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EhP 5 for SAP ERP

SAP TM 8.0

October 2011


Less Than Truck LoadVersus Full Truck Load(T76)

SAP AGDietmr!"o##!Allee 1$$%1%0 &ll'orf Germn(

)*siness Process Doc*menttion

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 


+ ,o#(right 200% SAP AG. All rights reser-e'.

o #rt of this #*bliction m( be re#ro'*ce' or trnsmitte' in n( form or for n( #*r#ose /itho*t the e#ress#ermission of SAP AG. The informtion contine' herein m( be chnge' /itho*t #rior notice.

Some soft/re #ro'*cts mrete' b( SAP AG n' its 'istrib*tors contin #ro#rietr( soft/re com#onents ofother soft/re -en'ors.

Microsoft &in'o/s Ecel O*tloo n' Po/erPoint re registere' tr'emrs of Microsoft ,or#ortion.

3)M D)2 D)2 4ni-ersl Dtbse S(stem i S(stem i5 S(stem # S(stem #5 S(stem S(stem S(stem10 S(stem % 10 % iSeries #Series Series Series eSer-er 67M 6OS i56OS S6%0 OS6%0OS6900 AS6900 S6%0 Prllel Enter#rise Ser-er Po/er7M Po/er Architect*re PO&ER$: PO&ER$PO&ER5: PO&ER5 PO&ER O#enPo/er Po/erP, )tchPi#es )l'e,enter S(stem Storge GP;S"A,MP RETA3 D)2 ,onnect RA,; Re'boos OS62 Prllel S(s#le M7S6ESA A3< 3ntelligent Miner

&ebS#here etfinit( Ti-oli n' 3nformi re tr'emrs or registere' tr'emrs of 3)M ,or#ortion.

=in* is the registere' tr'emr of =in*s Tor-l's in the 4.S. n' other co*ntries.

 A'obe the A'obe logo Acrobt PostScri#t n' Re'er re either tr'emrs or registere' tr'emrs of A'obe S(stems 3ncor#orte' in the 4nite' Sttes n'6or other co*ntries.

Orcle is registere' tr'emr of Orcle ,or#ortion.

43< <6O#en OS;61 n' Motif re registere' tr'emrs of the O#en Gro*#.

,itri 3,A Progrm eighborhoo' Met;rme &in;rme 7i'eo;rme n' M*lti&in re tr'emrs orregistere' tr'emrs of ,itri S(stems 3nc.

"TM= <M= <"TM= n' &, re tr'emrs or registere' tr'emrs of &,> &orl' &i'e &eb,onsorti*m Mssch*setts 3nstit*te of Technolog(.

?- is registere' tr'emr of S*n Micros(stems 3nc.

?-Scri#t is registere' tr'emr of S*n Micros(stems 3nc. *se' *n'er license for technolog( in-ente' n'im#lemente' b( etsc#e.

SAP R6 SAP et&e-er D*et PrtnerE'ge )(Design SAP )*siness )(Design n' other SAP #ro'*ctsn' ser-ices mentione' herein s /ell s their res#ecti-e logos re tr'emrs or registere' tr'emrs ofSAP AG in Germn( n' other co*ntries.

)*siness Ob@ects n' the )*siness Ob@ects logo )*sinessOb@ects ,r(stl Re#orts ,r(stl Decisions &eb3ntelligence <celsi*s n' other )*siness Ob@ects #ro'*cts n' ser-ices mentione' herein s /ell s theirres#ecti-e logos re tr'emrs or registere' tr'emrs of )*siness Ob@ects S.A. in the 4nite' Sttes n' inother co*ntries. )*siness Ob@ects is n SAP com#n(.

 All other #ro'*ct n' ser-ice nmes mentione' re the tr'emrs of their res#ecti-e com#nies. Dtcontine' in this 'oc*ment ser-es informtionl #*r#oses onl(. tionl #ro'*ct s#ecifictions m( -r(.

These mterils re s*b@ect to chnge /itho*t notice. These mterils re #ro-i'e' b( SAP AG n' its ffilite'com#nies BSAP Gro*#BC for informtionl #*r#oses onl( /itho*t re#resenttion or /rrnt( of n( in' n'

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

SAP Gro*# shll not be lible for errors or omissions /ith res#ect to the mterils. The onl( /rrnties for SAPGro*# #ro'*cts n' ser-ices re those tht re set forth in the e#ress /rrnt( sttements ccom#n(ings*ch #ro'*cts n' ser-ices if n(. othing herein sho*l' be constr*e' s constit*ting n ''itionl /rrnt(.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 


con !eaning






Eternl Process

)*siness Process Alternti-e6Decision ,hoice

Typographic Con"entions

Type #tyle Description

Example text  &or's or chrcters tht ##er on the screen. These incl*'e fiel'nmes screen titles #*shb*ttons s /ell s men* nmes #ths n'o#tions.

,ross!references to other 'oc*menttion.

Em#le tet Em#hsie' /or's or #hrses in bo'( tet titles of gr#hics n' tbles.

E<AMP=E TE<T mes of elements in the s(stem. These incl*'e re#ort nmes#rogrm nmes trnsction co'es tble nmes n' in'i-i'*l e(/or's of #rogrmming lng*ge /hen s*rro*n'e' b( bo'( tet forem#le SE=E,T n' 3,=4DE.

Example text Screen o*t#*t. This incl*'es file n' 'irector( nmes n' their #thsmessges so*rce co'e nmes of -ribles n' #rmeters s /ell snmes of instlltion *#gr'e n' 'tbse tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT e(s on the e(bor' for em#le f*nction e(s s*ch s F2C or theENTER e(.

Example text Ect *ser entr(. These re /or's or chrcters tht (o* enter in thes(stem ectl( s the( ##er in the 'oc*menttion.

 <Example text>  7rible *ser entr(. Pointe' brcets in'icte tht (o* re#lce these/or's n' chrcters /ith ##ro#rite entries.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 


=ess thn Tr*c =o' 7ers*s ;*ll Tr*c =o'....................................................................................$

1 P*r#ose............................................................................................................................................ $

2 Process o-er-ie/ ............................................................................................................................. PrereF*isites.....................................................................................................................................8

.1 Mster Dt n' Orgnitionl Dt........................................................................................ 8

.2 4ser Roles............................................................................................................................... 12

9 Process Ste#s O-er-ie/ Tble....................................................................................................... 1

5 Process Ste#s.................................................................................................................................19

5.1 ,rete Sles Or'ers.................................................................................................................19

5.2 ,hec ,retion of Or'er!)se' Trns#orttion ReF*irement..................................................1$

5. ,hec ;reight 4nit )*il'ing...................................................................................................... 1

5.9 Perform O#timition R*n........................................................................................................1%

5.5 ,hec ,retion of ;reight Or'ers.............................................................................................20

5.$ ,hec Assignment of )est ,rrier........................................................................................... 22

