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Academy of Wisdom Teaching EuUniversalis - hallmark and true expression of the spiritual life


A compilation of written contributions

Klaas Hoekstra Stephen D. Pugh Steven van Kervel

Other contributions by

Maurizio Modaffari Nikolaos Lymperopoulos

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Academy of Wisdom Teaching EuUniversalis - hallmark and true expression of the spiritual life


A Hierarchy of Relationships Synthesis and the Mind: what or where do they bring us Aries and its ruling energies Higher mental and buddhic planes - planes of the inner Ashram Avatar of Synthesis & the principle of directed purpose


The Seven Ray Lives The seven greater and lesser periods The seven lesser racial ray periods


Occult Triangles Triangle dynamics Triangular Energy Streams Twelve etheric Centres of Man Icosahedron Icosahedron with “Golden Thread Icosahedron with inscribed Dodecahedron Three Zodiacal Signs for Man Seven Ray Triangles of the Zodiac A Major Cosmic Triangle Epilogue






















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Alignment with the Hierarchy and Shamballa After many years of focused involvement with the Ageless Wisdom teaching, developing the power to think abstractly and to apply concretely, using the techniques of the science of meditation and the science of service practised by many disciples - the two sciences contributing to the construction of the group antahkarana - have had the effect of identifying the group with the process of planetary redemption. This redemption implies the refinement and purification of planetary substance of which all our vehicles on all levels are composed, bringing new life at the heart of every atom of substance and liberating the life force imprisoned in matter. The extent to which this release and revelation of life energy has occurred in any one or any group, determines the extent of their spiritual livingness, their capacity to transform and revolutionise the environment and to become precipitating centres of energy under the divine Plan. Today, through human effort and hierarchical endeavour, a great alignment and linking up is taking place, and Monad, Soul and Personality are being more directly related than has hitherto been possible. One reason for this is that there are present in incarnation upon the planet many more initiates of the third degree than ever before and there are many more disciples being prepared for the third initiation. Therefore the closer relation of the Hierarchy to Shamballa, the stimulation of its own interior life and the readiness of humanity for revelation and for certain unexpected development, will condition the cycle into which we recently entered. This is the most amazing period in the history of humanity , the Hierarchy and Shamballa. It is a cycle also wherein the three major planetary centres Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity are in direct and unimpeded relation, for today the alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in planetary history. Something therefore has been initiated and the effects are enormous. And in this third strictly human race, the three aspects of the personality are now so potent that their magnetic influence and their creative effect are making the building of the antahkarana an outstanding achievement, thus linking and aligning the three aspects in man. The same is true of the three divine centres in the planet which embody these divine qualities: Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity. These are now closely aligned, thus producing a fusion of energies, which is causing an inflow of the spiritual will, as well as a demonstration of the Destroyer aspect in its higher being. We are indicating a Way during this retreat and one, which we can achieve by aligning and adjusting with these divine centres. Through our Synthesis-meditation, the meditations Letting in the Light and the technique of the Presence we are related with the Hierarchy and Shamballa. This signifies a great moment in our consciousness, in our human affairs and an opportunity. The need for a due appreciation of this, will be evident, and should incite all who contemplate to renewed effort and to fresh endeavour. We must seek to meet all the planetary changes and opportunities with corresponding changes in our own lives. We must seek new creative approaches which will result not alone in the building of the group antahkarana, but also in the fusion of the many "radiant strands" which will produce those "ashramic connecting cables," which will relate the planetary centres – with the planetary inlets in Europe like Geneva (a 2nd ray centre) and London (a 1st ray centre) - and present the medium, along which can pass the fiery Will and the predetermined purpose of Deity. This will bring about, as we see it now, the reconstruction of the manifested worlds, and in this task each and every one of us can have his share. In our connection with the Hierarchy - as a heart centre - can stream those lines of energy, which link and bind together. This heart centre with its correspondence 2nd major Ray and a 1st sub-Ray from Shamballa - when adequately radiatory and magnetic - relates disciples in the ashrams to each other in Europe and to all the disciples in the world; as we know that from the beginning in meditation a student of the ageless wisdom works at visualisation, beginning with the Master in the Heart. This ensures that visualisation forces are draw upon internal sources and is based upon a basic law of occultisme: energy follows thought, it imbues the future with intention. After the discovering some


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years ago of a more advanced programme of the meditation in the Heart, which can be found on the academy website, this programme also produces that telepathic interplay which is so much necessary and which is so constructively useful to the spiritual Hierarchy for the next decade unto 2025 - provided it is established within a group of disciples, dedicated to the service of humanity. So we see that the fire of Spirit or the Monad is the essential fire of the first Lord of Will plus the fire of the second Logos of Love. These two cosmic Entities blend, merge, and demonstrate as One Soul through the Heart-centre, utilising for purposes of manifestation the aid of the third Logos. The three fires blend and merge. In this fourth round and on this fourth globe of our planetary scheme, the fires of the third Logos of intelligent matter are fusing somewhat with the fires of cosmic mind, showing as will or power, and animating the Thinker on all planes. The object of Their co-operation is the perfected manifestation of the cosmic Lord of Love. The mind reveals itself most completely under the influence of Shamballa and under the first Ray of Will or Power, reflecting the higher aspect of the will of divinity or of the atmic principles; it summarises in itself when fully developed the purpose of Deity, and thus becomes responsible for the emergence of the Plan. It is also helpful to remember that all is spiritual that causes development in advance of the present state. For every soul that is different and unique, for it depends on their present state of awareness and focus. However for the disciple in advancement into the world of spiritual values and into the realm of triadial existence it is an advance into greater simplicity. While the "radiant rainbow bridge" unites the illumined personality, is focussed in the mind body, is motivated by the love of the soul with the Monad or with the One Life; and thus enables the divine manifesting Son of God to express Itself as a consuming Fire. This fire – when energised by love - burns out all personality attitudes, leaving only a purified instrument coloured by the soul ray and no longer needs the existence of a soul body. The personality has by this time completely absorbed the soul, or to put it perhaps more accurately, both soul and personality have been fused and blended into one instrument for the use of the One Life. For this world cycle - as this process is carried forward, three great aspects of divine manifestation emerge upon the theatre of world life and on the physical plane. These are Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa. A Hierarchy of Relationships The task for instance of the 2nd Ray European Master – and as well the work in 1st and 2nd ray ashrams - at this time, is to stimulate as many as possible in Their ashrams and groups, to work consistently on all levels of spiritual activity, wherein the fire of the will-to-good may animate and dominate. A part of these ashrams are still struggling with the first meditative stages in the task of understanding the Agni yoga-fires of the mind; these must be first comprehended and their fiery essence quenched before the fire of the Will-to-Good can flow through a disciple-group. As advanced disciples we have no interest in anything but the vision, the Plan and its direction and materialising upon earth. Accepted disciples are learning this and in the meantime have to react to the vision in another manner; they are occupied with the Plan and with the distribution of the forces, which will materialise it. Thus the entire activity of the Ashram is coordinated. Accepted disciples are valuable as "agents for experiment and practical application." According to their reaction to the imparted truths and Plan, according to their ability to sense the need and to bring the need and the medium of release into relation, and according to their capacity to work with the world disciples will be the success of the effort in the outer world. Thus the concept of the "Hierarchy of Relationship" is brought to our attention. In these days of world-opportunity, it is this bringing about of the energy of human and hierarchical relationship which presents the key to the immediate aspect of the vision which must be precipitated upon our planet.


