  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Grammar series -1

    Learn to read and write



    devangari lipi

    A compilation


    Swamini Svatmabodhananda Saraswati

    student and disciple of

    Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    For a hard copy or the soft copy of this compilation please contact:

    Swamini Svatmabodhananda Saraswati

    2B, Kubera Sampat5/2, 18th Cross Road


    Bangalore 560 055

    Email: [email protected]

    Any part of the mannual may be reproduced or copied, stored in retrievalsystem, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise with or without the permission ofthe compiler and used for teaching and self-learning.

    Guru purnima July 22nd, 2013

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  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    r uh-mS-uYrj-a-m-xu

    uc liri m qk Su y vara-pada-vkyrtha-gadya-padya-svarpi |

    vci nartayatu kipra medh dev sarasvat ||


    to all my cryas

    who taught me


  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    With the blessings of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda



    Why this compilation?Section 1

    Opening prayers Mhevara striik , Phonetics

    Section 2

    Sanskrit Alphabets varamlWriting practice of lettersVowelsConsonantsWriting practice of cosonants with vowels-

    Reading exercisesSection 3

    Conjucnt consonants

    Section 4

    Sanskrit numerals

    Word list- more reading practiceInspirations

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Why this compilation?

    This Sanskrit teaching tool has been designed to teach Sanskrit for beginnemeant to be a teaching manual for the tecahers and self-learning manual as wbeginners. With two decades of exposure to teaching the English speakingand the non-resident Indians I found that it is easy to learn Sanskrit by peoplhave been exposed to thinking in any one of the Indian languages but not sthe others who have no exposure. The teaching of the Sanskrit language invsystematic approach. The structure of the language and its nuances has taught systematically for a beginner. So this compilation would be helpf

    teaching the English speaking people and online teaching. The aim is to mlearner familiar with the sounds, articulation and the script. By the end ostudy, the student will be able to read and write words and simple sentencesthe intention is to teach reading and writing, the meanings of words are not g

    This is a class room material which was created for the pupose of online tthrough skype covering 60 hours of teaching sessions.

    Your feed back is welcome for the improvisation of the book.

    Swamini Svatmabodhananda saraswati

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Section 1

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    mjl zsM

    Opening prayers

    lq zoSoiql lOUeUer lO nama rabdabramtmane r narjarjya nama | lq zoSu xqmSr Mipr lqO nama rabdavidy sapradya kartbhyo namo mahadbnamo gurubhya |

    uajuu xqm uajmimr |vgarthviva sapktau vgarthapratipattaye

    eai miU ulS muim jagata pitarau vande prvatparamevarau ||1||

    rlUxqqlrq Akaqr q yenkara-samnyam adhigamya mahevart

    Mixl urMUh m ixq mhlr lq |ktsna vykaraa prokta tasmai pinaye nama ||2|| rl ki aU mx uqs

    yena dhaut gira pus vimalai abdavribhi | iqle p ixq mh

    tamacjnaja bhinna tasmai pinaye nama ||3||

    uYrMU uUc pwrMUvkayakra vararuci bhyakra patajalim |

    mhl xMUgc mhi pini strakraca praatosmi munitrayam ||4||

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    qWU xhmhevara stras lq mhl-Mirrl-migespr q

    O nama pini-ktyyana-patajalibhyo munibhyo mahadbhyo gurubhya |

    A C E h |a i u | G I M | k | L A X |e o |

    L A c |ai au c | W r u U O |ha ya va ra | s h | la | g q X h l q |a ma a a na m |

    f p g | jha bha | b R k w | gha ha dha | e o a Q S z | ja ba ga a da | Z T N P j c O i u |kha pha cha ha tha ca a ta v M m r |ka pa y | z w x U |a a sa r | W s | ha l | Ci qWUh xh |iti mhevari stri |

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    mhevara stri The alphabet, it will be seen, is divided into 14 sections

    by Paini. They are called ivastri or mhevara stri orthe stras revealed by Lord iva. Each stra ends with an indicatory consonant letter

    called Ci it vara - e.g. h, , M, k, X, , which is not to becounted among the letters of the alphabet as a part of thestras.

    They are indicatory letters introduced with a definitepurpose. As soon as this is achieved they are dropped whenactually enumerating the group. The purpose is that theyenable the grammarians to express several letters or groups ofletters in a very convenient and condensed form.

    For any letter, with the following Ci it added to it isnot only expressive of itself but of all letters that intervene between it and this Ci it. E.g. Aha means A a C i Eu; CMikmeans Ci E u G I in the stras.

    Each of these significant terms is technically called pratyhra.The main purpose of the strahas been in formingthe pratyhra indicating briefly groups of letters for specificrules of grammar and for ease of pronunciation of the stra.

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    z -ik , PhoneticsThis is a compilation from various talks on Upaniads by Pujya Sri

    Swami Dayananda Sarasvati _ Mkya and Taittirya.ik , is veda aga, is phonetics, an ancillary study for the understanding ofthe Vedas. Phonetics is important because it deals with the science ofpronunciation of varas, letters. A lipi, script is different from sound. Aletter that is called script, which is purely a drawing a is a drawing. Ithas nothing to do with what you pronounce. abda, sound, a word is

    purely what is heard, while what is written is only a symbol for that sound.The sound is vara, letter. A vara is not what is written; it is what isspoken. Language is spoken and not what is written. The script is a symbolon which you superimpose the sound, which is why the script can bedifferent. Different alphabetical scripts are used for particular sound indifferent languages. Sanskrit is bha, a language and the script isDevangari lipi.

    In Sanskrit once you have learnt how to pronounce a vara, a letter, anakara, a syllable, and then you can read and write. You spell the wordexactly as you pronounce it. They are phonetically correct. Pronunciationis very important in the study of the Veda or Sanskrit language; if it is notproper the meaning will become different.

    In English you require to learn two skills one is how to write a word andthe other how to pronounce that word. There is a double responsibility,which is why many people have spelling problem or pronunciationproblem. You spell the word differently from the way you pronounce it. Inall languages you find they write one thing and say something else. That is

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    why English is every persons language. Each one has got his own or herown English.

    Sanskrit language is connected to Veda. ik means ikyate anay iti, bythis method it is pronounced and it is taught; vara uccraa lakaam - thedefinition of the pronunciation of letters. How? akuhavisarjanynkaa. We have these sentences in Sanskrit grammar. The wholelanguage is based upon this system of all the nuances in phonetics. All thefine tuning is done to produce a given vara,a letter. How do all the lettersoriginate and come to manifest outside? The whole human voice acoustics

    called phonetics is covered by ik.It is just human voice; open yourmouth and make a sound A a. Close your mouth and make a sound mevery thing is between a and m - am. Veda recognises this.

    How the mapping of the human voice has been found out is amazing. There is nothing more to add. It is thorough. Learning the uccraam isik. This learning itself can straighten our thinking. Something happens

    because of the language. It builds up confidence. It brings aboutbrahmavarcas. Cant say what it is. If you see the person you can understandbrahmavarcas; a glow of the Vedic uccraam influence. Brahma is Veda.Gayatri mantra is connected to Veda. That is why it said that those wholearn Veda and those who repeat the mantras gayatri and so on andrecitation, they have a varcas a glow discernable even by wayside vendor.As we keep chanting something plus comes, something happens. That is

    called brahma varcas; vedena varcas, Veda adhyayant varcas, Veda mantra uccrat varcas. Saskrita bh jnam itself brings about a varcas becauseit is phonetic. Besides all other reasons is devatas etc, every vara has gota devata. If one goes into the detail, can be lost in it for ever; it is true.Everything is vara means you cannot utter a letter without varas grace .

