Page 1: Shot sizes evaluation

Shot sizes evaluation

Extreme long shot – was successful as I left a large amount of space around the subject and you can see the scenery around the scene of action.

Long shot – good amount of room above the head (approx. a cm) and good amount of space below the feet

Medium long shot – good space above the head at most times but sometimes there is too much space as the movement partakes. Goes from the head to upper thigh.

Medium shot – good space above the head at all times and it goes down to the waist.

Medium close up – good amount of head room and goes to below the shoulders

Close up – good head room at some times. The shot was unstable as was moving around whilst trying to get the shot and cuts of shoulders sometimes

Head shot – managed to get a good shot of the face and good framing but shot was unstable and kept moving around

Extreme close up – found it hard to judge the movement of the subject and I don’t think I got close enough to the subject to be able to actually name it a extreme long shot

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