  • 1. Scenes from the Fast 48 A design thinking and social innova5on bootcamp Held at Grow Dat Youth Farm, City Park Sept 6-8, 2013 Part I
  • 2. Thank you Par*cipants, for your crea*vity TU School of Architecture ($) Grow Dat Youth Farm for being great hosts and partners
  • 3. Tour of GDYF
  • 4. Who are we? 5 schools (SPHTM, Law, SSE, Architecture, LAS) 25 graduate students, faculty, sta Eager to learn prac5cal skills and the eld of social innova5on, and to meet like-minded people from around the university
  • 5. Extreme lm viewers
  • 6. The crash course
  • 7. Crash course reec5ons
  • 8. Start-o framing of Grow Dat Youth Farm (GDYF) design challenge: How might we harness the assets of GDYF to generate more resources for the organiza*on?
  • 9. Empathy/discovery
  • 10. One teams idea5on
  • 11. More lists and post-its
  • 12. Prototyping
  • 13. and ge]ng feedback
  • 14. The design process ..
  • 15. is dynamic,
  • 16. messy,
  • 17. involves teamwork,
  • 18. Requires adaptability,
  • 19. and some house rules!
  • 20. Final pitches 1 Adopt a Krewe 2 Grow Team 3 Harvest Club 4 Experience Dat 5 Expand Dat 6 Shrink Dat!
  • 21. Adopt a Krewe (1)
  • 22. Grow Team (2)
  • 23. Harvest Club (3)
  • 24. Experience Dat (4)
  • 25. Expand Dat (5)
  • 26. Shrink Dat (6)
  • 27. Thanks Grow Dat!
  • 28. Feedback grid Send in your feedback by quadrant! (Use the form sent via email) + What worked? (interdisciplinary, balanced teams) What would you change? ? What do you want to know about the process and format we used? !! What cool, constructive ideas can you share?

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