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    abda is varas manifestation; because it is order. That is why we do notlook upon akaras as ordinary. It is vara.

    Phonetics is always to be taught orally. You can never learn languagewithout being orally taught. Ears become so important for language. If youwrite a you wont know what to read. You have to tell th e person what itis. It is all adhyropa, deliberate adhyropa, superimpoistion. You writesomething you superimpose upon it a sound; it is deliberatesuperimposition of sounds upon a script. There is no rule that this is how itshould be. In Sanskrit, the phonetics are all oral. Therefore they used to

    write on their own. We have got Brmi letters, Devanagari letters,Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Bengali and Oriya scripts. Tamil peoplehave evolved a script called grantha. Sanskrit can be written in any script but should be learnt phonetically right, exactly as it should be read. Therecannot be any difference in pronunciation. We have Sanskrit text in allthese scripts in manuscripts in the libraries. Sanskrit is an internationallanguage, universal language. Why? Because it has no script; everybody

    can write in his own script. It has no script of its own. It is oral; that is whyphonetics has become so important. The thoroughness of study, the Vedicstudy is just impeccable. There is a way to study called Vara lakaam. It iscommitted to memory. What is the lakaa of a letter? One word is takenand lakaam,definition is analysed.

    What is being presented here is not a detailed study of phonetics. We are

    just going into some strokes to point out the importance of phonetics. Theimportance of phonetics can be talked about only when the language is based on human voice acoustics, phonetics. There is fidelity, you write andread. There is 100% fidelity.

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    ik deals with the pronunciation of the xuU, svar, vowels, urgel vyajana, consonants, xuUr AUsvarayukta akara, consonant with a voweland xr AU sayukta akara, conjunct consonants. Pronunciation of thevowels involves knowledge of the accents anudtta, the lower note, udtta,the middle note, svarita, the upper note and dhrgha svarita, the extendedupper note. This is has to be understood for chanting the Vedas;knowledge of length of pronunciation of the vowels hrsva, a short vowel,dhrga, long vowel, and pluta, an elongated vowel which is used in theVedas.

    Once you have learnt phonetically how to pronounce a letter, a vowel anda diphthong that is also a vowel; svarayukta akara, the consonants with avowel, proceeding, succeeding; samyukta akara conjunct consonants,visarga following the jihvmlya, upadhmnya and then you dont requireanything more to read. You can read and anybody reads is the same.Anybody anywhere has to read exactly the same way. That is phonetics.

    The Veda itself points out the discipline of ik.It was there even before thegrammarian Pini. Pini and others presented it systematically. ForPini to have written his text, Adhyyi,there must have been anaudience even before him. Therefore, it is a tradition. Panini does not makethe language. Panini is only giving a rule. It is a descriptive stra. Thefacility of expression is manifest in all the rules. That is why it is 100%phonetic language. As though this is how a language should be. The whole

    Veda is nothing but words. Naturally, knowledge of ik becomes aprerequisite to the study of the Vedas.

    The Veda is chanted, the Bhagavad Gtis recited and other stotras, hymnscan be recited or sung using melody.

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    The definition of ik in the Taittarya Upaniad is as follows:

    ik vykysyma | vara svara | mtr balam | sma santna |

    Here is the exposition of ik,Phonetics.Vara akara or letters, alphabets vowels and consonants

    Svara the accent or intonation or tone of voice. This applies only tovowels. These are classified into three. The vowels may be pronouncedin a high tone (udtta), a low tone (anudtta) or a combination of the two,the circumflex (svarita).

    mtr the time required or duration of pronunciation of vowels and theactual position in the mouth where it originates syam.

    balam prayatnam,effort in the uccraam

    sma -is very important in Veda chanting. Every letter while chanting hasonly that kind of length of pronunciation. The words are not clumsily

    uttered by pushing them. Letters cannot be pushed. Neither can it belengthened extraordinarily nor can be compressed while chanting. Sama -samat is evenness.

    Santna sandhi (euphonic combination) -two words have to naturally blend while articulating.

    Then how do you produce the difference in uccraamof varas?Because ofsthnam, prayatna, pra, ghoa, aghoa etc.

    sthnam place of origin of letters; prayatna effort; praa the breathused

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    Savaram means vara of the same class. How to determine a letter of thesame class? Bysya and prayatna.

    sya - the place of origin in the mouth; prayatna -effort, the internal orexternal effort.

    All these we shall study in detail as we proceed.


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    Section 2

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    uhqsVaraml Sanskrit akara , alphabet

    Saskta bh is a refined and a very structured language, is thelanguage of the devas or the celestials. The written form of thealphabets is called Devangari lipi or script.

    Sanskrit Alphabet is calledVaraml, means a garland of letters.

    The alphabets are classified into four groups which will becovered in detail in the course of our study:

    xuU svar - Vowels

    urgell vyajanni - Consonants

    xuUr urgellsvarayukta vyajanni Consonants withvowels

    xr urgellsayukta vyajanni Conjunct consonants

    xXZrsakhy -Sanskrit numerals

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    The Sanskrit alphabets and the Devangari script consists of

    - letters called varas- Svarasor vowels that which can be pronounced without the help

    of any letter - Consonants or vyajanasis that which can be pronounced with

    the help of a vowel.- Consonants with inherent vowel sounds- Innumerable combinations of conjunct consonants- These letters express almost all the gradation of sounds in the

    language.- Every letter stands for a particular sound and it is invariable.- Each sound is unique to the letter- The sounds are superimposed on the letters like - a particular

    picture to a particular sound.


    Every letter in Sasktam has to be articulated and pronounced.There are no silent letters like in the English language. Example knowledge. The letter k is silent.

    - When the letters are pronounced there is no assumption.- The word krais added as affix to denote a particular letter; for

    e.g. akra for the letter A a; kakra for the letter ka and so on.

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    Basic letters 48 |

    Vowels - 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | |Short Long Dipthong yogavha |

    5 4 4 2 ||

    Consonants 33 Grouped or class Consonants |

    25 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |Guttural Palatal Cerebral Dental Labial |

    5 5 5 5 5 ||


    Ungrouped Consonants8 |

    ----------------------------------------------------------| | |Semi-vowels Sibilants Aspirate

    4 3 1

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    Reading Devangar script using diacritics:

    We have adopted the international transliteration code using

    special notation on Roman letters called diacritics. The diacriticsconsist of marks written above or below a letter of the alphabet.They indicate variations in the sound associated with the letter.Dictionaries also follow this method to help the reader identifythe manner in which the word should be pronounced sinceSanskrit is a highly phonetic language and emphasis is on properarticulation of sounds

    The Sanskrit alphabets chart gives the list of Romanised Sanskritalphabets.

