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    Computer Department

    Head Office, Dhaka-1000

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    Published by: For Official use only. Computer Department Bangladesh Krishi Bank Head Office 83-85, Motijheel Commercial Area Dhaka - 1000 Information And Communication Technology Security Policy Version : 1.0 December' 2007

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    The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) opens the door of globalization and has become the backbone to modern banking operations. It is also a critical component of the infrastructure for a competitive market economy. The survival and success of a business organization mainly depends on the effective use of ICT

    In view of the above, Bangladesh Krishi Bank has already set up an Information Technology platform for its branches and offices. The bank has a vision to expand and to modernize the IT platform and information systems gradually. Notwithstanding the level of computerization, the security requirements of information systems are universal and significant to the sustainability of the IT platforms. Accordingly, the bank requires policies to secure IT setup as well as information and to set standards for IT operations.

    It is indeed a great pleasure that computer department of the bank has prepared a book titled Information and Communication Technology Security Policy in accordance with the guideline given by Bangladesh Bank, existing rules and regulations. The book contains the policies applicable to IT Management, IT Operation Management, Information System Physical Security, Information Security Standard, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan, Procurement & Service Management. The organization chart along with the job description of IT personnel is also incorporated in the Appendix.

    The Computer Department (Information Technology Department) and members of the Technical Committee on Computerization headed by Professor Dr. Muhammad Masroor Ali of BUET deserve thanks for intellectual and laborious efforts in accomplishing such a tedious job. I also express my thanks and gratitude to the Board of Directors of the bank for providing their kind approval of the policy.

    However, implementation of the Policy is rather more important than its existence. Henceforth all concerns are requested to accomplish their business in accordance with the guidelines contained therein. The designated officers must examine and adhere to the strict compliance of the policy.

    (M. Fazlul Hoque)

    Managing Director

    Dated : December2007 Dhaka

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    Serial Contents Page

    Chapter-1 Information and Communication Technology 7-9

    1.1 Information and Communication Technology in Bangladesh Krishi



    1.2 Automation of Branch Banking operations 8

    1.3 Long term ICT vision of the bank 9

    Chapter-2 Information and Communication Technology Security Policy 10-11

    2.1 Scope 10

    2.2 Objective 10

    2.3 Basic Principles 11

    Chapter-3 Information and Communication Technology Management 12-14

    3.1 IT Management Area 12

    3.2 Implementation of Information and Communication Technology



    3.3 IT Related Documentation 12

    3.4 Internal IT Audit 13

    3.5 Training of IT Personnel 13

    3.6 Insurance and Depreciation 13

    3.7 Problem Management 13

    3.8 Job Description of IT Related Personnel 14

    3.9 Compliance of Government / Bangladesh Bank Guidance 14

    Chapter-4 IT Operation Management. 15-16

    4.1 Change Management 15

    4.2 Asset Management 15

    4.3 Operating Procedure Management 15

    4.4 Request Management 16

    Chapter-5 Information System Physical Security 17-22

    5.1 Physical Security Standard Level-1 17

    5.2 Physical Security Standard Level -2 19

    5.3 Physical Security Standard Level -3 20

    5.4 General Security Guidelines. 21

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    Serial Contents Page

    Chapter-6 Information Security Standard 23-26

    6.1 Access control for information Systems 23

    6.2 Audit trail and follow up 25

    6.3 Network Security 25

    6.4 Data Encryption 26

    6.5 Virus Protection 26

    6.6 Internet and e-mail 26

    Chapter-7 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan 27-28

    7.1 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) 27

    7.2 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) 27

    7.3 Backup/Restore Plan (BRP) 28

    Chapter-8 Procurement and Service Management 29-30

    8.1 Computer Hardware and Software procurement 29

    8.2 Service Level Agreement (SLA) 29

    8.3 Outsourcing 30

    IT Forms and Appendix

    Form No. IT Forms 31-40

    ITF-1 Change Request Form 33

    ITF-2 User Acceptance Test(UAT) 34

    ITF-3 Stock Register of Hardware and Software 35

    ITF-4 Request Form 36

    ITF-5 Access Authorization List 37

    ITF-6 Access Log Book 37

    ITF-7 Visitors Log Book 37

    ITF-8 User Creation Form 38

    ITF-9 Password Handover Form 39

    ITF-10 Backup Log Book 40

    Appendix 41-48

    Appendix-1 Organization Chart of Computer Department 41

    Appendix-2 Job Description of IT Related Personnel 42


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    1.0: Information and Communication Technology

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a vital role in present world.

    The advancement of Communication and Information Technology is one of the major

    attributing factors for the emergence of globalization of financial markets. The

    banking industry has changed in the way they provide service to customers and

    process information in recent years. Information Technology has brought about this

    momentous transformation. Security of IT systems for a financial institution has

    therefore gained much greater in importance, and it is vital to ensure that such risks

    are properly identified and managed. Moreover Information and information

    technology systems are essential assets of the bank and as well as for customers.

    Protection and maintenance of these assets are important for sustainability of any

    organization. Banks must take the responsibility of protecting this information from

    unauthorized access, modification, disclosure and destruction to protect customers


    This document will provide the policy for Information and Communication Technology

    and ensures its secured use for Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB). It establishes general

    requirements and responsibilities for protecting ICT systems. The policy covers such

    common technologies such as computers and peripherals, data and network, web

    system and other IT resources. The banks delivery of services depends on

    availability, reliability and integrity of its information technology system.

    The policy will require regular updates to cope with the evolving changes in the IT

    environment both within the bank and overall industry. The senior management of

    the bank must express a commitment to IT security by continuously upgrading,

    awareness and ensuring training of the Bank officials. Compliance plans in case of

    noncompliance issues should also be formulated time to time.

    1.1: Information and Communication Technology in Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

    In spite of all limitations, Bangladesh Krishi Bank has entered into the arena of

    Information and Communication Technology to meet the demand of time and is

    endeavoring to turn traditional banking operations into the most modern banking

    system. Initially a computer section was started with two Micro Computers under the

    Loan Recovery Division in 1987. Subsequently the Computer Section turned into

    Computer Cell in a very limited scale. It began to expand with more microcomputers

    and necessary system software time to time. In 1993, the span of Computer Cell

    further extended by procurement of multi-user and multitasking machine i.e. Mini

    Computer System. As the scope and working area of computer operations expanded

    more, the Computer Cell of the Bank turned into a full-fledged department with the

    approval of the Ministry of Finance. The Computer Department of the Bank started its

    functioning in January, 2004.

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    1.2: Automation of Branch Banking Operations:

    Introduction of the automated modern banking system, instead of traditional manual

    banking, is the prime need of time. To meet the situation, Bangladesh Krishi Bank

    prepared a 5-years plan during the financial year 1998-99. The plan was duly

    approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank and subsequently by the Ministry of

    Finance of the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The plan is to be

    implemented in five phases as under:

    1.2.1: First Phase: The implementation of the first phase of the computerization

    plan was started in the year 1999 and it has been completed as under:

    a. Branches: One-stop service facilities have been introduced under individual

    local area network system in 28 branches of the bank including four corporate

    branches in Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet cities.

    b. Head Office: The secretariat of the managing director, office of the deputy

    managing directors and general managers along with most of the departments

    in head office have been brought under computerization through standalone

    personal computer or local area network system with necessary equipments.

    c. Divisional Offices: Personal computers with related accessories have also

    been supplied to all Divisional offices at field level to work on the basis of

    standalone system.

