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why To deliver faster 

with higher quality 

in a more transparent way 

Faster   Scrum forces you to break-up projects into a series of manageable


  Progress is made, even when requirements are not stable.

  Early delivery of tested and working software

  Easier response to changing needs (of the customer)

Higher Quality   Frequent feedback & increments delivery guarantees meeting

customer expectations  Increased customer commitment through involvement in the

development process

  Problems are immediately detected

  Tackle or escalate risks without delay

  Tighter control on development through daily evaluation

More Transparent   At start of sprint, the scope is fixed and everyone knows who is

accountable for what and by when

  Stakeholders are involved in scrum & review meetings  The daily scrums allow you to give advance warnings of potential

issues & deviation

  Clear and accurate view on planned budget vs. actuals and the ability

to react swiftly (on sprint frequency)

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what Scrum is a lightweight framework for agile development. Functionality is delivered in

iterative cycles of two to four weeks called sprints, allowing immediate feedback and

reaction to changing business opportunities.

Scrum is an Agile process framework that allows organizations to continuously direct the

project toward early delivery of real business value through the frequent and regular

delivery of high quality software.

Scrum has become an industry standard since the nineties. It is a project management 

method, not only for software development.

Scrum works Scrum is a framework, not a defined process or methodology. Scrum provides a simple structure

of roles, meetings and tools. Scrum teams are responsible for creating and adapting their

processes within this framework.

Scrum is coinciding with the agile movement in software development, which is partly inspired

by Lean manufacturing approaches such as the Toyota Production System and integrates

engineering best practices, e.g. Continuous Integration, Test-driven development and automatedbuilds.

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how Product OwnerOwns the vision of what should be produced.

Gets input from stakeholders and turns this into a single list of what should be produced, prioritized

on business value and risk. This list is called the Product Backlog


Is responsible for the Scrum process.Ensures that the team is doing what the are best in, delivering business value.

Removes everything (impediments) that keeps the team from doing their job.

The TeamCommits to the content of the iteration (sprint)

It has all the skills to produce a finished product – designers, coders, testers, etc. – and everyone

contributes based on competency, rather than just job title.

The team is self-organizing and self-managing. It is responsible for making a commitment and

managing itself to hit the goal.

Product BacklogThe Product Backlog is a single master list, which contains all the features, functions and

requirements of the product, which is to be developed. They are written in the form of a user Story.

All items are prioritized based on business value and risk.

Sprint Backlog

The Sprint Backlog contains all functionality the committed to for the current sprint. Each user storyis broken down into tasks that are needed to finish the develop the functionality.

Burndown GraphsThe Burndown Graphs show the progress of the work.

It shows the amount of remaining work per day (Sprint Burndown) or per Sprint (Release Burndown

or Product Burndown).

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Sprint PlanningIn this meeting, the development team discusses the requirements of all relevant Product Backlogitems with the Product Owner, so that they fully understand them, clarifies the user acceptance

tests, finds aspects like performance or stability, finds the acceptance criteria and figures out what

"done" means. The team then commits to a number of items starting with the ones with the highest


Daily ScrumEach day, the team has a short meeting to update each other on progress and surface blocks.

Everyone reports just 3 things: What have I done since the last Daily Scrum? What will I do until the

next Daily Scrum? Are there any Impediments to complete my work?

Sprint Review / RetrospectiveAt the end of the Sprint, the Product Owner, the Team, the Scrum Master, and Stakeholders come

together and see a demo of what the team has produced. The Product Owner gathers feedback from

everyone on ways to improve what’s been built.

Afterwards, the Team, Product Owner, and ScrumMaster meet to have a retrospective on their way

of working, and look for ways to improve their effectiveness.

This is the mechanism for continuous improvement, and also where critical problems are identified

and addressed, or surfaced to management for assistance.

Meeting Frequency Duration

Sprint Planning: 1st day of each Sprint 2 - 4 hours

Daily Scrum: Each day at the same place and time 15 minutes

Sprint Review: Last day of each Sprint 1 - 2 hours

Retrospective: Last day of each Sprint 1 - 2 hours 

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