Page 1: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Seaside Jewish Community News 302.226.8977

18970 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971

February 2017 Shevat – Adar 5777

[email protected]

In this Issue Board of Directors 2

Co-President’s Message 2

Rehoboth Jewish Film Festival 2

Committee Chairs 3

Kiddush Sponsors Needed ASAP 3

Thank you Robbin Myerberg! 3

House Committee Report 3

Passover – Not Too Far Away 3

Adult Education Programs 4

Alfred Gross Scholars Shabbat 4

Religious School News 5

Purim Celebration Mar 12 5

Oy Vey, 5K! 5

Book Review 5

Mitzvah Opportunities 6

Mitzvah Day April 2 6

Thank You First Aid Class 6

Opening Dinner Trumps Snow 7

January Lunches 7

Pastoral Support – A Call Away 7

Birthdays 7

Thank You 8

In the Community 9

Donation Form 9

Oy Vey 5K Registration Form 10

Oy Vey 5K Sponsor Form 11

Sponsors 12

Passover Seder Info Form Insert

Schedule of Services Friday, February 3, 7:30 p.m.

Leader: Harvey Fruman

Torah: Parashat Bo

(Exodus 10:1 – 13:16)

Saturday, February 18, 10 a.m.

Leader: Rabbi Beth Cohen

Torah: Parashat Yitro

(Exodus 18:1 – 20:23)

Friday, March 3, 6:30 p.m.


Religious School Shabbat

Leaders: Rabbi Beth Cohen & Jeff


Torah: Parashat Terumah

(Exodus 25:1 – 27:19)

Saturday, March 18, 10:00 a.m.

Leader: Rabbi Beth Cohen

Torah Reader: Jacob Aboutboul

Torah: Parashat Ki Tissa

(Exodus 30:11 – 34:35)

Tu B'Shevat Seder Feb 12 Celebrate the New Year for trees

and the splendid, abundant gifts of

the natural world that give our

senses delight and our bodies life.

Join us for the Tu B’Shevat Seder

and lunch on Sunday, February

12, at 11 a.m. at SJC. To celebrate

the holiday, the Seder is filled

with fruits and vegetables (nut-

free) and 4 glasses of wine or

grape juice. Following the Seder,

we will enjoy a traditional

vegetarian Israeli lunch. As we

have in past years, we will collect

money for trees to be given to the

Jewish National Fund. Cost for the

meal is $10/adult and $5/child for

members ($15/adult and $8/child

for non-members). SJC has moved

to an online ticketing system for

payment for events. To pay, go to, click on

“Tu B’Shevat Seder and Lunch”

and “Get Tickets,” then select the

number of tickets and ticket type,

and follow the payment

instructions. If you have any

questions, contact Joel Simon at

[email protected] or


SJC Book Group Meeting Feb 22 SJC’s new book group’s first meeting

will be February 22, 7 p.m., at SJC.

We will be discussing Dara Horn’s

All Other Nights. Leaders for this

discussion will be Pat Powell and

Susan Aaronson. Please come

prepared to discuss the book and to

suggest a book for the next gathering.

The Rehoboth Beach and Lewes

Public Libraries have been advised of

our selection, and a few copies will

be available to be placed on order. If

planning to attend, please contact Pat

Powell at 215-290-4595 or Susan

Aaronson at 302-278-7272.

Game Night Feb 25 Want to chase away the winter

blahs? Come to SJC on Saturday,

February 25, at 7 p.m., for a game

night hosted by the Social

Committee. Please bring your

favorite game or party idea along

with a snack and a drink, and join

your friends for an evening of fun

and conversation. What a great

way to spend a winter evening!

We look forward to seeing you.

Please Renew Your SJC Membership Thanks to all who have sent in

their 2017 dues. Because dues are

paid on a calendar year basis, we

request that all members who

haven’t paid their 2017 dues do so

as soon as possible. We depend on

your dues payments to operate. An

invoice was included in the

January newsletter, which is

available on the SJC website

under About Us > Newsletters.

You can send a check to our

mailing address or pay online by

going to our website under Giving

and completing the Membership

online payment process. We

request that new members not pay

online, but rather download and

fill out the online membership

form and mail it in with a check.

We welcome all who want to join

regardless of ability to pay. If you

cannot pay full dues, please pay

what you can, let us know it's for

2017, and we’ll gladly include you

as a member. No explanation is


Page 2: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Page 2 Seaside Jewish Community February 2017

Board of Directors


Buddy Feldman


[email protected]

Mike Saltzman


[email protected]

Vice President

Alyssa Simon


[email protected]


David Udoff


[email protected]


Eric Doroshow


[email protected]

At Large Board Members

Carole Ash


[email protected]

Allyn Fruman


[email protected]

Stanley Silverblatt


[email protected]

Anita Smulyan


[email protected]

Religious Leader

Rabbi Beth Cohen


[email protected]

Religious School Director

Joel Simon


[email protected]

Immediate Past President

Ed Simon

Co-President’s Message - Mike Saltzman

We began 2017 with our new

office manager, Debbie Costello,

who started with us on January 9.

