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Av.Rio Branco,105 | So Pelegrino | Cep: 95010-060 | Caxias do Sul - RS Fone (54) 3028.8708 | | [email protected]

1 - CorelDRAW X4 Objetivos:Este um poderoso software de editorao grfica. Atravs dele podemos criar ilustraes criativas como cartes de visita, folder, logomarcas para empresas, etc.

Contedo Programtico:Aula 01

01 - Introduo ao CorelDRAW X4; 02 - Novidades na verso X4; 03 - Tela de Boas Vindas; 04 - Ambiente de Trabalho; Aula 02

05 - Ferramentas: Retngulo e Elipse; 06 - Ferramenta Objeto; 07 - Ferramenta Formas perfeitas; 08 - Ferramenta Seleo; 09 - Propriedades das Ferramentas - Parte I; 10 - Propriedades das Ferramentas - Parte II; Aula 03

11 - Utilizando as teclas CTRL - SHIFT - ALT; 12 - Agrupar, Desagrupar e Desagrupar tudo; 13 - Copiar objetos (tecla +); 14 - Duplicar e Clonar; 15 - Executar etapa e repetir; 16 - Distncia de deslocamento e Distncia do duplicado; Aula 04

17 - Ferramentas: Zoom e Mo; 18 - Ferramenta Forma; Aula 05

23 - Ferramenta Texto;

24 - Formatao de caracteres e de pargrafos; 25 - Converter texto; 26 - Marcadores e Capitulao; 27 - Ajustar texto ao caminho; Aula 06

28 - Ferramenta Mo livre; 29 - Paleta de Cores; 30 - Colorir objetos; 31 - Paleta de cores personalizada; 32 - Tonalidades e Mistura de cores; Aula 07

33 - Configurar pgina; 34 - Trabalhando com pginas; 35 - Ordenar pginas e Mover objetos; 36 - Fundo para a pgina; 37 - Linhas-guia; 38 - Alinhar objetos pela linha-guia; Aula 08

39 - Grade; 40 - Alinhar objetos pela grade; 41 - Alinhar e distribuir; 42 - Ordem dos objetos; 43 - ngulo de rotao e Espelhar; 44 - Preenchimento uniforme; Aula 09

45 - Preenchimento gradiente; 46 - Preenchimento de padro; 47 - Preenchimento de textura; 48 - Preenchimento PostScript; 49 - Preenchimento interativo; Aula 10

50 - Preenchimento de malha; 51 - Soldar; 52 - Aparar; 53 - Interseo; 54 - Frente menos verso/Verso menos frente; 55 - Criar objeto ao redor de objetos selecionados; 56 - Combinar; Aula 11

57 - Reviso - Parte I; Aula 12

58 - 1 Prova de CorelDRAW X4; Aula 13

59 - Ferramenta Contorno; 60 - Copiar propriedades de ...; 61 - Converter contorno em objeto; 62 - Cdigo de barras; 63 - PowerClip; 64 - Adicionar Perspectiva; 65 - Envelope; Aula 14

66 - Mistura; 67 - Mistura interativa; 68 - Contorno; 69 - Contorno interativo; 70 - Distoro interativa; 71 - Sombreamento interativo; Aula 15

72 - Extruso; 73 - Extruso interativa; 74 - Transparncia interativa; 75 - Tabela; Aula 16

76 - Trabalhando com fileiras e colunas; 77 - Formatar tabela; 78 - Mesclar, Separar e Dividir; 79 - Converter tabela em texto; 80 - Inserir imagens; 81 - Smbolos de caracteres; Aula 17

82 - Corel CAPTURE X4; 83 - Mdia artstica; 84 - Dimenso; 85 - rea imprimvel e Sangramento; Aula 18

86 - Imagens Bitmaps e Vetoriais;

87 - Importar arquivos; 88 - Efeitos Bitmap; 89 - Converter em Bitmap; 90 - PowerTRACE; 91 - Exportar arquivos; Aula 19

92 - Camadas; 93 - Propriedades das camadas; 94 - Impresso mesclada; 95 - Gerenciamento de cores; 96 - Visualizao e Impresso; 97 - Separao de cores; Aula 20

98 - Exerccio: CERTIFICADO; Aula 21

99 - Exerccio: CONVITE DE FORMATURA; Aula 22

100 - Exerccio: CARTO DE VISITA; Aula 23

101 - Exerccio: CAPA PARA CD/DVD; Aula 24

102 - Exerccio: FOLDER; Aula 25

103 - Reviso - Parte II; Aula 26

104 - 2 Prova de CorelDRAW X4 ;


Carga Horria:


1 - Excel Objetivos:Parte I

Com este software, o aluno ir criar planilhas eletrnicas desenvolvendo tabela de preos, controle de gastos domsticos, realizando formataes nas planilhas, etc. Ir tambm inserir grficos 3D para auxlio visual dos dados.

Parte II

Nesta verso avanada do curso de Excel, o aluno ir compartilhar informaes entre planilhas e pastas de trabalho, criar planilhas de comisso de vendas e planilhas de projeo de vendas, alm da utilizao de frmulas para garantir a segurana, eficincia e agilidade na entrada de informaes e nos clculos.

Contedo Programtico:Parte II Aula 01

01 - Introduo ao Microsoft Excel 2007; 02 - Conhecendo o Microsoft Excel 2007; 03 - Conhecendo uma planilha; 04 - Inserindo dados em uma planilha; 05 - Alterando o tamanho das colunas e das linhas; 06 - Selecionando e limpando o contedo das clulas. Aula 02

07 - Inserindo linhas, colunas e clulas; 08 - Excluindo linhas, colunas e clulas; 09 - AutoPreencher; 10 - Trabalhando com listas personalizadas; 11 - Utilizando frmulas no Microsoft Excel 2007. Aula 03

12 - Entendendo a ordem dos operadores; 13 - Criando frmulas utilizando a referncia da clula; 14 - Montando uma planilha - Parte I; 15 - Copiando frmulas. Aula 04

16 - Utilizando a funo SOMA(); 17 - Boto Soma;

18 - Funes MNIMO() e MXIMO(); 19 - Funo MDIA(). Aula 05

20 - Clculo de Porcentagem - Parte I; 21 - Clculo de Porcentagem - Parte II; 22 - Clculo de Porcentagem - Parte III; 23 - Montando uma planilha - Parte II. Aula 06

24 - Formatar Clulas 25 - Formatar Clulas 26 - Formatar Clulas 27 - Formatar Clulas 28 - Formatar Clulas Aula 07

- Fonte; - Alinhamento; - Nmero; - Borda e Preenchimento; - Estilo.

29 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte I; 30 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte II; 31 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte III. Aula 08

32 - Formatar Clulas - Barra de Ferramentas; 33 - Cpias Absolutas; 34 - Inserindo as medidas das colunas e das linhas; 35 - Classificar Dados; 36 - Comentrios nas clulas. Aula 09

37 - Grficos I; 38 - Grficos II; 39 - Grficos III; 40 - Grficos IV; 41 - Grficos V. Aula 10

42 - Protegendo uma planilha ou parte dela; 43 - Visualizando a Impresso - Pgina e Margens; 44 - Visualizando a Impresso - Cabealho e Rodap; 45 - Definindo a rea de impresso; 46 - Imprimindo um documento no Microsoft Excel 2007. Aula 11

47 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte IV; 48 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte V;

49 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte VI. Aula 12

50 - Reviso - Parte I. Aula 13

51 - Reviso - Parte II. Aula 14

Parte II

52 - Teste de Excel 2007.

Aula 01

01 - Excel 2007 - Aplicaes Avanadas; 02 - Vnculo entre planilhas e pastas de trabalho; 03 - Grfico de Pizza; 04 - Inserindo um grfico em outro para enfatizar itens; 05 - Congelar e descongelar Painis. Aula 02

06 - Funo SE() 07 - Funo SE() 08 - Funo SE() 09 - Funo SE() Aula 03

- Condio e Operadores Relacionais; - Resultando em frmulas; - Resultando em textos; - Mais de duas respostas.

10 - Funo SE() - Integrando a funo E(); 11 - Funo SE() - Integrando a funo OU(); 12 - Formatao Condicional - Parte I; 13 - Formatao Condicional - Parte II. Aula 04

14 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte I; 15 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte II; 16 - Planilhas de Exerccio - Parte III. Aula 05

17 - Funo CONT.SE(); 18 - Funo SOMASE(); 19 - Funo ARRED(); 20 - Planilha de Projeo de Vendas - Parte I; 21 - Planilha de Projeo de Vendas - Parte II. Aula 06

22 - Comando Filtrar; 23 - Funo Subtotal() - Filtrar; 24 - Comando Filtrar - Avanado; 25 - Criar mala direta no Word com dados do Excel. Aula 07

26 - Funo PROCV() - Parte 27 - Funo PROCV() - Parte 28 - Funo PROCV() - Parte 29 - Funo PROCV() - Parte Aula 08


30 - Funo PROCH(); 31 - Funo PGTO(); 32 - Atingir Metas; 33 - Solver. Aula 09

34 - Validao de dados; 35 - Macro - Parte I; 36 - Macro - Parte II; 37 - Inserindo controles de formulrio. Aula 10

38 - Reviso - Parte I. Aula 11

39 - Reviso - Parte II. Aula 12

40 - Teste de Excel 2007 - Aplicaes Avanadas.


Carga Horria:26hs

1 - Html

Objetivos:Este curso destina-se ao aluno que est se iniciando no mundo da criao e desenvolvimento de home pages. O HTML uma das linguagens de programao utilizadas na Web e este conhecimento servir como base para voc se lanar no mundo de desenvolvimento de home pages.

