  • 8/12/2019 Schaller, Jack - Vol (Investigation-11/15/13)


    Transcript of the Testimony of Jack Schaller

    Date:November 15, 2013Volume:I

    Case: In Re: Joplin Critical Investigation

    Printed On: November 30, 2013

    Holliday Reporting Service, Inc.Phone: 417-358-4078

    Fax: 417-451-1114Email:[email protected]


  • 8/12/2019 Schaller, Jack - Vol (Investigation-11/15/13)


    Jack Schaller In Re: Joplin Critical Investigation

    417-358-4078Holliday Reporting Service, Inc.

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    Taken on Friday, November 15, 2013, from 2:03 p.m. to 3:38

    p.m., at the law offices of Juddson H. McPherson, LLC, 626

    S. Byers, in the City of Joplin, County of Jasper, State of

    Missouri, before

    SHARON K. ROGERS, C.C.R.650,

    a Certified Court Reporter and a Notary Public within and

    for the County of Jasper, and State of Missouri.

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    Loraine & Associates, LLC

    4075 Osage Beach Pkwy., Suite 300

    Osage Beach, MO 65065

    [email protected]

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    Jack Schaller In Re: Joplin Critical Investigation

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    S T I P U L A T I O N


    Statement may be taken by steno-mask type recording by

    SHARON K. ROGERS, a Certified Court Reporter, and

    afterwards reduced into typewriting.

    It is further stipulated that the signature of the

    witness is hereby waived, and that said Sworn Statement of

    said witness shall be of the same force and effect as

    though said witness had read and signed Sworn Statement.

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    I N D E X



    E X H I B I T S

    Exhibit #28 . . . . . . . 33-11

    Interview for jobsExhibit #29 . . . . . . . 45-5

    May 2013 memoExhibit #30 . . . . . . . 48-12

    5/30/13 letter

    Exhibit #31 . . . . . . . 68-12 Letter to Mark Rohr

    Exhibit #32 . . . . . . . 68-17

    Letter to Jack Schaller

    Exhibit #33 . . . . . . . 75-24


    Exhibit #34 . . . . . . . 76-22


    Note: Exhibits in separate binder

    (sic) - typed as spoken

    (ph.) - phonetic

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    2 Having been first duly sworn and examined,

    3 testified as follows:


    5 Q. Mr. Schaller, is that two L's?

    6 A. Yes.

    7 Q. S-C-H-A-L-L-E-R?

    8 A. E-R, no T.

    9 Q. Thank you. Mr. Schaller, you're under oath.

    10 I appreciate you've taken that, I don't think

    11 I can make you take that, but that's the way

    12 this investigation has gone so it helps if we

    13 stay consistent with everything. If you were

    14 a City employee I know what I could, but I

    15 can't do that to you because you're private.

    16 So you're here voluntarily and I appreciate

    17 it. We're trying to straighten some things

    18 out. My name as I told you is Tom Loraine

    19 and I'm a lawyer, I practice mainly out of

    20 Osage Beach, but I travel around the state of

    21 Missouri for these kinds of things when asked

    22 to, and these are called critical

    23 investigations and you do them when some city

    24 asks you to come down and do them because

    25 they can't straighten their own mess out.

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    1 And that's what I'm here for. I'm supposed

    2 to talk about three primary areas. One is

    3 Woolston, Mr. Woolston's dealing with real

    4 estate and being on the Council. The second

    5 one is Mr. Scearce's alleged background with

    6 gambling. And the third is an internal

    7 matter about somebody allegedly - how a note

    8 got from the City Manager's desk to Bill

    9 Scearce, and any collateral matters that

    10 arise out of any of those. One of the

    11 collateral matters that have arisen is the

    12 management style of City Manager Rohr. It's

    13 been described as my way or the highway, it's

    14 been described as hostile, intense,

    15 hollering, doors slamming, that kind of

    16 thing, threatening of employees that work for

    17 the City, among other things. I think that

    18 you might be able to shed some light on this

    19 last issue. As I understand it you used to

    20 work for the City?

    21 A. Yes, I was the Assistant Public Works

    22 Director.

    23 Q. Who was the Works Director?

    24 A. David Hertzberg.

    25 Q. Have you talked with him?

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    1 A. No.

    2 Q. I mean about this.

    3 A. No.

    4 Q. Well, he just came in and visited me a little

    5 bit before so I'm anticipating some things

    6 that you may or may not say. I would like

    7 you to keep this internal, behind doors. I

    8 can't make you do that because like I said

    9 you're no longer a City employee, but I would

    10 ask your cooperation because it is a very

    11 sensitive probe.

    12 A. Certainly, and I have stuff at stake, too.

    13 My name gets drug into it my company doesn't

    14 get work for the City.

    15 Q. And I am concerned about that so I was

    16 somewhat hesitant to ask you to come over for

    17 that reason, but some of the guys suggested I

    18 should talk to you anyway so I'm going to do

    19 that. And I guess if there's any retaliation

    20 or anything that does occur I'm going to give

    21 you one of my cards and I would like you to

    22 at least let me know that.

    23 A. Sure. And I thank you for that.

    24 Q. I was concerned about that myself because

    25 anticipating what you may or may not say,

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    1 only from what other people have told me I

    2 think that could be a possibility. Do you

    3 agree?

    4 A. I do agree. And from my perspective I don't

    5 know how much of this is going to wind up

    6 being a matter of public record.

    7 Q. Yeah, from your perspective some of it could

    8 be, some of it could be. I want you to tell

    9 the truth obviously. If you don't want to

    10 talk about something I would just as soon you

    11 say I don't want to talk about that issue and

    12 we'll respect you. I can't make you talk is

    13 what I'm telling you, I can only make City

    14 employees talk. I can't even make Councilmen

    15 talk.

    16 A. I want to do what's right and that's my goal

    17 here and that's what I hope to do. I don't

    18 want to sacrifice my company for the - I mean

    19 they were nice enough to give me a job.

    20 Q. Right, I'm aware of that. First of all

    21 identify yourself. How long have you been in

    22 private practice?

    23 A. I left the City of Joplin the second week of

    24 September of this year.

    25 Q. 2013?

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    1 A. Yes, sir.

    2 Q. So how many years did you work under City

    3 Manager Rohr?

    4 A. I went to work for the City of Joplin

    5 February 1st of 2008.

    6 Q. And as I understand it you are a Professional

    7 Engineer?

    8 A. That's correct.

    9 Q. And you have a license, a college degree and

    10 a license and you've been registered with the

    11 State of Missouri as a P.E.?

    12 A. That is correct.

    13 Q. You're presently doing engineering consulting

    14 work for the City?

    15 A. Yes, some. We have a couple of contracts

    16 with the City.

    17 Q. And who gives those contracts out from the

    18 City?

    19 A. Basically it's Council approval. The City

    20 staff writes up the green sheets. You know,

    21 we give them the contracts, they write up the

    22 green sheets, then they go through legal,

    23 Brian head, finance, Leslie Haase, and City

    24 Manager, and then they go to Council during

    25 the Council presentation.

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    1 Q. So those three people that you mentioned that

    2 would be Mr. Rohr, Mr. Head, and the

    3 Financial Manager, those positions would be

    4 somewhat critical to your employment with the

    5 City?

    6 A. That's correct.

    7 Q. I want to ask you about why you're no longer

    8 with the City.

    9 A. Okay. First of all I'd like to state that I

    10 loved my job with the City. I was really

    11 good at it. And I felt I kind of had to

    12 leave because I had no other choice. I

    13 didn't leave because I wanted to leave, I

    14 left because I felt I had to leave. The

    15 circumstances that led up to that to try to

    16 cut out as much of the back story as possible

    17 started when we interviewed an employee for

    18 the Operations Manager named Cody Cowan.

    19 There was several applicants that had put in

    20 for this Operations Manager. The Operations

    21 Manager that we had at the time, Tim Nyander,

    22 left the City of Joplin partially because of

    23 his distaste with the way things were being

    24 run.

    25 Q. With who?

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    1 A. Mark Rohr had asked him to do some things

    2 that he didn't feel were right to do.

