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115-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


Monitoring FrameworkIndependent Monitoring Unit

215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


Outline District Profile Illegally Occupied Schools Closed Schools Teacher Absenteeism Non Teaching Staff Absenteeism Administrative Visits Enrollment Attendance Gap Stipend Detail Schools without buildings 315-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Outline Student Teacher Ratio PTC Fund DSC Meetings Issues / recommendations Pictures 415-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

District Profile515-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

District ProfileThe Team StrengthDMO (1) 1-FilledComputer Operator (2)2-FilledDCMAsMale(13)1-VacantDCMAs Female (09)2-VacantDriver (1)FilledNaib Qasid (1)FilledSecurity Guard (1)Filled615-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

DemographyProjected Population1026804 (as per 1998 census)Total Area1543 km2Population Density 665.5 per Sq. Km

No of Subdivisions (Tehsil) 02 / 04Union Council 56Ratio of Urban and Rural Population 17:83Literacy Rate36%

715-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Illegally Occupied SchoolsOverviewLevel wise and Gender wise details815-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Illegally Occupied Schools OverviewGenderPartialWholeTotalPercentageMale2020.26Female3030.55Total5050.38

Details915-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Illegal Occupied Schools Level and Gender wise1015-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Closed SchoolsOverview Gender wise details of closed schoolsNon functional schools DetailsGender wise details of Non functional schools

1115-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Closed SchoolsOverview

58 closed schools out of 1322 total schools Boys schools = 38 Girls schools = 201215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Closed SchoolsGender wise details

GenderTotal schools surveyedTotal Closed (A)Reason of ClosureStudent and staff is absentSchool is non FunctionalMilitancyOther ReasonsMaleCount7743855028Percentage-5%13% of A13% of A0% of A74% of AFemaleCount5482012305Percentage-4%60% of A15% of A0% of A25% of ATotalCount132258178033Percentage-4%29% of A14% of A0% of A57% of A

Details1315-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


Non-Functional Schools Overview1415-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Non-Functional Schools Level and Gender wise

GenderVisited schoolsNon-Functional PercentageMale77455Female54834Total132284

Level wise details of Non- Functional SchoolsMosquePrimaryMiddleHighH SecTotal440008


1515-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Teacher AbsenteeismOverview Gender wise detailsUn Authorized Absent TeachersLevel wise details of Absent Teachers

1615-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Teachers AbsenteeismOverview1715-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Teacher AbsenteeismGender wise detailsGenderTotal TeachersAbsent TeachersPercentageMale436344810%Female265752020%Total702096814%

1815-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Teacher AbsenteeismLevel wise details1915-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


Un-Authorized Absent Teachers261 unauthorized absent out of 968 total absent teachersBoys schools = 105 Girls schools = 156Details2015-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Habitual absent teaching staffTeaching staff found absent in April , May and September 2014.

Male (33)Female (55)

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Non Teaching Staff AbsenteeismOverview Level wise details of Absent Teachers

2215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Absent Non-Teaching staffOverviewTotal StrengthTotal StrengthTotal Absent StaffSanctioned LeaveOfficial Exam LeaveOther DutyUn Authorized AbsentLate ComerMaleCount1244180611316819%age58%14%5%0.01%2%5%2%FemaleCount90810313029547%age42%11%1%0%3%6%1%TotalCount21522837416012226%age-13%3%0.04%3%6%1%

2315-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Absent Non-Teaching StaffUn-authorizedTotalMalePercentage of Absent MalePercentage of Total MaleFemalePercentage of Absent FemalePercentage of Total Female2152124414%58%90811%42%

Details2415-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Habitual absent non-teaching staffNon teaching staff found absent in April , May and September , 2014.

Male (19)Female (13)15-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK25

Non-Teaching Staff AbsenteeismLevel wise details2615-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Enrollment Attendance GapOverviewPercentage of class wise enrollment attendance gap

2715-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Enrollment Attendance GapOverviewGenderEnrolledPresentAbsentPercentageBoys153021125442747718%Girls101162841351702717%Total2541832096794450418%

2815-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Enrollment Attendance Gap Class wise 2915-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Administrative visitsOverview Level wise detailsDesignation wise details

3015-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Administrative VisitsOverviewGenderSurveys DoneAdministrative visit done%age with reference to total visited schools%age as per mandateMale77428937%Female5486412%Total132235327%

3115-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPKDetails

Administrative visits Level wise details Gender Mosque Primary Middle High H. Secondary Total Male 09268010803289Female 005207030264Total 09320081105353

3215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Administrative VisitsDesignation wise visitsGenderADOSDODEOOtherTotal VisitsRequired as per mandate%age as per mandateMale201300751289Female3814110164Total239441852353

3315-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Deputy Commissioner Office inspection report / detailsS.NoName of OfficerINSPECTION CARRIED OUTPrevious MonthDURING THE MONTHTotalSchoolsBHUs/DHQsSchools/College/Exam: HallsBHUs/DHQsSchools/Colleges/Exam: HallsBHUs/DHQs1Captain Kamran Ahmad Afridi, Deputy Commissioner Swabi25264529312Mr. Altamish Janjua, AC Swabi17237224253Mr. Irshad , AC Lahor0000004Mr. Khalik Dad Wazir, AAC Swabi436304665Mr. Sher Rehman, AAC Lahor114101206Mr. Gulshan Mehmood, AAC Razzar101001017Mr. Payu Khan, AAC Topi020002Total1066215712165

