  • Saranac Community School

    Board of Education Agenda Regular Meeting February 1, 2018

    6:00 PM Library, Saranac Jr/Sr High School

    1. Call to Order_________________ 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Interview School Board Candidates 4. Approval of Minutes 2 5. Additions & Deletions to the Agenda 6. Comments from Guests - Agenda Items 7. Student Report 8. Administrator's Update 9. Action Item

    a. Hire Teacher 5 10. Reports/Presentations

    a. Consumers Energy Project Update 8 b. NEOLA Policy Updates - 2nd Reading 20

    11. Comments from Guests - Non Agenda Items 12. Superintendent's Report 13. Board Requests/Reports 14. Communications 15. Approve Executive Session Minutes 16. Closed Session for Negotiation Purposes 17. Other 18. Adjournment_______________

    "This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a

    time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda."

  • Saranac Community Schools Board of Education Meeting #11 The regular meeting of the Saranac Community Schools Board of Education was held on Thursday, January 18, 2018 in the Library, Saranac Jr/Sr High School, 150 Pleasant Street, Saranac, MI. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Courtnay, Doll, Hawkins, Jackson, Price, & VanKuiken. Roy Hawkins led in the Pledge of Allegiance. With the resignation of Board President, Brent Denny, Vice President, Roy Hawkins will continue the remainder of the year as School Board President. The board now needs to elect a new Vice-President. Motion was brought by Courtnay, supported by Price that Sarah Doll be nominated for Vice-President of Saranac Board of Education for calendar year 2018. Motion by Courtnay, supported by Price that the nominations be closed and a ballot is cast for Sarah Doll for Vice-President. Roll call vote was taken: Voting Yes: Courtnay, Doll, Hawkins, Jackson, & Price. Motion Carried. With Sarah Doll being voted as Vice-President, the board then voted for a Treasurer. Motion was brought by Doll, supported by Price that Kevin Courtnay be nominated for Treasurer of Saranac Board of Education for calendar year 2018. Motion by Price, supported by Doll that the nominations be closed and a ballot be cast for Kevin Courtnay for Treasurer Roll call vote was taken: Voting Yes: Courtnay, Doll, Hawkins, Jackson, & Price. Motion Carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from regular meeting dated January 4, and Finance Committee minutes dated January 16, 2018 were approved as presented. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s report for December was approved as presented. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Superintendent, Jason Smith, would like to add to Presentation Items, Board Vacancy position to the agenda. . COMMENTS FROM GUESTS – AGENDA ITEMS: The board heard public comment. SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION MONTH: Superintendent Smith reported January is School Board Appreciation Month and presented board members with a certificate of appreciation, and thanked them for all the work they do for our school, staff and students. The JSH and Elementary also presented flowers and goodies for the board.


  • CONSENT ACTION ITEMS: Board member Kevin Courtnay reported he was going to abstain from voting because of a bill paid to his business was included in the bills to pay. Motion by VanKuiken, supported by Jackson that the Saranac Board of Education approve the Consent Action Items listed below: Yes Votes: Doll, Hawkins, Jackson, Price & VanKuiken. Abstained from voting: Courtnay Accept Gifts Totaling: $100,534.40 Pay Bills totaling: $966,487.29 Approve Bond Ballot Language Resolution Approve 2017-2018 1st Budget Amendment NEOLA POLICY REVIEW: The board reviewed updated and new policies. These will be brought back at the February 1 meeting for another review. SUPERINTENDENT’S SELF-EVALUATION: Superintendent, Jason Smith reported that he has prepared his self-evaluation and will be ready to present this to the board during the February 15 meeting where the board will discuss the evaluation in detail. SCHOOL BOARD VACANCY: Superintendent, Jason Smith reported they have posted the vacant position. The board will compile interview questions, review resumes, and interview candidates at the next meeting. We will then have an action item on the agenda to appoint a new board member with a term expiring on December 31, 2018. COMMENTS FROM GUESTS – NON AGENDA ITEMS: The board heard public comment. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Jason Smith reported they will start the process of identifying a new reading/ELA curriculum. The bit coins have all been sold. Mr. Smith updated the board on the home school initiative. The Consumers Energy project is behind schedule. There will be a Head Start meeting tomorrow. They held a Bond Committee meeting and are in the process of getting a group of people together to start organizing an informational campaign. BOARD REQUESTS/REPORTS: A board member asked if they could have an athletic update at an upcoming board meeting. A board member requested an update on the sale of lots and the middle school building. A board member requested the development of a long-term facilities maintenance plan. COMMUNICATIONS: Superintendent Smith passed around the Campaign Finance Act “Do’s” and Don’ts”. The board accepted the letter of resignation from board member, Brent Denny. CLOSED SESSION FOR NEGOTIATION PURPOSES: Motion by VanKuiken, supported by Jackson that the Saranac Board of Education go into closed session at 8:05 p.m. for the purpose of negotiation planning, returning to open session at 8:25 p.m. Roll Call Vote: Yes – Courtnay, Doll, Hawkins, Jackson, Price and VanKuiken. Motion Carried.