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Therefore, an Ashram is as well a centre wherein subjective and objective group-relationship and crises-management is tried out and an energy-centre where disciples can fulfil their purpose. The emerging trend today of having a vision is one of the most difficult to express. It is not easy to discover the right words to define its meaning. It is what is called the ‘quality of an inner vision’. This cannot readily be expressed in words that average man can comprehend, for we refer not to man's vision, but to Sanat Kumara His own vision of His Purpose. But what is it? How to define it? Men are no longer satisfied to call it God, and they are right. Yet the quality and the nature of the vision which is Sanat Kumara’s own vision and thought, have held His purpose steady throughout the aeons and have motivated His creative processes. Great Sons have come and gone and challenged us to follow the light, to seek the vision of reality, to open our eyes and see truth and life as it is. Down the ages, men have sought to do this and have called the method of their search by many names - life experience, scientific research, philosophic questionings, history, adventure, religion, mysticism, occultism and many other terms applied to the adventurous excursions of the human mind in search of knowledge, of Reality. Some have ended up in the astral worlds, and must continue their search later when they emerge from the depths of the Great Illusion. Others have wandered back into the dark cave of a pronounced materialism and must likewise return and reorient themselves, or rather perhaps, complete the circle, for who shall say from what point SK‘s vision can be seen? Some lose themselves in thought processes and self-induced imaginings, and the vision gets hidden behind a multitude of words, both spoken and written. Still others find themselves lost in the clouds of their own devotion, idealism and self-awareness, and in the misty speculations of their own minds and desires. They are at a standstill, lost in the fog of their own dreams of what the vision should be and thus it eludes them. The vision in reality is ever on ahead; it eludes our grasp; it haunts our dreams and our high moments of aspiration. Only when a man can function as a soul, and can turn the developed inner eye outward into the physical world and inward into the world of reality, he can begin to sense a true objective and purpose, to catch a brief glimpse of a Divine Pattern and the Plan to which he so willingly conditions his own life, and for which the Eternal Sacrifice of a Cosmic Buddha and the World-teacher Maitreya is essential. Shamballa is at this time primarily occupied towards synthesis and the Hierarchy towards the vision. Their watchwords are spiritual will and unification and sight.

• For Shamballa these developments will produce Monadic Life; • For the Hierarchy and its Members these developments will produce crises and externalization

on earth; • For humanity these developments will produce the integration and blending of the soul and the

personality, and the awakening of that inner vision which will permit a flash of the Reality to enter into man's consciousness.

This is not a flash of His own divinity, or a sensing of a God as Creator. It is a flash of the Divinity inherent in the Whole, as it works out a vaster scheme of evolutionary process than any hitherto grasped or sensed by the keenest minds on earth. It concerns the vision granted when a man achieves the spiritual planes, and enters upon the first stage of that endless Path which leads towards a beauty, comprehension and unfoldment, untouched as yet by the highest type of human insight. So let us partly touch upon these visions of the Great Ones during this first retreat in 2011, which theme is:

“Preparatory Alignment and Adjustment - with the Hierarchy and with Shamballa”,


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and try how to strengthen the bridge to the future in the Aquarian age, towards a new synthesis and ponder on the scientific techniques and practical applications to fulfil the demand for more specific advanced discipleship service in the 21st century? Synthesis and the Mind: what or where do they bring us The sense of synthesis is a group faculty already in evidence and ready for expansion and application as we experienced yesterday in our meditation yoga of synthesis. How is this related to illumination and the Mind? It would be well to point out here that beyond the stage of illumination, as it can be achieved by man, lies that which we might call the unfoldment of a divine Insight. We have the following unfoldments and possible developments, each of which constitutes an expansion in consciousness:

• Instinct | • Intellect > All of them leading up to lnsight. • Intuition | • Illumination |

In these words, sequentially presented, there is perhaps made clearer to us the fact of Insight to one’s vision. To spiritual see with the Ashram is an ability of a functioning disciple and the technique and mode of bringing still another development. The Ashram is also a field for service experience for the initiate as the initiated disciple substitutes ashramic energy for the energy-force polarity of the disciple serving the promptings of the soul. More is not possible until each of those words signifies something practical in our own inner experience. This quality of the inner vision and we try to express during this retreat, with which the Hierarchy is seeking to work and to develop in the souls of men, is an expression of the Principle of Continuance, which finds its distorted reflection in the word so often used by disciples: - Endurance. This principle of continuance constitutes the capacity of God to persist and "to remain." It is an attribute of the cosmic Ray of Love-Wisdom as are all the principles and trends of divinity and these tendencies of the divine Life. Let us not forget that all the seven rays are sub-rays of the cosmic Ray of Love-Wisdom. We shall, therefore, see why these principles are determining soul activities, and can only come into play when the kingdom of God - or the kingdom of souls and the ashrams - begins to externalize on earth. This “Principle of Continuance” is based upon the clearer vision of Deity and upon the consequent continuity of plan and purpose which results when the objective is clearly seen and developed in plain and formulated outline. It is the macrocosmic correspondence to the continuance and the continuity found in man when - after a night of sleep and of unconsciousness - he proceeds with his daily avocation and consciously resumes his planned activities. It will therefore be seen how the work of the Hierarchy in connection with mankind falls into two parts: (1) the work with individual human beings, in order to awaken them to soul consciousness, and (2) then the work with them, as souls, so that (functioning then on soul levels and as conscious units) they can begin to vision the objective of God Himself. This second division of Their effort is only now in the 21st century becoming possible on a wider scale, as men begins to respond to the trend towards synthesis, and to react to the divine principle of coherence, so that (stimulated by their group relation) they can unitedly sense the vision and react to the principle of continuance. So, when this Wisdom and love shall shine forth universally, intuition is literally the synthetic and immediate grasp of the truth – which in Agni Yoga it is called ‘direct knowledge’ - which will bring in


