


A messy book bag, a cluttered desk…these could be holding your child back from being the

best student he can be.

You may wonder why. The answer is put as simply as this: students need to master the skills enabling learning BEFORE

they can learn.

The disorganized student runs the potential for lower grades by

“forgetting” to complete assignments, and may suffer lower

self-esteem and frustration.


The problem may be a “nuisance” in elementary school where

teachers often intervene, but needs to be handled before middle school where more is expected of

the student himself.


Organizational skills are based on executive functions that are innate neurological processes.


Students with immature executive function skills are not

able to plan ahead and often can’t manage time.

It’s not their fault.They need more support.


All students should know how to decide what should be done first,

how much time should be given to a particular task, and how to identify

the activities that waste time.



School Answers Learning Center offers just what the disorganized student needs and teaches them ways to better manage their time.

We work on organization each and every time your child walks

through our door.

We start by simply unpacking his backpack and re-organizing it through color-coding and other techniques. We do it over and over again making sure organization becomes second nature. It’s a skill your child will have for life.



Help your child become the best student he can be. Contact us at School Answers to see what our New Jersey certified teachers can do for you and your child

through individualized tutoring and group sessions.

We work on Core Content in conjunction with your child’s school. We also encourage

students to work on long-term projects while at our center, helping them to more fully

comprehend the subject matter.

We also offer remediation for students who may be

falling behind.

School Answers is where SMART KIDS GET SMARTER.


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