Page 1: Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani

Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani



Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani Author: Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree (hafithahuAllah)

Source: Irshaad dhaweya al-fadana wa emaan ilah haqeeqah minhaj addaa'eyyah muhammad hassaan.

Lee Abi Abdur Rahmaan Raa'id al Mahdaawi (hafithahuAllah). pg.74

Translator: Abu Anisa Abdul-Hakeem


Q: O our Shaikh what is your opinion on Muhammad Hassaan where he stated in

one of his khutbahs,

“We are Muslims! We all are people of Tawheed, we all are believers, and we all call to this Deen.

The differences between us are in the branches of the religion (faroo’) which will neither nourish nor

avail against hunger. We leave off the Usool. All of us are Muwahidoon (people of tawheed), we are

all believers, we are all Muslims; there is nothing worthy of worship with us except Allah. There is no

book with us except the book of Allah. There is no leader with us except the son of Abdullah (the

Prophet Muhammad). There's no rancor with us in that, there's no differences in that, and there are

no disputes in that. (SubbahaanAllah) there is no difference between a Salafi brother and a brother

from the Jamaatul-Tabbleegh. There's no difference between a brother from Jamaatul-Ikhwaanul

Muslimeen and a brother from Jamaatul-Ansarus Sunnah. All of us say Laa Ilaaha Illalaah. All

of us say Muhammadur Rasoolullaah.”

O our Shaikh what are your comments on this statement:

A: In the name of Allah, praise be to Allah; may the prayers and peace be upon our

Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and all his companions.

To proceed:

Page 2: Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani

Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani



The statements of Muhammad Hassaan al-Misri is established upon the principles of

ma’thirah (to excuse or pardon) and at-ta'aawun (cooperation) that we cooperate upon

what we agree upon (and have in common) and pardon one another in that which we

differ. These principles are from the Ikhwaanul Muslimeen al-Misriyyah which was

founded by Hasan al- Bannah in the mid 20th century A.D. This minhaaj was made

for everyone to promote it after him (i.e. Hasan al-Bannah). In brief, the statement of

Muhammad Hassaan is of two matters.

Firstly: He states that all the Muslims are upon Tawheed and their differences are in

the affairs of faroo’ (subsidiary branches of the religion); this is not correct. In the

present time we live in, we find that (many of) those who affiliate themselves to Islam

are not upon Tawheed. Rather, many of the Muslims build domes and use them as

intermediaries (with Allah), raise the martyrs to levels not befitting to them, and go

to graves where they worship other than Allah.

Secondly: He tries to rationalize that the rancor with the Muslims is due to differing

in faroo’ (subsidiary branches of the religion). All of them say Laa Ilaaha Illalaah or

bear witness to the Shahaadatain. He says that uttering the Shahaadatain is sufficient

for an individual to be a Muslim. This is not correct; verily the Sahaabah fought Bani

Hanifa when they refused to pay the Zakaat (even though) they bore witness to the

Shahaadah. Likewise 'Ali (radi Allahu ‘anhu) took captives and burned them (the

Shi’ite) and they bore witness to the Shahaadah. There is consensus amongst the

Muslims as relates to the Faatimiyeen (a Shi’ite sect) who ruled over Egypt and

Morocco in the latter generations were kufaar and their land was considered the land

of war, and they bore witness to the Shahaadah.

So this statement from Muhammad Hassaan shows his ignorance to the Shahaadah.

Not everyone who utters the Shahaadah is a Muslim whose blood and money is

protected. Rather, uttering the Shahaadah must be in conjunction with knowledge

(understanding) and actions with it. Doesn't Muhammad Hassaan understand this? If

he understands this and then forsakes it, then verily he is disloyal to Islam and the

people as well as disloyal to the da'waa.

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Shaikh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree on Muhammad Hassaan the Ikhwaani



As for his statement regarding whoever says, “Laa Ilaaha Illalaah Muhammadur

Rasoolullaah”, is sufficient for an individual to enter into Islam, even if he doesn't

understand it, this is not (considered) da'waa to Allah upon clarity. Rather, this is the

da'waa (call) of ignorance. So it is upon Muhammad Hassaan to learn the correct way

to call to Allah and to implement it upon the way of the Imaams of the Sunnah from

the Sahaabah, the Taabi'een and those after them from the virtuous generations.

Those who are upon this Minhaj do not speak with these principles that he has

established. Such as,

“That we cooperate in that which we agree upon and pardon one another in that which we differ.”

These principles taken from Hassaan Al-Banna al Misri, the view of Jama'atul

Ikhwaanu-Muslimeen will not cease (as long as individuals like this promote them).

It's apparent to me that this man (Muhammad Hassaan) is Ikhwaani (a member of

Jama'atul Ikhwaanu-Muslimeen). He rules that everyone who affiliates himself

with Islam is a Muwahid (a person of Tawheed). Our differing is in the matters of

faroo’ (the subsidiary branches of the religion) and the like. No one makes this

statement except that he is a liar or an ignorant (fool). Na'am!


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