Page 1: Single-molecule Biophysics: Machine Learning for Automated Choi, Soomin Cho, Single... · Single-molecule Biophysics: Machine Learning for Automated

Single-molecule Biophysics: Machine Learning for Automated DataProcessing

Junhong Choi1 and Soomin Cho2

Abstract— Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy has beengreatly successful in understanding biophysics at molecu-lar level. This technique has been advancing toward higherthroughput, which creates a need for a data-analysis tool todistinguish molecule of interest from other fluorescence signals.Here, we have used supervised machine-learning approachesto filter biological events of our interest, and present threeapproaches applicable to different data set size.


Single-molecule Biophysics has led a stride in under-standing biological mechanism at the most fundamentallevel. With an aid of recently developed single-moleculetechniques, we can now measure forces exerted by confor-mation change in a single molecule, distances between targetmolecules, and hybrid approaches to measure both simulta-neously [1]. Among various techniques, a single-moleculefluorescence microscopy (SMFM) method measures molec-ular dynamics for many molecules simultaneously. EachSMFM experiment usually yields a time-course data formany fluorescing molecule within a microscope field of view.Since many aspects of biology can be modeled throughstochastic model, higher throughput of each experiment leadsto a high accuracy in measurements for dynamic parameters.

SMFM has a versatile utility to be used in understand-ing many biological mechanisms. One of such area is atranslation, a process carried out by a ribosome that de-code messenger RNA (mRNA) to synthesize protein in allorganisms [2]. During translation, ribosome needs to movethrough mRNA from one codon, three mRNA bases that aremapped to one amino acid of long protein chain, to theother through series of small steps. Ribosomes carry outthese steps through corresponding conformation. By usinga labeled ribosome to probe this conformational changethrough the intensity of fluorescence signal, Puglisi andcoworkers discovered underlying mechanisms of canonicaland non-canonical decoding by ribosome [2, 3].

Since dynamic for each steps of translation are probabilis-tic, a large number of sample is needed to provide accuratemeasurements. Recently, the Puglisi lab has utilized zero-mode waveguides technology to improve a throughput ofassay from order of 1,000 to 100,000 [4]. As a throughputof assay increases, a need to filter unwanted signal andretain molecules of interest arises. With a small number ofobserved molecules, it is possible to visually pick signalsthat are corresponding to biological event based on control

1Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305, USA

2Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

experiments. However, in the order of 10,000 to 100,000molecules per experiment, manual data processing becomesquickly infeasible. Using machine-learning approach, anautomated data processing can increase the throughput ofdata processing. Since a classification label for each moleculeis easily provided by visual inspection, we used super-vised learning algorithms to take advantage of an accessibleinformation. After quick implementations, we found threedifferent algorithms that can be used to maximally help filterout unwanted data depending on the size of experiment.


A. SMFM Experimental Setup for acquiring dataset

For each experiment, one end of mRNA strand (5’ end)was labeled with Biotin and immobilized on the micro-scope slide surface containing Neutravidin through Biotin-Neutravidin chemistry. A ribosome small subunit (30S) waslabeled with Cy3B (green fluorescing molecular dye), andformed pre-initiation complex (PIC) before experiment. Afterthe start of data acquisition through charge-coupled device(CCD) camera, a ribosome large subunit labeled with BHQ-2 (quencher molecule corresponding to Cy3B) along withnecessary elongation factors were injected into a microscopeslide. During the translation of mRNA, small and large sub-unit of ribosome undergoes series of conformation changesthat can be monitored through intensity level of Cy3B. [2,3, 4, 5]

B. Preprocessing of Data

To train and test, we preprocessed raw imaging dataresulted from four experiments, and used two for trainingand two for testing. During experiment, fluorescently labeledribosomes were immobilized on a surface of microscopeslide, and illuminated by one laser. Movie was collectedusing CCD camera after optically filtering out excitationlaser. Due to spreading of the fluorescence spots from eachimage, we identify each spot and sum up over 4-by-4 pixels(Fig. 1.). Then, we calculate the background of the image toremove, and scale a signal from each molecule from 1 to 100.In a final data structure, we get an m-by-n matrix with m tobe a number of frames (usually 10 frame per seconds and4,800 frames for 480 seconds movie), and n to be numberof molecules recorded [5].

