  • 1. Primary Sector = Raw materialsFishing, Mining, Forestry, Arable FarmingLivestock FarmingThe economy Secondary Sector = Manufactured ProductsFactories, Artisans Workers, Leather WorkersTertiary Sector = Service SectorDentist, Policeman, Lawyer, Lorry Driver

2. CoastalFishing Deep-sea fising Arablefarming Dryland orIrrigatedLivestockPrimaryFarmingSectorIntensive or ExtensiveForestryQuarries MiningUndergroung Mines 3. They cath smallfishCoastal They return to their hauses in one dayFishing They haverefrigeratorsDeep Sea fishing They cath big fish They return to their hause in two ormore weeks 4. Non-Irrigatedfood cropsFood DrylandCrops LivestockFarming 5. ExtensiveBovineIntensive LivestockFarmingCaprine Avian OvinePorcine 6. Is the explotation offorest to extractplantproductslike cork celluloseand resin 7. MiningUndergroung Quarries Mines 8. They produce manufactured products using rawmaterials They are unlimitedNon-renewable sourcesOil, Coal, Natural gas, Nuclearenergy and Petroleum are non- WaterRenewables Windsourcesrewable sources. They arelimitedSunlight 9. ItermediateConsumer goods goodsOthers Factories Tertiary Sector TertiarySector

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