Page 1: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes May 2018—$4.75


• Jacob’s Descendants• Favored Nation

• Muslim MosquePg. 30

WORLD FOCUSYou Are Identified—Forever • Communists Pledge Open Economy • Scientists Complete Mock Mars Mission

What Does theTransfigurationMean to Us Today? – Part 1

Shadows of Babylon, theGreat City, Here Today?–Part 2

Pg. 11

Wrong vs. RightPg. 18

Jesus, the Priceless OnePg. 22

Christ Is Everything to UsPg. 15

Page 2: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

T his mighty commandment ofMoses to Joshua emphasizes twoimportant points.

One: the unshakable, everlasting promiseof God, “…have I given unto you.” In plainEnglish, it’s a done deal. This reminds us ofthe original promise God the Lord madewith Abraham: “In the same day the Lord

made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given thisland, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates”(Genesis 15:18). Notice the past perfect tense, “have.” Politicians theworld over may debate, argue, hold conferences, and utilize theUnited Nations regarding the Promised Land. Yet, in practical terms,it is totally useless because God has already decided, and He hasgiven the land to the children of Israel.Two: the requirement of the people of Israel is simply: take posses-

sion of the land. “Every place that the sole of your foot shall treadupon…” Israel had to act upon this promise. They could not just sitback and wait for God’s miraculous intervention; they themselveshad to march across the Jordan River into the Promised Land andtake possession of it.What a glorious picture for the living Church of Christ here on

earth! We do not have a territorial promise; we do not have a capitalcity, nor do we have a government. There is no telephone connec-tion, no postal service, no television, radio or internet. But we are anation, nevertheless, superseding all others on planet earth. Theapostle Peter describes this peculiar, special nation with these words:“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, apeculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him whohath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter

2:9). We are not Israel; our task is to show forth His light to an ever-darkening world. Israel has a different promise, as we can read in Deuteronomy 14:2:

“For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hathchosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the na-tions that are upon the earth.” Indeed, they too are a peculiar people,but the reason for choosing Israel is that they are destined to be“above all the nations that are upon the earth.”

Ye Are the Light of the WorldWhat does this light consist of? It is not a visible, artificial light, but aspiritual light. People who hear our testimony, read the Word of God,and are willing to respond, will be enlightened by His light, thus be-coming children of light. That is what Midnight Call Ministries Interna-tional is all about. We are simply proclaiming that there is only oneanswer to all the ills of this world, and it is Jesus Christ the Lord. That isthe gospel of salvation, but we also emphasize that this same Jesus isgoing to return to planet earth. That is the proclamation of theprophetic Word, which occupies about one-third of our Bible.

50th AnniversaryDuring this year, our 50th anniversary in the USA, we are enlistingsponsors who are willing to participate in our mailing campaign,sending forth invitations to people all across the land to subscribe toMidnight Callmagazine. For only $50, we are able to send 1,100 lettersto families, offering them the unique publication Midnight Call.Thank you for your help. We continue to pray that the Lord will

bless you and yours, as you place your spiritual foot on the promisesof God. It is He Himself—the Lord Jesus Christ—who declared, “I willbuild my church.”


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“Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have Igiven unto you, as I said unto Moses” (Joshua 1:3).

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it”(Psalm 68:11). I fully agree that the printed word is absolutely essential for our turbulentdays. With the Lord’s help, I will be a sponsor to reach people everywhere with the soul-saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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What Does theTransfiguration Meanto Us Today? – Part 1By Thomas Lieth

The Transfiguration makes clear that the OldCovenant is abolished because Jesus fulfilled the law.And prophecy has also reached its goal with theestablishment of the New Covenant—in Jesus. Nowgrace is at the center.

11 Money: Ends and Trends

Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? - Part 2By Wilfred Hahn

15 Christ Is Everything to Us By Samuel Rindlisbacher

18 Wrong vs. Right By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

22 Jesus, the Priceless One By Laszlo Dalnoki

Midnight CallMAY 2018

4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Thomas Lieth

30 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese


34 Fellow Laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese

36 Action for Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese

41 The Ebenezer Home – Haifa, Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By David Phillips




24 USA You Are Identified—Forever


Communists PledgeOpen Economy


Birth Certificate CertifiesTwo Mothers


ScientistsComplete MockMars Mission


Time Did Not Beginwith Big Bang, SaidStephen Hawking

Page 4: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:


Editor’s Note

The Encouragement of the Ascension

By Thomas Lieth

“You have to be eleven friends.”Sepp Herberger, manager ofthe West German national

football (soccer) team, once used a quoteto motivate his young men for the WorldCup. The result was a then-sensationalwin of that same World Cup in 1954.

“Eleven friends...” Just that many as-sembled around the Lord Jesus, wherethere were originally twelve of them (Iwill not go into the traitor Judas). In anycase, the remaining friends of the LordJesus needed something like a burst ofmotivation—an encouragement—afterHis crucifixion.

The disciples stood before shatteredremains. All their expectations had beendestroyed. Their faith had burst like aballoon. But then came the triumphantresurrection of the Lord Jesus. He ap-peared to them again and He taughtthem everything concerning the king-dom of God for forty days. And finally,He led His friends up the Mount ofOlives, which lies between Bethany andJerusalem.

What was the reason for this excur-sion? The moment of farewell had come;the moment when the incarnate God re-turns to His heavenly kingdom and

leaves His disciples behind, alone onearth.

“Leaves behind, alone?” That does notsound like an encouragement. But that’sonly half of the story. The farewell of theLord Jesus was not: “Bye, it’s been great,best of luck to you all.” Rather, the LordJesus blessed His disciples: “…He ledthem out…and he lifted up his hands,and blessed them. And it came to pass,while he blessed them, he was partedfrom them, and carried up into heaven.And they worshipped him, and returnedto Jerusalem with great joy” (Luke24:50-52).

With this blessing, the Lord Jesuscommended the Holy Spirit to His disci-ples, as he had already announced in ad-vance: “But the Comforter, which is theHoly Ghost, whom the Father will sendin my name, he shall teach you allthings, and bring all things to your re-membrance, whatsoever I have said untoyou” (John 14:26).

“[Remembering] whatsoever I havesaid unto you” includes the fact that theLord Jesus had promised to return. Theangels who appeared to the disciples dur-ing the Ascension of the Lord Jesus alsosaid, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye

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Published 12 times a year byMIDNIGHT CALL, INC.PO Box 84309Lexington, SC 29073Physical Location:

4694 Platt Springs RoadWest Columbia, SC 29170

Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (1922–92)International Editor — René MalgoExecutive Editor — Arno FroeseContributing Authors — Norbert Lieth,

Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J. Bigalke,Reinhold Federolf, Samuel Rindlisbacher, René Malgo, Eberhard Hanisch and Thomas Lieth

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OUR TASKMidnight Call Ministries is a nonprofit missionary organization,dedicated to proclaiming the entire Bible as the unfailing and eternalwritten Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the unerringguide for the Christian faith.

The object of Midnight Call is to call people everywhere to Christ,to proclaim the return of Christ, to prepare Christians for His com-ing, and to uphold the faith and warn of false doctrines. MidnightCall magazine is available in twelve languages. All work donethrough radio, literature and missionaries is supported entirely by thegifts and free will offerings of God’s people.

STATEMENT OF FAITHWE BELIEVE in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and there-with the infallibility of the Holy Scripture, which is God’s Word, andin the eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and shed Hisblood to save mankind. He died and arose bodily the third day andlater ascended into heaven.

WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of eachindividual sinner and that all who believe in Him as their personalSavior are justified through His shed blood and have become children of God.

WE BELIEVE that Israel is God’s chosen people, and that therestoration of the Jews to their own land is the fulfillment of theWord of God.

WE BELIEVE in the pre–tribulational appearance of Jesus Christ forthe Rapture of His Church (all born again believers).

WE BELIEVE in the immortality of our souls and the resurrection of ourbodies, and in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlastingblessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost.

The Prophet ic Voice for the Endt imes PRINTED IN 12 LANGUAGES

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gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from youinto heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go intoheaven” (Acts 1:11).

And thus, the Ascension of the Lord Jesus proves to be a great en-couragement and motivation for our lives; not only for His “elevenfriends,” but also for all who believe in Him.

We—you and I—are certainly not left alone, no matter what situa-tion we may find ourselves in. And moreover, we know that our faith-ful Lord and God will come again for each one of us, to bring us towhere our new home is, in eternal glory, in the presence of God. That’swhat I call an encouragement, which should also motivate us to a lifeof pleasing God.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with us all! MC

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Mean to Us Today? – Part 1

6 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com6 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Thomas Lieth

Matthew the evangelist reports that “after six days,” Jesus led three of Hisdisciples “into an high mountain apart” (Matt 17:1). What happened sixdays prior? The answer is in the directly preceding passage. There it is re-ported that Jesus spoke with His disciples about the following: “Verily Isay unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste ofdeath, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom” (Matt 16:28).

What Does theTransfiguration

Page 7: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:


This verse has always been a bit bothersome.The statement of the Lord Jesus cannot actu-ally refer to His future return in power and

glory, nor to the millennial kingdom, because thenHis statement that some would not taste death untilthat event would be difficult to explain. Therefore, Ithink that these words refer instead to the Transfig-uration that occurs six days later, and the subse-quent events. The Lord Jesus practically says thatthe kingdom of God will be brought before theirvery eyes in just a short time. So, it’s not about thekingdom of God in power and glory, but about thekingdom of God which begins in Jesus Christ. Jesusspoke of the kingdom of God in relation to His lifeand ministry on earth, as in Luke 17:21b: “For be-hold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Or, asPaul puts it in Colossians, “Who hath delivered usfrom the power of darkness, and hath translated usinto the kingdom of his dear Son” (Col 1:13). Thisrefers not only to the future, but already to the pre-sent. The Transfiguration that took place shortlythereafter was something like a first step, as if Godwas pointing out: the kingdom of God is dawning!The promised Redeemer is starting His triumphal pro-cession.

But the accounts of Matthew and Mark differfrom the account of Luke in how many days laterthe Transfiguration occurred. It’s irrelevant to thesubstance, but I’d like to go into that briefly, tomake it clear that there’s no reason to distrust theBible’s statements. Matthew and Mark speak of ex-actly six days. Luke, on the other hand, speaks ofroughly eight days. In Biblical interpretation, wemust always pay attention to what is said and whatis not said. For example, if my wife says that I atemeat loaf yesterday, that does not mean that I didnot eat potatoes. Or if someone asks me how long Iwill be on a trip to Germany in September, then Iwill answer “About two weeks.” One understands itto mean 14 days, another maybe 10 days, my chil-dren hope 16 days… Luke speaks of about eightdays here, so he does not make a precise statement.And, unlike Mark and Matthew, he may not onlycount the days between the two events, but also thedays of the events themselves. We can’t know ex-

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Jesus’ Transfiguration Luke 9:23-36: “And he said to them all, If any man

will come after me, let him deny himself, and take

up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever

will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will

lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For

what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole

world, and lose himself, or be cast away? For

whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words,

of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he

shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and

of the holy angels. But I tell you of a truth, there be

some standing here, which shall not taste of

death, till they see the kingdom of God. And it

came to pass about an eight days after these say-

ings, he took Peter and John and James, and went

up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the

fashion of his countenance was altered, and his

raiment was white and glistering. And, behold,

there talked with him two men, which were Moses

and Elias: Who appeared in glory, and spake of his

decease which he should accomplish at

Jerusalem. But Peter and they that were with him

were heavy with sleep: and when they were

awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that

stood with him. And it came to pass, as they de-

parted from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it

is good for us to be here: and let us make three

tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and

one for Elias: not knowing what he said. While he

thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshad-

owed them: and they feared as they entered into

the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud,

saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And

when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone.

And they kept it close, and told no man in those

days any of those things which they had seen.”

Page 8: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

actly, but it isn’t a contradic-tion. Nothing shakes the Wordof God. And when supposedcontradictions are found, it’sonly because we misinterpretit.

It’s unsurprising that it is Pe-ter, James and John who Jesustakes with Him to this moun-tain, because these three disci-ples were something like thesolid core of the apostles.These three were also presenton other occasions: for exam-ple, in the Garden of Gethse-mane, when Jesus withdrewwith the three (who unfortu-nately fell asleep while theirLord and Master persevered inthe agonizing prayer struggle).Obviously, James, John and Pe-ter were good sleepers, because they slept not onlyin the Garden of Gethsemane, but also here duringthe Transfiguration (Luke 9:32a). It’s also interest-ing that Jesus brought someone onto the mountainat all. He could have gone alone. This action is rem-iniscent of the Old Testament witness principle,which states that an event requires two or three wit-nesses (Deut 17:6; 19:15). I think that this was al-ways of concern to Jesus. He virtually never actedwithout witnesses, so that His life and ministry areso well attested to and witnessed as no other eventoccurring more than 200 years ago.

