

September 2015


President’s Message page 2 First Vice President’s Report page 3 Programs & Miniworkshops 2015-16 page 4 December 2015 Towel Exchange page 4 Miniworkshop Form page 5 Sample pages 6-8 Library News page 9 Spinzilla page 9 Future Weaving Workshops page 10

Directory Additions & Changes page 10 Meeting Minutes page 11 Sample Schedule page 12 Audit Report page 12 Rock Ledge Ranch Opening Day Demos page 13 Hospitality page 13 2015-16 Proposed Budget page 14 Treasurer’s Report page 15 Officers and Chairpersons page 15 Advertising rates page 16

Rust throw by Dottie Weir for a wool color & design study


President's Message By Sandy Hutton

After an exhausting summer, it is going to be wonderful to get back with fiber friends. If you missed the great June, 2015 newsletter, make sure you read it on our website. It is remarkable to realize all the things that our members have done and plan to do to support our fiber passion.

I’m looking forward to hearing, and possibly seeing at the September meeting, your results for the 2014-2015 President’s Challenge to learn something new for you. Some of you have shared your experiences with me–studying a new technique, finishing a project needing hemming (learning more about handwork or finished in some other way)–something challenging to you. We’ll spend time during the meeting with follow-up reports. I’m afraid I’m still being challenged getting Photoshop to cooperate with me and my new loom. Ray and I have spent quite a bit of time this summer working out loom kinks, but it is threaded and weaving. I’ll share with you some of the things I’ve learned about autodenting and setts this summer. We won’t have a lot of time, so plan to keep it short.

As stated in the President’s Message in the June newsletter (go back and read it), I want us to look at blocks to creativity this year. I wish all of you could have heard the great keynote speech given by Robyn Spady at IWC in July. She really hit on learning and personal development as she has progressed as a weaver. She humorously described how she overcame blocks to creativity. I could easily sit through her presentation again.

Our life is full of blocks to creativity. There are many, many woven pieces out there. Why would my weaving be considered excellent or even good? Sometimes we have a “dog on the loom” and no matter what we do, it never turns out. It is frustrating and makes us sad. Instead of accepting that some things just aren’t successful, we beat ourselves up. We neglect the fact that failures also help us grow and become more accomplished. We need to accept that creating art requires us to push ourselves. We love to throw the shuttle, but we need to critically evaluate what we are doing. AND, by critical, I mean positive AND negative, not just negative. Maintain your desires, ideas, and hopes but also realize that this particular project may not be “it”, but is a step along the way. So, relish the road to what is in your mind, but don’t be afraid to realize that some failures help you get to what you are dreaming about. Don’t beat yourself up.

Last year I served HGA by being an examiner for the Certificate of Excellence (COE) submissions in Boise, ID. There were seven Level I and one Level II applicants. It took several days and during that time I discussed with the Boise weaving guild, a guild smaller than our own, how they got to have four (yes, FOUR) Level II COE recipients and one who passed Level I while I was there. The Boise guild has an ongoing study group for the COE. Everyone I’ve ever talked with who has been through the process of Level I remarks about what a tremendous learning activity the process provides. I’m familiar with the rules and regulations for the COE and their activities are completely within the boundaries. I want to see if there is interest in PPWG for us to form a study group for Level I. I’ll throw this out at the September meeting so think about if you would like to develop and refine technical weaving skills. I’m willing to be a part of such a group so if you’re interested, plan to spend a few minutes after the presentation at the September meeting.


Greetings from the First Vice-President By Cherie Irvin

Whew! Is your summer going by as fast as mine is? Why don't you grab another cup of coffee or tea, sit down and read this newsletter cover to cover. It’s time to take time for you. And then get ready for another fabulous year of our guild meetings, programs and workshops. On September 11, we will have our first meeting of the guild year. Our program will be about Textile

Preservation and Conservation, given by Allison McCloskey. Allison is Associate Conservator of Textiles at the Denver Art Museum, where she specializes in the treatment and preventive conservation of historic and artistic textiles and prepares objects for the museum’s rich exhibit schedule. She is particularly intrigued by the challenges presented by composite objects, where a variety of materials respond differently to changes in environment, as well as the care, storage, and display of oversized textiles.

