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HONORABLE SILVESTRE T. LUMARDA The Working Mayor of the Booming Municipality of Inopacan, Leyte Corpez et al

Stories of leadership often come from the efforts of a man with enough knowledge and master the field

of managing his/her people.

This is the story of Mayor SILVESTRE T. LUMARDA, Mayor of the Municipality of Inopacan, a 5th class

municipality found in the Province of Leyte. Inopacan has twenty (20) barangays with a population of 23,

604. In this story, we will learn the step-by-step struggles of one who, from the depths of his humanity,

fought against the forces of change with his will and power gained from the people that surround him.

The Mayor before Joining Politics

Silvestre “Loloy” T. Lumarda was born in Jimenez, Misamis Occidental. He was born being the youngest in

a family of seven siblings, four boys and three girls. His parents were just an ordinary citizen of their

barangay without the inclination to politics and so with his siblings. In other words, Loloy was not born a


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After graduating from the University of Technical Institute in

Cebu City as Radio Telegraphic Operator in the year 1970, Loloy

met Madam Sol Compendio in Cebu City and got married through

civil rights officiated by a judge on March 20, 1970. After their

marriage Loloy planned to land a job abroad, however, his father-

in-law “Pedring” Compendio – a retired Schools Division

Superintendent was against the plan because Loloy would be

living far from his family. His father-in-law counseled him not to

go abroad because this would be the usual cause of broken family

especially that they were still very young at that time. So Loloy

and Sol supported and raised the family the best and simplest way they could. Sol started as elementary

school teacher, then became a school head teacher, a central school principal, a district school supervisor,

and retired as schools division superintendent. Loloy also worked as a janitor, a clerk, a utility man, and a

messenger at DepEd, Office of the District Supervisor for twenty-one years. It was his first and the last job

before he entered politics.

Loloy’s mix experiences in these nature of work – being a man of many errands to accomplish and a lot of

requests to perform as a janitor, utility man, clerk, and messenger proved invaluable when he eventually

entered public service. Spending twenty-one years obeying errands, doing janitorial services, etc. made

him stronger and his attitude towards dealing with people shaped him into what he is today. His nature

of work, dealing with people from different economic and social levels together with his conventional

attitude - “pakikisama” honed him to relate his people, l isten to their stories, and understand their unique

situation. Although Loloy was not born politician he acquired important traits how to handle people or

“pakikisama” from his family who molded him as he grew. He can relate much with the poor and needy

Hon. Si lvestre T. Lumarda and his Wife

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in his community as he was born from low profile family. Even while he was still a janitor receiving a daily

wage of two hundred forty pesos he still managed to help the poor and the needy. Though he is not

polished as problem-solver or "troubleshooter" but his kindness to humanity made him famous and

outstanding local chief executive.

“Wala jud koy laing estratehiya sa pagdala sa akong katagi-lungsod kundi mao ra jud ang

PAKIKISAMA nila. Ako silang estorya-estoryahan, akong agbay-agbayan, ug hangtud nga

makahibawo kos ilang sitwasyon ug mga problema. (I have no other strategy in dealing with my

countrymen but one, and it is COMRADESHIP. I put my arms around their shoulders, talked with

them until I know their situations and problems”).

Political Career

It was during the wedding of Madam Jeanette Abrantes and Francisco “Ejun” Degorio – the couple of

political engagement (before election) when two Sangguniang Bayan (SB) members Pepe Lloren and Belo

de los Santos, both his friends encouraged him to run as SB counselor and with his willingness to help his

countrymen he immediately agreed and settled with the invitation even without the knowledge of his

wife, Sol, who during that time was in Malaysia for further studies. He ran as SB member as a substi tute

of his father-in-law who was already at the last term.