Contedo Programtico:Aula 01

01 - Introduo a Linguagem HTML; 02 - O que so TAGS?; 03 - Estruturas bsica de um arquivo HTML; 04 - Salvando um arquivo em HTML; 05 - Visualizando arquivos em HTML no Navegador; Aula 02

06 - Organizao de Pargrafos - Tag P e BR ; 07 - Formatao de Caracteres - Tag FONT; 08 - Formatao de Caracteres - Instruo COLOR; 09 - Plano de Fundo - Instruo BGCOLOR; 10 - Plano de Fundo - Instruo BACKGROUND; 11 - Formataes de Caracteres - Estilos; Aula 03

12 - Definindo os arquivos da Home Page; 13 - Home Page - Pgina Empresa.html; 14 - Organizao de Pargrafos - Tag PRE; Aula 04

15 - Organizao de Pargrafos - Pgina Empresa.html; 16 - Organizao de Pargrafos - Tag Hx; 17 - Organizao de Pargrafos - Tag HR; 18 - Formatando Pargrafos e Caracteres Alinhamento; 19 - Home Page - Pgina Destinos.html; Aula 05

20 - Formatao de Caracteres -Tag BLOCKQUOTE; 21 - Formatao de Caracteres - Tag BASEFONT SIZE; 22 - Marcadores e Numerao - Tags OL e LI; 23 - Marcadores e Numerao - Instrues TYPE e START; Aula 06

24 - Marcadores e Numerao - Tags UL e LI; 25 - Tabelas - Tags TABLE, TR, TD e TH;

26 - Trabalhando com Imagens - Tag IMG SRC; Aula 07

27 - Trabalhando com Imagens - Instruo ALIGN; 28 - Trabalhando com Imagens - Espaamentos; 29 - Trabalhando com Imagens - Redimensionamento; Aula 08

30 - Segundo Plano - Formatao das Pginas; 31 - Home Page - Pgina Fotos.html; 32 - Home Page - Pgina Index.html; Aula 09

33 - Trabalhando com Vnculos - Tag A HREF; 34 - Trabalhando com Vnculos - Links usando Imagens; 35 - Trabalhando com Vnculos - Vnculos para Email; Aula 10

36 - Formulrios - Tag FORM e INPUT; 37 - Formulrios - Parmetro TEXT; 38 - Formulrios - Parmetro RADIO e CHECKBOX; Aula 11

39 - Formulrios - Tag SELECT; 40 - Formulrios - Tag TEXTAREA; 41 - Formulrios - Parmetro SUBMIT e RESET; 42 - Palavras-Chaves - Tag META NAME; 43 - Efeitos - Tag MARQUEE; Aula 12

44 - Reviso Escrita; Aula 13

45 - Reviso Prtica; Aula 14

46 - Prova;


Carga Horria:14hs

1 - Windows Vista Objetivos:Neste curso, o aluno aprender sobre um computador, como acessar programas, trabalhar com arquivos de textos e de imagens, manusear disquete, pen drive e CD, realizar configuraes, trabalhar com pastas, utilizar o Windows Media Player, conhecer os recursos novos do Windows, entre outros.

Contedo Programtico:Aula 01

01 - Aprendendo a usar o mouse; 02 - Introduo a Informtica; 03 - Tipos de Computadores e Perifricos; 04 - Os Programas e o Windows Vista; 05 - rea de Trabalho, Barra de Tarefas e Boto Iniciar; 06 - Desligando o Computador. Aula 02

07 - Maximizar, minimizar e restaurar; 08 - O teclado e as teclas especiais - Parte I; 09 - O teclado e as teclas especiais - Parte II; 10 - Trabalhando com acentuao. Aula 03

11 - Iniciar, Setas de Direo, Backspace e Delete; 12 - Teclado numrico; 13 - Teclas: Alt e Alt Gr; 14 - Formatando textos no WordPad; 15 - Desenhando no Paint. Aula 04

16 - Conceitos bsicos sobre o processamento de dados; 17 - Hardware e Software; 18 - Unidades de Armazenamento; 19 - Arquivos, Pastas e Subpastas; 20 - Tipos de arquivos e seus cones; 21 - Ambiente de Navegao do Windows Vista. Aula 05

22 - Abrindo arquivos; 23 - Digitando e salvando textos no WordPad; 24 - Desenhando e salvando imagens no Paint; 25 - Apagando arquivos da rea de trabalho; 26 - Restaurando arquivos e esvaziando a Lixeira. Aula 06

27 - Pastas: Documentos, Imagens e Msicas; 28 - Windows Explorer; 29 - Criando pastas e subpastas; 30 - Renomeando pastas e subpastas; 31 - Renomeando arquivos; 32 - Excluindo pastas e arquivos. Aula 07

33 - rea de transferncia; 34 - Recortando, copiando e colando; 35 - Desenho do Paint dentro de um texto do WordPad; 36 - Imprimindo documento do WordPad. Aula 08

37 - 1 Reviso. Aula 09

38 - 2 Reviso. Aula 10

39 - 1 Teste de Windows Vista. Aula 11

40 - Unidades de Medida; 41 - Propriedades dos arquivos e das pastas; 42 - Propriedades dos discos. Aula 12

43 - Movendo arquivo e pasta - Recortar e Colar; 44 - Copiando arquivo e pasta - Copiar e Colar; 45 - Movendo e copiando vrios arquivos e pastas; 46 - Movendo e copiando arquivos para unidade removvel. Aula 13

47 - Criando atalhos; 48 - Pesquisa Instantnea;

49 - Teoria sobre MP3 e WMA; 50 - Windows Media Player. Aula 14

51 - Gravando um CD de udio pelo Windows Media Player; 52 - Copiando msicas de um CD para o Computador; 53 - Propriedades da Barra de Tarefas. Aula 15

54 - Personalizando o Menu Iniciar; 55 - Personalizando a rea de Notificao; 56 - Barras de Ferramentas; 57 - Alterando a data e a hora do sistema. Aula 16

58 - Windows Aero; 59 - Personalizando Cor e Aparncia da Janela; 60 - Recursos do Windows Aero. Aula 17

61 - Personalizando Plano de Fundo da rea de trabalho; 62 - Personalizando a Proteo de tela; 63 - Aplicando sons aos eventos; 64 - Personalizando o ponteiro do mouse. Aula 18

65 - Personalizando Tema; 66 - Ajustando as Configuraes de Vdeo; 67 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte I; 68 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte II. Aula 19

69 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte III; 70 - Ferramentas de Sistema - Limpeza de Disco; 71 - Propriedades do Computador. Aula 20

72 - 3 Reviso. Aula 21

73 - 4 Reviso. Aula 22

74 - 2 Teste de Windows Vista.


Carga Horria:22hs

1 - Windows Vista. Objetivos:Neste curso, o aluno aprender sobre um computador, como acessar programas, trabalhar com arquivos de textos e de imagens, manusear disquete, pen drive e CD, realizar configuraes, trabalhar com pastas, utilizar o Windows Media Player, conhecer os recursos novos do Windows, entre outros.

Contedo Programtico:Aula 01

01 - Aprendendo a usar o mouse; 02 - Introduo a Informtica; 03 - Tipos de Computadores e Perifricos; 04 - Os Programas e o Windows Vista; 05 - rea de Trabalho, Barra de Tarefas e Boto Iniciar; 06 - Desligando o Computador. Aula 02

07 - Maximizar, minimizar e restaurar; 08 - O teclado e as teclas especiais - Parte I; 09 - O teclado e as teclas especiais - Parte II; 10 - Trabalhando com acentuao. Aula 03

11 - Iniciar, Setas de Direo, Backspace e Delete; 12 - Teclado numrico; 13 - Teclas: Alt e Alt Gr; 14 - Formatando textos no WordPad; 15 - Desenhando no Paint. Aula 04

16 - Conceitos bsicos sobre o processamento de dados;

17 - Hardware e Software; 18 - Unidades de Armazenamento; 19 - Arquivos, Pastas e Subpastas; 20 - Tipos de arquivos e seus cones; 21 - Ambiente de Navegao do Windows Vista. Aula 05

22 - Abrindo arquivos; 23 - Digitando e salvando textos no WordPad; 24 - Desenhando e salvando imagens no Paint; 25 - Apagando arquivos da rea de trabalho; 26 - Restaurando arquivos e esvaziando a Lixeira. Aula 06

27 - Pastas: Documentos, Imagens e Msicas; 28 - Windows Explorer; 29 - Criando pastas e subpastas; 30 - Renomeando pastas e subpastas; 31 - Renomeando arquivos; 32 - Excluindo pastas e arquivos. Aula 07

33 - rea de transferncia; 34 - Recortando, copiando e colando; 35 - Desenho do Paint dentro de um texto do WordPad; 36 - Imprimindo documento do WordPad. Aula 08

37 - 1 Reviso. Aula 09

38 - 2 Reviso. Aula 10

39 - 1 Teste de Windows Vista. Aula 11

40 - Unidades de Medida; 41 - Propriedades dos arquivos e das pastas; 42 - Propriedades dos discos. Aula 12

43 - Movendo arquivo e pasta - Recortar e Colar; 44 - Copiando arquivo e pasta - Copiar e Colar;

45 - Movendo e copiando vrios arquivos e pastas; 46 - Movendo e copiando arquivos para unidade removvel. Aula 13

47 - Criando atalhos; 48 - Pesquisa Instantnea; 49 - Teoria sobre MP3 e WMA; 50 - Windows Media Player. Aula 14

51 - Gravando um CD de udio pelo Windows Media Player; 52 - Copiando msicas de um CD para o Computador; 53 - Propriedades da Barra de Tarefas. Aula 15

54 - Personalizando o Menu Iniciar; 55 - Personalizando a rea de Notificao; 56 - Barras de Ferramentas; 57 - Alterando a data e a hora do sistema. Aula 16

58 - Windows Aero; 59 - Personalizando Cor e Aparncia da Janela; 60 - Recursos do Windows Aero. Aula 17

61 - Personalizando Plano de Fundo da rea de trabalho; 62 - Personalizando a Proteo de tela; 63 - Aplicando sons aos eventos; 64 - Personalizando o ponteiro do mouse. Aula 18

65 - Personalizando Tema; 66 - Ajustando as Configuraes de Vdeo; 67 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte I; 68 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte II. Aula 19

69 - Barra Lateral do Windows - Parte III; 70 - Ferramentas de Sistema - Limpeza de Disco; 71 - Propriedades do Computador. Aula 20

72 - 3 Reviso. Aula 21

73 - 4 Reviso. Aula 22

74 - 2 Teste de Windows Vista.


