Page 1: SecDocs Installation Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root) OpenLimit Middleware Version 3


Last Update: 10-JUL-2015

SecDocs V2.3A01 Installation Guide

Index Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3

Delivered Software .................................................................................................................................. 4

Configuring the SecDocs Runtime Environment ..................................................................................... 5

Language Environment ........................................................................................................................ 5

File system Configuration .................................................................................................................... 5

Database Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 6

Oracle Database Configuration ....................................................................................................... 6

MySQL Database Configuration ...................................................................................................... 8

Mount Point Creation for Fujitsu ETERNUS CS High End or the NetApp Filer (User: root) ............... 10

Upgrade Installation Hints ................................................................................................................. 11

OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root) ...................................................................... 11

OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server Installation ................................................................... 11

Starting of the Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root): .......................................................... 14

Check whether the Middleware Version 3 Server Is Running (User: root): ................................ 15

Stopping the Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root): .............................................................. 15

SecDocs Installation (User: root) ....................................................................................................... 15

SecDocs Configuration........................................................................................................................... 18

SecDocs Multi Node Configuration ....................................................................................................... 19

SecDocs Logging .................................................................................................................................... 23

SecDocs Application Start/Stop ............................................................................................................. 23

SecDocs: Further Configuration Steps ................................................................................................... 24

SecDocs Database Migration ................................................................................................................. 24

SecDocs Recovery Tool (recoverFromStorage) ..................................................................................... 24

SecDocs Diagnostic Scripts (User: root/secdocs) .................................................................................. 25

Usage of SecDocs With Another Database Software ............................................................................ 28

MySQL ............................................................................................................................................... 28

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SecDocs Tuning ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Max Number of Parallel Web Service Requests ................................................................................ 30

SecDocs WildFly Memory Shortage .................................................................................................. 30

Transaction Timeout ......................................................................................................................... 31

Database Connection Pool ................................................................................................................ 31

Oracle ............................................................................................................................................ 32

MySQL............................................................................................................................................ 33

HTTPS Connector Configuration ........................................................................................................ 33

Maximal Number of Open Files ......................................................................................................... 34

Reset of the SecDocs Environment ....................................................................................................... 35

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Software Requirements

At the moment the SecDocs software is released for RedHat Enterprise Linux

RHEL6.5 64bit (AMD64/x64) or higher and SuSE SLES 11SP3 64bit (AMD64/x64)

or higher operating systems. To run the SecDocs software you need the following

database software component:

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( or higher) for Linux 64bit


A description of the Oracle database software can be found here:

As an alternative you can use the following database software:

MySQL 5.5 (5.5.40 or higher) for Linux 64bit or

A description of the MySQL database software can be found here:

The database software can also run on another machine.

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Delivered Software

SecDocs Software SecDocs is a Java EE6 application, programmed in Java 7, and runs on a WildFly 8.2.0 application server. The Java SE 7 SDK Update 80 and the WildFly 8.2.0 software are delivered with the SecDocs software.

OpenLimit Software OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server (needed to run the SecDocs software)

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Configuring the SecDocs Runtime Environment

Language Environment

The SecDocs software is based on the UTF-8 encoding. To guarantee proper

input/output behavior make sure that a proper language environment variable is set,





If no language with UTF-8 encoding is selected (e.g. LANG=en) the SecDocs

application will show a warning on the console and LANG= en_US.UTF-8 will be


To assure the same behavior in all runtime configurations (start as a service or start

from account secdocs) the language to use is set in the script





Is this variable set (default: en_US.UTF-8) the LANG environment variable will be set

to this value.

The LANG environment variable controls the language used by the messages

created in the SecDocs application. At the moment English (default) and German are

supported out of the box. The related message files are located in the directory


If a not supported language is set all messages appear in English.

File system Configuration

Approximately 12 inodes are needed in the file system to store an SDO. The max

number of inodes in a file system is limited but usually can be raised by tuning the file


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Implication: check the max inodes value of your file system configuration before

starting to archive data with SecDocs.