We look forward to having her

assistance. She has an interesting

and varied background, one which

we believe will be very beneficial

to SJC. We’ve already transitioned

some of the administrative tasks to

her from the Board and

Membership and Worship

committees. If your committee has

something you believe she could

help you with, please have your

committee chair contact Buddy

Feldman or me.

You’ve also probably heard about

the bomb threats made to

synagogues and other Jewish

institutions in many states,

including Delaware. Thank

goodness, SJC did not receive a

call. There were no actual incidents

of a bomb anywhere, but the

situations were deeply disturbing.

The calls were robocalls, but that

made little difference.

Even before these threats, SJC had

begun to plan for increased security

of our building. The House

Committee is leading the effort to

make our building more secure

with upgraded lighting, key and

lock improvements, and adding

land line phones inside the

building. Keeping our building and

congregants safe requires an effort

by everybody, and that is why we

ask you to “See something, say

something.” Look for building

improvements in the near future.

Board Meetings Meetings are open to members.

Feb – No Meeting

Mar 7 – 7 p.m. at SJC

Rehoboth Jewish Film Festival Slated for March The second annual Rehoboth

Beach Jewish Film Festival will be

held at the Cinema Arts Theater in

Lewes. The festival begins with a

“pre-festival event” on Thursday,

March 16, with a screening of

Focus, a film based on the novel by

Arthur Miller. Copies of the novel

may be purchased through

Amazon. We are thrilled to

welcome Dr. Eric Zakim, Professor

of Hebrew Literature and Culture

and director of Film Studies at the

University of Maryland to speak to

us at this event.

The actual festival runs from

Wednesday, March 22, through

Sunday, March 26 (SJC will not

sponsor films held on Shabbat.) On

Wednesday evening, an Israeli

dinner will be held at Fish On

Restaurant in conjunction with the

first film, In Search of Israeli

Cuisine. The rest of the festival

follows with a total of eleven

screenings through the weekend.

Several of the films will include a

speaker or a discussion leader.

More information can be obtained

and tickets can be purchased by

calling or visiting the Rehoboth

Beach Film Society at 107 Truitt

Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, 302-

645-9095, or purchase tickets

online at Scroll

down the left column and click on

Jewish Film Festival. Then click on

online ticket reservations.

You can make contributions to SJC

to support the festival by sending

your donations directly to SJC at

our mailing address. Please write

“Film Fest” on your checks and

include a note with your

contribution that funds can be used

to defray the costs of the festival.

Page 3: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

February 2017 Seaside Jewish Community Page 3


Adult Ed

George Beckerman


[email protected]


Harvey Fruman


[email protected]


Jennifer Rubenstein / Chair


[email protected]

Fran Sneider / Newsletter Editor


[email protected]

Community Service & Chesed

Cheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair

302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094

[email protected]

Anita Smulyan / Co-Chair


[email protected]

Rabbi Beth Cohen / Chesed


[email protected]


Matt Ash


[email protected]


Ed and Pat Simon


[email protected]

[email protected]


Fran Saltzman


[email protected]

Brina Krupp

302 945-7408

[email protected]


Buddy Feldman


[email protected]

Youth Ed

Marjorie Kobrin


[email protected]

Kiddush Sponsors Needed ASAP Thanks to everyone who has

volunteered to sponsor an Oneg

Shabbat or Kiddush lunch. We

have an immediate need for a

volunteer to sponsor the Kiddush

on February 18, and also on

March 18, April 15 (for Shabbat),

and April 16 (for Pesach Festival

Service). We also are seeking

volunteers for May and beyond. If

you have a specific date you want

to reserve to celebrate an event,

please do so now as we often have

a few people who want the same

date. It’s very easy to set up the

kitchen for your snacks and food.

Someone is always there to give a

hand. To volunteer, please contact

Irene Ullmann at 302-947-9123 or

[email protected].

Thank You Robbin Myerberg! Since December 2008, Robbin

Myerberg has been the SJC

newsletter designer and layout

editor. She has decided to step

down from that position. Each

month, she worked with our

newsletter editor, Fran Sneider, to

publish an informative and

readable newsletter. Rain or shine,

vacations or not, in sickness and in

health, she worked to get the

newsletter out at the end of each

month - 95 monthly newsletters in

all. Thank you, Robbin, for a job

well done!

House Committee Report The House Committee had a busy

January beginning research on a

number of projects to make

improvements in areas such as

parking, lighting, improved door

locks and a few other items. The

committee works closely with the

board to identify issues and

implement Board approved

solutions. The committee has 7

members, but there is always room

for more, and any help is

welcome. If you are a SJC

member with an interest in and

desire to help with building issues,

please contact committee chair,

Matt Ash, whose contact

information is at left.

Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on

Monday, April 10, and continues

until sundown Monday, April 17,

(or Tuesday, April 18, for those

who observe 8 days). SJC has two

opportunities to honor and

celebrate this most important

festival of freedom from our

history and in Jewish life today.

As has been SJC’s tradition from

our very start in 1997, we will

have a community Seder on the

second night of Passover, on

Tuesday, April 11. Reservations

are required and cannot be

accepted any later than March 30.

We have moved to an online

reservation system. See the form

elsewhere in this issue with all the

information as to location and cost

and how to make a reservation

(i.e., purchase a ticket). The form

is also available on our website

under About Us > Newsletter.

The last day of Passover is also

one of the four times a year when

the Yizkor memorial prayers are

said to honor the memories of our

loved ones. There will be a

Festival service with Yizkor on

Sunday evening, April 16, 7:30

p.m., at SJC. We hope you can

join with us to celebrate the

festival at either or both of our

observances. Hag Sameach–a

joyous festival.

Page 4: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Page 4 Seaside Jewish Community February 2017

Adult Education Programs Meetings are at SJC at 7:30 p.m.

All are invited.

First Thursday: Jewish History

On February 2, we will view and

discuss Part 2 of the series, “The

Story of the Jews.” This part is

about Post Temple Jerusalem. The

early Jews lived in a hostile world.

After the destruction of the Temple

they dispersed to many corners of

their known world. Without a

home, without an army, how did

our religion survive? We follow

our history into welcoming Muslim

Spain, the rest of the Arab world

and England in this episode. We

learn how our ways were codified

and about the brave ones who kept

Judaism from becoming extinct.

Then, on March 2, we will view

Part 3, about how the intellectual

enlightenment opened doors for

Jews in Europe. Even if you've

already seen the series, see it again

with your SJC community and

explore it in more depth.

Second Thursday: A Taste of


Each month, we study one virtue or

character trait (middah) that is part

of Mussar, a spiritual discipline

within Judaism. On February 9,

George Beckerman will facilitate

the session where folks will share

their experiences with their

personally selected middot. Then,

on March 9, we’ll begin to study

the middah of Simplicity.

Through Mussar, participants are

able to engage in spiritual practices

that allow them to deepen their

awareness of self by studying a

different middah, a soul trait or

behavior characteristic, each

month. While we are learning

about these traits, it is not an

intellectual study. It’s a way to

explore our spiritual selves,

discovering who we are and

discussing our specific experiences

related to the selected middah.

Please let Rabbi Beth know at

[email protected] if you’ll be

attending for the first time, so she

can email you introductory

information before your first

session. If you plan to participate

regularly, you may want to order

the text the class uses - Everyday

Holiness, by Alan Morinis.

Third Thursday: Jewish Culture

There will not be a third Thursday

event on February 16. On March

16, our third Thursday event will

be the “pre-festival event” start of

the Rehoboth Jewish Film Festival.

See the article about the Film

Festival on page 2 for details.

Fourth Thursday: Pirkei Avot

On February 23 and March 30 (a

fifth Thursday), we continue our

discussion of Chapter 6 of Pirkei

Avot. Our constant aim as we

study the chapter are the words of

the prophet Micah: “He has told

you, O man, what is good, and

what does the Lords require of you,

but to do justice, and to love

kindness, and to walk humbly with

your God.” We also discuss R.

Simeon and his statement: “There

are three crowns; the crown of

Torah; that of the priesthood, and

that of kingdom; the crown of a

good name however, is above all.”

So come and study, discuss, and

share your thoughts. If you have

any questions, please contact Burt

Brenman at [email protected]

or 302-947-2183.

Minutes of SJC Board Minutes are available to interested

members after the Board approves

them. Copies may be obtained by

contacting our Secretary.

Alfred Gross Scholars Shabbat Donations Requested Save the date! The 10th Annual

Alfred Gross Scholars Shabbat

will be Friday-Saturday, June 2-3.

The event is in honor of Alfred

Gross for his leadership role in

founding Seaside and launching

our adult education program. The

2017 event will also celebrate the

20th Anniversary of the founding

of SJC. Our scholars will be

Renee Brachfield and Rabbi Mark

Novak. They will lead Shabbat

services on Friday evening and

Saturday morning. Renee and

Rabbi Mark will enrich our

services with thought provoking

stories and stimulating songs. On

Saturday morning, following a

short service, they will present an

interactive D’var Torah, to be

followed by a story and musical

experience on The Spiritual Magic

of the Niggun. All participants

will have lunch together, and then

Renee and Rabbi Mark will

perform Klezmer tales and inter-

generational storytelling in the

Jewish tradition.