    3 Q. Was it ethical problems or legal problems?

    4 A. No, it was basically the City Manager had

    5 went to I believe it was Reeves Tire to get a

    6 tire fixed during the tornado and because

    7 they didn't just move everybody else out of

    8 the line and put him first and said, listen,

    9 you're going to have to wait, it's going to

    10 be a couple of hours before we get to you

    11 with all the other flat tires and stuff we've

    12 got, he had instructed Tim Nyander, listen,

    13 we don't do anymore business with them

    14 because, by god, I run the City and I'm the

    15 most important thing going right now, they

    16 need to move everything else out of the way

    17 and take me first. And Tim didn't feel

    18 comfortable about telling a company that we

    19 do business with that we're not going to do

    20 business with them because they did them

    21 first come, first serve. So anyway he found

    22 him a job in Arkansas and we have a --

    23 Q. Tim told you this personally?

    24 A. Yes.

    25 Q. And you know that to be true?

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    1 A. Yes.

    2 Q. Was this the department that you were in?

    3 Did Tim actually work for you?

    4 A. Yes, the Public Works Department hierarchy

    5 was Public Works Director David Hertzberg,

    6 and then myself was the Assistant Public

    7 Works Director, then Tim Nyander was

    8 Operations Manager, and Troy Bolander was

    9 planning the community development, so I was

    10 basically in charge of the Public Works

    11 Department whenever David wasn't there and I

    12 was over Engineering so the three of us kind

    13 of worked together, but in the hierarchy I

    14 was their boss even though the three of us,

    15 Tim, Troy, and I, basically work on the same

    16 level.

    17 Q. You were really a supervisor for Tim Nyander?

    18 A. Yes.

    19 Q. Can you spell his name for the record?

    20 A. N-Y-A-N-D-E-R.

    21 Q. And as a supervisor this is what Nyander told

    22 you he was being requested to do was stop

    23 buying the tires because they didn't cow down

    24 to Manager Rohr?

    25 A. That's correct.

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    1 Q. So did you make any kind of record on that?

    2 A. I did not. It was just in conversation, one

    3 of our meetings.

    4 Q. Did you take that up to your director?

    5 A. He was at the meeting, also.

    6 Q. That was the gentleman --

    7 A. David Hertzberg.

    8 Q. Now if I understand it Mr. Hertzberg has been

    9 severely demoted, he lost some 30 thousand

    10 bucks or something a year?

    11 A. That is correct.

    12 Q. Do you know what the facts were surrounding

    13 that?

    14 A. Yes.

    15 Q. Can you tell me?

    16 A. The facts were that David Hertzberg is a

    17 super, super nice guy and was basically said

    18 that he mismanaged the Building Department to

    19 a tune of $150,000.00 of revenue that wasn't

    20 billed. And the fact of the matter is that

    21 it was because of what we were asked to do

    22 for the code enforcement piece of that that I

    23 was involved with with Sam Anslem and the

    24 City Manager Rohr to try to get code

    25 enforcement more technologically advanced

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    1 that we actually got training for our

    2 Navaline system, which is the system that

    3 handles all the finances plus the code

    4 enforcement piece, plus the building

    5 Department piece. And part of that training

    6 they came down, went through all of the way

    7 that we did it. They kind of sat next to it

    8 and seen how we done things and showed where

    9 we could improve things, how we could

    10 streamline the process, and in the process of

    11 doing that they found out that we didn't

    12 input - well, we input all of the building

    13 permits and the fees for the prime contractor

    14 and subcontractor, and the prime contractors

    15 go down basically to the Finance Department

    16 to be billed. The subcontractor piece takes

    17 another step. Well, nobody ever knew that we

    18 had to do that other step so we've learned

    19 that we have to do this other step so that

    20 stuff can wind up being billed.

    21 Q. And that's on the form?

    22 A. Yes, on the Navaline deal, yeah, there's

    23 another step that had to be done on the

    24 computer.

    25 Q. And nobody advised you of that?

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    1 A. No, we'd never had training. We were never

    2 allowed to have training.

    3 Q. How many people were ever trained on that

    4 Navaline?

    5 A. On the Navaline?

    6 Q. Yeah.

    7 A. None. In the six years that I was there,

    8 five and a half, six years, we never had

    9 training on that line.

    10 Q. Whose idea was it to purchase Navaline?

    11 A. I don't know for sure, but I believe it was

    12 the Finance Director, Leslie Jones at the

    13 time, it's now Leslie Haase.

    14 Q. Anyway having purchased that nobody gave you

    15 training, your department or division,

    16 department would be the right term did not

    17 receive training on that?

    18 A. That is true.

    19 Q. And as a consequence some subcontractor

    20 somehow didn't show up on the form and did

    21 not come to the billing records?

    22 A. It was input, but in order for it to be

    23 billed there was an additional step in

    24 addition to what was on the prime contractor

    25 and that step we never knew to do so it was

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    1 never done.

    2 Q. So nobody in the department knew how to do

    3 it?

    4 A. No, and so --

    5 Q. Who was head of that division?

    6 A. The division would have been Steve Cope.

    7 Q. And he got fired? Or was asked to leave?

    8 A. Yes.

    9 Q. And can you tell me the circumstances

    10 surrounding that?

    11 A. Basically they had told Steve that there was

    12 this $150,000.00 of missing revenue and they

    13 gave him, I'm not going to be a hundred

    14 percent certain on this, but it was between

    15 one to three days to come up and rectify all

    16 of it. And he went through it and got it

    17 down at the time that he left to about

    18 $19,000.00 that wasn't accounted for at the

    19 time. Steve was the one that took it to

    20 Leslie Haase to say, hey, we're not billing

    21 for these subcontractors, we can go ahead and

    22 bill for it. Well, that's how the ball got to

    23 rolling. She went to the City Manager and

    24 then the City Manager, oh, we've got all this

    25 money that's out here. I know for a fact

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    1 there was $50,000.00 of that that wasn't even

    2 - had no relevance at all because it was

    3 Steve put in a $50,000.00 bill as a test and

    4 called it a test so he could see how the

    5 process worked.

    6 Q. That was out of that $150,000.00?

    7 A. That is correct.

    8 Q. Wow. Was that all made known to the City

    9 Manager?

    10 A. I don't know if it was made known. It was

    11 made known to myself while they were doing

    12 the investigation.

    13 Q. Who did the investigation?

    14 A. The Police Department.

    15 Q. And what would they know about this

    16 particular form or entry?

    17 A. Nothing.

    18 Q. So that was done because the Police

    19 Department is also under the City Manager?

    20 A. That is correct. And in the time frame that

    21 you look at how it was done was they demoted

    22 David, basically fired Steve, and then

    23 decided to go and do the investigation.

    24 Q. And what did the investigation reveal?

    25 A. I don't know the final results of it, but

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    1 when I had left I talked to the officer that

    2 was working on the investigation and he

    3 indicated the only thing he could come up

    4 with was that wasn't fully resolved that

    5 couldn't be accounted for was around $100.00.

    6 Q. And who was that officer?

    7 A. I don't remember his name. I'd never seen

    8 him before at the Police Department. I'm not

    9 saying that was what wasn't billed, but that

    10 was just when they ran through all the

    11 numbers they weren't able to basically say

    12 this is what wasn't accounted for. And that

    13 was over the fourteen year period of which

    14 Steve was only there for seven years of that.

    15 Q. How many of those years were you there?

    16 A. Six, five and a half.

    17 Q. And Steve worked for you?

    18 A. Yes.

    19 Q. So you would have been his supervisor, once

    20 removed?

    21 A. Yes, that's correct.

    22 Q. It was your job to know what he endured

    23 during this period of time and I take it you

    24 did find out?

    25 A. Yes.

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    1 Q. So as a result you lost - how many years of

    2 experience did you lose as a result of this

    3 from the Engineering Department?

    4 A. Well, from the department wise by losing

    5 David that had 30 some years of experience,

    6 Tim had 30 some years of experience, and

    7 Steve had 7 years with the City and 20 years

    8 in the building trades before that.

    9 Q. How about you?

    10 A. Well, engineering wise I had 22 years of

    11 experience.