Our first Mini Workshop of the year is planned for October 9, 2015. We have room for a maximum of ten participants for this Mini Workshop on Ice Dyeing. No previous

experience with dyes is required. Learn both wet and dry techniques for dyeing with ice; how to choose colors for blending and contrast, plus general information on working with fiber reactive dyes. Participants will dye two silk scarves during this class. There is a registration form in this newsletter. Please fill out the form, and mail according to the directions on the form or bring to the September meeting. The deadline is October 1st to register. Remember, spend at least fifteen minutes every day doing the things you love, preferably more. Looking forward to a new guild year and making new friends and seeing old friends again, Cherie

Allison McCloskey


Programs and Mini Workshops 2015-2016

Month Program Topic September 11 Textile Preservation & Conservation Allison McCloskey October 9 Dyeing as an Addiction Jan Seltman Mini-workshop: Ice Dyeing Jan Seltman November 13 Rep Weave at Intermountain Weavers Conference Robin Monogue December 11 More Than Four Profiles - Hand Towel Exchange (Stash Sale & Potluck) Sandy Hutton, Sarah Richards, Doreen McLaughlin, Robin Monogue January 8 200 Rugs - How I Got Started and Why I Can't Stop Beverly Weaver February 12 Weaving in Bethel Judith Hamilton March 11 Textiles of Bhutan Judi Arndt April 5 -7 Major Workshop: Weaving with Handpainted Yarn Diane Smith & Catherine Chung April 8 Beloved Skein to Beloved Weaving Diane Smith & Catherine Chung Mini-workshop: Exploring Bateman - Sharing Color/ Texture Samples Diane Smith & Catherine Chung May 13 Textiles from Around the World (Installation of Officers & End of Year Luncheon) Chris Switzer

December 2015 Hand Towel Exchange We all enjoy weaving towels, as well as sharing them with our friends and family. What better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a towel exchange! To participate, please bring a towel you have woven to the December guild meeting, where we will draw names and exchange towels. Pin a tag to your towel listing the fiber content and your name. The finished towel should be approximately a standard hand towel size, which ranges from 15” x 28” to 16” x 32” (after wet-finishing and hemming). You are welcome to weave larger towels if you choose. Please use yarns that make nice towels, such as cotton, cottolin, hemp, or linen. If your loom is not wide enough, you could weave the towel in sections, and piece it with flat seams, as in Kente cloth. Start thinking about ideas for designs you would like to weave, there’s plenty of time left before the holidays!


Pikes Peak Weavers Guild Ice Dyeing

Presented by Jan Seltman

October 9, 2015 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Workshop: Ice Dyeing No previous experience with dyes is required. Learn both wet and dry techniques for dyeing with ice; how to choose colors for blending and contrast, plus general information on working with fiber reactive dyes. Participants will dye two silk scarves during this class. Location: Judi Arndt's house, 4708 Brady Place, Colorado Springs. Registration: The cost is $15 to be received with your registration form by October 1, 2015. There will also be a materials fee of $20 which will be paid directly to Jan Seltman at the workshop. Due to limited space please submit your registration form and check by October 1, 2015. There is a limit of 10 participants. Cancellation Policy: In order to host the workshop we must have a guaranteed enrollment. If you cannot attend the workshop after registering, we will try to fill your spot from a waiting list. If we do not have a waiting list, it is your responsibility to find a replacement person or pay the workshop fee. Questions: Please contact Cherie Irvin [email protected] (623-764-6799) or Edna Devai [email protected] (303-681-0300) You can bring your form and check (made out to PPWG) to the September meeting, or if you are mailing your form and check, please send it to: Cherie Irvin, 892 Pinon Lane, Florissant, CO 80816. Please remember registration forms and checks will be entered on the list in the order received. Fill in with contact information Registration: Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ I agree with the participation terms and cancellation policy of this workshop. Signature ___________________________________________ Date ______________