    1.2.2: Second and Third Phase: The implementation of the second and third phases

    of the computerization program is under process. The automation processes are

    described below:

    a. Branches: One stop service will be introduced in 55 branches located at

    different cities, district headquarters and in places having business

    potentialities over the country.

    b. Head Office: The computerization process comprises upgrading the existing

    systems based on standalone personal computer into local area network and

    expansion of the existing system with necessary equipments to the remaining

    departments in Head Office.

    c. Other Controlling Offices: The process comprises expansion of

    computerized system to all Chief Regional Offices and Regional Offices

    including Divisional Audit Offices of the Bank.

    1.2.3: Fourth and Fifth Phase: On completion of the second and third phase of

    computerization the implementation of fourth and fifth phase will start.

    a. Branches: One Stop Service will also be introduced in 44 branches located

    at different cities, urban areas and in places having business potentialities over

    the country.

    b. Head Office and Other Controlling Offices: The computerization process

    includes upgrading the existing systems in Head Office. The bank also desires

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    to establish centralized banking operation system through setting up

    appropriate servers for data center, disaster recovery sites and intends to

    procure necessary hardware, software and equipments essential for connecting

    business potential branches and also to connect field level controlling offices

    with the Head Office. The process also includes expansion of computerized

    system to all Chief Regional Offices and Regional Offices including Divisional

    Offices of the Bank.

    1.3: Long term ICT vision of the Bank:

    In continuation to the five-year computerization program, the bank has an intention

    to provide modern business facilities at the doorsteps of the valued customers

    through computerization of almost all branches gradually. Besides these, to face the

    challenges of the millennium under stiff competition in the banking sector, the bank

    also has a vision to introduce On-line banking facility within its computerized

    corporate branches, important urban and district level branches. Bank in the near

    future would provide better services to the valued clients by implementing modern

    banking products and services like ATM Transactions and other packages including

    utility service operations.

    The business operations in the banking and financial sector have been increasingly

    dependent on the computerized information systems over the years. It has now

    become impossible to separate information technology from the business of the banks

    and financial institutions. There is increasing need for focusing highest attention on

    the issues of the corporate governance of the information systems and security

    controls to safeguard information.

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    2.0 Information and Communication Technology Security Policy

    This chapter describes the Information and Communication Technology Security

    Policy of Bangladesh Krishi Bank.

    This Information and Communication Technology Security Policy comply with the

    guideline supplied by Bangladesh Bank. The Board of Directors of Bangladesh Krishi

    Bank approves this policy. It provides the policy for Information and Communication

    Technology and ensures secured use for the bank. Information security means

    protection of the data, applications, networks and computer system from

    unauthorized access, alteration or destruction.

    2.1 Scope

    This Policy is a systematic approach required to formulate for ICT and also to ensure

    security of information and information systems. It covers all information that is

    electronically generated, received, stored, printed, scanned and typed. However, the

    provisions of this policy shall be applicable to:

    Bangladesh Krishi Bank for all of its information technology systems.

    All activities and operations required to ensure data security including facility

    design, physical security, network security, disaster recovery and business continuity

    planning, use of hardware and software, data disposal and protection of copyrights

    and other intellectual property rights.

    All users, customers, agents, employees concerned with information and information technology system.

    2.2 Objective

    The objectives of the Information and communication technology security policy of

    Bangladesh Krishi Bank are as follows:

    01. To establish a standard information technology management;

    02. To help the bank for secure and stable setup of its IT platform;

    03. To establish a secure environment for data processing;

    04. To identify information security risks and their management;

    05. To communicate the responsibilities for the protection of information and provide training regarding information system security;

    06. To prioritize information and information systems to be protected;

    07. To review periodically the policy to formulate procedure and security measures from time to time;

    08. To provide automated banking facility to the customer;

    09. To develop human resources with current electronic banking system;

    10. To prescribe mechanisms that help to identify and prevent the compromise of information security and the misuse of Bank data, applications, networks and computer systems.

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    2.3: Basic Principles

    The following are the generally accepted principles that provide policy in the

    security of information:

    2.3.1 Accountability: The responsibility and accountability of information/data

    custodians, information/data providers, users and other parties concerned

    with the security of information should be explicit.

    2.3.2 Awareness: To foster confidence in information systems, custodians,

    providers and users shall have access to all documentation about

    information security policies and procedures.

    2.3.3 Ethics: In the provision of information systems and the establishment of

    information security, the rights and legitimate interests of the

    organisation's personnel, its customers and business partners should be


    2.3.4 Business Perspective: Security processes shall take account of and

    address the relevant business considerations and viewpoints; these

    include commercial, technical, administrative, organisational,

    operational, behavioral, ethical and legal/ statutory aspects.

    2.3.5 Proportionality: The level and cost of security processes should be

    appropriate and proportionate to the value and degree of reliance on

    information systems and to the severity, probability and extent of

    potential or actual harm to the organisation.

    2.3.6 Integration: Security processes should be coordinated and integrated with

    each other and with other measures, procedures and practices of the

    bank to create a coherent system of information security.

    2.3.7 Timeliness: Action to respond to a information security breach should be

    timely and coordinated to prevent and overcome the breach of security.

    2.3.8 Reassessment: The security of information systems should be reassessed

    periodically recognising that information systems and the requirements

    for their security vary over time.

    2.3.9 Freedom of Information: The freedom of information should be

    compatible with the legitimate use and flow of data and information as

    statutes in the e-governance policy(s) of the government.

    2.3.10 Risk Mitigation: Risk analysis is to be carried out based on value, need

    and type of different IT entities. Accordingly, risk mitigation plan is to be

    framed for secured use of the IT entities.

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    CHAPTER- 3

    3 .0 Information and Communication Technology Management

    The Management must ensure that the functions relating to the Information and

    Communication Technology are efficiently and effectively managed. They should

    be aware of the capabilities of IT and be able to appreciate and recognize

    opportunities and the risk of possible abuses. The management of the bank should

    have a commitment to information technology security by continuously upgrading

    awareness and ensuring training of the bank staff. IT Management deals in IT policy

    formulation, system documentation and assistance to the internal IT audit, training

    and insurance activities.

    3.1 IT Management Area:

    3.1.1 The IT Management should ensure maintenance of appropriate system

    documentations, particularly for systems which support financial reporting.

    3.1.2 The IT Management should participate in planning relating to the Information

    and Communication Technology to ensure that allocated resources are

    consistent with business objectives.

    3.1.3 The IT Management should ensure that sufficient properly qualified technical

    staff is employed so that continuance of the IT operation area is unlikely to

    be at risk at all times.

    3.2 Implementation of Information and Communication Technology Policy

    3.2.1 The IT Management will ensure the implementation of the Information and

    Communication Technology policy in the Bank. The policy covers common

    technologies like computers and peripherals, data and network, web system

    and other IT resources.

    3.2.2 The policy will require regular updates to cope with the evolving changes in

    the Information and Communication Technology environment.

    3.3 IT related Documentation:

    3.3.1 There shall be an Organization chart for Information Technology Department. This shall be a part of the bank's overall organization chart duly approved by the Government (Ref. Organization chart, Apendix-1).

    3.3.2 There shall be documented job description for each IT personnel of different Offices/ Branches (Apendix-2).

    3.3.3 A roster for IT activities should be documented properly and be reviewed time to time by the head of the department or office.

    3.3.4 Segregation of duties for IT tasks shall be maintained and reviewed time to time by the head of the department or office.

    3.3.5 Fallback plans for various levels of system support personnel shall be formulated, maintained and reviewed time to time by the head of the department or office.

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    3.4 Internal IT Audit:

    3.4.1 Internal Audit shall have sufficient IT expertise/resources capable of

    conducting IT Audit. At least one IT expert/resource person shall be

    included in the audit team while auditing IT related branches and offices.

    3.4.2 Internal IT audit shall be done on periodical basis according to the banks

    internal audit policy.