C. Feature Selection

To select appropriate features, we visually labeled dataused for training and testing, and separated out wantedand unwanted signal for each data. Then, we compared

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80








Time (s)

Fig. 1. Preprocessing of data: We obtain a movie from the microscope,and look for a fluorescence spot for an immobilized molecule. Afterpreprocessing steps detailed in text, we extract a scaled time-course signalfor each molecules. (Top) This panel shows a signal from wanted molecule,which has three intensity states. The first state (Blue horizontal line) signifiesbefore the assembly of full translation complex. The second state (Red line)signifies waiting of transfer RNA (tRNA) to decode mRNA information,and the third state (Purple line) corresponds to the binding of tRNA andconformation change of ribosome to decode and synthesize protein withadding one amino acid per a codon at a time. Top arrows show wherespecific events happen. (Bottom) this is raw image acquired using ourexperimental setup.

distribution of each features between wanted and unwanteddata to choose 10 features in total. For the first two, wesimply calculated average and variance of signal. For therest of eight features, we used differentiation of signal toidentify rapid change in signal, which we achieved throughconvolution using a Prewitt filter well used for edge detec-tion in one dimensional image (Fig. 2.) [6]. For the thirdfeature, we looked for when a minimum value within thefirst 300 frames (30 seconds) occurs, which corresponds tothe assembly of a whole translational decoding complex afterthe start of the experiment. For the fourth feature, we lookedfor when maximum value within 80 frames (8 seconds) aftera fall in signal occurs. For the fifth feature, we looked forwhen minimum value within 80 frames after a surge insignal occurs, and for the sixth feature, we looked for whenmaximum value within 80 frames occur after the second fall.For the last four features, we used means and variancesof gradient of the signal for whole 480 seconds and for150 seconds. We have optimized each features crudely by

comparing their performance.We visualized features to see that used features induce

two different distribution for wanted and unwanted signal,and therefore used features are indeed relevent (Fig. 3.).

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Time (seconds)





al [A


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Time (seconds)



t of S


l 50



Fig. 2. Feature selection: We calculated gradient of each signal todetect edge of the image. (Top) Fluorescence signal of wanted form afterpreprocessing. (Bottom) Gradient of signal calculated convolving withPrewitt filter. Time was cut off at 100 seconds to increase visual resolutionof underlying structure within signal.

D. Supervised Learning

Then, we have used supervised learning package built inMATLAB software (MathWorks) for Support Vector Ma-chine (SVM) model and Naive Bayes (NB) model. To com-pare with a non-supervising method, we also implementedExclusion (EX) method. For this method, we looked fora maximum and a minimum value for each feature fromtraining set and retained test samples in which falls withinthese ranges. This method was also provided a baseline formaximizing true positive (retaining a good molecule fromthe set) accuracy, which has an increasing importance in asmaller data set. We also devised another hybrid methodof a Majority Voting (MV), which compares results fromthree method mentioned (SVM, NB and EX), and follow amajority decision for all molecules.


Using 10 features derived from 5,000 molecules of 4,800frame time-course data, we achieved at least 60 percentaccuracy in labeling using any methods for the two criteria,true positive accuracy (TP, labeling of wanted molecule tobe wanted) and true negative accuracy (TN, labeling ofunwanted molecule to be unwanted), for 2,000 test moleculesand 3,000 training molecules. Each method used has differenttrade-off between TP and TN accuracy. Using NB, we couldfilter out up to 90 percent of the unwanted test data bylosing up to 30 percent of wanted data. Using SVM, wecould retain around 90 percent of wanted data, comparableto EX method, while successfully filtering out 60 percentof unwanted data. We also changed regularization parameter

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Wanted Unwanted

−!"# −!"$ −!"% −!"& −!"' ! !"' !"& !"% !"$ !"#!







Variance of Filtered Trace


n of





−!"# −!"$ −!"% −!"& −!"' ! !"' !"& !"% !"$ !"#!







Variance of Filtered Trace


n of





−!"# −!"$ −!"% −!"& −!"' ! !"' !"& !"% !"$ !"#!









Variance of Whole Trace


n of


le T


−!"# −!"$ −!"% −!"& −!"' ! !"' !"& !"% !"$ !"#!









Variance of Whole Trace


n of


le T





Fig. 3. Feature Validation: For each features, distribution of features ofwanted and unwanted signals are compared to see relevence of used featurefor classification. In this figure, we compared first two features on top twohistograms, and last two features on bottom two histograms.

for SVM, which resulted in trade-off between retaining ofwanted data and filtering of unwanted data. EX method wasgood at retaining data ( 90 percent), but not great in filtering( 40 percent), as we have expected. Performance of MVmethod resulted compromise between SVM and NB, with 80percent retaining and 70 percent filtering. We have also triedother hybrid schemes with different weighting from threemethods, but their performances were similar to presentedfour methods here. In the end, we have three methods withdistinctive performance that can be used depending on thesize of data.