A Two Block John Murphy Profile

By Heather Hubbard

John Murphy was a professional weaver in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1827, he published A Treatise on the Art of Weaving. Here is a 2 block profile from his chapter on Dornic and Diaper, number 15. Notice the nice Fibonacci sequence, beginning in the middle of the motif, 1, 2, 3, 5 then 2, 1 and reverse (2,5,3,2,1). The profile tie is direct and the profile treadling is as drawn in. Those who took my Draft Inspirations workshop have this and other profiles.

And I tried a different color sequence.

I added some color.


See Davison's, A Handweaver's Pattern book for more 4 shaft adaptation possibilities. For example, see Twill Blocks on page 31, or M's and O's variations on page 59.

You can apply the profile to any structure you want. Some structures, of course work easier than others. Here I've applied a direct substitution of this profile for Swedish Lace on 4 shafts. This would also make a great repp weave on 4 shafts (see Designing with Blocks by Doramay Keasbey),


Here is a direct substitution of this profile, with color, in twill blocks on 8 shafts. Notice the tie up is broken twill and follows the profile tie up (dark in lower left and upper right quadrants). Also the treadling is twill and follows the profile treadling. I used this pattern with 8/2 warp sett 24 epi with weft of 8/2, which I had to be very hard to get to square up. A 10/2 weft would have woven easier. Or changing the sett to 20 epi, keeping the 8/2 weft. This however, would have made the resulting textile wider than I wished.

And here is the woven version.



Linda Shaffer

New Items: Several new books and all of the summer editions of magazines have been added to the library. All of these will be available for check-out at the September meeting.

Returns: Many members took advantage of using library materials over the summer. We have almost sixty books and magazines checked-out. All materials that are currently on loan from the library need to be returned at the September meeting to avoid fines.

Library Hours: The library is open on meeting days from 9:00-9:30 and between the business meeting and program, normally 10:30-11:00. If you are unable to attend the business meeting, but come for the program; make sure you arrive in time (10:50) to return any books before the program begins. We want to have all check-ins and shelving of books completed by the time we close the library. It is difficult to keep up with this when we sometimes have several people all needing to be in one tiny space.

Check Out Policies: The latest issue of periodicals and new books (new within current 6 months) are a one month check out. Everything else in the library can be checked out for a two month period. Several people are concerned about checking out books and then getting fines because of inclement weather. Because of the two month check out period this would usually not be an issue. If we do have a bad weather day, it would more than likely be an issue for many people, and so library fines would not be an issue on that day.

Spinzilla at the Denver Art Museum Bring your wheel and fiber to the Denver Art Museum on Sunday October 11th, 2015 between 10:30-3:30 and join other spinners who are participating in the 3rd Annual Spinzilla Competition. Even if you’re not on a Spinzilla team, you are invited to spin along in celebration of Spinning and Weaving Week. Spinzilla is a fundraiser that promotes and supports fiber arts education for youth in America. In 2014 Spinzilla went global, and has continued to grow on both the domestic and international level. Spinzilla is bringing people together from all over the world. Last year, Schacht Spindle Company and the Denver Art Museum hosted a spin-in on the final day of the competition. Over 70 spinners participated, representing five local teams. This year, we will return with our wheels in tow and fiber in our hands. Spinzilla at the Denver Art Museum was awarded a Star Award for Ultimate Group Celebration from the National Committee of American Craft Week. There’s no charge to participate, just e-mail us at [email protected] to let us know that you’ll be joining us at the DAM. The Schacht Spinzilla team is filled, but rogue spinners and other teams are welcome.