And with that we come to the actual occurrence:“And [he] was transfigured before them: and hisface did shine as the sun, and his raiment was whiteas the light” (Matt 17:2). Depending on the transla-tion of the Bible, it is translated as “transfigured,”“transformed,” or “changed.” In any case, some-thing very unusual happened here—I am inclinedto say something extraterrestrial. And yet it took

place on earth in front of the three witnesses. Let’stry to shed some light on the event. Peter, Jamesand John had seen the Lord Jesus exclusively as ahuman being. Certainly Jesus was an extraordinaryman, but He was still only a man. And now, on thismountain, the disciples first see their Lord in Hisdivine glory. Luke reports that this happened whileJesus was praying. Jesus withdrew to seek conver-sation with His heavenly Father again and again.He was always intimately connected with Godthrough prayer.

As already mentioned, the disciples were asleep.Perhaps this is even a fundamental problem for ustoday. Don’t we often become tired when we wantto pray? Don’t we become more and more dis-tracted and discouraged from prayer? If it’s not fa-tigue, it’s our thoughts suddenly digressing, or thephone ringing, or the hustle and bustle of everydaylife. I believe that many of us, myself included, areno longer able to enjoy the peace and solitude of

What Does the Transfiguration Mean to Us Today? – Part 1

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“And [he] was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun,and his raiment was white as the light” (Matt 17:2).

Page 9: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:


prayer with God. How is our quiet time with Godordered? And when I say quiet time, I don’t meanreading the Bible and praying on the fly. The LordJesus wants us to pray. He unequivocally demandsit of us. And how sad was He, when He repeatedlyhad to experience that His disciples were overcomeby fatigue and kept from praying: “What, could yenot watch with me one hour?” (Matt 26:40). Andbesides, Jesus knows how much we need prayer:“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation”(Matt 26:41a). I am convinced that the more a childof God prays, the less space he or she allows for sin;and the more a church prays, the more powerful itstestimony is. But, on the other hand, there is some-one who wants to prevent just that: the devil, whowants to choke out each prayer. That’s why it’s bet-ter to go to church without a clock, let alone aphone. Jesus not only taught His disciples how topray, but also set an example through His ownprayer life.

As Jesus prayed, His face shone like the sunand His clothes became as white as the light. Per-haps this Transfiguration was also a direct re-

sponse of the Father to theprayer of His Son. What Jesusprayed is not known to us, butwe know what He was talkingabout with Moses and Elijah.This suggests that His prayerwas also about the way aheadof Him, especially since justbefore, Jesus had also con-fronted His disciples with thefirst message of suffering. Hewas preparing His disciples—hence the conversation aboutdiscipleship—but Jesus Him-self needed someone to prepareHim. Anyone who thinks thatthe Son of God went to thecross in a laid-back way has the

completely wrong idea. His prayer struggle in theGarden of Gethsemane speaks volumes.

Jesus sought closeness with His Father, seek-ing His Father’s strength, preparation, and confir-mation. And that is exactly what would happenhere before the eyes of the three disciples. Inci-dentally, that was also the only time the Lord Je-sus ever revealed Himself in glory before Hisdeath and resurrection. Here, at the Transfigura-tion, His face changed and His divinity radiatedmajestically. For a moment, Jesus was not onlyhuman, but His divine nature first became visibleto some of His disciples. For the disciples, thisTransfiguration was a foretaste of the future,when they would see the Lord Jesus in all Hisglory, as described in 1 John 3:2b, “we shall see himas he is.”

Further on in the text: “And, behold, there ap-peared unto them Moses and Elias talking withhim” (Matt 17:3). The Transfiguration itself is veryextraordinary. But it doesn’t stop there: now alsoMoses and Elijah appear on the scene. And, as ifthat didn’t suffice, they don’t just appear; they also

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Many of us are no longer able to enjoy the peace and solitude of prayer withGod.

Page 10: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

talk to Jesus. Of course, we can now try to inter-pret this symbolically and say: Moses and Elijahare just examples and didn’t really appear. Mostlikely, the disciples were only blinded by the lowsun. No! We must not reinterpret anything, andwe must not humanize anything. Here on thismountain and during the Transfiguration of theLord Jesus, Moses and Elijah truly appeared. Justtake it as it is written.

Luke likewise speaks of Moses and Elijah alsoappearing in glory, whatever that may have lookedlike in practice. Both had said an extraordinaryfarewell to earth, and in Judaism both are consid-ered to be a precursor of the Messiah. It is saidabout Moses that God Himself buried him andthat his grave is still unknown (Deut 34:5-6). AndJude 9a describes that the archangel Michael had aquarrel with the devil and negotiated for the bodyof Moses. We see how Moses’ body was under thecommand of God Himself, who watched over it.So, it is all the more easy for God to make Mosesappear in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration.Elijah, on the other hand, was caught up, so he

was brought to heaven by GodHimself (2 Kings 2:11). Bothwhat happened to Moses and Eli-jah, as well as the Transfigura-tion, are secrets and the personalintervention of God, which over-rides all laws of nature, let aloneall human logic. It is the visiblework of God on and in His Son.

Moses and Elijah also play asignificant role in the history ofsalvation, so of course there is areason that the two appear here,and not Aaron and Enoch. Whatdoes Moses stand for? Moses wasthe one to whom God gave thetablets of the law; in Judaism the

five books of Moses (Genesis—Deuteronomy) arenot called “The Law” in vain. Moses is the epit-ome of the law. And who in Judaism especiallyrepresents the prophets? Elijah. The only prophetwho did not die, but was raptured; the prophetwho once led the people out of Baal worship, andwho is also associated with the return of the LordJesus (cf. Mal 4:5). Moses and Elijah represent thelaw and the prophets. Both the law and theprophets point to the coming Redeemer. It is eventhe very purpose of the law and the prophets thatthe kingdom of God begins in Jesus Christ.

The Transfiguration makes clear that the OldCovenant is abolished because Jesus fulfilled thelaw. And prophecy has also reached its goal withthe establishment of the New Covenant—in Jesus.Now grace is at the center. No longer Moses andElijah, but Christ alone! In the course of theTransfiguration, Jesus is confirmed here by Godthe Father: as the One to whom the law and theprophets testify, as the Messiah, the Redeemer ofthe world.(Continued next month) (MR0817/894)

10 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com10 M I D N I G H T C A L L

Jesus knows how much we need prayer: “Watch and pray, that ye enter notinto temptation” (Matt 26:41a). I am convinced that the more a child of Godprays, the less space he or she allows for sin.

What Does the Transfiguration Mean to Us Today? – Part 1

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For resources on "endtime economics," visit Wilfred's website or

contact him at: [email protected]

However, this was deliberately so, accordingto the “testimony of Jesus [which] is thespirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10 KJV).

After all, the entire Bible—every jot and tittle(Matthew 5:18)—is inspired and will not fall to theground before it is fulfilled. The descriptions ofBabylon the Great represent the outworking of anendtime economic/monetary colossus that envelopsthe nations, its humanistic philosophies and powerstructures of the world.

Not only is Babylon the “great city” active inglobal trade, but also it is shown as the nexus pointfor the wealth and riches of the world. A massiveglobal wealth imbalance is another characteristic ofthis endtime regime. In fact, this condition alignswith the statements of James. Not only is a last-daywealth imbalance prophesied by James (James 5:1-6), this condition must be a deductive conclusionof Revelation 18:19. To be “rich” is a relative con-cept. Therefore, if the “merchants” are said to bethe world’s wealthy people, then by definition therest of the world’s population must be relativelypoor.

Who Is Babylon the Great?Many Bible scholars have debated the identity of“Babylon the Great” over the past two millennia.What is it … who is it? There have been manyopinions (perhaps tens of thousands). Some havebeen convinced that it is the Roman CatholicChurch (perhaps more narrowly focusing on thedescriptions of “Mystery, Babylon the Great, theMother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth”:Revelation 17:5).

Others make the case that this Babylon connectswith a literal and physical revival of the ancient cityof Babylon, at its original site found today in thecountry of Iraq. We are more inclined to interpretthat it is the “spirit of ancient Babylon” (as also thespirit of ancient Tyre) that inhabits the final globalfinancial/religious colossus. Unsurprisingly, manycommercial concepts used in the modern world to-day have their roots in ancient Babylon (this beingBabylonia, then later in the period of Neo-Babylo-nia) … for example, mutual funds and financialcontracts. According to the findings of Assyriolo-gists (archaeologists that focus on the Middle East),



We continue with Part II of our quest for the identity of Babylon theGreat, which is mentioned in Revelation 14, 15, 17, and 18. Convinc-ingly, what is being described in these chapters is an entity of some typethat is hyper-commercialized and with global reach. In Part 1, we agreedthat the descriptions of Babylon the “great city” showed a vague “mishmash” of characteristics.

By Wilfred Hahn

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Babylon was a hyper-commercialized city. Morethat 90% of the clay tablets that have been uncov-ered were finance and trading records.

The name “Babylon” appears six times in Revela-tion, four of these in chapters 17 and 18. It wouldonly be understandable to assume that all of theseinstances refer to the same identity of Babylon. Yet,each one of the times that Babylon the “great city”is mentioned in these two chapters, a different as-pect of this mishmash of trade, idolatry and falsereligion is shown. Some statements refer to thespirit of Mammon. Some, just to the religious man-ifestations of the great whore; others to the eco-nomic and financial system (commerce andtrading).

In essence, what is represented in the 17th and18th chapters of Revelation is the “adulterous” fus-ing of Mammon and Apostate Religion. The greatfinal “ecumenicism” of Mammon and worship of agod occurs. Since God cannot be worshiped along-side Money (Mammon), this endtime manifestation(even appearing to have a form of godliness; see 2Timothy 3:5) well suits those “[…] of corruptmind, who have been robbed of the truth and whothink that godliness is a means to financial gain” (1Timothy 6:5).

Christ said that one cannot serve both God andMammon (Matthew 6:24). Satan, however, has pro-moted a different idea. Why not do both—worshipGod and Money at the same time? Many so-calledchurches today teach exactly that. You can haveyour best life now on earth; you can pursue finan-cial success and be godly at the same time; that theBible is a “how to” book to become prosperous.Such teachings are a big spiritual mishmash.

It is appropriate to again emphasize a key dis-tinction applying to the use of the name Babylon(whether Babylon the Great or shortened to justBabylon). The term is never used alone in the en-tire book of Revelation. Rather, it is repeatedly—8times!—called a “great city.” It is never, nevercalled simply a “city.” No, it is always referred to asa “great city” (with one exception, when it is addi-tionally said to be a “mighty city”: Revelation18:10). This is significant.

Pursuing the grammatical historical approach tothe interpretation of Scripture, we can allow thatexpressions thought to be common today mayhave had no counterpart thousands of years ago.For example, just how might a prophet of that an-cient time have attempted to prophesy about thefuture emergence of the “smartphone”? Thiswould have been nearly impossible in the vocabu-lary of that day. One can only imagine how the an-cient mind would have described this invention.Most certainly, its modern name would not havebeen used.

A similar case can be made for the word “sys-tem.” We understand this term easily today, com-monly referring to a monetary system, a globaltrading system, the economic system, and in manyother applications. Thousands of years ago, therewas no concept of a system as we understand it to-day. The closest concept of an organization thatcould be most like a system was a city.


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Christ said that one cannot serve both God and Mammon (Matthew6:24). Satan, however, has promoted a different idea. Why not do both—worship God and Money at the same time? Many so-called churchestoday teach exactly that.

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The Bible, therefore, may be expressing the no-tion of an economic system as a type of “city.” Assuch, the phrase “great city” could be used to de-scribe a much larger system … perhaps a globalsystem spanning the world. If so, then in fact,Babylon the “great city” depicts the global hyper-commercialism that has developed over the pastdecades and centuries.

Could Babylon the Great then be identified as acommercial colossus—a humanistic, materialistic,self-confidence system of commercialism? We areinclined to take this view. Why? For one, no otherScriptures in the Bible would nullify this position.Rather, quite the opposite in our perspective; thereare many other confirmations and alignments inthe Bible, pointing to the occurrence of a crass ma-terialism and imbalanced wealth skew engulfingthe world in the last days.

Some important confirmations are found inZechariah, Isaiah, James, and in some of theprophecies concerning Tyre. We will review a fewof these.

As an example, consider the Lord’s word spokenthrough Isaiah. He speaks of the various conditionsof the world at the time of the “day of the Lord,”the term he uses for the last days (likely, meaning

the entire seven-year period of theTribulation).

In the prophecies of Isaiah 24:1-3, we notice a heavy emphasisupon commercial activities. “See,the LORD is going to lay waste theearth and devastate it; he will ruinits face and scatter its inhabi-tants—it will be the same forpriest as for people, for master asfor servant, for mistress as formaid, for seller as for buyer, forborrower as for lender, for debtoras for creditor. The earth will becompletely laid waste and totally

plundered. The LORD has spoken this word.”One-half of the twelve-named earth’s “inhabi-

tants” in these verses, representing the people liv-ing at that future time—i.e. the time of the “day ofthe Lord”—are directly involved in economic or fi-nancial activity. Specifically identified in this wayare sellers, buyers, borrowers, lenders, debtors andcreditors.

That is a very high concentration of “money” oc-cupations. Were today’s labor force in North Amer-ica to be that highly concentrated in such activities,we would witness five times the number of peopleworking in the FIRE sector (Finance, Investmentand Real Estate) today.

