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ScWk 240 Week 4: Theory and Research 9/17/12 1ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 2 Agenda I.Introduction to purposes of a research literature review II.Bibliographic searching for research & APA style III.The role of theory in research IV.Deductive and inductive logic V.Introduction to variables VI.More work on topic development 2ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 3 Review of last week Which one is not the purpose of a process study? 1.Fidelity study of the intervention 2.The outcome of the intervention 3.Whether the intervention was implemented correctly 4.How well the staff were trained in the new intervention 3ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 4 Review of last week Which type of study efficacy or effectiveness, is conducted with more rigorous research methods? True or false: an intervention is determined to be a best practice when the professional community comes to consensus about it being one. True or false: there is no relationship between research methods and an agencys attempts to improve the quality of its services. True or false: one reason why a desired outcome isnt achieved could be that the target population was not accurately recruited 4ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 5 Purposes of Literature Review in Research 1) To focus the research topic and questions 2) To gather statistics about the target population and/or extent of the problem youre addressing 3) To find relevant theory for your topic 4) To find out what methods have been done to answer the research questions 5) To look for gaps in the research a) Target populations not yet studied or excluded b) Interventions not yet studied c) Methods not yet conducted 6) What were implications of the study, and what were the recommendations for further study? 5ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 6 Library Resources tutorials For example: Finding Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Articles Topic development-- development ScWk 240 9/17/126 Slide 7 Bibliography Peer reviewed articles For the Bibliography, aim for 15 out of the minimum 20 required Websites ok, but the priority ones are: Research organization sites Policy sites Online government reports Journals relevant to social work: see Rubin & Babbie appendix, Using the Library APAeverything double spaced ScWk 240 9/17/127 Slide 8 APA pre-test Whats wrong with these citations? Morgan, D. L. (1988). Focus Groups as Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Press. Polansky, Norman. (February, 1986). There is nothing so practical as a good theory. Child Welfare, v. 65, Issue 1, pp. 3-15. Nutley, S., Walter, I., & Davies, H. T. O. (2009). Promoting evidence-based practice: models and mechanisms from a cross-sector review. Research on Social Work Practice, 19(5) 552-559. 8ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 9 Student report #1 Describe the relationship between theory and hypotheses. 9ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 10 The Role of Theory in Research Definition of theory: Definition of theory in the social sciences: a systematic set of interrelated statements intended to explain some aspect of social life or enrich our sense of how people conduct and find meaning in their daily lives. (Rubin & Babbie) What are the purposes of theory in developing and conducting research? Makes explicit any underlying assumptions Justifies how or why we think something is true (such as an hypothesis) or why one thing can cause another thing to occur or predict its occurrence Such, as: What do you think causes people to behave the way they do? Genetic predisposition? Environmental factors? Psychological temperament? Discussion: why would you expect that social activity would allow older adults to maintain cognitive functioning? 10ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 11 The types of theories relevant to social work research Theories of human behavior (developmental theories, stress & coping, etc.) Theories about groups, organizations and communities Political, sociological and economic theories Theories about environment and culture (ecological theory, acculturation theory, feminist/gender role theories, etc.) Program theory (explains how a practice, program or intervention should work based on the objectives of the program and other theories) 11ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 12 The role of theory in the types of SW research Type of SW ResearchRole of Theory Descriptive researchNo role of theory Explanatory researchVery important role: Explains the relationship among variables Deductive reasoningtheory is tested Exploratory researchVery important role: Theory is necessary, but under- developed Inductive reasoningtheory is developed from observation 12ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 13 Deductive reasoning Deductive reasoning--we develop hypotheses based on a theory If X happens, then Y is true (or false), or X and Y are (or are not) related, or The more X occurs, the more (or less) Y occurs Hypothesis: a testable statement about empirical reality Example: Parent Mentor program and Stress Coping Theory 13ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 14 Student report #2 Whats the difference between an independent and dependent variable? 14ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 15 Independent and Dependent Variables What is a variable? Observable characteristics that vary among individuals Independent variable variables used to explain, predict or cause another variable. (Hintindependent implies that these variables are unaffected by the predicted variable.) Dependent variable the variable that is assumed to be affected, caused or predicted by others. (Hint: dependent on others.) The opposite of variable is constant. Whats the difference? For young women between 16-25, does involvement in criminal justice have anything to do with extent of prior abuse? Name the IV, the DV and the constant Can you identify a theory that might explain this statement? 15ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 16 Name the IVs (Xs) and DVs (Ys) Name the IV and DV: Is educational attainment related to income level? What role does self esteem play in a young adults job interview abilities? Do those receiving medication for depression with case management have better outcomes (less depression) than those receiving only case management? (Hintoutcomes are always dependent variables) 16ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 17 Student report #3 What are attributes of a variable? Give two examples. 17ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 18 Attributes Attributes characteristics of persons or things (the choices of a variables characteristics) What are the likely attributes of these variables? Gender Ethnicity Income GPA Employment status 18ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 19 Something like this might be on a test For uninsured adults with substance abuse problems in San Jose, males are more likely than females to be referred to follow up care. What is the independent variable? __________ What are its attributes? What is the dependent variable? _________ What are its attributes? What is the constant? What would the research question for this study? Note: Hypotheses and research questions can be stated in terms of variables; OR in terms of their attributes 19ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 20 Concepts & definitions you should know: Purposes of lit review in research Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning Theory Role of theory in types of SW research Hypothesis Independent and dependent variable Variable Attributes Constant 20ScWk 240 9/17/12 Slide 21 Topics for Student Reports, Week 3 1.Why is it important to protect research subjects? What areas need protecting? Valerie 2.What is the difference between confidentiality and anonymity? Arlene 3.What is culturally competent measurement in research? Relate this to one or more (of the 5) areas of the Transcultural Perspective. Elisse 21ScWk 240 9/17/12

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