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humanity that perfect insight and it makes from a human being a complete and intelligent hierarchical co-operator with the Plan. Aries and its ruling energies The Easter Festival is the first full moon of spring – the season of nature’s resurrection, and the universal resurgence of the life stream brings to mind the continuity of existence that underlies all of life’s cyclic activity. We would like to share some pondering thoughts we have had concerning the energies that Aries brings us and how these energies might impinge on the concepts of resurrection, divine intervention, and the continuity of revelation. The Aries keynote from the perspective of the Soul is “I come forth and from the plane of Mind, I rule.” Here also a beginning is being made. However, in this case there is complete autonomy. “I come forth; I rule.” Overshadowing in the early stages has led to integration and autonomy as new beginnings are made on the higher turn of the spiral. This suggests the analogy of the beginning of physical life. With every identity, as of the infant, is of paramount importance. Then, as the young adult strikes out on her own, she embodies in her consciousness of self all these past influences of mind, as it were. (a) Thus Aries is a sign of beginnings – the first of the three urges that characterize this sign and that take shape in the phrases “Let form be sought” and “I come forth.” (b) The second is the urge to create, which carries the development to the next level. The development of sustained creative drive is the next step. (c) The third urge in Aries is the urge to resurrection – to achieve freedom from form through the agency of the concrete mind. Thus we have: - physical commencement and spiritual commencement; - physical creation and spiritual creation; - physical emergence and spiritual liberation: these are the initial impulses sensed in Aries. Humanity, it is stated, is on the path of discipleship, but there is no evidence in general yet that the majority of people “rule from the plane of mind.” To the contrary, it falls to the clearer-sighted minority to provide education, influence and inspiration in an effort to lead humanity along the path toward freedom from the astral miasma that holds millions in thrall. This responsibility carries the note of the overshadowing, hinted at in the phrase “And the Word said:...”, as well as aligning with the resurrecting energies of Aries. Certainly we, as dedicated members of the New Group of World Servers, have long and seemingly thankless tasks ahead of us as we try to make a difference in a highly disturbed world. Let us look at the next topic: Higher mental and buddhic planes - planes of the inner Ashram As we all might experience, there is a subjective guidance, on one level or another, and it is a fact of our daily life. One source – the most accessible one to most people – is the kingdom of devas. For instance, certain kinds of devas function as the “guardian angels” of fable and legend. By our research we observed and sensed an intense contribution from these devas in their serried ranks of activity. They are very well organized, aligned and adjusted with the solar angels, the souls.


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Another point of great importance related to this subject and to occultists and spiritual workers, is the progressive externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the great Teachers of humanity Who, in Their various ways, are intimately involved in all the issues that we care so much about, like during this retreat. The Hierarchy’s focus on the invocative energies of the world’s serving groups at the time of each full moon - year in and year out - is a demonstration of how close humanity has come to the principal source of divine revelation. Times have changed, and the opportunity has never been greater. Divine revelation through devic mediation is now understood to exist in a continuum; its sources are understood better than before, but – most important – people working in groups can interrelate with the Hierarchy and its armies of silence, on a continuing, rhythmic schedule. Training to work in these ashramic groups is becoming more widely available through networking and outreach via meditation schools, consciousness-raising groups and internet-publications. The opportunity has never been greater, and the need has never been greater. Throughout history, various disciples and initiates have responded to great need by incarnating, singly or in groups. During their lives they played conditioning roles in human history and are remembered as great leaders, philosophers, or artists in their various fields. These are referred to as the “Lesser Avatars.” The Hierarchy categorizes these avatars as follows: 1. Racial Avatars 2. Teaching Avatars 3. Ray Avatars 4. Transmitting Avatars To elaborate further: 1. The Racial Avatars - are “evoked by the genius and destiny of a race, and foreshadow the nature of the race.” 2. Teaching Avatars - “sound a new note in the realm of thought and consciousness; they reveal the next needed truth; they pronounce those words and formulate those truths that throw light upon the spiritual development of humanity.” Such avatars were Plato, Patanjali and Sankaracharya”; they emerged on the Second Ray. 3. Ray Avatars - “come forth at relatively long intervals when a ray is coming into manifestation. They embody the quality and force of a particular ray.” The Seventh Ray Avatar is due to beginning to appear during this century when the Piscean influence has passed. 4. The great Transmitting Avatars - are manifestations of divinity that appear at those cyclic moments when humanity needs the expression of a new truth or the expansion of an old one in order to further its evolutionary progress. The outstanding representatives are the Buddha and the Maitreya. Avatar of Synthesis & the principle of directed purpose There is a class of being, centered in a place unknown to us, which exists on a level more exalted than the other four. These great Avatars – also referred to as Divine Embodiments. They appear rarely and when They do, the effectiveness and results of Their work is very great. They issue forth into manifestation via the center at Shamballa, because They are an expression of the Will nature of Deity. They can only be reached by the united voices of the Hierarchy and of humanity speaking in unison. They never descend lower than the mental plane, and the main emphasis and attention of Their work is directed to the Hierarchy; the Hierarchy is Their transmitting agency. They occasionally reach those thinking people, focused on the mental plane, who have clear vision, potent


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resolve, directed will and open minds, plus essential purity of form. These Avatars express the Will of God, the energy of Shamballa, and the impulse lying behind divine purpose. The central and greatest Being on this level is called the Avatar of Synthesis, because the cosmic energy He will transmit has the quality of Synthesis. On human levels, there is no word as yet for this energy. The closest – yet inadequate – expression for it that can be found is “the principle of directed purpose.” This “principle of directed purpose” involves

1. Understanding of the Plan; 2. Focused intention to a degree as yet undeveloped in humanity; 3. Capacity to direct energy toward a recognized and desired end, also to a life-strengthening

degree as yet undeveloped.

