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“Sell More Products,

Keep More Profits”



AdWords PPC Services for

e-Commerce Merchants

About You

We help e-Commerce

merchants to sell their

physical and digital

products online for

more profit

About Me

I'm the author of the Amazon

best-seller "The AdWords Bible

for e-Commerce - Sell More

Products, Keep More Profit".

Commission-Only in Arrears, No

Fixed Monthly Fees in Advance

We are currently accepting

applications to partner with

selected e-Commerce merchants

on a commission-only, profit share


Our Goal

Our goal is to become the

Pay per Click Agency of

choice for e-Commerce

merchants world-wide

Corporate Background

I'm the former European Information Services Manager for a multinational supplier of yield-management systems to the semiconductor industry including




Corporate Background

Responsible for hiring and managing

a support team of 5 with

an annual budget of $1.5m

11 sites in 5 countries

470 employees

10 Years in AdWords

Following the dotcom crash I founded an international AdWords Marketing Agency

Since 2005 has been responsible for

£24m / $38m Client spend

over 1.8m sales and leads

AdWords Conference Speaker

I have been a guest

speaker at marketing

conferences in



New York

Maui Hawaii

Perry Marshall:

“This is the world standard in Pay Per Click advertising and will be for the foreseeable future”

Perry Marshall, Author

Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords

80/20 Sales and Marketing

Ken McCarthy

“a major contribution to the AdWords literature“

Ken McCarthy, Founder The System Seminar

Contributing Author

I have contributed to:

"AdWords for Dummies"

Jacobson and McDonald, 2012

"Ultimate Guide to Google


Marshall, Rhodes, Todd, 2014

Commission-Only Management

Since 2011, I have been working with

Clients on a profit share, commission-only

basis, paid in arrears

Rather than a fixed monthly fee or

percentage of ad spend, favoured by

most agencies, paid in advance

Profit-Share Commission

Since 2013, this has been based on a

percentage of actual campaign sales

revenues targeted by Return on Ad


Target ROAS 500% - 1,000%

Clients typically see a ROAS of 500% - 1,000% or


$1.00 in AdWords cost = $5.00 - $10.00 sales revenue

Below ROAS = 1,170% (11.7)

$1.00 AdWords = $11.70 sales revenue

Best Selling Amazon Author

In 2014 I published my book "The

AdWords Bible for e-Commerce" on

Amazon based on actual Client


Over 400 pages

Discover the Clicks, Customers,

Cashflow® System for your business

"Show Me the Money"

For every $1.00 you spend on

AdWords, do you know how

many $ you get back?

The big problem

Many e-Commerce merchants buy clicks

on Google and sell their products

But they are still going broke

Often without even realising it

“AdWords Doesn’t Work!”

Then they say "AdWords doesn't work“

What they really mean is that they

couldn't make AdWords work for their

unique business.

Spend More, Not Less

If you're trying to spend less on

AdWords instead of more,

you're not doing it right

Your campaigns are a cost

center and not a profit center

No More Excuses

There's simply no excuses any

longer for e-Commerce

merchants not to run their

campaigns at profit, with

unlimited daily budgets

In-source, or Out-source?

Should you invest the time and

money in learning how to do it for

yourself, or instead run the risk of

hiring an agency to do it for you?

We've solved this problem - so

you don't have to

"Clicks, Customers, Cashflow"

In 2013 I discovered the Clicks,

Customers, Cashflow System

Completely changed the way

campaigns are managed based on their

profitability (ROAS) and not cost per sale


Profit-Driven Marketing

In 2014, even Google started to publish

their "Think with Google" insights into the

new profit-driven marketing approach

We had already been doing it for a year

Maxed Out Campaigns

This approach begins with profitable

campaigns as the goal

“Begin with the end in mind” (Covey)

Then remove all constraints to max them

out at a target Return on Ad Spend

Campaigns as Profit Centers

Once your campaigns are profit centers,

the barrier is no longer the budget

It’s then how many profitable clicks you

can actually buy from an online

audience which is not infinite

CLICKS - "Buying the Right Clicks"

We all need clicks

We only show your products

to the right people

on the right device

at the right time

in the right location

for the right price

CUSTOMERS - "Clicks are for Show,

but Customers are for Dough"

We track your campaign conversions

to actual sales revenue

CASHFLOW - "Show Me the Money"

We show you

what you spend

what you earn

and what you keep

DIY or Done for You

We can teach and support you if you

want to do it for yourself

Or do it for you on a profit share basis with

no contractual commitments

Selected Partners

By Application

You Get Paid First

We want the same as you

More sales, more revenue, more profit

because that's how we get paid too

The AdWords Game Keeps

Changing – are You Keeping Up?

AdWords is a Game

Of Identity and Numbers

Whenever Google introduce something

new, we're ready to use it for you if it can

help grow your online business

“Maxed Out at the Bank of


And when we've maxed you out on

Google AdWords, we can take you into

Bing ads

Amazon ads

and the recently announced Facebook

Product Ads

Data Meets Psychology

Because I am an engineer who

also loves the written word, I

became fascinated by Google

AdWords because it lies at the

intersection of data and human


Decide with Data

I believe that data should drive all

business decisions about online

marketing, and not uninformed


Making AdWords Pay

I believe that not just many, but

most Google advertisers have not

made AdWords pay them like it


Clicks are Not Enough

Most agencies and in-house

managers concentrate just on

buying clicks - but this is not


“My Agency Left Me Broke”

Hundreds of thousands of them have

been taken to the cleaners, either

directly by Google or by their Agency

Because they did not know what they

were doing and were too busy to find

out before it was too late

It’s Time for Profit

I am on a mission to make that stop

All e-Commerce merchants should

make the profits they deserve

I help them re-engineer their business

to take full advantage over their


Global, Precision Targeting

I still get a thrill at being able to target

a unique message at any internet-

connected device on the planet,

and see the results in sales revenue

and profit for my Clients

E-Commerce merchants have a

unique opportunity

You can immediately see

actual orders

money changing hands

sales revenue values

and profitability

The Rise of Shopping Campaigns

New services are continually launching specifically for e-Commerce merchants

Google Shopping

Searches up 114% during 2014 (Searchmetrics)

Bing Product Ads (USA only as yet)

Amazon Product Ads

Facebook Product Ads

Show Up!

So it's never been more important to

be able to target these online

shoppers with your products



With whatever device they are using

“No Fix, No Fee” PPC Profit Audit

If you are an e-Commerce merchant

using Google AdWords, and tracking at

least 5 sales conversions per day, you

should apply now for our unique "No Fix,

No Fee" PPC Profit Audit

We are so confident we can identify and

fix your profitability problem that we won't

even charge you if we can't

It’s All About Profit

Many agencies offer a free audit that

tells you lots of things about your

campaigns, but ours is different

because it only focuses on the most

important thing - profitability

Release the Full Potential of

AdWords for Your Business

Ten years of experience working with many global


We specialise in making AdWords profitable for

your unique e-Commerce business

Apply Now for the “No Fix, No Fee” PPC Profit Audit

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