Database Configuration

Have the following configuration requirements in mind for all supported database


Use UTF-8 as the default character set

The SecDocs database user needs the following permissions: ALTER TABLE,



Additional permission for a MySQL database:


Oracle Database Configuration

Attention: By default the XA support isn’t configured for an Oracle database instance

but mandatory for the SecDocs application. The Oracle database administrator can

activate the XA support by performing the xaview script:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

$ sqlplus /nolog

connect sys/<password> as sysdba



An Oracle database user (dbUser) is needed to run the SecDocs application:




This database user needs the following permissions: GRANT SELECT ON sys.v$xatrans$ TO dbUser;

GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_pending_transactions TO dbUser;

GRANT SELECT ON sys.pending_trans$ TO dbUser;

GRANT SELECT ON sys.dba_2pc_pending TO dbUser;

GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_system TO dbUser;



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To use the SecDocs TripleStore functionality additional SQL statements must be performed by the Oracle Administrator. If a SecDocs V2.2 TripleStore is already in use you can skip the following step (TripleStore configuration). For the SecDocs V2.3 TripleStore functionality you have to perform the following SQL statements as Oracle administrator: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE dbUser.NNodeQuads(

n0 NUMBER(20) ,

n1 NVARCHAR2(2000) ,

n2 NVARCHAR2(10) ,

n3 NVARCHAR2(200) ,

n4 INT




t0 NUMBER(20) ,

t1 NUMBER(20) ,

t2 NUMBER(20) ,

t3 NUMBER(20)



CREATE TABLE dbUser.Nodes (


lex NVARCHAR2(2000),

lang NVARCHAR2(10),

datatype NVARCHAR2(200),

type integer NOT NULL,




EXEC dbms_errlog.create_error_log('dbUser.NODES');




WHEN (upper(ora_dict_obj_name) LIKE 'NQUADS' OR

upper(ora_dict_obj_name) LIKE 'NNODEQUADS')





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The following data provided by your Oracle database administrator are needed for the SecDocs application configuration:


Name of the machine running the listener of the Oracle database instance.


Port number used by the listener of the Oracle database instance.

(Default: 1521)


Name of the Oracle database service.


SID of the Oracle database instance.


Name of the Oracle database user.


Password of the Oracle database user.

MySQL Database Configuration

For the SecDocs operation you must add the following parameters to the section of your MySQL configuration file: transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED

innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1

The following data provided by your MySQL database administrator are needed for the SecDocs application configuration


Name of the machine running the MySQL database server.


Port number used by MySQL database server.

(Default: 3306)


Name of the MySQL database.

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Name of the MySQL database user.


Password of the MySQL database user.

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Mount Point Creation for Fujitsu ETERNUS CS High End or the NetApp Filer

(User: root)

Add a NFS3 mount to the file /etc/fstab as operating system administrator (user root),

e.g. (NetApp filer):

filerHost:/vol/secdocs /filer nfs


768,hard,bg,retry=100 0 0

Attention: the entry above must be added as one line to the file /etc/fstab.

After the first mount change owner/group of the mount point to the SecDocs user

(user: secdocs, group: secdocs).

Contact your ETERNUS CS High End service for the proper mount options.

Attention: each Linux user has an UID (User ID) and also each group has a GID

(Group ID). These values must be given to the filer administration.

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Upgrade Installation Hints

Before upgrading the software you must first remove the old version. After removing

the old software you can install the new version. Before removing the old software

stop the SecDocs application. Before removing the packages make sure that you

have backuped your changed configuration files.

You can get a list of all files in the packages that are marked as a configuration file

with the following command:

# rpm –qc `rpm -qa "secdocs*"`

# rpm –qc `rpm -qa "OpenLimit*"`

You can remove the software with the following command:

# rpm –e `rpm -qa "secdocs*"`

# rpm –e `rpm -qa "OpenLimit*"`

After removing the packages the adapted configuration files only will still be available

in the installation path, renamed by adding the suffix .rpmsave.

OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root)

OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server Installation

The software can be found in the directory Linux/pkgs.

The OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server software can be installed by the user

root with the rpm command:

# rpm -ivh \

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server- \

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server_CertCRL- \


If an older version is already installed you must remove the old package before

installing the new one:

# rpm –e `rpm -qa "OpenLimit*"`

After the installation of the package you can view the RPM package name of the new

installed package with the following command:

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# rpm -qa "OpenLimit*"

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server- \

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server_CertCRL- \


The installation will add (if not already existing) the Linux user olsc and the related

Linux group olsc. This new user has the home directory /home/olsc. The OpenLimit

Middleware Version 3 Server software will be stored in the directory

/home/olsc/v3server. The RPM installation will also create the RHEL service

v3server. Because you have to configure the installed software this service won’t be

started after the installation.

Installation in another directory:

The OpenLimit software will be installed into the directory /home/olsc by default. This

directory can be changed during installation by using the –relocate option. In the

following example we want to use the directory /opt/olsc as installation location for

the package:

# rpm –ivh --relocate /home=/opt \

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server- \

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server_CertCRL- \


Hint: the user olsc will be created with the shell


I.e.: nobody (even not the user root) can login to this account. To run a command

under the olsc account anyway you can use as user root the following syntax:

# su - olsc -s /bin/bash –c "<command>"

The above syntax can in principle also be used by other users but in this case the

system administrator (user root) must set a password for the olsc account. Another

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way to call the OpenLimit software related commands is by adding the group olsc to

the user accounts that have to call such commands.

You can view the version of the installed OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server

version with the following command:

# /home/olsc/v3server/bin/siqService –v

OpenLimit SignCubes Service Loader v3.1

Copyright (C) OpenLimit SignCubes AG 2014. All rights


##$$ OpenLimit Version3, v3.1, v(3.1.5),

b(r1159_erebusJenkins, Debug, 2015-06-01 13:48:26) $$##

You get a more detailed version information by calling the script

# cd /home/olsc/v3server/bin

# ./

OpenLimit V3 Server identification based on RPM info:


* Created with 1.0.0 (2012-11-06) *

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server / Version: /

Release: 2015060102 / Arch: x86_64

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server_Database / Version: / Release: 2015060102 / Arch: x86_64

OpenLimit-Middleware-Version-3-Server_CertCRL / Version: / Release: 2015060102 / Arch: x86_64

OpenLimit SignCubes Service Loader v3.1

Copyright (C) OpenLimit SignCubes AG 2014. All rights


##$$ OpenLimit Version3, v3.1, v(3.1.5),

b(r1159_erebusJenkins, Debug, 2015-06-01 13:48:26) $$##

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The OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server uses HTTP/HTTPS connections to the

internet. If internet access is only possible via a proxy (usually the case in a company

network), you have to add the following lines to the section [JavaOptions] of the file


-Dhttp.proxyHost=<HTTP Proxy Host>

-Dhttp.proxyPort=<HTTP Proxy Port>

-Dhttps.proxyHost=<HTTP Proxy Host>

-Dhttps.proxyPort=<HTTPS Proxy Port>

For access to external LDAP systems (e.g. CRLs) you have to add additionally the

following lines:

-DsocksProxyHost=<SOCKS Proxy Host>

-DsocksProxyPort=<SOCKS Proxy Port>

In the file /home/olsc/v3server/bin/siqSEMkSrv_svr.cfg you can adapt the

following parameters in the section [ECARD] to your environment:

SOAPHost =

SOAPPort = 18080

Usually no change is needed for these parameters.

Check for any .rpmsave files in the directory /home/olsc/v3server/bin after updating

the software. These files indicate that you have made changes to a configuration file

after the installation of the software. Make sure that all changes are done again for

the updated software which will again use the default configuration files.

Starting of the Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root):

# service v3server start

Hint: the directory .olsc will be created in the home directory /home/olsc after the first

start ever of the server.

