



Surface Battle Group v3.0



Table of Contents…………………………………………………………..p.1


Combat table updates…………………….………..…..….……………...p.3

New Rules: Mines………………………………………………………….p.4

Combat Fleet Compositions………………………….………………….p.6

Current Indian ship forms……...………..………………………………..p.7

1971 Indian Ship forms…………………………….………….…………p.34

Current Pakistani ship forms………….……………………..…………p.47

1971 Pakistani ship forms………….………………………..…….……p.61

Aircraft forms: current & 1971……………….……..……………….….p.71


Minefield Markers {NEW}…………………………..……………………p.83




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Welcome to the Indo-Pak Expansion of Surface Battle Group v3.0.

Ever since India and Pakistan gained independence in 1947, (and subsequently Bangladesh in

1971), this region has been a hot spot that could and would erupt into armed conflict at any time.

The navies of each side, though not necessarily large, are quite capable of conducting significant


Both countries are currently spending money to modernize their fleets; India especially so.

Pakistan is spending what it can to keep abreast of the quality that a modern fleet requires if not

the quantity. The Indian Navy looks to have a ballistic missile submarine operational very soon.

It would be inexcusable to do this expansion and ignore the 40th anniversary of the 1971 Indo-

Pakistani War. The sacrifices made by so many brave souls should not be forgotten.

This expansion contains information for the current fleets (circa 2009) and 3 scenarios for the

current fleets. It also contains combatant ships of the 1971 fleets and 3 historical scenarios plus 1

“what if” game. The result is that this expansion contains the second largest group of ship forms

we’ve ever published. This work contains 63 new individual ship forms, second only to the core

rules with 69 ship forms. Aircraft for 2009 &1971 are within as well.

Beginning with this expansion, we have upgraded the format on the ship forms and aircraft

forms. On the ship forms we have included the number of ships in each class on the form. This

will allow you to create scenarios and campaigns with greater ease and better accuracy. New to

SBG with this expansion are mines; anchored, torpedo and influence mines are the types


For the aircraft forms, we have been able to include the weapon performance data with each

aircraft. The range, the hit probability and the damage are now part of the aircraft specification

form. This should speed up play.

It is doubtful that many of you will have ship models for these vessels. I suggest that you use the

set of SBG ship markers from the core rules. Just print them on card stock and re-label them as


The 1971 fleets are interesting in their general lack of counter measures for both missiles and

torpedoes. It should make those games real slug fests.

Good gaming to you all,

T. Dziegielewski

President, Tornado Alley Games Corp.




Surface Battle Group v3.0


APPENDIX: B – Weapons Systems {India & Pakistan} (new)

SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILES:Type Range Acc’y(d20) Damage DP gun mod.

Exocet SM39 7’ 7+ 2/3D6 -1

SSN-27 24’ 7+ 2D6+2 >5’ [ 0 ], <=5’ [ -2 ]

The SSN-27 uses subsonic speed on the approach and Mach 2+ for the attack run. Hence the modifier change at 5 foot distance.

SSN-2D 10’ 9+ 2D6+2 0

SSN-25 25’ 7+ 2/3D6 0

SURFACE TO AIR MISSILES:Type Range Acc’y(d20) Anti-Ship? Ship Dmg. DP gun mod

HQ-7 1.5’ 8+ N - n/a

SAN-11 1’ 8+ N - n/a

Barak-I 15” 7+ N - n/a

Barak-II 9’ 7+ Y 1/6D6 -2

LY-60 1.75’ 10+ Y 1/6D6 -2

AIR TO SURFACE WEAPONSType Range Accuracy Damage DP gun mod.

Exocet AM39 18’ 7+ 2/3D6 -1

TORPEDOES:Type Range Accuracy Damage FunctionF17 mod 2 3 turns @ 10” 7+ 1D6+2 DP, wire guided

SET-65E 2 turns @ 10” 8+ 1D6 ASW, self-homing

MU-90 2 turns @ 15” 8+ 2/3D6 ASW, self-homing

OR 4 turns @ 8”

A244s 1 turn @ 10” 9+ 1/3D6 ASW, self-homing

Mk.VII 1 turn @ 7.5” 13+ 2/3D6 Surface, non-homing

Mk. XI 1 turn @ 7” 13+ 2D6+1 Surface, non-homing

E40-75A 3 turns @ 7.5” 12+ 2/3D6 ASW, self-homing

L5 2 turns @ 8” 9+ 1D6 DP, self-homing

L4 2 turns @ 7.5” 9+ 1D6 ASW, self-homing

Z-13 3 turns @ 7.5” 8+ 2D6 DP, self-homing

SHIP’S GUNSThese guns are capable of anti-aircraft fire and surface combat.