The Avatar of Synthesis is in contact with the Hierarchy and, when He is evoked by the common demand of the Hierarchy and humanity, it will descend as far as the mental plane. He will be accompanied by a Forerunner or Representative on the physical plane. As we are told, this may be the Maitreya - the Christ. For this momentous event to take place, the Hierarchy must weigh the following issues, among others: I. The extremity of the need; II. Humanity’s progress in its battle with the Forces of Evil; III. The degree of purification of the vehicles. Purification is essential because the extra-planetary energy of synthesis, expressed by the Avatar, finds planetary expression along the lines of the First Ray of Will. Even in its stepped-down state, via the First Ray Ashram of the Master Morya, the impact will be powerful. On the physical plane, the initiates and the disciples working in the Ashram of the Master Morya are primarily occupied with the expression of synthesis in the world of politics and of government, and with offsetting wrong approaches to synthesis, seeking to preserve freedom in unity. It is a subjective synthesis for which they work – a synthesis that will express itself in an outer differentiation. This synthesis will define the many aspects of the essential, basic unity that, working out under the stimulation of the energy of synthesis, will bring about eventual peace and understanding on Earth – a peace that will preserve individual and national cultures, but that will subordinate them to the good of the whole of humanity. Learning to cooperate with this vital energy of synthesis on the mental and buddhic plane is of course a challenge to the whole New Group of World Servers, all the ashrams and to all who seek to aid the Hierarchy at this time and who are training themselves to work with this energy, as we are now doing during this retreat as well. Fundamentally, the evolution and salvation of the world lies in the hands of this now forming and synthesizing group of disciples coming from several ashrams, including ourselves if we wish – via our focused intent, our capacity to love, our understanding of the Plan, our capacity to direct constructive energy, our willingness to assume responsibility and make sacrifices, and our group-understanding of the “principle of directed purpose.” Let us focus in our group-work on the fusion of energies of the first Ray and second Ray ashrams, and let us try to bring these blending energies in relation with the seventh Ray ashram.


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COSMOLOGY – AN OUTLINE AND A PLAN OF STRUCTURE The Seven Ray Lives The Tibetan Master DK teaches that astronomers have yet to recognize the fact that our solar system is revolving around a Grand Cosmic Sun along with six other allied constellations. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 1084, He states:

Scientists have not yet admitted into their calculations the fact that our solar system is revolving around a cosmic centre along with six other constellations of even greater magnitude in the majority of cases than ours, only one being of approximately of the same magnitude as our solar system.

The circle of astronomical sources mentioned here form the plan of structure of the "trans-Solar Systems" referred to by H.P. Blavatsky in Commentaries (Stanza 6:4). She writes:

The Law of Analogy in the plan of structure between the trans-solar systems and the solar planets, does not necessarily bear upon the finite conditions, to which every visible body is subject, in this our plane of being. In Occult Science, the Law of Analogy is the first and most important key to Cosmic Physics; but it has to be studied in its minutest details, and "turned seven times" before one comes to understand it. (Commentaries 6:4 pages 205-206)

The Secret Doctrine teaches that the visible suns of the star groups mentioned, along with our central physical sun and system of solar Planets, are the visible reflections of the [Incorporeal Intelligences] or solar Ray Logoi. Our solar system is the reflection of one of the seven cosmic Logoic (laya) centres with its physical structure of solar planets merely “shadows” of their corresponding (Indestructible) Primary Bodies in the relatively noumenal universe. The light, which to all appearances comes from the visible Suns of the Seven (Laya) Centres is but the reflection of the (Absolute Light) Rays of the Central Spiritual Sun. (Primordial Undifferentiated Light, hence, Incomprehensible Darkness to us). It is the Seven Rays of the Central Spiritual Sun that radiate forth in a ceaseless stream of energy which attain increasing activity with every rung of the sevenfold latter of Be-ing they descend. Within and around the (Laya) star centres the electrical ray energies streamed until, through the course of the ages, what were originally absolute Zero Points in Space have become, to the senses of humanity, visible, self-luminous suns. The light that to all appearances comes from the seven visible suns, is but the reflection of the Divine Rays of the Central Spiritual Sun. These Rays of Light, not traceable by the physical sense of sight, are directly transmitted from the Central Sun through the circle of trans-solar systems. Each one of the seven principal Ray Lives in our solar system is actuated by a threefold stream of energy emanating from one or other of the trans-solar systems, our own solar system and one of the seven sacred planets. The structure of solar planets are focal points through which the streams of extra-systemic Ray energy circulate and flow ceaselessly, and these energies are animated by the Life of the cosmic Logos. The seven-fold cosmic energy, the fused and blended energies of the trans or extra- systemic solar Logoi, sweeps automatically through each of the seven and creates the world process of Becoming and Evolution which works undeviatingly towards an unknown cosmic goal. In exactly the same manner as the seven centres in a human being are the focal points for the ray stimulation of one or other of the seven sacred planets of our solar system, so to are the Heavenly Prototypes of our solar system the focal points for the force, power and vibratory life of the great Ray Logoi. Vortices of force on the cosmic etheric plane form the framework or bodies of the solar Ray Logoi in the same way that the bodies of the seven sacred planets are the etheric centres for a solar Logos, and as the seven centres in man existing in etheric substance, are the hypostatical or electrically animating impulse of his life. What we term "Life" is then, for us, the sum total of the emanating Ray energies that form the sevenfold body of manifestation of our Great Unknown cosmic Logos.