This imaginative and delightful

program, as with each of the

Alfred Gross Lectures since 2007,

is presented at no cost, as it is

fully supported by your

contributions to SJC’s Alfred

Gross Scholars Fund. Please

consider making a contribution to

the Fund as part of your personal

giving plans for 2017. Use the

donation form in this newsletter or

on the homepage of our SJC

website to make a contribution

that would assure the continuity of

the Alfred Gross Scholars Shabbat

into the future and also to applaud

Seaside on our 20th Anniversary.

Page 5: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

February 2017 Seaside Jewish Community Page 5

Religious School News The religious school had a long

break. After celebrating Chanukah

on December 18, the kids began a

2 week winter break. They were

scheduled to return on January 8,

but mother nature had other plans.

School was cancelled due to snow.

As no religious school was

scheduled for January 15 for the

Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, it

was a full 4 weeks before school

resumed on January 22.

Purim Celebration Mar 12 Our annual Purim celebration will

be Sunday, March 12, at SJC.

Following SJC tradition, at 11

a.m., our religious school children

will perform “Wicked: The Untold

Story of Purim” for us, followed

by the reading of the Megilla and

a potluck meat lunch. The children

will also participate in arts and

crafts projects and Hamantaschen

baking. Should be a fun day for

both adults and children. Please

come and support our religious

school. You don’t need to have a

child in the school to attend. Bring

a dish to share at the potluck, and

let Joel Simon know if you plan to

attend the lunch and what food

item you wish to bring by

contacting him at 302-245-1386 or

[email protected].

Yes, You Can! Have you ever wanted to attend an

SJC event but thought you couldn't

afford it? SJC policy is to work with

you if you have a financial hardship.

Please contact the treasurer to

confidentially discuss your situation.

Friendly Reminder Children should always be supervised

at SJC. If you bring a child to an event

they should be with you or another

adult at all times.

Oy Vey 5K! SJC is excited about our 5th Oy

Vey 5k, 1 mile walk, and kids

race. The event will be on April 2,

at 9 a.m., with race day

registration beginning at 8 a.m.

We are again partnering with

Seashore Striders to host a

fantastic day of fun and fitness.

We hope you will consider

running, walking, volunteering,

sponsoring, and/or supporting the

race. Complete the registration

form in this issue if you want to

participate in the race. Complete

the sponsor form if you are willing

and able to support the race

financially. Both forms are also

available on our website under

About Us > Newsletter.

All proceeds benefit SJC's

educational programs. To

volunteer or ask questions, contact

Joel Simon at 302-245-1386 or

[email protected]. We

need your help with the following:

Sponsors. Your business has a

unique opportunity to support our

race. As a sponsor your business

will be represented in race

materials and displayed

prominently on our race shirts.

Please complete the sponsor form

and mail it to SJC.

Volunteers. Volunteers will be

crucial the morning of the race.

We will need help with set up,

parking, registration, food prep

and service, the water stop, and

directing traffic.

Chefs and Bakers. Anyone who is

able to make a dish for the post-

race party would be a big help.

This has always been a highlight

of our race. Runners always

compliment SJC for the food at

the after party. We feature kugel at

this event and would love one

donated from you, but any dairy or

parve food is fine.

We hope that many of you will

join in the excitement as a

participant, sponsor, volunteer, or

all three! Let's build on the

success of the last four years’

events and make this one even


Book Review The Adult Education Committee

recommends the book Notorious

RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth

Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon

and Shana Knizhnik. Delightfully

written, with charts denoting the

amazing difference Ginsburg

made by her lawyerly emphasis on

individual rights; it is a story to

treasure. Her step-by-step

approach in addressing

discrimination provides an

example of how ideas become

accepted and move into the

mainstream. Her marriage is an

example of two people equally

proficient in their fields, and the

ways in which they respected both

the needs of their growing family

and their commitment to their

professional lives. This book is

available through the Delaware

Library System. Questions and

comments may be addressed to

Miriam Zadek at

[email protected].

Wednesday Mornings at Seaside

Every Wednesday. 9 to 10:30 a.m.,

you’ll find the SJC doors open for

those interested in a contemplative,

spiritual, peace-filled start to their day.

Meditation, chant, and prayer are

included. Everyone, including folks

wanting to learn the practice of

meditation, is welcome.

Page 6: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Page 6 Seaside Jewish Community February 2017

Mitzvah Opportunities Programs are sponsored by SJC or

outside community organizations.

Oy Vey 5K! – We need volunteers

to help plan the race, and provide

food and support on race day.

Please contact Joel Simon at

[email protected] or


Epworth Soup Kitchen – Seaside’s

Team 6 – Every six weeks,

Seaside is responsible for Epworth

United Methodist Church’s

Sunday afternoon soup kitchen.