    Example for illustrating diacritics notation scheme:


    a Mzu: uwh a xst guru keava viu gag sajaya

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    uhThe Sanskrit Alphabets

    xuUsvar Vowels

    A a A C i D E u F G H I Le Lai Ao Aau Aa Aa

    urgellvyajanni Consonants Mka Zkha a ga b gha Xa cca Ncha e ja f jha ga Oa Pha Qa Rha ha ita jtha S da kdha lna m pa T pha oba pbha qma

    Alixjantasth Semivowels r ya Ura sla uva

    Fwqhma Sibilants

    za wa xsa qWmh mahpra Aspirate W ha

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    About writing alphabets

    In order to developing a good writing style and skill follow this rule

    carefully and consistently:- write each part or each letter from left to right- all vertical lines from top to bottom- the horizontal line on top of the word is drawn from left to

    right- All Sanskrit letters and words are joined by a horizontal line

    on the top to indicate the grouping of letters to coin a word.- For example: writing the letter va

    u -> -> u - writing the letter ca

    c -> -> c - writing the letter tha

    j -> -> j - writing the letter ha

    - s -> -> s

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    uh sZl Aprx- Writing practice of AlphabetsLearning to write xuU -Vowels

    A a .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....A .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Ci .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....D .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    Eu .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....F ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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    G .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....H .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....I .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    Le .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Lai .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Ao ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Aau.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...

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    Aa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Aa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    Learning to write urgell Consonants

    M ka .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Zkha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....a ga .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....b gha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Xa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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    cca .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Ncha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....e ja .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....f jha .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    Oa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Pha ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Qa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Rha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....ha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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    buita .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....jtha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....


    .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....kdha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....lna .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    m pa ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....T pha.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    oba .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....pbha .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...qma ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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    rya .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....Ura .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....sla .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....uva .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

    za .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....wa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....xsa .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....W ha .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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    Notable Features in Sanskrit Alphabets which differs fromEnglish:

    - Sanskrit is a structured and systematic language matching the human

    voice acoustics perfectly- Phonetic arrangement of the script- Pronunciation remains unaffected by the style of writing- Each consonant has a generic form in which its pronunciation will

    not have any vowel sound associated with it.- Inherent A a in the consonants - Consonant letters carry an inherent vowel which can be altered or

    muted by means of diacritics or mtra.- Consonants require a preceding or succeeding vowel for a completeand clear articulation.

    - Vowels can be written as independent letters, or by using a variety ofdiacritical marks which are written above, below, middle, before orafter the consonant they are abbreviated with.

    - The anusvra and visargaare unique to Sanskrit.- The existence of the retroflex or cerebral class- Aspiration and non-aspiration- Hard and soft consonants- The different articulation of the nasals- When consonants occur together in clusters, special conjunct letters

    are used.- The order of the letters is based on ualSr vgindriyas organs of

    speech, human acoustics, articulation and phonetics

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    ualSrh - vgindriyi the organs of Speech .Eim xjlqutpattisthnam -The place of origin of letters

    The letters are classified according to the organs used for pronunciation based on the human acoustics, phonetics - the tongue coming in contact withorgans of utterance. They are specific to each letter and cannot originate itfrom elsewhere.

    1. For the MhPxjlrkahasthnya - MhPkaha- the throat -Guttural (Velar) - Using the back of the tongue against the soft palate

    2. For the isxjlrtlusthnya - istlu - the palate - Palatal -Using the flat of the tongue against the back of the hard palate.

    3. For the qklmrdhan - qklmrdhan- the roof of the palate -Cerebral (Retroflex) - Using the tip of the tongue curled against the roof of thehard palate.

    4. For the Slirdantya - Slidanta - the teeth - Dental - Using the tipof the tongue against the top front teeth.

    5. For the Awohya- Aoha- the lips - Labial - Using the lips,requires co-ordination of lips.

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    To know the utpattisthnammanifestation of sounds, we study Paninisk. vara uccraa lakaam - the definition of the pronunciation of letters.We have these sentences in Sanskrit grammar, which define them.

    All these are sthnas,place of origin are in the mouth and hence covered bythe word mukha,mouth . But there are some letters which require the nsikanose in addition to mukha.They are called anunsika.

    The varas, letters are classified according to their place of utterance asfollows in the book Pinis k-

    This stra was written by Bhattoji Dikshita in his work onGrammar Siddhanta Kaumudi

    A-M-W-uxelrlq MhP |a-ku-ha-visarjanyn kahaC-c-rzl is |i-cu-yan tlu G-O-Uwh qk |-u-ra mrdh

    I-i-sxl Sli |-tu-lasn dantE-m-Emkqlrlq A |u-pu-upadhmnyn ohau g-q-X-h-ll lxM c |a-ma-a-a-nn nsik ca LSi MhPis |e-daito kaha-tlASi MhPq |o-dauto kahoham uMUxr Sliq |vakrasya dantoham eqsrxr eqsq | jihvmlyasya jihvmlam lxMlxuUxr |nsik-anusvrasya

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    A-M-W-uxelrlq MhP |a-ku-ha-visarjanyn kaha1. A - refers to A Avowel 2. M -refers to M ua - M Z a b X 3. W -refers to Aspirate 4. uxelr -refers to visarga :

    The throatMhP These are


    C-c-rzl is |i-cu-yan tlu

    1. C - refers to C Dvowel2. c -refers to c ua - c N e f g

    3. r -refers to rsemi-vowel4. z -refers to zsibilant

    The palateis


    G-O-Uwh qk | -u-ra mrdh

    1. G - refers to G Hvowel 2. O -refers to C O ua - O P Q R h 3. U - refers to Usemi-vowel 4. w -refers to wsibilant

    The roof ofthe hardpalateqkCerebrals /Retroflex

    I-i-sxl Sli |

    -tu-lasn dant1. I - refers to I vowel2. i -refers to i ua - i j S k l 3. s -refers to ssemi-vowel4. x -refers to xsibilant

    The teeth


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    E-m-Emkqlrlq A |u-pu-upadhmnyn oau1. E- refers to E F vowel 2. m- refers to m ua - m T o p q 3. Emkqlr -refers to ardha-visarga half

    visarga(:) before m T

    The lipsA


    g-q-X-h-ll lxM c |a-ma-a-a-nn nsik ca

    g-q-X-h-lrefers to all the nasalsanunsik g-palatal + nasal, q-labilal + nasal X-guttural + nasal, h-cerebral + nasal l-dental + nasal

    In the noselxM


    LSi MhPis | Li+Li= LSi)e-daito kaha-tl (diphthong) 1. Liet - refers to Le2. Liait - refers to Lai

    In the throatand thepalateMhPis(Diphthong)

    ASi MhPq | Ai+Ai= AS

    o-dauto kahoham1. Aiot - refers to Ao 2. Aiaut - refers to Aau

    In the throat

    and lipsMhPq(Diphthong)

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    uMUxr Sliq |vakrasya dantoham

    u -refers to usemi-vowelThe teethand lips

    Sliq eqsrxr eqsq | jihvmlyasya jihvmlam eqsr- refers to ardha-visarga half visarga

    (:) before Mka Zkha

    The root ofthe tongueeqsqaspirate

    lxMlxuUxrnsik-anusvrasyaAlxuU -refers to the symbol with a dotabove the line ( )

    The noselxM


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    xuUsvar- Vowels

    Classification of vowels

    Simple Vowels are classified into short and long vowels according to the

    unit length of time taken for pronunciation, EUhq ,uccraam. Thisunit length of time is called mtra. Mtra is only for a vowel. The length of asyllable is measured by a mtra.Each svara is well defined. Mtras aredefined hrasva, drgha, pluta for the vowels.

    xu xuU hrsva svar Short vowels: one mtra one unit of time forpronunciation.