He ran from the opposition since 1992 to 2001 and managed to be included as SB member even the fact

that majority voted for the SB candidates of the administration. On the first term he ranke d fifth, on the

second term he ranked second, and on the third term, he ranked eighth. Being the third termer of the

said position, he tried to run as Vice-Mayor independently in the year 2001 as his eagerness to continue

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his service to people. Again he managed to go up to the last term. In 2010, he won the position of a town

mayor considering the fact that he was mocked by opponents as “the janitor who contested a doctor”.

On his last term, nobody ran for the opposite party. He made a history of Inopacan politicians, being three-

termer SB member, three-termer Vice-Mayor, and three-termer Mayor, and when somebody asked for

his strategy… he always answered humbly that it is through comradeship or pakikisama.

When Loloy became Vice Mayor, most of the basic necessities were not available to the people of

Inopacan. Potable water was difficult to access in many parts of the municipality. Accessibility of many

barangays was cut off due to lack of passable roads, thus reducing the people’s ability to bring farm goods

to the market while the town reclamation area was left unfinished.

Loloy saw the need to devote his time and energy as Vice Mayor to putting up the needed physical

infrastructure to deliver basic necessities to the people, a priority that he continued to focus on when he

became Mayor in 2010. However, being the leader of a 5th class municipality, Loloy had one basic

problem: the municipal government did not have enough fund. Total tax revenue per year was just about

P5 Million before his management and now year 2017 the total income of the town reaches to more than

P9 Million per year. The money it received from the National Government through the Internal Revenue

Allotment was distributed to Salary 70%, Development Plan Project 20%, GAD 5%, and DRRM 5%. Given

the needs of the municipality, such funds were clearly not enough.

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Major Issues and Problems

Very impossible for a leader to come up drastic change with the lack of re sources. One of the major

problems of the municipality of Inopacan is the lack of a source of funds. He knew some solutions of the

problems but to resolve such issues would need a huge amount of money. So, slowly he started at the

very level of the people's source of income. When people already reached the stability of their income,

they could afford to educate and feed their families. People of Inopacan in the remote and mountainous

barangays previously live in

abundance of abaca where

fibers are exported to different

parts of the world. The crisis

started when plantations of

abaca were attacked by virus

locally known as “ogpong” and

eventually made this industry

down. So, to resolve such problem, the mayor with the help of the agriculturist, extension workers, etc.

of Visayas State University (VSU) conducted a seminar to all residents of the mountainous barangay with

ruin industry of abaca to shift from abaca to vegetable farming. Inopacan is one of the two municipalities

in the Philippines as the pilot project of a foreign funded project SEARCA lead by the VSU presid ent Dr.

Jose Bacusmo. This was all about reforestation and vegetable gardening, bananas, and root crops

production like “estaring”, a common name for a specie of gabi which made the town a supplier of the

abovementioned products to the neighboring towns like Hindang, Hilongos, Baybay, and even across

Cebu. SEARCA project provided free seeds, seedlings, free seminars, and technical assistance to farmers

Vegetable Plantation of the Residents of Cabulisan, Inopacan, Leyte

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promising them to enjoy the benefit of having a daily income of vegetable compared to that of abacca in

which they can only harvest abacca once a year.

The mayor established a “bagsakan or tabo-an”, a place whereby all people meet to buy and sell any goods

especially the products of the vegetable plantation of the people of Inopacan. It started with trainings and

seminars for the farmers, then construction of farm to market roads to provide accessibility of the delivery

of produce. With these, the people of Inopacan started to provide daily support to their families, since

the people at the mountainous barangays had already their daily provision for their family.


One of his most visible accomplishments is the transformation of the Inopacan town hall into a splendid,

colorful, with well-lit plaza where all the community’s activities are conducted. It was started by the

previous mayor with

skeleton of

framework only, and

it was finished during

his reign with the

budget of 31 million.

Inopacan town hall’s

blessing was on

December 6, 2012 wherein all the people of Inopacan were invited to celebrate since it was also the date

of Inopacan Founding Anniversary.