5. ,hec )*siness Shre............................................................................................................. 2

5.8 ,hec Trns#orttion Alloctions.............................................................................................2

5.% ,rete n' Sen' Deli-er( Pro#osls to SAP ERP...................................................................29

5.10 ,hec Deli-er( ,retion ........................................................................................................25

5.11 ,hec 4#'te of ;reight Or'er......................................................................................... .....2$

5.12 ,rete Shi#ment.................................................................................................................. ..2

5.1 ,hec Shi#ment ,retion.............................................................................................. ........ 28

5.19 ,hec ,onfirmtion of Shi#ment ,retion............................................................................. 2%

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

Less than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load

$ Purpose

;rom shi##ers #ers#ecti-e f*ll tr*c lo' ;T=C shi##ing is the mo-ement of lrge mo*nts ofgoo's /hich *s*ll( occ*#( /hole tr*c to single 'estintion. The o##osite of ;T= is less thntr*c lo' =T=C shi##ing. 3n this cse com#nies hire certin mo*nt of s#ce on tr*c n'shre the tr*c /ith goo's from other com#nies shi##ing to similr 'estintions. ;rom shi##ers#ers#ecti-e =T= shi#ments re *s*ll( more e#ensi-e thn ;T= bse' on the sme -ol*me or/eightC. Therefore shi##er com#nies inten' to #refer ;T= o-er =T= shi#ments. Ob-io*sl( therere sit*tions /here it is more effecti-e for shi##er to o#t for n =T= shi#ment inste' of n ;T=shi#ment. ;or em#le =T= shi#ment cn #otentill( offer fster 'eli-er( times since ;T= shi#mentsre normll( 'eli-ere' to m*lti#le c*stomers n' therefore *s*ll( te longer.

SAP Trns#orttion Mngement n' the r#i'!'e#lo(ment sol*tion for 'omestic trns#orttion#lnning s*##ort (o* in ming the o#timl 'ecision /ith regr' to =T= n' ;T= o#tions foro*tbo*n' trns#orttion 'eli-er( to c*stomersC. The r#i'!'e#lo(ment sol*tion contins set of#re'efine' r*les n' #rmeters tht llo/ SAP TM to fin' the best o#tion.

One #rmeter is the setting *# of reso*rces to be *se' for shi#ments /ithin the trns#orttionnet/orH

• ,#cit(H Reso*rces h-e c#cit( limittions in terms of /eight n' -ol*me.

• 4sgeH There re 'ifferent reso*rces for ;T= n' =T=

• Ro*tingH ;T= reso*rces cn mo-e bet/een m*lti#le loctions /ithin n' cross

trns#orttion ones #ermitting both single!sto# n' m*lti#le!sto# freight or'ers. =T=reso*rces cn mo-e onl( from the so*rce to the 'estintion loction. ;or =T= reso*rcesH

o M*lti#le freight *nits cn be consoli'te' for the sme c*stomer 

o M*lti#le freight *nits cannot be consoli'te' for 'ifferent c*stomers

;*rther #rmeters incl*'eH

• Trns#orttion costs /hich re 'efine' on ech trns#orttion lne. A trns#orttion lne

re#resents ll rele-nt mster 't cost time n' 'istnce for instnceC bet/een t/oloctions or ones of the trns#orttion net/or. ;or =T= /eight costs re set *# s'ecision!ming criteri n' for ;T= 'istnce costs.

• Time /in'o/s

D*ring o#timition the best crrier /ill *tomticll( be chosen bse' on rning tht is b*ilt *#on the bsis of costs n' m( be infl*ence' b( b*siness shre for =T=C or lloctions for ;T=C.

• )*siness shre 'efines the #ercentge of -ol*me of freight or'ers tht crrier is ssigne'.

• Trns#orttion lloction is *se' to mnge crrier reso*rce -ilbilit( bse' on

geogr#h(. There re se-erl o#tions go-erning ho/ the reso*rce cn be llocte' fromto or cross loction lne or one. A trns#orttion lloction 'escribes constrintsgo-erning the mim*m n' minim*m mo*nt of freight or'ers tht cn be ssigne' to crrier. On the one hn' the minim*m re#resents the minim*m commitment of freightor'ers to the crrier. On the other no more thn the mim*m mo*nt cn be ssigne' forech geogr#hic reference n' time #erio' s*ch s '( /ee or month for em#leC from

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shi##ing loction n'6or to region. A trns#orttion lloction lso stores llocte'F*ntities tht re cons*me' /ithin certin #erio'.

)se' on these restrictions crrier rning /ill be #erforme' *tomticll( n' the best crriernot necessril( the che#est /ill be chosen. 

% Process o"er"ie&

This 'oc*ment 'escribes the seF*ence of ste#s tht nee' to be #erforme' in the SAP ERP n' SAPTM s(stems.

The #rocess strts /ith c*stomer /ho /nts to or'er goo's. A sles em#lo(ee recei-es thereF*est n' cretes sles or'er in SAP ERP. This sles or'er is then trnsferre' to the SAP TMs(stem /here it is -ilble s n or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement OTRC. )se' on theor'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement freight *nits re crete' n' ssigne' to ech OTR. Afreight *nit ;4C re#resents set of goo's tht re trns#orte' together cross the entiretrns#orttion chin. A freight *nit hs certin /eight n' -ol*me tht 'oes not ecee' the sie of tr*c. The trns#orttion s#ecilist #lns ll -ilble freight *nits *sing the o#timier.

The o#timier mes 'ecisions bse' on the #re'efine' r*les n' restrictions #ro-i'e' /ith ther#i'!'e#lo(ment sol*tion.

Once the o#timier hs m'e the o#timl 'ecision consi'ering ll the r*les n' restrictions freightor'ers re crete' *tomticll( n' the crrier is ssigne' *tomticll( to the freight or'er.

)se' on the freight or'ers n' freight *nits the trns#orttion s#ecilist cn chec the res*lts/ithin the trns#orttion coc#it. The #rocess 'oc*menttion in hn' 'escribes ho/ the #lnner cne-l*te /hether the o#timier hs #ro-i'e' the e#ecte' res*lts.