It also is not a coincidence (after all, there are nocoincidences found in the Bible) that the subject ofdebt is mentioned four times in one form or an-other in this passage. A creditor is the same as alender; a borrower the same as a debtor. It wouldtherefore not be surprising to discover that a debt-based financial and economic system might play aprominent role during the last days. While this pas-sage does not provide conclusive evidence of thislast statement, it certainly offers a compelling mir-roring of the prophecies about Babylon, the GreatCity and Tyre.

Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? – PART 2

Babylon the “great city” depicts the global hyper-commercialism thathas developed over the past decades and centuries.

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Points to PonderRevealingly, the Bible says that the “merchants werethe world’s great men” (Revelation 18:23) during thetime of Babylon the Great City.

Just what societies down through history haveconsidered “merchants” the world’s great men? Thisconfirms an interesting phenomenon of the last-daysera upon earth. The world’s greatest men are nolonger kings, philosophers, priests or political lead-ers. Here they are now shown to be merchants …business people, in other words.

When has this ever been true in human history—at least on a global scale? Generally, down throughhistory, philosophers and religious heads have beenconsidered the most accomplished and important ofmen. Commerce was regarded as a lower caste activ-ity … something earthly and not heavenly. Many cul-tures actually despised the merchant classes. Thepursuit of truth and virtue was held as the highestcalling in these religious cultures. Yet, in this endtimesystem, it is merchants who are the heroes and greatmen of the world.

Why would being a successful businessperson of-fer a candidacy for the status of world-class great-ness? Obviously, a globalized economic and financialsystem must have emerged during the last days. Ifthis were not so, merchants could not be the world’s“great men.” Today, the leaders of this commercialeconomic system accumulate enormous luxuries, aregiven high visibility, and are honored and idolized. Inour media-saturated times today, the rich (these be-ing mainly business people … traders and sellers,therefore) are highly venerated. Everyone knows ofJeff Bezos, Bill Gates … and so on.

The adulation that the world and its news mediapour out on the world’s business titans today surelyfits this image. In fact, we would make the case thatthe entity Babylon the Great City is already here to-day. It is a “system”—Babylon being the spiritualname for that expression and not a specific city(though a city could certainly represent this system’scenter).

There were indeed times and situations wheremerchants were highly influential. The Bible men-tions Tyre and Assyria as great traders. For example,

it describes a major seaport city “whose merchantsare princes, whose traders are renowned in the earth”(Isaiah 23:8).

We see that possessions are the rewards of theelites conspiring with the Antichrist. He (the An-tichrist) “[…] will greatly honor those who acknowl-edge him. He will make them rulers over manypeople and will distribute the land at a price” (Daniel11:39).

Here we find a possible parallel or connection tothe wealthy elites that are mentioned in Revelation18. This may not be surprising, as there are manylinks between the books of Daniel and Revelation.

In the list of the twenty-eight commodities or“costly gifts” mentioned in Revelation 18, the firstthree mentioned are gold, silver, and precious stones.These are the very same three—even in the same or-der—mentioned in Daniel 11:38. There, Daniel tellus that the last world regime (headed by the An-tichrist) and its rulers will honor a god unknown tohis fathers—the “unknown god”—with “gold andsilver, with precious stones and costly gifts.”Nowhere else in the Bible are these same preciousmetals and jewels mentioned together, let alone inthe same order. This is likely not a coincidence.

Readers may recall earlier columns discussing thepossible evidence for the identity of this “unknowngod.” A conclusion we had offered was that the “un-known” god was the false idol represented by the col-lective faith of mankind in modern day economic andfinancial systems—a god we dubbed MOFI (mone-tary/financial).

Looking ahead to Part III of this series, did youknow that a large number of prophecies—a total oftwenty-one, as many as ten of these yet to be fulfilledin the future—refer to Tyre and its Phonecian tradingsisters in the Old Testament? Why should this city re-ceive such emphasis? Interestingly, the accounts andfuture prophecies of Tyre given by Ezekiel and Isa-iah bear a strong likeness to the last-day emergingof Babylon, the Great City.

In the next issue, we will examine whether theprophesied return of Tyre to the world stage is thesame manifestation as Babylon, the Great City de-picted in Revelation.


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Paul professes in Philippians 3:8that to him Jesus Christ is every-thing: “Yea, doubtless, and I count

all things but loss for the excellency ofthe knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:for whom I have suffered the loss of allthings, and do count them but dung,that I may win Christ.” We should re-member that these are the words of aman in Roman captivity who did notknow what the next day would bring.

In the preceding verse we read: “Butwhat things were gain to me, those Icounted loss for Christ” (Phil 3:7). HerePaul is referring to the time before hisconversion. He had been an influentialrabbi and an extreme zealot for Jewishlaw. Looking back, he says about hispast: “All of that was garbage comparedto what I now have in Jesus Christ.”

Before his conversion, Paul had beenthe greatest hater of Christ and persecu-

Christ Is Everythingto UsA continuing series on the epistle to the Philippians, by various writers forMidnight Call. Part 22. Philippians 3:8.

Samuel Rindlisbacher

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tor of Christians; he surpassed all oth-ers in his fervor for the Jewish law. Howcould such a change have come aboutin the life of Paul?

The answer is plain and simple: hehad encountered Christ. He who hasnot encountered Christ cannot possiblyunderstand what Paul is writing here inActs 9:1-5. His experience is describedthus: “And Saul, yet breathing outthreatenings and slaughter against thedisciples of the Lord, went unto to thehigh priest, and desired of him letters toDamascus to the synagogues, that if hefound any of this way, whether theywere men or women, he might bringthem bound unto Jerusalem. And as hejourneyed, he came near Damascus:and suddenly there shined round abouthim a light from heaven: and he fell tothe earth, and heard a voice saying untohim, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thoume? And he said: Who art thou, Lord?And the Lord said: I am Jesus whomthou persecutest!”

Paul’s question, “Who art thou,Lord?” is interesting, as the address“Lord” seems to indicate that Paul real-ized: This is God. Paul’s eyes wereopened; He whom Paul encounteredhere on the road to Damascus was noneother than the God of the Old Testa-ment, the “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus3:14). This was Yahweh in the personof the Lord Jesus Christ, who had re-vealed Himself in the Gospel of Johnwith these seven divine titles: “I am thebread of life” (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51); “Iam the light of the world” (John 8:12);“I am the door of the sheep” (John10:7, 9); “I am the good shepherd”(John 10:11, 14); “I am the resurrec-tion, and the life” (John 11:25); “I amthe way, the truth, and the life” (John14:6); “I am the true vine” (John 15:1,5).

This answer must have been earth-shattering for Paul: “I am the Lord Jesuswhom thou persecutest” (Acts 9:5). Inthat instant, the life of Paul of Tarsus,

Christ Is Everything to Us

We are not puppets; God neverforces anyone. Rather, He waits forour voluntary “yes.”

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his world vision, his opinions andgoals experienced a fundamentalchange. God had stretched out Hishand and taken hold of Paul!

Whenever God takes hold of a per-son, He also wants that person’s “yes.”We are not puppets; God never forcesanyone. Rather, He waits for our vol-untary “yes.” Paul said “yes”; he lethimself be conquered, and thus be-came one of the Lord’s disciples whonow had a new purpose in living. Je-sus Christ had become the center andanchor of his life. The Lord had freedPaul from the effort of achieving right-eousness by his own works. Instead,He offered him forgiveness, salvation,hope and eternity. From now on Paulonly wanted one thing: “…that I maywin Christ, and be found in him”(Phil 3:8b-9a). The more Christ takeshold of me, the greater also my desireto embrace the Lord Jesus.

A few verses earlier the apostle de-scribes how this takes place: “Let thismind be in you, which was also inChrist Jesus: who, being in the formof God, thought it not robbery to beequal with God: but made himself ofno reputation, and took upon him theform of a servant, and was made in thelikeness of men. And being found infashion as a man, he humbled himself,and became obedient unto death, eventhe death of the cross” (Phil 2:5-8).

Paul understood that “taking holdof Jesus” means being conformed tothe likeness of the Lord in mindsetand disposition. However, this isnever simple. It is a struggle: a path oftraining, sacrifice, hardship and temp-

tation—it is the way of the cross. Butthe prize can only be won if one actu-ally does fight the good fight. It meanscontending on the race course of faith,as described by Paul himself: “Knowye not that they which run in a racerun all, but one receiveth the prize?So run, that ye may obtain. And everyman that striveth for the mastery istemperate in all things. Now they do itto obtain a corruptible crown: but wean incorruptible. I therefore so run,not as uncertainly; so fight I, not asone that beateth the air: but I keep un-der my body, and bring it into subjec-tion: lest that by any means, when Ihave preached to others, I myselfshould be a castaway” (1 Cor 9:24-27).

Paul wished to cling to Jesus afterhe had been conquered by Christ. If Iwant to take hold of Jesus, I have tolearn to subject all my thoughts, myfeelings and my desires to the cross ofJesus. We often encounter the opinionthat the Christian life should be with-out strife. But that is not the case. Ican only win the trophy if I join thefight. That fight means effort, trials,hardships, and sometimes failure. Butthen I am also granted the grace to getup again and continue my walk withthe Lord Jesus.

Like Paul, we should strive to clingto Jesus and hold Him. Dear reader,fight the good fight of faith and don’tbe defeated. Continue on to live a sanc-tified life, a life of dedication, a life inthe service of Jesus Christ. The LordJesus will supply the needed grace.


Paul wished to cling to Jesus after he had been conquered by Christ. If I want totake hold of Jesus, I have to learn to subject all my thoughts, my feelings and mydesires to the cross of Jesus.

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Roy “Wrong Way” Riegels played football for the University of California from 1927 to 1929. He was

the all-American center and captain-elect for the Golden Bears, yet his “wrong way” run in the 1929

Rose Bowl against Georgia Tech is often considered the worst blunder in the history of college

football. The game was scoreless early in the second quarter when Georgia Tech had possession on

their 20-yard line. Riegels recovered a fumble by Yellow Jackets’ running back Jack “Stumpy”

Thomason. He took a step toward the Tech goal line, and then got bumped, spun around, and seeing

a pair of goal posts headed for them. Unfortunately, it was the wrong end zone!

Wrong vs. Right

Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

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Known for his speed, quarter-back Benny Lom chased hisconfused teammate half the

distance of the field, shouting at thetop of his lungs for him to stop. Lomeventually caught Riegels and got himturned in the correct direction, butTech players tackled him immediatelyat the 1-yard line. The Bears decidedto punt rather than risk a play soclose to their end zone, but Tech’sVance Maree blocked the punt, result-ing in a safety for the Yellow Jacketsand a 2-0 lead. California eventuallyscored a touchdown and kicked an extra point,but Georgia Tech added six more points, and wontheir second national championship by a finalscore of 8-7.

Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan was an Ameri-can aviator, who earned his nickname for a flightfrom New York to Ireland. He piloted a transconti-nental flight from California to New York; and, im-mediately thereafter, filed plans for a transatlanticflight. Aviation authorities concluded that hisstrategy was suicide, and his application waspromptly denied. Corrigan was approved for a re-turn flight to the West Coast.

While his plane departed west, it suddenlymade a 180-degree turn and left onlookers puzzledas he vanished into the clouds. Twenty-eight hourslater, Corrigan landed his plane in Dublin, Ireland.He claimed to have lost direction in the clouds andthat his compass malfunctioned. Authorities didnot believe there was any navigational error, view-ing the mistake as deliberate. Nevertheless,“Wrong Way” Corrigan was a national celebrity.

In contrast to Riegels’ truly unintentional error,Corrigan appears to have made his decision pur-posefully. Peter’s error, as detailed in Galatians 2,was similar to that of Riegel. Peter was temporarily

disoriented, and acquiesced to the Judaizers. Theerror of the Judaizers was not an accident, and inthat sense was similar to Corrigan’s because it wasdeliberate.

The Judaizers were intentionally subverting thegospel of grace by proclaiming a works-based mes-sage. Combining law with the gospel was a distor-tion of truth. True believers may becomemomentarily disoriented in their doctrine andpractice (like Peter), and thus we do well to exam-ine ourselves to be certain that our spiritual expe-rience is valid (2 Cor 13:5).

COUNTERING ERROR(Gal 3:1-14) Galatians 3 begins with an urgent ap-peal to return to the simplicity of the gospel. Theplea takes the form of a series of six arguments toprove that salvation (justification) by faith is supe-rior to the law. The first verse considers why thefaith of a true believer could falter: “You foolishGalatians, who has bewitched you, before whoseeyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as cruci-fied?” The address is direct and stern, for it is as ifthe believers had fallen under a bewitching, decep-tive spell that could only be attributed to the influ-ence of demonic powers.

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Authentic life transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit, who uses the Word of God toeffect that change. Neither you nor I have ever changed anyone (at least for their good);it is always the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God.

