
Rote is mobile annotation tool that lets user highlight or mark any part of his text or image with sketches, annotations, shapes or even voice recorded messages.



iOS Android

Review note

User flow, wireframes

Learning from others - analysis of other similar apps

Closer look at Google’s Material Design and iOS Human Interface Guideliens

Sound, vibrations and gestures

Prototype in InVision and testing

The default iOS keyboard clicking sound will occur while users type

Most common gesture is tap


Designing native app for mobile device

What I did:

User flow and wireframes

Learning from others - analysis of other similar apps

Analysis of apps Evernote, Dropbox and OneNote.

Home screen and Upload menu have Dropbox’s feel, Voice recorder is like Evernote’s and Voice message like OneNote’s. Changes are marked on wireframes.

Sound, vibration and gestures

Prototype in InVision and testing

Android sound to stop recording

Prototypes in InVision - 6 people testing

You can tap to hear what you recorded or you can tap and hold to have more options to edit the recording

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