 After re-ie/ing n' if necessr( chnging the o#timition res*lts the trns#orttion s#eciliststrts eec*tion of the freight or'ers. Therefore SAP TM triggers the cretion of 'eli-eries in SAPERP /hich is the #rereF*isite for creting shi#ments in SAP ERP. Shi#ment cretion is lsotriggere' from SAP TM b( the trns#orttion s#ecilist. The ct*l eec*tion of the shi#mentincl*'ing e.g. the comm*niction to the crrier n' shi#ment costingC /ill then te #lce in SAP

ERP. The cti-ities in SAP ERP re not 'escribe' here bec*se the( 'o not fll /ithin the sco#e ofthe #re'efine' config*rtion of the r#i'!'e#lo(ment sol*tion. 3t is ss*me' tht these #rocessesre lre'( config*re' n' r*nning in the SAP ERP s(stem.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

' Prereuisites

'$ !aster Data and *rgani+ational DataDe,ault Values

The orgnitionl str*ct*re n' mster 't of (o*r com#n( /s crete' in (o*r ERP n' TMs(stem '*ring im#lementtion. The orgnitionl str*ct*re reflects the str*ct*re of (o*r com#n(.The mster 't re#resents mterils c*stomers -en'ors i.e. crriersC reso*rces -ehiclereso*rces s /ell s hn'ling reso*rcesC n' trns#orttion lnes to re#resent the geogr#hiclnet/orC.

The b*siness #rocess relies on this orgnition!s#ecific mster 't. ;or em#les see the netsection.

-dditional De,ault Values

Io* cn test the scenrio *sing other SAP )est Prctices 'ef*lt -l*es tht h-e thesme chrcteristics.

,hec (o*r SAP ERP s(stem to fin' o*t /hich other mteril mster 't eists.

.sing /our *&n !aster Data

Io* cn lso *se c*stomie' -l*es for n( mteril or orgnitionl 't for /hich(o* h-e crete' mster 't. ;or more informtion bo*t ho/ to crete mster 'tsee the Master Data Procedures 'oc*menttion.

#a0ple !aster Data #etup

The follo/ing gr#hic ill*strtes the sm#le mster 't set*# for this scenrio. The sm#le mster't is im#lemente' s 'emo n' test 't. ;or im#lementtion in (o*r #ro'*ction s(stem n' to*se the r#i'!'e#lo(ment sol*tion (o* /ill *se 't from (o*r SAP ERP s(stem n' crete (o*r

o/n mster 't in the SAP TM s(stem.

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The follo/ing sections 'escribe the sm#le mster 't #ro-i'e' for the scenrio.

Custo0er !aster Data

Custo0er Description

150001 TMJ,4ST01

150002 TMJ,4ST02

15000 TMJ,4ST0

150009 TMJ,4ST09

,*stomer mster 't /s crete' in SAP ERP n' trnsferre' to SAP TM -i the,ore 3nterfce ,3;C.

#hipper !aster Data

Location Description

P=1000 Plnt

SP1000 Shi##ing Point

Shi##er mster 't /s crete' in SAP ERP n' trnsferre' to SAP TM -i ,3;.

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Carrier !aster Data

Carrier Description

500000 ,rrier 00

500001 ,rrier 01

500002 ,rrier 0250000 ,rrier 0

500009 ,rrier 09

500005 ,rrier 05

,rriers /ere crete' s -en'ors in SAP ERP n' trnsferre' to SAP TM -i ,3;.

!aterial !aster Data

!aterial Description

TMJPROD01 Pro'*ct 01

Mteril mster 't /s crete' in SAP ERP n' trnsferre' to SAP TM -i ,3;.

Transportation 1ones

Transportation 1one ncluded 1ones 2 Custo0ers


TMJ%00 TMJ,4ST09

TMJ%92 TMJ,4ST01


TMJ%$0 TMJ,4ST02

,*stomer trns#orttion ones /ere crete' in SAP ERP n' trnsferre' to SAPTM -i ,3;. A''itionl trns#orttion ones for gro*#ing in this cse TMJKOE1C /erecrete' 'irectl( in SAP TM.


3esources Description

TMJTR4,J;T= ,#cit(H 50.000 =) -ol*me 2.200 ;T

TMJTR4,J=T= ,#cit(H 50.000 =) -ol*me 2.200 ;T

Reso*rces /ere crete' in SAP TM n' re *se' for trns#orttion #lnning.

Transportation Lanes

Fro0 To !oT Transpor4 Transpor4 !ns o, Carrier Carrier

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Location Location tationDuration


Tsp Costs Costson Lane5perk0

SP1000 TMJ%00 ITJ=T= 98 h 009 #er =) !! 500000 12

500001 11

500002 10

SP1000 TMJ%92 ITJ=T= 98 h 00 #er =) !! 500000 11

500001 10

500002 12

SP1000 TMJ%59 ITJ=T= 98 h 00 #er =) !! 500000 12

500001 11

500002 10

SP1000 TMJ%$0 ITJ=T= 98 h 009 #er =) !! 500000 10

500001 11

500002 12

SP1000 TMJ%00 ITJ;T= &ill be 'eter!mine' b( thes(stem '*ringo#timition.

!! % #er M 50000 12

500009 10

500005 11

SP1000 TMJ%92 ITJ;T= &ill be 'eter!mine' b( thes(stem '*ringo#timition.

!! % #er M 50000 12

500009 10

500005 11

SP1000 TMJ%59 ITJ;T= &ill be 'eter!mine' b( thes(stem '*ringo#timition.

!! #er M 50000 12

500009 10

500005 11

SP1000 TMJ%$0 ITJ;T= &ill be 'eter!mine' b( thes(stem '*ringo#timition.

!! 8 #er M 50000 12

500009 10

500005 11

TMJKOE1 TMJKOE1 ITJ;T= &ill be 'eter!mine' b( thes(stem '*ring


!! 1 #er M 50000 12

500009 10

500005 11

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

Trns#orttion lnes /ere crete' 'irectl( in SAP TM. The( re#resent thetrns#orttion net/or for #lnning /ith 'efine' strt n' n en' #oints. 7rio*s mensof trns#ort cn be 'efine' on ech lne. A mens of trns#ort re#resents clss of-ehiclesL for em#le tr*c or trin. T/o 'ifferent tr*c t(#es =T= n' ;T= re'efine' in this scenrio. The mens of trns#ort is ssigne' to ech -ehicle reso*rce.;*rthermore trns#orttion '*rtions in this cse onl( for =T= since the( re fie'C n'

trns#orttion costs re 'efine' for ech lne. Ech lne lso hs ll #ossible crriersssigne' /ho re ble to trns#ort goo's bet/een the strt n' en' loction *sing s#ecific reso*rce.

'% .ser 3oles;ollo/ing b*siness roles re in-ol-e' in the #rocessH

• The sles ssistnt /ho /ors in SAP ERP.

• The shi##ing s#ecilist /ho /ors in SAP ERP.

• The trns#orttion s#ecilist /ho /ors in both SAP ERP n' SAP TM.

The trns#orttion s#ecilist is res#onsible for the #lnning n' eec*tion of shi#ments. The#lnning #rt is #rimril( com#lete' in SAP TM bse' on the sles or'ers recei-e' s or'er!bse'trns#orttion reF*irement in SAP TM. The eec*tion #rt is com#lete' in SAP ERP bse' on'eli-eries n' shi#ments.