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Do you know that the Holy Spirit abideswithin you (cf. Rom 8:9)? If you began by receiv-ing the Spirit (which is the only authentic foun-dation), it would be foolish to seek “beingperfected by the flesh” (Gal 3:2-3). A works-based message discounts the saving (justifying)and sanctifying work that the Holy Spirit accom-plishes in the life of believers (v. 4). The HolySpirit enters the believer’s life as a result of grace,not the law (v. 5).

Authentic life transformation is the work of theHoly Spirit, who uses the Word of God to effect thatchange. Neither you nor I have ever changed any-one (at least for their good); it is always the HolySpirit working through the Word of God. The Spirit

works in the context of God’s Word; therefore, it isnothing less than stupidity to displace oneself fromthat context to another.

The opponents of God’s Word cited Moses, thegiver of the law, as their authority (or, at least, ar-gued that Abraham was saved on the basis of meri-torious works). Yet the Bible reveals that Abraham,the father of the Jewish race (Gen 12—24), wasaccepted by God on the basis of his faith in theLord’s promise (Gal 3:6-14). There are only twopossible ways of being accepted by God: 1) keep-ing the law perfectly (v. 12), which is impossible(v. 10; James 2:10); or, 2) exercising faith (Gal2:11). Redemption is “through faith,” so that thepromise of the Holy Spirit is given to all who be-lieve (v. 14).

PROMOTING TRUTH(Gal 3:15-29) The Judaizers argued that the law wasgiven subsequent to the time of Abraham, andthus the law had greater priority over grace (salva-tion by grace through faith alone). In response,the Bible provides an example from human rela-tionships: when an agreement is ratified, “no onesets it aside or adds conditions to it” (v. 15). God’spromise of salvation through faith to Abraham wasa binding contract, and nothing (not even the law)could set it aside or add conditions to it.

God’s covenant was a promise made to Abrahamand his seed (v. 16). The conveyer of God’s blessing(cf. Matt 1:1) is Christ Jesus, the fulfillment of thepromise made to Abraham. Faith is the permanentmeans for receiving salvation. The inheritance (i.e.justification by grace through faith) is an uncondi-tional gift to all who have believed in Jesus (Gal3:17-18).

The law was not given to save anyone; rather, “itwas added because of transgressions” (v. 19). Godwanted to make His will known, and when His

Wrong vs. Right

The law was not given to save anyone; rather, “it was added because of transgressions”(v. 19). God wanted to make His will known, and when His commands were notfulfilled—either by acts of commission or omission—then everyone would know theyhad sinned (transgressed).

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commands were not fulfilled—either by acts ofcommission or omission—then everyone wouldknow they had sinned (transgressed). (A “trans-gressor” [Gk. parabates] typically refers to thetransgression of the Mosaic law, and always someexplicit law. See, for instance, James 2:9-11.)Whereas the law required mediation (Gal 3:19),God’s promise to Abraham was dependent onlyupon the commitment of God, who “is only one”(v. 20). Therefore, the promise is superior.

The law is certainly not “contrary to thepromises of God” (v. 21), for it was never intendedto impart life and acceptance before God. Its pur-pose was to reveal that everyone is a prisoner “un-der sin” (v. 22), and that condemnation produceda need to be forgiven and released from the law’spenalty. Prior to Christ, all humanity was “kept incustody under the law” (v. 23). The law was givenas a “tutor” to identify sin and to demonstrate thereality of God’s judgment. Humanity’s inability toobey the law perfectly (and thereby earn God’s ap-proval) necessitates salvation by grace “throughfaith in Christ Jesus” (vv. 23-26).

The good news of God’s grace is truly amazing.Those who have received His grace certainly canregard even routine conversation and communica-tion as opportunities to share the good news.Scripture also reminds everyone: “There is a waywhich seems right to a man, but its end is the wayof death” (Prov 14:12). A false gospel prohibitsyou from salvation and membership in the familyof God, wherein all believers are united “throughfaith in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:26-29).

Grace and peace summarize the gospel of salva-tion, which is through faith in Jesus (Gal 1:3).Grace is God’s unmerited favor, and is the basisfor salvation (cf. Eph 2:8-9). Peace represents afullness of life, which is the characteristic experi-ence of those who are serving Christ faithfully.One cannot serve faithfully without the grace thatGod alone can grant.

Grace not only saves one from the penalty ofsin, but also delivers the believer in Christ fromthe power of sin. Jesus “gave Himself” for sin-ners so that “He might rescue” them “from thispresent evil age” (Gal 1:4). Christ giving Hislife corresponds with His desire to grant peaceto His followers, and to cause them to availthemselves of the grace that He provides.

“Forevermore” will not be long enough topraise God for the grace that saves the believerfrom the penalty and power of sin (Gal 1:5).The gospel is more than a message to proclaim;it is a dynamic reality to experience (vv. 1-5).“It is the power of God for salvation” (Rom1:16), which brings freedom. Christ died toprovide “rescue” (Gal 1:4). When you trust Je-sus Christ, you become free, and the fetters ofsin and legalistic religion are broken.

Placement into the body of Christ not onlyunites all believers, but also removes the oldclothes of the law and replaces them withChrist’s new robes of righteousness (Gal 3:27; 2Cor 5:21; Eph 4:23-24). Christ Jesus removesthe barriers that divide people (Gal 3:28),meaning there is no inferiority or superiorityfor those who “belong to Christ” (v. 29). Graceappropriated through faith makes believers ma-ture (v. 26). Allow your imperfections andneeds to humble you before God, and then seekHis grace as the “right way” to fulfill the Lord’scalling.

What tragedy if our lives are not based uponGod-given goals: what seems to be so importantnow perishes in light of eternity. The worstbondage you can experience is living solely foryourself, and thereby yielding to the desires ofthe old nature (Rom 6). The message of God’sgrace—through faith in Christ Jesus—is truebecause it came directly from God. It has thepower to dramatically change your life.


Allow your imperfections and needs to humble you before God, and then seek His graceas the “right way” to fulfill the Lord’s calling.

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22 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com22 M I D N I G H T C A L L

There was a great sensation in world mediawhen Christie’s auction house sold Leonardoda Vinci’s painting Salvator Mundi (Savior of

the World) to the highest bidder for 450 milliondollars at the end of last year. This makes it themost expensive painting of all time, and it repre-sents nothing but a (fictitious) portrait of JesusChrist. The previous record-holder was a Picassopiece, which sold for half that amount.

Any normal person with both feet firmly on theground can only shake his head over such highnumbers. It’s difficult for us to imagine this sum,when there is so much need and suffering in theworld. There are actually people who are in a posi-tion to spend that amount of money on a painting,created by one of the greatest geniuses in art his-tory.

When I heard the sensational news, I immedi-ately wondered what the new owner might do withthis exceptionally valuable work of art. Will hehang it on his living room wall? (Not exactly a safesolution.) He shouldn’t show the painting to his cir-cle of friends, because once its location is known,the danger of theft is constantly present.

Our Lord Jesus aptly says, “Lay not up for your-selves treasures upon earth, where moth and rustdoth corrupt, and where thieves break through andsteal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, andwhere thieves do not break through nor steal: For

where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”(Matt 6:19-21).

The buyer can lock the painting in a bank vault,hand it over to a museum as an exhibition piece, orresell it. In any case, this deal could be a very worth-while investment for the future. But Jesus asks us,“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain thewhole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall aman give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt 16:26).

We do not know whether the buyer of the paint-ing really believes in Jesus Christ. It seems unlikely.In an interview with Zeit Online, art historian Wolf-gang Ullrich calls the purchase a “power gesture.”We could put it this way: The buyer has bought a“Christ” for himself, who may now be resting in abank vault where nobody can see him. The light ofthe world is locked up instead of living in the heartof the owner.

Jesus warns us: “And he said unto them, Takeheed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s lifeconsisteth not in the abundance of the things whichhe possesseth” (Luke 12:15). God’s grace, embodiedin Christ Jesus, cannot be bought, even with all themoney in the world! There were (and still are today)

Jesus, the Priceless One

Auctioned for 450 million dollars: Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi

What the most expensive painting inthe world can tell about our life andpriorities. Some personal thoughts.

Laszlo Dalnoki

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those who wanted to buy the Holy Spirit of the Lordwith money. But that’s impossible, as we see from abiblical incident: “And when Simon saw that throughlaying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost wasgiven, he offered them money, Saying, Give me alsothis power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he mayreceive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thymoney perish with thee, because thou hast thoughtthat the gift of God may be purchased with money.Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thyheart is not right in the sight of God” (Acts 8:18-21).

The thought that troubles me is that a rich manhas acquired for himself a painting depicting Jesus fora tremendous sum, but if he does not turn to Jesus,he remains a lost man. This truth is impressively evi-dent in the case of the rich young man. He said thathe had kept all the commandments of God. Thus, helived as an upright man, as Jesus had thought. Butthen he stood before the Redeemer, a step away frometernal life, but he could not part with his fortune.This story is bitter, for then Jesus told His disciples,“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a nee-dle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom ofGod” (Mark 10:25).

The Preacher also speculated on wealth, and cameto the following realization in reference to God: “Forwho can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, morethan I? For God giveth to a man that is good in hissight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sin-ner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that hemay give to him that is good before God. This also isvanity and vexation of spirit” (Eccl 2:25-26).

How happy is the one who has found Jesus Christin his heart, the one who has found the Redeemer!Such a person has not given a penny for it, becauseChrist has given Himself out of His precious andpriceless grace: “But not as the offence, so also is thefree gift. For if through the offence of one many bedead, much more the grace of God, and the gift bygrace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hathabounded unto many” (Rom 5:15).

No one, no one, can take this acquired treasure, thegift of eternal life, from the one who believes in JesusChrist. Anyone who thinks he can buy “Christ” whilehis heart remains empty, without the living Christ

dwelling in it, keeps “Him” in vain under lock andkey. We read about eternal life: “And this is life eter-nal, that they might know thee the only true God,and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John17:3).

We don’t know what the future destiny of thispainting will look like. It may be that a new buyeris coming who will buy it for even more money. Butif we look at it from the perspective of the historyof salvation, we realize that this wealth too will passaway with our dying world. God is creating a newheaven and a new earth, where there will be notransience, no suffering, no money or materialwealth, for our only wealth will be Jesus ChristHimself and eternal life with Him: “For all that is inthe world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of theeyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but isof the world. And the world passeth away, and thelust thereof: but he that doeth the will of Godabideth for ever” (1 John 2:16-17).

The Savior of the world and His salvation are notfor sale at any price. Neither in the department storenor in fine galleries, nor even in any of the mostprestigious auction houses can you bid on Him. Yes,you can buy the painting, which consists of frame,canvas, and color, and on which the signature reads“Leonardo da Vinci”; but the true, living Christ isnot there. If you seek Him, start at the cross of Cal-vary. If you look up at the cross, you will discoverthe inscription INRI: “Jesus the Nazarene, King ofthe Jews.” He is the guarantor of our faith andchampion of our salvation. He has paid the highestprice ever paid on this earth. “Wherefore God alsohath highly exalted him, and given him a namewhich is above every name: That at the name of Je-sus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, andthings in earth, and things under the earth; And thatevery tongue should confess that Jesus Christ isLord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil 2:9-11).

Those who have found Him can say that they arethe richest people in the world. Jesus Himself is thebest investment for your future! (MR0118/910)

(This was Brother Laszlo’s last contribution. He wenthome to be with the Lord 28 March 2018.)

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24 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit


You Are Identified—ForeverThe story of how that Sudafed adgot to me begins at Walgreens. As Ibought tissues and Afrin, I keyed inmy phone number so I could getloyalty points.

Information about the contents of myshopping bag began to spread. A third-

party data collector—likely Nielsen-CatalinaSolutions—added it to the purchase history itacquires from Walgreens.

Johnson & Johnson, maker of Sudafed,paid the data broker for that information. Withthe use of Facebook’s tools, the informationfrom my loyalty card—email, phone number,etc.—was matched with my Facebook ac-count. (Data brokers run personal informationthrough an algorithm before uploading so it’snot identifiable, Facebook says, but it still canbe matched with Facebook account informa-tion.)

Then via Facebook, Johnson & Johnsondecided to target adults ages 25 to 54 whobought Sudafed or a competing brand. Inother words, me.

Do this: For starters, either don’t use loyaltycards, or register them to an email address orphone number you don’t use., 7 March 2018

Commentary: The excerpt we publish fromthe Wall Street Journal was headlined,“Facebook Really Is Spying on You, JustNot Through Your Phone’s Mic.” It showshow technology is beginning to rule peo-ple’s lives. Whenever and wherever youridentity is required for purchases or ser-

vices, that identity is being stored, and asthe article later reveals, exchanged with var-ious companies in the same or related busi-nesses.Often we have emphasized that the com-

puter is already in charge; for example,when entering or leaving another nation, theultimate authority is no longer the customsofficer, but the scanner, which authorizes orrejects your identity. While these systemsmore or less have been in operation fordecades, slowly and surely we are beingvoluntarily indoctrinated to rely upon mod-ern technology.While the Bible gives no direct informa-

tion about this, we are nevertheless warned:“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day

nor the hour whereinthe Son of mancometh” (Matthew25:13).