    3.4.3 The IT audit report should be treated as confidential and must be

    preserved for respective Audit and Inspection including Bangladesh Bank

    officials as and when required.

    3.4.4 The bank/branch shall take appropriate measures to implement the

    recommendations made in the last Audit Report. This must be documented

    and kept along with the Audit Report as mentioned above.

    3.5 Training of IT Personnel:

    3.5.1 IT personnel should be given adequate training on relevant IT tasks.

    3.5.2 The employees should be trained on aspects of importance and awareness

    of Information and Communication Technology.

    3.5.3 IT personnel should be trained for the purpose of any contingency/ health

    security hazard in the IT area.

    3.5.4 All the network users should be trained about its operating and security


    3.6 Insurance and Depreciation:


    Due to rapid fall in the market value of computer hardware, the bank

    generally should consider obtaining insurance coverage only in case of

    costly and/ or specialized computer hardware and software. This decision

    will be taken on individual basis based on opinion of the management.

    3.6.2 All insurance matter for computer hardware should be conducted by the

    Department assigned by the management of the Bank.

    3.6.3 Depreciation at the rate of 20% per annum shall be charged on Computer

    Hardware on straight-line method.

    3.7 Problem Management:

    3.7.1 Problems relating to Information Technology should be resolved quickly.

    Resolving steps should be taken according to the nature of the troubles or

    problems (level-1, level-2 and level-3 problems).

    3.7.2 Level-1 problems are those that can be resolved by the user with or without telephonic assistance from the respective supplier.

    Level-2 problems are those that can only be resolved by the local supplier or the vendor of the product.

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    Level-3 problems are those that can be resolved only by the manufacturer or principal of the product.

    For level-1, stress should be given to solve the problems by the user himself/herself. For level-2 and level-3 problems, the bank should enter into a service level agreement with supplier/vendor of the respective IT asset.

    3.7.3 Problems that hamper bank's operational activities directly should be logged

    on daily basis. Other problems should be logged on weekly basis.

    3.7.4 Responsibility for problem resolution should be accepted and be assigned to

    a team for internal action.

    3.7.5 The problem log should be examined/ investigated immediately.

    3.7.6 The necessary corrective action should be performed within the time frame

    bounded by the problems severity.

    3.7.7 Findings and action steps taken during the problem resolution process

    should be documented.

    3.7.8 Problem information from remote systems should be referred to specific

    support unit and Regional Help Desk and Support Teams.

    3.7.9 Help-line support should be provided to remote units.

    3.8 Job Description of IT Related Personnel

    The job descriptions of the individuals posted in the services related to

    Information Technology are shown in Apendix-2.

    3.9 Compliance of Government / Bangladesh Bank Guidance


    The Bank shall implement any instruction or recommendation given or to

    be given by the Government / Bangladesh Bank from time to time in

    connection with the management of Information and Communication



    The DGM (Information Technology) shall confirm compliance of the

    instructions or recommendations that are given by the Government/

    Bangladesh Bank within the stipulated time or within the shortest possible


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    CHAPTER- 4

    4.0 IT Operation Management

    IT Operation Management covers the dynamics of technology operation

    management including change management, asset management, operating

    procedure management and request management. The objective of IT operation

    management is to achieve the highest levels of technology service quality by

    minimum operational risk.

    4.1 Change Management:

    4.1.1 All changes implemented in the production environment must be governed/

    supported by a formal documented process including forms with necessary

    change details. A sample document form has been provided in ITF- 1.

    4.1.2 Audit Logs of changes should be maintained available for ready references.

    4.1.3 Signed off declaration from the vendor should be obtained before

    implementation of changes in production.

    4.1.4 User Acceptance Test (UAT) should be completed before implementation of

    the application related change. A sample form for UAT has been given in

    ITF-2. This document should be preserved for ready reference.

    4.2 Asset Management:

    4.2.1 A register of inventory for hardware and software must be kept with all

    significant details and will be reviewed on 30th June every year. A sample

    form has been provided in ITF-3. A record of this review must be


    4.2.2 All data on equipment and associated storage device/media must be

    destroyed or erased/overwritten before sale, disposal or reissue.

    4.2.3 Bank must comply with the terms of all software licenses and must not use

    any software that has not been legally purchased or otherwise legitimately


    4.2.4 Software used in production environments must be subject to a support


    4.2.5 No software shall be used in any computer without approval of the

    competent authority. Use of unauthorized or pirated software must be

    strictly prohibited throughout the bank. Random checks should be carried

    out to ensure compliance.

    4.3 Operating Procedure Management:

    4.3.1 Operating procedures must exist for all ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related functions.

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    4.3.2 Changes to operating procedures must be authorized by the competent

    authority and documented properly.

    4.3.3 Operating procedures cover the following where appropriate:

    a. Documentation on handling of different process.

    b. Scheduling processes, including target start and finish times.

    c. Documentation on handling of error and exception conditions.

    d. Documentation for secure disposal of output from failed processing runs.

    e. Documentation on system start-up, closedown, re-start and recovery.

    f. System maintenance schedule.

    4.4 Request Management:

    4.4.1 IT Services means any services relating to installation, maintenance

    replacement of computer hardware and peripherals, communication

    hardware and media, operating and application software including efforts for

    development of human resources.

    4.4.2 Before any IT service a formal request process must be established. A sample

    Request Form has been provided in ITF- 4.

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    CHAPTER- 5

    5.0 Information System Physical Security

    Sound business and management practices should be implemented in the Bank to

    protect information and technology resources. It is the responsibility of each

    branch and offices/departments to protect technology resources from unauthorized

    access in terms of both physical hardware and data perspectives. Physical security

    involves environmental safeguards as well as controlling physical access to

    equipment and data.

    The Policy is applicable for all units having information and communication

    technology infrastructures. It is logical that infrastructure and operational

    environment of all the production units are not equally important. Therefore

    depending on the information and communication technology setup and operational

    environment, security standard should be categorized into three Levels as under:

    5.1 Physical Security Standards Level-1

    Security standards for centralized operation under which Data Center, Disaster

    Recovery Site and Branches/Offices are connected through WAN and attend

    24x7x365 basis operations.

    5.1.1 Data Center Access Control: Data Center must be a restricted area and unauthorized access shall be

    prohibited. Number of entrance into the Data Center shall be limited, locked and

    secured. Access authorization procedures based on biometric features should exist

    and apply to all persons e.g. employees and vendors. An employee must

    escort vendors and cleaning crews during their stay in the Data Center. Bank shall maintain Access Authorization list, as provided in ITF-5,

    documenting individuals who are authorized to access the data center,

    reviewed and updated periodically. Access log book with date and time, shall be maintained in form of ITF-6 Visitor Log must exist and need to be maintained in ITF-7. Visitors to the

    data center must be escorted to and from the entry point by an employee.

    (Visitors: A person whose name does not appear on the active access

    authorization list.) Security guard must be available in the data center for 24 hours. Emergency exit door should be available in the data center. Carrying of briefcases, handbags and other packages into the data center

    must be prohibited.

    5.1.2 Environmental Control: Documents regarding physical layout of the data centre should be

    prepared and maintained. The layout of power supplies of the data centers and network connectivity should be prepared.

