
Section 2: Composite and Shield Volcanoes, Supervolcanoes and Predicting Volcanic Eruptions

E Tips: Draw a sketch of the volcano IN THIS PHOTO. DO NOT draw a cross section as it doesn’t ask for it and make sure the characteristics (features) are visible in the volcano in the picture. 2 marks for correct sketch, 2 marks for correct labels







1) Study Figure 1, a photograph of Mount Vesuvius, Italy. Draw a labelled

sketch of Figure 1 to show the characteristics of this volcano (4 marks)

2) Describe the characteristics of a shield volcano (3 marks)

Figure 1:

Photo of




E Tips: 1 characteristic = 1 mark, so three characteristics needed for 3 marks

E Tips: Contrast means to write about the differences. Think about your use of connectives to show differences








E Tips: You need to use continent names and compass directions to show the location








2) Contrast the characteristics of shield and composite volcanoes (4 marks)

3) Using Figure 2, describe the location of active volcanoes (3 marks)

Figure 2:

Map of the

















Measurements of sulphur dioxide gas emissions from the Mount St Helens Eruption 1982

tonnes of sulpherdioxide released

E Tips: Look for general pattern first. Describe the type of increase/decrease. Use data/numbers from the graph in your answer. Look for ‘peaks’ and ‘troughs’

Figure 3

5) How much sulphur dioxide was released on the 28th February? (1 mark)

6) Complete the graph to show that 100 tonnes of sulphur dioxide was

released on 4th April (1 mark)

7) Describe the changes in the graph from the 28th February to 4th April (3


4) Label three characteristics of this volcano cross section (3 mark)

E Tip: Labels

need a clear

arrow to the


Tonnes of sulphur

dioxide released




















Level 1 (1-4 marks) Basic There is a list of points showing the effects of an volcanic eruption. The case study is not named or not specific. The detailed description does not match the original point. No or little evidence

Level 2 (5-6 marks) Clear There is a clearly named cased study. There is clear ‘Point and Describe’ in the answer and there will be some primary effects and some secondary. There will be clear evidence from the case study





8) Using a named case study, describe the effects of a volcanic eruption (6


8) Using a named case study, describe the primary and secondary effects of a

volcanic eruption (8 marks)














Level 1 (1-4 marks) Basic There is a list of effects but it doesn’t say or identify which are primary or which are secondary. There will be no case study information or detail

Level 2 (5-6 marks) Clear There are one or two primary and secondary effects in your writing but no clear evidence or facts from the case study to support the effects or their description.

Level 3 (7-8 marks) Detailed There are two or three clear primary effects and two or three secondary effects. There is clear evidence to support the effect with some description about the effect. You could show how severe or bad the effect is

Statement True False

Supervolcanoes have a caldera whereas composite volcanoes have a cone shape

Supervolcanoes emit 1km³ of ash and gas into the atmosphere

Supervolcanoes are mainly found on destructive plate boundaries

The effects of a supervolcano eruption will be on a global scale

There are no supervolcanoes in Europe

There are no supervolcanoes in North America

For the answers that are False, write here what the correct answer should be:





9) Read the statements about supervolcanoes. Decide which are true and

which are false. Tick your choice of answer (3 marks)

Supervolcanoes are…………………………………………………………………………………………………





















Level 1 (1-4 marks) Basic There is a list of effects, some might be global and some might be national but it is not clear which is which. There will be no case study information or detail or facts at the bottom end (1-2 marks) with some case study information at the top end (3-4). There is some Point and Describe.

Level 2 (5-6 marks) Clear There are two or three clear worldwide effects and no national effects as the question does not ask for them. There is clear evidence and facts to support the effects with some description about the effect. You should show how severe or bad the effect is. There is clear Point, Evidence, Describe.

9) Describe two differences between supervolcanoes and composite

volcanoes (4 marks)

10) Describe the likely worldwide effects of a supervolcano eruption. You

can use a case study in your answer (6 marks)

Number 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

How it works: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Number 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

How it works: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………















E Tips: Give two ways and try to describe exactly how the instrument or operation works and show the purpose of it. Try to do POINT and DESCRIBE in this answer

11) Give two ways that scientists can monitor and predict volcanic eruptions and

say how they work (4 marks)

11) Describe the ways scientists monitor and predict volcanic eruptions

(4 marks)

Target Grade

Overall Mark and/or Percentage


What Went Well:

Even Better If:

My Response is:

Where are you on the Geography Dartboard of Success?

180!!! Working above target

Bullseye!! Working on target

Double 20! Working one level below target

Number 1! Off target and need to aim higher

Section 2: Target Forward

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