  • Web-facing Applications Security Assessment Tools and Strategies

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    Web-facing Applications: Security Assessment Tools and Strategies


    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    Businesses are constantly creating web applications that offer improved access to information. However, this online presence has opened the door to new information security threats, and web application security assessments often fall short in their results. Read this expert E-Guide to learn how you can properly assess web application threats and the tools your organization can use.

    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats By: Nick Lewis, Enterprise Threats

    Nearly all businesses now cultivate a presence online. They do so not only to

    provide information, but also to interact with their customers via Web apps,

    blogs and forums. From an online retailer's interactive baby registry, to an

    electronic trading site's investment calculator, or a software vendor's

    interactive support forums, on a daily basis enterprises are spawning new

    Web applications that offer enhanced access to information.

    This rapid rise of business-centric interactivity on the Web has, in turn,

    brought forth new information security threats that were not previously

    present in an organizations static webpages. These threats have been

    targeted specifically at Web applications, including supplementary Web

    servers, databases and other supporting infrastructure of an organization.

    In this tip, we will examine the most urgent threats to Web-facing applications

    today and how security teams can make them secure.

    Urgent threats to Web-facing applications

    There have been a number of recent reports from such vendors as Cenzic

    Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co.(.pdf), Imperva Inc.(.pdf), Veracode Inc. (.pdf),

    Whitehat Security Inc. (.pdf) and, most recently, Verizon, which assessed

    numerous Web application threats facing enterprises today. The two most

    common threats to Web applications from all of the reports were cross-site

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    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. Both of these threats have been around

    years, but Web applications remain vulnerable to them.

    Given the prevalence of these incidences and the abundance of tools

    available for XSS and SQL attacks, organizations must significantly improve

    Web application security before the risk of such attacks can be reduced.

    New, less prevalent Web application threats have started to emerge, but

    most attacks still exploit these most basic weaknesses.

    Making Web applications more secure

    There are a couple basic ways for security teams to make Web applications

    more secure. This includes improving Web application development and

    implementing new tools to help manage new information security risks to

    Web applications. These methods complement each other and therefore

    should not be used individually without other security controls in place.

    Improving Web application development to improve the security of Web

    applications should be part of any software or security development lifecycle.

    There are many resources on software development lifecycles (SDLCs),

    including Microsoft and general resources from DHS National Cyber Security

    Division on building security into enterprise software development. Most

    relevant to improving Web application security are the focused guides from

    Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), which include the

    Development Guide 2010, which discusses secure Web application

    development. As a part of an SDLC, users may want to include checks for

    the most prevalent threats to Web applications and regularly update the

    threat list. All of these tactics can be used to train developers on secure ways

    to improve applications to ensure security bugs are minimized, found faster

    and fixed faster.

    Separately, the other important way to mitigate threats to Web-facing

    applications is by implementing new tools to help manage Web application

    security. These tools may not be new per se, but for many organizations,

    products like Web application firewalls and Web application security

    scanners have never been a consideration because they've either been able

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    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    to avoid the compliance requirements that call for them, or because Web-

    based threats were never a significant concern.

    Yet these and other related emerging Web defense technologies can be

    used to successfully block Web application-layer attacks and for scanning for

    Web application vulnerabilities. Web application security scanners can be

    included in your SDLC testing phase or as a standalone project to proactively

    evaluate the security of your Web applications. Web application firewalls

    inspect Web traffic for attacks on a Web application, often blocking the most

    common attacks. To that point, Web application firewalls and Web

    application security scanners will not block or detect all attacks or

    vulnerabilities, so both tools will need to be constantly updated to detect new


    These tools should extend on your existing controls in place, but you should

    understand how the urgent threats bypass many of the traditional security

    controls. For example, if you allow HTTP over port 80 through your firewall

    to a Web server, your firewall does not typically evaluate if the network traffic

    is legitimate HTTP traffic or if it includes potentially malicious SQL code used

    for a SQL injection attack. A Web application firewall can inspect the HTTP

    traffic and identify and many times block most SQL injection

    attacks. Remember, no single security tool or control can protect all of an

    enterprises Web applications, although the combination of Web application

    firewalls and Web security scanning provides solid protection against the

    most common XSS and SQL attacks.


    New Web applications that allow organizations to interact with and improve

    relationships with customers have brought new information security risks

    from old static webpages. Traditional security controls have been largely

    ineffective against the urgent Web application threats on their own, but

    extending the traditional controls to include Web application security in

    SDLCs and implementing new web application security tools will help reduce

    the risk of these threats. Those that aren't using these technologies and don't

    have plans to do so should carefully weigh the benefits that such applications

    afford with the potential dangers of expanding their Web presence online.