  • 18 Floors should be raised and all the data cable and power cable should be

    concealed through channels alongside the wall to keep them neat and safe

    position. Electrical cables and data cables must not cross each other to

    avoid possible disturbance. Water detection devices shall be positioned below the raised floor, if it is

    raised. Accessories not related to data center should not be allowed to be stored

    therein. Closed Circuit Television (CCTVs) camera should be installed at suitable

    places and be monitored by authorized officials. Eating, drinking and smoking must be prohibited in the data center. A

    signboard mentioning "No eating, drinking or smoking." must be placed at

    a conspicuous/visible point. Vehicles for any emergency purpose should always be available on site. There should be a separate telephone/cell phone. Address and phone

    numbers of all contact persons of fire service, police station, service

    providers, vendor and all concerned IT organizations should be kept to

    cope with any emergency situation. Loading capacity of electrical outlets should be reviewed annually. The following environmental control measures/equipments should be

    installed in data centre and disaster recovery site:

    a) Uninterruptible power supply(UPS) having sufficient loading capacity

    with backup units;

    b) Backup Power Supply i.e. Generator/Instant Power Supply (IPS);

    c) Temperature and humidity measuring devices;

    d) Air conditioners with backup units;

    e) Water leakage precautions and water drainage system from Air


    f) Emergency power cut-off switches;

    g) Emergency lighting arrangement;

    h) Dehumidifier. The above environmental control measures/equipments should be tested

    regularly: There shall be appropriate maintenance agreement/contract for above

    equipments on 24x7x365 basis.

    5.1.3 Fire Prevention: The Data Center wall, ceiling, doors and windows shall be fire resistant. A waterless fire extinguishing system(e.g. FM 200) which does not leave

    any trace and does not cause any physical harm to sensitive equipments is

    to be installed. There shall also be sensors for automatic activation of the

    system along with facility for suctioning out polluted air in case of fire.

  • 19 Employees must be aware of the fire extinguishing system and method of

    use. All equipments must be sealed and tagged indicating type and

    serviceability. Workability of the system shall be tested /examined

    periodically. An emergency alarm should be installed for giving immediate alarm/signal

    of fire and any fire incident must be reported immediately to the fire

    services. Workability of alarm shall be tested/examined periodically. Fire detectors should be placed in the ceiling and below the raised floor, if

    it is raised. There shall be a separate dedicated electrical line. Electrical cables/

    wires in the data center must maintain a quality and be concealed. Any flammable items shall not be kept in the Data Center. All concerned should be aware of steps to be taken in case of a fire. The

    authority must ensure display of proper directions in conspicuous places.

    5.2 Physical security standards Level-2

    Security standards for Branches and offices having server to which all or a part of

    the computers of that location are connected through LAN.

    5.2.1 Server Room Access Control: Server room should have a glass enclosure with lock and key. If it is not

    possible in branch level to provide separate enclosure, Server shall be kept

    in the chamber of the branch manager. Keys of the server room must be

    kept with the Branch Manager or with the person authorized by the Branch

    Manager/Head of the Department in Head Office/Controlling office. Physical access in sever room shall be restricted. Visitors logbook must

    have to be maintained as provided in ITF-7. Access authorization list in form of ITF-5 must be maintained and reviewed

    on regular basis.

    5.2.2 Environmental Control: Desktop screen must be locked and screen saver must have password

    protected that should be activated after 5 minute. Administrative password of Operating System, Database and Banking

    Application Software shall be written in sealed envelope and kept in the

    personal custody of the Branch Manager/Head of the Department or

    Office. User should be created with the prior permission of the Branch Manager/

    Head of the Department or office. User creation request form should be

    maintained as per ITF-8. System Administrator will keep a list of Users

    with assigned rights/permission with a copy to the Branch Manager/Head

    of the Department or office. There should have the provision for replacement of server within quickest

    possible time in case of any disaster. Server room should be air-conditioned and clean.

  • 20 Power Generator/IPS should be in place to continue banking operations in

    case of power failure. UPS should be in place to provide uninterrupted power supply to the

    server during power failure. Proper attention must be given on overloading electrical outlets with too

    many devices.

    5.2.3 Fire Protection: Appropriate channels alongside the wall must be placed to keep all the

    cabling to be in neat and safe position. A layout of power supply cable and

    data cables must be maintained. Power supply must be switched off before leaving the Server room. System

    Administrator must ensure this. Fire extinguisher of suitable type, with expiry date mentioned, needs to

    be placed outdoor of the server room. This must be maintained and

    reviewed on an annual basis. All employees should be aware of the use of

    the fire extinguisher. Proper earthing of electricity to be ensured.

    5.3 Physical security standards Level-3

    Security standards for Branch and offices having standalone computer(s) or


    5.3.1 Computer Room Access Control: The PC running the Branch Banking Application Software must be placed in

    a clear glass enclosure with lock and key. In other offices PCs should be

    placed in separate enclosure or room. A responsible person should keep

    keys of such enclosure. Access authorization list in form of ITF-5 must be maintained and

    reviewed on regular basis.

    5.3.2 Environmental Control: User must have the desktop password only known to him and kept written

    in sealed envelop in the personal custody of the Branch Manager/Head of

    Department or office. PC must have password-protected screen saver which should activate

    after 5 minute of inactivity.

    5.3.3 Fire Protection: Power distribution board for the PC with a circuit breaker should be

    placed outside the enclosure and covered with a box under lock and key

    held by the senior most operators. All power and other connecting cables for PCs must be kept secured from

    physical damage.

  • 21 UPS for backup power supply to be placed in the enclosure. Power supply of the PC must be switched off before leaving the branch. Fire extinguishers, of suitable type, with expiry date mentioned, to be

    placed beside the Power distribution board. This must be maintained and

    reviewed on an annual basis. Proper earthing of electricity to be ensured.

    5.4 General Security Guidelines.

    5.4.1 Desktop and laptop computer should be connected to UPS to prevent

    damage of hardware and data.

    5.4.2 When leaving a desktop or laptop computer unattended, users should

    apply the Lock Workstation feature.

    5.4.3 Password protected screen saver must be used to protect desktop and

    laptop from unauthorized access.

    5.4.4 Automatic screen saver should be activated after a period of inactivity.

    This period should not be more than 5 (five) minute.

    5.4.5 Laptop computers that store confidential or sensitive information must

    have encryption technology.

    5.4.6 Desktop and laptop computers and monitors must be turned off at the end

    of each workday.

    5.4.7 Laptop computers actively connected to the network or information

    systems must not be left unattended.

    5.4.8 Laptop computers, computer media and any other forms of removable storage (e.g. diskettes, CD ROMs, zip disks, PDAs, flash drives, etc) must be stored in a secure location or locked cabinet when not in use.

    5.4.9 Other information storage media containing confidential data such as

    paper, files, tapes etc. must be stored in a secure location or locked

    cabinet when not in use.

    5.4.10 Individual users must not install or download software applications and/or

    executable files to any desktop or laptop computer without prior


    5.4.11 Desktop and laptop computer users shall not write, compile, copy, knowingly propagate, execute, or attempt to introduce any computer code designed to self-replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the performance of any computer system (e.g. virus, worm, Trojan etc).

    5.4.12 Any kind of viruses must be reported immediately.

    5.4.13 Viruses must not be deleted without expert assistance unless instructed by

    the Information Technology Department.

  • 22

    5.4.14 User identification (name) and authentication (password) must be required

    to access all desktop and laptop whenever turned on or restarted.

    5.4.15 Standard virus detection software must be installed on all desktop and

    laptop computers, mobile, and remote devices and should be configured to

    check files when read and routinely scan the system for viruses.

    5.4.16 Desktop and laptop computers must be configured to log all significant

    computer security relevant events. e.g. password guessing, unauthorized

    access attempts or modifications to applications or systems software, etc.

    5.4.17 On holiday occasions computers should be removed from floors, if any, and

    should be kept away from windows.

    5.4.18 If in the bank premises, any packages like briefcases and similar objects

    found in a commonplace is noticeably unusual as to become suspicious. In

    such cases the police should be called immediately. The office must take

    possible safety and security cautions. In no cases should be touched or

    moved by non-police personnel.