Type Range Dmg.(Hull pts.) Accuracy(d20)4.7” (114mm) single 1.75’ 1/6D6 12+

ASW WEAPONSType Range Accuracy Damage

Mk.11 Depth Bomb 0” 18+ 2/3D6 Delivered by aircraft

MINES (new addition)Type Range Accuracy(d20) Dmg.(Hull pts.)

Anchored 0” 11+ 1D6

Influence 0” 7+ 1D6

Torpedo 2 turn @ 6” 7+ 2/3D6 3 types available, DP, ASW & Surface.

All self-homing, See rules for target





Surface Battle Group v3.0


RULE CHANGES & UPDATESMine Laying & Attacks by Mines: If a sub is laying mines, it has only HALF the torpedoes

listed on the ship form. For every torpedo or fraction of a torpedo removed allow 5 mine

counters to be placed. One marker may be placed per turn, face down. The speed of the sub

must be 1” or less to lay mines. Place up to 3 “no mine” counters with every mine. The accuracy

rating means different things for each type of mine.

For anchored mines it reflects the chance of the ship contacting the mine itself. For anchored

mines, if vessels touch a counter, flip the counter face up. If the word “mine” is followed by a

numeral or letter of the alphabet on the counter, the mine attacks the vessel. If the words “no

mine” appear, no attack is made.

For influence mines the accuracy rating reflects the mine’s ability to detect a nearby ship or sub

without actually making contact. As with the anchored mine the ship must contact the inverted

counter in order for an attack to take place. Again, the words “no mine” means no attack.

The torpedo mine is an extension of the influence mine. Instead of detonation, the mine

launches a torpedo at whatever is detected.

For torpedo mines, consider them as having type “P” sonar. The torpedo mine MUST make a

successful spotting roll AND have a target within range (12” or less) in order to attack. Because

there are three possible torpedo types, the owning player must choose beforehand which type

of mine is in place unless the scenario specifies otherwise. The referee, or the player owning

the minefield, must record which mine counter has what kind of mine. The torpedo from a

torpedo mine may attack other mines or a vessel. If there is more than one possible target, roll

1D6 to determine what the torpedo attacks. On a result of a “1” the torpedo attacks a nearby

mine, either in its own minefield or a minefield that is adjacent.

Minefields may have a combination of all three types of mines; anchored, influence and torpedo.

The referee, or the player owning the minefield, must record which mine counter has what kind

of mine.

It IS possible for a torpedo mine that is next to an influence mine to detonate the influence mine.

Likewise the torpedo from a torpedo mine may attack and anchored mine or an influence mine.

Note that ALL mine attacks occur during the movement phase. All minefield counters can make

up to 3 attacks before being depleted. Keep track of attacks made.




Surface Battle Group v3.0



1. Bridge

A) Place new speed and status markers face down.

Leave last turn’s markers face up.

B) Weapon directors capable of both “attack” & “defense”

modes must have their mode selected at this time.

2. Search: Air, Surface & Subsurface

A) Locate Aircraft & Off Board Missiles, reacquire stealth aircraft

B) Locate Surface Craft (including surfaced subs)

C) Locate Submarines (all submerged subs must be

reacquired, torpedoes must reacquire targets)

D) Remove last turn’s markers and reveal new


3. Movement

A) Surface Ships, Located Subs & Hovercraft Move, Depth

Charge attacks are made. Check for collisions and

ramming attempts.

B) Move in-flight missiles / immediately resolve hit damage as

per normal combat . Detection by torpedo mines takes place. Make

all minefield attacks as needed.

C) Move detected air units / Conduct anti-aircraft fire / Recover

Aircraft. Recovered aircraft are now on the landing

deck; not below deck or in hangars

D) Move Undetected Subs and Undetected Aircraft.