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In Esoteric astrology, as just said, every human being corresponds to, and depends on, his higher noumenon, - the Luminary to whose essence he belongs. Indissolubly united in each incarnation, therefore, every mortal has an immortal counterpart or Archetype in Celestial Space. In all cases, the individual monad of man is of the identical essence as one or other of the sidereal Gods that form the inner circle of seven solar Logoi. Esoteric astrology teaches the connection and the union between the mortal man and his immortal celestial counterpart. Eventually man consciously binds and blends himself back into his animating source, which in all cases is the Logos of the Ray in Whose Body his Monad may be found. When a man consciously and definitely comes under the control of his soul ray, he comes definitely under the influence of one or other of the cosmic Rays as they focus their energy through one or other of the trans-solar systems and subsequently one or other of the sacred planets of our system. We can see therefore, the circle of trans-solar systems is intimately associated, through the rays, with the sacred planets of our solar system and the seven types of human beings. Humanity cannot escape its ruling destiny, which is directed by the heavenly choir of voices coming from the principal Luminaries of cosmos. The fundamental tenet of the Sacred Science is the spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal Man. This Cosmic Destiny ever leads on the seven groups of human Thinkers until eventually, one by one, the Inner men are drawn higher and ever higher into the one and highest Beam of their Monadic Ray or corresponding Parent-Sun. The path of approach to one's celestial Prototype in "Heaven" runs, in all cases, co-ordinately with the numerically controlled spiral-cyclic impulses of the Hiero-Inspiration of the respective Luminary. The seven greater and lesser periods Rays Greater period Lesser period Ray 1 1,000 years 100 years Ray 2 5,000 years 500 years Ray 3 9,000 years 900 years Ray 4 2,500 years 250 years Ray 5 3,500 years 350 years Ray 6 1,500 years 150 years Ray 7 7,000 years 700 years Students of the mathematical rates of vibration of the seven rays will find it necessary to study both the timetables and datelines of the four active greater Racial Ray cycles along with the four Lesser Racial ray periods in active manifestation at any given time. The Chohan DK, in this context, states: When students learn to blend the one hundred year cycles of the first type of energy with the equally powerful impulses (500 years) from the second Ray and the (900 years) third, we shall then have a cessation of many controversies. No great impulse will come from the Lodge along the line of the first Ray of Will or Power till the close of a century. 100 years..................Manu 500 years..................Christ 900 years..................Mahachohan One such impulse along another line of force came when the discovery of the nature of the atom was arrived at through the study of electricity, and of radioactive substances, and an impulse from the second aspect is imminent. It is not safe for students with limited vision to dogmatize anent this question of cycles. Apart from the cyclic impulses continuously going forth, overlapping and superseding, and intermingling with each other, there are many which we might call lesser impulses (and the cycle of one hundred years to which H. P. B. refers is but one of the lesser impulses. There is a one thousand year cycle of greater moment). There are vaster cycles, of (4th ray) 2500 years, of (7th Ray) 7,000 years, of (3rd Ray) 9,000 years, of (6th Ray) 15,000 years, and many others which only advanced initiates know of or can follow; these can break in upon any of the lesser impulses, and


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can be seen appearing, unexpectedly, as far as average man's knowledge is concerned, and yet they are but the returning impulses set in cyclic motion perhaps thousands of years ago. H. P. B. is right in his affirmation as far as the impulse of the first ray is concerned; but his followers are not right, in so far as they overlook and negate the six other types of impulses, of equal or of more importance, which may emanate cyclically from the Lodge, and which will meet with response from those who vibrate to that particular type of energy. (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 1039) Allow me now to show you the exact correlations between the numerical periods as given by the Tibetan in the above passage to the numbers, figures and periods of the Seven Rays: Rays Periods Ray 1 10 x 1 = 10 x 10 = 100 x 10 = 1000. Ray 2 10 x 5 = 50 x 10 = 500 x 10 = 5000. Ray 3 10 x 9 = 90 x 10 = 900 x 10 = 9000. Ray 4 10 x 2.5 = 25 x 10 = 250 x 10 = 2500. Ray 5 10 x 3.5 = 35 x 10 = 350 x 10 = 3500. Ray 6 10 x 1.5 = 15 x 10 = 150 x 10 = 1500. Ray 7 10 x 7 = 70 x 10 = 700 x 10 = 7000. Through using the formula of “10 to the third power” we arrive at the correct mathematical rates of vibration and numerical values for the greater and the lesser periods of the Seven Rays exercised in conjunction with the 10 sacred root-numbers of the Seven Rays. It is time to clearly academically state to the modern student of Ray Astrology the occult fact that HPB disclosed the method for figuring the greater and lesser periods of the Seven Rays in the initial commentary of The Secret Doctrine, Stanza One, Shloka One. HPB writes:

1,000 is the number ten to the third power, and therefore 7,000 is also symbolical. H.P.B., in this single sentence, not only actually reveals the respective mathematical rates and values for the 1st and the 7th rays but also gives the sacred formula of “10 to the third power” which is necessary to know to figure all seven of the greater and lesser ray periods. Reflect on this but be not unduly surprised. The number ten is the Perfect Number and the Master Number of Occultism. Its prime use in calculating the various periods of duration of the Seven Rays should not come as a surprise to the sincere and earnest student. In fact, it is only logical and an occult imperative that it is so figured. The Tibetan confirms the relationship between the first and seventh ray periods and the corresponding sacred numbers, the “10”, and the “7”, in the following reference: The first ray, for instance, governs all cycles such as those of one million years, one hundred thousand years, one thousand years, one hundred years and one year. The seventh ray controls such similar cycles as seven thousand years, and seven million years. The interchange and interplay of these ray cycles is so intricate and so great that it would serve only to confuse should I further elaborate. Remember, however, that all of the seven rays are forever functioning, and functioning simultaneously, but that cyclically and under the directed plan of the Minds (who are embodied by the rays), certain of these influences and forces are more dominant at one time than at another, and certain lines of activity and certain results of this activity are demonstrated under one ray influence more than under another. These influences pour through all forms in all kingdoms, producing specific effects, definite and different forms of life, peculiar types of realization, and particular expressions of consciousness in form which are, for that period, the product of the united and concerted plan of the building forces, working in complete harmony, but temporarily under one or another of their number. They enter into constructive activity; they pass through that particular cycle; they then pass out, or die to that activity, and are then "raised into heaven," until such time as their cycle again comes round. This process they constantly enact and re-enact, repeating the drama of birth, death and resurrection. In this ray activity will be found the true significance of the Law of Rebirth, and it lies behind the process of incarnation and of reincarnation. Upon this I may not here dwell, beyond pointing out that men's ideas and teaching anent reincarnation are as yet childish and inaccurate. Much readjustment


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must be made, and much rearrangement of ideas is necessitated, before a true understanding of this basic cyclic law will be possible. (Esoteric Psychology I, page 266) Naturally, as just demonstrated, and clearly stated by DK in a Treatise on Cosmic Fire, the individual Ray cycles do not coincide, for they all run their own numerical path. All that originates on the first ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the number 10 and finding its highest cyclic vibration, as it happens, once in every seven cycles at the 7th sub-ray. It then curves in upon itself and declines for a period of three ingoing-sub-rays. This is the only ray that does not reach its highest cyclic vibration halfway through its cycle. Perhaps, this fact should not surprise us, after all, Dual Cipher 10, is the Master Number. All that originates on the second ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the number 5 and finding its high-watermark as it happens, halfway through its period at 2.5. All that originates on the third ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the number 9 and finding its period of peak emergence halfway through its period at 4.5. All that originates on the fourth ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the number 2.5 and finding its peak outgoing cycle, preparatory to curving in upon itself, halfway through its period at 1.25. All that originates on the fifth ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the number 3.5 and finding its outgoing peak halfway through its cycle at 1.75. All that originates on the sixth ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based on the number 1.5 and finding its period of highest cyclic vibration halfway through its period at .75 All that originates on the seventh ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based on the number 7 and finding its period of peak emanatory impulse halfway through its period at 3.5. The seven lesser racial ray periods Rays Periods Outgoing peak Sub-rays Ray 1 100 years 70 years 10.0 years Ray 2 500 years 250 years 35.7 years Ray 3 900 years 450 years 64.2 years Ray 4 250 years 125 years 17.8 years Ray 5 350 years 175 years 25.0 years Ray 6 150 years 75 years 10.7 years Ray 7 700 years 350 years 50.0 years The 10 sacred numbers of the 7 RAY I “1” RAY II “5” RAY III “9” RAY IV “25” RAY V “35” RAY VI “15” RAY VII “7” [1+5+9+2+5+3+5+1+5+7 = (43) = 7] When added together the 10 Sacred Numbers of the Seven Great Rays produce the number (43), which when further reduced equals (4+3 = 7), the Sacred "7", standing for the Seven Rays. This