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Check whether the Middleware Version 3 Server Is Running (User: root):

# service v3server status

v3server: OpenLimit SignCubes V3 Server is ready to use, pid:


Stopping the Middleware Version 3 Server (User: root):

# service v3server stop

SecDocs Installation (User: root)

The software can be found in the directory Linux/pkgs.

The SecDocs software can be installed by the user root with the rpm command:

# rpm –ivh secdocs-

If an older version is already installed you must remove the old package before

installing the new one:

# rpm –e `rpm -qa "secdocs*"`

After the installation of the package you can view the RPM package name of the new

installed package with the following command:

# rpm -qa "secdocs*"


The installation will add (if not already existing) the Linux user secdocs and the

related Linux group secdocs. This new user has the home directory /home/secdocs.

Installation in another directory:

The SecDocs software will be installed into the directory /home/secdocs by default.

This directory can be changed during installation by using the –relocate option. In the

following example we want to use the directory /opt/sd as installation location for the


# rpm –ivh --relocate /home/secdocs=/opt/sd secdocs-


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After the installation you will have the following directories in the home directory:


Administration tools directory

recovery contains the script

recoverFromStorage (SecDocs Recovery Tool).


SecDocs start/stop script and diagnostic scripts


Licenses of the open source software used in SecDocs.

The file ThirdPartyLicenseReadme.txt contains a list of all

used components.


Data used by the SecDocs RPM installation and

optional data for the SecDocs JBoss AS instance.

migration This directory contains the script startMigration

which will migrate the SecDocs database


Java SE 7 64bit SDK

jaxws wsimport generated web service client stub classes

In the directory bin you will find the script

genArchivingSRWsClientStubs. This script shows how to create

the Archiving web service client stub classes from the file


javadoc JavaDoc of the generated stub classes

lib JAR files with the stub classes and sources


secdocs SecDocs WildFly server instance

secdocs/configuration SecDocs WildFly server configuration

secdocs/configuration/secdocs SecDocs configuration data

secdocs/log log files

wildfly WildFly 8.2.0 AS Software.

schemas SecDocs Web Services and related data types 2.3 AdminData.xsd SecDocs Administrator specific data types AdminUpdateData.xsd SecDocs Administrator specific data types ArchiveAdmin.wsdl Archiv Administrator WSDL ArchivingSR.wsdl Archiving WSDL sample for the customer specific submit and retrieve operations

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Archiving.wsdl Archiving WSDL ArchivingData.xsd Archiving specific data types filter.xsd SDO filter schema file MandantAdmin.wsdl Mandant Administrator WSDL result2.xjb JAXB mapping file for the wsimport tool secdocs.xsd SecDocs specific data types sparql-protocol-types.xjb JAXB mapping file for the wsimport tool VerificationInfo.xsd Data types of the element SignatureVerificationInfo of the requestForEvidence Response Archiving operation 2.3/query SPARQL related schemata files rdf.xsd result.xsd sparql-protocol-types.xsd xml.xsd 2.3/samples MultiDocument.xsd Schema for the sample MyDocument SDO MultiDocumentFilter.xml Sample filter

Check for any configuration files with the suffix .rpmsave after updating the software.

These files indicate that you have made changes to a configuration file after the

installation of the software. Make sure that all changes are done again for the

updated software which will again use the default configuration files.

Special feature of this version: if a version V2.2 was already installed: the

.rpmsave files of the old SecDocs JBoss AS configuration will be moved to the

directory /home/secdocs/.PreV23Backup. If SecDocs V2.3 was installed with the –

relocate option the directory .PreV23Backup is located under the given path (in our

sample above this would be /opt/sd/.PreV23Backup).

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SecDocs Configuration

File /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration/standalone.xml

After installation the SecDocs application is preconfigured for an Oracle database.

How to use a MySQL database instead is described later (see MySQL).

The following names in the file must be substituted by the values of your Oracle

database environment:


Name of the machine running the listener of the Oracle database instance.