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    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    Securing today's Web-facing systems against these new threats has become

    an essential priority for any enterprise information security program.

    About the author:

    Nick Lewis, CISSP, is an information security architect at Saint Louis

    University. Nick received his Master of Science in Information Assurance

    from Norwich University in 2005 and Telecommunications from Michigan

    State University in 2002. Prior to joining Saint Louis University in 2011, Nick

    worked at the University of Michigan and previous at Children's Hospital

    Boston, the primary pediatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, as

    well as for Internet2 and Michigan State University.

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy By: Cory Scott, Contributor

    Web application security assessments often fail to produce meaningful

    results, leaving enterprise security teams scratching their heads about what

    went wrong. Some are quick to blame the tools in use, others blame lack of

    application security training and talent in the information security team, and

    many cases, the assessment is treated like a checklist item that is given little

    time, planning or forethought.

    Web application security assessments need to get close enough to the

    application to develop a threat model, look for common vulnerability patterns,

    and customize their approach based on an evaluation of the technologies

    rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. In this tip, well explore each of

    these points.

    Does your Web application security assessment start by getting a grasp of

    the business purpose and justification for why the application exists in the

    first place? Unless you can clearly state what the application requirements

    and expectations for performance are, you can't begin to assess it for

    vulnerabilities. After all, what may seem like a broken function may actually

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    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    be an intended feature; what appears to be sluggish performance may be

    perfectly normal.

    Don't let the application development team bury you in jargon or cryptic

    acronyms; if you don't know what something means, ask. Developers often

    forget that the Web application security assessment team is missing context

    that has already been established within their group. Get out the whiteboard

    and draw out the system as you understand it, and let them correct you or

    add that context.

    Once you have a good understanding of the application, build a quick threat

    model. The following questions will help you to determine which

    vulnerabilities have meaningful effects on the application.

    Who is likely to attempt to abuse this application? Anonymous users

    on the Internet? Your customers? Internal users?

    Where is the trust boundary and what attack surface is exposed to

    untrusted or semi-trusted users?

    What assets are worth protecting? Common assets include the

    integrity of the application's data, availability of the service, the

    confidentiality of user or company data, or the underlying operating

    system or network. Don't forget about client-side threats, where user

    sessions and browser integrity can be targeted.

    What incidents have taken place in the past and what concerns keep

    the application team up at night?

    What security requirements were important enough to be

    documented, and more importantly, what requirements were

    assumed or implied without being documented?

    Web applications often share a set of "deadly features" that have a common

    and frequent pattern of vulnerabilities that usually are platform-independent.

    Things such as file download and upload, custom session management,

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    Web-facing Applications: Mitigating Likely Web Application Threats

    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    authorization and access control, homegrown single sign-on, password

    storage and reset mechanisms, email functionality and search functionality

    often have critical flaws because of the subtle complexity required to

    implement them safely. Make sure you identify these potential problem areas

    when you assess an application, as they are likely to require careful


    An assessment approach should be customized to the situation at hand. If

    the application is a third-party product where source code is not available,

    dynamic vulnerability analysis with tools may be the preferred approach, and

    if the application has a high-risk posture, manual penetration testing may be

    the logical next step.

    Where source is available, work hand-in-hand with the development team to

    use source code analysis tools to look for vulnerabilities. Don't just throw

    Web application security assessment tools over the wall and ask developers

    to run them. Get feedback on each tool's strengths, and invest time in

    learning how to set tools up effectively to get sufficient coverage. Quickly

    throw out classes of findings that are not relevant to your threat model or

    prone to false positives when you first starting using static code analysis

    tools to avoid fatigue.

    When using dynamic analysis tools such as Web application vulnerability

    scanners, make sure the tool "understands" your application as much as

    possible, including where all the application endpoints are and what

    functionality exists. Too many people rely exclusively on a tool's capabilities

    to discover content and test it effectively without verifying the most sensitive

    parts of the application are covered.

    Manual penetration testing should be considered for high-risk applications,

    sometimes in conjunction with code review or dynamic analysis. Leverage

    your penetration testing resources to look for things that are difficult to

    automate, such as threats targeted at data leakage, authentication and

    authorization bypass, and cryptographic vulnerabilities.

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    How to Review Your Web Application Security Assessment Tools, Strategy

    When putting this approach together, realize that organizational change

    takes time. People that are used to steamrolling through the assessment

    process may be hesitant at first to dedicate the necessary time to produce a

    meaningful Web application security assessment. A step-wise approach that

    shows the value for time spent incrementally will often break down some of

    the defensive barriers.

    About the author:

    Cory Scott is a San Francisco-based director at Matasano Security, an

    independent information security research and development firm.

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