    12 Q. So basically the City lost a lot of people --

    13 A. A little over 100 years of experience and

    14 institutional knowledge.

    15 Q. -- and that was a result of the City

    16 Manager's whims or how would I put that?

    17 A. It was the result of the City Manager wanting

    18 to find a scapegoat for this monies that

    19 weren't accounted for at the time. And

    20 realize you're talking about after the

    21 tornado wherein a six month period Steve Cope

    22 had to take in well over 4,000 building

    23 permits and we weren't allowed to increase

    24 any of our staff to be able to do that so

    25 you've got a one man show, you know, with his

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    1 help with no increase. We went from a couple

    2 million dollars in building a year to over

    3 100 million dollars a year and no increase in

    4 staff. So with the phenomenal increase in

    5 workload you're going to have some errors and

    6 issues and mistakes that will be made just

    7 because of the extreme amount of work that

    8 you're having to do in the six and seven days

    9 a week working on them.

    10 Q. Well, it sounds like a terrible abuse of

    11 justice. You would agree with that?

    12 A. I would certainly agree with that. The only

    13 help that we were allotted was what they

    14 called WIB workers, which is the Workforce

    15 Investment Board, which are basically people

    16 that were displaced from their jobs with the

    17 tornado and would come in there. So you

    18 might have somebody that was a check-out

    19 person at a grocery store that would come in

    20 so they're limited in capacity with being to

    21 help you with doing building permits and

    22 stuff like that. They were able to do some

    23 of the secretarial stuff, but they weren't

    24 able to actually do any of the building

    25 permitting process. We tried to streamline

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    1 it to make it as quick as possible because if

    2 you have a line of people twenty deep waiting

    3 to get building permits it gets irate, then

    4 it gets down to the City Manager that he's

    5 chewing you out because why do you have a

    6 line of people up there. Get them run

    7 through.

    8 Q. How is the City Manager's style? Was it --

    9 A. He's a dictator and he is a tyrant is

    10 probably the way that I would say it.

    11 Q. A lot of City employees fear him?

    12 A. I would say every City employee fears him.

    13 Q. Either physically or by certainly loss of

    14 their job?

    15 A. By the loss of their jobs, and there's

    16 probably a few that may fear him physically.

    17 Q. An imposing man?

    18 A. Yes.

    19 Q. Does he use voice inflection to express

    20 himself?

    21 A. Yes. Yes, he does. I can say safely that I

    22 know of at least ten upper level supervisors

    23 who have either been witness or been on the

    24 receiving end of some of his tirades.

    25 Q. Would that be actually verbal abuse in your

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    1 opinion?

    2 A. Yes.

    3 Q. Way beyond what he ought to be doing?

    4 A. Yeah, I've had him chew me up one side and

    5 down the other and I've seen him do it to

    6 Brian Head, I've seen him do it to Chris

    7 Cotten, to Leslie Haase, David Hertzberg,

    8 Patrick Tuttle. I witnessed him and his wife

    9 in an unbelievable argument when we were down

    10 in the basement yelling and screaming at each

    11 other that I just walked out the side door.

    12 And you probably don't know how the city

    13 basement is set up, but there was a door on

    14 the south side and a door on the north side

    15 and he sat over in the southeast corner and I

    16 sat in the northwest corner after the

    17 tornado. And I was the only one down there

    18 at the time when his wife come in and they

    19 were yelling and I snuck out the back door

    20 and was told by him after that that I needed

    21 to next time stay in there so that she

    22 wouldn't get as mad. And I said I don't

    23 think that I want to be involved with any of

    24 that.

    25 Q. So actually the argument between them was

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    1 quite forceful?

    2 A. Yes.

    3 Q. And you're talking about screaming and

    4 yelling?

    5 A. Yes, grabbing, shaking.

    6 Q. Who was grabbing and shaking?

    7 A. He grabbed her.

    8 Q. You actually witnessed that?

    9 A. Yes, that's when I walked out.

    10 Q. How big of a person is she?

    11 A. She's probably 5'6", 130, 125.

    12 Q. How would you describe him?

    13 A. 6'3", 6'4", 230, 240.

    14 Q. And the method that he was hollering at his

    15 wife that day that you witnessed, was that

    16 the same kind of method of dealing with his

    17 subordinates that you witnessed, also?

    18 A. Yes.

    19 Q. Have you ever told - well, Brian Head

    20 received it, you said?

    21 A. Yes.

    22 Q. So has anybody ever reported him as creating

    23 a hostile work environment or anything?

    24 A. Not that I'm aware of. I will tell you,

    25 though, that after my two days suspension

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    1 that I got for this Cody Cowan, which we can

    2 go into later which is how this started, I

    3 went and visited an attorney to see what my

    4 rights were and basically found - because I

    5 knew what he was doing was harassing, you

    6 know, he was very, you know, vocal and very

    7 demanding with what he wanted and it was a

    8 very uncomfortable work environment,

    9 harassing.

    10 Q. Intimidating?

    11 A. Yes, and so I went and seen what my rights

    12 were and of course then found out I'm an

    13 at-will employee so I could be terminated at

    14 any time without any cause and so basically

    15 suck it up and take it or be willing to go

    16 down a long road. And if you've looked into

    17 any of Mark's past, which most of us City

    18 employees at one time or another have done,

    19 you've seen that he was City Manager at Punta

    20 Gorda he done pretty well the same thing. He

    21 wanted to go in there and shake up the Police

    22 Department and the Public Works Department

    23 and redo it all, then when he got ready to

    24 leave he wrote a nice little article in the

    25 paper that mirrors a lot of what happened

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    1 here where he basically told the Council they

    2 were terrible and that he was doing what

    3 needed to be done and it's the same thing

    4 he's doing right now in my opinion with the

    5 Public Works Department. We were the most

    6 successful removal operation in the history

    7 of the United States after the tornado and so

    8 as a reward basically he shakes up the whole

    9 department and decides he wants to reorganize

    10 it to make it more efficient. More efficient

    11 than the best ever?

    12 Q. I understand that Mr. Cope is out of the

    13 area. Do you know that?

    14 A. Yes, he works for JCDM and I think the job

    15 he's on right now is up around Michigan. But

    16 there's a lot of times he comes in on Friday.

    17 Q. Does he still live in the community?

    18 A. Yes, he still lives here.

    19 Q. Do you ever talk to him?

    20 A. I communicate with him.

    21 Q. You've got my card there. I don't want you

    22 to talk about what we testify to, but I would

    23 like to talk to him, and I would be available

    24 either by phone or - I mean I'd just have to

    25 have my court reporter. I could take a phone

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    1 call from him, but I'd swear him in and

    2 everything. But if you wouldn't mind I'm

    3 trying to get to the reason why we have this

    4 division on the Council. Do you think Mark's

    5 style leads to that kind of division?

    6 A. Yes, wholeheartedly.

    7 Q. And why is that?

    8 A. Well, Mark, instead of the way Council/City

    9 Manager form of government which is supposed

    10 to work which is the Council sets the policy

    11 and then the City Manager follows, makes sure

    12 that policy gets enacted and the visions and

    13 the direction, Mark inherently wants to make

    14 it his vision and his policy and so even like

    15 with his smart project he went and got a

    16 group of all of the movers and shakers and

    17 brought them into Council and just sprung it

    18 on Council one night at a Council meeting and

    19 asked for their approval. Kind of put them

    20 in a bind where they had to vote yes because

    21 all of the movers and shakers were out there

    22 in favor of this proposal. Instead of

    23 knowing about the proposal and what was going

    24 on ahead of time, informing them, Mark keeps

    25 everything close to his chest and then kind

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    1 of does what I call the magic trick, just,

    2 you know, ta-da, here it is and likes to do

    3 that to pat himself on the back and then

    4 basically to put the Council in a position

    5 where they have to vote for him, or his

    6 ideas.