The min tss of the trns#orttion s#ecilist reH

! Plnning n' o#timiing freight trns#orttion b( choosing the right mo'e ro*te lo' etc.#erforme' in SAP TMC

! Selecting the best crrier #erforme' in SAP TMC

! Eec*ting the shi#ments #erforme' in SAP ERPC

'%$ 3oles ,or #-P 3P

.seTo #erform this b*siness #rocess the follo/ing roles m*st h-e lre'( been instlle' in SAP TM.

PrereuisiteThe b*siness roles h-e been ssigne' to the *ser testing the scenrio.

Business 3ole Technical 8a0e Process #tep


 All ste#s #erforme' in SAP ERP reltingto sles or'ers

Shi##ing S#ecilist SAP_LE_OUTB_DEL_PROCESSING  All ste#s #erforme' in SAP ERP relting

to o*tbo*n' 'eli-eries


SAP_LE_TMS_PLANNING  All ste#s #erforme' in SAP ERP reltingto shi#ments

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These roles incl*'e the trnsctions reF*ire' for the ste#s 'escribe' in the #rocess'oc*menttion in hn'. Io* cn /or /ith (o*r o/n roles if the( contin thetrnsctions mentione' in the Process Oer!e" Ta#le section.

'%% 3oles ,or #-P T!

.seThe follo/ing roles m*st h-e lre'( been instlle' in SAP TM to #erform this b*siness #rocess inthe SAP et&e-er )*siness ,lient &),C. The roles in this b*siness #rocess 'oc*menttionm*st be ssigne' to the *ser or *sers #erforming this scenrio. Io* nee' this role for lltrnsctions in SAP TM tht *se the &), *ser interfce.

PrereuisiteThe b*siness roles h-e been ssigne' to the *ser #erforming the b*siness #rocess.

Business 3ole Technical 8a0e Process #tep


6S,MTMS6P=AER All ste#s #erforme' in SAPTrns#orttion Mngement

9 Process #teps *"er"ie& Ta:le

The follo/ing tbles 'e#ict the #rocess flo/ for the scenrio.

Some ste#s h-e to be #erforme' in SAP ERPH

• Sles or'er cretion• ,hecing 'eli-er( n' shi#ment cretion

Some ste#s re #erforme' *tomticll( n' reF*ire no *ser interction. These re i'entifie' sC$ec%  ste#s in the follo/ing tble. Create or Per&orm ste#s reF*ire *ser ction in either SAP TM orSAP ERP n' re therefore not *tomtic.

PrereuisiteProcess #tep




;pected 3esults

Create #ales *rders ,*stomer or'ersgoo's

Sles Assistnt

SAP ERPH 7A01 Se-erl sles or'ers recrete' in SAP ERP s in#*t

for SAP TM.

Check Creation o,*rder4BasedTransportation3euire0ents

Sles or'ers h-ebeen crete's*ccessf*ll(.

Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM The or'er!bse' trns#orttionreF*irements for ERP slesor'ers h-e been crete' inSAP TM.

Check Freight .nitBuilding

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM ;reight *nits h-e beencrete' *tomticll( bse' onthe freight *nit b*il'ing r*le/hich is 'etermine' bse' on

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

PrereuisiteProcess #tep




;pected 3esults

the con'ition techniF*e.

Per,or0*pti0i+ation 3un

,*t!off time forc*stomer or'ers is


Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM O#timition is #erforme' n'freight or'ers re crete'.

Check Creation o,Freight *rders

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM ;reight or'ers re the res*lt of*tomtic #lnning bse' ono#timition.

Check assign0ento, :est carrier 

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM The best crrier the che#estCis ssigne' *tomticll( to thefreight or'er.

Check Business#hares

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM The b*siness shre is *#'te'for the chosen crrier.



  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM The trns#orttion lloction is*#'te' for the chosen crrier.

Create and #endDeli"ery Proposalsto #-P 3P

;reight or'ers re#lnne' correctl(n' re re'( foreec*tion.

Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM Deli-er( #ro#osls re crete'bse' on the trns#orttion#lnning res*lts n' re sentto SAP ERP.

Check Deli"eryCreation

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist


Deli-eries re crete'*tomticll( in SAP ERP fterrecei-ing the 'eli-er( #ro#oslfrom SAP TM.

Check .pdate o,Freight *rder 

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM The freight or'er is *#'te'/ith the 'eli-er(!bse'trns#orttion reF*irement.

Create ship0ent Deli-eries rere'( to beshi##e'.

Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM ,retion of shi#ments istriggere' in SAP ERP.

Check #hip0entCreation

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist


Shi#ments re crete' in SAPERP.

Check Con,ir0ationo, #hip0entCreation

  Trns#orttion S#ecilist

SAP TM Shi#ment cretion in SAP ERPis confirme' in SAP TM.

< Process #teps

<$ Create #ales *rders

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

.seThe sles ssistnt recei-es c*stomer reF*ests for goo's n' cretes sles or'ers in SAP ERP sin#*t for trns#orttion #lnning in SAP TM.

Procedure1. ,hooseH

#-P !enu Lo'!st!cs→ Sales a(d D!str!#ut!o( → Sales→ Order Create

Transaction Code 7A01

2. On the Create Sales Order) I(!t!al Scree( enter the follo/ingH

Field 8a0e .ser -ctionand Values


Order t*pe OR Stn'r' or'er t(#e

. ,hoose the E(ter  #*shb*tton.

9. On the Create Sta(dard Order screen enter the 't for sles or'er 1 SO 1C. After s-ing the'oc*ment #rocee' /ith the f*rther sles or'ers in the sme /()

Field 8a0e #* $ #* % #* ' #* 9

Expected pla((!('result 

;T= =T=

Sold+To Part*  150001 150002 15000 150009

S$!p+To Part* 

,(ot re-u!red. "!ll #e&!lled automat!call*/

150001 150002 15000 150009

PO Num#er   <any number> <any number> <any number> <any number> 

Re-0 del!0date  <this Friday

+ 2 weeks> 

 <this Friday

+ 2 weeks> 

 <this Friday

+ 2 weeks> 

 <this Friday

+ 2 weeks> 


Order -ua(t!t*  2 EA 2 EA 22 EA 18 EA

 Me s*re the reF*este' 'eli-er( 'te is not S*n'( or #*blic holi'(. DifferentreF*este' 'eli-er( 'tes re *se' in this b*siness #rocess to chie-e the e#ecte' res*lts.

5. ,hoose the E(ter  #*shb*tton to confirm the entries n' confirm 'ilog bo C$a('e I(o!cedate) T$e #!ll!(' date !s re+determ!(ed .

$. S-e (o*r entries.

. &rite 'o/n (o*r sles or'er 'oc*ment n*mbersH





8. Re#et ste#s 1 to for the f*rther sles or'ers 'escribe' in the tble bo-e.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

3esultThe sles ssistnt crete' fo*r sles or'ers /ith 'ifferences in /eight n' -ol*me for fo*r 'ifferentc*stomers.