Port number used by the listener of the Oracle database instance..

(Default: 1521)


Name of the Oracle database service.


Name of the Oracle database user.


Password of the Oracle database user.

Attention: the standalone.xml defines two data sources.

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File /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration/secdocs/

# path to the root directory of the SecDocs archive data


#OpenLimit Middelware Version 3 Server host name

# Default: localhost (


#OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server port number

#Default: 18080


#Specify a List of Files separated by ;

#These Files are needed by the certified crypto components to write audit log files. If

none of these

#files can be written, the crypto components will cease work and thus any requests to

#the Archiving Web Service will be rejected.

#To ensure that the crypto components work reliably please state at least to files

located in different

#file systems or volumes on the filer.

#secdocs will not start unless at least one of these audit log files is writable


About The Property cryptoAuditFiles

This property names a file, or even better a list of files. Multiple file names must be

separated by a semicolon (;). These files are used by the OpenLimit crypto

components that are used by the SecDocs application to write their own audit log

records. If to none of these files can be written any more the OpenLimit crypto

components will stop working!

Best practice is to use at least two files and to use different file systems for each file.

The other properties in this file are described in the SecDocs manual (chapter

“Configuration file").

SecDocs Multi Node Configuration Optionally SecDocs can be operated in a multi node configuration. In a SecDocs

multi node configuration several SecDocs instances run in an identic configuration

(database and storage) as one system. To activate the multi node mode you have to

add the following entries to the file of each instance:

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#For multi node support set this property to true

#Default false


#Full path to the Hazelcast configuration file

#This property is mandatory in multi node mode and will be

#ignored in single node mode

multiNode.hazelcastConfigFile=<full path>/hazelcast.xml


The SecDocs instance synchronization is performed with the help of the Hazelcast

software ( The Hazelcast layer is configured with the

help of the file hazelcast.xml. You will find a template for your own Hazelcast

configuration under


A description of all configuration options is part of the Hazelcast documentation


We will explain here only the entries you should adapt to your environment:





Using an identical network configuration (see entry multicast-group) all instances with

the same group name form one Hazelcast cluster. You can use the group name to

give different SecDocs multi node configurations a unique name.

<port auto-increment="true">5701</port>

Hazelcast uses the port 5701 as local listener port. Is the port already in use,

Hazelcast will increment the port number until a free port is found.

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<multicast enabled="true">




The Hazelcast cluster uses multicasts for the internal communication. You might be

forced to change the multicast address and/or the multicast port.

<interfaces enabled="false">



Hazelcast uses the first found network interface for the network configuration.

Changing the value of the attribute enabled from false to true you can address a

network interface in the interface element.

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Multi Node Configuration Recommendation

To have a consistent multi node configuration we suggest that you use for all

instances the same file and the same hazelcast.xml file. Both files

should be located on a storage that is reachable from all SecDocs multi node

instances. To achieve this, you can use in each SecDocs multi node instance a file with the following content (see file

globalPropertiesFile= <full path>/

All SecDocs instances use this central, so called, secondary properties file.

Each SecDocs multi node instance uses its own OpenLimit Middleware Version 3

Server instance. You must be aware that own certificates must be imported to the

user trustbase of each OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server instance.

Hint For The First Start of a Multi Node Configuration

The first start of a multi node configuration after a SecDocs installation should begin

with starting up one multi node instance only. If this instance is ready to run you can

start all the other instances of your multi node configuration. If you start all instances

at once, some of the instances may abort with the following error message in the log


ORA-01408: such column list already indexed

Even if this happens you can restart the aborted multi node instances without any

further problems.

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SecDocs Logging All logging information of the SecDocs application can be found in the directory

/home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/log .

WildFly console messages: console.log

All WildFly logging messages are displayed on the screen and written to the

file console.log.