    7 Q. Does he favor certain people on the Council?

    8 A. Yes.

    9 Q. How do you know that?

    10 A. It's obvious. I mean I sat down in the

    11 basement with him for nine months after the

    12 tornado. There was myself, Mark Morris,

    13 Leslie Haase, Jones at the time, and Dan

    14 Pekarek, which would be the Health

    15 Department, Finance Department, I.T., and

    16 then the Public Works Department. If you

    17 don't know the whole story after the tornado

    18 my boss, David Hertzberg, the Public Works

    19 Director, his house was totally destroyed and

    20 his wife asked him for a divorce and so he

    21 kind of mentally and physically checked out

    22 there and I was the City's representative for

    23 all of the clean-up. When it came to dealing

    24 with FEMA, the Corps of Engineers, all of the

    25 state agencies I was the one that was the

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    1 City's representative. Mark appointed me as

    2 that position. After we moved out of the

    3 emergency operations center we moved into the

    4 emergency operations center from the Public

    5 Safety building over down to the basement of

    6 City Hall and so it was just a core group of

    7 us so there was a lot of times that the rest

    8 of those were out doing what they needed to

    9 do. Leslie had to go upstairs to do her

    10 finance, Dan was out, you know, so there was

    11 a lot of time down there where it was just

    12 myself and Mark.

    13 Q. And you witnessed him dealing with certain

    14 members of Council?

    15 A. Yes, and I've had conversations with him

    16 where he has basically said he had

    17 information on Bill that could bury him.

    18 Then he's made derogatory --

    19 Q. Bill Scearce?

    20 A. Yes, Bill Scearce. And he's made derogatory

    21 comments about all of the old codgers,

    22 speaking of Jack Golden, Benji, Bill, Morris

    23 Glaze. The ones of course that he liked were

    24 the ones that, you know, Mike Woolston which

    25 I understand after the tornado him and Mark

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    1 had - there's a kinship that come with that

    2 tornado. They were both in the position that

    3 they were in at the time that happened. Gary

    4 Shaw who is Mark's personal advisor, you

    5 know, and feels an ownership to Mark. And

    6 Mike Seibert. And I don't know the

    7 relationship with why Mike Seibert is such a

    8 big Mark Rohr disciple, but he is. But those

    9 three are the ones that are for Mark and the

    10 two wild cards always at the time were

    11 Melodee Colbert-Kean and Trisha Raney.

    12 Q. Let me ask you a question. There's been some

    13 statements about this alleged $150,000.00,

    14 which I think you said you feel comfortable

    15 that it really was a $100.00 discrepancy, is

    16 that essentially correct?

    17 A. That is what I was told by the investigator

    18 that's where he was - that he could see that

    19 was different.

    20 Q. Was there ever a retraction in the newspaper

    21 about this $150,000.00?

    22 A. No, actually a few weeks ago Mark was asked

    23 about it again and said he was just waiting

    24 the report back from the Police Department.

    25 And realize I was given this information

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    1 before I left so that's been the guy was

    2 finishing up at least his point on the Public

    3 Works end of it up on the fourth floor as I

    4 was leaving around the first of September.

    5 Q. That would be under the Chief --

    6 A. Police Chief, yes.

    7 Q. How does the Police Chief fit into this

    8 pattern?

    9 A. That's a good question. I don't know that I

    10 know the whole - Lane is a nice enough

    11 fellow, but, you know, he wants to have a job

    12 and wants to get to retirement so I'm sure,

    13 and I couldn't prove it, but I'm sure there's

    14 times that he has done stuff for Mark because

    15 he feels that if he doesn't Mark will come

    16 after him.

    17 Q. That's what apparently other people under

    18 Mark feel. I mean there is that kind of

    19 pressure on individuals?

    20 A. Whenever it went to my deal with Cody Cowan

    21 was going to go to a fact finding hearing and

    22 I knew that the fact finding hearing, because

    23 I'm a fairly intelligent man and I can put

    24 two and two together on things, I knew about

    25 who was going to be on the fact finding

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    1 hearing board and it was going to be Lane and

    2 Lamont Radcliff.

    3 Q. Say that last name.

    4 A. Radcliff.

    5 Q. Who is he?

    6 A. He's over the courts.

    7 Q. And that's who was going to be on the fact

    8 finding?

    9 A. Yes, for my deal with Cody Cowan.

    10 Q. Does Mark control both of those people?

    11 A. Yes.

    12 Q. Tell me what you found? What's the story

    13 with this Cody Cowan?

    14 A. What happened with that was --

    15 Q. Did I say his name right?

    16 A. Cody Cowan, yes. As I said we have job

    17 descriptions for each of these jobs and after

    18 Tim left we advertised for it and realizing

    19 that Mark Rohr has never sat in on any

    20 interview ever other than a department head

    21 that I'm aware of. In the six years that I

    22 was there the only interviews that he would

    23 ever sit in on was a department head

    24 interview. This guy is third in line so to

    25 speak in the Public Works Department, with

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    1 David being the Department head, me being the

    2 Assistant, and then Tim would have been

    3 essentially third in line. Mark took an

    4 active role in going through having Sam go

    5 through these applications and stuff and they

    6 picked people - out of all the applicants

    7 that I went and looked at there was two

    8 people, maybe three that were qualified for

    9 the job by the job description, one of them

    10 being Dave Hunt who was my transportation

    11 engineer at the time, and a couple of other

    12 people that had Public Works experience and

    13 some of the education background. They

    14 compiled a list, they being Sam, Mark, and

    15 Reba Sandley (ph.) which was the H.R.

    16 Director at the time, compiled a list of who

    17 they thought we ought to interview, and none

    18 of them met the qualifications. So David and

    19 I, my boss David Hertzberg and I, put

    20 together our reasoning for why we think it

    21 needs to be that way mostly because that's

    22 what the qualifications are asking for, and

    23 if you're going to let anybody apply for it

    24 you need to make that known to everyone. So

    25 anyway they allowed us to interview Dave Hunt

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    1 who was my transportation guy who effectively

    2 at the time whenever you put all of the other

    3 candidates together, and I actually have

    4 somewhere, a list of all the candidates that

    5 we interviewed.

    6 Q. Could I have this marked?

    7 BY COURT REPORTER: Is that your only

    8 copy?

    9 BY THE WITNESS: You can keep that.

    10 Q. (By Mr. Loraine) I'm going to mark that as

    11 Exhibit #28. It gives a series of names and

    12 times. Is this the list of folks that were

    13 interviewed?

    14 A. That is correct.

    15 Q. Tell me about it. Part of the qualification

    16 was you had to have so much Public Works

    17 experience, they wanted you to have some

    18 experience in some of the different facets

    19 that the Operation Manager was involved with

    20 and that was waste water treatment, code

    21 enforcement, building codes and stuff like

    22 that. Didn't have to have all of it, but

    23 needed to have some background with fleet,

    24 garage, and so the only one that really had

    25 any of the experience was Dave Hunt. Well,

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    1 in the first run through that they selected

    2 which was Mark, Sam, and Reba, Dave Hunt

    3 wasn't in there, so I think as a concession

    4 they let us since we complained about it, let

    5 Dave be a part of the interview process. So

    6 we interviewed and we had interviews, we

    7 ranked them all on the board, and of course

    8 David Hertzberg and I went more towards the

    9 technical piece of it which we felt was more

    10 important because you can always kind of

    11 teach somebody management and stuff like that

    12 and it's hard to teach somebody engineering.

    13 And were 2 of 5. And the other 3

    14 miraculously ranked Cody higher so when it

    15 was all said and done Cody Cowan was the high

    16 point winner for the interview. We all got

    17 to make our arguments. Mark and I got rather

    18 passionate about our choices. I told him why

    19 I thought mine was a better choice and he

    20 told me why he thought his was, and it was

    21 obvious that's the way the group as a whole

    22 felt that it was and I said, you know, having

    23 somebody that has no technical skills doesn't

    24 help me. I don't have time to do my job, the

    25 Public Works Director's job who still hadn't

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    1 fully checked back in, and then turn around

    2 and train somebody else to come in here and

    3 do this work. I need somebody that I can

    4 trust that's technically competent and I've

    5 got the guy right here, and he can still

    6 continue to do his job until we get somebody

    7 to fill his position and he can help train

    8 them so we don't lose some of the

    9 efficiencies that we have. And Mark just

    10 very passionately back to me says, you know,

    11 this is the way it's going to be. This is

    12 the guy that we've got. So I said, fine, if

    13 that's what the group wants I'll play ball.