    5.4.19 Computer room should be away from the basement, water /drainage

    system and above the flood level.

  • 23

    CHAPTER- 6

    6.0 Information Security Standard

    This chapter specifies Information Security Policies and Standard to be adopted by

    the bank for service delivery and data processing. This also covers the basic and

    general information security controls applicable to all functional groups to ensure

    that information and data are protected against risk.

    6.1 Access control for information systems

    Access control refers to the functions that limit access to information system or

    information processing resources. These functions are:

    6.1.1 Password Policy and Control: Password is a security method that identifies a specific authorized user

    of a computer system or network, by a unique string of alphanumeric

    characters that a user types as an identification code.

    6. 1.1.2 To make a strong password the following principles should be followed:

    a) The length password shall be at least 6 characters, combination of

    uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.

    b) All users shall keep the passwords confidential and will not share/

    disclose to anybody others.

    c) Password should never be written down in unsecured paper and must

    not be inserted into e-mail messages or other forms of electronic


    d) The maximum validity period of password will not be more than 90


    e) The maximum number of invalid logon attempts should be 3

    consecutive times.

    f) One should not use password using names of family, pets, friends,

    co-workers, fantasy characters, computer terms and names, commands,

    sites, hardware, software, personal information like birthdays, address,

    phone numbers, etc.

    g) Password entries must be masked. All system-level passwords (i.e. root, enable, network administration,

    application administration, database administration, etc) must be hold

    by the officer authorized by the branch manager or head of the

    departments /offices where applicable. (ITF-9). All user-level passwords shall be kept with the individual users. All the system-level and user-level passwords shall be written in

    separate sealed envelope and be kept in the personal custody of the

    branch manager/head of the departments/offices with movement

    records for usage in case of emergency.

  • 24 Password Handover Form (ITF-9) shall be used while the users are

    changed. In absence of password holding authorized officer, if it becomes

    necessary to use the above password(s), the branch manager/ head of

    the departments or offices will open the sealed envelop and use the

    password(s) by observing formal documentary process. All users shall sign a document stating that the password will be kept

    confidential. Password given during registration of a new user, which they are forced

    to change during first access. Nobody will use the "Remember Password" feature of applications,

    where applicable. Password history maintenance has to be enabled in the system to allow

    same passwords can be used again after at least 4 times.

    6.1.2 User registration and maintenance: There should be a formal user registration and de-registration procedure

    for granting access to all multi-user information systems and services.

    The access to the multi-user information systems and services should be

    controlled through the following process: The User registration with access privileges, duly approved by the

    Branch Manager/Head of the Department/Office, should be maintained

    in form of ITF-8. Each user must have a unique User ID and a valid password, so that the

    users can be linked to and be made responsible for their actions All users have to ensure that user ID and password are not same. The terminal inactive time for the users should be set at maximum 30

    minutes. The respective branch manager/ head of the department/office should

    fix operating time schedule for the users where necessary. Access privileges have to be changed/ locked within 24 hours when

    users' status changed or left the bank. A written statement of the users access rights has to be given to the

    user by the System Administrator. An acknowledgement should have to be obtained from the user

    signifying that he/she understands the conditions and obligations of the

    access. Use of Group ID's to be permitted where they are suitable for the work

    to be carried out.

    6.1.3 Input Control and Data Processing: Data Input should be done by the persons authorized by the competent


  • 25 All financial transaction input must be supported with proper voucher,

    document or formal procedures according to their business power. Non-financial data inputs should be done on the basis of the proper

    records, statements, reports or returns. The software should not allow the same person to be both the maker

    and checker of the same transaction. The system should be restricted from being accessed especially sensitive

    data or fields. Start-of-Day and End-of-Day operations of the banking application software

    should be performed by authorized officers. The day end process should

    be completed with the generation of all prescribed reports. Proper records with appropriate authentication should be maintained if

    any corrective operations are made in the database.

    6.2 Audit trail and follow up:

    6.2.1 The Audit trails are records of activity used to provide a means for

    restructuring events and establishing accountability.

    6.2.2 Audit trail should provide for the operations when sensitive information

    is accessed, network services are accessed and special privileges or

    authorities such as the security administration commands, emergency

    User ID, supervisory functions etc., overriding the normal processing


    6.2.3 The audit trail should include user identification, functions, resources

    and information used or changed, date and time stamp, work-station

    address and network connectivity path.

    6.2.4 The management should review the audit trail information regularly,

    usually daily for financial operations and investigate and report

    suspicious activity immediately.

    6.3 Network Security

    6.3.1 The Network and its security shall be implemented under a documented

    design plan.

    6.3.2 Physical security for network equipments must be housed in a secured

    environment and access therein must be restricted and controlled.

    6.3.3 The sensitive information should be kept in restricted area in the

    networking environment.

    6.3.4 Unauthorized access and electronic tampering must be controlled strictly.

    6.3.5 Security of the network should be under dual administrative control.

    6.3.6 Firewalls should be placed on the network for any external connectivity if

    and when necessary.

    6.3.7 There shall be a system to detect the unauthorized intruder for network.

  • 26

    6.4 Data Encryption

    6.4.1 There should be mechanism in place to encrypt and decrypt the highly

    sensitive data traveling through LAN/WAN or public network.

    6.5 Virus Protection

    6.5.1 Whenever possible a system which is not susceptible to virus attack is to

    be used. Examples of such systems are Unix and Linux based environment.

    6.5.2 Anti-Virus software should be installed in each server and computer

    whether it is connected to LAN or not.

    6.5.3 Virus auto protection mode should be enabled.

    6.5.4 The Anti-Virus software should always be updated with the latest virus

    definition file.

    6.5.5 All users should be informed and trained about computer viruses and their

    prevention mechanism.

    6.5.6 All incoming e-mail messages must be scanned for viruses to prevent

    infection to the banks network.

    6.6 Internet and e-mail

    6.6.1 Redundant communication links have to be used for WAN/Internet.

    6.6.2 All Internet connections should be routed through a Firewall for PCs

    connected to network.

  • 27

    CHAPTER- 7

    7. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

    The Business Continuity Plan(BCP) is required to cover operational risks and should

    take into account the potential for wide area disasters, data centre disasters and

    the recovery plan. The BCP should take into account the backup and recovery

    process. Keeping this into consideration this chapter covers BCP, Disaster

    Recovery Plan and Backup/ Restore plan.

    7.1 Business Continuity Plan (BCP):

    7.1.1 There must be a Business Continuity Plan, in line with business, for IT in


    7.1.2 All the documents related to business continuity and disaster recovery plan

    must be kept in a safe and secured locations. One copy can be stored in the

    office for ready reference.

    7.1.3 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) must contain the following:

    a) Action plan for:

    i. During office hours disaster,

    ii. Outside office hours disaster, and

    iii. Immediate and long term action plan in the line with business.

    b) Emergency contact addresses and phone numbers including vendors.

    c) Grab list of items such as backup tapes, Laptops etc. in case of an

    immediate evacuation.

    d) Disaster recovery site map.

    7.1.4 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) must be reviewed at least once a year.

    7.2 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP):

    7.2.1 A Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) must be in place replicating the Data Center

    / Production Site.

    7.2.2 Disaster Recovery site should be at a minimum of 30 (thirty) kilometers

    radial distance from the central data center.

    7.2.3 Disaster Recovery Site should not be placed under same utility services as

    the data center.

    7.2.4 Disaster Recovery Site should be equipped with compatible hardware and

    telecommunications equipment to support the live systems in the event of a


    7.2.5 Appropriate physical and environmental security should be provided at the

    Disaster Recovery Site.

