Page 1: Salesian School...Whole school training to be scheduled Focuses L&T time in departments along with department reviews of SOW and individual lessons JJY HoDs Dec 19 April 20 Sept 20

Salesian School ‘Enlightening minds, uplifting heart’

Pupil Premium Funding

As a Catholic school and a strong faith community, we follow the philosophy of St John Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Order. He dedicated his life to the education of young people, saw the value of every child and wanted them to achieve their potential. We continue to work in this vein today and aim to provide every child with

the best examination results they are capable of achieving an appreciation of their faith and responsiveness to the needs of others the skills needed to make the most of their life opportunities beyond

school The Government introduced Pupil Premium in 2011-2012. The funding was given to support students from low income families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and students who have been in care continuously for more than six months (LAC). In 2012-2013 this was extended to include students who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (Ever6) recognizing the long term impact financial difficulties can have on a students progress. As a school we are free to spend our allocation of funding as we see fit, but are held accountable by the Government for how it is used and are required to publish online how the additional funds are used. This will ensure that

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parents, governors and any necessary bodies are easily able to access data on the attainment of students covered by Pupil Premium and the extra support they receive.

1. Summary information (2019-20) Academic Year

2019/20 Total PP budget

£106,590.00 Date of most recent PP review


Total number of pupils

1,293 (Yr.7-11students only)

Number of pupils eligible for PP

73 Date for next internal review of this strategy


2. Summary of attainment and progress: Attainment – GCSE 2018-19 2017-18 Pupils

eligible for PP (Salesian School)

Pupils not eligible for PP (Salesian School)

Pupils eligible for PP (Salesian School)

Pupils not eligible for PP (Salesian School)

Number of students (Yr.11) 24 197 22 207 % of students achieving 5+ standard passes including English and Maths

75% 71.04% 45.45% 75.8%

Progress 8 score +0.78 +0.91 +0.28 +0.7 Attainment 8 score 52.63 60.25 50.02 61.83

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3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)

Academic barriers –issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills

A. Less progress made by PP students on average in KS4

B. Increased number of PP students whose literacy is below that expected of their age and stage making accessing the curriculum more challenging

C. Disadvantaged students not being identified and supported

Additional barriers – including issues which also require action outside of school

D. On average, lower attendance for PP students

E. Less family support at home with homework and revision

F. Less access to materials/ resources to enhance classroom learning i.e. revision guides, computers… due to financial shortage

G. Less support for career/ education pathway planning – lower aspirations as a consequence

H. Additional responsibilities in and around the home due to family circumstance leading to inconsistent access to opportunities within school including enrichment and extra-curricular activities.

4. Intended outcomes (specific outcomes and how they will be measured)

Success criteria

A. Improve the attendance of disadvantaged students. Track weekly with HOYs leading individual

support to improve the attendance of those students below target attendance.

Home visits to be done by LT and HOY in cases of low attendance.

Improvement in attendance of disadvantaged students across all year groups to a 95%+ due to known impact on attainment.

B. Disadvantaged students to be known and supported by staff. Additional SEN needs to be known and planned for.

Progress tracked at data drops by HOY and LT line managing year group. Discussion also to be had with SENCO.

P8 score (GCSEs) +1 for PP students No negative gap between PP students and non-PP students Less C/Ds on PP students grade collection reports throughout KS3, KS4 and KS5

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Review of AtL and HWK data on grade collections to identify needs of PP students i.e. homework clubs…

C. Improve opportunities for disadvantaged student by, where possible, reducing class sizes and improving individual support.

LT to look at recruitment to ensure class sizes can be reduced

Reduction of class sizes across the board but particularly in core subjects to allow for more personalized teaching Increase in number of PP students receiving targeted small group support

D. Increased participation by disadvantaged students in the extra-curricular life of the school to encourage and promote learning outside of the classroom and develop social skills.

Form tutors to track participation through form time extra-curricular tracker of all students.

All PP students to attend at least x1 extra-curricular club each week.

E. Parents/ carers are involved in the learning of their children and empowered to offer support/ identify where support is available if needed.

HOY to track parental attendance at events and discuss action with LT

100% parental attendance of disadvantaged students at Parents Evenings/ Curriculum Evenings – 1:1 meetings to take place if missed.

