Page 1: Short Report for Marc Verfaillie...Short Report for Marc Verfaillie Introd uction: Sometimes we plan our actions vary carefully; however, in the majority of situations, we tend to


Short Report for Marc VerfaillieIntrod uction:

Sometimes we plan our actions vary carefully; however, in the majority of situations, we tend to act in avery spontaneous manner. This is what makes us special. There is however always a certain level ofconsistency in our behaviour. This is exactly what Shadowmatch does: It seeks for consistency in youranswers in order to help you identify your behavioral strengths. This might also help you to gain someinsight into yourself and to facilitate a better understanding of your own behaviour. Shadowmatch truststhat this feedback will help you grow as a person in such a way that you will enjoy being who you are.

Self Confidence

In short, self confidence is the habit of acting with a high level of trust in your abilities, qualities andjudgement, knowing who you are and what you can and can't do. The way in which you have completedthe worksheet has indicated that you are a very self confident individual. Youare the type of person thatwould prepare properly when challenged, make up your mind immediately and stick to your guns. Thesystem measures this very meticulously and you've done very well. In fact, you've shown such a highlevel of self confidence that there is a word of caution: Be careful, don't be too much of a hard-lineperson as people might experience you as a threat and turn negative towards you. W:lrk with your habitof strong self confidence; however be aware of the fact that when you are amongst those who are not asself confident as you, it might lead to rejection towards you. Trust in your own abilities, and you wouldeasily find your way through your world.


Sometimes people with a habit of reacting quickly don't realize it, they experience a level of frustrationwhen things happen slowly because others take their time doing things. It seems that this might be yourexperience. The way in which you have answered the worksheet, indicated that you have a habit of beingresponsive. In other words, you have a habit of reacting quickly. You might find yourself very frustratedwhen people tend to react slowly in a situation or when they cannot come to a decision quickly.


The habit of working under extreme levels of discipline, in a highly controlled working environment whereadherence to structure and time-frames are imperative, is a rare find in modern society. People with thishabit are becoming a scarcity. Youare one of them. Vv'henothers fail to adhere, you might be the one toreact positively to a disciplined process! Society needs you!


lIIIhen faced with a challenge, some people give up easily whilst others display a habit of applyingthemselves relentlessly to solving problems and overcoming challenges. The way in which you'vecompleted this worksheet indicates a habit of not giving up but continuously striving to overcomechallenges despite difficulties experienced. You might sometimes experience frustrations when thingsare tough - we all do. The difference is that you have the habit of trying harder and persisting for longerin order to succeed. If you ever feel like quitting, try again and don't be negative about this feeling. You

Page 2: Short Report for Marc Verfaillie...Short Report for Marc Verfaillie Introd uction: Sometimes we plan our actions vary carefully; however, in the majority of situations, we tend to


have enough resilience to try again and again and apply yourself in order to finish the job or task athand.


The way in which you have completed the Shadowmatch worksheet indicates that you have a habittowards leading others. You have shown potential towards being a successful leader. You might notcurrently be in a leadership position or you might not be in the right position or space of life to beappointed in a leadership position right now. You might not even have known that you have goodleadership skills. Consider doing some kind of leadership course or development programme to unlockthis potential. If you are already in a leadership position. consider to develop this strength even further.

Your general approach to life

Youseem to be someone that is very involved in the world around you. This involvement is positive withthe aim to make the world a better place. You don't seem to be aggressive in the way you get involved inyour world. In fact. you seek meaning and positive results from your involvement. Personal fulfillmentand contributing to the lives of others are much more important to you than winning an argument. Thisis fantastic. Youwill also tend to turn your involvement in the world around you into a positive experiencefor others. You have a lot to offer to our world. Stay this way. the world needs people like you!

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