Page 1: Seating is LIMITED · The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ ... discussed. The six most commonly used mental defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to overcome


This week-long class

made possible through

ICJI Grant Funds

received for the 2015

IDEA Training Program.

Seating is



50 Students

Date: May 11 - 15, 2015

Location: Room: # 409A LETB: 32 Hours Times: 8 - 5 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 8 - 12 Friday

Dr. Steven Rhoads $100.00

Registration Fee

[email protected]

Page 2: Seating is LIMITED · The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ ... discussed. The six most commonly used mental defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to overcome

Day 2 Human Defense Mechanisms:

The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ

to escape guilt or responsibilities are defined and

discussed. The six most commonly used mental

defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to

overcome these defenses are outlined.

Human Emotional Responses:

The five emotional responses of humans are

Identified and techniques to overcome them

articulated. Exercises conducted to show how to

manipulate individuals from one emotional response

to more productive areas are completed.

Information Gathering, Basic Considerations:

An A-Z approach is utilized to reacquaint the

experienced investigator with information gathering

and to introduce the material to new investigators.

The students are given information that identifies the

basic considerations present in an effort to gather

information and to evaluate it in a professional and

unbiased manner. Students are encouraged to

examine these cornerstones of the process in an

effort to avoid costly errors.

Day 1 Subconscious Communication®:

The source of communication, the subconscious mind, is

identified and students are instructed as to the power the

mind possesses in sending out mixed signals and

overcoming ulterior motives. Linguistic research by such

theorists as Eric Berne, is discussed to illustrate this


Introduction to Interviews and Interrogations:

Definitions are provided outlining the similarities and

differences in the information gathering process. Individual

biases and prejudices are discussed and their impact on the

quality and quantity of information is presented.

Communication Styles:

The participant's communication style is identified through

written examination and class discussion. This style is then

presented in the context of identifying other individual's

communication needs and wants. Steps to meet these

critical areas are highlighted. From this information major

theme building for persuasion is presented and how it might

be used to gain the acceptance of the suspect in

confrontational interaction.

Page 3: Seating is LIMITED · The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ ... discussed. The six most commonly used mental defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to overcome

Day 3 The Interview Process:

Interviewing witnesses, victims and cooperative individuals is examined in this review of the steps and

procedures utilized in the information gathering arena.

Specific interviewing techniques and note taking mechanics are discussed to maximize data accumulation.

Many of the subtle tools that are utilized to gain information are discussed, including; memory recollection,

listening skills, and tactics and strategy. Class exercise follows

The Interrogation Process:

The focus shifts from gathering data to identifying guilty or involved parties. Interrogation is defined as a

scientific operation and steps for successful interrogations are outlined. The physical mechanics of this

process are examined regarding location, people, and physically inhibiting characteristics of the individual.

Questioning Techniques:

The formation of questions and the manner and order in which questions should be asked for greatest

impact is discussed. Question types and rules for use of each category are outlined.

Verbal Communication:

Examination of the communication process begins with the analysis of the spoken word. Students are

trained to recognize the verbal indicators of deception and how word tense and usage can be used in the

evaluation of the reliability of individuals' statements. Exercises including the evaluation of suspect’s

statements including O.J. Simpson’s are completed by class members.

Page 4: Seating is LIMITED · The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ ... discussed. The six most commonly used mental defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to overcome

Day 4

Verbal Communication Continues:

Non-Verbal Communication:

The communication process examination continues with the introduction of non-verbal communication. As

the majority of communication utilized by humans, this important arena is broken into specific gestures that

suggest emotional responses during the interview or interrogation process. The reason humans utilize

body language and the Principles and Rules that apply are highlighted.

Non-Verbal Communication:

The examination of body language continues with the gestures of the face, head and eyes being

discussed. The importance of handshakes and initial approaches are covered in detail. Indicators of threat

and violence are shown to the students and techniques to diffuse such emotions are identified. (There will

be practical exercises throughout the Non-Verbal examination)

Subconscious Rapport Building:

The use of the three representational systems employed by the human subconscious is discussed in

relation to rapport building (the interviewer is aware of what is happening while the interviewee most likely

will not be). The significance of this technique is presented so that investigators might gain the most

information possible from individuals. This technique is very beneficial in interviewing child victims or those

suffering from traumatic experiences. Practical exercise included.

Deception Detection and Veracity Testing:

An extremely accurate and reliable technique to determine the truthfulness of an individual is presented.

The appropriate use of this information is presented to the student so that deceptive or uncooperative

statements may be recorded or challenged as the situation dictates.

Hypnosis in Law Enforcement Investigations:

The use of hypnosis is demonstrated as a means of taking some of the principles found in this science and

applying them to the role of relieving negative emotions in witnesses and victims during the interview


Page 5: Seating is LIMITED · The twenty-six mental defenses that humans employ ... discussed. The six most commonly used mental defenses in criminal cases are identified and steps to overcome

Day 5

Non-Verbal Communication:

The gestures of openness, receptiveness, doubt and defensiveness are discussed. The student is introduced to the

technique of mimicry and how their posture can inhibit the flow of communication. Additional gestures of deception

and control are introduced.

Non-verbal Communication:

This lesson is highlighted by the non-verbal indicators of nervousness, frustration and protection. Each area is shown

to the students and discussed.

Non-Verbal Communication:

To close the segment on non-verbal communication the gestures of superiority, indifference, boredom and

interruption are shown to the participants. The measures that should be employed to counter these barriers to

communication are discussed thoroughly.


The use of territorial spaces and zones are discussed. Proxemics are demonstrated and the drawbacks and benefits

of using space is discussed. The ability to create a positive or negative environment through the use of space

awareness is also highlighted in this block of instruction.

Theme Development:

Common communication themes are discussed with the students and the use of such verbal devices to initiate

dialogue are illustrated. The student is trained to use a given theme or to employ alternate openers and ice-breakers.

Conscious Rapport Building:

Techniques to assist in rapport building from a conscious perspective (both the interviewer and interviewee are

aware of what is occurring) are covered. Appropriate use of these techniques to create a positive or negative

environment is stressed. Practical exercise included.

Practical Exercises:

Students participate in structured evaluation of interviews and interrogations in an effort to apply the accumulated

material of the course.



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