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Session Six

Prayer and Fasting Retreat

Check each item below after you have discussed it with your Team of Trainers.

Complete the following before you meet with your DCI Training Team:

1. Complete the appropriate Summary Report with the information gathered at your

Pastors Life Group(s) and/or Trainers Training each month. 2. Read Reasons for Having a Prayer and Fasting Retreat and a Testimony of a DCI

Trainer. 3. Read Preparation for and How to Conduct a Prayer and Fasting Retreat and

prayerfully consider the pastors you would like to invite.

4. Pray about who you could train as an Apprentice Prayer and Fasting Retreat Leader.

5. Study the encouraging statistic regarding what God is doing in our world entitled Did

You Know? and Prayer and Fasting Retreat Planning Sheet and come prepared to

make suggestions of names of pastors who could share some of the positions.

6. Read Intimacy Precedes Impact.

7. List Pastors and Leaders to Invite to the Prayer and Fasting Retreat.

Be prepared to give names and why they should be invited. Consider who you will invite.

8. Ask any questions or share any concerns.

Complete the following with your Training Team at your meeting:

9. Discuss and check () off 1 through 7 above when complete.

10. Complete together the Prayer and Fasting Retreat Planning Sheet.

11. Discuss any Questions or Concern.

Prayer and Closing:

12. Pray for each other and our personal needs.

13. Go over Preparation Assignment for Session Seven.

14. Set a Date ____________ Time __________ Place _________________________ for

our next Trainers Training session.

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Summary Reports

Note: Pray and believe that God will do great things through your Discovery Group Ministry.

The following is a Summary Report gathered from your Pastors Life Group(s) and the totals

of all of the Trainers in your DCI Trainers Training Team.

Report on the Churches I serve as Community Trainer:

1. _________ Churches (that I serve) have

2. _________ Coaches who care for

3. _________ Discovery Groups with

4. _________ People who attend regularly

5. _________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. _________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. _________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. _________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted a total of ______ New Churches.

Comments or Stories of Significant Life Change (attach copies)




Report on all the Churches I serve as a DCI Area Director:

1. I/we serve _______________ Churches who have a total of

2. ______________ Coaches who care for

3. ______________ Discovery Groups with

4. ______________ People who attend regularly

5. ______________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. ______________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. ______________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. ______________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted a total of ____________ New Churches.

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Report on all the Churches I serve as a DCI National Director:

1. I/we serve ___________Church who have a total of

2. ______________ Coaches who care for

3. ______________ Discovery Groups with

4. ______________ People who attend regularly

5. ______________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. ______________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. ______________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. ______________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted a total of ________________ New Churches.

Comments or Stories of Significant Life Change (attach copies)




Report on all the Churches I serve as DCI Regional Director:

1. ________________ Churches who have a total of

2. ________________ Coaches who care for

3. ________________ Discovery Groups with

4. ________________ People who attend regularly

5. ________________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. ________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. ________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. ________________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted a total of _____________ New Churches.

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Report on all the Churches I/we serve as DCI Continental Director:

1. ______________________ Church who have a total of

2. ______________________ Coaches who care for

3. ______________________ Discovery Groups with

4. ______________________ People who attend regularly

5. ______________________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. ______________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. ______________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. _________________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted a total of ___________________________ New Churches.

Comments or Stories of Significant Life Change (attach copies)




Total Report on all the Churches in the Global Ministry of DCI:

1. ______________________ Churches who have a total of

2. ______________________ Coaches who care for

3. ______________________ Discovery Groups with

4. ______________________ People who attend regularly

5. ______________________ New Attendees This Past Month

6. ______________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Basics One-to-One Training

7. ______________________ Pairs of People are in Dynamic Discipling One-to-One Training

8. __________________ People received Christ as Saviour through our groups this past month.

9. They have planted _________________________ New Churches.

God will receive much glory as many more people are living the life that He intended for them!


The Great Commission will not be accomplished in your community when everyone

has heard the gospel, but when the gospel has so changed the lives of those

who receive Christ that your community is transformed through them!

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Session Six

Prayer and Fasting Retreat Reasons for Having a Prayer and Fasting Retreat

1. God longs for us to come to Him! 2. God is very interested in blessing our churches and ministries. He is waiting for us to ask! 3. We all need to set aside quality time with God - to get to know Him better and to sense His

heart. 4. In getting to know other pastors and leaders we will be encouraged by what God is doing in

our community and our vision and faith will be expanded. 5. With God’s direction, blessing and empowering, our churches will be more powerful and our

ministries will be more effective! 6. As we pray for our community, the people will be more open and hungry for the gospel. 7. Our church people will be more responsive to God and to His Word!

Testimony of a DCI Trainer in India Ramananda shares about his experience as he began the ministry of fasting and prayer.

“My team and I have been continuously doing three days of fasting and prayer program

each month. We pray specifically for our ministries, our state, OUR BELOVED

LEADERS and we pray for our people. We believe in the Highest God and in His

Promises. We know that our God will heal our land as He promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14. ‘If my

people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face

and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins

and will heal their land.’