WildFly logging file server.log

All WildFly and SecDocs logging messages are written to this file

The SecDocs WildFly application uses the WildFLy logging framework. The logging

configuration is described in the file


and is part of the logging subsystem:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:2.0">



With the tool bin/logAdmin you can change the logging configuration in a running

SecDocs WildFly server instance at any time.

SecDocs Application Start/Stop The SecDocs RPM installation creates the RHEL service secdocs. I.e.: after each

reboot of the machine the SecDocs application will automatically be started. The

system administrator (user root) can use this service to start and stop the SecDocs

application manually.

SecDocs start:

# service secdocs start

SecDocs stop:

# service secdocs stop

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SecDocs: Further Configuration Steps Further configuration steps are described in the SecDocs manual „Administration and

Operation“. You will find an overview about the needed steps in the chapter „Step-by-

step guides“

SecDocs Database Migration After upgrading an existing SecDocs 2.2 installation the SecDocs database tables

must be migrated to the new SecDocs version. Without this step the new version of

the SecDocs application won’t start.

This migration task step is performed by the script startMigration. You will find this

script in the directory install/migration of the SecDocs installation:

$ cd install/migration

$ ./startMigration

SecDocs Recovery Tool (recoverFromStorage) You will find the storage recovery tool in the directory admin/recovery in the JAR file

StorageRecovery.jar. You can start this tool easily with the help of the script


recoverFromStorage <Optionen>

The storage recovery tool needs a properties file to run. The file is

available in the directory admin/recovery. You must adapt the following entire in this



WildFly home directory.

A detailed description of the storage recovery tools can be found in the SecDocs manual (chapter: Recovery (Script: recoverFromStorage)).

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SecDocs Diagnostic Scripts (User: root/secdocs) The diagnostics scripts are located in the directory bin of the account secdocs and can be used by the system administrator (user root) and the user secdocs. Most of the scripts support the option –help to show some usage information. Hint: the scripts marked with * are calling web based services in the running SecDocs WildFly application via the command line tools curl and wget. Beside the described responses you can get also one of the following responses:

1. No response (no output). In this case the SecDocs WildFly application is not started.

2. HTML code response. WildFly was not able to start the SecDocs application and WildFly sends a HTML error message as response.

checkAvailability Checks whether the SecDocs WildFly Services are available or not. This script show (depending on the state) one of the following messages: SecDocs WildFly is not running The SecDocs WildFly server instance isn’t started. SecDocs WildFly services not available The SecDocs WildFly services aren’t (yet) available. SecDocs WildFly services available The SecDocs WildFly services are available.

clearCache Delete the cache of the SecDocs WildFly server instance.

cli / cli.xml Starts the WildFly CLI administration tool for the SecDocs WildFly server instance.

genArchivingSRWsClientStubs This script shows how to create the web service client stub classes from the file schemas/2.3/ArchivingSR.wsdl with the Java SDK wsimport tool. Running this script will create the files wsStubsArchivingSR-2.3.jar and wsStubsArchivingSourcesSR-2.3.jar in the directory jaxws/lib.

getDiagnosticData * A tool to collect diagnostic information.

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getADOLockStatus * A diagnostic tool for the SecDocs service team.

getMultiNodeStatus * Shows the running SecDocs multi node instances in this multi node configuration.

getSecDocsConfigData * This script shows important diagnostic information of a running SecDocs application. Is the SecDocs application not running you won’t get any data.

getStatus * Shows whether the SecDocs web services are available or not SecDocs web services available or SecDocs web services NOT available Is the SecDocs application not running you won’t get any data.

getVersion * Show the version of the running SecDocs application. Is the SecDocs application not running you won’t get any data.

heapdump Creates a JVM heap dump of the running SecDocs instance.

jhatRunner Start the Java SDK tool jhat

jstatdRunner / jstatdRunner.policy Skript und configuration file for starting the Java SDK tool jstatd.

jtop Diagnostic tool: starts the Java SE 6 console with the JTop plugin.

logAdmin A script to configure loggers and logging levels in a running SecDocs WildFly server instance.