Carga Horria:22hs

10135 - MS Exchange Server 2010 - Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Objetivos:10555 Este curso destina-se a pessoas que desejam ser administradores de sistemas de mensagens corporativos. Outros usurios que podem participar deste curso incluem profissionais de TI generalistas e de suporte tcnico que desejem aprender sobre o Exchange Server 2010. Espera-se que os usurios deste curso tenham pelo menos trs anos de experincia profissional na rea de TI, especialmente nas reas de administrao de redes, suporte tcnico ou administrao de sistemas. No necessrio ter experincia com verses anteriores do Exchange Server. Na concluso do curso Depois de concluir este curso, os alunos sero capazes de:

Instalar e implantar o Exchange Server 2010. Configurar servidores de caixa de correio e seus componentes. Gerenciar objetos de destinatrio. Configurar a funo de servidor Acesso para Cliente. Gerenciar o transporte de mensagens. Configurar a segurana do fluxo de mensagens entre a organizao que usa o Exchange Server e a Internet. Implementar solues de alta disponibilidade para servidores de caixa de correio e outras funes de servidor. Planejar e implementar o backup e a restaurao das funes de servidor. Planejar e configurar a diretiva de mensagens e conformidade. Configurar permisses do Exchange Server e a segurana para acesso interno e externo. Monitorar e manter o sistema de mensagens. Transicionar uma empresa que usa o Exchange Server 2003 ou Exchange Server 2007 para o Exchange Server 2010. Configurar a funo de servidor Unificao de Mensagens e seus componentes.

Implantar solues de alta disponibilidade em vrios sites e implementar o compartilhamento federado.

Contedo Programtico:Mdulo 1: Implantao do Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Este mdulo descreve como preparar e efetuar uma instalao do Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm fornece detalhes sobre a implantao do Exchange Server 2010. Lies

Viso geral dos requisitos do Exchange Server 2010 Instalao de funes de servidor Exchange Server 2010 Concluso da instalao de um Exchange Server 2010

Laboratrio: : Instalao do Exchange Server 2010

Avaliao de requisitos para uma instalao do Exchange Server Preparao para uma instalao do Exchange Server 2010 Instalao do Exchange Server 2010

Laboratrio: : Verificao de uma instalao do Exchange Server 2010

Verificao de uma instalao do Exchange Server 2010

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever os requisitos do Exchange Server 2010. Instalar as funes de servidor Exchange Server 2010. Concluir uma instalao do Exchange Server 2010.

Mdulo 2: Configurao de servidores de caixas de correio Este mdulo descreve as ferramentas de gerenciamento que voc pode usar para gerenciar o Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm descreve a funo de servidor da Caixa de Correio, alguns dos novos recursos do Exchange Server 2010 e as tarefas mais comuns de ps-instalao da funo de servidor Caixa de Correio e das pastas pblicas. Lies

Viso geral das ferramentas administrativas do Exchange Server 2010 Configurao de funes de servidor Caixa de Correio Configurao de pastas pblicas

Laboratrio: : Configurao de servidores de caixas de correio

Configurao de bancos de dados de caixa de correio Configurao de pastas pblicas

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever as ferramentas administrativas do Exchange Server 2010.

Configurar funes de servidor de caixa de correio. Configurar pastas pblicas.

Mdulo 3: Gerenciamento de objetos de destinatrio Este mdulo descreve como possvel gerenciar objetos de destinatrio, diretivas de endereamento e listas de endereos no Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm descreve os procedimentos para executar tarefas de gerenciamento em massa no Exchange Management Shell. Lies

Gerenciamento de caixas de correio Gerenciamento de outros destinatrios Configurao de diretivas de endereo de email Configurao de listas de endereos Execuo de tarefas de gerenciamento de destinatrios em massa

Laboratrio: : Gerenciamento de objetos de destinatrio

Gerenciamento de destinatrios Configurao de diretivas de endereo de email Configurao de listas de endereos Execuo de tarefas de gerenciamento de destinatrios em massa

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Gerenciar caixas de correio no Exchange Server 2010. Gerenciar outros destinatrios no Exchange Server 2010. Configurar diretivas de endereo de email. Configurar listas de endereos. Executar tarefas de gerenciamento de destinatrios em massa.

Mdulo 4: Gerenciamento de acesso para cliente Este mdulo fornece detalhes sobre como implementar a funo de servidor Acesso para Cliente no Exchange Server 2010. Lies

Configurao da funo de servidor Acesso para Cliente Configurao de servios de Acesso para Cliente para clientes Outlook Configurao do Outlook Web App Configurao de SMS

Laboratrio: : Configurao de servidores de Acesso para Cliente para acesso ao Outlook em Qualquer Lugar

Configurao de servidores de Acesso para Cliente Configurao do Outlook em Qualquer Lugar

Laboratrio: : Configurao de servidores de Acesso para Cliente para Outlook Web App e Exchange ActiveSync

Configurao do Outlook Web App

Configurao do Exchange ActiveSync

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Configurar a funo de servidor Acesso para Cliente. Configurar servios de Acesso para Cliente para clientes Outlook. Configurar o Outlook Web App. Configurar SMS.

Mdulo 5: Gerenciamento do transporte de mensagens Este mdulo fornece detalhes sobre o gerenciamento do transporte de mensagens no Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm descreve a implantao e configurao do servidor de Transporte de Hub. Lies

Viso geral do transporte de mensagens Configurao do transporte de mensagens

Laboratrio: : Gerenciamento do transporte de mensagens

Configurao do transporte de mensagens da Internet Soluo de problemas de transporte de mensagens Soluo de problemas de entrega de mensagens da Internet

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever o transporte de mensagens no Exchange Server 2010. Configurar o transporte de mensagens.

Mdulo 6: Implementao de segurana de mensagens Este mdulo descreve como planejar e implantar a funo de servidor Transporte de Borda e as questes sobre segurana relacionadas implantao. Ele tambm descreve como configurar um sistema de mensagens SMTP protegido e a segurana de domnio. Lies

Implantao dos servidores de Transporte de Borda Implementao de uma soluo antivrus Configurao de uma soluo antispam Configurao de um sistema de mensagens SMTP protegido

Laboratrio: : Configurao de servidores de Transporte de Borda e do Forefront Protection 2010

Configurao dos servidores de Transporte de Borda Configurao do ForeFront Protection 2010 para Exchange Server

Laboratrio: : Implementao de solues antispam

Configurao de uma soluo antispam em servidores de Transporte de Borda

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Implantar servidores de Transporte de Borda. Implantar uma soluo antivrus. Configurar uma soluo antispam. Configurar um sistema de mensagens SMTP protegido.

Mdulo 7: Implementao de alta disponibilidade Este mdulo descreve a tecnologia de alta disponibilidade incorporada ao Exchange Server 2010 e alguns fatores externos que afetam as solues de alta disponibilidade. Lies

Viso geral das opes de alta disponibilidade Configurao de bancos de dados de caixa de correio altamente disponveis Configurao de bancos de dados que no sejam de caixa de correio altamente disponveis

Laboratrio: : Implementao de alta disponibilidade

Implantao de um DAG Implantao de servidores de Transporte de Hub e Acesso para Cliente altamente disponveis Teste de configurao de alta disponibilidade

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever opes alta disponibilidade. Configurar bancos de dados de caixa de correio altamente disponveis. Implantar servidores que no sejam de caixa de correio altamente disponveis.

Mdulo 8: Implementao de backup e restaurao Este mdulo descreve os recursos de backup e restaurao incorporados ao Exchange Server 2010 e traz consideraes sobre a criao de um plano de backup adequado. Lies

Planejamento de backup e restaurao Backup do Exchange Server 2010 Restaurao do Exchange Server 2010

Laboratrio: : Implementao de backup e restaurao

Backup do Exchange Server 2010 Restaurao de dados do Exchange Server Restaurao do Exchange Server (opcional)

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Planejar o backup e recuperao. Fazer backup do Exchange Server 2010. Restaurar o Exchange Server 2010.