Future Weaving Workshops By Linda Shaffer

JOY Workshop

April 5th, 6th, and 7th 2016

Our 3 day round robin color weaving workshop with JOY using their beautiful hand painted fibers will be held in the Carriage House at Penrose House. We now have 17 people on the preliminary signup for this workshop. People that are signed up will be receiving their sign-up packet soon by email and the deposit will also be due. If you are interested in this workshop please contact Linda Shaffer [email protected] to add your name to the list. (The workshop is limited to 20people.) After the September meeting, it will be open to members of the Pueblo Guild. Go to to see more information on the presenters and the workshop.

Robyn Spady Workshop

Oct. 11th, 12th, 13th 2016

There are currently 22 people signed up for this workshop. This workshop is titled “Extreme Warp Make Over. It is a four shaft workshop, it is not a round robin, and it is on the pending schedule at Penrose House. If you are interested, please contact Linda Shaffer [email protected] to add your name to the waiting list. The deposit and information for the workshop will be sent out to everyone on the list in January. To read more about Robyn, go to her website: <>.

Directory Additions &

Changes Tina Broderson 7960 West Caley Drive Littleton, CO 80123-3584 weftØØ 303.794.5988, 303.241.0607 24S AVL Workshop Dobby, 8S & 4S Schacht Baby Wolfs, Majacraft Suzie SW, Reeves Saxony SW


Pikes Peak Weavers Guild Summer Board Meeting Minutes for August 27, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Hutton at 1:10 p.m. Attending were Sandy Hutton, Cherie Irvin, Edna Devai, Sarah Richards, Betsy Anderson, Bernadette Marquez, Judi Arndt, Linda Shaffer, Julia Nace and Robin Monogue.

Betsy Anderson gave the financial report which is printed elsewhere in this newsletter.

Colorado Weavers Day – Bernadette Marquez – discussion was held on finalization of the venue, the tentative schedule of events and the keynote speaker.

Membership Brochure – Bernadette reported for Joan Murphy who couldn’t attend – discussed updating the brochure, adding the PPWG logo, changing the font and checking out printing costs.

Membership – there are 10 fewer members than last year and all non-renewing members were contacted by phone.

Barbara Walker May Workshops Report – Sandy reported on the final figures for Beverly Weaver and Sally Kuhn who couldn’t attend.

Website Development – Robin Monogue – discussed updating the website, a new site host, time spent and cost of website project over the regular duties of Website Master, possible remuneration of contract work, and costs involved for budgeting. Also talked about guild broadcast email changes. Bernadette moved to add $1000.00 to the budget to update the website. The motion was seconded and passed.

Scholarships – Judi Arndt – discussed the scholarship program and the method of payback to the guild for receipt of a scholarship. Sandy will check the Bylaws and Standing Rules and report back at the next board meeting. Betsy, Cherie Irvin and Sarah Richards will check into scholarship amounts and report back.

Major Workshops – Linda Shaffer – The April 2016 JOY Workshop is finalized. The 2017 Robin Spady Workshop is still being worked on.

Programs – Cherie Irvin – reviewed the programs and workshops for the guild year 2016-2017, and the 2017-2018 year.

Library – Linda Shaffer – discussed library space, data entry and problems with our software.

Proposed Budget for 2015-2016 – Betsy Anderson – reviewed proposed budget and added website development category after previous motion. Proposed budget will be published in the September newsletter and voted on at the September meeting.

Sandy proposed adding a COE Study Group to help take beginning weavers to advanced status.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.


Sample Sign Ups for 2015-2016 Newsletter - Heather Hubbard Thanks so much to everyone who signed up for the coming year of samples for our newsletter. Please notice that there are lots of openings for weaving, spinning and dyeing. Here's an opportunity to share your experiences with our guild members. Tell us what inspired you and what you have learned from your sampling. Sign up for an open sample slot by email ([email protected]). Please submit two (2) samples for each sample you sign up for, using the guidelines below, along with a digital photo using .jpg format, and your text description in .pdf or .doc format. Weaving Samples: 6”x6” minimum, 8”x10.5” maximum, a draw down in .wif format Spinning Samples: approximately 4 yards long wound into butterflies Dyeing Samples: on any fiber, yarn or handwoven cloth – use above guidelines

Email your sample photo .jpg and if applicable .wif draw down to the newsletter editor ([email protected]). Bring or mail your physical sample with documentation (2 hard copies, one for each notebook) to me (Heather Hubbard 17925 Black Squirrel Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908). If you cannot take a digital photo, or create a .wif draw down of your sample, or print out your documentation, arrange with me ([email protected] or call 719-495-1873) to do so well in advance of your due date. We have 2 sets of physical samples in notebooks in our library, one of which may be checked out. Take a look at our past samples. Get inspired to contribute a sample of your own.