The e#ecte' #lnning res*lt t the en' of this em#le #rocess is tht sles or'ers 1 2 n' /illres*lt in m*lti!sto# ;T= shi#ment bec*se of the geogr#hicl #roimit( n' config*re' cost #rofilein SAP TM /heres sles or'er 9 /ill res*lt in n =T= shi#ment bec*se the geogr#hicl loctionof c*stomer 150009 is geogr#hicll( too fr from c*stomers 1 2 n' to be ser-e' on the sme;T= ro*n' tri#.

<% Check Creation o, *rder4Based Transportation3euire0ent

.se As soon s the sles or'er is crete' in SAP ERP it is trnsferre' to the SAP TM s(stem. )( thetime SAP TM recei-es the sles or'ers from SAP ERP or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements recrete' *tomticll(. These or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements re#resent trns#orttion

'emn' bse' on sles or'er. SAP TM checs the sles or'er t(#e to 'etermine the or'er!bse'trns#orttion reF*irement OTRC t(#e.

3n this b*siness scenrio this ste# is *se' to #ro-i'e the *ser /ith better #rocess -isibilit(. 3n rel!life scenrio the trns#orttion s#ecilist might not #erform this #rocess ste#. 3n the #resentscenrio ho/e-er the trns#orttion s#ecilist checs /hether the #re-io*sl( crete' sles or'ersh-e been trnsferre' to the SAP TM s(stem correctl( s or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements.These 'oc*ments /ill be the in#*t for trns#orttion #lnning in SAP TM.

Prereuisites• Sles or'ers rele-nt for the trnsfer to SAP TM m*st eist in SAP ERP.


1. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP et&e-er )*siness ,lient &),CH

Business 3ole !enu ERP Lo'!st!cs I(te'rat!o( 1or%l!st Oer!e" Tra(sportat!o(

Re-u!reme(ts 2uer*) Order+Based Tra(sportat!o( Re-u!reme(t 

2. On the 2uer*) Order+Based Tra(sportat!o( Re-u!reme(t  screen= choose the Re&res$ #*shb*tton.

. 4se the originl sles or'er n*mbers to i'entif( (o*r ne/l( crete' or'er!bse' trns#orttionreF*irement 'oc*ments.

9. ,hoose (o*r or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement 'oc*ment.

5. ,hec ll #lnning!rele-nt 't in the or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irementL this sho*l' bei'enticl to (o*r sles or'erH

5.1. Ge(eral Data tb #ge

5.1.1.Orgnitionl 't

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5.1..So*rce n' 'estintion loctions

5.1.9.Dtes n' Times

5.2. Bus!(ess Part(er tb #ge

5.2.1.)*siness #rtners

5.. Docume(t 3lo" tb #ge

5..1.3'entif( the corres#on'ing freight *nit 'oc*ment n*mber 

$. St( in this 'oc*ment to #erform the net ste#.


Io* fin' the or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement tht re#resents (o*r SAP ERP sles or'ersincl*'ing ll reF*ire' #lnning 't in SAP TM.

This 't /ill be *se' '*ring o#timition to #ln freight or'ers from n' to the loctions entere''*ring sles or'er cretion. ReF*este' 'eli-er( 'tes lso nee' to be res#ecte'.

<' Check Freight .nit Building

.seOnce the or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements h-e been crete' the freight *nit b*il'ing r*le'etermintion con'ition is ccesse'. This con'ition checs the chrcteristics of the or'er!bse'

trns#orttion reF*irement in or'er to 'etermine the correct freight *nit b*il'ing r*le. ;reight *nitsre then crete' *tomticll( in ccor'nce /ith the r*le 'efining certin s#lit criteri n' freight*nit 6 or'er t(#es.

;reight *nit b*il'ing r*le 4T56  /ill be selecte' for ll sles or'ers. This r*le s#lits the OTRs into#cges of mim*m 15000 lb n'6or 550 ft. ;or lin to this freight *nit b*il'ing r*le see thefreight *nit on the Ge(eral Data tb #ge.

3n this b*siness scenrio this ste# is *se' to #ro-i'e the *ser /ith better #rocess -isibilit(. 3n rel!life scenrio the trns#orttion s#ecilist might not #erform this #rocess ste#. 3n the #resentscenrio ho/e-er the trns#orttion s#ecilist checs /hether the freight *nit hs been crete'n' /hether trns#orttion constrints s*ch s reF*este' 'eli-er( 'tes re ten into cco*nt.;*rthermore the freight *nit n*mber is /ritten 'o/n to #ermit n esier selection in thetrns#orttion coc#it lter on.

Prereuisites•  An or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement m*st eist.

•  A freight *nit b*il'ing r*le 'etermintion con'ition m*st eist this is mintine' in the OTR


• ;reight *nit b*il'ing r*le 4T56  m*st eist.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 


1. On the Docume(t 3lo"  tb #ge choose the freight *nit b*siness 'oc*ment n*mber to o#en the'oc*ment.

 3f (o* 'i' not st( in the or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement ccess the 'oc*mentgin *sing the SAP et&e-er )*siness ,lient &),CH

Business 3ole !enu ERP Lo'!st!cs I(te'rat!o( 1or%l!st Oer!e" Tra(sportat!o(Re-u!reme(t

2. &rite 'o/n ll freight *nits for ech sles or'er.

• ;reight *nit 1 for SO 1H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

• ;reight *nit 2 for SO 2H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

• ;reight *nit for SO H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

• ;reight *nit 9 for SO 9H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

. ,hec ll #lnning!rele-nt 't in the freight *nitH

.1. Ge(eral Data tb #ge

.1.1.So*rce n' 'estintion loction

.1.2.Acce#tble n' reF*este' strt n' en' 'tes

.1..ReF*ire' c#cit(

.1.9.3tem 'etils

.2. Bus!(ess part(ers tb #ge

.2.1.)*siness #rtners

.. Sta'es tb #ge

..1.Stges /ith so*rce n' 'estintion loction


The ne/l( crete' freight *nits contining ll the 't from the or'er!bse' trns#orttionreF*irements re no/ -isible n' com#lete. ;or the c*stomer loction reF*este' n' cce#tblestrt n' en' 'tes re clc*lte' bse' on the 'eli-er( /in'o/ mintine' '*ring config*rtion.These 'tes re sho/n on the Ge(eral Data tb #ge0 

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

The reF*este' 'eli-er( time is 00H00H00 n' comes from the sles or'er in SAP ERP. The 'eli-er(/in'o/ llo/s the shi##er to 'eli-er to the c*stomer eight ho*rs erlier thn the reF*este' 'eli-er('te /itho*t n( #enlt( costs. )et/een eight n' ten ho*rs erlier #enlt( costs re ten intocco*nt '*ring o#timition onl(. An( erlier thn 10 ho*rs n' the c*stomer /ill not cce#t thegoo's. Penlties for lte rri-l re similr ece#t the times 'iffer. The shi##er is onl( llo/e' torri-e t the c*stomer thirt( min*tes lter thn the reF*este' 'eli-er( 'te 6 time /itho*t n( #enlt(costs. )et/een thirt( n' fort(!fi-e min*tes lter #enlt( costs re ten into cco*nt '*ringo#timition. An( lter thn fort(!fi-e min*tes n' the c*stomer /ill no longer cce#t the goo's.