mksha Create a hash value (SHA-256 or SHA-512) for a file and print the hash value as hex string and BASE64 coded. Sample output:

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SHA-256 hex value



SHA-256 value in BASE64


olscStatus Shows whether the OpenLimit Middleware Version 3 Server is running or not. (works only if the server is running on the same machine)

removeLogs Removes the SecDocs WildFly logging files

sdjconsole Starts the Java SDK tool jconsole.

sdjinfo Starts the Java SDK tool jinfo.

sdsyslog Helper script for creating syslog messages in SecDocs scripts.

secdocs Same functionality as the RHEL service secdocs The SecDocs related environment variables are set in this script. All SecDocs scripts do call this script.

sysinfo This script collect important diagnostic information about the machine configuration.

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Usage of SecDocs With Another Database Software In the directory /home/secdocs/install/wildfly you will find templates and the JDBC

JAR file for the Oracle database (preconfigured) and MySQL. Before exchanging the

database configuration you must stop the SecDocs application.

Attention: you must repeat the described steps after each SecDocs installation using

the account secdocs!


For a MySQL database configuration you need the following file:

mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar (or a newer version)


Due to license restrictions this file isn’t delivered with the SecDocs software.

With the following command you can exchange the Oracle WildFly module by the

MySQL WildFLy module:

$ cd /home/secdocs/jboss/wildfly/modules/secdocs

$ rm –fr oracle

$ cd /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration

$ rm standalone.xml

$ cd /home/secdocs/install/wildfly

$ cd modules/secdocs/mysql/jdbc/main

$ cp <path-to>/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar .

If another version of the driver is used the related file name in the file moduel.xml

must be adapted.

As a final step add the JAR file mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar to the SecDocs


$ cd /home/secdocs/install/wildfly/modules/secdocs

$ cp –r mysql /home/secdocs/jboss/wildfly/modules/secdocs

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You can achieve the above described exchange also with the help of the script

addMySQLModule (located in the directory /home/secdocs/install/wildfly). After the

exchange you can (optionally) delete the Oracle WildFly module directory:

$ rm -fr /home/secdocs/jboss/wildfly/modules/secdocs/oracle

To prepare a MySQL specific WildFly configuration file standalone.xml you can use

the templates from the directory /home/secdocs/install/wildfly.

You must adapt the following parameters in the file

/home/secdocs/install/wildfly/standalone_datasources_mysql.xml :


Name of the machine running the MySQL database server.


Port number used by MySQL database server

(Default: 3306)


Name of the MySQL database.


Name of the MySQL database user.


Password of the MySQL database user..

After updating the file you can create a new standalone.xml file with the available

template files:

$ cd /home/secdocs/install/wildfly

$ cat standalone_beforeDatasources.xml \

standalone_datasources_mysql.xml \

standalone_afterDatasources.xml > standalone.xml

$ cp standalone.xml /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration

SecDocs Tuning In this chapter we describe some parameters that can be adapted to your needs.

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Max Number of Parallel Web Service Requests

The max number of parallel web service requests is controlled by the attribute task-max-threads <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:io:1.1">

<worker name="default" task-max-threads="70"/>

<buffer-pool name="default"/>


in the file /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration/standalone.xml After installation this value is set to 70. Have in mind to change the max pool size for the datasource configurations (s. „Database Connection Pool”) . You can also change the value in a running SecDocs application. Get the current value: /home/secdocs/bin/cli \



Set a new value (in this example to 50): /home/secdocs/bin/cli \



To activate the new value you have to stop and start the SecDocs application.

SecDocs WildFly Memory Shortage

The memory heap size of the SecDocs WildFly application is limited by the following line: # SecDocs WildFLy maximum Java heap size


This default value of 4GB may be too small in a production environment. If enough RAM is available in your server machine you can raise this value. You will find the above line in the script file /home/secdocs/bin/ . Examples for possible memory shortages in the standard configuration:

Parallel store of big/many SDOs.