    7.2.6 Information security should properly be maintained throughout the fallback

    and DR recovery process.

    7.2.7 An up-to-date and tested copy of the DR plan is to be securely held off-site.

    DR plans exist for all the critical services where DR requirement is agreed

    with the business.

  • 28

    7.2.8 DR test is to be successfully carried out at least once a year.

    7.2.9 DR Test documentation should include at a minimum:

    a) Scope - defines scope of planned tests - expected success criteria.

    b) Plan - detailed actions with timetable.

    c) Test Results.

    7.3 Backup/ Restore Plan (BRP):

    7.3.1 Backup means saving of data or information to assure business continuity

    in case of a loss of resources at the production site.

    7.3.2 There should be a documented backup procedure. Information technology

    department/computer department of the bank should formulate backup

    procedure and that will be reviewed annually.

    7.3.3 Backup copies of information should be stored off-site at a geographically

    separate and safe environment.

    7.3.4 At least one backup copy should be kept on-site office for time critical


    7.3.5 The backup cycle is based on the following:

    Backup for branch-banking operation should be taken daily in appropriate

    media /device. Provision for both incremental and full backup should be

    kept to avoid corruption of data as well as save time and money.

    In other cases, backup should be taken daily/weekly/ monthly/ quarterly

    and half-yearly basis depending on the nature of the database and or

    operations whatever the DGM (IT) decides fit.

    DGM (IT) will formulate action plan and implementation procedure for

    backup and restore.

    7.3.6 The backup media should be sent off-site immediately after the backup

    has been taken.

    7.3.7 The backup log book in form of ITF-10 should be maintained, checked and

    signed by the Branch Manager/ Head of the Department/Office.

    7.3.8 The back up inventory is maintained, checked and signed by supervisor.

    7.3.9 The ability to restore from backup media is tested at least quarterly.

    7.3.10 Backup media must be labeled properly indicating contents, date etc.

    7.3.11 Hardcopy backup in applicable cases should also have to be taken.

  • 29

    CHAPTER- 8

    8.0 Procurement and Service Management.

    The purchase of computer hardware, software and peripherals requires careful

    consideration of banks business needs because these are usually expensive to make

    subsequent changes. The system must have adequate capacity or else it may not be

    able to function properly. There shall have adequate arrangements for proper

    maintenance of the system. However, the service of vendors is of utmost

    importance for smooth operation of the business in modern business organizations.

    This chapter specifies policies and procedure to be followed by the bank for

    procuring and hiring different service to be rendered by each and every service

    provider. This also covers the basic principles applicable to all service providers to

    ensure spontaneous services so that banks operations are not hampered.

    8.1 Computer Hardware and Software Procurement:

    8.1.1 All purchase of new systems, computer hardware and software or new

    component for existing systems must be made in accordance with the

    applicable Government/Banks procurement policies and procedures as well

    as technical standards.

    8.1.2 Except for minor purchase (as is mandated by the delegation of financial

    power), hardware and software must be purchased through a

    structured/formal evaluation process.

    8.1.3 Purchase must be done on the basis of the business needs and requirements

    to be assessed by the competent authority.

    8.1.4 All new hardware and software installation are to be planned formally and

    notified to all interested parties ahead of the proposed installation date.

    8.1.5 All hardware and software must be tested fully and comprehensively and

    formally accepted by user before being transferred to the live operations.

    8.1.6 All hardware and software under procurement shall have comprehensive

    warranty to cover operational risk.

    8.1.7 The period of warranty coverage should be determined by the procuring

    entity depending on the nature of the components but the period should not

    be less than twelve (12) months.

    8.1.8 The description of warranty must clearly mention warranty coverage (parts,

    labor and service), type of warranty (comprehensive), duration and any

    provision for penalty when the said warranty is not complied with at an

    acceptable level.

    8.2 Service Level Agreement (SLA):

    8.2.1 There should be maintenance service arrangement for all hardware and

    software for post warranty period.

    8.2.2 There should be service level agreement between the vendor and bank for

    all sensitive hardware and software.

    8.2.3 The Annual Maintenance Contact (AMC) with the vendor shall exist only for

    usable hardware and software.

    8.2.4 For sensitive hardware and software items, the concerned authority shall exercise utmost care in having a contract without an interruption due to delay in renewal of contract.

  • 30

    8.2.5 The user site should ensure that the equipment does not contain sensitive

    live data when hardware is taken by the vendors for servicing/repair.

    8.2.6 Service Contracts with all service providers including third-party vendors

    should include:

    a) Parties to the contract with address, b) Definitions of terms, if necessary, c) Measurable service/deliverables, d) Timing/schedules, i.e. service levels, e) Roles and responsibilities of contracting parties, including an escalation

    matrix clearly mentioning response time and resolution time, f) Pricing of the contract, g) Penalty Clause, h) Confidentiality clause, i) Contact person names (on daily operations and relationship levels), j) Renewal period, k) Modification clause, l) Frequency of service reporting, m) Termination clause, n) Warranties, including service suppliers employee liabilities, 3rd party

    liabilities and the related remedies, o) Geographical locations covered, p) Ownership of hardware and software, q) Documentation to be maintained (e.g. logs of changes, records of

    reviewing event logs), r) Audit rights of access (internal audit, external audit, other audit as may

    be appropriate), s) Any other clause considered fit for the contract.

    8.3 Outsourcing:

    8.3.1 Outsourcing shall be done for activities not usually performable using

    normal capacity of man, materials and resources of the Bank.

    8.3.2 The economic validity shall be studied before considering any shorts of


    8.3.3 The risk and security concerned with outsourcing shall be considered


    8.3.4 The legal implication behind outsourcing shall be carefully examined.

    8.3.5 The technical aspect of any activities should be examined by the technical

    committee or by the technical consultant according to the nature of the

    activities concern.

    8.3.6 Outsourcing proposal or working paper shall be prepared by the user


    8.3.7 Arrangements for possible acquire of the source code in case of software if

    necessary through an escrow account.

    8.3.8 Outsourcing service contract shall include terms and conditions mentioned

    in chapter 8.2.6

  • 31

    IT Forms and Appendix

  • 32


    (30 - 40)



    (41 - 48)

  • 33

    ITF- 1




    Reference No: Date:

    Section I : Requester Information

    Branch/Division Name :

    Submitted by :

    Change Description :

    Change Purpose :

    Request Date :

    Signature and Seal (Requester) Signature and Seal (Head of the Office)

    Section II : Approvals

    The undersigned agrees and accepts the change documented on this form.

    Name :

    Designation :

    Comments :

    Date :

    Signature and Seal :

    Section III : Implementer Details

    The undersigned has implemented the requested change on this form.

    Change reference No. :

    Date of change Implementation :

    Change Implementation Details :

    Was change successful? Yes No

    Name :

    Designation :

    Signature and Seal :

    Signature and Seal

    (Head of Branch/Division)

    (Ref: Para-4.1.1)

  • 34

    ITF- 2




    Reference No: Date:

    Application/System Name :

    Change Request Reference : Date :

    Test Scope (Detail plan of test) :

    Hardware / Software

    Performance Test/ Security Test

    Black box/ White box

    Expected Result :

    Actual Result :

    User Acceptance Test Failure / Success

    Comments :

    Signature and Seal :

    (Ref: Para-4.1.4)

  • 35



    ITF- 3


    Name of the item: SL


    Brand &





    / Version

    Quantity Identification






    Date of


    Price Signature Remarks

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    (Ref: Para- 4.2.1 )

  • 36




    ITF- 4

    Reference No.: Date:

    Section I : Requester Information

    Branch/Division Name :

    Submitted by :

    Contact No. :

    Request Details :

    Justification :

    Request Date :

    Signature and Seal (Requester) Signature and Seal (Head of the Office)

    Section II : Approvals

    The undersigned agrees and accepts the change documented on this form.