<9 Per,or0 *pti0i+ation 3un

.se&hen the c*t!off time is reche' the trns#orttion s#ecilist strts the o#timier. This mens thtno f*rther sles or'ers /ill be consi'ere' for this o#timition r*n fter the c*t!off. Therefore thetrns#orttion s#ecilist hs to enter the trns#orttion coc#it in SAP TM. The trns#orttions#ecilist *ses selection #rofiles to se#rte the scenrios. These #rofiles llo/ the *ser to see onl(those freight *nits n' reso*rces for /hich he6she is res#onsible. The selection of freight *nits n'reso*rces for o#timition is 'one mn*ll( b( the trns#orttion s#ecilist.

;or the =T= -ers*s ;T= scenrio the o#timier mes 'ecision bse' on /eight n' 'istncecosts. &eight costs n' fie' trns#orttion le' time re mintine' for the =T= mens oftrns#ort on the trns#orttion lne. ;or ;T= mens of trns#ort 'istnce!bse' costs remintine' on ech trns#orttion lne. These internl costs llo/ the o#timier to 'eci'e on thebest #lnning res*lt.

Prereuisites• ;reight *nits m*st eist.

•  A #lnning #rofile m*st eist.


1. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

2. ,hoose the Ne" #*shb*tton.

. Enter Select!o( Pro&!le ,3U/ ITJSE=E,T3OJ01. Pla((!(' Pro&!le ITJP=A Select!o( Pro&!le,3Os. 3Bs/ ITJSE=E,T3OJ;OJ1 n' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t La*out  RDS!Stn'r'.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

3n this scenrio the trns#orttion s#ecilist is res#onsible onl( for the re of ,liforni :neighborhoo' sttes. 4sing these #rofiles the res#onsible #lnner /ill onl( see the ##ro#ritefreight *nits.

Since this #lnning #rofile is *se' in ll scenrios ll -ilble reso*rces /ill be sho/n e-entho*gh the( re not *se' in this scenrio.

9. S-e (o*r entries.

 Ste#s 2 to 9 onl( nee' to be #erforme' once.

5. Select the line fet*ring selection #rofile ;4C ITJSE=E,T3OJ01 n' choose the Co(t!(ue#*shb*tton.

$. Select ll #re-io*sl( crete' freight *nits n' choose Opt!m!7er Pla((!('   Selected E(tr!es"!t$ all Resources.

. After the #lnning r*n /in'o/ /ill ##er sho/ing se-erl messges. Scroll 'o/n to thebottom ting loo t messge x o& x &re!'$t u(!ts could #e del!ered  for instnce. 3f ll freight*nits co*l' be 'eli-ere' the #lnning r*n /s s*ccessf*l.

8. ,hoose the Accept #*shb*tton0%. S-e (o*r entries.

10. St( in this trnsction.

3esultThe o#timier tes ll -ilble freight *nits n' #lns these on -ilble reso*rces. D*ringo#timition the im is to 'etermine the o-erll cost!o#timl sol*tion s /ell s consi'ering ll-ilble constrints s*ch s reF*este' 'eli-er( 'tes. ;*rthermore crrier selection is #erforme''*ring the o#timition r*n. Plnning res*lts in o#timie' freight or'ers /ith n ssigne' crrier.

;or sles or'ers 1 2 n' the o#timier /ill ret*rn sol*tion /here ll three sles or'ers /ill beconsoli'te' on ;T= freight or'er /ith m*lti#le sto#!offs t the -rio*s c*stomers. All threec*stomers re locte' close together.

;or sles or'er 9 n =T= freight or'er /ill be crete' since the c*stomer is sit*te' in the o##osite'irection of the c*stomers from sles or'ers 1 2 n' . ,onsoli'ting sles or'er 9 on the ;T=freight or'er /o*l' be too cost intensi-e com#re' to se#rte =T= freight or'er. 3n this cse the/eight costs re che#er thn the 'istnce costs for consoli'tion.

<< Check Creation o, Freight *rders

.se After o#timition the trns#orttion s#ecilist checs the c*rrent trns#orttion sit*tion. Thetrns#orttion s#ecilist hs to chec the ne/l( crete' freight or'ers n' if necessr( mn*ll(re/or the o#timition res*lts b( 'rgging n' 'ro##ing freight *nits.

Prereuisites• Plnning m*st h-e been s*ccessf*ll( concl*'e'.

• The freight or'er m*st eist.


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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

1. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP &),H

1.1. O#tion 1 Io* re still /ithin the trns#orttion coc#it

1.2. O#tion 2 Io* lre'( left the trns#orttion coc#it. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP&),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

2. 3n the 3re!'$t u(!ts re (o* nee' to i'entif( the #lnne' freight *nit n*mber (o* /rote 'o/n inste# 9. mre' s pla((ed C n' scroll to the right in or'er to see the execut!o( docume(tfreight or'erC tht belongs to (o*r freight *nit.

. &rite 'o/n (o*r freight or'er 'oc*ment n*mber eec*tion 'oc*mentC tht (o* cn i'entif(bse' on the lo'ing n' *nlo'ing loctionH

Shi##ing #oint  ,*stomer 1 2 n'

• ;reight or'er 1HJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

Shi##ing #oint  ,*stomer 9

• ;reight or'er 2HJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

9. O#en the execut!o( docume(t  b( choosing the b*siness 'oc*ment n*mber.

5. ,hec the rele-nt tb #ges for #lnning res*lts

5.1. Ge(eral Data tb #ge

5.1.1.Reso*rce c#cit(

5.1.2.,rgo informtion


5.1.9.So*rce n' 'estintion loction incl*'ing 'e#rt*re n' rri-l 'te

5.2. Bus!(ess Part(er tb #ge

5.2.1.)*siness #rtners re ssigne' shi##er n' crrierC

5.. Sta'es tb #ge

5..1.Stges /ith so*rce n' 'estintion loction 'istnces '*rtion n' 'tes

5.9. Statuses tb #ge

5.9.1.,hec tht su#co(tract!(' status is carr!er ass!'(ed 

 To ccess the Statuses tb #ge choose the fol'er b*tton on the to# right net to thefor/r' n' bc rro/s.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

$. St( in the freight or'er 'oc*ment.


The ne/l( crete' freight or'ers re no/ -isible n' contin ll the 't from #lnningH• One ;T= freight or'er m*st eist fet*ring three freight *nits.