6706(See It Could Happen

Tomorrow, Item #2271,



Communists Pledge OpenEconomyFears of a global trade war mountedafter President Donald Trump’s im-posed import tariffs on steel andaluminum and, according tosources in Washington, the UnitedStates is set to unveil new tariffsspecifically targeting China.

“I hope both China and the US will actrationally, and not be led by emotions,

and avoid a trade war,” Li told reporters in atelevised news conference at the Great Hall ofthe People in Beijing.

Those hopes would be damaged if, assources say, Washington goes ahead withplans for new tariffs on up to $60 billionworth of Chinese technology and consumergoods annually, in a move to fulfill Trump'scampaign promises to get tough on Chinaand its trade practices.

Trump says Beijing has forced US compa-nies to transfer their intellectual property toChina as a cost of doing business there,though China has insisted that technology

L Conspiracy theorists think Facebook hastapped your phone's microphone to targetads by listening to your conversations.Truth is, it doesn't have to. WSJ’s JoannaStern explains how Facebook and its adver-tisers really keep tabs on you.

(continued next page)


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at thenews conference following the closing ses-sion of the National People's Congress inBeijing, March 20, 2018. Credit: Jason Lee/Reuters

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transfers are not a condition of gaining mar-ket access.

Li said China was confident of achievingits 2018 economic targets. The governmentaims to expand its economy by around 6.5percent this year, having easily surpassed thesame target in 2017.

China’s financial sector was in good shapeand banks have enough provisions, Li said,adding that regulators would take “resolutemeasures” to tackle financial risks.

The Chinese central bank was being givenresponsibility for drafting important lawscovering the banking and insurance sector,with regulation over the $42 trillion sector be-coming more streamlined and tighter., 20 March 2018

Commentary: As Christians, we are ad-monished to be impartial. If we are inter-ested, we have the opportunity to hear bothsides—or better yet, what a dozen or more

other countries say, thus receiving a truerpicture of the issue.It seems ironic that the communists are

now the rich nation and are fighting for afree and open economy.Their proposed 6.8% economic expan-

sion for 2018 is unmatched in the devel-oped world. Again, what does it mean Bibli-

cally speaking? Prophecy is in theprogress of fulfillment; not just re-cently, but since the expulsion ofAdam and Eve from the Garden ofEden.In the end times, it is Mystery

Babylon who is in charge of planetearth. Who is Mystery Babylon?It’s not the Vatican or Europe, butthe entire world, i.e. globalism. Ithas made the world rich; humanityhas more merchandise, more com-fort, yes, and even longer life.

Here is what Revelation 18:7 says:“How much she hath glorified herself,and lived deliciously, so much tormentand sorrow give her: for she saith in herheart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, andshall see no sorrow.” 6715(See Exposing Mystery Babylon Part 2, Item #1080,


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Open Economy (continued from page 24)


Yellow Fever Spreads toBig Cities“Make sure you have your vaccina-tion card and your number inhand,” a public health clinic workershouted to those lucky enough tohave one of the 300 numbers thatwould allow them to receive a fulldose of the yellow fever vaccine,good for a lifetime.

“If you’re not here when your numberis called, you’ll lose your place in line!”

Brazil is fighting to stay ahead of one of itsworst epidemics of yellow fever, a some-times-fatal virus transmitted by Haemagogusand Sabethes mosquitoes and named for theyellowing of the skin and eyes of those in-fected.

Unlike the country’s recent epidemic ofZika, another mosquito-borne virus thatcaused microcephaly and other birth defects

in hundreds of babies, the yellow fever that isspreading across the country is not beingtransmitted by Aedes aegypti, the urban-dwelling mosquito blamed for the Zika epi-demic.

Still, the yellow fever that has surged inrural parts of the country has made its wayinto Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Rio deJaneiro, three states with some of the coun-try’s largest metropolitan centers—areaswhere people traditionally don’t have to worryabout getting the vaccine.

Sao Paulo state has seen the most dra-matic jump in cases of yellow fever. In the firstsix weeks of 2018, there were already 133confirmed cases and 49 deaths blamed onthe virus, a staggering increase from 2017when there were 53 cases and 16 deaths forthe entire year. Rio had 47 cases and 21deaths in January alone, compared with 27cases and nine deaths for all of the previousyear.

Even with the early rush to get vaccinated,the Ministry of Health’s goal to vaccinate20.5 million people in Sao Paulo and Rio be-tween Jan. 25 and Feb. 15 reached only 20%of its targeted population. With just 3.6 mil-lion people vaccinated, it decided to extendthe campaign into March., 5 March 2018

Commentary: The outbreak of yellow feverhas alarmed the world’s medical establish-ment. Yet this is not unusual; so did theZika epidemic several years ago. Usuallyit ends in medical science conquering theepidemic; in this case, yellow fever.What it shows us is the validity of the

words of our Lord Jesus, that there shallbe “… wars and rumours of wars…famines, and pestilences…” (Matthew24:6-7) all over planet earth. 6708(See Bible Prophecy Answer Book, Item #2333, $14.99.)


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Christians Flogged in RareSharia PunishmentThe man and woman are residentsof Aceh province on the northerntip of Sumatra island, a provincethat has imposed strict Shariah law.

They were whipped at least six timeseach by a robed man wearing a mask

and wielding a rattan cane. Hundreds of on-lookers jeered them as the punishment wascarried out on a stage next to a mosque in theprovincial capital, Banda Aceh.

Indonesia, the world’s most-populousMuslim-majority country, has long beenknown for its more moderate form of the reli-gion. It has laws protecting the rights of Chris-tians and other groups, a robust democracyand an open economy attracting investors in-cluding Toyota Motor Co. to Samsung Elec-tronics Co.

But hard-line Islamic groups have been us-ing the country’s democratic system to pro-mote an Islamic agenda, building supportamong citizens with charity work and publicpreaching.

Last year, hard-liners succeeded in a cam-paign to imprison the Christian governor of

Jakarta for blasphemy. Lawmakers are nownegotiating a revision of the criminal code, in-cluding provisions pushed by Islamic partiesthat would imprison gay people or unmarriedcohabiting heterosexuals.

Some 98% of Aceh’s five million people areMuslims. They can face flogging for offenses

including drinking alcohol, adultery,gay sex, gambling or having roman-tic relationships before marriage.The province’s Shariah courts areimposing hundreds of whippings ayear.

The minority in Aceh who aren’tMuslims have a choice of beingpunished under either the civil codeor Shariah. Some choose floggingto avoid lengthy prison terms. InJanuary, a Christian was sentencedto 36 lashes for selling alcohol.

The two Christians flogged werepunished for playing a game at achildren’s entertainment complex ina way authorities say amounted togambling, said Yusnardi, head of

Banda Aceh’s Shariah police force, which en-forces laws rooted in Islamic faith. A Muslimman also involved in the case received at least19 strokes. Details on what the game entailedweren’t immediately clear. Gambling is illegalacross the whole country., 28 February 2018

Commentary:What we do not know in thiscase is whether these people were Christianby culture/tradition, or were actually be-lievers in Jesus Christ the Lord. Regardless,Indonesia—the world’s largest Muslim na-tion—is being more closely watched, be-cause global giants such as Toyota Motor,Samsung Electronics, and many others pos-sess large leverage when it comes to politi-cal/economic decisions. In the Europeanworld (West) this type of punishment is un-thinkable and belongs to the historicarchives a couple of centuries or more ago.

Just recently, we heard that women inthe most extreme Islamic nation, SaudiArabia, are now permitted to drive a motorvehicle. In other words, time changesthings; the world will become one. This

unity will bringforth man’s self-glorification: wor-shiping man in theform of Antichrist,just as recorded inScripture. 6709(See The Cross in the

Shadow of the Crescent,

Item #2300, $14.99.)


New Stealth Fighter OverSyrian SkiesRussia’s most advanced combatwarplane, the Su-57 stealth fighter,appears to have begun trial mis-sions over the war-weary Syrianskies.

The single-seat, twin-engine planeswere allegedly filmed nearby Rus-

sia’s Khmeimim Air Base near the southeast-ern city of Latakia along the Mediterraneancoastline and employ state-of-the-art stealthtechnology to avoid radar detection. Theywere developed to challenge the U.S. F-22Raptor—and have been called the “F-22killer.”

While the new aircraft made its maidenflight last December, military analysts re-acted with surprise to [the] sighting, whichneither Russian or Syrian officials have offi-cially confirmed.

Earlier deputy Russian Defense MinisterYuri Borisov, was quoted as saying, “We arebuying Su-57 jets for combat trials. The firststage of state trials has been concluded. …As you might imagine … many test flightsmust be carried out.”

26 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit


Crowds watched as an Indonesian Christian wasflogged in a public square in Banda Aceh, In-donesia. The rare punishment has drawn con-demnation from human rights groups. Photo:Chaideer Mahyuddin/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images


(continued next page)

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Birth Certificate CertifiesTwo MothersFor the first time, a baby born inItaly to a lesbian couple will havetwo mothers and no father listed onthe birth certificate, despite that factthat only one of the two carried andgave birth to the child.

The Court of Pisa said that preventingrecognition of the two mothers violates

the fundamental rights of the child, who was con-ceived by heterologous fertilization and born inPisa to an American woman married to an Italianwoman.

“Our child is registered only as the son of mywife, and since she is American, I cannot conferItalian citizenship on him, which means a lot to us,despite the fact that our country does not treat us

as equals to all other citizens,” the Italian womantold local media. “We decided to have him bornhere because this is home, but Italy considers thechild a foreigner with only one parent.”

“If the child had been born in the United States,the birth certificate with the double maternitywould be transcribed here without problems,”said the women’s attorney, Alexander Schuster.“But since the birth took place in Italy, the UnitedStates must now rely on the Italian document thatindicates only one parent and it cannot add theother mother in drafting its documents.”, 19 March 2018

Commentary: What was unthinkable just afew decades ago, is now a recognized wayof life in many countries. One must assumethat the rest of the world will follow.The next almost natural step will be

eliminating the distinction between the

sexes. That will lead Churchianity to fol-low in the footsteps and neutralize Scrip-ture. God the Father becomes God themother, and God the Son becomes God thedaughter. The end result is a twisted Scrip-ture no longer recognized as the Word ofGod; rather, the word of man.We don’t know precisely the extent or de-

finition of the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah,except sodomy. But we do know from the

words of our Lord,that the time beforeHis coming will bethe same.

6717(See As It Was in the Days

of Noah, Item #2286,


In December, Russian President VladimirPutin declared Moscow’s mission in Syriawas over, with officials noting that 38 war-planes were returning to Russia.

But analysts now say Moscow appearsstuck in the country in a bid to prop up Mr.Assad as fighting continues to rage in rebel

strongholds in the northwestern province ofIdlib and in the Damascus suburb of EasternGhouta. In recent days, pro-Assad jets havepounded rebel-held positions in Eastern Gh-outa, reportedly killing more than 300., 22 February 2018

Commentary: The race for the best weaponsof war has begun again. How effectivethese stealth fighters are no one knows and,as Russia admits, they are still in the testingstages.In the meantime, the US has supplied a

number of F-36 stealth fighters to Israel,which are being tested now, needless to sayby the world’s best pilots. Syria has suffered over seven years in a

virtually undefinable war; in many cases,no one really knows who is fighting whom. Early European reports indicated that

many Syrians are returning home to rebuildtheir country, yet other articles clearly am-plify the dangers there.

What seems almost miraculous is thetechnical communication exchanges betweenthe various countries involved. Israel has re-peatedly bombed targets in Syria, mostlyaimed at weapons shipments to Hezbollah,one of Israel’s arch-enemies. There must beclose communication between Russia, theUSA and Israel to avoid mistakes.Is the Isaiah 17 prophecy applicable for

today? “The burden of Damascus. Behold,Damascus is taken away from being a city,and it shall be a ruinous heap” (verse 1). Theanswer is no. Since the prophet wrote thesewords some 2,700 years ago, Damascus hasbeen destroyed many times and these wordshave been fulfilled, “…a ruinous heap.”Thus our question: why is there such horri-

ble judgment coming upon Syria these days, orbetter said, years? Because much of Syria isSyrian-occupied Israeli territory. We knowfrom the Bible that Israel’s God-assigned bor-ders go up north to the Euphrates River. 6699(See Northern Storm Rising, Item #2294, $13.99.)

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New Stealth Fighter (continued from page 26)

This photo, provided by the Syrian anti-government activist group Ghouta MediaCenter, which has been authenticatedbased on its contents and other AP report-ing, shows Syrians check their destroyedbuildings which were attacked duringairstrikes and shelling by Syrian govern-ment forces, in Ghouta, a suburb of Damas-cus, Syria. (Ghouta Media Center via AP)

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Scientists Complete MockMars MissionA team of six Israeli researchersended a four-day Mars habitat ex-periment in Israel’s Negev desertwhere they simulated living condi-tions on the Red Planet, Israel’s Sci-ence and Technology Ministry said.

The experiment was held near the isolatedIsraeli township of Mitzpe Ramon, whose

surroundings resemble the Martian environmentin its geology, aridity, appearance and desolation,the ministry said.

The participants were investigating variousfields relevant to a future Mars mission, includingsatellite communications, the psychological ef-fects of isolation, radiation measurements andsearching for life signs in soil.