    A a Ci E u G I Sb xuU drgha svar Long vowels: two mtras two units of time

    for pronunciation.

    A D F H A + A = Aa + a = C + C = Di + i = E + E = F u + u = G + G + H + =

    msi pluta is three or more units of time for pronunciation when it islengthened, prolated. These are not commonly to be met with inclassical Sanskrit. This is used in theVedas.

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    q xuU mira svar Mixed vowels -Diphthongs are long vowels because they are a combination of two different vowels. Two mtras two units of time for pronunciation.

    Le (A+C )(a+i) Lai (A+D )(+ )

    Ao (A+E )(a+u) A au(A+F )(+) ES,udtta AlS,anudtta xuUisvarita - practically only

    three tones are are recognised by Sanskrit. udtta,(high tone) thatwhich proceeds form the upper part of the vocal organs, anudtta,(low tone) that which proceeds from the lower part while svarita (circumflex) arises out of the mixture or the combination ofthese two. These accents or tone of pronunciation of vowels aremarked only in the Vedic hymns and used in the Veda chanting.Udttais left unmarked; the anudttais marked with ahorizontal line

    underneath ( ) ; svarita is a perpendicular stroke above ) and dhrgha-svarita has two perpendicular lines above ().Accentuationsare confined to the Vedas . The marking is only on vowels Note - In common pronunciation the tone or intonation of vowels inall Sanskrit words is equal.

    AllxM, AlllxM - anunsika(with nasal sound) and ananunsika(without nasal sound) - vowels may be pronounced bymaking use of the vocal chords in the ordinary way or may beuttered with a nasal twang ( anunsika). This is also in use in the

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    chanting of the Vedic hymns. This is marked by this symbol abovethe letter.

    Therefore, when any of the vowels is referred to simply as A a etc, itis to be taken to include all its varieties hrasva, drgha, pluta, udtta anudtta, svarita, and anunsika, ananunsika.

    ArauWayogavhau - Aam Aa

    is called


    is uxa


    ayogahavhau o They add specific sounds to the syllables they are appendedo The articulation of these signs depends on the inherent preceding

    vowel in the consonant they follow.o They are not used independently like other vowels

    More a bout anusvra

    - The anusvra is a modified form of the nasal consonants q in thegeneric form.

    - They can be used at the end or middle of the word.- The forms of writing differ with the context.

    - The two forms of writing are ( ) and qm Uq Uqqrma,rmam

    qm halant form, the generic form

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    - Is used in a sentence at the end of a word and followed by aword beginning with a vowel.

    Eg.,AWq Alb | aham anagha.- At the end of a sentence. Eg.,pe Uqq |bhaja rmam.

    ( ) the nasal sound marked by a dot above the line at theend of the word always belongs to the preceding vowel

    - Is used in a sentence at the end of a word followed by a word beginning with a consonant.

    Eg.AW M MUq?aha ki karomi? q ma the nasal consonant

    - The full consonant q + A = q ( + a = ma) can comeanywhere in a word.Eg.,p Uq x qq qi | bho rma s mama mt.

    Vowel + anusvara


    Anusvra A A C D E F G H L L A A Sound a I u E ai o Au

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    Consonant +Vowel + anusvra

    Example chosen is the consonant M ka

    M M M M M M ka k ki k ku k k k ke kai ko Kau

    The two forms of writing anusvra

    M + A = M / Mq M + A = M / Mq M + C = M / Mq M + D = M / Mq M + E = M / Mq M + F = M / Mq

    M + G = M / Mq M + H = M / Mq M + L = M / Mq M + L = M / Mq M + A = M / M M + A = M / M

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    More about visarga-

    It is a sort of hard breathing also called asvisarjanya by Sanskrit

    grammarians.Is a hard Aspirate pronounced like the sound ha It follows the sound of the preceding consonant and vowel.The visarga is not an original character but only a substitute for afinal s or r It is always used at the end of the word marked by two vertical

    dots (:) placed after the letter after which it is to bepronounced. Eg. -Ae aja.It can also be used in the middle of the word - SZq dukham

    Vowel + visarga


    +Visarga A A C D E F G H L L A A Sound a i u e ai o Au

    Consonanat + Vowel + visarga

    Example chosen is the consonant M ka M M M M M M M ka k ki k ku k k k ke kai ko K

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    Consonant + Vowel+ visarga

    M + A = M

    M + A = M M + C = M M + D = M M + E = M M + F = M

    M + G = M

    M + H = M M + L = M M + L = M M + A = M

    M + A = M

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    urgellvyajanni - Consonants Classification of consonants

    How to produce the difference in pronunciation, uccraamof varas?

    By identifying the sthnam, place of origin; prayatna,the effort required toarticulate or the manner; pra,the aspiration or the breath for articulation, avoiced and unvoiced; based on these we have the following classification ofconsonants:

    uar urgell vargya vyajanni / class consonanats, grouped - The group of letters that refers to the same class. Complete contact ofthe tongue with organs of utterance called mutes or spara

    Auar urgellavargya vyajanni /not grouped - The group of letters not form part of the class. The contact is not


    MPU urgellkahora vyajanni - Hard consonants - surds

    qS urgellmudu vyajanni -Soft consonants -sonants

    AllxMlanunsikni-Nasal consonants

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    uar urgell vargya vyajanni grouped or Class consonants They use the same points of pronunciation so they are called classconsonants spar, touch.

    M Z a b X - M uaka varga - symbolic name Mku c N e f g - c uaca varga - ccu O P Q R h - O uaa varga - Ou i j S k l - i uata varga - itu m T o p q - m ua pa varga - m pu

    Auar urgellavargya vyajanni - Ungroupedconsonants which include Semivowels, Sibilants, andAspirate

    i. Alixj antasth - Semivowels r U s uthe contact of thetongue is not completeii. Fwqhma - Sibilants z w xUttered with a hissing sound iii. qWmhmahpra - Aspirate WUttered with a broad breath

    MPU urgellkahora vyajanni Hard Consonants - The firsttwo letters of each class consonant and the sibilants are called hardconsonants. They are unvoiced. Abw,aghoa.

    M Z c N O P i j m Tand z w x

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    qS urgellmudu vyajanni Soft Consonants - The rest of thethree letters from each class which includes nasals, the semivowels

    and the aspirate are called Soft Consonants. They are voiced, bw ghoa.

    a b X e f g Q R h S k l o r U s uW AllxMlanunsikni Nasal Consonants the last letter of eachof the class consonant are called nasals - A letter pronounced in thenose along with the mouth. Each nasal sound has distinct differencein articulation.

    X g h l q mrq prayatnam,effort is of two types - o mrqbhya prayatnam external effort- AprliU mrq bhyantara prayatnam -internal effort

    How to determine a letter of the same class, savaram? Bysya, place oforigin and prayatna, effort.

    xuh savara- homogeneous for those letters whose place of

    pronunciation in the mouth and the effort are the same or equal

    Axuhasvara heterogeneous - those letters which are notsavara.