• One =T= freight or'er m*st eist fet*ring one freight *nit.

<6 Check -ssign0ent o, Best Carrier 

.seThis b*siness scenrio *ses this ste# to #ro-i'e the *ser /ith better #rocess -isibilit(. The crrier/s ssigne' to the freight or'ers *tomticll( '*ring the o#timition r*n bse' on costs set *#'*ring config*rtion.

Prereuisites• Plnning m*st h-e been s*ccessf*ll( concl*'e'.

•  A freight or'er m*st eist.


1. ,hec for the ssigne' crrier on the Su#co(tract!(' tb #ge0 Io* /ill see the ssigne' crrierhere.

 3f (o* lre'( eite' the trns#orttion coc#it ccess the follo/ing trnsction in SAP&),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

Select (o*r freight or'er b( clicing the freight or'er n*mber 

2. ,hoose the Su#co(tract!('  tb #ge follo/e' b( Carr!er ra(%!(' .

. ,hec if the ssigne' crrier is lso the che#est crrier. 3n this scenrio crrier 500009 hsbeen ssigne' to the ;T= freight or'er n' 500002 to the =T= freight or'er.

9. St( in this trnsction.

 ote tht the chosen crrier m( 'e-ite from the one stte' bo-e. Since lloctions n'b*siness shres re *se' it is #ossible for nother crrier to be chosen e-en if it is not the che#estone.

3esultThe best crrier in generl the one /ith the lo/est trns#orttion costsC is ssigne' to the freightor'er. These costs re 'efine' on e-er( lne for e-er( crrier n' the o#timier cretes the crrier

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rning on the bsis of these costs. The che#est crrier /ill then be ssigne' *tomticll(res#ecting b*siness shres n' trns#orttion lloctions.

The ;T= freight or'er hs crrier 500009 ssigne'. The =T= freight or'er hs crrier 500002ssigne'.

<7 Check Business #hare

.se;or freight or'ers #lnne' on =T= reso*rces crriers re ssigne' bse' on the 'efine' b*sinessshre. The b*siness shre is 'efine' for strt n' en' loction6one #er crrier incl*'ing #enlt(costs. These #enlt( costs re *se' b( the o#timier for /eighting #*r#oses onl(. ;or ech freightor'er tht hs crrier ssigne' the b*siness shre /ill be *#'te' ccor'ingl(.

Plese noteH 3t is not #ossible to see 'irect lin bet/een the #reliminr( res*lts n' theb*siness shre b*t (o* cn chec /hether the b*siness shre n' trcing of crrier ssignmentsin generl is cti-e.

Prereuisites• Plnning m*st h-e been s*ccessf*ll( concl*'e'.

•  A freight or'er m*st eist.


1. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' 1or%l!st Oer!e" Pla((!(' 

On the 2uer*) Bus!(ess S$ares screen= choose the Re&res$ #*shb*tton.

2. ,hoose the b*siness shre n*mber for /hich the strt 'te of (o*r freight or'er flls into the##ro#rite al!d!t* start t!me n' al!d!t* e(d t!me.

. ,hec if b*siness shre is cti-e in generl b( checing tht the c*rrent lo' is bigger thn 0/hich mens tht the s(stem is trcing the crrier ssignments.

<> Check Transportation -llocations

.se;or ;T= trns#orttion c#cities for /eel( #erio' re 'efine' *sing the trns#orttion lloctionf*nctionlit(. These lloctions re mintine' for ech crrier on certin lne /ith certin strtn' en' loction6one.

ote tht it is not #ossible to see 'irect lin bet/een the #reliminr( res*lts n' trns#orttionlloction b*t (o* cn chec /hether lloctions re cti-e n' trcing the crrier ssignments ingenerl.


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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

• Plnning m*st h-e been s*ccessf*ll( concl*'e'.

•  A freight or'er m*st eist.


1. Access the trnsction *sing the SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' 1or%l!st Oer!e" Pla((!(' 

On the 2uer*) Tra(sportat!o( Allocat!o(s screen= choose the Re&res$ #*shb*tton.

2. ,hoose the Tra(sportat!o( Allocat!o( (um#er  of the recentl( chosen crrier 

. ,hoose the b*cet for /hich the strt 'te of (o*r freight or'er flls into the ##ro#rite al!d!t*start t!me n' al!d!t* e(d t!me.

9. ,hec if trns#orttion lloction is cti-e in generl b( checing if the booe' TA= F*ntit( isbigger thn 0 /hich mens tht the s(stem is trcing the crrier ssignments.

<? Create and #end Deli"ery Proposals to #-P 3P


SAP TM cretes 'eli-er( #ro#osls bse' on trns#orttion #lnning res*lts. These #ro#osls resent to SAP ERP to trigger the cretion of o*tbo*n' 'eli-eries.


To crete 'eli-er( #ro#osl from the freight or'erH

 An or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement m*st eist.

The or'er!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement m*st not be bloce' for 'eli-er( cretion.

 A 'eli-er( m*st be e#ecte' for the sles or'er in the SAP ERP s(stem.


Me s*re tht ll SAP TM screens other thn the one (o* h-e to *se for thiscti-it( re close'. This is to ens*re no b*siness ob@ects re loce'. =oce'b*siness ob@ects cn le' to errors in the #rocessing of messges recei-e' fromSAP ERP.

1. Select the freight or'ers (o* crete' #re-io*sl( b( highlighting the ro/sC.

3f (o* lre'( left the trns#orttion coc#it ccess the trnsction in SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

Reo#en the trns#orttion coc#it *sing the sme settings s in ste# 9.9

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

2. ,hoose the Create Del!er* Proposals #*shb*tton.

. ,hoose the Se(d Del!er* Proposals to SAP ERP #*shb*tton0


The trns#orttion s#ecilist hs triggere' the cretion of 'eli-er( #ro#osls in SAP ERP from SAPTM s the in#*t for 'eli-er( cretion. &ithin the net ste# 'eli-eries h-e been crete' in SAP ERPfor ech sles or'er from SAP TM.

<$@ Check Deli"ery Creation

.se3n this ste# (o* chec 'eli-eries tht h-e been crete' in SAP ERP bse' on the recei-e' 'eli-er(#ro#osl.


• Deli-er( #ro#osls re crete' in SAP TM.

• Deli-eries h-e been crete' s*ccessf*ll(.


1. ,hec 'eli-er( cretion in SAP ERPH

#-P 3P Lo'!st!cs Sales a(d D!str!#ut!o( S$!pp!(' a(d Tra(sportat!o(

 Sales Order D!spla* 

Transaction Code 7A0

2. Enter the sles or'er n*mbers (o* crete' in ste# 9.1.

. ,hoose the E(ter  #*shb*tton.

