Page 1: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

If you are reading this post today, then you are looking for advice on how to save your relationship. The fact that you have reached this state of mind means that your relationship is not where you want it to be or indeed has come apart. We will look at what is needed to save your relationship as you read further.

Page 2: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

First, you need to come to terms with the fact that not all relationships get saved. Relationships break up every day for lots of different reasons. Some good, some bad. Sometimes you may feel as though there simply is not a future for you and your partner, as if you are just leading them on by keeping them in your life. Or perhaps you feel you cannot trust your significant other. Sometimes it is as simple as a life-changing event or a job opportunity that leads to moving away.

Today, however, we are going to assume that you want to save your relationship or even restore it if the two of you have broken things off.

Page 3: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

To save your relationship, two key ingredients must be present:

Love – The two of you have to love each other. Just that element alone is not enough to save a relationship, but if it is not present, there really is no chance.

You Both Must See a Future Together – If one or the other of you simply cannot see the other in their life six months from now, then there is no point in continuing the relationship. You are just postponing the inevitable.

If you have established that these ingredients do indeed exist, then here are a few quick tips on what you can do to restore your relationship to the level it once was:

Page 4: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

1) Listen More Than You TalkTake care to listen to what your partner has to say, particularly if you are working to save your relationship after a break up. Be attentive and make an honest effort to understand his or her position on things. Don’t always be planning a rebuttal as they are talking.

Page 5: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

1) Listen More Than You TalkTake care to listen to what your partner has to say, particularly if you are working to save your relationship after a break up. Be attentive and make an honest effort to understand his or her position on things. Don’t always be planning a rebuttal as they are talking.

2) Do Things That They Like To DoSometimes, especially for guys, this can be a challenge. But by doing things that your significant other likes to do, you are showing them that their needs are important and you respect that.

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3) Show Them They Are On Your MindIn today’s modern world of technology and social media, this is easier to do than ever. Send them a cute text or private message on Facebook just to let them know you are thinking about them, even when you are out of touch or they are busy. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Page 7: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

3) Show Them They Are On Your MindIn today’s modern world of technology and social media, this is easier to do than ever. Send them a cute text or private message on Facebook just to let them know you are thinking about them, even when you are out of touch or they are busy. Just be careful not to overdo it.

4) Focus On Having Fun AgainIt is common for relationships that have lasted awhile to become serious and stale. Try to focus on having fun again! Dating is supposed to be fun! So put aside the serious issues at hand and truly enjoy each other’s company the way you did when you first got together.

Page 8: Saving Your Relationship – Do You Know the Key Ingredients Needed to Save Your Relationship?

HR Maguire is dedicated to helping people resolve their relationship and marital issues. His articles are a must read for anyone who is looking to either salvage or further enhance their relationship.

This is simply a quick overview to help you on your way to saving your relationship. If you are REALLY serious about saving your relationship, before you do anything else, you need to watch this video: Watch Video Now.

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