Mdulo 9: Configurao de diretiva de mensagens e conformidade Este mdulo descreve como configurar os recursos de diretiva de mensagens e conformidade do Exchange Server 2010. Lies

Introduo a diretiva de mensagens e conformidade Configurao das regras de transporte Configurao do registro no dirio e da pesquisa em vrias caixas de correio Configurao do gerenciamento de registros de mensagens Configurao dos arquivos mortos pessoais

Laboratrio: : Configurao das regras de transporte, das regras de registro no dirio e da pesquisa em vrias caixas de correio

Configurao das regras de transporte Configurao das regras de registro no dirio e da pesquisa em vrias caixas de correio

Laboratrio: : Configurao do gerenciamento de registros de mensagens e de arquivos mortos pessoais

Configurao do gerenciamento de registros de mensagens Configurao dos arquivos mortos pessoais

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever a diretiva de mensagens e conformidade. Configurar regras de transporte. Configurar o registro no dirio e a pesquisa em vrias caixas de correio. Configurar o gerenciamento de registros de mensagens. Configurar os arquivos mortos pessoais.

Mdulo 10: Proteo do Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Este mdulo descreve como configurar as permisses administrativas com controle de acesso baseado em funo e como proteger a configurao do Exchange Server. Lies

Configurao do controle de acesso baseado em funo Configurao da segurana para funes de servidor no Exchange Server 2010 Configurao de acesso seguro Internet

Laboratrio: : Proteo do Exchange Server 2010

Configurao de permisses do Exchange Server Configurao de um servidor proxy reverso para acesso ao Exchange Server

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Configurar permisses de controle de acesso baseado em funo. Configurar a segurana para funes de servidor do Exchange Server 2010. Configurar o acesso seguro Internet.

Mdulo 11: Manuteno do Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Este mdulo descreve como monitorar e manter o Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm descreve como solucionar problemas do Exchange Server. Lies

Monitoramento do Exchange Server 2010 Manuteno do Exchange Server 2010 Soluo de problemas do Exchange Server 2010

Laboratrio: : Manuteno do Exchange Server 2010

Monitoramento do Exchange Server 2010 Soluo de problemas de disponibilidade do banco de dados: Soluo de problemas de servidores de Acesso para Cliente

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Monitorar o Exchange Server 2010. Manter o Exchange Server 2010. Solucionar problemas do Exchange Server 2010.

Mdulo 12: Atualizao do Exchange Server 2003 ou Exchange Server 2007 para o Exchange Server 2010 Este mdulo descreve como fazer a atualizao de uma organizao que usa verses do Exchange Server 2003 ou do Exchange Server 2007 para o Exchange Server 2010. Ele tambm traz consideraes sobre a implementao de dois sistemas de mensagens coexistentes aps a implantao do Exchange Server 2010. Lies

Viso geral da atualizao para o Exchange Server 2010 Atualizao do Exchange Server 2003 para o Exchange Server 2010 Atualizao do Exchange Server 2007 para o Exchange Server 2010

Laboratrio: : (sem laboratrio) Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever os cenrios e estratgias gerais para atualizao do Exchange Server 2010. Atualizar do Exchange Server 2003 para o Exchange Server 2010. Atualizar do Exchange Server 2007 para o Exchange Server 2010.

Mdulo 13: Implementao da unificao de mensagens Este apndice descreve como a unificao de mensagens integra o Exchange Server com redes de telefonia. E tambm descreve como configurar a unificao de mensagens. Lies

Viso geral de telefonia Introduo unificao de mensagens Configurao da unificao de mensagens

Laboratrio: : Implementao da unificao de mensagens

Instalao e configurao dos recursos da unificao de mensagens

Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Descrever os sistemas de telefonia. Descrever os recursos da unificao de mensagens e a integrao com Exchange Server 2010. Configurar a unificao de mensagens.

Mdulo 14: Tpicos avanados no Exchange Server 2010 Este apndice fornece uma viso geral sobre como implementar uma implantao do Exchange Server 2010 de alta disponibilidade em vrios centros de dados. E tambm descreve como implantar o compartilhamento federado. Lies

Implantao de solues de alta disponibilidade para vrios sites Implementao do compartilhamento federado

Laboratrio: : (sem laboratrio) Depois de concluir este mdulo, os alunos sero capazes de:

Implantar solues de alta disponibilidade para vrios sites. Implementar o compartilhamento federado.

Leitura adicional Para ajud-lo a se preparar para este curso, revise os recursos a seguir:

Documentao da Ajuda Online do Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant de William R. Stanek.

Requisitos:Alm de sua experincia profissional, os alunos que participarem deste curso devem ter:

Conhecimento bsico sobre tecnologias de rede incluindo Domain Name System (DNS) e tecnologias de firewall. Experincia com os sistemas operacionais Windows Server 2003 e Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Experincia prtica com os servios de diretrio do Active Directory no Windows Server 2003 ou AD DS Windows Server 2008. Experincia com gerenciamento de backup e restaurao no Windows Server. Experincia no uso de ferramentas de gerenciamento e monitoramento do Windows, como Microsoft Management Console, (console de gerenciamento Microsoft), como Usurios e computadores do Active Directory, Monitor de Desempenho, Visualizador de Eventos e Administrador do Servios de Informaes da Internet (IIS). Experincia no uso de redes do Windows e ferramentas de soluo de problemas, como Monitor de Rede, Telnet e NSLookup. Conhecimento bsico sobre certificados e tecnologias de PKI (infraestrutura de chave pblica). Experincia bsica com Windows Mobile.

Carga Horria:


10174 - SharePoint 2010 Configuring and Administering Microsoft Objetivos:The course teaches students how to install, configure and administer SharePoint, and also manage and monitor sites and users by using SharePoint 2010. Audience Profile This course is intended for IT Professionals who are experienced Windows Server 2003 or 2008 administrators and are interested in learning how to administer SharePoint 2010. The course is also intended for part time Business Application Administrators (BAAs) who are engaged in the administering line-of-business (LOB) applications in conjunction with internal business customers. At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to:

Prepare for and install SharePoint 2010 Configure the fundamental service and logical components of a SharePoint implementation Administer SharePoint using the user interface, the command line, and Windows PowerShell Manage content in Lists and Libraries Administer identities and authentication Secure content in SharePoint sites Manage customizations to a SharePoint implementation Configure SharePoint services and applications Configure SharePoint social networking features Manage SharePoint search Configure farms, servers, service applications, and web applications Install, upgrade, configure, and operate a SharePoint farm Configure high availability and recoverability Monitor and optimize SharePoint performance

Contedo Programtico:Module 1: Introducing SharePoint 2010 The goal of this module is to enable students to prepare for and install the first server in a SharePoint 2010 farm. Lessons

Evaluate the Features of SharePoint 2010 Prepare for SharePoint 2010 Install SharePoint 2010 Advanced Installation of SharePoint 2010

Lab : Install SharePoint 2010

Exercise 1: Create Active Directory Accounts for SharePoint Exercise 2: Install SharePoint Server Prerequisites Exercise 3: Install SharePoint Server Exercise 4: Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard Exercise 5:Configure the Farm with the Farm Configuration Wizard Exercise 6 (Optional): Install a Language Pack

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the relationship between SharePoint, Active Directory, and SQL Server Create the accounts and permissions that are required to install SharePoint Identify the role of the Prerequisite Installer Install the first server in a SharePoint farm

Module 2: Creating a SharePoint 2010 Intranet The goal of this module is to enable students to configure and administer the fundamental components of a SharePoint farm, including its configuration, logical structure, user-facing features, and underlying engine. Lessons

Perform Initial Farm Configuration Configure the SharePoint Logical Structure Explore the SharePoint Web Application and Physical Architecture

Lab : Create a SharePoint 2010 Intranet

Exercise 1: Create a Web Application Exercise 2: Create a Site Collection Exercise 3: Create a Site Collection in a New Content Database Describe the high level structure, components, and functioning of the farm Perform configuration of a SharePoint farm using the Farm Configuration Wizard Understand the logical topology of SharePoint web apps, site collections, and sites Experience SharePoint user-facing functionality Create a Web application Create a site collection Configure managed paths Create a content database

Module 3: Administering and Automating SharePoint The goal of this module is to enable students to apply the full range of options for administering and automating SharePoint: Central Administration, STSADM, and Windows PowerShell. The module also introduces students to the logs, which are mentioned in several subsequent modules and are detailed in Module 14. Lessons

Configure Central Administration Administer SharePoint from the Command Line Automate SharePoint Operations with Windows PowerShell

Lab : Automate SharePoint with Windows PowerShell

Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4: Exercise 5:

Add SharePoint Functionality to Windows PowerShell Delegate the Ability to Use Windows PowerShell to Manage SharePoint Report Web and Site Collection Properties Create Site Collections Using Windows PowerShell Create and Update Items

Lab : Administer SharePoint with Stsadm

Exercise 1: Execute Stsadm Commands

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Load Microsoft.SharePoint.Dll into Windows PowerShell 64bit. Create a Windows PowerShell Script to Enumerate Webs Create a Windows PowerShell Script to Create a SharePoint Site Create a Windows PowerShell Script to Create/Update a ListItem Automate common SharePoint tasks with Stsadm

Module 4: Configuring Content Management The goal of this module is to enable students to manage content (lists, libraries, items and documents)Lessons

Optimize Content Storage and Access Manage Site Content Types and Site Columns Configure the Managed Metadata Service

Lab : Configuring List Throttling and Remote BLOB Storage

Exercise 1: Configure List Throttling Exercise 2: Enable FILESTREAM and Provision the RBS Data Store Exercise 3: Install RBS on All SharePoint Web and Application Servers Exercise 4: Configure the Blob Size Threshold for RBS

Lab : Configure Managed Metadata

Exercise 1: Configure and Implement Managed Metadata

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Configure List Query Thresholds Setup Remote Blog Storage on a Content Database Configure RBS Migrate to and from RBS

Module 5: Configuring Authentication The goal of this module is to enable students to administer authentication to SharePoint web applications. Lessons