Inopacan Town Hall

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The blessing marked his first remarkable accomplishment during his first term. In front of the New

Inopacan Town Hall is the newly renovated and newly landscaped Rizal Park. Behind the New Town Hall

is the two hectare reclamation area where Inopacan View Walk is located. It is his another project that

garnered praises and admirations to most of his constituents.

Loloy also organized the vendors in the municipality like for example the fried chicken stands are located

in one place. In this strategy, all vendors can offer the same prices. In like manner, the “bagsakan” or

“tabo-an” is located in one portion of the 2-hectare

reclamation area of the town. It is the project of the

previous mayor, but finished and utilized as such by

Mayor Silvestre T. Lumarda. All produce of the

municipality from vegetables, root crops, bananas, as

well as fishes and sea foods from the three islands of

Inopacan and one island of Hindang deliver their

goods in the tabo-an of Inopacan. Another products from the islands is “romblon” – locally known as

“lilas” a kind of palm used for mat weaving, sea foods (shells, salted and dried fishes, clams, squid,

octopus, etc.) are similarly delivered to tabo-an also.

The same is true to people in the mountainous

barangays. They also deliver their goods or products

to the “bagsakan” or tabo-an. Such goods are root

crops (sweet potato – locally known as camote, taro

like gabi and staring, gingers, cassava, etc.), bananas

of different species (saba, latundan, stanfilco, etc.),

and vegetables (pechay, cabbage, Chinese pechay,

carrot, ampalaya, eggplant, tomato, squash, water melon, sayote, pepper, onions, spring onion, string

Products from the four Islands

Vegetables Products from Cabul isan, Inopacan, Leyte

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beans, baguio beans, mungbean, etc., Fruits like avocado, caimito, etc.). The products from the coastal

barangays are eggs, chicken, pork, beef, etcetera. Such products are displayed at the tabo-an as the

market place whereby people from other towns buy and sell their goods. With this, the town earned

income from the taxes of businesses the constituents engaged in.

The mayor initiated the advocacy to all his

constituents regarding the said ventures till it

reaches to nearby towns. Establishment of floating

restaurants like Lil Italy, Kan-anan, and Boardwalk

which are located in the said reclamation area. These

establishments attracted people from nearby towns

due to the newly constructed View Walk like Manila

Bay Walk, people come here to

hang around, breathe the fresh

air and watch the lovely sunset

feeling safe with the friendly

people around. People love to

watch the fascinating view

along the horizon here the four

scenic beauty of the cuatro islas


Floating Restaurant

Inopacan View Walk located at Inopacan Reclamation Area

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This View Walk serve as the waiting place for the local and foreign tourists in going to the cuatro islas. This

project has a total budget of 3.76 million in which half million came from the provincial budget through

Governor Jericho L. Petilla, the governor of Leyte; three millions came from the local fund, and 260

thousands came from private donations. Inopacan Bay Walk is officially known as Inopacan View Walk,

since Inopacan is not a bay, however people of the locality call it Inopacan Bay Walk as they patterned it

to Manila Bay, so now it is popularly known as “Inopacan Bay Walk”.

He also organized the terminals of multicabs, tricycles, and “habal-habal”. Multicabs and tricycles are

means of transportations along the highways and along the accessible roads, while “habal -habal”- the

two-wheeled motorcycle with extension seats are the means of transportation to people from the

mountainous part of the municipality. People from the mountains make use of this means of

transportation in delivering their products from farm to market.

Another project of the mayor during his first and second terms were the following”: repaired the dike

along the baywalk which is 4.9 million, concreting of the municipal streets, Rizal Park renovation,

Construction of Drainage Canal, Farm to market roads (Cabulisan to Marao) which is 13 kilometer,

(Esperanza to Conalum) which is used to connect people from their farm to the highway, bridge

connecting Barangay Marao and Can-angay, Box Culvert of barangay Marao, Concrete road of Marao

connecting Taotaon as another farm to market road since it will connect to the highway along Taotaon.