Parallel store of SDOs with many signatures

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Transaction Timeout

In the file /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration/standalone.xml you will find the following line: <coordinator-environment default-timeout="1800"/>

This value indicates that the max time for an open transaction is 1800 seconds. This value may be too small for a big amount of data (= big SDOs and/or many signatures in a SDO). The adaption can be done during a running SecDocs application: Get the current timeout value /home/secdocs/bin/cli \



Set a new timeout value. In this example wes et the value to 2000 seconds: /home/secdocs/bin/cli \



To activate the new value you have to stop and start the SecDocs application.

Database Connection Pool The database connections are managed by the WildFly application server in a connection pool. In the file /home/secdocs/jboss/secdocs/configuration/standalone.xml you will find twotimes (2 datasources!) the following line: <max-pool-size>75</max-pool-size>

I.e. each pool can hold up to 75 (all together 150!) connections to database. This value may be either too big or too small for your use case. The adaption can be done during a running SecDocs application. Get the current pool size: /home/secdocs/bin/cli \



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/home/secdocs/bin/cli \



Set a new max pool size value. In this example we set the value to 100. /home/secdocs/bin/cli \




/home/secdocs/bin/cli \




To activate the new value you have to stop and start the SecDocs application. Attention: if SecDocs is used in a Multi Node configuration you have to multiply the number of connections by the number of instances in use. The following examples for Oracle and MySQL are given for a Single Node SecDocs configuration.


Attention: each database connection uses an Oracle database process. The default value may be too small for your SecDocs configuration. The database administrator can get the configured number of Oracle database processes with the following command: show parameter processes;

Beside other configuration parameters of the database instance you will see a line of the following form: NAME TYPE VALUE

processes integer 150

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The database administrator can change this value with the following commands (in this example we change the value to 250): shut immediate;

startup mount;

alter system set processes=250 scope=spfile;

alter database open;

shutdown immediate;


show parameter processes;


In a standard MySQL configuration the max number of allowed connections (max_connections) is too small for the SecDocs connection pools. The database administrator can get the configured value with the following command: show variables like 'max_connections';

The database administrator can change the value with the following command (in this example we set the value to 250): set global max_connections=250;

HTTPS Connector Configuration

The SecDocs WildFly server instance will be delivered without a HTTPS connector

configuration. You can add such a configuration with the help of the WildFly CLI tool:


















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To activate the new configuration you have to stop and start the SecDocs application.

In the above example we have used the file SecDocsServerKeyStore.jks as

keystore file. This file is located in the directory


Attention: the current WildFly version supports only Java keystores (format: JKS).

Typically server certificates are stored in a PKCS7 formatted file. You can convert

such files with the Java SDK Tool keytool in a JKS formatted file

(option –importkeystore).

Maximal Number of Open Files Each mandant use a permanent open audit log file. Beside this a lot of files are used frequently for most of the web service operations (e.g.: submit a document, retrieve a document, or seal a document). It may happen that the number of open files gets bigger than the value configured in the RHEL6 Linux kernel. The system administrator (user root) can change the value of kernel parameter:

1. Get the current value of the fs.file-max kernel parameter # sysctl –e fs.file-max

2. Change the value of the kernel parameter

Open the file /etc/sysctl.conf

and add a line of the following format with the desired value to this file fs.file-max = <number of max open files>

Example: fs.file-max = 6815744

3. Either reboot the machine or activate the new value immediately.

To activate the new value without reboot use the following command: # sysctl –p

4. Check that the new kernel parameter value is active:

# sysctl –e fs.file-max

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Reset of the SecDocs Environment In a test environment you may want to delete the archive data without reinstalling the


The following data must be deleted:


All tables of the SecDocs database user.

Either use “DROP TABLE tablename;“ for all tables or delete the database

user and create it again

File system

All directories/files in the directory given in the property archiveRoot (file

Attention: if mandant specific mount points are in use you can remove the

related directories (mount points) only if they are no longer needed. The data

in these directories must be deleted.

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