Classic SharePoint Authentication Providers Federated Authentication

Lab : Configuring Custom Authentication

Exercise 1: Create the ASP.NET Membership Database Exercise 2: Create a Web Applications that Uses Claim Based Authentication

Lab : Configuring Secure Store

Exercise 1: Create User Accounts for Access to External Data Exercise 2: Configure Secure Store Services Exercise 3: Configure Secure Store Unattended Accounts

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create a custom authentication store using ASP.NET Configure the default authentication method of a SharePoint Web application to use a custom membership provider Understand how to configure Secure Store service Setup an application to use Secure Store service

Module 6: Securing Content The goal of this module is to enable students to manage security of SharePoint content within a Web application. Lessons

Administer SharePoint Users and Groups Implement SharePoint Roles and Role Assignments Secure and Audit SharePoint Content

Lab : Configuring Security for SharePoint Content

Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4:

Managing SharePoint Groups Creating Custom Permission Levels Managing List and ListItem Permission Inheritance Create a Web Application Policy

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Add users Enable access requests Configure SharePoint default groups Experience the security trimmed interface Create groups Create custom permission levels Explore Permission Inheritance Assign Roles to Securable Objects

Module 7: Managing SharePoint Customizations

The goal of this module is to enable students to manage customizations to the SharePoint environment. Lessons

Customize SharePoint Deploy and Manage Features and Solutions Configure Sandboxed Solutions

Lab : Administering Features and Solutions

Exercise 1: Administering Features Exercise 2: Administering Solutions

Lab : Administering Sandboxed Solutions

Exercise 1: Administering SandBoxed Solutions Exercise 2: Modifying SandBoxed Solutions Timer Jobs Exercise 3: Configuring Sandbox Points

Lab : Administering the Developer Dashboard

Configure the Developer Dashboard

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe and manage SharePoint features Describe and manage SharePoint solutions (farm) Describe sandboxed solutions Describe function of sandboxed solution timer jobs Configure sandbox solution resource points Understand the developer dashboard Understand how to enable and disable the developer dashboard

Module 8: Configuring and Securing SharePoint Services and Applications The goal of this module is to enable students to manage the SharePoint service as a whole, as well as individual services and service applications. Lessons

Secure the Enterprise SharePoint Service Secure and Isolate Web Applications Configure Service Applications

Lab : Administer SharePoint Services

Exercise 1: Administer SharePoint Services Exercise 2: Administer SharePoint Windows Services

Lab : Configure Application Security

Exercise 1: Configure Web Application and Application Pool Security Exercise 2: Configure SSL Security (Optional)

Lab : Administer Service Applications

Exercise 1: Explore Service Applications Exercise 2: Create a Service Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe and configure SharePoint services Describe and configure SharePoint Windows services Understand SharePoint and SQL Permissions requirements Understand Application Pools and Identities requirements Implement SSL Security Find and manage service applications Install a new service application

Module 9: User Profiles and Social Networking The goal of this module is to enable students to manage user profiles, My Sites, and social content Lessons

Configure User Profiles Implement SharePoint 2010 Social Networking Features

Lab : Lab 9 A: Configuring User Profiles

Exercise 1: Creating a Service Application Exercise 2: Configuring User Profiles Exercise 3: Connecting BDC to SharePoint Profiles Exercise 4: Administering ForeFront Identity Manager

Lab : Lab 9B: Configuring My Sites

Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4: Exercise 5: Exercise 6:

Configuring My Sites Creating a My Site Updating a User Profile Administering Colleagues Configuring Personal and Shared Documents Creating A My Site Personal Blog Administering My Tags and Notes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Configure user profiles (Active Directory) Configure import connections Configure profile properties Explore ForeFront Identity Configure My Sites

Administer a My Site

Module 10: Administering and Configuring SharePoint Search The goal of this module is to enable students to configure SharePoint Search. Lessons

Configure Search Refine Search

Lab : Configure Search

Exercise 1: Create and Configure A Content Source Exercise 2: Configure Search Settings Exercise 3: Add and Configure A Search Scope

Lab : Refine Search

Exercise 1: Configure Relevance Exercise 2: Create Keywords and Best Bets Exercise 3: Configure a Thesaurus Exercise 4: Configure Noise Words

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create and configure content sources Modify the default search settings Create and configure search scopes Tweak relevance algorithms Create keyword & best bets Create and update thesaurus files Create and update noise word files

Module 11: Implementing Office Web Apps The goal of this module is to enable students to configure specific service applications.Lessons

Implement Business Connectivity Services Configuring Excel Services Application Understanding PerformancePoint Services Configuring InfoPath Forms Services Implementing Visio Services Features Implementing Access Services Implementing Office Web Apps

Lab : Implement Office Web Apps

Exercise 1: Installing and Configuring Office Web Apps Exercise 2: Configuring and Testing the Office Web Apps in a Document Library

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe Office Web Apps features Install Office Web Apps

Module 12: Implementing Business Continuity The goal of this module is to enable students to configure business continuity for SharePoint Lessons

Lesson 1: Configure High availability Lesson 2: Backup and Restore SharePoint

Lab : Implement a Backup Strategy

Exercise 1: Implement a Central Administration Backup Strategy Exercise 2: Implement a Windows PowerShell Backup Strategy

Lab : Implement a Restore Strategy

Exercise 1: Implement a Central Administration Restore Strategy Exercise 2: Perform a Partial Restore

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Understand backup options Use Central Administration to back up your farm Use Windows PowerShell to back up your farm Restore your SharePoint farm from back up Understand partial restore techniques

Module 13: Monitoring and Optimizing SharePoint Performance The goal of this module is to enable students to monitor SharePoint performance, health, and usage, and to identify and remediate performance and health problems. Lessons

Monitor Performance SharePoint Health Analyzer Usage reports and web analytics Monitor and Optimize SharePoint Performance

Lab : Configure Diagnostic Logging

Exercise 1: Configure Diagnostic Logging

Lab : Administer Logs with the ULS Viewer

Troubleshoot Correlation Errors

Lab : Configure Health Analyzer Rules

Configure Health Analyzer Rules

Lab : Build Reports Using the SharePoint Logging Database

Exercise 1: Configure the Logging Database Exercise 2: Write Reports with the Logging Database

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Configuring diagnostic logging Understand logging levels Enable event throttling Set log file size limits Understand ULS Log file structure Understand when to use the ULS Viewer Explore SharePoint Health Analyzer Understand Health Analyzer rules Identify and monitor system performance bottlenecks

Requisitos:In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should have experience:

Administering Active Directory: creating and managing user and group accounts, delegation of administration, configuring Group Policy Administering network infrastructure: DNS, TCP/IP connectivity General conceptual awareness of Microsoft .NET Framework as it relates to SharePoint 2010 Administering SQL Server 2005 or 2008: creating logons, assigning roles, using SQL Management Studio One year experience using Windows PowerShell cmdlets General security and authentication practices

Carga Horria:40hs

10175 - Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development Objetivos:This course provides existing .NET developers with practical information and labs that enables them to build solutions on the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 platform. Audience Profile This course is intended for professional developers who use Microsoft SharePoint 2010 in a team-based, medium-sized to large development environment. Members of the audience are experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1. The audience understands how to use the new features of SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010.

At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to:

Describe the SharePoint 2010 development platform and the benefits and features that it offers to developers. Use development tools that are integrated with the SharePoint 2010 development platform, such as Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010. Develop Web Parts for SharePoint 2010 solutions. Develop code that uses the server-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Develop event receivers and manipulate application settings for SharePoint 2010 solutions. Develop solutions that access external data by using Business Connectivity Services. Develop workflows as part of SharePoint 2010 solutions. Develop code that uses the client-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Develop server ribbon controls and client dialogs for the new user interface platform of SharePoint 2010. Develop Microsoft Silverlight applications that are integrated with SharePoint 2010 data and solutions. Develop sandboxed solutions for SharePoint 2010. Develop code that uses the taxonomic and user profile services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Develop code that uses the content management services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform.

Contedo Programtico:Module 1: Introduction to the SharePoint 2010 Development Platform This module describes the SharePoint 2010 development platform and the benefits and features that it offers to developers. Lessons

Lesson 1: SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform Lesson 2: SharePoint 2010 Object Hierarchy Lesson 3: Working with SharePoint 2010 Objects

Lab : Developing with the SharePoint 2010 Object Hierarchy

Exercise 1: Creating SharePoint 2010 Application Pages by Using Visual Studio 2010 Exercise 2: Enumerating SharePoint 2010 Farm Hierarchies Exercise 3: Manipulating Properties of Objects in the SharePoint Farm

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe SharePoint 2010 as a development platform. Describe the SharePoint 2010 object hierarchy from the perspective of a developer. Work with SharePoint 2010 objects programmatically.

Module 2: Using SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools This module describes how to use development tools that are integrated with the SharePoint 2010 development platform, such as Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010. Lessons

Lesson 1: Developing SharePoint Sites by Using SharePoint Designer 2010 Lesson 2: Developing SharePoint Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010 Lesson 3: Packaging and Deploying SharePoint 2010 Solutions

Lab : Using SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools

Exercise 1: Creating Document Libraries by Using SharePoint Designer 2010 Exercise 2: Creating SharePoint List Definitions and Instances by Using Visual Studio 2010 Exercise 3:Packaging Features and Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Develop SharePoint sites by using SharePoint Designer 2010. Develop SharePoint solutions by using Visual Studio 2010. Package and deploy SharePoint 2010 solutions.