4. Combat (Fire is not simultaneous in this phase)

A) Each fire still burning does damage.

B) Initiative for Offensive Fire

C) Initiative for strike A/C attacks when both sides

have strike A/C

D) Move previously fired torpedoes / resolve hit damage.

E) Offensive fire for individual ships or groups of aircraft.

Fire is NOT simultaneous in this phase. Resolve Special

Damage rolls as they are needed.

5. Launch Aircraft / Stow recovered aircraft below deck or in hangar.6. Damage Control

A) Damage Control Checks

B) Extinguish Fires

7. MoraleA) Rally & Morale Checks




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Combat Fleet Compositions by Class:

INDIA: 2009+SSBN: ArihantSSN: ChakraSSK: Shishumar(3), SindhughoshCVM: Vikrant, ViraatDDGHM: Delhi(3), Rajput(5), Kolkata(3)FFGHM: Brahmaputra(3), Nilgiri(3), Kamorta(2), Shivalik(3), Talwar(6), Godavari(3)FSM: Abhay(4)FSGM: Veer(10), Pralaya(2)FSGHM: Khukri(4), Kora(4)PBF: Super Dvora(7), Sukanya(6), Seaward(6), Bangaram(6), Car Nicobar(6)OPV: Sankalp(6)

INDIA: 1971SSK: Kalvari(4)CV: VikrantCA: Mysore, DehliDD: Rana(2), Badr(2)FF: Godavari(2), Brahmaputra(3), Talwar(3), Khukri(3), Kistna(2), Petya-I(5)FFG: NilgiriPTG: Osa-I(6)

Pakistan: 2009+SSK: Hashmat(2), Khalid(3)SSW: Midget(3)FFHM: Tariq(2), Tippu SultanFFGH: Babur, Badr, Shah Jahan, Zulfiquar(4)PTG: Jalalat(2), Jurrat(2), Karrar(2)PT: Town, Larkana

Pakistan: 1971SSK: Ghazi, Hangor(3)CL: BaburDD: Shah Jahan, Jahangir(2), Khaibar(2)FF: Tippu Sultan(2), ZulfiquarMSI: Mahmood(8)PT: Rajhahi




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________Ship Class: Arihant Class (SSBN) {India} 1 in class

Hull Pts.: (1)4 DCC: 1 Crew:____________

Engine Str.: 1 Max. Spd.: (6”) 3.5”/4” Radar: B

ECM Str.: 0 ECM mod.: 0 Sonar: P

TCM Str.: 1 TCM mod.: -3

EMP resistance mod when submerged: -6

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [intercept mod ]

(2) (2)

A (B) Torp Tubes (rof:2) 2 ET-80A torps 2 turns @ 10” ( 9+ ) 2D6 DP/wire

3 turns @ 8”

2 SSN-15A nuke 5’ ( 0+ ) 1 @ 200kt / submerged


1 SSN-15 AND

1 SSN-15 msl 5’ +2 turns @ 8” (10+) 1/2D6


2 SSN-15 msls


A (M) VLS lnchr (rof:2) 1 1900’ ( 3+ ) 1 by 100kt / airburst { -4 / -2 }


Rules from the Boomer Collection:

There is a new rule to cover MIRV’s and single warheads. The MIRV nukes have their capabilities displayed as


Rng ( Acc ) Dmg {intercept mod}

1000’ ( 3+ ) 6 @ 350kt ea. / airburst { -4 / -2 }

This shows a 1000’ range, an accuracy of 3 or more to hit with 1D20, 6 MIRV at 350kt each, and an intercept die roll

modifier of -4 on turn 2 of flight and -2 on turn 3.

If a ballistic missile is used, it takes 4 TURNS to reach its target and it has a base accuracy of (3+). The same

accuracy applies to MIRV’s. If a ballistic missile or any of the MIRV’s are not intercepted by SAM’s, a roll of (3+) on

1D20 is needed to be on target. If that roll is failed, roll 2D12+10 to find out by how far off in inches the warhead

missed its target. How you randomize direction is up to you. You might still hit something.

If a MIRV missile is intercepted on turn two it is destroyed before the MIRV units are deployed; one hit destroys all of

the warheads. By turn three the multiple warheads are deployed and each warhead must be attacked individually.