The next date is Sunday,

February 5. Please contact Dill

Patz at [email protected] or 302-

537-4368 to let her know you

want to be part of the team.

Immanuel Code Purple Shelter for

the Homeless – They need hand

wash liquid sanitizers, disposable

razors, shaving cream, lots of

feminine products, toothpaste,

combs, tooth brushes, bath soap,

hand soap, deodorant, skin lotion

moisturizers, flashlights, batteries,

reading glasses, sewing kits,

contact solution, shampoo,

conditioner, shampoo/conditioner

for African Americans, small

personal first aid kit, band aids,

first aid cream, hydrogen

peroxide, Q-tips, eye wash, foot

powder, hand warmers, foot

warmers (shoe inserts). If you can

make a donation of goods or

dollars, send an email to

[email protected] or call


Villages Programs - Two Village

programs are available in the

Greater Rehoboth area to help

older adults age in place in their

own homes. The Brandywine

Village Network of Eastern

Sussex County sponsored by

Jewish Family Services (JFS)

serves Rehoboth, Dewey,

Harbeson, Long Neck, and

Millsboro; and the Greater Lewes

Village Community serves Lewes

and Milton. If you are interested in

becoming a member or a

volunteer, contact the JFS office at

302-827-6040 for the Brandywine

Village Network of Eastern

Sussex or the Greater Lewes

Village Community at 302-703-


Mitzvah Day April 2 Each year, SJC participates in

International Good Deeds Day.

Sunday, April 2, is the day and

SJC is the place. Our Mitzvah Day

is two-fold. First, we are helping

our Oy Vey 5K race organizers

with the making and serving of

kugels for the race after-party

meal. Second, during the morning

of the race, we are collecting items

such as toiletries, diapers, etc., and

used but not abused suitcases for

the Immanuel Code Purple Shelter

for the Homeless. We need your

help for both!

To volunteer to make kugel,

contact Anita Smulyan at

[email protected] or

302-703-2900. For more

information about shelter

donations, contact Cheryl

Fruchtman at 302-227-1056 or

[email protected].

Dorothy Shor Memorial Mah Jongg

Every Tuesday, 12:30 p.m.

Lunch at 11:30

At T.G.I. Friday’s

19266 Coastal Hwy.

Near the Safeway

We teach Mah Jongg to anyone

wishing to learn.

For more information please contact

Deborah Markow at:

443-310-9462 or [email protected]

Thank You to our Members Who Completed First Aid Class On Sunday, December 4, twenty

SJC members attended a three

hour class in Cardiopulmonary

Resuscitation (CPR), Automated

External Defibrillator (AED), and

first-aid. This class teaches life-

saving procedures for prolonging

lives while waiting for first-

responders to arrive. Did you

know that CPR should be started

about ten seconds after a person

shows signs of heart failure? Each

person taking the class had the

option of receiving a certification

card from the American Heart

Association valid for two years.

We are all very thankful to our

students for their participation in

the class, and we hope that they

never have to use these skills.

Yahrzeit Plaques Honor your departed loved one by

having a plaque mounted on the wall

in the sanctuary. It takes 3 months to

receive them.

SJC Cemetery Reserve Your Plot(s) today.

Contact Harvey Fruman at

302-226-2209 or [email protected]

Food, Clothing, Toiletries Needed

So many in our area are in need. Bring

non-perishable food, gently used coats

and clothing, or new toiletries when

you come to SJC and put them in the

wicker basket at the top of the stairs.

The Community Service Committee

will pick up your donated items and

deliver them to local service

organizations. Thank you and please


Page 7: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

February 2017 Seaside Jewish Community Page 7

2017 Opening Dinner Trumps Snowstorm! SJC’s Opening Dinner was slated

for January 7 at King’s Creek

Country Club, but a record

snowfall postponed the event. The

social committee and KCC agreed

to reschedule, and consequently,

we gathered the following

Saturday, January 14. Due to the

rescheduling, about half who had

initially signed up were unable to

attend, but those who did had a

great time. KCC served a delicious

buffet dinner, and the smaller

group made for a more intimate

evening. We got to know each

other better, and we welcomed

four new couples to SJC. Thanks

to the club for their flexibility in

accommodating us, and to Brina

Krupp and Fran Saltzman for

planning another wonderful


January Lunches On Thursday, January 19, both

men and women held their

respective lunches. The ladies (or

Juliets) gathered at the Forgotten

Mile Ale House. Eighteen women

enjoyed varied entrees and great

conversation. We were happy to

see some new faces in addition to

many long-standing members.

Afterwards, many of us stayed for

either Mah Jongg or canasta.

Thanks to Debby Markow for

another successful gathering.

Thirteen men met at SJC and

journeyed to Nicola’s on the

Avenue for half-price nic-o-bolis.