Participant Guy Ron, a nuclear physics profes-sor from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, saidthe project was not only intended to look for newapproaches in designing a future mission to theRed Planet but to increase public interest.

“D-Mars is half about the research, and theother half is about the outreach. A major part ofthis project is getting public interest and gettingstudents interested in space,” he said.

The “D-Mars” project was being held in Israelfor the first time in cooperation with the IsraelSpace Agency. It is one of a number of Mars sim-ulation projects taking place worldwide., 18 February 2018

Commentary: The obsession of mankind toreach the stars goes back to ancient times. Is-rael is no exception, particularly due to the factthat they are developing into the world’s mostsophisticated nation.Scientists speculate that man will attain the

technology to travel at the speed of light,which is about 300,000 km/second (186,000mi/s). That still would take, on average, 12.5minutes. The fastest spacecraft launched byNASA, New Horizon, travels only about 58,

500 km/hour or 36,400 mph (note, not sec-onds). Here we are reminded of the tower of Ba-

bel: “And the Lord said, Behold, the people isone, and they have all one language; and thisthey begin to do: and now nothing will be re-strained from them, which they have imaginedto do” (Genesis 11:6). The prophet Obadiahdescribes the destruction of Edom and writes:“Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, andthough thou set thy nest among the stars,thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord”(verse 4). 6710(SeeProphecy for the Gentiles, Item #1082, $12.50.)


Running Out of Space forMillionairesImagine a pint-sized country—lessthan a square mile in size (2 squarekilometers)—with sun-drenched,quiet streets, no dog poo and no in-come tax to pay.

A place where motor racing and yachtingare the national pastimes and people hop

into a helicopter to get from A to B instead of hail-ing a taxi.

This little oasis has, in fact, become such amagnet for millionaires that many more want torelocate to its sunny shores. So, the local authori-ties have taken the radical step of allowing theconstruction of artificial islands out across thesea to house them all.

Sounds too bizarre to be true, but perched onthe picturesque cliff tops of the French Riviera,such an odd place does exist.

It’s the tiny principality of Monaco—million-aire hub of the world, with the highest number ofmillionaires per capita.

With the highest population density of anycountry in the world, and reputation as a play-ground for the world’s super rich, demand forproperty here has soared.

But it’s not just sea views these buyers aredrawn to: this pocket-sized principality is also atax haven.

“It’s got no income tax and no corporation taxfor businesses doing most of their work inMonaco, so tax is the main reason we found forpeople wanting to move here. The other thing issimply lifestyle,” says Oliver Williams, head of awealth consultancy firm.

Over 30% of the roughly 38,000 residents ofMonaco are millionaires, according to Williams’research. “Next down the list are some Swisscities like Geneva and Zurich and so on,” hesays.

Research from Knight Frank shows houseprices in Monaco now top the world market withprices between €53,000 ($67,000) and€100,000 ($142,000) per square meter., 6 February 2018

Commentary: This is a place where money isno object, yet to some degree it is. Thesemulti-millionaires and billionaires avoid pay-ing taxes by claiming their legal residency inMonaco; thus, not allowing the country oforigin to collect taxes due. The tax issue was raised by the Phar-

isees: “Then went the Pharisees, and tookcounsel how they might entangle him in histalk” (Matthew 22:15). They asked thequestion, “Tell us therefore, What thinkestthou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cae-sar, or not?” (verse 17). How did Jesus re-act? “Show me the tribute money. And theybrought unto him a penny. And he saithunto them, Whose is this image and super-scription? They say unto him, Caesar’s.Then saith he unto them, Render thereforeunto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s;and unto God the things that are God’s”(verses 19-21). 6718(See A Simple Christianity, Item #2324, $14.99.)



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Time Did Not Begin withBig Bang, Said StephenHawking“The boundary condition of theuniverse ... is that it has no bound-ary,” Hawking [told] National Geo-graphic’s Star Talk show.

In other words, there is no time beforetime began as time was always there.

It was just different.He [told] physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson that

amid the almost infinitely small quantum foam ofthe singularity before the Big Bang, time existedin a ‘bent’ state.

It was distorted along another dimension—always getting fractionally closer to, but neverbecoming, nothing.

So there never was a Big Bang that createdsomething from nothing.

“All the evidence seems to indicate, that theuniverse has not existed forever, but that it hada beginning, about 15 billion years ago,”Hawking [said] in one of his lectures.

“There must have been a beginning. Other-wise, the universe would be in a state of com-

plete disorder by now, and everything wouldbe at the same temperature. In an infinite andeverlasting universe, every line of sight wouldend on the surface of a star. This would meanthat the night sky would have been as bright asthe surface of the Sun. The only way of avoid-ing this problem would be if, for some reason,the stars did not shine before a certain time.”

“The density would have been infinite,”Hawking [said].

“It would have been what is called, a singu-larity. At a singularity, all the laws of physics

would have broken down. This means that thestate of the universe, after the Big Bang, will notdepend on anything that may have happenedbefore, because the deterministic laws that gov-ern the universe will break down in the BigBang.”, 3 March 2018

Commentary: This brilliant man thoughtmuch further and deeper than the average per-son. But, apparently, his scientific knowledgewas based on theory, which is faith. Note therepetitious word “would.” The most brilliantminds throughout human history have notcome up with a definite science that explainsthe existence of man, earth and the universe.There is only one reliable, recorded docu-ment, and that is found in the first ten words

of the Bible: “Inthe beginningGod created theheaven and theearth” (Genesis1:1). 6707(See Quick Answers to

Tough Questions, Item

#2329, $12.99.)

Stephen Hawking explained his view onthe behavior of time before the Big Bang.Picture: GettySource:Getty Images



What Is the 929 Project?Borrowing from Daf Yomi, the 91 year worldwide Jewishpractice of studying a page of Talmud a day that was con-

ceived and initially promoted in Poland by Rabbi Yehuda MeirShapiro, 929 was officially inaugurated at the President’s Resi-dence in Jerusalem on the second night of Hanukka.

929, the brainchild of Bayit Yehudi MK and Deputy Education Min-ister Avi Wortzman, is the daily study—five days a week—of a Bibli-cal verse.

The project cycle is of three-and-three-quarter years’ duration, withthe last verse scheduled to be read on the 70th anniversary of Israel’sDeclaration of Independence.

President Reuven Rivlin who together with his wife Nechama hostsa regular Bible circle, as have his predecessors before him, said that

he was excited at the prospect of embarking on something that was alittle different, and in fact unique. The presidents of Israel all saw avalue in studying the Bible he said, but in connecting with 929, he per-sonally was studying the Bible not only as president but in the sameway as any citizen of the state. He said that for him, the Bible repre-sents the identity card of the Jewish People, which is also the identitycard of all humanity.

Rabbi Benny Lau, who is the spiritual leader of the project, laudedformer education minister Shai Piron for having made 929 one of theflagship projects of the Education Ministry. Lau said that 929 could beaccessed on the Internet (, on social media, and onsmart phones, and would include commentaries posted by peoplestudying the verse of the day., 4 April 2018



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Jacob’s DescendantsDear Mr. Froese,

As a fellow believer in Jesus, I thankyou and Midnight Call for the work ofyour ministry. I also sincerely beg yourattention to this response to your pro-motion of “Israel at 70” in the Febru-ary 2018 News From Israel magazine. Asubstantive reply to the following con-cerns will do more than just declare anopposing view and will be an ex-tremely rare, and in my experience,first occurrence. I hope this will beyour honorable attempt.

In every potential reunificationprocess or event, the vast majority ofdispersed Israelites who have notjoined or rejoined the Babylonian Jew-ish community must, historicallyspeaking, exceedingly outnumber thefew who have. The vast majority non-Jewish Israelite mass cannot rightly beignored in fulfillment of God’spromises to corporate Israel and herprophetic future. The vast majoritynon-Jewish Israelite population of the

northern kingdom was never biblicallycalled Jewish nor her citizens evercalled Jews. As well they never should,except individuals who join the Baby-lonian Jewish people. Even today, theyshould retain their ancient designationsimply as Israelites, and be properlyrecognized as easily the largest body ofGod’s Chosen People.

Hosea 2:23 does not apply to themodern Jewish state of Israel, becausethe state is derived from the southernJudah remnant linked to the Babylon-ian Exile. This did not happen untilabout another 125 years after Hosea2:23, which was not spoken or meantfor southern Judah, but rather fornorthern Israel.

After the united kingdom underSolomon was divided, the historicalcourse for both northern and southernkingdoms is significantly more com-plex than it is generally presented.When you wrote, “Never must wethink or declare that God has rejectedHis people, having chosen the Church

Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 84309, Lexington, SC

29073. Include full name, address, and daytime phone number. Without name and address, letters will

be discarded unread. All material is subject to editing. Midnight Call assumes all publishing rights on

letters sent to the Editor.

Note: All letters will be answered by the Executive Editor, Arno Froese.


Letters to the Editor

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MAY 2018 31 % 1-800-845-2420

instead,” you present a falsedilemma which the majority ofBible teachers have unfortu-nately accepted and promote. Ifthe modern worldwide Jewishcommunity is truly all that re-mains of Jacob’s descendants(which it is clearly not), andthe Church is truly a virtualnon-Israelite body (which it isnot), then your astonishmentwould be sound. But the histor-ical review given previouslyshows the error of your sce-nario.

To my knowledge, neitherthe ministry of Midnight Callnor any other mainline min-istry, recognizes the true his-tory of the Bible regarding allof Jacob’s descendants.

-J. Wallace, WI

Answer: Jacob’s descendants are the

twelve tribes of the children of Israel.

Ten of those tribes rebelled: “And Is-

rael rebelled against the house of

David unto this day” (2 Chronicles

10:19). Did the rebellious ten-tribe Is-

rael retain their identity? The answer

is no. Based on my understanding of

Scripture, they became heathen. They

lost the promises given to Jacob, be-

cause the identity—according to Ja-

cob’s blessing—is found in Judah:

“The sceptre shall not depart from Ju-

dah, nor a lawgiver from between his

feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him

shall the gathering of the people be”

(Genesis 49:10). But there were rem-

nants of rebellious Israel. Second

Chronicles 11:16 states: “…out of all

the tribes of Israel such as set their

hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel

came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto

the LORD God of their fathers.” They

were integrated into the tribe of Ju-

dah, hence became “Jews.” Jesus said,

“Salvation is of the Jews.” Revelation

5:5 confirms: “…behold, the Lion of

the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,

hath prevailed…” It is best to simplify

the matter by realizing there are three

groups: Gentiles, Jews, and Christians.

There is no fourth group as you de-

fine, “…non-Jewish Israelites.” That

cannot be identified in Scripture.

You are right about Hosea chapter

2. This does speak to the rebellious

ten tribes, and that promise in partic-

ular is for the remnant of those tribes

who joined themselves to Judah,

hence became Jews.

Favored NationDear Mr. Froese,

You wrote to me previously:“‘It is the spirit that quick-

eneth; the flesh profiteth noth-ing.’ When Jesus said, ‘This ismy body and my blood,’ it isspiritual, not earthly physical.‘Physical bodies in heaven?’Yes, physical heavenly bodies,but not physical earthly bod-ies.”

So glad doubting Thomas(our hero!) was invited totouch the physical wounds ofJesus. Gives me great hope thatI will be able to do much morethan sing in the heavenlychoir!

Bless you, but not all yourrants against us ChristianCatholics! What will you saywhen you learn that God didnot give up on us?

Freedom of and for religionand religious activities is a

great blessing in this nation—not so in many others. Hightime to count our many bless-ings here, despite the uglies,amid our freedoms.

And how can the God andFather of us all have a favorite?We chastise a human fatherwho plays favorites! What sayyou, Brother Arno?

Lots of good works beingdone daily here, amid theother.

-L. Conrad, WI

Answer: Physical heavenly bodies are

different than physical earthly bodies.

Jesus, in His resurrected heavenly

physical body, could ignore the laws

of physics such as entering into a

locked room.

Is Israel a favored nation? Ab-

solutely. “All nations before him are as

nothing; and they are counted to him

less than nothing, and vanity” (Isaiah

40:17). Amos 3:2 confirms: “You [Jews]

only have I known of all the families

of the earth…”

Your statement, “…all your rants

against Christian Catholics,” is unjusti-

fied. I grew up in a Catholic town and

attended a Catholic school, and have

mentioned before that the Catholic

Church is the only one that can claim

to be truly global. They have estab-

lished churches, mission stations,

schools, and hospitals, just to mention

a few, throughout the world. And yes,

the Catholic Church is built upon the

sure foundation of the Scripture.

However, we reject extra-Biblical doc-

trine such as purgatory and Mariol-

ogy, in which the Catholic Catechism

attaches the title “Mediator…of God’s


Page 32: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

Letters to the Editor

Incidentally, the definition of free-

dom is very flexible. What we call free-

dom is bondage to others.

Muslim MosqueDear Editor,

I have been preaching theGospel of Jesus Christ as anevangelist for 50 years and ama dedicated KJV user. Have re-ceived the Midnight Call maga-zine for over 10 years and findit very scripturally sound. Mystatement is in support of youranswer concerning the Muslimmosque.