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indicates that the Perfect Man or Creative Logos is a Quaternary and a Ternary or composed of Four Material and Three Immaterial elements. The Eternal Cosmos, the Great Macrocosm, is divided like Man, the Microcosm, into Three Principles and Four Vehicles, which in their collectivity are the Seven Principles. The 10 digit formulaic code of the sacred numbers reduces to the famous 3, and 4 and 7 of Esoteric Philosophy. The "4", preceding the "3", shows that when the Heavenly Triangle and Quaternary are reflected in the Universe of Matter as paradigmatic Man, they are reversed, and the Triangle of formative potency is thrown below the Quaternary. On the terrestrial plane, the Universal Mind is reflected, in an inverted sense, as in a mirror. In the 10 digit numerical sequence and progression of numbers there is the underlying idea of the basic number "7", the compound of the "3", and the "4', preceded by the "10". Once again, the fundamental significance of the Septenary must be emphasized and the Occult fact that it takes, in Masonic symbology, Seven Masons to form a Lodge. No human intellect can grasp the reason for the use of the numbers 3, 4, and 7 throughout every centre of manifested Life. All that we do know is that their use is the effect of an action of Universal Law, and must be satisfied with that for present. The foundation of the chief numerical doctrine in the primeval cosmogony of the Archaic Secret Doctrine is thus shown to be identical with the mathematical groundwork of the Fourth Fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom. H.P.B. taught that it is upon true mathematics that the knowledge of Cosmos and of all mysteries rest and that every great world cosmogony is based upon, interlinked with and most closely related to numerals and geometric figures. The figures and numbers of Occult Cosmogony, as just mentioned, yield numerical values based on the integral values of the Great Circle - the Universal Symbol of the abode of the invisible sevenfold cosmic Logos. This means that the Great Circle, the "O ", or the zero, becomes a figure or number only when prefixed by one of the Numerical Figures of the Divine Alphabet, thus, manifesting the integral values and potencies of the Ever Invisible Logos. Properly understood, in metaphysical context, the above sentence explains why each one of the seven periods of the Rays end therefore with a “0” or series of zeros prefixed by a sacred ray figure. In the Esoteric Doctrine, the system of Sacred Numbers expresses a symbolical record of the Divine Thought of the Celestial Logos in Nature. In the Commentaries (Stanza 3:4), from the Book of Dzyan , it says, concerning the difference between Sacred Numbers and Figures, the following: In the Book of Dzyan, as in the Kaballah, there are two kinds of numerals to be studied - the Figures, often simple blinds, and the Sacred Numbers, the values of which are known to the Occultists through Initiation. The former are but conventional glyphs; the latter the basic symbol of all. That is to say, the one are purely physical, the other purely metaphysical, the two standing in relation to each other as Matter stands to Spirit - the extreme poles of the One Substance. It is of the utmost importance for the student to grasp that the mathematical rates of vibration of the seven planetary centres and Rays are based upon their respective Sacred Numerals, the self-moving numbers, the vital figures. In Esoteric astrology, a Sacred Number is the embodiment and the expression of a cosmic Entity, "Divinities", and at the same time, "Breaths" emanating from the cosmic Logos, "the All in All, who's breath alone could organize the physical Kosmos". Before the mathematical numbers, therefore, there are the self-moving numbers and before the figures apparent - the vital figures Esoteric Numerals lie at the Root of the Manifested Universe and guide the first differentiation of homogeneous Substance into heterogeneous Elements and set the limits to the formative hand of the Logos in Nature. Their Universal Essences are philosophically viewed as the abstraction of expression, or the indrawness of all manifested things. As symbols, the Figures are an expression of the primal essences and qualities of the Celestial Spirit, in the spirit; are, in fact, spirit. In other words, they are the materialized embodiments, the quality of the form or condition of the seven Ray-Spirits, each at a specific higher vibrational rate on one plane or other of Cosmos and seeking expression through that particular form or condition. In no way therefore, is the Universality of