The group included a few new

members, and we enjoyed dining

with them. Thanks to Mike

Saltzman for setting up this event.

Pastoral Support – Just A Phone Call Away SJC members visit patients at local

hospitals, nursing homes, and rehab

facilities. We can help families

dealing with the death of a loved

one. SJC’s Religious Leader is

available to help families through

the rituals and processes

surrounding death, including

funeral and burial, Shiva, and

notifying the SJC community, while

other SJC members take care of

providing a Shiva tray or meal of

comfort or a contribution in

memory of the loved one. Contacts:

Rabbi Beth Cohen, 302-858-

2374, [email protected]

Anita Smulyan, 302-703-2900,

[email protected]

Cheryl Fruchtman,


[email protected]

Helping Hands SJC offers support to members who

are ill, grieving, homebound, or just

need a helping hand. Available

support includes sending cards,

visiting people at home, preparing and

delivering meals, picking up groceries

and prescriptions, small repairs around

the house, and running errands. New

Helping Hand team members are

welcome. Contact Anita Smulyan at


Happy Birthday to our Members


2/02 Louis Hyman

2/03 Lionel Saltzberg

2/04 Emily Simon

2/04 Hal Cohen

2/04 Madelyn Zacchino

2/07 Liam Stegall

2/09 Lori Bernstein

2/10 Aida Waserstein

2/10 Brent Lobley

2/10 Miriam Zadek

2/10 Monica Fleischmann

2/10 Nancy Abramowitz

2/11 Jacqueline Hein

2/12 Carl Newman

2/12 Nikki Downs

2/12 Renee Suslak

2/13 Keith Snyder

2/13 Vivian Warren

2/14 Julie Cooper

2/14 Sharon Goldsmith

2/15 David Udoff

2/15 Buddy Feldman

2/15 Fran Sneider

2/15 Steve Bold

2/16 Patricia Simon

2/18 Majorie Norris

2/18 Nicole Sachs

2/20 Ethan Simon

2/22 Jerry Goldsmith

2/23 Alvin Ross

2/23 Paula Varrassi

2/23 Stephen Thaler

2/24 Cynthia Headman

2/24 Shirley Fantl

2/25 Harriet Miller

2/25 Lauren Block

2/25 Lee Mussoff

2/25 Megan Block

2/27 Barbara Alushin

2/27 Eric Land

2/28 Patrick Gossett

2/28 Sander Bieber

Page 8: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Page 8 Seaside Jewish Community February 2017

Thank You SJC gratefully acknowledges the

following donations as of December


General Fund

Audrey Adkins for Religious School

Richard Chipkin

Sharon Downs

Myra Kramer for Community Service


Brian & Brina Krupp

Bill & Renay Regardie

Peter Schott & Jeffrey Davis

Eric & Robin Schwartz

Sam & Anita Smulyan for Community

Service program in memory of their

parents & in honor of their children

Shirley Weiner in honor of Harvey

Fruman's birthday

Rabbi Dick & Barbara White

Steve & Carol Zimmerman

Martin Zoltick

High Holy Day Donation

Arnold Cohen in memory of Bernice

L. Cohen

Allan & Leslie Slan

Year End Donation

Terri Allen

Matthew & Carole Ash

Celia Aufdemberge in memory of

Helen & Mel Stern

Ruth Ball

Roberta Bass in memory of Michael S.