    14 You asked me to give you my opinion, I gave

    15 you my opinion, this is the way we're going

    16 to go so this is the way we'll go. So they,

    17 and I say they, Mark and Sam had all the

    18 communications with Cody. Once again that's

    19 never happened in the whole five and a half

    20 years that I've been there. Typically the

    21 Public Works Director, which would have been

    22 David Hertzberg, he and I would have sat down

    23 and talked about it and David would have been

    24 the one working with the H.R. Director to try

    25 to get the person on, you know, get them

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    1 employed. And there's a range, a salary

    2 range, and typically we don't go past like

    3 Level 3.

    4 Q. Which is what?

    5 A. Well, there's steps. There's like 12 steps

    6 and I can't tell you --

    7 Q. In step?

    8 A. Yeah, when you hire somebody in they hire in

    9 usually at Step 1, but every now and then

    10 they'll let you go Step 2 or Step 3. So we

    11 never had a say in it at all, Mark and Sam

    12 handled all of it. And they hired Cody on at

    13 the top step, the very top step in the range.

    14 Q. Which was what?

    15 A. $70,000.00 and some.

    16 Q. What would it have been, what level?

    17 A. I don't know, Level 12 or something on the

    18 steps at the time. But it was at the very

    19 top. He had no more room for anything to go.

    20 And realize Tim Nyander who had left the

    21 City after thirty years of experience wasn't

    22 at the top level. And so we're hiring a guy

    23 in with no experience at all with doing our

    24 --

    25 Q. And he wasn't an engineer?

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    1 A. And he wasn't an engineer. And neither was

    2 Tim, but Tim had come up - he had the

    3 technical background through the waste water,

    4 he was Class A certified waste water

    5 treatment operator, he had a Master's in

    6 Public Administration, he had his degree, had

    7 the background and come up and had got his

    8 education and was qualified for the job.

    9 We're paying a guy with no experience more

    10 than the guy that left and then we're paying

    11 him more than Troy Bolander who is at the

    12 same level as Tim Nyander who is our City

    13 Planner who had been there for fifteen years

    14 so we're going to bring this guy in at the

    15 top level. Once again that's not my

    16 decision, that's the City Manager's decision.

    17 So Cody was supposed to start to work on a

    18 Wednesday, I believe it was. And I can't

    19 tell you the exact date, but I know the day

    20 of the week was like a Wednesday. And he

    21 came in to City Hall on Monday to visit with

    22 David Hertzberg, my boss. Mark and Sam were

    23 both gone, they were both on vacation. David

    24 wasn't available at the time. I'm in my

    25 office with Dave Hunt, my transportation

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    1 engineer, and we're talking about some work

    2 related matters and some personnel stuff.

    3 Our clerk in the Billing Department comes

    4 back and says there's a Cody Cowan here

    5 that's supposed to meet David, he's not here,

    6 can he come in and see you, and I said, yes,

    7 let me finish up here and I'll be glad to see

    8 him. She goes in and brings him back and

    9 he's standing by the door and I'm trying to

    10 finish up what I'm talking about with Dave.

    11 Cody comes in and just starts talking to me,

    12 interrupts my conversation, so I tell him I

    13 don't have a whole lot of time to talk with

    14 you because I've got a mandatory prebid that

    15 I have to go to in 5 to 10 minutes so I'll do

    16 what I can to help you out and talk with you

    17 a little bit. So he asked me about the job

    18 and he said, you know, what kind of hours,

    19 and I said you're going to work harder here

    20 than you've ever worked in any job, after the

    21 tornado I'm typically putting in six days a

    22 week, 12 plus hours a day, and I've got a

    23 hundred emails a day at least to get through

    24 and 20 phone calls to get through. You're

    25 going to work from 7:00 in the morning until

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    1 7:00 at night and that's just the nature of

    2 the beast right now. And he was like, okay.

    3 Then he asked me about what I thought about

    4 the job and I said, well, listen, if you're

    5 coming here expecting to get patted on the

    6 back that's not going to happen. You're

    7 going to be probably the most hated person

    8 around and I said in the context that you're

    9 dealing with code enforcement and building,

    10 you're going to be over that. And the people

    11 with code enforcement that you went out and

    12 you've ticketed for tall grass, you've

    13 ticketed for trash in the yard so when they

    14 come up to see you they're hating you right

    15 off the bat. They don't like you. And the

    16 same way with building people, if you don't

    17 give them the permits that they want they're

    18 going to come up. So don't do this expecting

    19 to get patted on the back and told good job

    20 because the job you're coming in it's not

    21 going to happen. You're doing this because

    22 you want to be a good public servant. I kind

    23 of give him the same speech that the City

    24 Manager gave me whenever I started to come to

    25 work, so I thought I was doing what of course

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    1 the City Manager would have wanted me to do.

    2 Then he asked about the pay and I told him

    3 you're not going to get any raises, and he

    4 said, well, what do you mean. I said, well,

    5 you're at the top end of the range, and he

    6 asked me what that meant. I said, well,

    7 worst case scenario you're going to work the

    8 next 30 years here without a raise. Now that

    9 being said every 5 years the H.R. Department

    10 goes in and evaluates all the positions and

    11 classifies it all and readjusts it so

    12 hopefully you'll be able to see increases as

    13 it goes along with that and then you've got

    14 longevity that comes in, if you've been here

    15 for a certain amount of time you get some

    16 increases because of longevity, but as far as

    17 where you're at you're at the top. There's

    18 nowhere else to go. Well, it was then I

    19 could tell he was a little perturbed because

    20 apparently they hadn't mentioned that to him

    21 whenever they made him the offer and done all

    22 that. And he was like, oh, that's fine. And

    23 then I had to leave, David showed up about

    24 that time. For the large majority of the

    25 whole entire conversation Dave Hunt, my

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    1 Transportation engineer, was sitting in there

    2 listening to it. He left and then Cody

    3 decided not to take the job and told David

    4 the next day that he wasn't going to take the

    5 job. I told David, hey, do you want us to go

    6 over there and --

    7 Q. David who?

    8 A. David Hertzberg. Do you want me to go over

    9 there and talk to him and see if we can't get

    10 him back in the fold and try to get him back

    11 in here because, you know, I'm sure I

    12 probably scared the heck out of him with some

    13 of the stuff that I talked to him about. He

    14 said, well, he did say, my god, is this what

    15 I signed up for. I said, well, I'm not going

    16 to say I was the most pleasant in the world

    17 because I was busy and he interrupted me, he

    18 was very arrogant, very rude when eh came in,

    19 so I responded in kind of. And we got in

    20 there and had what I thought was a fairly

    21 decent banter back and forth, told him what

    22 he wanted to hear, and I'm sure he was not

    23 very happy with it so he decided not to take

    24 the job. Then it comes at me that I was the

    25 reason that, and Mark assumes that I'm the

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    1 reason that Cody is not taking the job, that

    2 I sabotaged him from getting the job. It was

    3 not my intent at all. I said I've got a

    4 witness in there that can tell you exactly

    5 what happened. I've got nothing to hide.