  • OTHER: None There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, and no objection, the meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David Price Secretary


  • TO: Board of Education

    FROM: Jason Smith, Superintendent

    SUBJECT: Hire Teachers

    We recently posted for a Spanish teacher, which was vacated by Sara Serne who took an administrative position with Ionia Public Schools. Last week with a team consisting of Josh Leader, Connie Hamilton, Rob Koerner, Spencer Terpstra and Allie Alt (student representative) we interviewed one candidate, Allison Cook for this position. The team would like to recommend Allison Cook for the Spanish position. Her resume is attached.

    Suggested Resolution

    I move that the Saranac Board of Education hire Allison Cook as the Jr/Sr High Spanish teacher as presented.

    Motion by _____________________ Supported by _______________________

    Discussion: Yes______________________ No________________________

    Approved/Denied: Yes _________________________ No ________________


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  • TO: Board of Education

    FROM: Jason Smith, Superintendent

    SUBJECT: Consumers Energy Project Update The Consumers Energy Team will be presenting on the Environmental Mitigation Project.


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  • TO: Board of Education

    FROM: Jason Smith, Superintendent

    SUBJECT: Neola Policy Updates – (September-2017)

    These policies were reviewed at the January 18 meeting. This is the 2nd reading, and will be approved at the February 15 meeting. Policy 1421 / 3121 / 4121 – Criminal History Record Check (New/Revised)

    Policy 1421 has been added as new and includes revisions made to Policy 3121 & 4121. These policies have been revised to be consistent with Policy 8321-Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency), which requires criminal history record information (CHRI) to be maintained in a confidential file, separate from the employee file.

    These revisions reflect the current state of the law and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    Policy 1439 / 3139 / 4139 – Administrator/Staff Discipline (New/Revised)

    Policy 1439 has been added as new and includes revisions similar to those made to Policy 3139 / 4139. A provision has been added to authorize a financial penalty as may be required by MCL 388.1766 (referring or assisting a student for an abortion). Other language revisions are intended to provide concise and consistent disciplinary action, when necessary.

    These revisions reflect the current state of the law and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    Policy 2414 – Reproductive Health and Family Planning (Revised)

    This policy has been revised to include the abortion prohibition cited in Michigan statute and to focus on the specific requirements for the reproductive health and family planning instruction that is required.

    These revisions reflect the current state of the law and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    Policy 2418 – Sex Education (New)

    This new policy provides the necessary authorization and structure if the district chooses to provide sex education instruction. Teacher qualifications and the elective status of such a class / program are addressed. The required sex education advisory board is included, along with the abortion prohibition.

    This new policy should be considered for adoption if the district authorizes instruction in sex education.


  • Policy 5630.01 – Student Seclusion and Restraint (Replacement)

    This policy was issued as a replacement policy in a Special Release in May 2017. It reflects the current state of the law and the model policy adopted by the State Board of Education on March 14, 2017 and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    Policy 8142 – Criminal History Record Check (Revised)

    This policy has been revised to be consistent with Policy 8321 – Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency), which requires criminal history record information (CHRI) to be maintained in a confidential file, separate from the vendor or private contractor file.

    This revision reflects the current state of the law and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    Policy 8321 – Criminal Justice Information Security (Non-Criminal Justice Agency (Revised)

    This policy has been revised to include the latest revisions to information security required of criminal history record information (CHRI) required by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Michigan State Police (MSP).

    These revisions reflect the current state of federal and state regulations and should be adopted to maintain accurate policies.

    TECHNOLOGY POLICY UPDATES: Policy 7540.03 – Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety (Revised) Policy 7540.04 – Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety (Revised) Policy 7540.05 – District-Issued Staff E-Mail Account (Revised) Policy 7540.06 – District-Issued Student E-Mail Account (New Policy)


    AgendaApproval of Minutes1-18-18.docx

    Action ItemHire Teacherm Hire Teacher.docxm Resume-A Cook.pdf

    Reports/PresentationsConsumers Energy Project Updatem Consumers Energy Project.docxm Consumers Project.pdf

    NEOLA Policy Updates - 2nd Readingm Policy Updates-Sept-2017-2nd reading.docx

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