Lori Bernstein

Sander Bieber & Linda Rosenzweig

Elaine Birkmeyer

Paul & Edith Calem in memory of

Lillian H. Calem

Bill & Joan Davidson

Barry & Carol Denenberg

Zita Dresner

Clif Elgarten & Marni Walfoort in

honor of Adele Elgarten

Martin & Ellen Epstein

Shirley Fantl

Andy & Amy Feinberg

Jack Feldman in honor of Buddy &

Marilyn Feldman

John & Judith Freid

Rosalyn Matz Fried

Harvey & Allyn Fruman

Sol & Nina Glasner

Warren & Linda Gleckel

Laura Glenn & Marilyn Kates in

memory of Laura Ponticorvo

Freddy & Sophia Gordin in honor of

Michael & Rose Feil

Paul & Sharon Greenblath

Betsy Samuelson Greer

Marsha & Vincent Guarriello in honor

of Sidney Shapiro

Bernard & Jane Guyer

John Hammett in honor of his wife,

Myra Kramer

Cynthia Headman

David & Evey Herschler in memory

of Carrie Leven

Kathy Jackson & Jacob Lapides in

honor of the services provided by

the outgoing board members

Margaret Jacobs

Richard Julie

Joanie Kalin

Diane Kaplan in memory of Betty &

Hyman Kaplan

Philip & Jean Keats in honor of

granddaughter Ava Marie Keats

David & Marjorie Kobrin in honor of

their grandchildren Kiley, Emerson

& Ryder

Lester & Maria-Luisa Koransky

Rosa Kotelanski in honor of Danny

Kotelanski’s bar mitzvah

Joe & Marcy Kozol in honor of Joe's

84th birthday

Larry & Elizabeth Kramer

Michael Krausz in honor of Harvey &

Allyn Fruman

Lawrence Krevor & Marjorie Norris

Alan & Ellen Levin

Theda Levitt

Amy Levy

Doreen Linehan in honor of grandson

Raphael's first birthday

Carol Maneckshaw

George & George Mason

Donald & Lynne Myers

Phyllis Nash

Sol & Beverly Peltz

Alan Pickholtz

Roni Posner in memory of Herbert &

Dorothy Posner

Iris Prager

Shelley Prince in honor of Pauline


Patricia Powell in honor of Eleanor &

Harry Stillman & James Stillman

Steve & Sue Rasher

David & Judith Rindler

Jeffrey & Sara Rosen

Judy Rosenstein

Carol Ann Rudolph

Myra Sachs

Allen & Nancy Schechtman

Myra Schein

happy birthday to Aaron Schein &

Jay Schein

in memory of Doris Bernhart with

condolences to Jan Schein

Ellen Schnabel

Sandra Silberman

Chick Silberstein

Glenn & Debra Silbert

Stanley & Cindi Silverblatt

Laura Simon in honor of Larry Simon

Matthew & Sara Simon

Allan & Leslie Slan

Joseph & Judith Stormer

Neil & Kristan Trugman

Leonard & Irene Ullmann

Ellen Watkins

Elva Weininger in memory of her

parents Joseph & Ruth and brother


Chris Wetherhold

Howard & Judy Winston

Ellen Wolf & Richard Harris

Jack & Lorri Wolfe

Joel & Marti Worshtil

Building Fund

Ron & Gayle Miller

Bud Simon & Carol Pearson

Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors

2/03 Len & Irene Ullmann in honor of

their 53rd anniversary

2/18 Need sponsor

New Members

Jeff & Wendy Boxer

Lawrence & Nancy Fishel

Rosalind Johnson

Larry & Marianne Katz

Ed & Estie Lipsit

Page 9: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

February 2017 Seaside Jewish Community Page 9

In The Community

Refuah Shleimah – Get Well


We send our prayers and healing

energy to SJC members and loved

ones of members who have been

hospitalized or injured in recent

weeks, or who are facing or have

had health challenges.

Robbin Myerberg

Roni Posner

Nihum Avelim – Comforting the


We extend our deepest sympathies

to Renata Price (Yona Zucker) on

the death of her mother Patricia on

December 23; to Michael

(Barbara) Alushin on the death of

his mother, Ann on December 31;

to Marshall (Linda) Gevinson on

the death of his mother, Marcella

on December 31; and to Jackie

(Eric) Land on the death of her

mother, Esther Devorah “Debby”

Kover on January 13. Zichronam

Livracha. May their memories be

a blessing.

Please contact Rabbi Beth Cohen,

[email protected] or 302-

858-2374, if you’d like to add the

name of someone you love to the

SJC healing prayer list, to the list

of family members who have died,

or if there is a celebration in your

life which you want to share with

the SJC family.

Donation Form (Please print clearly)

Please Return to: Seaside Jewish Community P.O. Box 1472 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


It is only through the generosity of those who support us that we are able to maintain our program of services, education, and outreach to the community. Thank you for your donation! Complete this form and mail it along with your check to the above address. You can also donate by clicking on the Donate button on the home page at Enclosed is a donation in the amount of: $ _________ for: □ General Fund (unrestricted) In Memory/Honor of (optional):




□ Restricted for: □ Adult Education Programs □ Alfred Gross Scholars Fund □ Building Fund □ Cemetery Program □ Community Service

Programs □ Religious School Programs □ Ritual Object Fund □ Worship Programs □ Youth Education Fund

Please send notification of this donation to (Name/Address) (optional):




Donor Info:

Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

Phone: _________________E-Mail: __________________________

Thank you again for your generosity. Seaside Jewish Community is a 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details.

Page 10: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Oy Vey, 5K Run and Walk

5K Race / 1 Mile Dog-Friendly Fun Walk / Kids Races Proceeds benefit the educational programs at



When: Sunday, APRIL 2, 2017 beginning at 9:00 am

Where: Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Rd, Rehoboth Beach, DE

19971 (Located next to Rehoboth Little League)

Produced By: Seashore Striders with Chronotrack Chip timing & finish line services provided by the Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc.

Registration: $20 Pre-Registration by 3/27, $25 Race-Day Registration beginning at 8:00


Awards: Awards presented to the Overall & Master Champions, as well as to the top

three finishers, in the following nine age groups: 9 & U, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over.

Amenities: T-shirts guaranteed to the first 100 registered, water stops and breakfast

provided featuring homemade kugel.