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the Symbolism - of the geometrical figures and mathematical bodies of the 10 Numerical letters of the Divine Alphabet of the Universal Mystery Language- an arbitrary man-made system or code. It becomes evident how the Knowledge of the 10 Sacred Numbers of the Seven Rays will eventually lead humanity to a conscious working with Divine Law and to an intelligent co-operation with the Plan of Evolution. For all purposes of esoteric astrology, whether practical or purely metaphysical, knowledge of the Doctrine of Numbers is absolutely requisite. The cosmological theory of Sacred Numbers is alone able to reconcile the disparate units, Spirit and Matter, and cause the invisible and unseen to demonstrate the visible and seen - mathematically. Quoting from the teachings of H.P.B.: The Alexandrian Neo-Platonists asserted that to become real Chaldees or Magi, one had to master the science or knowledge of the periods of the Seven Rectors of the World, in whom is all wisdom. (Vol. II. Page 125) In Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, she earlier wrote: The sacred numbers of the universe in their esoteric combination can alone solve the great problem, and explain the theory of radiation and the cycle of the emanations. The lower orders, before they develop into the higher ones, must emanate from the higher spiritual ones, and when arrived at the turning- point, be reabsorbed into the infinite." (Pages 6-7) Though of wide general interest, to scholars of the Seven Rays, the subject of ray cycles has always been one, which is withal very little comprehended. Suffice it to say, Eastern Esoteric Astrology alone can give the number of mortal years that run along the sevenfold lines of the spiritual and physical evolutions of the seen and the unseen. For, once again, as H.P.B. has it "...the events of humanity do run co-ordinately with the numbered forms, since the single units of that humanity proceed one and all from the same source - the central Sun and its shadow, the visible. " (Vol. II, page 363) Evolution in general, events, humanity, and everything else in Nature proceeds coeval with the chronological contiguity of the numerical periods of the Seven Rays. Mankind, it might be added, ought ever to strive to help the evolution of Divine Ideas, by becoming, to the best of its abilities, a co-worker with the Plan of Evolution in Nature, in the cyclic task. The course of Ever-present and Ever-becoming Nature under the control of geometrical and mathematical Ray Law is humanities predestined Life Path. Mankind cannot get rid of the burden of its cooperative work with the immutable Laws of Nature because it is the child of Cyclic Destiny and must perform its appointed Cyclic Pilgrimage. Thoroughly to comprehend the blueprints of the Plan of Evolution therefore, necessitates the study of the chief doctrine of all in Esotericism, the Doctrine of Celestial Numbers, the basis of Ray Chronology. In the final analysis, it must continually be borne in mind it is the Sacred Numbers, which are the Divine Archetypes, which become, at a certain stage, the glyphs of the generative powers of the Creative Logos on the plane of Universal Manifestation. Each of the 10 Master Figures of the SEVEN RAYS stand for an external utterance of a numerical letter of the Universal Word, the symbol for the Whole of Cosmos and correspondingly sets the vibration rate of substance on one plane or other of the seven Universal planes of existence through which specific deific qualities seek perfect expression. In other words, the 10 NUMBERS cipher the Universal Symbol of the Deific Word of the Macrocosmic Logos that in (Its) totality is Cosmos - the Universe made into terms of Form. The 10 Sacred Numbers express and describe the architecture of the Idea of the immovable Divine Thought in (Its) Absoluteness. They give the key to understanding the mathematical blueprint of the ideal conception of the Eternal Universe. The corresponding geometric figures or bodies of each one of the 10 numbers of the Seven Rays represent the Sacred Numbers objectively. The Form of the Universe, students must remember, is not produced through or by number, but geometrically, that is, following the proportions described and expressed by the numerical letters of the Universal Word which is, as earlier stated, in its totality the whole of Cosmos. The digitalized Code of Law sets forth a geometric, numerical and astronomical system of exact science founded on the integral values and ratios of the Divine Figures that form, on the plane of the Unified Decade, the Perfect 10, the realm of Reality. Reflect on this.


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The 10 sacred numbers and their numerical formula pertains in its chief applications to the serious study of cosmic, sidereal, terrestrial and spiritual Mysteries. Although it requires arduous labour and necessitates years of study to comprehend even the general gist, it is an easy thing for one well versed in its sacerdotal puzzle to explain the cycles of the Seven Rays. Keep in mind; the numerically controlled periods of the Seven Rays are much more than a mere succession of events, or a periodical space of time of more or less prolonged duration. What the student must attempt to grasp is that, in esoteric astrology, cyclical time is our abstraction of the Celestial Logos who is made to manifest co-ordinately with the numerically controlled spiral-cyclic efforts of the Seven Great Rays or Emanations. The scientific value in all aspects of the Seven Rays is expressed through their mathematical and geometrical relations on the Universal Plane of Nature. Keep in mind; once again, I repeat, the Universal Ray Figures are, in the realm of reality, viewed as the Sacred Numbers or “vital figures”, which come before [a priori], the apparent or objective figures [a posterior]. In Esoteric Astrology a Sacred Number is seen as the embodiment of a cosmic Entity, Divinities and, at the same time "Breaths" emanating from the One Life, the All in All, who's breath alone could organize the Cosmos. Before the mathematical numbers therefore, there are the self-moving numbers and before the figures apparent the vital figures. The 10 Sacred Numbers of the Seven Rays lie at the Root of the Manifested Universe and guide the first differentiation of homogenous Substance into heterogeneous Elements and set the limits to the formative hand of the Logos in Nature. Their Universal Essences are philosophically viewed as the abstraction of expression or, the inwardness of manifested things. As Cosmic Symbols, the 10 Sacred Numbers of the seven rays are an expression of the primal qualities and essences of the Celestial Spirit, in the Spirit, are, in fact, Spirit. In other words, they are the materialized embodiments, the quality of the form or the condition of the Seven Ray Spirits, each at a specific higher vibration rate on one plane or other of Cosmos and seeking expression through that particular form or condition. In no way therefore, are the mathematical figures and geometrical bodies of the 10 Sacred Numbers an arbitrary or human-born doctrine, system or code. Indeed, these numbers have their application in the most sacred calculations of Lodge astrologers, as they are the never-erring, perpetually recurring numbers, unveiling to the student who studies them a truly Divine System and an intelligent Plan in Nature. Taken collectively, they represent the Light of the Logos, the direct reflection of the Un-manifest on the Plane of Universal Manifestation; that is, the Divine Host of Sephiroth who have constructed the Universe. All created Bodies on the Universal Plane of Nature are built in proportion by their means and are numerically co-ordinate in relation to their movements. The Chain of Hierarchy is great and immutable and the numerical sequences unalterable. Never does the geometrical pattern, the numerical progression, or the Law of Correspondence break down. It becomes evident that Knowledge of the numerically controlled periods of the Seven Rays will eventually lead humanity to a conscious working with Divine Law and to an intelligent co-operation with the Plan of Evolution. Though always of wide general interest to students of the Seven Rays, the subject of the periods of the Ray Cycles has always been one, which is withal very little, comprehended. Suffice it to say, the precise mathematical ray values of the seven rays alone can provide the number of mortal years that run along the sevenfold lines of the spiritual and physical evolutions of the seen and the unseen because the events of mankind, as all else in nature do run co-ordinately with the numerically controlled periods of the Seven Rays.


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THE SCIENCE OF TRIANGLES Occult Triangles Occult Triangles concern the many patterns of the seven ray energies that relate us to the universe, that enable our creative existence and that relate us to the divine – making us essentially immortal and servants of the Plan. We have to transform the existent etheric squares of form and matter on our planet - the third aspect - into triangular relationships – the second aspect. This is because the Triangles develop the consciousness or soul - aspect. Here we touch upon the Science of Relationships, so much interrelated with the Sciences of Astrology, of Triangles, of Antahkarana building, of Meditation and of Service. All are truly related to Occult Triangles.