Retain Filter



Fig. 4. Result from learning: We used 3,000 molecules for training and2,000 molecules for testing. Training and Testing showed similar trend withrespect to training data size and for each methods used. NB method is thebest in classifying unwanted molecule, and SVM is the best in classifyingwanted molecule. In general, there is trade between retaining and filteringaccuracy, which is conceptually correct; more aggresive the filter is, it willlikely to filter out wanted material as well. EX method seems to be similarin retaining ability with SVM (for testing set), but SVM is better at filtering.Excluding EX method, we present three methods (NB, SVM, MV) to beused in different circumstances depending on the size of data set and howaggressive filtering we want it to be.

IV. DISCUSSIONSimple implementation of a supervised machine-learning

approach performed considerably well, with one particu-lar method resulting in nearly 90 percent filtering. Sinceeach step of ribosome conformation changes is distributedexponentially, a boundary between wanted and unwanteddata is not a clear cut. Due to this inseparable nature ofdata, a visual recognition method using neural networkswould have required a huge set of training data. In ourmethod, training data set size did not matter much, althoughwith a larger training set resulted in the stabilization of theperformance. Other machine learning approaches such as thek-mean clustering or PCA would have not performed as well,as the structure of signal is probabilistically distributed andpreprocessing using scaling would have resulted in very dif-ferent temporal structure as well as structure in intensity levelfor each ribosome conformation, leading to a continuousdistribution of time-course signal. The supervised learningalgorithm utilized labeling information resulted from visualinspection and features designed to match visual processingof data, which was the most reasonable and appropriate forthis project.

Approaching the problem with multiple methods within asupervised learning and combining results, we have achievedthree different policies that can be used depending on thesize of the data set. If a data set size is in a scale of10,000 or more molecules, the most aggressive method ofNB would filter out most of the unwanted data (in general,for 10,000 molecules, around 8,000 are not wanted and2,000 are wanted, and 500 wanted molecules give a goodestimate of kinetic parameters within experiment), whilegiving enough wanted molecules to be analyzed further foraccurate measurements. For the data set size of 5,000, themost conservative method, SVM, would retain most of thewanted data while filtering more than 50 percent of unwanteddata. For the data set size in between 5,000 to 10,000, ahybrid approach of MV would result in a good balancebetween filtering and retaining.

Fig. 5. Summary table of different methods on testing set

V. CONCLUSIONSIn this project, we implemented supervised learning ap-

proach to automate data processing in a single-molecule

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experiment. Extracting relevent features from time-coursedata required imagination and logical steps in recognizingwanted shape in one-dimensional signal. Using ten of suchfeatures, We have presented three different models that canbe used in data processing of certain data set sizes.


In a future endeavor, increasing feature spaces with findingmore relevant features might improve overall performance.Our next goal is to improve retaining to 95 percent, whilefilter out nearly 70 percent, which can be used in practicalsetting immediately independent of data set size.


We thank the member of the Puglisi laboratory for usefuldiscussion, especially Jin Chen and professor Jody Puglisi.We also thank professor Ron Dror for helpful advise. Lastly,we thank NIH for funding experiments needed in this project.


[1] T. J. Ha, ”Single-molecule methods leap ahead,” Nature Methods, vol.11, pp. 1015-1018, 2014.

[2] C. E. Aitken, A. Petrov, and J. D. Puglisi, ”Single ribosome dynamicsand the mechanism of translation,” Annu Rev Biophys, vol. 39, pp.491-513, 2010.

[3] J. Chen, A. Petrov, M. Johansson, A. Tsai, S. E. O’Leary, and J. D.Puglisi, ”Dynamic pathways of -1 translational frameshifting,” Nature,vol. 512, pp. 328-32, Aug 21 2014.

[4] J. Chen, R. V. Dalal, A. N. Petrov, A. Tsai, S. E. O’Leary, K. Chapin, etal., ”High-throughput platform for real-time monitoring of biologicalprocesses by multicolor single-molecule fluorescence,” Proc Natl AcadSci U S A, vol. 111, pp. 664-9, Jan 14 2014.

[5] J. Chen, A. Petrov, A. Tsai, S. E. O’Leary, and J. D. Puglisi, ”Co-ordinated conformational and compositional dynamics drive ribosometranslocation,” Nat Struct Mol Biol, vol. 20, pp. 718-27, Jun 2013.

[6] J.M.S. Prewitt ”Object Enhancement and Extraction” in ”Pictureprocessing and Psychopictorics”, Academic Press, 1970.

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