    6 I'll tell you everything that happened. Sam

    7 Anslem called up Cody to talk to him. I have

    8 no idea what was said. I don't have any idea

    9 if he coached him or Cody told him anything,

    10 but then Dave Allgood, the H.R. Director, and

    11 Sam turned around and called Cody back up

    12 again and they wrote up a nice little

    13 dissertation of exactly what Cody had said

    14 and it painted me in a very unfavorable

    15 light. And I talked to my boss David

    16 Hertzberg about it because they started doing

    17 an investigation on me to see what kind of

    18 punishment I should get for sabotaging this

    19 relationship, and I told David, I went

    20 through that list, and I told him, I said I

    21 did exactly, I told him that, that's exactly

    22 what I said, this is the context that it was

    23 in. Cody had taken things and took them out

    24 of order and put some of the stuff out of

    25 context so if you put it in context it wasn't

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    1 near as bad as Cody made it out to be, it

    2 was, yeah, I did tell him, yeah, you will be

    3 here the next 30 years without a pay raise,

    4 but I said if you had been in there with me

    5 he'd asked where he was at, I try to be

    6 honest with him, answer his questions

    7 honestly because it does not good for me to

    8 lie to him and him come to work here and find

    9 out three weeks later that he gets no raises

    10 so I tried to be honest with him and let him

    11 know what our process was. He asked about

    12 the work, you know. So we went through point

    13 by point on this deal and I let David know

    14 exactly what I said and David put together

    15 the investigation on his end, turned it in to

    16 --

    17 Q. David?

    18 A. Hertzberg. Took it and turned it in to Mark

    19 for I've done my investigation on this, I

    20 don't think Jack did anything malicious or

    21 wrong. Should he have maybe used a little

    22 better tact at times, yes, probably should

    23 have, but he didn't do anything except for

    24 answer the questions that were asked of him

    25 honestly. Then I get a notice to a Fact

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    1 Finding Hearing, told I'm going to go to a

    2 Fact Finding Hearing. Let me make sure I'm

    3 right about that. I'm not going to lie to

    4 you and tell you I know the exact order, but

    5 at one point after that I got called in to

    6 the City Manager's office and sat down there

    7 with Brian Head, David Allgood, Sam Anslem,

    8 and Mark Rohr in what I call the ambush. I

    9 got called up there and basically Mark sat

    10 there and said you're going to get a chance

    11 to talk, but I'm going to talk first and I

    12 want to go over some of the stuff that's

    13 happened with this, and I don't want to

    14 misquote it. I went and asked for it to be

    15 put in my personnel file after a certain

    16 amount of time after I left because I know

    17 that Mark would have pulled it out of there

    18 had he known I'd put it in there. But I put

    19 in a memo stating exactly what had happened

    20 during part of the ambush and everything like

    21 that and what it was.

    22 Q. Could I have a copy of this?

    23 A. Yeah, you can keep that.

    24 Q. Is this your only one?

    25 A. No, that's a copy.

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    1 Q. Can I mark that, please?

    2 A. There should be one provided, if it hasn't

    3 been taken out of my personnel file there

    4 should be one in my personnel file.

    5 Q. This is Exhibit #29, sir, what you just

    6 handed me?

    7 A. Yes.

    8 Q. And what does this basically say? I mean I

    9 can read it and I will read it, but what does

    10 it basically say?

    11 A. That is basically my reason for why I signed

    12 the waiver of the Fact Finding Hearing under

    13 duress. I had been told I was going to go to

    14 a Fact Finding Hearing and when it come to

    15 the Fact Finding Hearing process you can

    16 either go to the Fact Finding Hearing or

    17 waive your right to the Fact Finding Hearing,

    18 and this kind of explains why I had decided I

    19 should sign the waiver of the Fact Finding

    20 Hearing. And the reason for that was, and I

    21 say here by signing the waiver, I am by no

    22 means admitting that I did anything wrong,

    23 but I had no chance to win. Because the way

    24 the Fact Finding Hearing board works - and

    25 let me diverge just a little bit here. One

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    1 of the other reasons that I signed the waiver

    2 for the Fact Finding Hearing was to keep

    3 other people from getting damaged in it, too.

    4 Because if Chief Lane Roberts and Lamont

    5 Radcliff had been on that panel and heard my

    6 side of the story I'm a hundred percent

    7 confident that they would have voted on my

    8 side of the matter. They know me, they know

    9 how I am, I'm very honest, I don't lie about

    10 stuff. Whether it gets me in trouble or not

    11 I just tell it like it is. I'm very blunt.

    12 I wear my heart on my sleeve at times. I'm

    13 very passionate about what I do, but I'm very

    14 honest about it, also. And had they voted to

    15 there would be no disciplinary action towards

    16 me, that I really didn't do anything wrong,

    17 then Mark would have been mad at both of

    18 them. And then once you do the Fact Finding

    19 Hearing they turn in their recommendation to

    20 Mark, Mark gets to make his own

    21 recommendation out of it. He doesn't have to

    22 accept their recommendation so he gets to

    23 make his own recommendation, so Mark already

    24 had it in his mind that I was going to get

    25 punished on this deal. So regardless of what

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    1 they would have come up with the only thing

    2 that would have happened out of it is they

    3 could have got in trouble and got on Mark's

    4 bad side. Then had I appealed that it would

    5 have went to the Personnel Board, so it goes

    6 to the Personnel Board and I'd win at the

    7 Personnel Board, then I've gotten the City

    8 Manager, my boss' boss, unbelievably mad at

    9 me because he thinks I ought to be suspended

    10 for what I done. And I don't agree with

    11 that, but as I was saying what I called the

    12 ambush, those four people and myself were in

    13 there, and Mark come up and said you're going

    14 to get a chance to talk, but I'm going to

    15 talk first. But he said before I talk I

    16 should listen to him and if I said anything

    17 that was contrary to what he knew was the

    18 truth there would be serious consequences.

    19 And everyone there heard it.

    20 Q. Was he yelling at you at that time?

    21 A. No, but he was right below a yell, yeah. He

    22 stood up and, you know, kind of come towards

    23 me from behind his desk to get the point

    24 across. What that basically told me was shut

    25 up and don't say anything. Don't tell him

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    1 what your side of the story is or don't tell

    2 him what the truth is because he's already

    3 made up his mind what he thinks the truth is.

    4 You might have to make a copy of that one.

    5 That is my original.

    6 Q. We'll take a break here.

    7 (Short break taken, back on record)

    8 Q. (By Mr. Loraine) Sir, you've handed me, I

    9 made a copy of your document, and it's a copy

    10 of a memorandum of discipline from Rohr to

    11 yourself dated May 30th, 2013. That's now

    12 marked Exhibit #30, is that true?

    13 A. That is true.

    14 Q. What does Mark say in this document that is

    15 significant?

    16 A. Well, he said he reviewed the investigation

    17 conducted by David Allgood and that after he

    18 done the thorough investigation it was

    19 recommended to him that he be suspended

    20 without pay, that I be suspended without pay

    21 for two 8-hour shifts. What I would say on

    22 that is the part of the investigation that

    23 never happened was Sam Anslem was doing the

    24 investigation in conjunction with Dave

    25 Allgood. Neither one of them talked to me

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    1 about the incident that happened. I will say

    2 David Hertzberg, my boss, was the only one

    3 that come to me and asked me about it and

    4 talked to me about it. He also went and

    5 talked to Dave Hunt who verified the content

    6 and the frame with what I said and how Cody

    7 reacted to it which was, hey, that's fine,

    8 I'm used to working long hours, you know,

    9 I've been where I'm at and I haven't got a

    10 pay raise there in awhile, too, so that's not

    11 big deal, I'm used to it. So when Cody came

    12 back and gave his side of it - and that's why

    13 I want to quantify the fact that Sam had

    14 talked to Cody alone and then come back and

    15 talked to Cody with Dave Allgood there. So I

    16 don't know if he led the witness down the

    17 answers that he wanted to hear because he

    18 knew Mark wanted me punished. This was

    19 Mark's guy that Mark wanted, and so what

    20 happened with that --

    21 Q. You're talking there was no thorough

    22 investigation and, in fact, nobody really

    23 talked to you except your boss and ultimately

    24 he gets disciplined?

    25 A. Yes, ultimately. And there's even more to it

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    1 than that. When this was presented to me it

    2 was presented to me by Dave Allgood, the H.R.

    3 Director at the time. He come up there and

    4 he gave this to me and I said, Dave, it says

    5 right here that this was your recommendation

    6 to Mark. Did you recommend to Mark that I be

    7 suspended for two days? I said based on

    8 everything that you know. And he says, Jack,

    9 I can't - he says I did not. He says I told

    10 Mark that you didn't do anything wrong, worst

    11 case scenario it ought to be an oral

    12 reprimand, you know, just to use better

    13 judgment on stuff. But I've got to have a

    14 job. And this is where he decided he wanted.

    15 And I told him I said, hey, I'm fine with

    16 that, Dave. I wanted to know - and he said

    17 and I can't - he said I can't - he said some

    18 day I'll make it right with you, I'll get it

    19 right in your file and I'll make it right,

    20 which to me meant after Mark is gone he'll

    21 make it right. But he couldn't do anything

    22 at the time because Mark had basically said

    23 this is what's going to happen.