My goal is to water theGospel of God’s Word to thelost, that they may be bornagain through the power of theHoly Spirit. The god of thisworld, Lucifer, is moving tobring about the One World Or-der to fulfill the prophecy ofthe last days, which will thenlead to Jesus’ return. Satan willbe locked up 1,000 years in thepit. The false prophet and An-tichrist will be cast into thelake of fire. The final battle iswhen the devil and his angels,along with all his followers—those who have never beenborn again—are cast into thelake of fire, the second death.Then the new heaven and newearth, where sin will be nomore, to rejoice and praise Godthe Father, Son and Holy Ghostfor eternity.

-J. Smith, OH

Answer: Thank you for your

prophetic timeline relating to end

time events, particularly the ultimate

end for the rebellious. It is of interest

that the Antichrist and the false

prophet do not appear before the

White Throne Judgment, but as you

write, are thrown into the lake of fire

as documented in Revelation 19:20.

Regarding Muslims coming to

Christianized countries, I consider it

the hand of God. We have many reli-

able reports of multitudes of Muslims

breaking through to a living faith in

Jesus, and that is reason for rejoicing.

God knows what He is doing, and He

permits the god of this world to exe-

cute his deceptions. But above and

beyond, it is the God of creation who

is still calling those who are deceived

under manmade religions to come to

Jesus. It is so encouraging to repeat

the words Jesus spoke: “I will build my


PetraDear Mr. Froese,

Many Jewish people in Israelwill escape the Antichrist intoPetra during the middle of theseven-year tribulation (Jacob’sTrouble: Jeremiah 30:7).

Is this God-directed eventsymbolic of the Christians be-ing raptured into heaven to es-cape the seven-year tribulation,and the Noah’s Ark escape fromthe worldwide flood?

-K. Eklund, CA

Answer: The Jews will “escape” to “a

place prepared by God.” Petra is a

death trap. A few bombs would easily

wipe out all inhabitants at that place.

What does “eagle’s wings” mean?

Total intervention by God. We know

how God redeemed Israel from Egypt.

Exodus 19:4 describes it: “Ye have

seen what I did unto the Egyptians,

and how I bare you on eagles’ wings,

and brought you unto myself.”

Prophetic TimelineDear Arno,

The enclosed article ad-dresses an eschatological time-line for today that is profoundlydifferent from that which wehave generally known and ac-cepted in the past. Christianshave perceived that if one eventis dependent upon another in asequence, then one event muststop before another can start.This may not necessarily betrue. Additionally, this articleaddresses the “Jubilee Year Fac-tor,” which scripturally appearsto change the timing and expec-tations for the first year of theTribulation timeline.Main Points Summarized

1. The Year of Jubilee adds asecond year of Sabbath rest afterthe Shemitah year of rest.

2. The 29th of Elul may affectthe stock markets in 2016 onthe last day of the Jubilee Year.

3. The Jubilee Year runs con-currently with the first year ofthe next Shemitah cycle.

4. A time of peace for theChristian may continue becauseof the Jubilee Year, but it mayoverlap the first year of theTribulation Period because it isthe first year of the next Shemi-tah seven-year cycle, which oc-curs simultaneously.

You, like me, may have foundyourself saying, “What hap-pened this fall? Nothing that Ican see!”—and be prone to rele-

32 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com32 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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gate all of the biblical signs werecently heard about to be man’swild suppositions. I asked Godto please tell me, what really didhappen? The enclosed article isthe answer He gave me. If youfind this information valuable,then embrace it, enlarge uponit, and share it. I pray that Hewill lead you as another witnessto these ideas and will promptyou to spread the knowledge ofHis times, as He continues tounveil His Word to His saints.

-N. Keel, NC

Answer: During my 50 years of

ministry, we have emphatically

warned against taking note of cer-

tain times and holidays, whether it’s

the Year of Jubilee, the Shemitah,

the blood moons, Y2K, etc. All have

no direct relationship to biblical

Christianity. You will notice that I

am answering your letter of 17 Oc-

tober 2015 two and a half years

later, simply to show that the US

market did not fail in 2016, neither

did Israel go to war, nor did innu-

merable other false prophecies

throughout the article come to

fruition. Read the Word, believe the

Word, and wait for the coming of

Jesus. Simply reject the many sen-

sational announcements from spe-

cialists who claim to have

extra-Biblical insights.

The tribulation has not begun.

Signs such as “…wars and rumors

of wars,” killing one another, and

peace being taken from the earth

have always been the case through-

out human history: beginning with

the expulsion of Adam and Eve

from Paradise, and Cain killing his

brother Abel.

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A Message for All People of All TimesPROPHECY FOR THE GENTILES ITEM #1082 • 144 pgs. • Paperback

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Judgment and RestorationPROPHECY FOR TEN-TRIBE ISRAEL ITEM #1083 • 304 pgs. • Paperback

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The Glorious Future of Jewish IsraelPROPHECY FOR JUDAH ITEM #1084 • 384 pgs. • Paperback

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Fellow Laborers

34 M I D N I G H T C A L L Visit midnightcall.com34 M I D N I G H T C A L L

When we read the above Scrip-ture carefully, it could well bethat the words are discourag-

ing. So the question, what is the world?Everything we can see, hear, touch, andespecially possess. The word “possess”is particularly noteworthy today. In ourmodern world, we have more things topossess than ever before in history.

In olden days, you lived in a relativelysmall house, built cheaply: insulationwas something no one heard of. Thegreatest luxury would have been run-ning water in the house and—if some-what financially able—one would have ahot water system, supplying the kitchenand bathroom. That was the epitome ofluxury. Electricity for all here in SouthCarolina began in 1940. Until that time,electricity was available only for institu-tions and the well-to-do.

Today, it is unthinkable to live with-out electricity. Hot and cold water areavailable in several locations throughoutthe home. The home is equipped with an

air conditioning system, providing heatin the winter, and cold air in the sum-mer. Walking into the kitchen, one seestechnology no one had ever seen, muchless dreamed of, just 100 years ago. A re-frigerator with filtered water and ice dis-penser, microwave oven, innumerabletools for the kitchen, not to mentiontelevision, entertainment systems andthe internet.

Today, most houses are built with atwo-car garage. Based on cursory re-search, we found that almost a third ofgarages had no room for a car becausethey were filled with all kinds of stuff—possessions, mostly useless. Entrepre-neurs have seized on this situation, andself-storage facilities are literally pop-ping up like mushrooms all over. Theyoffer to store your stuff (junk?) indefi-nitely. The latest storage buildings areclimate-controlled.

That is the world; it is simply the re-sult of the lust of the flesh, the lust ofthe eyes, and the pride of life. Wanting

“Love not the world, neither thethings that are in the world.If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust ofthe eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of theworld” (1 John 2:15-16).


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“To the only wise Godour Saviour, be gloryand majesty, dominionand power, both nowand ever” (Jude 25).

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more, possessing more, accumulatingthings (mostly of little use) is the goal ofmany people today.

Last year, I spoke to a missionary cou-ple from Brazil; it was a few weeks be-fore Christmas. I asked how things were,and was presented with facts and figuresthat they are just barely keeping afloat.The budget did not allow for Christmaspresents, and the missionary had to con-fess to being ashamed to accept invita-tions, due to the fact that the cultureexpected him to present the host with agift.

This is just one example of the greatneed many missionaries face, but alsomany who work in ministries, who quiteoften barely get by.

Ministries at large are suffering; manyexist month-to-month. What is the fu-

ture? We don’t know, but our Lord does.We praise Him for what He has done. Inour case: 50 years of faithfulness, 50years of supplying our needs, 50 years ofenabling us to send forth the Word ofGod, 50 years of supporting many mis-sionaries in various countries. Thehymn writer Thomas Obediah Chisholm(1866-1960) expressed it best:

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,

There is no shadow of turning with Thee;

Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they

fail not

As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faith-


Morning by morning new mercies I see;

All I have needed Thy hand hath pro-


Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!



MAY 2018 35 % 1-800-845-2420

Ministries at large are suffering; manyexist month-to-month. What is the future? We don’t know, but our Lorddoes. We praise Him for what He hasdone.


Page 36: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

What light is Solomon speaking of? Obvi-ously, this is a prophecy of Israel’s Messiah,who later testifies: “…I am the light of the

world: he that followeth me shall not walk in dark-ness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Whatif we neglect to walk in His light? Here Solomon an-swers: “The way of the wicked is as darkness: theyknow not at what they stumble” (Proverbs 4:19). Notethe words “…they know not at what they stumble.”

This is interesting, because it shows all of humanity.The natural man, when something goes wrong, inmost cases blames someone or something else: be itcircumstances, objects, family, relatives, neighbors,etc. Why does he blame others? Because that person isin darkness and does not realize why he has stumbled.

This can be applied to the nations of the world.Think of all the wars they have fought. While the na-tions proudly present their soldiers as heroes, erectgreat monuments, and exhibit their pride in militaryparades or special holidays, the real reason behind itall is: darkness. It is the work of the god of this world,who translates himself into light, but it is fake light.“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed intoan angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Wikipedia has a daily column titled “On this day…,”where it lists several events that took place during thatparticular day. We notice that in most cases it is war.

Why war? Because one nation is being indoctri-nated to such an extent that they wholeheartedly be-lieve the other nation is wrong, and to solve theproblem there must be war.

Not surprisingly, Jesus in His prophetic speechmade this statement: “…ye shall hear of wars and ru-mors of wars.”

Take the founding of the 35 nations on the Ameri-can continent (North and South). How were they es-tablished? By weapons of war. The original inhabitants

of these countries were decimated to such an extentthat, after a while, they no longer played any role inthe newly established country.

Israel is different, but they too established their na-tion through weapons of war. The Arab enemies werecontinually and repeatedly defeated on the battlefield,yet something strange is happening: the world deniesIsrael’s right to conquered territories. Yes, the wholeworld is upset when the government in Jerusalem au-thorizes a new subdivision to be built on Israeli soil.All countries, without exception, declare these to be il-legal, although they themselves are guilty of it more sothan anyone else. Why more? Because they have notreceived a direct promise from God for their territory.

In the south (Egypt), military conflict is very un-likely—not because of Egypt having signed a peacetreaty with Israel, but because they have learned not totangle militarily with the Jews.

However, in the north, it looks quite different, particu-larly in recent days. Syrian President Assad declared thathe is willing to be at peace with Israel if he can put his feetin the Sea of Galilee. Seven years have passed, and Syria isbeing destroyed by a civil war. It seemed like those whorebelled against the Assad government had the upperhand until 30 September 2015, when the Russians got in-volved militarily, particularly with their air force.

In the meantime, Iran has become more and moreactive in the Syrian civil war.

This causes great concern in Israel, for Iranian lead-ership has repeatedly declared publically that their de-sire is to wipe Israel off the map. A recent article in theJerusalem Post, 11 February 2018, had this to say:

Israel has boosted its air defense in the North following a

significant confrontation between the Jewish state, Syria

and Iran that led to the loss of an F-16i fighter jet.

Israel’s air defenses currently include the Iron Dome, de-

signed to shoot down short-range rockets; the Arrow sys-

“But the path of the just is as the shining light,that shineth more and more unto the perfectday” (Proverbs 4:18).

Ac ion for Israel


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MAY 2018 37

tem, which intercepts ballistic missiles outside of the Earth’s

atmosphere; and the David’s Sling missile-defense system,

which is designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles,

medium- to long-range rockets and cruise missiles fired

from ranges of between 40 km to 300 km.

The first use of the Arrow system was in April when it

was launched to intercept three surface-to-air missiles fired

toward IAF jets by Syrian-regime air defense.

[Recently], an Iranian drone, which took off from Syria’s

T4 airbase in northern Homs province, flew through Jor-

danian territory before it infiltrated into Israel. It flew for

about a minute and a half in the northern Jordan Valley be-

fore it was shot down by a helicopter flown by Lt.-Col. “L.,”

commander of the 113 Squadron.

“Iran has been using the base in recent months for the

purpose of transferring weaponry to be used against Is-

rael,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. “These actions by

Iran at the base are ostensibly carried out under the guise

of supporting the fighting against the global Islamic jihad

forces, but the actions carried out in the past 24 hours

prove that its real concern is direct, violent action against


“As far as we are concerned, the event is over but the Ira-

nians are determined to continue to establish themselves

in Syria; the next incident is only a matter of time,” he said,

warning that Israel does not rule out that the Islamic Re-

public will continue trying to attack Israel.

“We do not know what the mission of the Iranian drone

was. It is their most advanced drone and they did not ex-

pect our radar to detect its penetration into our territory,”

the senior official stated. “Our aerial freedom will not be

harmed. We will continue to destroy targets.”

Why does Iran desire Israel’s destruction? The samereason Syria does and Lebanon as well. “For, behold,the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darknessthe people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and hisglory shall be seen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:2).

We are not telling the whole truth when we highlightvarious countries we view unfavorably in our minds.We need to take careful notice of what it says: “…dark-ness shall cover the earth”—that means all people.