F. All PP students to have 1:1 meeting with either form tutor or careers advisor (Yr.10, 11, 12 & 13) to discuss education or career pathway to improve aspirations for disadvantaged group.

AtL improved in lessons – evident in data collection reviews. Disadvantaged students being more confident in discussing their pathway or options to explore.

5. Planned expenditure

Academic year


i. Quality of teaching for all

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Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for choice?

Success Criteria Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

Whole school focus on mastery and progress for all. Quality first teaching

Improved outcomes and rates of progress for all. P8 score of 1+ for all students.

Whilst still positive, P8 score could be better for all students.

Whole school training to be scheduled Focuses L&T time in departments along with department reviews of SOW and individual lessons


Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Regular observations by Teaching Development Team (TDT) for all staff to improve quality of all lessons with particular focus on disadvantaged students.

Increased reflective practice by all teachers to identify areas of teaching that can be improved.

To improve P8 score for all particularly disadvantaged groups and boys.

Increased reflective discussion about PP students and sub-groups to make these students a greater focus in teacher planning


Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Coaching scheme for staff available

All NQT+1s to have regular coaching

Increased reflective practice amongst staff to improve quality of teaching across school.

To improve P8 score for all students Regular training for coaches although most are experienced. 80% of staff to be involved over the course of the academic year.

JJY Coaches SLEs

Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Move to mixed ability teaching throughout the majority of KS3

To even out class sizes and increased all students teacher time and 1:1 support.

Research proves mixed ability teaching benefits students who are most likely to be in lower sets.

Regular learning walks by LT and observations by TDT to ensure needs of classes are met in delivery of lessons.


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Whole school focus on feedback and all students knowing where they are at and their targets to make best progress.

To empower students to take responsibility for their own progress and encourage staff to ensure disadvantaged students are aware of their targets.

EEF toolkit highlights impact feedback has on progress made by all students.

Discussions with students on LWs and between staff and HoDs


Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Total budgeted cost £4,000

ii. Targeted support

Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for choice?

Success Criteria Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

Appointment of staff to reduce class sizes

LT to led on timetable

Reduce class sizes at KS4 in English, Maths and RE.

To increased the amount of teacher time each individual student in a class gets, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Classes to be approx.. 24 in subjects stated. HoDs and HoY (and LT) responsible for monitoring outcomes based on assessment data in grade collection points x3 per academic year


Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Leadership Team to liaise with HoY and tutors re. ‘disadvantaged students’

To ensure PP students have all the resources and support needed to close gap between PP

Progress gap between PP students and non-PP students. Increased vulnerability of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Greater LT awareness of needs of most disadvantaged students. All staff aware of most vulnerable students that they teach


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students and non-PP students Close and regular contact with a key member of staff to help identify financial and emotional need of disadvantaged students.

Close work with parents and guardians of disadvantaged students with low attendance

Improvement in attendance of disadvantaged students Clearer systems in place to spot and address patterns in low attendance to ensure quicker intervention where needed.

Evidenced link between excellent attendance and progress made

Attendance figures of disadvantages students in keeping with whole school figures approx. 97%+


Dec ‘19 April ‘20 Sept ‘20

Small group teaching for disadvantaged students with SENs Ensure PP students’ literacy levels are sufficiently high to allow

Close the progress gap and reduce barriers faced by PP students with SENs. Small group interventions in place

Overall P8 for disadvantaged students is lower than non-PP students. Additional support needed to allow all PP students to access curriculum. Teachers to have a clear understanding of barriers individual

Up-skilling of staff working with small groups. Regular observations of small group work to ensure maximum progress is made.


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them to access the curriculum

at classroom level/ subject mentoring HLTAs to run English and Maths interventions. Interns to be used where possible in range of GCSE/ A-Level options to support disadvantaged learners.

students have to learning and making best progress to allow for intervention.

Reading mentor scheme with disadvantaged students involved to drive up literacy levels.

Students to have access to the resources that they need outside of lesson time to enhance learning

PP students to have access to additional resources beyond the classroom to support their learning. Clearer understanding of the level of need for individual students/ families.

Financial hardship will limit students ability to access further learning and purchasing of key texts or additional resources in practical subjects

Homework club to run regularly to allow additional computer access outside of lesson time and additional support for students who may not have this at home. Core texts and resources provided to students where financial need is identified Revision guides and exam equipment provided Compulsory trips for chosen GCSE A-Level courses funded to ensure participation.