Pikes Peak Weaver’s Guild Financial Audit for the Period of June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015

On June 26, 2015, Linda Shaffer, Mary Madison and Cherie Irvin conducted the audit of the Pikes Peak Weaver’s Guild financial books for the 2014-2015 fiscal year at the home of Betsy Anderson, PPWG Treasurer. Betsy supplied all of the applicable bank statements, checkbook registers, financial printouts, deposit slips and receipts for the Wells Fargo accounts which hold the Guild’s Operating and Fund for Excellence in Fiber Arts monies, and the separate account which holds the Guild’s Memorial Fund savings account. The checkbook registers, deposit slips and computer printouts were compared against the bank statements with the necessary reconciliations; and the disbursements were checked against the receipts. All of the financial records were found to be in good order. At the end of May 31, 2015, the following totals were noted: Operating Monies: $12,194.66 Fund for Excellence in Fiber Arts: $4,932.27 Memorial Fund Savings Account: $5,916.33 Submitted by: Linda Shaffer, Mary Madison, Cherie Irvin


Opening Day at Rockledge Ranch As is our tradition PPWG participated in the opening of the summer season at Rockledge Ranch located next to the Garden of the Gods Park. For many years our guild has been invited by the city to demonstrate weaving, spinning and dyeing during the annual sheep shearing at the Ranch. Various weaving techniques were demonstrated to include weaving on meat trays and CD weaving. The weaving and spinning are done in the barn area with the assistance of Doreen McLaughlin, Deb McCaleb, Cathy Sterling, Bernadette Marquez, Mary Madison, Cheryl Rinker, and Cherie Irvin. We were also ably assisted by Brian McCaleb, Doreen’s brother-in-law. It is always appreciated having a man to help with the hauling. The dyers hung out in the blacksmith’s stall down next to the sheep shearing pens. We had three stoves going heating up natural dyes. We used mostly natural dye extracts with alum mordant. The fleece we received last year was washed and dyed because the Merino fleece we were given has so much grease it does not dye very well raw. The people attending had many questions and enjoyed the presentation. We had many samples of previously natural dyed fiber. The dyers helping were Catie Kiley, Deb Greer, Judi Arndt, and moral support from Peggy Doney. Peggy was spinning some wonderful yarns and drew a lot of attention from everyone. This year the ranch gave use another Merino fleece and one of the new cleaner Corridale fleeces. Cherie Irvin has washed the Corridale. Some of that fleece was used to demonstrate carding and spinning at The Colorado Grown Festival that the guild was invited to participate in August 1st at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum. Jan Seltman, Cheri Irvin, Emma Hutchens, and Judi Arndt set up a lovely exhibit of wool processing. We showed various spindles, spinning wheels, and carders. Many lovely examples of wool were on display. We have had a busy summer.

PPWG Hospitality Schedule 2015-16

Thank you to the following people who signed up last May to bring snacks for our 2015-16 PPWG year. If you would like to add your name to the list, please sign up at the September meeting or send me an email at < [email protected] >. Coffee and hot water for tea are available each time, but we ask that you please bring your own mug. Thank you! September Linda Lugenbill Cathy Sterling October November Robin Monogue December January Cherie Irvin February Joan Murphy March Doreen McLaughlin April Catie Kiley May I will send the monthly volunteers a document with guidelines and procedures at the beginning of the month in which you volunteer. The document will also be available on the website. If you have any questions about set up or clean up, please call me.