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    The effort is of two types. bhya praytnamexternal effort and bhyantara prayatnam,internal effort.

    mrq prayatnam,effort

    AprliU mrq bhyantara prayatnam -internal effort

    o mrqbhya prayatnam -externaleffort

    1. xmspha(touched) 1. uuUvivra(expansion)2. DwSxmadspha

    (slightly touched)2. xuUsavra(contraction)

    3. DwSuuiadvivta(slightlyopen)

    3. xvsa(sighing)

    4. uuivivta(open) 4. lSnda(sounding)5. xuisavta (contracted) 5. bw ghoa(low preparatory

    mumur/voiced)6. Abwaghoa(absence of such

    murmur/unvoiced)7. Asmmhalpapra (non-

    aspirate/slight aspiration)8. qWmhmahpra (strongaspiration/aspirate)

    9. ESudtta(acute) 10. AlSunudtta(grave) for all the

    vowels11. xuUisvarita(circumflex) vowels

    The effort is termed internal because it takes place inside the mouth andimmediately precedes the manifestation of the varas. The difference in theletters is obviously due to the difference in the praytnawhich consists of thetouch, sparaof the particular part of the mouth with the tongue.

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    Classification based upon the nature of the internal effort

    bhyantara prayatna

    Organs Spha adSpha adVivta Vivta Savta Guttural M ua -

    M Z a b X-- W A A Only hrsva

    A whilein usage

    Palatal c ua - c N e f g

    r z C D

    Cerebral O ua - O P Q R h U w G H Dental i ua -

    i j S k l s x I

    Labial m ua m T o p q

    u -- E F

    Throat andpalate -- -- L L Throat andlips

    -- -- A A

    xmspha(touched) all the varas vargya vyajanas beginning with Mand ending with q -there is a complete contact of the tongue with organsof utterance.

    DwSxmadspha (slightly touched) the semi-vowels the contact of thetongue with organs of utterance is not complete.

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    DwSuuiadvivta(slightly open) the Sibilants the vocal chords open outslightly at the time of utterance.

    uuivivta(open) and the Vowels the vocal chords open out at the time ofutterance. xuisavta (contracted) while uttering the vowel a the vocal chordscontract at the time of utterance

    Classification based upon the nature of the external effort bhya

    prayatnaThere are varieties of external effort because they function after theproduction of the varas.The other operations are also external with refrenceto vara.

    Vivra, vsa,aghoa

    Savra, nda, ghoa

    Organ Alpa pra Mah pra Alpa pra Mah pra Alpa pra Nasal

    Alpa pra Mah pra

    Guttural M Z a b X W Palatal c N e f g r z Cerebral O P Q R h U w Dental i j S k l s x Labial m T o p q u --

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    Similar looking shapes of varas, letters

    Ci - Qa - Wha I - sl b gha - kdha Xa - Qa

    cca - e ja ita - lna Rha - S da

    oba - uva pbha - qma m pa - rya

    m pa - wa rya - j tha Zkha - Uu ) rava

    (2 separate letters) The differences in the articulation of :

    G H U ra both are cerebral sounds. But the place of articulation isslightly different. For G , H the tip of the tongue is placed on the ridge ofthe upper gum. For U ra, the tongue touches the roof of the palate

    I s la - both are dental sounds. But the place of articulation is slightlydifferent. For I , the tip of the tongue is placed on the ridge of the uppergum. For s la, the tongue touches the teeth.

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    sv r yukt vy j nni

    Consonants with their inherent vowels

    Consonants in their generic form

    In Sanskrit each consonant has a generic form in which itspronunciation will not have any vowel sound associated with it. Ageneric consonant is linguistically defined to be one without anyvowel inherent to it. Consonants can be meaningful in practice only

    when uttered along with a vowel. So a is added for the sake ofpronunciation.Consonants depend upon the vowels. Either vowel precedes orvowel succeeds. Can say ik or ki; if i is removed the k getsliterally in the throat akuhavisarjnyn kaha.

    The writing system in Devangari lipi or script has a representationfor the generic form of a consonant through the use of a specialmark written at the bottom of the consonants familiar

    representation. This mark is known as the nether stroke or the

    halant or consonantal stop.Consonants in their generic form look like this.


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    Consonants with the abbreviated form of the vowel a when

    added are written like this = k+a=ka

    Consonants without the nether stroke means vowel ais

    inherent in the consonant. They look like this -

    Producing a consonant sound in its generic form requires no vowelsound to be added to the generic consonant sound.

    Ancient linguistic scholars referred to vowels as life giving pra akaras while the consonants were likened to the physical body.

    Sanskrit Vowel signs or abbreviated signs

    Vowels Sign

    Sound a i u e ai o au a aThe forms which the vowel signs assume when added to theconsonants and the changes the letters undergo when combined are

    given below.

    ka k ki k ku k k k k ke kai ko kau ka

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    In the place of the consonant ka any other consonant can be

    replaced and consonant-vowel combinations can be created.

    Let us look at the forms of the letter ka and the various vowelsigns added to it.

    The generic form of ka is k. The nether stroke is attached

    below the letter . When this is sounded with the vowels thenether stroke is deleted.

    + = k + a = ka

    + =

    k + = k + =

    k + i = ki

    + = k + = k

    + =

    k + u = ku + =

    k + = k

    + = k + = k

    + = k + = k

    + = k + = k

    + = k + e = ke

    + = k + ai = kai

    + =

    k + o = ko

    + =

    k + au = kau

    + =

    k + a = ka + =

    k + a = ka

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    Writing practice see the example and fill in the blanks

    consonant-vowel combination.

    + =

    k + a = ka + =

    . +a = + = ....

    p + a =... + .... =

    kh +.... = kha + =

    . + a = ha .... +..... = . + a = pha

    + = .... g + a =....

    .... + = . + a = a

    + .... = . + a = ba

    + = gh + a = gha

    + = . + a = ha

    + = .... . + a = bha

    .... + = ..... + a = a

    + = ..... + a = a

    + = .... . + .... = ma

    + .... = c +.... = ca

    + = . + a = ta

    .... + = . + a = ya

    + = ....

    ch + a =.

    .... + =

    . + a = tha

    + =

    . + a =....

    .... + = . + a = ja

    + ... = da +.... = da

    + .... = l + a = ....

    + = jh +. = jha

    + = . + a = dha

    .... + = . + a = va

    .... + = . + a = a

    + = .... . +a = .

    + = .... + a =....

    + .... = ..... +.... = ....

    .... + .... = . + .... = sa

    .... + = . + a =....

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    Writing practice of consonants with vowels

    Note: All the vowel combinations are not possible for all

    consonants. So they have been left out.The Gutturals

    M M M M M M M M... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...a a a a a a a a a

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    b b b b b b b b b

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Xcombines with an other consonant for pronunciation. So it doesnot have these combinations.

    The Palatals

    c c c c c c c c c

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...N N N N N N N N

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    e e e e e e e e e... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...f f f f f f f f f f... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...gcombines with an other consonant for pronunciation. So it doesnot have these combinations.