The basis of the astrological sciences is the emanation, transmission and reception of energies and their transmutation into forces by the receiving entity. (Esoteric Astrology, page 266)

These three terms: Emanation - Transmission – Reception, show how Triangles work. Picture 1 (Triangle dynamics) (See pages below) This picture concerns the basic principle of how the 7 ray energies stream through any triangle. In this case, it is the triangle for humanity’s evolution, brought into objective manifestation. Following the energy stream, the graph of a lemniscate or a number “8” emerges; the number of the Christ, standing for Soul-consciousness. This can even be expressed into three- and in four-dimensional patterns as well. Picture 2 (Triangular Energy Streams) (See pages below) This picture of multiple triangular energy streams for the individual disciple shows his direct, basic relationship with the cosmos. On each level, the higher red Triangle generates the lower blue Triangle. The point of distribution on one level becomes the point of emanation on the next level. A chain of energy streams between different levels. Here, man’s Sun sign, his Rising sign and his Opposite sign are important. As you know, the Rising sign is the sign standing on the horizon at the moment of our birth. For the advanced man, the Rising sign and its esoteric ruling planet, gives hints, indicating the purpose of his soul. Picture 3 (Twelve etheric Centres of Man) (See pages below) One step deeper relates the manifold triplicities to the etheric body of man. As the kundalini fire rises, initiation after initiation, the 5 non-sacred planets are replaced by their sacred counter-planets on the same ray. Now we can return to the Zodiac…


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Picture 4 (Icosahedron) (See pages below) We need a three-dimensional structure - to organise these triangular patterns. The Zodiac has its twelve constellations or signs. The Platonic body known as the Icosahedron has also twelve outer corner-points. So, each of the 12 points can be related to one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. We have worked this idea out, by analysing the four Triangles of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, each representing three signs of the Zodiac. The second step was, to see that in this Icosahedron body, the three Crosses – the Mutable, the Fixed and the Cardinal Crosses, each having four signs, stand under angles of 90 degrees to each other. A third step was the identification of the seven ray Triangles in the Zodiac. The next thing was to discover a “golden thread” connecting all twelve signs of the Zodiac in a triple dancing pattern across the surface of the Icosahedron. Picture 5 (Icosahedron with “Golden Thread”) (See pages below) Only one “Golden Thread” was found, connecting the 12 signs in their right sequence. This thread shows three waves or cyclic periods.

1. The first cycle concerns the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. We come down from the mental plane in order to incarnate in Cancer. This is involution.

2. The second cycle concerns Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. This is the conflict between the personality and its soul. This is evolution.

3. The third cycle concerns Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. This is the soul-guided disciple, becoming the world-initiate, the world-servant and the world saviour. This is the Path of Initiation & Redemption, to follow the Way to the Higher Evolution.

Picture 6 (Icosahedron with inscribed Dodecahedron) (See pages below) What happens when man has mastered all of the 12 signs + the three crosses + the four elements of each Cross + the seven Ray Triangles? An Indian initiate once said: “When the central or focal point of each triangle of signs is taken as a starting point, and all these central points are joined by lines, the result is a web of twelve pentagons. The five-pointed star construction is finished and man has been perfected into the 5th Kingdom of Souls – the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet – as a chosen citizen of it.” The Pentagon or 5-pointed Star represents the initiate man who has travelled through the twelve signs and the three Crosses many times, has perfected himself, mounting Cross after Cross, and has learned to express those highest qualities inherent to all twelve signs and to the seven rays – in service to the Purpose and the Plan of God. First along the evolutionary path; second, a reversal related to Libra - he turns around and follows the zodiac in the opposite direction, having given control to his soul, third, being the soul, giving control to his Father in Heaven, the Monad. He has achieved Mastery on the five lower planes of the Cosmic Physical Plane. The physical, astral, mental, buddhic and atmic planes.


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Picture 7 - Three Zodiacal Signs for Man (See pages below) Hence, perfected man stands free on three levels of personality, soul and Monad, related to three signs of the Zodiac. These three signs are the basis for the twelve Zodiacal Meditations for each advanced disciple.

• This is the triangle of (1) our birth sign or Sun sign, (2) our Ascendant or Rising Sign, and (3) our Opposite sign or the constellation in the polar position to our Sun sign.

• There is a great duality between the Sun sign and the Opposite sign to be bridged. • Study your birth or Sun sign always in combination with your opposite sign, because it is

complementary to the qualities of the birth sign, and it also represents the relation of the personality to the Monad via the Soul.

• A study of the Rising Sign and its esoteric planetary ruler is important, because it indicates the soul’s purpose for this life and for the coming incarnations.

• If you are a true disciple, then the Cross, to which your Rising sign belongs, is your Cross to be studied.

Picture 8 - Seven Ray Triangles of the Zodiac (See pages below) Here is another group of Triangles of great importance. Each sign of the Zodiac is part of one or more of the seven ray triangles. Each ray is represented by three zodiacal signs, forming one specific ray Triangle. Remember that the soul chart is pre-eminently about Triangles! Picture 9 (see also 5) - A Major Cosmic Triangle (See pages below) The major cosmic Triangle of the GREAT BEAR – SIRIUS – the PLEIADES presents you with a triangular pattern of ray-energies on cosmic, zodiacal, systemic and planetary levels. This major Triangle works through six constellations of the zodiac - arranged in three Triangles. The six constellations form a “6-pointed star” with this purpose: The development of self-consciousness, at the point of re-orientation on the Zodiac. (That is Libra) Next, this major Triangle finds its point of energy distribution in the SUN, the lower Triangle. Within the Solar system, this distribution of energies to and on planet Earth goes via Shamballa – Hierarchy – Humanity and further to the human individual and the micro cosmos. All Triangles at the left side of this picture are important, especially at the Full Moon of Aries, considering ARIES and his opposite sign LIBRA. It is said, that the Great Bear works through the Triangle ARIES - LIBRA and the SUN upon EARTH, bringing about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple, which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation. Another aspect is that ARIES & LIBRA are opposite signs. They present a basic duality. They complement each other (towards synthesis). Aries gives the downward monadic impulse into matter. Libra produces a balance between the pairs of opposites followed by the reversal of direction upon the zodiacal wheel. Then, man follows the narrow razor-edged path upwards towards spirit… A third aspect is, that ARIES – LIBRA – ARIES is a Triangle of the Crisis of the Burning Ground - of Death. Epilogue In this short compilation of the lecture, the approach was mainly from the macro-cosmos. We now have to build the bridge between macro- and microcosm. A Triangular bridge built from the seven ray energies flowing through. For this, the Academy intends to penetrate into the occult sciences as far as is allowed and intended from hierarchical perspective. So, the Quest of our Academy goes on!


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Inspiration and sources:

H.P. Blavatsky, A.A. Bailey and H. RoerichThe Spiritual Hierarchy


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