The mayor did not only focus on infrastructure but also the health of his constituents. He initiated the

renovation of the Health Center and constructed a public Comfort Rooms, provided Core shelter to 310

families, four units dump trucks for Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM), five speed boats, and

the 2-million public cemetery of the municipality. He also assisted barangay initiated project like the

covered court of barangay Tahud, Can-angay, Esperanza, Guinsangaan, and Hinabay.

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He also created a livelihood project for the people in the islands by developing them into a tourist

destination. People in the islands had come up with a livelihood and income generating ventures by way

of passenger boat-making as well as designing and

creating souvenir items for the tourists in addition

to fishing and mat weaving.

Eco-tourism Project

Inopacan has one barangay island name Apid which

comprises the two small islets the island of Digyo

and Mahaba. These three islands possess long

sandbar and very fine white sand with the crystal-

clear blue seawaters. In addition, beautiful corals

and different colorful fishes under the sea can be

explored while snorkeling. The local government unit develop the three islands and promoted it through

social media until KMJS (Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho)

program of GMA network channel seven featured the

Cuatro Islas counting the other island of Hindang - the

Himokilan. This added popularity of the town to all

tourists throughout the world. The island of Digyo – the

smallest among the three is unoccupied by human

inhabitants. Although, Digyo is owned by a private

individual, it is developed and improved by the LGU. So,

the LGU invested for the development of this tourist

The Cuatro Islas of Inopacan and Hindang, Leyte

Sandbar of Digyo Island

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destination. Today, the island had already an electricity provided by a solar source, cottages, and toilets.

Moreover, the development of the Cuatro Islas greatly improved the livelihood of Inopacnons. Business

oriented constituents invested for passenger boats creating job opportunities to some Inopacnons.


His first problem is the source of funds to realize his plans. Being a visionary leader, Mayor Loloy had many

plans for improving the municipality. On his first term his main problem was the source of funds. He had

hard time convincing the congressman and the governor to help the municipality financially. As time went

by, he showed his best and gained the trust and confidence of the political personalities and made his

vision realized.

Now, he is continuing his struggles and happy to notify the public that the municipality has the ongoing

projects such as the three-story evacuation center worth five million, converting the old municipal hall as

lodging house for tourists worth 4.5 million, water system improvement worth twenty-eight million,

concreting the road of remote and mountainous barangays of De los Santos and Caminto worth 1.7

million, and concreting the barangay road of sitio Bijaong of Barangay Conalum worth 1.7 million.

He also publicized the incoming project of the municipality which funds are already downloaded. These

are the tourism building worth 5 million from Governor Petilla, Concreting of barangay road of Linao which

is worth 11 million, dike construction of barangay Can-angay river worth 3.7 million, levelling of the other

side of the market worth 3.5 million, and concreting of the barangay roads of Taotaon to Macagoco worth

49 million. This ongoing projects and incoming projects made him realized that source of funds is not

anymore a problem.

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Common knowledge to every Filipino, the rampant crimes of the country is mainly due to drugs. Drug is

the country’s menace. Drug dependents, drug users, drug addiction are few among drug-related issues.

Nowadays, drug problem in town has died down and became silent. When asked how he did it, he simply

answered that he approached each one and have a heart to heart talk, giving them pieces of advice like a

father or a family friend. One hundred sixty-seven drug users had approached the police station and three

drug pushers were held captive and put to jail. The imprisonment of the drug dealers made the town at


The Greatest Challenge

While it is true that at the start of his term, Mayor Loloy

recognized that the greater need of the people was the

provision of basic services and infrastructure, it is also

true that when he started as mayor, he thought that this

was the main, if not the only, responsibility of a local chief

executive. His greatest challenge is his fervor ideals of

providing a visible project which will mark the change of

the town from fifth class to third class municipality. He

managed to unite the SB members and even the unity of

all barangay captains, even the captains of the opposing

party. Here we see the key leadership approach shifting from transformational to instrumental. This is

Hon. Silvestre T. Lumarda The Municipal Mayor of Inopacan

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because of his ability to listen and debate. He does not merely listen and simply deliver ideas, but he is

always ready to engage in debate around ideas and open to listen to every suggestion.