9. ,hoose Docume(t 3lo" ,38/0 Io* cn see the o*tbo*n' 'eli-er( s the s*bseF*ent 'oc*mentof the com#lete' sles or'er.

5. &rite 'o/n (o*r 'eli-er( n*mbersH





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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

3esultO*tbo*n' 'eli-eries re crete' in SAP ERP n' line' to the res#ecti-e sles or'ers.

<$$ Check .pdate o, Freight *rder 

.seThis b*siness scenrio *ses this ste# to #ro-i'e the *ser /ith better #rocess -isibilit(. o/ tht thetrns#orttion s#ecilist hs chece' the 'eli-er( cretion in SAP ERP he6she /ill no/ chec inSAP TM /hether the 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements h-e lso been crete's*ccessf*ll( in SAP TM. These 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irements re#resent trns#orttion 'emn' bse' on 'eli-eries. The( re crete' b( the s(stem *tomticll(. =ie OTRcretion m##ing con'ition checs the 'eli-er( t(#e from SAP ERP in or'er to 'etermine the'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement DTRC t(#e. 3n this cse DTR /ill eist for ech freight*nit.


•  An o*tbo*n' 'eli-er( m*st eist in SAP ERP.

•  A 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement m*st eist.

•  A freight or'er m*st eist in SAP TM.


1. Reo#en the trns#orttion coc#it /ith the sme settings from ste# 5.9 *sing the SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

2. ,hoose (o*r freight or'er 'oc*ment n*mber 0

. Go to the Docume(t &lo" tb #ge. Scroll 'o/n n' chec tht the SAP ERP o*tbo*n' 'eli-er(n' 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement DTR t(#eC eist /ithin the 'oc*ment flo/.

9. ,hoose (o*r DTR.

5. &rite 'o/n the 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement docume(t n*mber. ,onsi'er tht oneDTR cn be contine' in m*lti#le freight or'ers. ;or em#le one DTR is on the freight or'er tothe trin sttion then gin on the freight or'er going b( trin to the net trin sttion n' finll(on the leg to the c*stomer.

Deli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement 1H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

Deli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement 2H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

Deli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

Deli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement 9H JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

$. O#en the 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement b( choosing the 'oc*ment n*mber.

. ,hec the 't on the 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttion reF*irement 'oc*mentH

.1. Ge(eral Data tb #ge

.1.1.Generl 't


.1.. Orgnitionl 't

.1.9. 3tems

.2. Bus!(ess part(er tb #ge

.2.1.,hec the ssigne' b*siness #rtner 

.. Locat!o(s a(d dates9t!mes tb #ge

..1.So*rce loction /ith #ic!*# 'te

..2.Destintion loction /ith 'eli-er( 'te

.9. Docume(t &lo" tb #ge

8. Re#et ste#s 2 to for ll (o*r freight or'ers n' DTRs.

%. St( in the trns#orttion coc#it for the follo/ing ste#s.


 After sen'ing the 'eli-er( #ro#osl to SAP ERP 'eli-er( is crete' in SAP ERP n' confirmtion /ill be sent bc to SAP TM. Io* h-e chece' /hether 'eli-er(!bse'trns#orttion reF*irement hs been crete' n' the 't is the sme s the 't of (o*r freightor'er. Also the 'oc*ment flo/ of the freight or'er is *#'te' /ith the 'eli-er(!bse' trns#orttionreF*irement.

<$% Create #hip0ent

.se;reight or'ers re trnsmitte' from SAP TM into SAP ERP shi#ments. The f*rther eec*tion of theshi#ments then tes #lce in SAP ERP this is not /ithin the sco#e of this b*siness #rocess



• O*tbo*n' 'eli-eries eist in ERP.

• ;reight or'ers eist in SAP TM.

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 


Me s*re tht ll SAP TM screens other thn the one (o* h-e to *se for thiscti-it( re close'. This is to ens*re no b*siness ob@ects re loce'. =oce'b*siness ob@ects cn le' to errors in #rocessing of messges recei-e' from SAPERP.

1. Serch for the freight or'er n*mber /ritten 'o/n before

 3f (o* lre'( left the trns#orttion coc#it ccess follo/ing trnsction in SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

2. Select ll freight or'ers to crete shi#ments.

. ,hoose Create ERP S$!pme(t0

9. S-e (o*r entries0

5. St( in the trns#orttion coc#it for the follo/ing ste#s.

3esultShi#ment cretion in SAP ERP is triggere' n' eec*te'.

<$' Check #hip0ent Creation.se3n this ste# (o* -erif( shi#ment cretion in SAP ERP.


•  A 'eli-er( m*st eist.

•  A shi#ment m*st eist.


1. Since shi#ment cretion is *tomtic (o* onl( 'is#l( the shi#ment *sing trnsctionH

#-P 3P Lo'!st!cs Lo'!st!cs Execut!o(  Tra(sportat!o( Tra(sportat!o(

Pla((!('  D!spla* 

Transaction Code 7T0

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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

2. Enter the freight or'er n*mber to chec the shi#ment.

. ,hoose the E(ter  #*shb*tton.

9. ,hec the shi#ment to 'etermine /hether the crrier n' 'tes n' time on the Sta'es tb #ge

h-e been trnsferre' correctl(.

3esultThe shi#ment /s crete' in SAP ERP. &hen *sing the sol*tion in #ro'*ction s(stem ll f*rthershi#ment eec*tion ste#s nee' to be #erforme' in SAP ERP.

<$9 Check Con,ir0ation o, #hip0ent Creation

.se3n SAP TM the freight or'er recei-es confirmtion *#'te s soon s the shi#ment is crete' inSAP ERP.

Prereuisites•  A shi#ment m*st eist in SAP ERP. The shi#ment in ERP /ill h-e the sme 'oc*ment

n*mber s the TM freight or'er. This /ill be chece' /ithin the net #rocess ste#.

Procedure1. Serch for the freight or'er n*mber (o* /rote 'o/n in ste# 5.5.

 3f (o* lre'( left the trns#orttion coc#it ccess the follo/ing trnsction in SAP &),H

Business 3ole !enu Pla((!(' Pla((!(' Tra(sportat!o( Coc%p!t 

2. ,hoose tht n*mber to o#en the freight or'er 'oc*ment.

. Go to the Statuses tb #ge in the freight or'er 'oc*ment.

Io* cn ccess the Statuses tb #ge b( choosing the fol'er #*shb*tton on the to# right'@cent to the &or"ard  n' #ac%  rro/ b*ttons.

9. ,hec tht the Tra(sm!ss!o( to ERP stt*s is set to tra(sm!ss!o( success&ul n' tht the lastERP co(&!rmat!o( o(9at fiel' fet*res  'teQ n' timeQ0


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SAP Best Practices Less Than Truck Load Versus Full Truck Load – BPD 

The shi#ment cretion is confirme' /ithin the freight or'er 'oc*ment.

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