PPWG Proposed Budget 2015-2016 Betsy Anderson, Treasurer

Category Income Expense Membership dues 1,960.00 50.00 Programs - 1,122.00 Contributions-general fund 400.00 - Contributions (Weave Design) 100.00 - Scholarships 1000.00 News & Directory Ads 600.00 - Newsletter - 225.00 Directory (print & mail) 10.00 125.00 Equipment Rental & Maintenance 130.00 25.00 Operating Funds/Stash Sale 250.00 - Web Page 60.00 350.00 *3 Web Development 1000.00 *4 Library (May raffle & donations) 250.00 - Business Expense - 600.00 Promotion - 175.00 Demonstrations 25.00 200.00 Special Events CO Weavers Day 8,000.00 8,000.00 *1 Awards - 125.00 Workshops Weaving- Joy 5260.00 5060.00 *2 Mini 525.00 525.00 Miscellaneous - 200.00 $ 16,570.00 $ 17,782.00 Business Expense: Includes budget for Secretary, President, Treasurer, Samples, State of Colorado annual

report, PO Box rental, Rental of church, Hospitality Dedicated monies in operating funds (6/01/2015): (includes annual transfer of $300 each fund) Library: $771.95.95 Demonstrations: $821.15 *1 – Colorado Weavers Income/Expense estimate due to final budget not complete at date of this review *2 - $200 deposit for JOY workshop paid in 2014-2015 year *3 – includes domain, SSL, Hosting costs *4 – includes $500 for templates and software costs, $500.00 for development time Prepared July 2015


Treasurer’s Report May 2015

Betsy Anderson, Treasurer Checking Account Balance Forward 5/1/2015 $ 14,260.49

Operating Monies 13,621.73 Income less Expense -2065.83 -157.00 +140.00 $11538.90 Dedicated Monies 409 Library +157.00 -140.00 179.51 432 Demonstrations 476.25 $655.76

Checking Account Closing Balance 5/31/2015 $12,194.66

Restricted Funds: PPWG Savings Acct. Fund for Excellence in Fiber Arts 5/31/2015 $4,932.27 PPWG Savings Acct. Memorial Fund 5/31/2015 $5,916.33 Total Funds (Checking plus two savings accounts) $23,043.26 *Note $111.57 membership revenue included in May but is for 2015-2016 fiscal year

The Pikes Peak Weavers' Guild meets the second Friday of each month from September through May at the Mountain View Church of Christ, 1080 E. LaSalle St at Paseo in Colorado Springs, CO. Come for coffee, socializing and library time at 9:00 am.

The business meeting starts at 9:30 and the program begins around 11 AM.

Map below is courtesy of Google maps.

Officers: President Sandy Hutton 1st Vice President Cherie Irvin 2nd Vice President Edna Devai Treasurer Betsy Anderson Recording Secretary Sarah Richards Membership Secretary Joan Murphy Member-at-Large Bernadette Marquez Member-at-Large Cathy Sterling Past President Anne Vickrey Evans

Standing Committee Chairpersons: Advertising: Beverly Weaver CWD: Bernadette Marquez Demonstrations: Judi Arndt, Peggy Doney,

Dottie Weir Hospitality: Cathy Sterling Library: Linda Shaffer Assistant Librarian: Julia Nace Major Workshop: Linda Shaffer Newsletter: Doreen McLaughlin Publicity: Bernadette Marquez Samples: Heather Hubbard Website: Robin Monogue Yearbook: Susan Bowman

Email address: [email protected]


Deadline For Next Issue: 20 Sep Advertising Rates: Business card $10.00 ¼ page $15.00 ½ page $20.00 Full page $30.00 Classified Ads: $5.00 for 25 words 25 cents each additional word The PPWG newsletter is published from September through June. To place an ad in the newsletter, we must receive your check or money order by mail (P.O. Box 8104 Colorado Springs CO 80933-8104) and your ad in digital or electronic format to <[email protected]> on or before the 20th of September.

PPWGPO Box 8104Colorado Springs, CO 80933-8104

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