Page 1: Sept prayer calendar 2014

March 2014


21 Pray for David as he leads the Battle of

Britain Memorial Service today with

Father Kitchen, and for all those

affected by war.

22 With another opportunity to invite people to church for the Harvest Service pray that invitations will be made and accepted.

23 Pray for revival in Scotland, so that people have an deep desire for God and that our communities are transformed as the Holy Spirit draws people to God.

24 Pray that God would break chains of

addiction of all kinds but especially

gambling, tobacco, drink and drugs

25 Give thanks for the mature Christians in every aspect of church life who take the time to encourage and build up others.

26 Pray for those affected by slavery in Britain and across the world. Pray for that cruelty to stop and for people to be set free.

27 Pray for members who are ill at the moment, that they would know the presence and peace of God.


Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace

of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your

hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Charity Number: SC004271

28 Pray for Messy Church this afternoon that God would be at work.

29 Pray for Elders and leaders in our church. That they would make decisions that bring honour and glory to God despite any secular pressure that may be brought to bear on them.

30 Pray for courage to step out of your comfort zone and tell someone they are loved by God

Page 2: Sept prayer calendar 2014

14 Pray a strong covering of Gods protection over the Manse family and ask for a special anointing of David’s Ministry. That he would receive God’s direction and vision for the Church and that the word of God would come alive to the congregation as he preaches this morning.

15 Pray forgiveness for perceived sin, guilt and failure in various areas of our lives. May we experience through prayer and faith, the cleansing love of Jesus.

16 Through prayer there are no doors which are closed to us. Pray today for all who suffer injustice, persecution and abuse at the hands of others.

17 Bring before the Lord today the needs

and helplessness of the poor, hungry

and homeless people in Ayrshire.

18 Pray for the vote today: that it would go

smoothly; that people would vote; that

regardless of the result people on both

sides wold find ways to work together

in future for the good of all the people

of Scotland.

19 We lift up all those who suffer from a degenerative disease, particularly those who know you. Bless them in their suffering and meet them in their place of greatest need.

20 Thank God for all of his blessings (make a list and be surprised how many there are).

8 Give thanks for those who visited church yesterday. Ask that God would reveal himself to them so that they might come to know him better, or for the first time.

9 Give thanks and praise for the Open Doors Ministry which takes the word of God to the persecuted church in North Korea. May their work in that country be richly blessed.

10 Pray for the members of our church family who are sick and unable to come to church services or share in fellowship. That they would feel God’s loving arms surround them and know He is with them.

11 Pray for the newly appointed leaders of the Young church. That they will be truly blessed in their Ministry. Pray for more children to attend in Prestwick and in Monkton.

12 Give thanks and ask God’s blessing on all who have been moved to provide the Christ In Action Food-bank with the means to meet the needs of 400 people in food crisis over the last 6 months. The Glory and success of this Project belongs to God and is faithfully sustained by His hand.

13 Pray for those families struggling with the loss of a new baby, that they would know the peace and comfort only God can bring.

1 Pray that God would show you who to invite to church on the 7th for Back to Church Sunday. Pray also for the confi-dence to actually invite someone.

2 Pray for peace in Jerusalem and Gaza. That national leaders would work relentlessly to bring an end to the intense suffering of all peoples caught up in the conflict. Pray that enemies may be reconciled and divisions healed.

3 Through prayer there are no doors which are closed to us. Pray today for all who suffer injustice, persecution and abuse at the hands of others.

4 Pray for those afflicted with depression. Ask for the darkness to be lifted in the light of God’s love and grace.

5 Give thanks and praise to the Lord for His unconditional love and understanding, which draws out of us, all the goodness and giftedness each has been blessed with. John 13:34

6 Pray for our Elders today as they meet together for worship and discussion about the future for the congregation. They need wisdom from God to know how to lead.

7 As we gather together in church today, pray for the highest expectations of meeting Jesus in each other, of sharing our God given gifts and resources and uniting in worship with heartfelt praise.

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