Page 1: September—the real beginning of the year! - Victoria Alexander · PDF fileSeptember—the real beginning of the year! Even though my kids are no longer in school, September feels

September—the real beginning of the year!

Even though my kids are no longer in school, September feels like the start of a new year. Must be some sort of lifelong habit. I do love the fall but honestly—I can't figure out where summer went. How did I miss it? Our road trip to see the eclipse was fabulous. Nothing like hitting the road with one of your best friends and your daughter. We had a lot of fun and met some really great people. It was a once in a lifetime trip. You can read more about it on my website. Plus, I asked you all last month about fantasy road trips with BFFs. You sent way more than I could fit in a newsletter so they're on the website too. Thanks!

And while you're at my website, check out Chapter One of The Rise & Fall of Reginald Everheart—my next Lady Travelers novella. I should probably explain about the Lady Travelers novellas. Right now—I plan to do four Lady Travelers novels and three novellas to go along with the full length books. Great idea. But when I started writing the first novella—intended to be a prequel—it took place thirty years before the first book. I have no idea how that happened. So, the second novella—Rise & Fall—takes place ten years after the first novella and twenty years before the next book. I think the problem is I feel in love with Gwen, Effie and

Poppy—the elderly founders of the Lady Travelers Society. And I want to spend more time with them. I want more of their stories. So, the Lady Traveler novellas are really a kind of mini-series of their own and I hope you enjoy Gwen, Effie and Poppy as much as I do. The Rise & Fall of Reginald Everheart (e-book) goes on sale on November 1st but it will be included as bonus content in the print edition of The Lady Travelers Guide to

Page 2: September—the real beginning of the year! - Victoria Alexander · PDF fileSeptember—the real beginning of the year! Even though my kids are no longer in school, September feels

Larceny with a Dashing Stranger on sale November 28th—just in time for Christmas! Oh yeah, you can read Chapter One of Larceny on my website too. Okay, I've updated my website to include the new books, the road trip page and added a new printable book list. Now it's back to work on the next Lady Travelers book—The Lady Travelers Guide to Deception with an Unlikely Earl. Yep, we have a title. Now for everything that follows. Next month, I'm following the inspiration of Lady Travelers and heading for Portugal and Spain. How cool!!! If you've ever been to that part of the world, or have ever wanted to go, what should I see? And where should I go? Send your suggestions to me at [email protected] That's it for now. You all take care and travel safe. Best, Victoria

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