Module 3: Developing SharePoint 2010 Web Parts This module describes how to develop Web Parts for SharePoint 2010 solutions. Lessons

Lesson 1: Developing Standard Web Parts Lesson 2: Developing Connected Web Parts Lesson 3: Developing Visual Web Parts

Lab : Creating SharePoint 2010 Web Parts by Using Visual Studio 2010

Exercise 1: Creating, Deploying, and Debugging a Simple Web Part by Using Visual Studio 2010 Exercise 2: Using SharePoint Components in a Web Part Exercise 3: Creating a Visual Web Part by Using Visual Studio 2010

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Develop standard Web Parts. Develop connected Web Parts. Develop Visual Web Parts.

Module 4: Working with SharePoint Objects on the Server This module describes how to develop code that uses the server-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Lessons

Lesson 1: Working with SharePoint Sites Programmatically Lesson 2: Working with SharePoint Lists Programmatically Lesson 3: Working with List Data Programmatically

Lab : Creating and Manipulating Server-Side Objects

Exercise 1: Creating and Securing Sites Programmatically Exercise 2: Creating Lists Programmatically Exercise 3: Retrieving Secured Data

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create and manipulate SharePoint sites. Create and manipulate SharePoint lists. Retrieve, add, update, and delete SharePoint list data.

Module 5: Creating Event Receivers and Application Settings This module describes how to develop event receivers and manipulate application settings for SharePoint 2010 solutions. Lessons

Lesson 1: Creating Event Receivers Lesson 2: Working with Web.Config Programmatically

Lab : Creating Event Receivers and Web.Config Modifications

Exercise 1: Creating List Event Receivers Exercise 2: Creating Feature Receivers to Modify Web.Config Exercise 3: Creating Web Event Receivers

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create event receivers for SharePoint 2010 solutions. Add, modify, and retrieve Web.config settings programmatically for use in your SharePoint solutions.

Module 6: Developing Solutions by Using Business Connectivity Services This module describes how to develop solutions that access external data by using Business Connectivity Services. Lessons

Lesson 1: Business Connectivity Services Overview Lesson 2: Developing External Content Types and Lists by Using SharePoint Designer Lesson 3: Developing Business Connectivity Services Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010

Lab : Building Business Connectivity Services Solutions

Exercise 1: Creating External Content Types and Lists by Using SharePoint Designer 2010 Exercise 2: Creating Business Data Catalog Models by Using Visual Studio 2010

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe Business Connectivity Services. Develop external content types and lists by using SharePoint Designer 2010. Develop Business Connectivity Services solutions by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

Module 7: Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows This module describes how to develop workflows as part of SharePoint 2010 solutions. Lessons

Lesson 1: Creating Workflows with SharePoint Designer Lesson 2: Creating Workflows with Visual Studio 2010

Lab : Creating Workflows for SharePoint 2010

Exercise 1: Creating Workflows by Using SharePoint Designer Exercise 2: Creating a Sequential Workflow by Using Visual Studio 2010

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create workflows for SharePoint by using SharePoint Designer 2010. Create workflows for SharePoint by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

Module 8: Working with Client-Based APIs for SharePoint 2010 This module describes how to develop code that uses the client-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Lessons

Lesson 1: Overview of the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model Lesson 2: Working with the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model in .NET Applications

Lab : Developing .NET Applications by Using the SharePoint Client Object Model

Exercise 1: Creating a SharePoint 2010 Site, List, and List Items Using the Client Object Model Exercise 2: Building and Using the Console Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model. Work with the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model in Microsoft .NET Framework applications.

Module 9: Developing Interactive User Interfaces This module describes how to develop server ribbon controls and client dialogs for the new user interface platform of SharePoint 2010. Lessons

Lesson 1: Creating Menu Items and Ribbon Controls Lesson 2: Creating Client-Side Dialogs

Lab : Developing User Interface Components for SharePoint 2010 Solutions

Exercise 1: Creating a Site Actions Menu Item Exercise 2: Creating a Ribbon Item

Exercise 3: Creating a Client-Side Dialog

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create menu items and ribbon controls. Create client-side dialogs.

Module 10: Developing Silverlight Applications for SharePoint This module describes how to develop Silverlight applications that are integrated with SharePoint 2010 data and solutions. Lessons

Lesson 1: Creating Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010 Lesson 2: Deploying and Debugging Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010

Lab : Developing Silverlight Applications by using the SharePoint Client Object Model

Exercise 1: Creating a Silverlight Application Exercise 2: Developing the Silverlight Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Develop Silverlight applications for SharePoint 2010. Deploy and debug Silverlight applications for SharePoint 2010.

Module 11: Developing Sandboxed Solutions This module describes how to develop sandboxed solutions for SharePoint 2010. Lessons

Lesson 1: Sandboxing and User Solutions Lesson 2: Restrictions for Sandboxed Solutions

Lab : Creating Sandboxed Solutions for SharePoint 2010

Exercise 1: Creating a Sandboxed Solution by Using Visual Studio 2010 Exercise 2: Investigating Allowed and Disallowed Operations in Sandboxed Solutions

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Develop sandboxed solutions. Describe what is allowed and what is not allowed in sandboxed solutions.

Module 12: Working with SharePoint Server Profiles and Taxonomy APIs This module describes how to develop code that uses the taxonomic and user profile services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Lessons

Lesson 1: User Profiles Lesson 2: Taxonomies

Lab : Working with User Profiles and Taxonomies Programmatically

Working with User Profiles and Taxonomies Programmatically Exercise 1: Managing User Profiles Exercise 2: Working with User Profiles Programmatically

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create, retrieve, and manipulate user profiles and user profile properties. Create and retrieve taxonomic terms.

Module 13: Developing Content Management Solutions This module describes how to develop code that uses the content management services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform. Lessons

Lesson 1: Developing Enterprise Content Management Solutions Lesson 2: Developing Web Content Management Solutions

Lab : Branding SharePoint Sites

Exercise 1: Customizing Master Pages Exercise 2: Applying a Theme to a SharePoint Site

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe how to develop enterprise content management solutions for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. Describe how to develop Web content management features Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.

Requisitos:Before attending this course, students must have:

An understanding of the problem-solving techniques that apply to software development Approximately 12 months experience with ASP.NET 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 (or later) Approximately 1 month development experience with SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 and VS2010 (includes beta releases) creating code that interacts with the SharePoint Server-side APIs Experience performing end user tasks with SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 and an understanding of the purpose and use of the following: Lists Documents and Libraries Personalizing an SP page/site Using MySites Using SharePoint Designer

Carga Horria:


10215 - Implementing and Managing Microsoft Server Virtualization Objetivos:This five-day, instructor-led course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to deploy and manage a server virtualization environment using Microsoft technologies. The course provides details on how to deploy and manage HyperV and Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2008 R2. The course also provides details on how to manage a server virtualization environment by using System Center products such as System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008, SCVMM 2008 R2, System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 R2, and System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2. This course does not require previous server virtualization experience, but does require that students have significant experience in managing Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Audience Profile The primary audience for this course is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 system administrators who will manage and implement Server Virtualization technologies within their network. The students for this course are responsible for virtualizing their current servers, or have been requested or directed by their information technology (IT) management to research and/or implement server virtualization in the existing environment. They should have a minimum of 1.5 years of experience working with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 as a server administrator. Prior experience with virtualization is not expected. However, familiarity with virtualization concepts and management tools is highly recommended. At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to:

Describe server, desktop, and application virtualization. Describe how you use Microsoft System Center is to manage the virtual infrastructure. Evaluate a network environment for server virtualization. Plan for the implementation of the Hyper-V server role. Install the Hyper-V Server Role. Manage Hyper-V settings and virtual networks. Create and configure virtual machines. Manage virtual machine snapshots. Managing and maintaining the Virtual Machine Connection Tool. Create and configure virtual machines. Manage virtual machine snapshots. Managing and maintaining the Virtual Machine Connection Tool. Create a new virtual machine using SCVMM 2008 R2. Convert a physical server to a virtual machine. Convert and migrate virtual machines. Clone virtual machines. Describe common management tasks and property configuration settings for virtual machines managed by VMM 2008. Describe when and how to use virtual machine checkpoints. Overview of the VMM Library. Manage profiles and templates. Design fault tolerance for the VMM library. Configure VMM user roles. Install and configure the VMM Self-Service Portal. Describe the Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Cluster feature. Implement failover clustering with Hyper-V and VMM 2008 R2. Describe how to use the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool to maintain updates for virtual machines.

Configure Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool. Monitor and manage jobs in VMM 2008 R2s. Configure System Center Operations Manager integration. Configure Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO). Describe backup and restore options for virtual machines and the VMM database. Implementing Data Protection Manager for backing up the VMM infrastructure. Understand the use and role of Remote Desktop Services (RDS). Implement the Remote Desktop Session Host. Implement the Remote Desktop Connection Broker. Implement the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host. Configure the Remote Desktop Gateway. Configure Remote Desktop Web Access. Configure Remote Desktop Licensing.