When I was really touched by God to fast and pray for our state of Manipur, I had a

great desire to share with my evangelists so that we could start three days of fasting and

prayer together, but at that moment before I shared with them, God spoke to me

something like, ‘How could I ask someone to do something which I have never done’,

and that was the day that God spoke to me to start alone the three days of fasting and

prayer first, so that I can share with my disciples and continue with them together. That

is how we have started the program. I still was facing so many problems to convince and

motivate people, and every month I had to spend at least 1000 Rupees to try to

communicate with them through the phone.

At first I was alone, next we were 9 and on third month we were 13 and on fourth we

were 25 and now regularly for every month around 40 to 45 young pastors and

evangelists are continually coming for fasting and prayer even without any further detail

information or invitation.

When anyone comes the first time she/he will be very reluctant and even fear for fasting,

but if she/he has come once she/he will never run away, and it's a miracle.

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And today I need not spend anything to promote our time together, rather we the prayer

and fasting team have sacrificially contributed whatever amount each individual can

give and we are even able to send out one missionary named John, and he is faithfully

leading three different home fellowships in different areas.” Ramananda, Imphal, Manipur, India

Preparations for and How to Conduct a Prayer and Fasting Retreat

1. As you pray and seek God He may lead you to begin a Prayer and Fasting Retreat in your

area. He may want you to start alone as Ramananda did (Above). Your experience will

encourage your team to join you.

2. With your Training Team, plan a time and location when you could meet together with all

DCI Trainers and Pastors and other Christian leaders in your community. You could meet

once each month or once every two or three months and it could last for one day or up to

three days. Be prepared to start small and let it grow. Don’t be discouraged, but keep going.

3. Prayerfully fill out the Prayer and Fasting Retreat Planning Sheet and challenge those

whose names have been suggested to fill the responsibilities. A DCI Trainer should lead

and a DCI Apprentice Trainer should assist him as you begin, but if you include several

pastors to work with you then they can be learning from you so that when the group grows

and/or you reproduce your group by beginning a new Prayer and Fasting Retreat(s) they

will be able and willing to lead the new group(s).

4. Arrange/confirm the time and location for the Prayer and Fasting Retreat.

5. Arrange someone to set up the room and provide refreshments (Water, Tea and Coffee)

6. Invite Pastors who attended the SDMW and expressed interest and/or are participating in the

Spontaneous Disciple Making Strategy. Note: You can also invite any other pastors and

leaders who may be interested. As you expand to more groups you can invite as many

pastors and leaders as you have room for and the Trainers developed to equip them.

7. As you begin each new group you should call or email each pastor one week before the

Prayer and Fasting Retreat to remind him/her of the time and location and confirm their


8. The Prayer and Fasting Retreat Leader should study the suggested curriculum (See point

9 below) and prepare the agenda to be used. Keep the agenda open and free to let the Holy

Spirit lead. Pray about the needs of the participants, your churches, your communities and

your nation. Remember you are there to pray, but the leader should prepare a lesson or two

for each day and come well prepared to teach the material and lead in a discussion with the

pastors and leaders.

9. For instructions on the teaching times and the content of each session use the Pastors Life

Group Resources or any of the sessions from the Reproducing Discovery Groups, or

Coach Training and Resources series.

If you need help contact us at [email protected]

10. You should have one or two pastors and leaders who are participating in the Spontaneous

Disciple Making Strategy share what God is doing in your community through their church.

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This will be encouraging for those who are participating and a challenge to the pastors who

are not yet, but may want to participate.

11. Always give time for the pastors and leaders to share the good things that God is doing in

their lives and their church and also share their personal needs but spend most of your time

in praise and prayer.

12. Invite them to return next time and to bring a fellow pastor or leader.

Did You Know? There are 170 Million people praying each day for Spiritual Awakening and World


20 Million of the above people say they have the gift of Intercession

There are 10 Million prayer groups meeting regularly praying for world revival

There are 1,300 Networks of prayer groups praying for the evangelizing of the lost

Researcher David Barnett

“When God is about to do something great in our world He first sets His people to praying”

J. Edwin Orr

God has His people praying so we can expect God to do great things! And He Is!

70% of the progress towards fulfilling the Great Commission has happened since 1900

70% of the above has happened since 1945

70% of that have happened since 1992

For example: 25,000 to 50,000 people in China are receiving Jesus Christ every day

From 1980 to 1990 the number of believers in East Asia grew from 16 Million to 80


In five years the number of believers in Laos grew from 5,000 to 20,000

15,000 Hindus are baptized each week – 80% because of a direct encounter with God

Researcher David Bryant

It is Harvest Time and

You and I can join God in what He is doing in our world!

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Prayer and Fasting Retreat Planning Sheet Complete the following and give a copy to each person who will be involved in these positions.