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______Chakra__________

Ship Class: Chakra Class (SSN) {ex-CIS Akula} 1 in class

Hull Pts.: (2)5 DCC: 1 Crew:____________

Engine Str.: 1 Max. Spd.: (10.5”)5”/4” Radar: C

ECM Str.: 0 ECM mod.: 0 Sonar: P

TCM Str.: 1 TCM mod.: -4

EMP resistance mod when submerged: -7

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [DP gun mod]

A (1)

(B) TT (rof:2) 3 ET-80A torp 2 turns @ 10” ( 9+ ) 2D6

DP/wire 3 turns @ 8”

1 SSN-25 25’ ( 7+ ) 2/3D6 [ 0 ]


Extra quiet design. Attempts to locate by type P sonar get an additional -1 modifier




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________Ship Class: Shishumar Class (SSK) {India} 3 in class

Hull Pts.: (1)3 DCC: 1 Crew:____________

Engine Str.: 1 Max. Spd.: (5.5”) 2.5”/4” Radar: B

ECM Str.: 0 ECM mod.: 0 Sonar: P

TCM Str.: 1 TCM mod.: -3

EMP resistance mod when submerged: -6

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [intercept mod ]

(1) (1)

A (B) Torp Tubes (rof:2) 4- AEG SUT torps 2 turns @ 9” ( 7+ ) 1D6+2 DP/wire

OR 7 turns @ 6”

1 Exocet SM39 7’ ( 7+ ) 2/3D6 [ -1 ]




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________Ship Class: Sindhughosh [Kilo] Class (SSK) {India} 1 in class

Hull Pts.: (1)4 DCC: 1 Crew:____________

Engine Str.: 1 Max. Spd.: (4”) 2.5”/4” Radar: B

ECM Str.: 0 ECM mod.: 0 Sonar: P

TCM Str.: 1 TCM mod.: -4

EMP resistance mod when submerged: -6

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [intercept mod ]

(2) (2)

A (B) Torp Tubes (rof:2) 3 AEG SUT torps 2 turns @ 9” ( 7+ ) 1D6+2 DP/wire

OR 7 turns @ 6”

1 SSN-27 7’ ( 7+ ) 2/3D6 >5’ [ 0 ], <5’ [ -2 ]


A (M) SA-8 lnchr (rof:1) 1 SA-8 1’ (13+) kills aircraft




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________

Ship Class: Vikrant Class (CVM) {India} (ex-Gorshkov) 1 in class

Hull Pts.: 70 DCC: 3 Crew:____________Engine Str.: 4 Max. Spd.: 7”/2” Radar: AECM Str.: 2 ECM mod.: -6 Sonar: ATCM Str.: 2 TCM mod.: -6

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [DP gun mod]

(8) (12)

D (PB) 30mm(r)CIWS(rof:1) 3 bursts 1”( 13+ ) v msl & str a/c

D (SB) 30mm(r)CIWS 3 bursts ( 7+ ) v other a/c

D (PA) 30mm(r)CIWS 3 bursts

D (SA) 30mm(r)CIWS 3 bursts


D (SM)SAN-11 (rof:2) 2 SAN-11 1’ ( 8+ ) kills aircraft

D (SM)SAN-11 (rof:2) 2 SAN-11


A or D (PB) Auto76mm (rof:1) plenty 1’ ( 12+ ) 1/3D6

(SB) Auto76mm (rof:1) ( 19+ ) v msl & str a/c

(PA) Auto76mm (rof:1) ( 13+ ) v other a/c

(SA) Auto76mm (rof:1)


D (SM) Barak-I lnchr (rof:2) 2 Barak 15” ( 7+ ) kills aircraft

(SM) Barak-I lnchr (rof:2) 2 Barak


(X) 8 MiG-29 (see aircraft sheet for details)

(X) 6 ASW Helos 1 A244s ASW torp 1 turn @ 10” ( 9+ ) 1/3D6

ASW Helicopters carry 1 torpedo (at scale) and have an ECM value of -2 and move up to 2.5

feet/turn. Dipping sonar can only be used when the helicopter is stationary. Helos have 24 turns

of fuel.