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LT mentor for disadvantaged students lacking adult role model

Dedicated meeting with LT for each PP student/ family when students making GCSE choices. 1:1 mentoring of disadvantaged students with appropriate member of staff

Disadvantaged students to make informed GCSE choices to maximize future options and ensure maximum progress can be made.

Students make GCSE subject choices that will be matched to ability and aspiration P8 score of +1 for all disadvantaged students


Oct ‘19 Feb’19 Sept ‘20

Greater in school support for young carers

School to offer lunch time support sessions in Learning Centre for young carers to come together and share problems they face.

A number of disadvantaged students have additional caring responsibilities at home either for a mentally or physically disabled family member. Growing need for students who have a parent with mental health issues.

Increased progress for students known to be young carers based on grade collection data. More consistent attendance to school and participation in lessons.


Oct ‘19 Feb’19 Sept ‘20

Total budgeted cost £100,000

iii. Other approaches

Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for choice?

Success Criteria Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

Extra-curricular monitored and those not involved encouraged to become involved

Increased participation in extra-curricular and broader involvement in the extra-curricular life of the school

Desire for all students are involved with the culture of the school and are able to further their learning and build a wider support network with staff

All students to be involved in at least x1 extra-curricular trip

KHD HOY Tutors

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Funded music lessons Funded participation in clubs where needed

A greater sense of involvement to increase enjoyment of education and engagement generally

Attempt to ensure most disadvantaged students are able to attend a school trip over academic year. Increased uptake on NCS by disadvantaged students to offer students enrichment and leadership development during school holidays.

Staff INSET offered to ensure staff have a clear understanding of who the disadvantaged students are and strategies that can be used to support them.

To up-skill teachers to allow teaching to be tailored to meet the needs of the students in their classes.

Gap in P8 between PP students and non PP students.

All PP students to be known to all staff and appropriate support in place for them in lessons to close gaps in progress.


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Progress data to be collected and reviewed termly.

Informed understanding of progress of disadvantaged learners to allow for early intervention by staff.

Staff understanding the progress data for students and knowing how to use it to inform planning and intervention. This will ensure that students’ progress is tracked effectively and underachievement spotted and targeted in a timely manner.

Data to be analysed at each data collection point by KHD and discussions had with HOY, tutors and SENCO


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1:1 careers pathway session to ensure

Increased engagement with disadvantaged students on long term

Lack of parental support or guidance at home for some disadvantaged students

Increased AtL on grade collection for students in need.


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disadvantaged students aspire to achieve their potential

goals in regards to studies – target grades should be suitably aspirational. Individual careers guidance session with external careers provider.

College applications in place for all Year 11 students Disadvantaged Year 10, 11, 12 &13 to be offered trips to careers fairs, HE fairs or apprenticeships days – cost covered where need is evident.


Parents/ carers included more in their child’s education

All parents/ carers of PP students to be informed of Parents Evenings and information events and given advanced warning to increase participation.

By ensuring clear communication with parents/ carers, they will be fully aware of school events and progress of their child. Strategies of how best to support students of age group shared.

Increase attendance of parents of disadvantaged learners at school events. Positive working relationships between parents/ carers. Clearer process for contacting parents with no access to emails when large group email communication is sent home.

HoY Regularly – particularly around school events.

Total budgeted cost £2,590

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6. Review of expenditure Previous Academic Year 2018-19 i. Quality of teaching for all Action Intended outcome Estimated impact: Did you meet the success

criteria (include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate)

Lessons learned (will you continue with this approach)


Whole school focus on mastery and progress for all. Quality first teaching

Improved outcomes and rate of progress

P8 score of +0.91 up from 0.77 previous year demonstrates high quality teaching is taking place

Staff training has clearly impacted staff confidence in regards to how to embed mastery in schemes of work and this is filtering down evident in adjustments made to KS3 schemes of learning. The language of exams and styles of questions are increasingly being embedded subtly across a range of subjects from Year 7 to support all students in the transition to GCSEs. Exam units were finished earlier than in the previous year as staff were more aware of what was expected from new exam units. This made for more relaxed and knowledgeable teaching staff which benefitted the students a lot.