Contedo Programtico:Module 1: Evaluating and Planning for Virtualization Describe virtualization as it relates to server, desktop, and application environments. Students also will learn how to plan for critical decision points related to hardware requirements, storage, availability, and security. Lessons

Overview of Microsoft Virtualization Overview of Microsoft Virtualization Evaluating the Current Environment for Virtualization Evaluating the Current Environment for Virtualization

Lab : Evaluating the Network Environment for Virtualization

Planning for the Hyper-V Server Role Assessing the Computing Environment by Using the MAP Toolkit

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the challenges that traditional network environments face, which organizations can address by using virtualization technologies. Describe virtualization technology. Identify options available for server virtualization. Identify options available for desktop and presentation virtualization. Identify options available for application virtualization. Determine the most appropriate virtualization solution based upon organizational requirements. Describe management tasks for a virtual environment. Describe the components that make up the Microsoft System Center solution. Describe how you can use System Center Virtual Machine Manager to manage virtual environments. Describe how you can use System Center Data Protection Manager to backup and recover a virtual environment. Describe how you can use System Center Operations Manager to monitor and respond to performance issues that relate to the virtual environment. Describe how you can use System Center Operations Manager to manage and maintain both physical and virtual

systems. Describe management tasks for a virtual environment. Describe the components that make up the Microsoft System Center solution. Describe how you can use System Center Virtual Machine Manager to manage virtual environments. Describe how you can use System Center Data Protection Manager to backup and recover a virtual environment. Describe how you can use System Center Operations Manager to monitor and respond to performance issues that relate to the virtual environment. Describe how you can use System Center Operations Manager to manage and maintain both physical and virtual systems. Describe the Hyper-V Server Role. Describe requirements and limits for the Hyper-V Server Role. Describe planning considerations for Hyper-V disks and storage. Describe options for storage configuration in Hyper-V. Describe options for providing high availability for Hyper-V.

Module 2: Installing and Configuring the Hyper-V Server Role After completing this module, you will be able to install the Hyper-V server role, and configure host and virtual network settings. Lessons

Installing the Hyper-V Server Role Configuring Hyper-V Settings and Virtual Networks

Lab : Installing and Configuring the Hyper-V Server Role

Installing the Hyper-V Role Determining Virtual Network Configuration Settings Based On Organizational Requirements Configuring Virtual Network Settings Using Virtual Network ManagerIn this exercise, you will: Configure virtual networks based on the design in Exercise 2 Installing Remote Management Tools

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the prerequisites for installing Hyper-V. Describe the process for installing Hyper-V on a Windows Server 2008 R2 host. Identify the management tools that you can use to manage the Hyper-V server role. Install and configure Hyper-V management for remote administration. Installing the Hyper-V Server Role on a Server Core Installation of Windows Server 2008 R2. Modify the default folders for virtual machines and virtual hard disks. Configure Hyper-V user settings. Determine when to use external, internal, or private virtual machine networks. Use Virtual Network Manager to configure virtual networks. Configure Hyper-V to support VLANs.

Module 3: Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Disks and Virtual Machines After completing this module, you will be able to determine and configure the most appropriate virtual hard disk(s) to use in a virtual machine. Students also will be able to create and configure virtual machines. Lessons

Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Disks Creating and Configuring Virtual Machines Managing Virtual Machine Snapshots Working with the Virtual Machine Connection Application

Lab : Creating Virtual Hard Disks and Virtual Machines

Creating Appropriate Virtual Hard Disks, Based On Organizational Requirements Creating New Virtual Machines Using the Virtual Machine Wizard Modifying Virtual Machine Settings Creating and Modifying Virtual Machine Snapshots

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe storage options for virtual machines. Prepare the host computer to attach physical disks to a virtual machine. Configure storage based on Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI). Describe the types of virtual hard disks. Describe the use and benefits of pass-through disks. Create a new virtual hard disk using the new Virtual Hard Disk Wizard. Edit and inspect virtual hard disks. Describe considerations for creating new virtual machines. Create a new virtual machine using the new Virtual Machine Wizard. Configure virtual machine settings. Describe the Hyper-V integration services. Import and export virtual machines. Describe the file formats that you use for virtual machines. Migrate legacy virtual machines to Hyper-V. Describe what a virtual machine snapshot is and how you use it. Be sure to include information on the file format. Describe considerations for using snapshots, including storage sizing and requirements. Creating and managing virtual machine snapshots. This lesson will begin by describing a snapshot and the scenarios in which you use snapshots in the enterprise environment. This lesson also describes the concept of a virtual machine snapshot. -This lesson focuses on the management aspects of applying, and deleting, and reverting snapshots. This lesson will also discuss how to configure the snapshot storage. location. Describe the Virtual Machine Connection Tool. List the considerations for using the virtual machine connection tool. Discuss connecting to remote virtual machines from a domain and to a virtual machine in a remote domain.

Module 4: Integrating System Center Virtual Machine Manager with Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 After completing this module, students will be able to plan for, and deploy, System Center Virtual Machine Manager with their Hyper-V solution. Lessons

Planning for Integration of System Center Virtual Machine Manager Installing the VMM Server and Administrator Console Managing Hosts and Host Groups

Lab : Planning and Deploying VMM 2008 R2

Planning for the Implementation of SCVMM 2008 R2, Based Upon Organizational Requirements Installing and Configuring SCVMM Server and Administration Console Components

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Creating and Managing Host Groups Describe the VMM. Describe VMM 2008 R2 components. Describe system requirements for installing VMM 2008 R2 components. Plan for the management of hosts and host groups. Plan for the implementation of the VMM database. Plan for the implementation of the VMM Library. Describe considerations for installing the VMM Server and Administrator console, including domain requirements, account requirements, and other requirements. Describe the process for installing the VMM Server. Use the VMM Configuration Analyzer to identify configuration issues. Describe the installation and features of the VMM administrator console. Describe common post-installation tasks. Describe the Windows PowerShell VMM command shell. Describe reasons for using host groups. Create and modify the properties of host groups. Describe the types of hosts that you can add to VMM 2008. Configure default virtual machine paths. Describe the process for adding hosts in an Active Directory directory service domain. Describe the process for adding hosts located in a perimeter network. Describe the management options for a host.

Module 5: Creating and Deploying Virtual Machines Using System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 After completing this module, students will be able to use VMM 2008 R2 to create and deploy virtual machines. Lessons

Creating a New Virtual Machine Using VMM 2008 R2 Converting a Physical Server to a Virtual Machine Converting and Migrating Virtual Machines

Lab : Creating and Deploying Virtual Machines

Creating a New Virtual Machine Deploying a New Virtual Machine from the VMM Library Converting a VMware-Based Virtual Machine to a Hyper-V Based Virtual Machine

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe supported operating systems and hardware capabilities for virtual machines.

Identify sources that you can use for new virtual machines. Describe placement options when creating a new virtual machine. Describe how you use ratings to determine appropriate placement. Describe how to customize placement ratings for a specific virtual machine. Deploy stored virtual machines from a VMM Library. Describe considerations and methods for determining physical-to-virtual (P2V) machine conversion candidates. Describe requirements for physical source computers. Perform a P2V conversion. Identify the difference between converting and migrating a virtual machine. Describe requirements for performing a V2V conversion. Describe the options you have when performing a V2V conversion. Describe the considerations and the process for migrating a virtual machine. Describe scenarios for cloning an existing virtual machine. Describe considerations for cloning a virtual machine. Describe the process and decision points for cloning a virtual machine.

Module 6: Managing Virtual Machines Using Virtual Machine Manager 2008 This module explains how to perform various management tasks on virtual machines stored within the VMM infrastructure. Lessons

Overview of VMM Management Tasks Creating and Managing Checkpoints

Lab : Managing Virtual Machines Using VMM 2008 R2

Modifying Virtual Machine Properties Managing Virtual Machine Checkpoints

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe common actions for operating and managing virtual machines. Perform actions used to operate a virtual machine. Perform actions used to deploy, migrate, and store virtual machines. Perform actions used to manage configurations, disks, and checkpoints. Describe virtual machine property options. Perform actions to configure virtual machine property options. Describe considerations for using checkpoints. Create and modify a VMM checkpoint. Manage VMM checkpoints.

Module 7: Configuring and Managing the VMM Library This module explains how to configure and manage resources in the VMM Library. Lessons

Overview of the VMM Library Managing Profiles and Templates

Designing Fault Tolerance for the VMM Library

Lab : Configuring and Managing the VMM Library

Adding a Library Server and Library Resources Creating a Hardware Profile Creating a Guest Operating-System Profile Creating a Virtual Machine Template Configuring highly available file servers for Virtual Machine Library Using DFS

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe what the VMM Library is and the types of resources that are stored within the library. Add a Library Server and assign library groups. Add library shares to a library server. Add file-based resources to the library. Describe hardware profiles and benefits of their usage. Describe guest operating system profiles and benefits of their usage. Show how to create a hardware and guest operating-system profile. Describe the benefits for creating and using virtual machine templates. Describe the components that make up a virtual machine template. Create a virtual machine template. Describe options for providing fault tolerance for the VMM Library. Compare and evaluate the differences between the options. List the considerations for supporting highly available Library Servers.

Module 8: Configuring User Roles and the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal This module explains how to configure and manage user roles and the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. Lessons

Configuring User Roles Installing and Configuring the VMM Self-Service Portal

Lab : Configuring the VMM Self-Service Portal

Preparing the Host Group and User Role Requirements Implementing the Self-Service Portal

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the concept of role-based security in VMM 2008 R2. Describe the role types that are available in VMM 2008 R2. Describe the objects that you can delegate by using Role-based security. Describe the process for creating a user role in VMM 2008. Create user roles in VMM 2008 R2. Determine the most appropriate role-based security configuration based upon organizational requirements. Describe considerations for implementing the VMM Self-Service Portal. Describe the overall process for implementing the Self-Service Portal.

Describe system requirements for the VMM Self-Service Portal. Install the SCVMM Self-Service Portal. Configure user access to the SCVMM Self-Service Portal. Describe security best practices for the SCVMM Self-Service Portal.