Apparently, the overwhelming majority of people,and in particular Christians, do not understand thatthe entire world lies in darkness, and there is only onelight: Jesus Christ the Lord.

We rejoice that Russia on 6 April 2017 recognized WestJerusalem as the capital city of Israel; the US, under Presi-dent Donald Trump, followed in step nine months later—6 December 2017—formally recognizing Jerusalem as thecapital city of Israel. But these and many other things aretemporary; they happen due to political circumstancesand opportunities. It cannot and will not change God’seternal resolutions: “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cupof trembling unto all the people round about, when theyshall be in the siege both against Judah and againstJerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a bur-densome stone for all people: all that burden themselveswith it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of theearth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3).

The nations need light and so does Israel, but con-trary to all other nations of the world, Israel does havea specific promise: “Sing and rejoice, O daughter ofZion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst ofthee, saith the LORD” (Zechariah 2:10).

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“I will bless them thatbless thee...” (Genesis 12:3).

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7-8 October 2018 Sands Resorts

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

These powerful words are directed to the Hebrews,

the Jews, to Israel. Notice the words, “God…fa-

thers…prophets.” Prophets pass on the words of

God to the fathers. Priests, on the other hand, present their

substitutionary sacrifice to God for the people.

One should not read verse 1 without verse 2: “Hath in

these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath

appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the

worlds.” The Son is Jesus Christ the Lord, in whom we be-

lieve and through whom all of creation was made. We do

well to carefully, consciously, and prayerfully read Holy

Scripture to fully observe the meaning intended for the


We realize that God has spoken in times past—the Old

Testament—and now He has spoken unto us by His

Son—the New Testament. Thereby He has unveiled to us

His intention for mankind, from the past to the present

and the future.

This immediately raises the question: do we have

prophets today? The answer is simple; we don’t need any.

Although some may call themselves prophets, if analyzed

from a Biblical perspective, in reality they are not. Jesus

Christ has given to us the full counsel of God contained in

the book we call the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. As a

matter of fact, in the last chapter of the Bible we read: “I Je-

sus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things

in the churches” (Revelation 22:16a). He is the Alpha and

Omega, the beginning and the end. He testifies to that

fact four times in the book of Revelation. He is the all in all;

we do well to carefully read and hear what the words of

the prophets of old and the prophets of the New Testa-

ment have to say to us today.

At this point in time, the news media is occupied in

particular with the country Iran, whose leaders have re-

peatedly stated their desire to wipe Israel off the map. Of

course, if they could they would, but they can’t. How this is

developing is an issue we will be dealing with at the At-

lantic Coast Prophecy Congress.

Another important issue is Europe; we have been

taught for decades that Europe is the place where world

government will be established, and from there planet

earth be ruled. Much speculation in the past has proven to

be wrong. It is for that reason we will strictly stick to the

written Word of God.

One prophet in particular, Daniel, writes about the An-

tichrist: “And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to

whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but

he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by

flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be over-

flown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the

prince of the covenant” (11:21-22). This is extremely rele-

vant to politics in our days, when we note the words

“peaceably” and “flatteries.” Can we see this man on the

horizon? One thing we do know: he will come, he must

come, and he is about to come.

The desire for a “strong man” is evident throughout the

globe, for one that can create unity among the diverse po-

litical opinions in a peaceable way.

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake intime past unto the fathers by the prophets” (Hebrews 1:1).




2 0 1 8 A T L A N T I C C O A S T P R O P H E C Y C O N G R E S S

38 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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MAY 2018 39

2 0 1 8 A T L A N T I C C O A S T P R O P H E C Y C O N G R E S S

How this all relates to the nation of Israel, celebrating

its 70th birthday, is what this important event, the Atlantic

Coast Prophecy Congress, is all about.

Again, here are three descriptions of messages from

some of the speakers:

RON BIGALKEA Biblical View of Government

The fact that God ordained government is evident in the

Noahic Covenant. All nations are obligated to heed the

stipulations of the Noahic Covenant. The Abrahamic

Covenant extends its blessing to the nations, and necessi-

tates a biblical view of government that is pleasing to


WILFRED HAHNIsrael & Global Financial Signs of the Endtimes

The Bible speaks often of the endtime emergence of a

global system of extreme commercialism. It is mankind’s

final crowning manifestation of serving Mammon. It may

already exist. Massive and oppressive, the system will be

ultimately destroyed. What challenges do Christians (the

Church) face as this system unfolds? And, what role will Is-

rael play? God has a specific and wonderful plan.

ARNO FROESEIsrael’s Threefold Exodus – Part 2

The second Exodus was less spectacular, for it mainly in-

volved the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, and a remnant

of the other tribes. This second Exodus climaxed in the

coming of the long-prophesied Redeemer—the Messiah

of Israel, the King of the Jews.

Thus, the second Exodus, the return from captivity in

the land of Babylon, brought us the New Testament, which

is the living Word of God: God the Son.

BEAUTIFUL MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA The average temperature for October is between 57 and

75, and the chance of rain is only five days for the whole

month. This is an excellent chance to combine this event

with a mini-vacation, enjoying the beauty of South Car-

olina’s beaches and nature. Most of the rooms are facing

the Atlantic Ocean, where the sun rises in a spectacular

way each morning.

You will be edified and encouraged by the messages

you hear and the fellowship you will experience with

other believers, who love Israel, love the Lord, and are

looking forward to His soon return.

Remember, rooms are available first-come, first-serve,

so do not delay.

We urge you to register early and then make your

hotel reservation at the Sands Resort. Remember, reg-

istration is 100% refundable for any reason at any time

(consult hotel for their policy on refunds for rooms).

We here are praying for this event and hope to see you


Page 40: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

Jeff Kinley is on a lifelong mission to empower peo-ple with God’s vintage, lifechanging truth. The authorof 31 books, Jeff served as youth pastor and seniorpastor for over three decades in churches rangingfrom small community congregations to mega-churchsize. Jeff is known as a “discerner of the times,” andhas been described as a “rising voice in the world of

Bible Prophecy.” He delivers a unique communication style that con-nects with this generation, engaging them with biblical truth in a posi-tive, practical way. He is a graduate of the University of Arkansas (BA)and Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM). Jeff and wife Beverly have beenmarried for 35 years and have 3 grown sons. His website

Ron Bigalke is the Georgia State Minister with CapitolCommission, and missionary with Biblical MinistriesWorldwide. Dr. Bigalke has more than twenty years ofexperience in numerous discipleship and evangelisticministries. He is a frequent contributor to and editorfor various publications through Eternal Ministries.His church and leadership experience includes confer-

ence speaking, pastoral ministry, pulpit ministry, and youth ministry. Dr. Bigalke is an ordained minister, and serves as a research associatewith the University of Pretoria (missions and ethics project). He and hiswife Kristin have two children.

Victor Kalisher is Director of The Bible Society in Is-rael and elder of a local messianic congregation inJerusalem. He was born in Jerusalem in 1964. His par-ents are Jews who came to Israel following the Holo-caust, and with the establishment of the state ofIsrael in 1948. Both came to saving faith in Yeshua theMessiah shortly after and became one of the first

Messianic families in Israel.Victor Kalisher has been leading the work of The Bible Society in Is-

rael for the last 10 years, after 18 years of working at a leading high-techcompany and 6 years of service in the Israeli Navy as an officer. He ismarried to Esther and together they have 4 girls: Roni, Naomi, Odeyaand Gili.

Wilfred Hahn comes from Canada. He is known for hiswritings and insights on present-day world economicand money trends, viewed from a Biblical perspective.He has global investment industry experience span-ning three decades, having held various executive po-sitions from Director of Research for a major WallStreet firm, to Chairman of Canada’s largest global in-

vestment group.

Arno Froese is the executive director of Midnight CallMinistries U.S.A. and editor-in-chief of the critically-acclaimed prophetic magazines Midnight Call andNews from Israel. He has authored a number of well-received books, and has sponsored many prophecyconferences in the U.S., Canada and Israel.


❏ Sand Dunes OF Jr. Suite $82/night❏ Sand Dunes 1 Bdrm Suite $92/night❏ Sand Dunes 2 Bdrm Suite $132/night❏ Sand Dunes 3 Bdrm Suite $152/night

CONGRESS REGISTRATIONMail to: Midnight CallPO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

Registration by phone:(800) 845-2420 or (803) 755-0733 Web:

MC0518 HOTEL RESERVATIONMail to: Group Sales Dept., Sands Resorts, PO Box 2998, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578Reservations: (800) 599-9872 or Fax (843) 449-1652 Please mention Atlantic Coast Prophecy Congress when calling.

Arrival Date:____________ Departure Date:__________

❏ Ocean Dunes OV Double $52/night ❏ Ocean Dunes OF Double $62/night ❏ Sand Dunes OV Double $62/night❏ Sand Dunes OF Double $72/night

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*Plus $3.01 per night for unlimited use of in-room safe and telephone and beach access $_________

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Registration Fee: $59 per person (under 18 free)# in party: ______x $59 Total Registration $ ________________# Banquet: ______x $48 Total for Banquet $ ________________ Total Enclosed $ ________________

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Page 41: Shadows of Babylon, the Great City, Here Today? … · Founder — Dr. Wim Malgo (192 2– 92) ... 3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029 AUSTRALIA e-mail:

Dear Friends of the Ebenezer Home, Thank you all for your prayers during these past

months. It is so encouraging to know that there arebrothers and sisters standing behind us. Your let-ters and encouragement refresh and strengthen usover and over again.

With this update regarding the state of things, Ihave an urgent request for anyone reading theselines: PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ON, be-cause our need for a Nursing Ward is urgent! Eachof you has relatives, friends, congregations, a con-tact list, and many of you are on Facebook. Pleasetake this opportunity to inform people about ourproject and to find willing participants who areready to help us raise the total amount that weneed for the Nursing Ward. For you it may onlytake a few minutes, but for us—and especially forthose who are waiting/dependent on care—thiswould be a big help. You can contact me at anytime and if I am traveling, I can also possiblyschedule a visit to your church to give you a shortexplanation of the project. If it is on your heart,please contact me.

Honestly, in recent weeks we’ve been playing asort of “ping-pong” with the authorities. Everytime we change the plans according to their re-

quirements, they find something new for us tochange. No big changes, but they take time. Wearen’t giving up. We have a goal, a vision that theLORD has placed on our hearts, and we will fulfillit with His help and for His glory!

Those of you who deal with construction pro-jects know that a project of this size goes through alot of planning and change, but better now on pa-per than after stones and concrete have been laid.

The Passover holidays here in Israel are a timewhen we gratefully remember the Exodus fromEgypt. Everyone has been working together to pre-pare for this festival, and we’re remembering whatGod did for His people Israel. The Israelites whowere led out of Egypt hoped to come to thePromised Land. Many of our residents and othershope and wait for the coming Nursing Ward.

May our Heavenly Father bless your resolve tohelp us.

In His Service, David Phillips, Project Manager

Ebenezer Home, Meir Rotenberg Str. 41,

PO Box 525, Haifa 3505509, ISRAEL

Email: [email protected]

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Celebrate 70 Years Israel with Us!In honor of Israel’s 70th birthday, the staff of Midnight Call Ministries has designed a t-shirt appropriate to show your support and love for the nation. Israel has a future like no other country in the world: “He showeth his word unto Jacob, his

statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for hisjudgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 147:19-20).Yes, God has not dealt so with any nation in the world except Israel. Take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate 70 years of Israel in their land again.

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Making Sense of Crucial Last-Days SignsPressure is rising. The global atmosphere is morphing as never before. It’s time to payattention to the warnings around us that point to inevitable catastrophes to come. Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes surveys 15 current trends that affect us on a

worldwide, national, and personal scale—suggesting some inescapable consequencesto our safety, rights, and way of life. You will see how the stage is being set for the endtimes with such drastic developments as…• the escalation of cyberwarfare• the deterioration of religious freedom• the dissolution of the family unitWith eye-opening research and a helpful examination of Scripture, Rhodes clearly

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The Truth About 9/11This book goes beyond the September 11 atrocities andreveals several reasons for the great conflict betweenChristianity, Islam, and the tiny country in between — Israel.

One World: Economy, Government, and Religion in theLast DaysIs it possible that current events are setting the stage for aworldwide transformation? The Bible prophesies of a futurepolitical leader, known as the Antichrist, who will control theworld’s economy, government, and religion. As speculationincreases, it is necessary for believers to clearly understandScripture and the times in which they live. Scripture is to bebelieved and trusted!

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A refreshingly different view of thebook of Acts!THE SURE FOUNDATION OF THECHURCH ITEM #1066

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Read the story of Queen Esther and learn how God theAlmighty is always in control—He was then and He is today! What is the picture in the Middle East today? We see that enmity toward Israel becomes ever more threatening,pressing from all sides, intensifying as time passes. The whole world seems to not only hear but also accept anti-Semitic defamation. The nations of the world have become desensitized and incapable of distinguishingbetween truth and lies. Meanwhile, Israel’s international position deteriorates daily. Yet God refrains fromaction…He is waiting. And that is for the best, because His inaction serves a very specific purpose…


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Archaeology throws dramatic light on thebiblical record.

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