£23,800 (staff training cost)

ii. Targeted support Action Intended outcome Estimated impact: Did you meet the success

criteria (include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate)

Lessons learned (will you continue with this approach)


Appointment of staff to reduce class sizes

Reduce class sizes at KS4 in English and Maths

English P8 score of +0.87 suggests smaller classes and intervention groups to support those that had made least progress up until Year 10 worked well.

Smaller classes for maths and English to continue for next academic year. Due to significantly higher grade boundaries in

£70,000 (x2 teachers per

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Re-appointment/ development of a ‘disadvantaged students’ lead

Maths P8 +0.83 again highlights benefit of smaller classes sizes on student progress. JHS was able to get to know disadvantaged students much better and was able to build up links with parents to support the HOY. Some really good work was done by JHS to identify the needs of individual families and students to allow support to be put in place. This role also allowed lots of support for those that weren’t necessarily eligible for FSM but were in need either financially or emotionally.

foundation maths GCSE, decision has been made that more students will be entered for higher tier maths paper opposed to lower tier. With departure of JHS decision has been made to make such a key role more a part of the LT with KHD leading on it to ensure all staff are held accountable for keeping the most disadvantaged students at the forfront of all that we do. Due to success of JHS’s role, more responsibility will be placed on tutors getting to know the most vulnerable on a 1:1 level with HOY also getting heavily involved with supporting. All LT will be active in getting to know the most disadvantaged students over the next academic year.

academic year £35,000 each on ave.) £2000 (TLR)

Close work with parents and guardians of disadvantaged students whose attendance is low

Improvement of attendance of disadvantaged students

Overall there was an improvement in attendance figures although attendance figures were still lower than we would of liked for disadvantaged students in the academic year 2018-19.

Administrator for HOY to be put in place to help identify low attendance and allow the HOY/ LT to take steps to address it earlier.

£7000 (cost of administration time approx.

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x2 days a week)

iii. Other approaches Action Intended outcome Estimated impact: Did you meet the success

criteria (include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate)

Lessons learned (will you continue with this approach)


Extra-curricular monitored and those not involved encouraged to become involved

Increase participation in extra-curricular and broader involvement in the extra-curricular life of school.

Attendance at extra-curricular across year groups and across all groups of students remains high with a wealth of extra-curricular on offer however a more robust system of identifying what individual students are doing is needed. The introduction of the Salesian Certificato worked well for Year 7 and for the first half of the year was implemented really well but greater focuses needed to remain on this throughout Year 7 to ensure tutors are well aware of how disadvantaged students are involved in the wider school community to ensure they are well involved in the community. For Years 8-13 more focus needs to be placed on form tutors knowing what their tutees are doing extra-curricular wise.

Continued use of Salesian Certificato in Year 7 – more time is going to be dedicated to this in Year 7 form time programme of study. Greater ownership will be placed on HOY knowing what disadvantaged students are involved in to encourage tutors to also build these relationships. Based on feedback from student survey, work will be done with departments to develop a wider range of non-sports based extra-curricular clubs that run for shorter periods so students can trial different clubs and reduce high drop out rates.

£3,000 (DofE coordinator’s time)

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Work to also be done on planning the Year 9 extra-curricular evening earlier to LT taking greater responsibility for getting all staff involved to ensure all staff and students are fully involved in the evening.

A programme of university application and support is being developed to help disadvantaged students go to aspirational universities.

To increase the number of students from low income backgrounds attending Russell group and Oxbridge universities. Greater support for disadvantaged students to consider their pathways from a younger age.

4 students got places in Oxbridge – x1 was from a disadvantages background which is an 100% increase on previous year suggesting support put in place was successful. 100% of disadvantages learners went off to their first choice universities. Careers interviews put in place for all KS4 students to help with pathway planning. In addition a small group of Year 10s including all those identified as ‘disadvantages learners’ met with a member of LT to discuss a study plan for the GCSEs and a longer term plan. All Year 11 students had an LT meeting to discuss next step.

Continue to offer extensive support to students in Sixth Form to support them with next step planning to ensure all students have a plan in place. This is comprised of: CV workshops, mock interviews, university/ apprenticeship fairs… In addition, we are going to increase the scale of the Year 10 careers week to allow for greater long term planning to ensure disadvantaged learners have some work experience and guidance before leaving Year 11.

£7,000 (cost of admin staff x1 day a week)

Total spent £112,800

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