    24 Q. Who told you that?

    25 A. He told me - we sat there face to face and he

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    1 told me that, and if he's a man of his word

    2 he would sit right there in front of you and

    3 tell you that he told me that.

    4 Q. Let me ask you this.

    5 A. It wasn't his recommendation that I be

    6 suspended for two days without pay.

    7 Q. Let me ask you this question. Did Allgood

    8 ever really talk to you about your side of

    9 the story before this happened?

    10 A. No.

    11 Q. So neither of those guys talked to you?

    12 A. No.

    13 Q. So that's false, also?

    14 A. Yes, after it was all wrapped up and I

    15 already knew what was going to happen then

    16 Dave Allgood come up and talked to me and we

    17 went through the whole deal and he says, you

    18 know, Jack, that's exactly what I thought

    19 would happen, and then he gave me this and

    20 then I asked him, I said, did you make that

    21 recommendation and he said, no, that's not

    22 the recommendation I made, but I've got to

    23 have a job. So basically how the system

    24 works, which I will tell you I think is a

    25 flawed system, is that my accuser, Mark Rohr,

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    1 was also the judge, jury, and executioner on

    2 the whole thing, so I had no right to a fair

    3 process. And conversely what happened after

    4 that is my boss gets demoted because he stood

    5 up for me, not saying that there was

    6 management style and stuff like that that

    7 David was really great at what he done, but

    8 what they demoted him over was not - you

    9 know, if you wanted to get him on his

    10 performance or on his supervisory skills

    11 that's fine, but the way they went at it was

    12 wrong.

    13 Q. What did they get him on?

    14 A. They tried to tell him he was - basically

    15 wrote him up in the paper like he was a

    16 criminal. He was responsible for that

    17 $150,000.00.

    18 Q. Which we've already discussed on the

    19 software?

    20 A. Yeah. And I know I'm taking some tangents

    21 here, but I want you to know that I get very

    22 agitated about the fact that they start

    23 talking about the uncollected revenue of that

    24 $150,000.00, and if you go and look into it

    25 very close at all you will see that Leslie

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    1 Haase writes off about $50,000.00 a year in

    2 mowing bills. We have told her from the day

    3 that I got there, within the first two months

    4 we sat down and talked to her about these mow

    5 bills, you need to go and put them on the

    6 people's personal property tax, then they

    7 have to pay it. You can't just pay part of

    8 your personal property tax, you have to pay

    9 it all. She didn't want to upset the apple

    10 cart so she would just write off. So you

    11 start talking about somebody that refuses to

    12 use the legal system to collect money. We

    13 basically fire Steve Cope, we demote my boss,

    14 she gets nothing out of it and she's got more

    15 outstanding debt over a ten year period than

    16 we had over a fifteen year period even if you

    17 used the $150,000.00. Four years at

    18 $50,000.00 a year is $200,000.00.

    19 Q. That's what is missing out of her --

    20 A. Well, what it is we send out mow bills when

    21 we have to go and mow the lots for somebody

    22 that's got tall grass. They don't mow it

    23 themselves, we mow it and they get a bill.

    24 She sends the bill out to them. If they

    25 don't pay she writes it off. Well, we've

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    1 told her and told her and told her that you

    2 need to get to collecting on that and the

    3 best way to do it by the legal system is to

    4 go have it put on the personal property tax.

    5 Yeah, I know the County Collector over there

    6 is going to raise hell about it, but he can't

    7 do anything about it. Legally he has to put

    8 it on there and that forces them to pay. If

    9 you put a lien against their property most

    10 all of those properties that you're dealing

    11 with you're going to be third of fourth lien

    12 holder on there so you're never going to see

    13 a dollar out of it anyway, but you can take

    14 those small ones and put them on the personal

    15 property taxes and they have to pay them.

    16 Q. Do you know if that's a legal method?

    17 A. Yes.

    18 Q. How do you know that?

    19 A. We researched it, Steve Cope, myself, and

    20 Dave Hertzberg researched it, brought it down

    21 to her, showed her the legality of it and how

    22 it worked, and I believe we even checked with

    23 Brian Head, you know, to make sure everybody

    24 understood that was a way to do it. That's

    25 what Steve Cope did. He talked to all his

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    1 other code enforcement counterparts and found

    2 out how they all done it and that was the way

    3 the majority of them were able to get good

    4 collections done. It's a little more

    5 tedious, a little more work to do it, but if

    6 you're going to go and start hammering people

    7 for not collecting revenue I give you a way

    8 to collect revenue and you choose not to use

    9 it that's to me almost as egregious as not

    10 collecting revenue to start with.

    11 Q. Now let's move to another topic. I want to

    12 talk about the rebuilding of Fire Station 2.

    13 I was told that there was an issue with a

    14 culvert and I was told two different stories,

    15 but I want to hear your version of it.

    16 Explain to me what the standard engineering

    17 opinion was and should have been.

    18 A. A little background. Station 2 over on

    19 Schifferdecker, the property that we acquired

    20 was kind of in a lower area and had a

    21 drainage ditch that run through it. Part of

    22 that drainage ditch whenever you put the new

    23 fire station on it needed to be relocated.

    24 And our original intention, and I say our

    25 which would have been myself and Dan Johnson,

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    1 who was my storm water engineer at the time,

    2 was to just do an open channel, basically

    3 leave it as a ditch, make an open channel,

    4 slope the side slopes back so that they were

    5 easily mowable, plant some grasses in the

    6 bottom that weren't going to grow up real

    7 tall because it always seemed to run water

    8 through there so you wanted to make it - or

    9 we were going to put a concrete channel in

    10 the bottom of it just so it would look decent

    11 because we know the City Manager is all about

    12 how things look. So we sat down with the

    13 Fire Chief, Mitch Randles, and said here's

    14 what we've got. He said, well, can we put a

    15 box culvert in there and I said, well, yes,

    16 we can, but the most economical way to save

    17 money because he was really tight on his

    18 budget --

    19 Q. Who was tight, Mitch?

    20 A. Mitch was. Leslie had only budgeted so much

    21 for the rebuild of Fire Station 2. So we can

    22 do it with our own City forces, we use Public

    23 Works crews and we'll do this. And he said,

    24 well, what about a box culvert and I said,

    25 yeah, we can put a box culvert in there, but

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    1 who is going to pay for that box culvert.

    2 He's like I don't know, I just know that the

    3 City Manager is not going to want the ditch

    4 in there, and I said, okay, that's the most

    5 economical way to do it. He said I'll talk

    6 to the City Manager and see what he wants,

    7 but the City Manager is going to want a box

    8 culvert in there. And so I thought that he

    9 and I would probably go approach the City

    10 Manager about it, but Mitch talked to him

    11 aside from when I had come, said, yeah, the

    12 City Manager wants the box culvert in there.

    13 I said, well, how are we going to pay for it

    14 and so Mark Rohr, Mitch Randles, Leslie

    15 Haase, and myself sat down to discuss how it

    16 was going to do it. I said, well, we can put

    17 it in with City forces so all you'd be paying

    18 is the materials, but it's going to be, you

    19 know, close to $100,000.00 of box culvert,

    20 just materials alone to go in there. But on

    21 the bid for the contractor it was $600,000.00

    22 so it was a net savings based on what their

    23 estimates was of about half a million

    24 dollars.

    25 Q. That was using City guys?

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    1 A. Yes, using our City funds.

    2 Q. No, I mean City builders?

    3 A. Yes, City forces.

    4 Q. So you do it within, okay. Otherwise you'd

    5 be out $600,000.00?

    6 A. Yes, and that was their estimate. They

    7 hadn't bid it at the time, but that was what

    8 the architect had estimated. And so Mark

    9 said, well, let's go ahead and put in the box

    10 culvert and do that and then we'll have a

    11 flat area for that and then whenever we sell

    12 that property, the property out in front of

    13 the fire station because that would leave a

    14 piece of property out in front of the fire

    15 station, if it sold then we would take that

    16 money and we'd put it back in the storm water

    17 fund because we were going to use storm water

    18 sales tax money to pay for that box culvert

    19 to go in.