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________

Ship Class: Viraat Class (CVM) {India} (ex-Hermes) 1 in class

Hull Pts.:37 DCC: 3 Crew:____________Engine Str.: 4 Max. Spd.: 7”/2” Radar: AECM Str.: 2 ECM mod.: -6 Sonar: ATCM Str.: 0 TCM mod.: 0

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [DP gun mod]

(2) (4)

Local (PB) 40mm (rof:1) plenty 3”( 15+ ) 1/6D6

Local (PA) 40mm (rof:1) ( 19+ ) v msl & str a/c

( 13+ ) v other a/c


D (SM) Barak-I lnchr (rof:2) 2 Barak 15” ( 7+ ) kills aircraft

D (SM) Barak-I lnchr (rof:2) 2 Barak


(X) 3 MiG-29 (see aircraft sheet for details)

(X) 6 ASW Helos 1 A244s ASW torp 1 turn @ 10” ( 9+ ) 1/3D6

ASW Helicopters carry 1 torpedo (at scale) and have an ECM value of -2 and move up to 2.5

feet/turn. Dipping sonar can only be used when the helicopter is stationary. Helos have 24 turns

of fuel.




Surface Battle Group v3.0


Ship Name:______________________

Ship Class: Delhi Class (DDGHM) {India} 3 in class

Hull Pts.:10 DCC: 1 Crew:____________Engine Str.: 2 Max. Spd.: 8”/4” Radar: AECM Str.: 2 ECM mod.: -6 Sonar: ATCM Str.: 2+{RBU} TCM mod.: -6 & {RBU}

Wpn. Dir. Mount(s) Load Rng ( Acc ) Dmg [DP gun mod]

(11) (22)

A (PF)VLS SSN-25 (rof:2) 2 SSN-25 25’ ( 7+ ) 2/3D6 [ 0 ]

(PF)VLS SSN-25 (rof:2) 2 SSN-25

(SF)VLS SSN-25 (rof:2) 2 SSN-25

(SF)VLS SSN-25 (rof:2) 2 SSN-25


A or D (F) SAN-7 (rof:1) 2 SAN-7 4’ ( 7+ ) 1/3D6 [ -2 ]

(A) SAN-7 (rof:1) 2 SAN-7


D (M) Barak-I (rof:2) 2 Barak SAM 15” ( 7+ ) kills aircraft

(M) Barak-I (rof:2) 2 Barak SAM

(M) Barak-I (rof:2) 2 Barak SAM

(M) Barak-I (rof:2) 2 Barak SAM

A (M) Torp Tube (rof:2) 2 SET-65E ASW torp 2 turns @ 10” ( 8+ ) 1D6

trains to either side


D (PM) 30mm (r)CIWS(rof:1) 3 bursts CIWS 1” ( 13+ ) v msl & str a/c

D (PM) 30mm (r) CIWS 3 bursts CIWS ( 7+ ) v other a/c

D (SM) 30mm (r) CIWS 3 bursts CIWS

D (SM) 30mm (r) CIWS 3 bursts CIWS


A (PA) DC rail (rof:2) 5 DC salvoes 1” ( 20+ ) 1D6

(SA) DC rail (rof:2) 5 DC salvoes


A (& D) (F) RBU 6000 (rof:1) 1 ASW mortar 9” ( 15+ ) 1/3D6

(F) RBU 6000 (rof:1) 1 ASW mortar ( 19+ ) as TCM



A or D (B) 100mm auto single (rof:1) plenty 1.5’ ( 12+ ) 1/2D6

( 19+ ) v msl & str a/c

( 13+ ) v other a/c


(A) 1- Lynx Helo 1 A244s ASW torp 1 turn @ 10” ( 9+ ) 1/3D6

(A) 1- Lynx Helo 1 A244s ASW torp

ASW Helicopters carry 1 torpedo (at scale) and have an ECM value of -2 and move up to 2.5

feet/turn. Dipping sonar can only be used when the helicopter is stationary. Helos have 24 turns

of fuel.

The RBU mounts can theoretically be used as a torpedo counter measure. The range stays the

same but they hit the torpedo on a “19+” for an average crew. The weapons director is labeled

A (& D) because the RBU’s can fire defensively as a Torpedo Counter Measure any time they

are available to fire subject to the limits of the ROF. If the RBU mount is used up for this turn

then it may not fire.




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