    The Cerebrals

    O O O O O O O O

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    P P P P P P P P... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..R R R R R R R R... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..h h h h h h h h

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    The Dentals

    i i i i i i i i i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... j j j j j j j j j... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .S S S S S S S S S S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    k k k k k k k k

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... l l l l l l l l l... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Labials

    m m m m m m m... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

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    T T T T T T T T

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... o o o o o o o o... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .p p p p p p p p... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

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    q q q q q q q q

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Semivowels

    r r r r r r r r r ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...U U U U U U U ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    s s s s s s s s s

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... u u u u u u u u... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...The Sibilants

    z z z z z z z z z... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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    w w w w w w w

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .x x x x x x x x ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...The Aspirate

    W W W W W W W... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

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    Reading practice words with short vowel A a

    CW iha

    pubhava pebhaja



    Lueva LMeka



    qllmanana ulvana



    aqr gamaya Mszkalaa


    cms capala

    Ajatha zUharaa



    er jaya WUhara



    mU para AmUapara


    aal gagana

    xMssakala phbhaa



    lUMnaraka mS pada



    pUibharata mhu paava

    mul pavana

    ahM gaaka

    Ts phala Aeaja



    MqPkamaha lOuUnaavara



    ESUudara Arlayana



    zqama Sqdama



    rq yama uUvara



    cUhcaraa vamana

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    Reading practice words with short vowel a and endingwith generic consonants.

    osqbalam Uexrajas



    SSidadat xisat



    ulqvanam xlsan






    imxtapas rzx yaas

    rix yatas


    CSqidam qbulmaghavan



    AWqaham iqxtamas






    qWimahat xUxsaras



    Ezlxuanas Arqayam

    ri yat

    mUq param

    prqbhayam xUOsara





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    Disjoin the letters into consonants and vowels as shown in the


    AWq A + W + A + q Msz M + A + s + A + z + A Uxlq aqr uwO SSi cUh Ezlx qbul CiU suhq Akx

    qWi qll xW Ujq mhu

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    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel

    M + A = Mk + = k

    Reading practice words with long vowel





    zxM jsaka


















    rj yath


    eOkU jadhara



    aell gajnana


    msr playa


    mUrhq pryaam

    Ubu rghava

    M Z a b X c N e f i j S k l m T o p q

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    Example: k with abbreviated short vowel i

    M + C = Mk + i = ki

    Reading practice words with short vowel i











    ahmi gaapati










    aUe girij




    ri yati





    eOs jaila




    M Z a b X c N e f g O i j S k l m T o p q r U

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel

    M + D = Mk + = k

    Reading practice words with long vowel














    ai gt


    eulq jvanam



    zz a




    a g




    mis ptala







    M Z a b X c N e f g O i j S k l m T o p q r U

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Reading practice words with short and long vowel i

    Ui rti






    mmsM piplik



    aUz girsha



    qslmlin AlMlankin







    eaw jig


    euM jvik

    QMlkin Aeiajti

    fUM jhirk

    mQi pita



    esMl jlakin

    eul jvin





    mUhi parita




    apUM gabhrik

    ail gtin












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    Example: k with abbreviated short vowel u

    M + E = Mk + u = ku

    Note: ru the uis added in the side in the middle of the letter

    Reading practice words with short vowel u






    ruUe yuvarja

    mUh pura

    a guru






    mUil purtana



    rrkl yuyudhna

















    M Z a b X c N e f

    i j S k m T o p q r

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel

    M + F = Mk + = k

    Note: r the is added in the side in the middle of the letter Reading practice words with long vowel




    qrUmayra qwMmaka



    me pj kmqdhpam




    mUri prayit

    AWihti mwl pan



    kquidhmavat isMqtlakam





    mil ptan pUbhri



    xqWsamha ujlvarthin

    M Z b X c N e f g R h

    i j S k l m T o p

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Reading practice words with short and long vowel u and xlsnu










    mUux purravas




    ASSwi adduat

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated short vowel

    M + G = Mk + = k

    Note: for the letter Ur the vowel G has been left out because itis impossible to pronounce. Reading practice words with short vowel




    aWq gham






    mj pthu











    biq ghtam







    M Z a b c N e f O m T o p q s u z w

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel

    M + H = Mk + = k

    Reading practice words with long vowel

    There are not many words available. In the words that are given asexample as single consonants which are called dhtus or roots inSanskrit Grammar which form the basis for the entire gamut of theSanskrit language.

    M k a g e j it

    Sd kdh

    ln m p qm uv z

    M Z a b c N e f m o p q s u z w

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel e

    M + L = Mk + e = ke

    Reading practice words with long vowel e

















    mUz parea






    mzs peala

    elqer janamejaya


    auw gavea





    cixcetas NSMchedaka Wqlheman

    M Z a b X c N e f g i j S k l m T o p q r

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel ai

    M + L = Mk + ai = kai

    Reading practice words with long vowel ai












    eur jaiveya

    eql jaimini








    M Z a b X c N e f i j S k l m T o p

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel o

    M + A = Mk + o = ko

    Reading practice words with long vowel o

    rzS yaod










    ams gopla











    bw ghoa




    bhxi ghosuta


    mUiw paritoa






    M Z a b X c N e i j S k l m T o p

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with abbreviated long vowel au

    M + A = Mk + au = kau

    Reading practice words with long vowel au

    rulq yauvanam






    a gau

    aU gaur


    aiq gautama

    ah gaua



    aUuq gauravam




    aQSzq gauadeam


    elb janaugha





    kidhauta AmcUMaupacrika SuMxdivaukasa


    M Z a b X c N i j S k l m T o

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with anusvra

    M + A = Mk + a = ka

    Reading practice words with anusvra a

    xra | xuS | xzr | AWx Uqrh qWpUiq CiWx m

    mlUm ell mlUm qUh ml

    zu zuMU xxU lzMU xS

    AiSlq Cq mUmsr qq | iu esq Aqs rl lmi mUqm

    Ua zM im mm WU q p

    AUaiq ASwi xxWi Em

    xUS xZS ahz ahz pe qWSuSu qWSupu qWSu

    qWz Msz xUz mUz lUz

    M Z a b c N e f O i j S k l m T o p

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Example: k with visarga

    M + A = Mk + a = ka

    Reading practice words with visarga a Ae , si , Uu , sZl , Qq , uk ,

    MM MM mM mM |

    Wqsr Uqhr |

    Mmsr lq | Uq Ueqh: ueri |

    Uu sM xZq |

    a r Mj mUhw mOi, i Lu

    Ub mi Ssm l sZl SSi |

    M Z a b X c N e f g i j S k l m T o p q

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Disjoin the letters into consonants and vowels as shown in the


    vowel Word Letters splitA lrlq l + A + r + A + l + q A Ubu U + A + a + A + u + A A aal A pxMlq

    C WqaU

    D xis C D MUO E xqZ F mUux E F Alpr G Aqiq H lhq L Suz L WWrA pelqA AwkqA xxUA Uqh

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Pick up words from the reading practice word list and write

    them in the columns as shown in the example:

    vowel Signs Words words words wordsAA

    C D C D

    E F E F G H L L A A A A

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    xrY AUhsayukta akari

    Conjunct Consonants

    In this chapter we are learning to recognise the forms of conjunctconsonants, meaning - when two consonants are placed next toeach other.How to pronounce and write when letters are compounded?They are written in the order in which they are pronounced.

    The combination is always Consonant + consonant + vowel.

    M + l + AK + n + a = kna /

    The first consonant is always written in the generic form beforecompounding. The last consonant is always a svarayuktta akara,the abbreviated form of the vowel is appended or combined. Varnm atyanta smpyam(when the letters are placed next toeach other) is calledsahita in the Veda. In Paninian languagealso it is used in the same thinking sahitym.What happens to the letters when there is atyanta smpyam,placedclose to each other?They either remain as they are or they undergo some change in theform and there is phonetic change too. This issamhita. Thepreceding letters generally lose their nether stroke and theperpendicular strokes when compounded.