Module 9: Implementing High Availability for Server Virtualization This module explains how to configure high availability for server virtualization. Lessons

Overview of Failover Clustering Implementing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V Implementing High Availability with VMM 2008 R2

Lab : Implementing High Availability for Server Virtualization

Installing and Configuring the Failover Clustering Feature Configuring Live Migration Integrating Failover Clustering with VMM 2008 R2

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe options for providing high availability for virtualization. Describe what a Failover Cluster is and how it provides high availability for virtual machines. Describe new Failover Cluster functionality available in Windows Server 2008 R2. Describe considerations for a Failover Cluster design. Determine appropriate Quorum configurations for Failover Clusters. Describe how Failover Clusters work with Hyper-V. Describe best practices for implementing Failover clustering with Hyper-V. Describe requirements for using Hyper-V with failover clustering. Describe the overall process for implementing Hyper-V and failover clustering. Implement failover clustering with Hyper-V. Describe Live Migration. Describe the overall process for implementing Live Migration. Perform Live Migration using Hyper-V. Describe planning considerations for implementing high availability with SCVMM 2008 R2. Describe the overall process for configuring host clusters to support high availability. Describe how to manage host clusters. Implement clustering using VMM 2008.

Module 10: Maintaining Software Updates Using the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool This module explains how to maintain software updates using the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool. Lessons

Overview of the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool Configuring WSUS and the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool

Lab : Maintaining Software Updates Using the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool

Configuring Infrastructure Prerequisites to Support the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool

Installing and Configuring the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe methods for maintaining software updates. Describe how the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool works. Describe infrastructure requirements for the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool. Describe tasks required to prepare the virtual machines for offline software-update management. Describe the process for configuration WSUS to support virtual machine servicing. Configure WSUS to support virtual machine servicing. Describe the process for installing and configuring the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool. Install and configure the Offline Virtual Machine Servicing Tool.

Module 11: Monitoring and Reporting Virtualization This module explains how to use the monitoring tools included with VMM 2008 and integrate System Center Operations Manager to provide extended monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting capabilities. Lessons

Monitoring Jobs in VMM 2008 R2 Integrating System Center Operations Manager with VMM 2008 R2 Configuring Performance and Resource Optimization

Lab : Integrating System Center Operations Manager with VMM 2008

Configuring System Center Operations Manager for VMM 2008 Integration Configuring PRO

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the VMM jobs feature. Describe the methods used to view job status. Cancel and restart jobs. Filter job status. Track changes using Jobs view. Perform management tasks related to job status in VMM. Identify reporting needs for specific virtual environment scenarios. Describe features provided by integrating System Center Operations Manger. Describe prerequisites for integrating Operations Manager. Describe the process for integrating Operations Manager with VMM 2008 R2. Enable reporting in VMM 2008 R2. Describe Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO). Plan for the implementation of PRO. Enable PRO integration. View and implement PRO Tips.

Module 12: Backup and Restore Strategies for Virtual Machines This module explains how to configure and manage resources in the VMM Library.


Overview of Backup and Restore Options for Virtual Machines and the VMM Database Implementing Data Protection Manager for Backing Up the VMM Infrastructure

Lab : Using Data Protection Manager to Back Up the VMM 2008 Infrastructure After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe options for backing up virtual machines. Use the SCVMM Administrator console to back up the VMM database. Describe the process and tools used to restore the VMM database. Describe the features of Data Protection Manager 2007 SP1. Describe the prerequisites for installing and implementing Data Protection Manager 2007 SP1. Describe the process for installing and configuring Data Protection Manager 2007 SP1. Describe the process for configuring backup processes for SCVMM 2008 and Data Protection Manager 2007 SP1.

Module 13: Desktop Virtualization Using Remote Desktop Services This module explains how to describe and implement the core role services included in the Remote Desktop Services server Role. Lessons

Overview of Remote Desktop Services Implementing the Remote Desktop Session Host Implementing Remote Desktop Connection Broker Implementing the Remote Desktop Connection Virtualization Host

Lab : Implementing Remote Desktop Services

Installing the Remote Desktop Session Host Installing and configuring the Remote Desktop Session Host Installing the Remote Desktop Connection Broker Configuring the Remote Desktop Connection Broker Installing and Configuring the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host Deploying an Application Using RemoteApp

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the benefits of Remote Desktop Services. Describe the Role Services included with the Remote Desktop Services sever role. Describe updates to the client experience with Remote Desktop Services. Describe RD Licensing. Describe the prerequisites for installing and implementing the RD Session Host. Describe common configuration and management tasks for the RD Session Host. Describe how to secure an RD Session Host. What is the RDS Broker Role? Describe the prerequisites for installing and implementing the RDS Connection Broker. Describe common configuration and management tasks for the RDS Connection Broker. Deploying RemoteApp to a Windows 7 Client Start menu. Describe the virtual desktop infrastructure concept and how the Remote Desktop Virtualization host works. Describe the prerequisites for installing and implementing the RD Virtualization Host.

Module 14: Extending Remote Desktop Services Outside the Organization This module explains how to implement and configure the Remote Desktop Gateway and Remote Desktop Web Access. Lessons

Configuring the Remote Desktop Gateway Configuring Remote Desktop Web Access

Lab : Integrating Remote Desktop Web Access into the Desktop Virtualization Infrastructure

Installing Remote Desktop Gateway Installing Remote Desktop Web Access Configuring Remote Desktop Web Access Integrating RemoteApp and Desktop Connection with Remote Desktop Web Access

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe how the Remote Desktop Gateway works. Describe how to secure the Remote Desktop Gateway. Use Authorization Policies with Remote Desktop gateway. Describe how to configure the Remote Desktop Gateway. Describe how to use network access protocol (NAP) remediation with Remote Desktop Gateway. Use certificates for Remote Desktop Gateway. Describe the prerequisites for installing and implementing Remote Desktop Web Access. Describe how to implement RemoteApp and Desktop connection with RD Web Access. Describe how to secure Remote Desktop Web Access. Configure Single Sign-on for Remote Desktop Web Access. Integrate RemoteApp and Remote Desktop Web Access.

Requisitos: Perform server administrator tasks responsible for building and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure. Work or consult for a midsize to enterprise-size organization. Have a basic understanding of server virtualization concepts related to Microsoft or other third-party virtualization technologies. Support production, development, testing, high availability, business continuity, staging, classroom, or hosting environments based upon Windows Server 2008 technology. Understand a Windows-based network, including Active Directory directory service. Understand storage technologies, such as Storage Area Network (SAN) including Internet small computer system interface (iSCSI), Fiber Channel, and Direct Attached Storage (DAS). Understand Windows Server 2008 failover clustering.

Carga Horria:40hs

10264 - Developing Web Applications with Visual Studio 2010 Objetivos:In this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms applications using .NET Framework 4 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used. This will also prepare the student for exam 70-515. Audience Profile This course is intended for professional Web developers who use Microsoft Visual Studio in a team-based, medium-sized to large development environment. Members of the audience have a minimum of two to three years of experience developing Web-based applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET. Members of the audience are experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and newer releases of the Visual Studio product. The audience understands how to use the new features of Visual Studio 2010. At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to:

Describe the underlying architecture and design of a Web application. Apply best practices and make appropriate trade-offs based on business requirements when designing a Web application. Develop MVC models. Develop MVC controllers. Develop MVC views. Optimize the design of a Web application for discoverability by search engines. Write server-side code for Web Forms. Optimize data management for Web Forms. Ensure quality by debugging, unit testing, and refactoring. Secure a Web application. Apply Master Pages and CSS for a consistent application UI. Develop client-side scripts and services for a responsive, rich, and interactive UI. Implement advanced AJAX in a Web application. Deploy a Web application. Develop a Web application by using Silverlight

Contedo Programtico:Module 1: Overview of Web Application Design This module describes the underlying architecture and design of a Web application Lessons

Overview of IIS 7.0 Overview of ASP.NET 4.0 Introduction to the MVC Framework Overview of the Request Life Cycle

Lab : Exploring the Adventure Works Web Site

Exercise 1: Explore the Adventure Works Web Site Exercise 2: Comparing Web Forms and MVC Exercise 3: Working with the Web Forms Page Life Cycle

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the underlying architecture of ASP.NET 4.0. Identify new features in ASP.NET 4.0. Describe the components of the MVC framework. Describe the structure of an MVC application. Describe the life cycle of a Web Forms page. Describe the life cycle of an MVC page. Describe the differences between the life cycle of a Web Forms page and an MVC page

Module 2: Designing a Web Application This module describes the best practices and trade-offs that you need to make when designing a Web application. Lessons

Web Applications: Case Studies Web Application Design Essentials Guidelines for Determining When to Use Web Forms and MVC Visual Studio 2010 Tools and Technologies for Web Application Design

Lab : Redesigning the Adventure Works Web site

Exercise 1: Reviewing the Adventure Works Web site Exercise 2: Redesigning the Adventure Works Web site Exercise 3: Adding MVC Capabilities to the Adventure Works Web site

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain the different types of web applications and their characteristics. Choose the correct design based on the on business requirements, utilizing Web Forms and MVC based. Explain the different tools and technologies and best practices around each.

Module 3: Developing MVC Models This module describes the MVC development model (Models, Controllers, and Views) and how to create the Models that are used to access and modify the data in a data source. Lessons

Exploring Ways to Create MVC Models Creating a Data Repository

Lab : Developing MVC Models

Exercise 1: Exploring Ways to Create MVC Models Exercise 2: Creating Data Repository

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create MVC models by using classes and data mapping tools. Create a data repository

Module 4: Developing MVC Controllers This module describes how to create the Controllers that ar

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