3415-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


StipendOverview3515-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

StipendOverviewEligible StudentsWithout StipendPercentage 28897869 3%

3615-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPKDetails

Schools without BuildingOverview District wise details

3715-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Schools without building OverviewDetails3815-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Schools without buildingLevel wise details

Primary = 1061Middle = 122High = 124H Sec = 15BoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirls614447764677470708

Level wise details of schools without buildings3915-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Student Teacher RatioOverviewLevel wise details

4015-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Student Teacher RatioOverview Enrolled student sTotal filled TeachersRatioBoys153021436335Girls101162265738Total254183702036

4115-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK


actual student teacher ratio (male)

4215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPKS.NoLevel1-1011-2021-3031-5051-6566-80100+1Primary0930883477421042Middle042528150001003High001527320200004Higher Secondary00020302000000


Actual student teacher ratio (female)S.NoLevel 1-1011-2021-3031-5051-6566-80100 +1Primary2638851674525102Middle081514080000003High000814280805004Higher secondary00000105020000

15-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK43

PTC FundsOverview

4415-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

PTC FundOverviewPrimary = 1061Middle = 122High = 124H Sec = 15BoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirls357198522352220502

4515-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

District Steering CommitteeDecision TakenFollow up

4615-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

District steering Meeting Decision TakenDEO (M) and DEO (F) to devise a centralized policy for PTC and to ensure that proper accounts of PTCs are maintained by all Schools. Genuine meetings of the PTC must be ensured and the funds should be utilized on need base analysis.Action should be taken against the officials of closed Schools as well as absent teaching and non-teaching staff with intimation to Deputy Commissioner and DMO Swabi.Immediate action must also be taken against those officials of the teaching and non-teaching staff who have been reported absent in April and May.About the availability/functionality of the basic facilities the directions were issued to repair them from PTC funds.Unique case of PST Zeenat Begum posted in GGPS Kunda Mangal Chai, who had been absent for the last many years (as per local report) DEO (F) was directed to look at to it and take immediate action.DEO (M) and DEO (F) were directed to take action and report it within 10 days.

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District steering Meeting Follow upActions taken on the decision of DSC meetingSDEO (F) Swabi, Miss Nancy has informed in writing to have issued directions for deduction of two days salary from Mr.Fazal Sher , chowkidar in GGPS Rashakai. DEO (M) Swabi, has issued warning to the four absent subject specialist in GHSS Chanai.Two days pay had been deducted from the following absent officials.Muhammad Abbas J/C GHS GajaiMuhammad Iqbal Chowkidar GMKS No.1 Yar HussainSabit Shah Naib Qasid GMS Jalbai ShamaliFazal Wahab Sweeper GMS Tordher No.2Mir Wali Naib Qasib GPS Torder No.4

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Issues and RecommendationsIssuesRecommendation or suggestions

4915-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Issues / Recommendations Some of the head masters / principals are still very unforthcoming in provision of official data i.e. head master GHS Batakara and principal GHS Shewa did not allow head count of the students. Official timings are not followed very rigidly. Infact some Schools follow old timings while others have shifted to the new timings.No uniform standard / policy for casual leave and also the trend of short leave is too frequent.Despite repeated requests photocopies of the CNICs of the teaching and non-teaching staff are not being maintained by heavy majority of the Schools. So physical verification of teaching and non-teaching staff is very difficult for us. And its also very difficult for us to find out proxy teaching or non-teaching staff.

5015-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Continue..A list of the teaching and non-teaching staff along with their place of posting has been provided to us by DEO (Male) and DEO (Female) but the same is outdated. We need an updated list.GGPS Ghulama (23566) needs special mention here. It has been open only in the first two weeks of April. Students were admitted there. Two female teachers from other Schools were assigned the duty to admit the students and then rejoin their original Schools. The School has been reported closed since then. Locals have also raised their hue and cry but to no avail.

5115-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

Continue..PST Miss Zeenat Begum posted in GGPS Kunda Mangal Chai is another case that needs to be highlighted. As per locals report she has been absent for the last many years. As per out monitoring report she has been on casual leave in April (as per attendance register) whereas she has been absent for the rest of the months. Locals have protested against her lengthy absence and the issue had also been discussed in the previous DSC with direction to DEO (Female) to take action against her and report it to Deputy Commissioner Swabi and district monitoring officer Swabi but so far no action has been taken.Despite repeated requests and intimations updated PTC statements are not maintained by almost all the Schools. Many issues have been observed in the use of PTC. Therefore , it is suggested that all Schools heads may be directed to maintain updated bank statements of PTC.5215-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

ContinueSince many issues and irregularities are being observed in the maintaining and expenditure of PTC. It is suggested that if head of the Schools may share date of their PTC meetings with their respective DEOs and the same is being communicated to us in time so our DCMA may also participate in the PTC meeting in the capacity of a neutral observer.Despite the cancellation of detailed posting many teachers are still posted on detail basis. However, it can only be verified after we get the updated list of all teaching and non-teaching staff along with their place of posting from DEO (Male) and DEO (Female) . It seems that there are some misperceptions about IMU. Therefore it is suggested that a joint meeting of IMU staff (Swabi) and DEO (Male) , DEO (Female) administrative staff may be arranged.We would also welcome joint visits with SDEOs and ASDEOs.

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GGPS Karkawand permanently closed15-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK76

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Students not allowed to use the washroom15-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK78

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Thank you8815-October-2014Independent Monitoring Unit, KPK

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