Overcoming Problems and Issues

Mayor Loloy, when asked how he overcame all problems and issues, how he had surmounted it, he simply

reply that all because his service is not just a calling from his constituents but also a calling from God. He

also added that his decision of doing such is not coming from his own but from God. He believed that he

is a candidate chosen by the people and a vocation which he believes is from the one supreme who made

all things possible.

Learnings and Insights

He is a hands-on mayor…

As early as six in the morning everybody can see him roaming around the barangays of the municipality

even in the far-flung barangays where projects are on-going. He humbly travel using his motorcycle trying

to monitor projects. He used his motorcycle in doing this because he wanted that anybody can see and

call him anytime especially if there are problems and issues in the location he is visiting. He initiated the

segregation of garbage. Many people witness his initiative in the cleaning of the Bay Walk early in the

morning and late in the afternoon, seeing him sweep the ground himself. He and the Inopacnons are very

proud of the achievements of Inopacan under his reign being awarded as “One of the Cleanest Town in

the province of Leyte”. With his eco-friendly advocacy, he implemented the MRF (Material Recovery

Facility) and the Solid Waste Management all throughout the twenty barangays, making it a contest. He

gave award to the most outstanding implementer. The municipality of Inopacan enacted Ordinance No.

00-02, which promotes segregation and cleanliness in the entire municipal jurisdiction of Inopacan to

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ensure public health. The said ordinance is very essential to the Solid Waste Management Drive,

Cleanliness and Health Protection Program and thus should be strictly implemented all throughout the 20

barangays of Inopacan. In line with this municipal ordinance, all barangays created a resolution approving

the adoption of the municipal ordinance 00-02 to ensure and maintain a safe, healthy and clean

environment. This strategy reap a good result making Inopacan the Cleanest Municipality in the whole


He is such a diligent mayor who is very much willing to serve. His eagerness to serve the Inopacnons made

himself a man of virtue. He possesses the kind of leadership which can be used as best example. He

encourage others to join and expand the culture of service throughout his municipality. He has the ability

to ignite the glowing spark of every public servant to help his advocacy even to the lowest level – to the

level of every household. He inspire his people. He is an epitome of outstanding servant – the real essence

of politics.

He managed to change the outlook of his constituents which brought about by his inspiration. Though this

entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and

involvement of, the people affected by the changes, still the desire to evolve and his desire to be the

instrument of change. Change was achieved, Mayor Lumarda considered the fact that people resist at first

if you force them to change and normally problems arise. He imposed realistic, achievable and measurable

objectives upon his campaign. These aspects were very evident in the strategy of the working mayor. He

successfully convinced the investors to established business in the municipality. With Mayor Loloy’s

strategy, he successfully encouraged the following investors during his time to establish business in the

municipality like the two gasoline stations (FIRM Fuel, and Petron), three restaurants (Lil Italy, Boardwalk,

and Kan-anan), two hotels (Jyn’s Hotel and Casa Kadijja), Four Pawnshops (Palawan Pawnshop, MLhuillier

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Pawnshop, Ormocana and Cebuana Lhuillier Pawnshop), OCCCI Bank, and seven bakeshops (Bread

Express, Via Mae, Em-em’s Bakeshop, Francis Bakeshop, Shiela’s Bakery, Tita’s Bakery and Dayka Bread).

Mayor Loloy humbly admitted that his intellectual capacity could not equate to most politicians who are

doctors, lawyers, etc. but he knew how to use his humility in delegation. He knew that if he can use it in

the right way, then it can be used to develop his people and the community. He knew that delegation is

not just a management technique for freeing up a mayor’s functions but it is rather a strategy of

empowering his people to come up of the best strategy align to the common goal. There is a right or

proper way to do it. These delegation tips and techniques are useful for him and for anyone seeking or

being delegated with responsibilities. Delegation paired with close monitoring and supervision made his

management efficient and effective. Mayor Loloy made used of his very effective skills in leadership.