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Rules for writing conjunct letters:

    1. If there is a vertical line in the first consonant, remove the vertical

    line and the nether stroke and add the second letter with a vowel.e.g xirsatya x + i + r + Ais written as x i r = xir

    Aqoab A + q + o + Ais written as A q o = Aqo

    2. If there is no clear vertical line in the first consonant, there arethree possible ways of writing these forms:a. The first letter can be written in the generic form

    e.g. Mskla = M + s + A k + l + ab. Truncate the first letter and write the second

    e.g. Yskla = M + s + Ak + l + a c. Write the second letter under the first letter

    e.g. kla = M + s + A k + l + a

    3. There are three ways of writing the consonant U r

    a. If U r or the vowel G is the first letter of the conjuct letter,

    it will be written as a hook on top of the second letter. It isnecessarily calledUTrepha.

    e.g. Mrka = U + M + A r + k + a

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    b. If U r is the second letter of the conjunct letter, it will bewritten as a stroke in the left side beginning from the middleof the first consonant.

    e.g. kra = M + U + A k + r + a

    c. For the letters which have a rounded shape, when Ur is the

    second letter it will appear like a carrot symbol below theletters.e.g. + + =Nchra + + =Ora = = =Pha

    + + =Qra + + =Rhra

    4. Regarding Nasals

    The class consonants or thevargyaconsonants take the nasal of itsclass while coining a word.The difference in the pronunciation is identetified by the form.

    X g h ln q Mua = X = XM XZ Xa Xbwritten as (stacked) cua = g = gc gN ge gfwritten as gc gN ge gf

    Oua = h = hO hP hQ hR hhwritten as hO hP hQ hR iua = ln = li lj lS lk llwritten as li lj lS lk mua = q = qm qT qo qp qqwritten as qm qT qo qp

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    5. If z is the first letter, it optionally gets a special form z + c = ca

    z + U = ra z + u = va + + na

    6. Special conjuct characters

    M + w = ka

    M + i + i = Yi / kta i + i = tta i + U = tra S + S = dda S + r = dya

    e + g = ja

    7. Reverse pronunciationPronunciation of

    W + h = should be reversed while pronouncing as h + W W + l = should be reversed while pronouncing as l + W

    W + q = should be reversed while pronouncing as q + W

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    xr uh sayukta var combinations

    urgelq + urgelq + xuU = xr Avyajanam + vyajanam +svara = sayukta akar

    Consonant + consonant + vowel = conjunct Consonant The possible combinations of conjucts with M K as the second letter

    1. --- + M + A

    M+ M + A = kka X + M + A= ka c + M + A = cMcka O + M + A = OMka i + M + A = iMtka U + M + A = Mrka

    s + M + A = sMlka w + M + A = wMka x + M + A = xMska

    M K as the second letter

    M O - kukkua AU - akura xcM -scka wOM -aka iiMsM -ttklika AM -arka

    zsMq -ulkam lwMq -nikma xxMU -samskra

    2. --- + Z X + Z + A = kha

    i + Z + A = iZtkha x + Z + A = xZskha

    Z Kh as the second letter z q -akham

    EiZllq -utkhananam xZslq -skhalanam

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    3. --- + a a + a + A = aa gga X + a + A = ga Q + a + A = ga S + a + A = dga U + a + A = arga

    s + a + A = salga

    a g as the second letter aaas - guggula a - gag Zq - khadgam qs -mudgala aa - garga Tsal - phlguna

    3. --- + b X + b + A= gha S + b + A = Sbdgha U + b + A = brgha

    b gh as the second letter slq - laghanam ESbOlq- udghanam Ab -argha

    5. --- + c c + c + A= cca

    g + c + A = gcca U + c + A = crca z + c + A = ca

    c c as the second letter E - uccai mgc - paca Acl -arcan mi - pact

    6. --- + N c + N + A = cNccha g + N + A = gNcha U + N + A = Nrcha

    N ch as the second letter CcN -icch ugN -vch qN -mrch

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    7. --- + e e + e + A= jja g + e + A = geja Q + e + A = Qeja o + e + A = oebja U + e + A = erja

    e j as the second letter El - ujjaini xger -sajaya wQe -aja Aoe -abja Ael -arjuna

    8. --- + f e + f + A = ef jjha g + f + A = gfjha U + f + A = frjha

    f jh as the second letter fsefs - jhalajjhala fgflq - jhajhanam ffU - jharjhara

    9. --- + g c + g + A = cgca e + g + A = ja

    g as the second letter rcg - yc lq - jnam

    10. --- + O O + O + A = a h + O + A = hOa m + O + A = mO pa w + O + A = a

    O as the second letter O l -aan bhO - gha AmO -pe Aq -aama

    11. ---+ P P + P + A = hha

    h + P + A = hPha w + P + A = ha

    P h as the second letter us - vihhala uMhP -vaikuha Mq -kham

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    12. --- + Q Q + Q + A= a h + Q + A = hQda

    Q as the second letter Ez - ua mhQu - pdava

    13. --- + R Q + R + A = h

    h + R + A = hRha

    Rh as the second letter zh - ih whR -aha

    14. --- + h h + h + A = hha U + h + A = hra w + h + A = wha

    h as the second letter

    uwhh -viaa Mh -kara Mwh -ka

    15. --- + i i + i + A = tta l + i + A = linta m + i + A = mi pta U + i + A = irta

    x + i + A = xista

    i t as the second letter Eq -uttama

    Sli -danta Ami -pta ai - garta Wxi -hasta

    16. --- + j i + j + A = ijttha l + j + A = ljntha U + j + A = jrtha x + j + A = xjstha

    j th as the second letter

    Eijlq -utthnam mlj - panth Aj -artha

    xjlq -sthnam

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    20. --- + m O + m + A = Ompa i + m + A = imtpa m + m + A = mm ppa q + m + A = qmmpa U + m + A = mrpa s + m + A = smlpa w + m + A = wmpa x + m + A = xmspa

    m p as the second letter wOmS -apada iimSq -tatpadam mmms - pippal mUqmU - parampar xm -sarpa Asmq -alpam

    mwmq - pupam xmW -sph

    21. --- + T i + T + A = iTtpha q + T + A = qTmpha s + T + A = sTlpha x + T + A = xTspha

    T phas thesecond letter EiTh -utphaa aqT - gumpha asT - gulpha xTOMq -sphaikam

    22. --- + o

    q + o + A = qomba U + o + A = orba

    s + o + A = solba

    o b as second letter

    sqoSU -labodara Sos -durbala Esohq -ulbaam

    23. --- + p S + p + A = bha

    q + p + A = qpmbha U + p + A = prbha

    s + p + A = splbha

    p bhas second letter xul -sadbhvan zqp -ambho ApM -arbhaka

    asp galbha

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    2 4. --- + q M + q + A = Yqkma X + q + A = Xqma c + q + A = cqcma i + q + A = iqtma S + q + A = dma k + q + A = kqdhma l + q + A = lqnma m + q + A = mq pma q + q + A = qqmma U + q + A = qrma s + q + A = sqlma z + q + A = zqma w + q + A = wqma x + q + A = xqsma W + q + A = hma

    q mas second letter Yqh -rukmi urq - vmayam ucq -vacmi Aiq -tm

    mui - padmvat Skq -dadhmau qlqj -manmatha mmq - ppm qqqO -mammaa kq -dharma

    asq - gulma Azql -aman

    Fwqh -ma xqUhq -smaraam e - jimha

    25. --- + r M + r + A = Yrkya Z + r + A = Zrkhya a + r + A = ar gya b + r + A = br ghya c + r + A = crcya e + r + A = er jya O + r + A= ya