DCI Trainer ______________________________________ Phone ______________________

Address _______________________________ Email _________________________________

Apprentice Trainer ________________________________ Phone ______________________

Address _______________________________ Email _________________________________

Retreat – Day(s) _____________ Date(s) _______________ Times ______________________

Location _____________________________________________________________________

Promotion Coordinator _____________________________ Phone _____________________

Address _______________________________ Email _________________________________

Facility Coordinator _______________________________ Phone ______________________

Address _______________________________ Email _________________________________

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Intimacy Precedes Impact by Daniel Henderson

“We must remember that ministry is not so much a thing that we produce for Jesus. Rather, it

is the power of His life, working in and through us. Intimacy precedes and sustains impact.”

“Intimacy Precedes Impact” The life and ministry of Jesus is our ultimate model for living. One of the principles that

resounds in the Gospel accounts in and through His life is that authentic intimacy precedes

eternal impact. Because every true believer has a longing for intimacy with God and desire for a

life that matters in the lives of others, it is important to study the example of Jesus and choose to

walk in His steps.

Jesus’ Pursuit of Intimacy Prior to starting His public ministry, the Lord Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness in prayer and

fasting, enjoying solitary communion with the Father. This incredible model stands in dramatic

contrast to our modern rush to public ministry as we tend to speed our way through academic

preparation, job placement, and ministry output. The pattern of empowering intimacy can get lost

in the fray of productivity.

Prior to selecting the apostles, Jesus spent all night in prayer (Luke 6:12), demonstrating the kind

of intimacy that produces good leadership choices. Today we tend to rely on nominating

committees and popular voting rather than extraordinary alignment with the heart and will of

God through prayer.

Mark 3:14 describes His design for the twelve He selected where it records, “Then He appointed

twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.” Jesus first

wanted His followers to “be with Him” in order to learn His ways, experience His heart, and

understand His power as essential ingredients to life-changing impact.

Throughout His ministry we find Jesus relentlessly modeling intimacy with the Father as He rose

up early in the morning to pray (Mark 1:35). He retreated to solitary places to pray (Mark 6:46;

Luke 5:16), took His disciples with Him for seasons of extraordinary prayer (Luke 9:28, 22:40),

and trusted the Father for strength and wisdom to fulfill His mission (Matthew 26:39; John 17).

Learning from Him The great incentive for our praying is to walk, live, and serve as Jesus did. I often say that there

is a sense in which Jesus was the only one to walk this earth who did not need to pray, but did –

in order to help those of us who do need to pray, but don’t, learn how to do it. He was fully God

and fully man. As divine, He enjoyed constant union with the Father. As man, Jesus’ prayer life

modeled for us what it meant to consciously rely on the Father.

Early Leaders Learn and Live the Lesson After Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection the work of the Gospel would be advanced through

a small band of 120 disciples. They could not accomplish the mission without the supernatural

empowerment of the Spirit. Again, intimacy preceded impact as Jesus commanded them to wait

in an upper room where they prayed for 10 days.

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The early disciples demonstrated this truth throughout their high-impact advancement of the

Gospel. As soon as the church was birthed, they locked in to a pattern of pursuing intimacy (Acts

2:42). After facing persecution they came back to extraordinary worship-based prayer (Acts

4:23-31). When coping with the growing pains of rapidly advancing ministry, the leaders

remained resolute on their need for intimacy via collective prayer and the Word (Acts 6:4).

Paul also embraced this model of extraordinary intimacy prior to public ministry when he spent

three years in the Arabian desert prior to his public ministry (Galatians 1:17-18). While we do

not know the exact details of his time in Arabia, there is no doubt that a pursuit of a great

intimacy with Christ was part of his experience. The launch of international missions emerges

from a season of intimacy as Paul joined the leaders in Antioch as they fasted and ministered to

the Lord (Acts 13:1-2). From the depths of a prison, Paul was beaten, bloody, and bruised – but

He worshiped, sang, and prayed. Miraculous impact followed. The prison shook, prisoners were

released, the Gospel went forward, and before the end of the night the jailor and his family were

converted and baptized (Acts 16:25-34).

In all of these instances, early church leaders were not just praying “about things” but were

spending time “with Someone (God their Father)” as the life-source of all they were called to be

and do. They had learned from Christ’s model and were resolute to do His work in His power.

Empowered Living In a recent interview with Pastor Alistair Begg, he noted, “We can do more than pray, after we

have prayed, but we cannot do more than pray before we have prayed.” He went on to suggest

that for every minute of our sermon delivery, we should spend 15 minutes in prayer. This would

equate to 10 hours of prayer prior to the Sunday message. What a great goal and illustration of

the principle of intimacy preceding impact. (You can see excerpts of this interview at

As we seek to influence others for Christ in this life, there are many tools and opportunities.

Still, we must remember that ministry is not so much a thing that we produce for Jesus. Rather, it

is the power of His life, working in and through us. Intimacy precedes and sustains impact. As

Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides

in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who

abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5).

“Lord, let us seek You passionately, and then allow You to live Your life through us to change

this world by the power of Your Gospel.”

Copyright © 2011 Daniel Henderson. All rights reserved. (Used by permission)

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Pastors and Leaders to Invite to the Prayer and Fasting Retreat

On the sheet below list the names, addresses and phone numbers of potential Pastors and Leaders to be invited.

Name Address Phone # Contact





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Name Address Phone # Contact





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