But

    we will be rewarding players who have painted and based their armies. The

    definition of a painted model is: the miniature is undercoated and has a minimum of

    three colours applied to it in an appropriate scheme. Based is at least added texture

    to the base and painted in a suitable colour (the rim may remain black for your

    aesthetic preference)

    All army lists are to be legible (preferably printed) and there should be enough

    copies for yourself, the judges and a spare in case any get damaged. The pointslimits are to be adhered to and not exceeded, there are no excuses for this!

    In the case of a rules or event dispute then a judge can be asked to intervene and

    make a ruling. Players are asked that if they reach a decision in their games, they

    are not to interfere with any other game with their ruling. In a similar vein if a ruling

    has already been decided by a judge and a player raises the same question in a

    later game, the previous ruling stands.

    We understand that when your games are finished it is more than natural to stand

    and watch anothers game. What is unacceptable is to sit on another players table,talk to another player about their game whilst playing or in general interfering or

    encroaching in another players personal space. Please respect other players mid


    After a decision has been reached by a judge it is final, and not to be entered into

    discussion. In the case of a rules decision, the ruling will apply for the whole event.

    If any rules are broken the judges will take appropriate action to remedy the

    situation, and in extreme situations we will ask players and visitors to leave.

    Have fun!

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    Scoring and Gaming

    During morning registration on the first day each player will be randomly allocated a table

    (and therefore an opponent) for the first game. For every game thereafter the Swiss Pairsranking rules will be used whereby the first and second ranked teams face each other on

    table one, the third and fourth face each other on table two - and so on.

    For the first five games you may not face the same opposing team twice. If this situation

    arises you will be assigned a new opposing team slightly above or below your ranking. In the

    sixth and final game you must face the assigned opponents regardless of whether you have

    played them before.

    The mission and deployment type to be played will be announced by the tournament

    organizing team before each game. The missions and deployments will be chosen from the

    standard ones listed in the WH40K rulebook.

    Victory or defeat in a game is calculated using the standard objectives from the WH40K


    The tournament points for a win, lose or draw are as follows;

    Win = 30 points

    Draw = 10 point

    Lose = 1 points

    Concede = 0 points

    Your total number of tournament points combined with competition points after six games

    will determine your overall rank. If more than one player has the same number of tournament

    points their overall ranking will be decided by the difference between their total number of

    victory points.

    Competition Scoring Points

    Your Competition score is modified by the following:

    +1 all models are fully painted

    +1 all models are based and the army has a cohesive look

    +1 army lists that are presented for inspection two working weeks in advance of the tournament.

    -1 Being late for a game

    -1 Illegal roster

    These scores are added to every game played over the tournament, so the max possible score per

    game is 33

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    Army Lists

    You must follow the standard force organization chart for the creation of your

    army. There are no restrictions on army selection beyond the chart. All armies

    are to be a maximum of 1500 points, and a minimum of 1490 points.

    All armies must be selected from an up to date codex (the latest addition)

    published by Games Workshop.

    Army lists must be sent to:

    [email protected]

    No later than 23rd July. Lists received after this may be subject to penalties toyour competition score.

    Please ensure your name is included on your army list. Please ensure the

    army list you send is the final army list you wish to use at the tournament

    you will not be able to change your army list after you have submitted it!

    Armies must be chosen from a legal, current edition Codex. The Night Spinner

    as published on the GW website can be used in an Eldar army. Forgeworld

    rules and publications cannot be used.

    Judges Decisions

    For reasons of health and safety the judges may have to ask players and

    guests to move, leave or help in an emergency. We ask that you co-operate

    as much as you are able to and make the whole event run much smoother,

    and in the case of an emergency, evacuate the building in the safest fastest

    way possible. At least one of the judges will be a trained first aider, but

    emergency services will be called for anything more serious.

    For running the event all judges decisions are final, and will not be entered

    into debate. We also ask all visitors to respect this. If you do have any

    concerns about how a game is played then inform a judge who will then

    intervene if necessary. Please do not interfere in any game regardless of how

    you feel about the situation; you may upset one or both of the players.

    Anyone in breach of these very serious rules will be asked to


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    The Awards

    Awards will be given to the top three players based on a combined game

    and competition score.

    The army judged to be best painted by a panel of experts will also win a



    GW FAQs and errata will be in force throughout the weekend. If there is

    a question that GW cannot answer then the Adepticon INAT FAQ will be

    used to settle disputes.


    Solent Wargamers Club reserve the right to alter or vary the event

    due to circumstances or events beyond our control without being

    obliged to refund monies or exchange tickets. This does not affectyour statutory rights.

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    We are conveniently located a 2 minute walk from Fratton train station,

    and situated near many bus routes. If travelling from out of the city, aim

    for the city centre, then toward Asda and Fratton road. The legion is

    located just before the railway bridge.

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

    [email protected] or message the council at our website

    ( or ring us on our club night (Tuesday 7-

    11pm) on (02392 821195)

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