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Air Getta Edition

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Earlier this week, the DaVinci Coders were given their first engineering task. The task ... engineering a shoe. We were to use design and build a shoe that would need to support 125+ pounds, be elevated 1” off the ground, and be durable enough to be walked and run in. All was required to be done, using the any amount of the 2 pieces of standard bristol board, 10” x 15” foam, and glue that were provided with. At first, we were startled by the competition and believed it was impossible to complete the task at hand with the materials we were provided with, but after talking it out, we rational-ized that they concept of the task was basic and that we had nothing to worry about, so with no more worries or doubts, we went to work.

We began analysing all possible different ways we could approach the task and after 30 minutes concluded that we would go with a Getta approach and assigned each member with individual tasks. Jarid & Caleb: measure and cut pieces of sole/ support structures, Daniel: build shoe sole and straps, as well as glue finished support structures on bottom of shoe sole. Stephen: Properly align and bind individual support structures.


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Prior to finalizing our design, we believed it would be a good idea to think of almost all the problems/factors that could hinder our shoe design. After 45 minutes of discussion, we determined what most of the factors that could hinder us were. The factors were:

a) Foam StrengthProblem: When we were testing the foam, we found it to be quite quick and tested that a single 2” by 1.5” was far to weak to withstand 130+ pounds. Also, depending on the orientation, it would be unable to meet the 1“ off the ground requirement.

Solution: We concluded that stacking 8 or more 2” by 1.5” by 1/4” pieces of foam in a fashion, in which the 2” side is facing upward, would be the minimum amount required to support 130 pounds of weight.


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b) Foam Block RigidityProblem: When analyzing the foam block diagram, we theorized that some points along the blocks surface could be uneven causing an uneven rigidity for the wearer of the shoe, which when in actual use could cause serious damage to the wearer

Solution: By using the resources around us, we were able to file down the blocks as smooth as we could by hand and realized that whatever uneven regid-ity that would be left would be countered by the wearer’s weight bearing down of the block smoothening them out further

c) Shoe’s Front EndProblem: When prototyping, we discovered that another aspect of the shoe that could potentially cause harm to the wearer was the unsupported front end of the shoem, which when in would prevent the wearer from running properly

Solution: Upon further investigation, we found that simply adding an adittional foam support structure gives the wearer adequate support to run without any problems.

Now that we were aware of some of the hinderances we could face with our shoe design, we were more than capable to redesign some aspects of our shoes, so the hinderances could be compensated.


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Our Design to Success

After a day and a half of discussing the DaVinci Coders finally decided on the approach we wanted take, in order to complete the task of designing the shoes. We finally on a design that is capable of holding 130+ pounds and stay 1” off the ground, we like to call it Air Getta.

The concept of the shoes was derived from the traditional Japanese shoes, Getta. The Getta was a solid piece off wood carved into a shoe with a sole and two support structures. The support structures tended to keep the shoe over 1” off the ground.

Using that same concept we designed our shoe, but because of the difference in material, several adjustments had to be made to compensate. The sole of our shoe was constructed from and 11” by 4” piece of bristol board, by averaging our the foot size of all members on the team, we were able to conclude that a 11” by 4” sole would


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be more than adaquete for anyone size twelve mens shoes and under. The sole of the shoe is supported by two stacks of fourteen pieces of 2” by 1.5” by 1/4” foam, each stack was binded by hot glue. . In addition to the two stacks, an addtional stack of ten pieces of 2” by 1.5” by 1/4” foam, binded by hot glue, was placed right below the toes to act as additional support to pre-vent tripping while running. To complete the shoe, the top front portion is wrapped by two 7” by 1” straps wrapped over the metatasais to keep the wearers foot inside the shoe and an additional 10” by 1” strap wrapped around the archilles tendon to the center outer edges of the shoe to give additional stability.

All aspects of the shoe were duplicated on too a second shoe, in order to have a functional pair of shoes. The sole of the second shoe was slightly altered from 10” by 4” to 10 by 3.5” to compensate for different foot sizes

Overall after 1.5 days of design and prototyping, 2 days of building, and 0.5 days of additional testing, the DaVinci Coders can safely say that the shoe has not only met all minimum requirements, but also gone upbove and beyond, by adding addtional safety and support feature, meanwhile keeping its lightness and ver-satileness in tact.

When put against other shoes, our shoes will 9/10 times come out on top. No other shoe facilitate safety, versitality, and style all at the same time. On top of that, very minimal amounts of material was used to create the shoe. Overall, the pair shoes are stylish, safe, versatile, and ecofriendly. All the qualities of a winning pair of shoes.


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Air Gettas


The DaVinci Coders would like to introduce you to the latest and greatest in foam footwear, Air Getta. After 3 days of design and build, the Air Getta’s was the fruit of the DaVinci Coders’ labour. The Air Getta’s are a light and versatile pair of shoes designed to withstand and support over 130 pounds of weight and be durable enough for activities such as running, jogging, and walking.

Not only do the pair of shoes meet all standard requirements, but they have additional functions that make the pair of shoes safer and more stylish. The Air Gettas are the best in foam footwear.


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The DaVinci Codex was published by Humberview’s “DaVinci Coders”

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