Generally, Mayor Loloy is a savvy leader whose success is directly tied to his ability to focus on the interest

of his people. He is a strong and effective leader who stresses fundamentals of management like

discipline, accountability, strategic alignment, managing values and empowering employees. Even though

mayor Loloy did not pursue doctorate degree in public administration, he has mastered the six basic

functions of management: leading, planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and communicating. When

Mayor Loloy was asked how did he do it, he simply answered that his clear and effective communication

which he believed as the most important key to great leadership.

Overall, things are looking up, for Inopacan, and for Mayor Silvestre T. Lumarda. He is a focused and hands-

on mayor. He has a fuller understanding of which directions to choose on the wider sense he knew that

being in focused can improve his ability to devise strategy, innovate, and manage the municipality. His

ability, was paired with his system thinking where he looked at the whole municipality. Focusing on the

future with his capacity to imagine and articulate exciting future possibilities perhaps his one of the most

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important virtue being a leader, next to integrity and resourcefulness. Yes, honesty and integrity was

treated by the mayor and held in high regards being absolutely essential for success in all the areas of life

including the organization he leads. Having honesty and integrity not only creates value in every

communication, but it also leads to build the foundation of trust and confidence. For him, honesty does

not just imply refusal to lie, but it does to live life with fairness and straightforwardness. He also believes

that integrity is also an important virtue of a leader which implies the quality of possessing and steadfastly

adhering to high moral principles. So, with the full support of his family, especially his wife and his children,

the unity of the SB members and all the barangay captains, the full support of his friends and all

constituents of Inopacan made him transform the town into where it is today...

Case Study:

THE WORKING MAYOR OF THE BOOMING INOPACAN, LEYTE (Corpez, Perla P.; Llano, Lorna P.; and Batayola, Milagros B.)

The case assigned for our analysis was about the leadership story of Mayor SILVESTRE T. LUMARDA, Mayor

of the Municipality of Inopacan, a fifth-class municipality in the Province of Leyte in Region VIII.

Internal Factor Evaluation

In analyzing the leadership style of Mayor SILVESTRE T. LUMARDA, we come across several significant

strengths and weaknesses inherent in the individual (as case-study subject).

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Experience / Family Background

Undoubtedly, Mayor Lumarda’s performance as local executive of the Municipality of Inopacan was

greatly affected by his family’s cultural and philosophical background. Born into an ordinary but socially-

oriented clan, Lumarda was nurtured with his father on how to mingle with people even without an idea

of how to run a town politically but because of his incessant desire to serve his fellowmen, he manage to

go at the topmost kind of service which is beyond the expectations of his opponents.

His parental guidance and his environmental background made him comfortable wi th people, honed his

interpersonal skills, and perhaps even made him generally likable. These has proven helpful in his political

career. Mayor Lumarda also had experience as messenger, janitor, clerk, etc. in the District Office of the

Department of Education for 21 years – this developed his skills in general administrative tasks, people

management, and basic human relations. His work experience strengthened his personal will and



Mayor Lumarda’s orientation toward people was clearly among his major strengths. Through his

personality, Lumarda was able to talk immediately to his constituents – knowing at once what problems

they had that affected their daily affairs.

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Mayor Lumarda is family and value oriented whereby he knew that he might cause pain and shame to his

family in case he fails the constituents through infrastructure and the delivery of basic services like

electricity and water. He has a lot of envisioned projects and being worried of the source of funding. At

first he feels like he was alone for his advocacy of transforming the town, but as the case showed, Mayor

Lumarda failed to see the importance of unity and camaraderie. He did not anticipate that if the leader

touches the heart of the people, they will unite. When the constituents unite the leader at the top may

abide. So in the case of Mayor Lumarda, as the congressman and governor learned the strong support of

Inopacnons, they immediately showed their support also to the mayor by providing funds to the

envisioned projects....

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