    r yas the second letter uYrq -vkyam AZrlq -khynam parq -bhgyam

    qbrq -maughyam crulq -cyavanam Uerq -rjyam zrlq - yyanam

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    R + r + A= hya h + r + A = hrya i + r + A = irtya j + r + A = jrthya S + r + A = dya k + r + A = krdhya l + r + A = lrnya m + r + A = mr pya o + r + A = orbya p + r + A = prbhya q + r + A = qrmya r + r + A = rr yya U + r + A = rrya

    s + r + A = srlya u + r + A = urvya z + r + A = zrya w + r + A = wrya x + r + A = xrsya W + r + A = hya

    qq - mauhyam mhrq - puyam xirq -satyam mjrq - pathyam aq - gadyam krlq -dhynam

    Mlr -kany xqmrq -smpyam zor -aibya AUpr -rabhya

    xqr -saumy zrr -aiyy Ar -rya

    osrq -blyam urMUhq -vykaraam zrqs -ymal mwr - puya xxr -sasya aq - guhyam

    26. --- + U M + U + A = kra a + U + A = a gra b + U + A = b ghra e + U + A = e jra

    U r as the second letter uq -vikrama aq - grma bh - ghra ueq -vajram

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    i + U + A = tra S + U + A = Sdra k + U + A = kdhra m + U + A = m pra o + U + A = obra p + U + A = pbhra q + U + A = qmra u + U + A = uvra z + U + A = ra x + U + A = xsra W + U + A = hra

    m - putra xpS: -saubhadra Ulk: -randhra mMz - praka Aoui -abravt pqhq -bhramaam Aqq -ram

    uil -vratin uhq -ravaam

    xWxq -sahasram S hrada

    27. --- + s M + s + A = Yskla a + s + A = as gla m + s + A = ms pla q + s + A = qsmla s + s + A = sslla z + s + A = zsla W + s + A = hla

    s l as the second letter zYs -ukla asl - glni msua - plavaga qsl -mlni ussM -vallak zsblq -lghanam ASM -hldaka

    28. --- + u M + u + A = Yukva a + u + A = au gva e + u + A = eu jva i + u + A = iutva S + u + A = dva

    u v as the second letter mYuq - pakvam GauS gveda, gvla euslq - jvalanam iuq -tvam Uq -dvram

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    k + u + A = kudhva l + u + A = lunva U + u + A = urva

    s + u + A = sulva z + u + A = va w + u + A = wuva x + u + A = xusva W + u + A = hva

    kul -dhvani xklu -sudhanv EuMq -urvrukam osu -bilva DU -vara Mwu -kuruva xurq -svayam e jihv

    29. --- + z U + z + A = zra

    z as second letter

    mUqz - parmara 30. --- + w

    M + w + A = ka O + w + A = Owa U + w + A = wra

    w as second letter q -moka wOw -aati Aw ra

    31. --- + x M + x + A = Yxksa i + x + A = ixtsa m + x + A = mx psa x + x + A = xxssa

    x s as second letter

    uYxU -vksra uixs -vatsal AmxU -apsar

    SxxW -dussaha

    32. --- + W U + W + A = Wrha

    s + W + A = sWlha

    W h as second letter

    AW -arha usWh -vilhaa

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Conjunct consonanat with three or more letters

    M + i + i + A = ktta pbhaktta

    M + s + r + A = Msrklya zMsrqauklya

    M + w + h + A = hka xShsudk M + w + q + A = qkma sqhlakmaa M + w + r + A = rkya srqlakya M + w + u + A = ukva CuMikvku a + k + r + A = akr gdhya qakrqmaugdhya a + p + r + A = apr gbhya Saprqdigbhym a + U + r + A = ar grya Aarqagryam X + M + U + A = Xkra xXqhq

    sakramaam X + M + w + A = Xka AMXkk X + a + r + A = Xargya AsXarligya X + b + r + A = Xbrghya EssXbrullaghya c + N + U + A = cNcchra McNqkcchram h + P + r + A = h hya Mh kahy h + Q + U + A = hQra mhQ paura h + Q + r + A= h ya qhq mauyam i + i + u + A = uttva iuqtattvam i + l + r + A = ilrtnya mr patny i + q + r + A = iqrtmya Aiqrtmya i + U + r + A = rtrya rqoMtryambaka i + x + l + A = ixltsna Mixlqktsnam i + x + r + A = ixrtsya qixrmatsya S + k + r + A = Skrddhya oSkrbuddhy

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    S + p + r + A = Sprdbhya mSprq padbhym S + U + r + A = drya SUq dridryam l + i + r + A = lirentya Slirdanty l + i + U + A = lntra qlqmantram l + i + u + A = lieuntva xliulqsntvanam l + S + r + A = lndya Apulabhivandya l + S + U + A = lSndra ClSindra l + k + r + A = lkrndhya xlkrsandhy l + l + r + A = rnnya xrxsannysa

    o + k + u + A = okubdhva sokulabdhv

    q + m + r + A = qmrmpya mMqmr prakampya q + o + r + A = qormbya Asqorlambya U + b + r + A = brrghya Abrqarghyam U + X + a + A = rga zq rgam U + i + r + A = irrtya kirqdhaurtyam U + k + l + A = klrdhna qklmrdhni U + q + r + A = qrrmya Wqrqharmyam U + k + u + A = kurdhva Fkurdhva U + w + h + A = whra Mwh:kri s + M + r + A = sYrlkya rusYr yjvalkya z + c + r + A = rcya ricyuta w + O + r + A = w ya uw veya

    w + O + U + A = ra Fra w + O + u + A = wOuva CwOuiv w + P + r + A = w hya Aw ohya x + i + r + A = xirstya Aaxiragastya x + i + U + A = xstra zxqstram

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Section 4

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    xXZr Numerals

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda



    zzl c lz lzr c zz zzl lzr c upi lp |

    mrx Mqs Mqsl mr

    mrx Mqsl upi xU ||

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    mUq AmU AlS xurgeri mUrhq Akr em im ii E zq Sq xq

    uUarq uuM lq xqmSr xa xji msr xwmi xuml ulqr qlqr mgcM mhqr AllSqr Aqr MOxj iOxj xum m lq hM

    Ysz Sw r SAUq urq Uxm zMU uh clS xr iUq

    ClS ui xxU qW sp k qS xqmi

  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda


    Pick up the words from the word list and write them in the boxes

    given below



  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda




  • 7/24/2019 Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners by Swamini Svatmabodhananda



    Munakopaniad, Part 1 by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati

    Taittiriya Bhashya Talks 2012, Anaikatty, Coimbatore by PujyaSwami Dayananda Saraswati

    Higher Sanskrit grammar by Shri M R Kale.

    High School Sanskrit Grammar by Vidvan Srinivasa Deshikacharand Mrs. Prabha Sridhar

    Teach Yourself Sanskrit, Varaml, Rashtriya Samskrita samsthan,New Delhi

    Sanskrit Level 1 - Published by Sanskrit Academy Bangalore

    My Skype students from Portugal - Joana, Mafalda Megre, MafaldaSouza, Catia, Innes and Claudia for whom these lessons werecreated.

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