    20 Q. Whose idea was that, to use the storm money?

    21 A. Whose idea was it?

    22 Q. Yes.

    23 A. I believe it was Leslie and I think we all

    24 sat down there collectively and said, well,

    25 how do we pay for that, and I was like, you

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    1 know, I'd say you put it to the fire station,

    2 just add it to the fire station, and I

    3 believe Leslie said, no, we can put it in the

    4 storm water. It is a storm water deal and I

    5 was like, well, it is a storm water project

    6 so if that's where you want to do it that's

    7 fine, but as I always did with her whenever

    8 something like that came up I said, but I

    9 want you to realize if I come back to you at

    10 the end of these projects, and not

    11 necessarily this specific but the whole group

    12 of projects, and we're short I want you to

    13 remember this, you know, if I need another

    14 $50,000.00 over here on another project to

    15 finish up because there's no money it's

    16 because we took it out of this project here.

    17 Q. Let me ask you this. There's no accounting

    18 for that box culvert cost the way you've

    19 described it, it would not be audited towards

    20 that firehouse?

    21 A. That is correct, it would go towards the

    22 storm water.

    23 Q. Who authorized that change?

    24 A. Who authorized it? The authorization came

    25 through Mark.

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    1 Q. Mark. And did Mark bring that to City

    2 Council?

    3 A. No, he did not.

    4 Q. So really he adjusted the budget for the fire

    5 station by himself really?

    6 A. Yes.

    7 Q. The budget was set by Leslie with the

    8 knowledge of the Council?

    9 A. Yes.

    10 Q. So as we're sitting here today do you have

    11 any knowledge as to whether or not the City

    12 Council was ever advised that budgeted item

    13 was not taken from the Firehouse Number 2

    14 budget, rebuild budget, but at least about

    15 $100,000.00 --

    16 A. Roughly when you looked at all the different

    17 stuff we had to do we wound up getting into

    18 some terrible subgrade out there that the

    19 geotechnical engineer said we weren't going

    20 to run into and we spent a bunch of money in

    21 rock stabilizing the site and then the box

    22 culvert alone, so yeah, it was $100,000.00

    23 plus.

    24 Q. Was your design engineer on that?

    25 A. Dan Johnson, yes.

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    1 Q. Dan told me in testimony that it would

    2 probably have been about $125,000.00.

    3 A. I would trust his judgment on that. He is

    4 the one that estimated all the quantities out

    5 and got the cost estimates for us so his

    6 $125,000.00 would probably be close to right.

    7 Because there was a box culvert, then there

    8 was associated piping that went with that,

    9 backfill material.

    10 Q. So if I'm understanding this right your

    11 authorization to alter the budget for the

    12 firehouse construction was done by Mark

    13 without knowledge of the City Council?

    14 A. That is correct.

    15 Q. And if went back to account for that now, if

    16 an auditor came in to account for that

    17 $125,000.00 it would not show up on the

    18 reconstruction of Firehouse No. 2?

    19 A. That is correct, it would show up underneath

    20 the storm water.

    21 Q. Well, something would --

    22 A. As a storm water project.

    23 Q. Yeah, and so it would not be associated with

    24 the budget that was originally set up?

    25 A. That is correct. That being said there is

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    1 discretionary funds in the storm water

    2 account to be able to do storm water projects

    3 for projects that come up throughout each

    4 budget year, and that's where that wound up

    5 landing.

    6 Q. Well, let me put it this way. There should

    7 be an extra $125,000.00 in the storm budget

    8 account for some other ditch somewhere else,

    9 shouldn't there?

    10 A. There should be $125,000.00 for a project

    11 that was necessary somewhere else in the

    12 City.

    13 Q. That didn't get done because of that?

    14 A. That is correct.

    15 Q. If I asked Leslie how that was budgeted I

    16 mean would that be - is there something

    17 called general?

    18 A. The general fund?

    19 Q. Yeah, just general.

    20 A. I don't believe she would have put it in the

    21 general fund. Typically the general fund

    22 takes care of salaries and stuff along that

    23 line. And the fact that Mark's statement was

    24 when that sold, that property sold, the

    25 revenue from that would go back into the

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    1 storm water account leads me to believe, and

    2 I honestly didn't go and follow everything

    3 where she took it out of it, but it would

    4 have come out of the storm water sales tax or

    5 storm water maintenance account.

    6 Q. Once again that's --

    7 A. It was a fire station project that got

    8 charged to the storm water account.

    9 Q. And Mark made the decision ultimately to do

    10 that without advising the Council on that?

    11 A. That is correct. All of that happened before

    12 the project bid out based upon estimated

    13 costs, and once they got the estimated costs

    14 of construction it was over budget, and in an

    15 effort to try to bring it back closer to

    16 within budget the Public Works Department had

    17 to once again take up the slack. The same

    18 thing happened out at the athletic complex.

    19 Q. So doing it internally normally that stuff

    20 would be bid out, wouldn't it, to a

    21 contractor?

    22 A. Yes, it was originally set up to be part of

    23 the contractor that did the fire station

    24 construction part of their work.

    25 Q. But because the budget was over Chief Randles

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    1 is looking for a way to cut his budget, your

    2 design engineer basically tells him here's a

    3 great way to do it. Let me ask you this

    4 question. Did you as an engineer and as a

    5 supervisor of Dan - what's his last name?

    6 A. Johnson.

    7 Q. Was his opinion that excluded the box

    8 culvert, was that within certainty of your

    9 profession as meets the standards necessary?

    10 A. Certainly, yes.

    11 Q. So in other words he didn't say, hey, let's

    12 do it this way. What he decided was, hey,

    13 this meets our engineering standards and it's

    14 within the budget.

    15 A. It's the most economical way for us to

    16 complete the project.

    17 Q. Was there anything wrong with his opinion in

    18 your opinion?

    19 A. No, there was nothing wrong with the opinion.

    20 Q. It's good to save money, isn't it?

    21 A. Yeah, that is correct. An open channel, open

    22 ditch is always cheaper than putting in storm

    23 sewer. Now if we have by our standards like

    24 on a roadway where it's our standard and it's

    25 our policy and it's our practice that you've

  • 8/12/2019 Schaller, Jack - Vol (Investigation-11/15/13)


    Jack Schaller In Re: Joplin Critical Investigation

    417-358-4078Holliday Reporting Service, Inc.

    Page 65

    1 got to put in curb and gutter and storm water

    2 then you have to put that in. But when it

    3 comes to the drainage channels across the

    4 City, an open channel is way more cost

    5 effective than doing a box culvert. You only

    6 put box culverts in normally for reasons

    7 where you're going - when you have an open

    8 channel and you go to a box culvert would be

    9 because you're crossing it with a roadway,

    10 maybe you have a severe erosion problem or

    11 something like that so you're putting

    12 something in there to help arm that. But

    13 every other project that we've done, and if I

    14 had the list in front of me I could name half

    15 a dozen of them, when we did channel

    16 modifications like that we went back in, we

    17 put down an erosion control mat, geotechnical

    18 type fabric, and seeded it and let the grass

    19 grow up and leave it as a channel there. You

    20 reinforce it using geosynthetic material at

    21 $2.50 a square yard instead of $450.00 to

    22 $600.00 a lineal foot.

    23 Q. Which would be the result of a culvert?

    24 A. Which would be a box culvert.

    25 Q. If this had bid out and an outside consulting

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    Jack Schaller In Re: Joplin Critical Investigation

    417-358-4078Holliday Reporting Service, Inc.

    Page 66

    1 firm came to talk to Dan what would he have

    2 told them to do? Would he have told them to

    3 put in a culvert or would he have told them

    4 to do what you guys did?

    5 A. If this was done with nobody else's

    6 involvement in it it would have been designed

    7 as an open channel.

    8 Q. Just like he did design it?

    9 A. Uh-huh. It was an open channel there --

    10 Q. Before.

    11 A. Before. It was just moving that open channel

    12 a little bit to make sure that you'd get a

    13 parking lot and everything else in there. We

    14 were shifting the ope

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