(One application per participant required). MAIL IN REGISTRATION FORM

If you are unable to register online, please mail in this form by 3/24/17 with your payment payable to: Seashore Striders, Oy Vey 5K, P. O. Box 99, Nassau, DE 19969

Event: Seaside Jewish Community 5k

Name: DOB: Age: Gender: M or F

Address: Phone: Email:

Pre-registration: $20 Race Day, $25 Day of Event: 5k: NCWalk: Kiddie:

Tech Unisex Shirt : ___YL ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL Tech Women’s ___SM ___MD ___LG ___XL

WAIVER I know that competing in a 5K Run/Walk can be a hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly trained. Having read this waiver, I for myself and anyone acting in my behalf, waive, Seashore Striders, Seaside Jewish Community, Seashore Strider Event Production, Inc., Road Runners Club of America, City of Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth Little League, State of Delaware and all sponsors from all claims and liabilities resulting in my participation in

this event.

FOR RACE INFORMATION CALL Seashore Strider DIRECTOR TIM BAMFORTH (302) 644-8952 or email [email protected]

or Joel Simon, SJC, (302) 245-1386 or [email protected] Register Online at


Signature: Date: Official

Parent Signature (under 18): Date: use only

Emergency contact/phone: Name: BIB:

Page 11: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Oy Vey, 5K and Walk Sponsor Form

Event Date: April 2, 2016 at 9 AM

Seaside Jewish Community, 18970 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Race will benefit the educational programs at SJC

Race registration details and more information can be found at

Mensch Sponsor ($500+): Tzadik Sponsor ($250+): Mazel Tov Sponsor ($150+):

Recognition on the event website and related press materials

Opportunity to provide company information, business cards, and/or giveaway items at registration/check in table

Three free race entries

Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the registration area (day of the event)

Business name at mile marker signs

Announcement of business name at the beginning of the race

Name or logo of business on race shirts

Recognition on the event website and related press materials

Opportunity to provide company information, business cards, and/or giveaway items at registration/check in table

Two free race entries

Opportunity to set up table/exhibit in the registration area (day of the event)

Announcement of business name at the beginning of the race

Name or logo of business on race shirts

Recognition on the event website and related press materials

Opportunity to provide company information, business cards, and/or giveaway items at registration/check in table

One free race entry

Name or logo of business on race shirts


In-kind prize donations, gift certificates to your business, free products, or food for post-race party


To become a sponsor return this form with a check made payable to the Seaside Jewish Community, PO Box

1472, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, no later than 3/20/17.

Business Name _____________________________ Primary Contact ____________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________

Sponsorship Level: $500 ______ $250 _______ $150 _______ Other_______

I intend to use my complimentary registration(s) Yes _______ No ________

Thank you for your support

Page 12: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Seaside Jewish CommunityP O Box 1472Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Support Our SponsorsIf you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider

Page 13: Seaside Jewish Community News February 2017Passover – Not Too Far Away Passover begins at sundown on Monday, April 10, and continues until sundown Monday, April 17, (or Tuesday,

Seaside Jewish Community 21th Annual Passover Seder

2nd Night Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:30 p.m.

Kings Creek Country Club

1 Kings Creek Circle

Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Advance reservations are required by March 30

Reserve your meal and pay online following the below directions.

Dinner Menu


Members - $38 Non Members - $41


Members - $16 Non Members - $18

Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball Chicken Soup w/Matzo Ball


Choice of Entrée

Roasted Turkey Breast



Choice of Entrée

Hamburger (No bun)

Chicken Leg

Chicken Breast

Mixed Fresh Vegetables French Fries

Roasted Potatoes Apple Sauce

Dessert Dessert

Questions about the Seder: Call Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900

If you don’t have a computer and need to send in a check, or have questions about how to purchase

tickets online: Call Fran Sneider at 301-509-0074

Purchase Tickets by March 30: Go to

Find the “2017 Passover Seder” event.

Click on “More Info", page down to read the Description, and then click on “Get Tickets.”

FIRST, select the number of tickets (i.e., the number of meals you are paying for).

THEN use the drop down arrow to pick SJC Member/NonMember, Adult/Child, and the entrée

for each ticket/meal:

o Adults: Turkey, Salmon or Vegetarian

o Children: Hamburger, Chicken Leg or Chicken Breast.

After you have selected a meal for each person, click on "Next Step."

Choose to print or receive email for the tickets, then click “Next Step.”

See a summary and the total cost.

o If you agree, click “Checkout."

o If you disagree, go back to make corrections.

For checkout, in the spaces provided, enter:

o your email address (and name and password as needed),

o names of all attendees you are paying for, and

o your phone number in case we have a question.

Click "Pay/Checkout with PayPal."

Either log into your PayPal account or Check out as Guest.

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