    Name :

    Designation :

    Comments :

    Date :

    Signature and Seal :

    Section III : Implementer Details

    The undersigned has implemented the requested change on this form.

    Request reference No. :

    Date of Request Implementation :

    Request Implementation Details :

    Was Request done successfully? Yes / No (put details below)

    Short description in case of failure :

    Name :

    Designation :

    Signature and Seal :

    (Ref: Para-4.4.2)

  • 37



    ITF- 5


    Authorization Validity Serial


    Name and

    Designation of the

    authorized persons


    From To


    tion Card


    Authorized by Remarks

    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

    (Ref: Para-, and



    ITF- 6


    (for the use in the Data Center, Server Room, Computer Room)

    Date of


    Name and

    Designation of the

    Authorized Persons

    Address Authorization

    Card No.

    Time of



    ure of




    Purpose of

    Access /

    Work done







    of the





    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

    (Ref: Para-



    ITF- 7

    VISITORS LOG BOOK (For the use in the Data Center, Server Room, and Computer Room)





    of the


    Address Purpose

    of Visit





    of the


    Work done




    Time of



    of the



    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

    (Ref: Para- and

  • 38



    ITF- 8

    USER CREATION FORM (For the use of the user section of branch/department)

    01. I. Name of the User :

    II. Designation :

    III. Address :

    IV. Date of Joining :

    V. Transfer from :

    02. Name of the



    03. User Status : Administrator/Data Controller/Data

    processor/ Data Operator/ Teller .

    04. User Rights Proposed

    : Module Name(s) : (Read, Write, Delete, Copy, Change, Print)



    Recommended/Proposed by:

    Signature :


    Approved By :

    Signature :

    (Manager/Head of Department or Office).

    (For use of computer section of the branch/computer department/system owner department)

    Accepted for implementation for the

    following rights:






    Signature :


    ( Branch Manager/ Head of Department office-

    system owner)

    User Created :

    a)On: .. .

    b)User ID: .

    c)User Password Envelop No : .. .

    Signature with seal

    (In charge of System Admistrator)

    (Ref: Para- and

  • 39



    ITF- 9


    We, the undersigned handing over and receiving respectively today the

    ...............(date) at am/pm the sealed cover in respect of the followings:




    in terms of the order


    of (name of the order issuing office)

    presence of the following witness (officer/staff).


    (Handing over Officer)

    Name :


    Address :


    (Receiving Officer)

    Name :


    Address :

    Counter Signature:

    Name of the counter signing officer:


    Address :

    NB: After receiving the passwords the receiving officer will open the sealed envelop alone and

    confirm the passwords applying in the system/database. S/he will change the passwords just after

    checking and again handed over the same in a sealed envelop to the Head of the Computer

    Department/branch manager documentarily.

    (Ref: Para- and

  • 40



    ITF- 10


    Name of the System:.

    Backup taken by








    Backup Type

    (full /


    Name Designation Signature


    sent to


    code no.


    of the



    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

    (Ref: Para-7.3.7)

  • 41


    (Ref: Para-3.3.1)

    Principal Maintenance

    Engineer (AGM)-1

    Senior Maintenance

    Engineer (SPO)-2

    Synopsis 1 Deputy General Manager 1 Senior Operation Manager (AGM) 1 Senior System Analyst (AGM) 1 System Administrator (AGM) 1 Database Administrator (AGM) 1 Principal Maintenance Engineer (AGM) 2 Operation Manager (SPO) 2 System Analyst (SPO) 2 Senior Programmer (SPO) 1 Assistant System Administrator (SPO) 1 Assistant database Administrator (SPO) 2 Senior Maintenance Engineer (SPO) 4 Computer Operation Supervisor (PO) 4 Assistant System Analyst (PO) 4 Programmer (PO) 4 Maintenance Engineer (PO) 6 Senior Computer Operator (SO) 12 Assistant Programmer (SO) 8 Assistant Maintenance Engineer (SO) 6 Computer Operator (Officer) 2 Data Entry control Supervisor (Officer) 2 Senior Data Entry/Control Operator (Supervisor) 2 Data Entry/Control Operator (Jr Assistant) 5 Peon

    TOTAL = 75

    Deputy General Manager (Information Technology) -1

    Asst System Administrator/

    Asst DBA(SPO)-2

    System Analyst


    Assistant System Analyst (PO)-4

    Maintenance Engineer


    Computer Operator


    Senior System Analyst/ System Administrator/ Database Administrator


    Assistant Maintenance

    Engineer (SO)-8

    Senior Programmer


    Programmer (PO)-4

    Assistant Programmer


    Senior Operation Manager


    Operation Manager (SPO)-2

    (DC-1 & DRS-1)

    Computer Operation Supervisor (PO)-4

    Senior Computer Operator (SO)-6

    Senior Data Entry/ Control Operator





    Peon -1

    Data Entry Control

    Supervisor (Officer)-2

    Data Entry/ Control

    Operator (Jr Assistant)-2

  • 42

    Job Description of IT Related Personnel


    1. Deputy General Manager of Information Technology (IT) Department

    DGM(IT) is responsible for -

    Planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling and

    implementing of the policies and procedure as contained in the

    Information Technology Security Policy of the bank;

    Formulation of plans and programs for organizing, developing and

    managing computerization information technology system


    Taking appropriate steps and measures needed for implementation of

    the computerization plan;

    Coordinating procurement committee and banks technical committee

    on computerization;

    Present working papers on computerization to the management.

    Approving changes in production site, data center, communication

    media in respect of the asset management, operating procedure

    management and request management.

    Managing procurement of computer hardware, software, peripherals

    and other accessories as required by the bank.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    2. System Analysis, Design and Programming:

    A. Senior System Analyst/ System Analyst/ Assistant System Analyst.

    They are responsible for -

    Evaluating business procedures and problems reasonably;

    Understanding the capabilities of the bank's equipment, software and

    providing recommendations about selection of new equipment or

    software packages;

    Analyzing systems for the banks own use ;

    Interviewing method of data collection, conducting surveys and

    observing employees performances;

    Preparing charts and diagrams that constitute a representation of the

    new system which Banks executives can understand;

    Analyzing cost benefit for implementing the proposed system;

    Preparing specifications for programmers to follow;

  • 43

    Coordinating the test problems to debug the system and participating in

    trial runs;

    Determining computer hardware and software needed to set up the

    system, designing application software;

    Preparing system documentation and instructional/user manuals.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    B. Senior Programmer/ Programmer/ Assistant Programmer.

    They are responsible for -

    Writing programs creating a logical series of instructions the computer

    can follow, applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject

    matter, and symbolic logic;

    Coding instructions into programming languages, test and debug

    programs to get intended results;

    Analyzing, reviewing, and rewritings programs using workflow charts

    and diagrams, converting detailed logical flow charts into language that

    computers can process;

    Preparing flow charts and block diagrams and encoding resultant

    equations for processing, developing programs from workflow charts or

    diagrams, considering computer storage capacity, speed, and intended

    use of output data;

    Preparing detailed workflow charts and diagrams from programs to

    illustrate sequence of steps to describe input, output, and logical

    operation, write documentation of program development and

    subsequent revisions;

    Revising existing programs to increase operating efficiency or to adapt

    new requirements;

    Consulting managerial and technical personnel to clarify program

    intent, identify problems and suggest changes;

    Writing instructions to guide operating personnel during production


    Preparing records and reports as per requirement;

    Collaborating vendors and users in developing new programming


    Assisting system analysts or computer operators to resolve problems in

    running computer programs;

    Imparting training to subordinates in programming and program coding.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


  • 44

    3. Computer Operation and Management:

    A. Senior Operation Manager/Operation Manager/Computer Operation


    They are responsible for -

    Managing all sorts of operations using computer hardware, software and


    Understanding management need for information and banks obligations

    for providing or presenting information to the government, central bank

    and other bodies;

    Coordinating information sources and destinations within and outside of

    the bank, coordinating system development groups, vendors for

    improving computer systemic operations;

    Defining and structuring appropriate operation procedure for

    information gathering, data capture, data validation and processing

    using computer systems;

    Supervising implementation of the structured operational systems and

    procedures according to the requirement of the bank;

    Recommending information system needs and requirements to the


    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    B. Senior Computer Operator/Computer Operator/ Data Entry/ Control


    They are responsible for-

    Implementing all sorts of operations using computer hardware, software

    and peripherals;

    Understanding management need for information and banks obligations

    for providing or presenting information to the government, central bank

    and other bodies;

    Coordinating information sources and destinations within and outside

    the bank;

    Coordinating system development groups for improving computer


    Implementing operation procedure designed for information gathering;

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


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    C. Senior Data Entry/Control Operator, Data Entry/Control Operator

    They are responsible for-

    Maintaining physical aspects of the computer system including personal

    computers, peripherals, operating systems and application software

    media kits;

    Performing all sorts of operations including desktop works using

    computer system;

    Maintaining inventory for all shorts Hardware, Software and peripherals

    including software media kits;

    Understanding information need and coordinating information sources

    and destinations within the bank;

    Coordinating system development groups for improving computer


    Obeying operational procedure designed for information gathering.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    4. Hardware Maintenance and Control:

    Principal Maintenance Engineer/ Senior Maintenance Engineer/

    Maintenance Engineer/ Assistant Maintenance Engineer.

    They are responsible for-

    Installation, configuration, maintenance, management and control of

    the computer systems;

    Examining and analyzing technical reports, manuals, brochures and

    recommending purchases of servers, personal computers, hardware,

    software and peripherals;

    Testing and evaluating the hardware and software to determine

    efficiency, reliability and compatibility with the system and upgrade


    Ensuring system security, installing system applications, distributing

    software upgrades, monitoring related activities;

    Enabling and enforcing software licensing agreements;

    Developing storage management systems and providing for routine


    Processing procurement of computer hardware, software, peripherals

    and other accessories as required by the bank.

    Managing vendors and directing the work of system technicians and

    computer support staff.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


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    5. System Administration and Control

    A. System Administrator/ Assistant System Administrator.

    They are responsible for-

    Managing bank's information technology setup including computers,

    peripherals and operating systems;

    Testing and evaluating the hardware and software to determine

    efficiency, reliability and compatibility with the system and upgrade


    Ensuring network security, installing new applications, distributing

    software upgrades;

    Maintaining given multi-user system and dealing control over the

    information on the system;

    Administering access control, creating and maintaining system users,

    controlling users power/ right and managing system controls;

    Monitoring daily activity, enabling and enforcing licensing agreements;

    Designing and developing storage management program and providing

    routine backups;

    Managing vendors and directing the work of network technicians and

    computer support staff;

    Managing and maintaining the servers and computers in the following


    o Data Center and DRS level: Operating System for Core Banking Database

    Server and Switching Server, Application Server, Host Security Module

    (HSM), Network Access Controller (NAC), Web Server, Mail Server,

    Internet Banking Application server, Internet Banking DB server;

    o Head office level: SWIFT Server, Application Servers including Backup


    o ATM and POS level: ATM and POS Terminal Control Software.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    B. Database Administrator/ Assistant Database Administrator.

    They are responsible for-

    System performance tuning as well as the structuring tables within the

    database, the number of instances to run, and other parameters;

    The physical aspect of the data warehouse, which includes physical

    design, performance, and maintenance activities including backup and


    Administering access control, creating and maintaining database users,

    controlling users power/ right and managing database controls;

    Ensuring the username and password are encrypted properly;

    Administering and managing Standby Servers;

    Managing configuration of application clustering.

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the authority.

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    6. Branch Banking Operations and Management.

    A. IT Operation Manager.

    They are responsible for-

    Managing and maintaining physical aspects of the information

    technology setup including server, personal computers and other


    Managing and maintaining physical aspect of the computer Local Area

    Network (LAN) including physical design of the LAN, power supply

    system, performance and maintenance activities;

    Managing and maintaining media kits for system software, application

    software and utility software including banking application software;

    Maintaining multi-user system and dealing control over the

    information on the system;

    Administering access control, creating and maintaining system users,

    controlling users power/ right and managing system controls;

    Ensuring timely backup of data and managing backup media for onsite

    and offsite preservation;

    Ensuring that the username and password are encrypted properly;

    Maintaining inventory for computer hardware, software including

    licenses, ancillary documents, reports and registers;

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


    B. Second Passing Officer/ Verification Officer.

    They are responsible for-

    Ensuring customer service over the counter for banking purpose;

    Ensuring verification of customers digital specimen signature online

    or otherwise if online fails before payment;

    Ensuring cash payment made by the teller over the counter according

    to their business power/limit after observing rules and regulations;

    Ensuring authentication of fund transfer from and to the accounts

    within the bank;

    Ensuring transaction entry into the respective modules of the banking

    application software for processing;

    Managing generation statements and reports relating to the customers

    accounts for use of the customers or for the purpose of the bank;

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


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    C. Senior Teller/ Teller.

    They are responsible for-

    Serving customers over the counter for banking purpose;

    Receiving cash from the customers over the counter against proper

    authentication and observing rules and regulations;

    Ensuring verification of customers digital specimen signature online

    or otherwise if online fails before payment;

    Making cash payment to customers over the counter according to their

    business power limit after observing rules and regulations;

    Transferring fund from and to the accounts within the bank;

    Ensuring transaction entry into the respective modules of the banking

    application software for processing;

    Holding keys of the safe vault with appropriate formalities.

    Holding cash in hand, cash in counter and cash in vault over night;

    Also responsible for performing job whatsoever assigned by the competent


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    A term is listed in this Glossary only if it is used in this document with a connotation

    different from normal usage.

    Access Control: Functions that limit access to information or information processing

    resources to persons or applications.

    Physical access controls are those, which are based on placing physical barriers

    between unauthorized persons and the information resource being protected.

    Logical access controls are those, which employ other means.

    Alarm: Indication of an unusual or dangerous condition or security violation, which

    may require immediate attention.

    Application: Task or set of tasks to be accomplished by the information processing


    Audit: Function that seeks to validate that controls are in place, adequate for their

    purposes and report inadequacies to the appropriate levels of management.

    Audit Trail: Collection of records from an information processing facility indicating

    the occurrence of certain actions, used to determine if unauthorized use or

    attempted use of the facilities has taken place.

    Authentication: Process that seeks to validate identity or to prove the integrity of

    the information.

    Authentication Token: Device that performs dynamic authentication.

    Backup: The saving of business information in appropriate media to assure business

    continuity in case of loss of resources at the production site.

    Classification: Scheme that separates information into categories so that appropriate

    controls may be applied. Separation may be by type of information, criticality, fraud

    potential or sensitivity.

    Code: Software instructions such as object code (the instructions the computer

    executes) or sort code (the instructions the programmer writes). System of principles

    or rules such as fire codes or building codes. Result of a cryptographic process such as

    message authentication code.

    Competent Authority: A designated official to perform specific job given by the


    Contingency Plan: Procedure which, when followed, allows an organization to

    resume operations after natural or other disasters.

    Control: Measure taken to assure the integrity and quality of process.

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