  • Bell System


    )(mai Cheer 1 IN YOUR R preparation for Christmas, and in the excitement

    and enthusiasm attending the selection of gifts. don't forget that a very im-

    portant detail of the cla y , and one that means much to its enjoyment is

    THE XMAS DINNER Everything that will acid to the cheer of the meal is here. Nuts, Candies, Fruits, etc., for the tree and between meal feasts.

    Things the good cook needs—at much less than the ordinary



    BE on the SAFE Side There Are Always


    To Every Question

    A Right Side and

    A Wrong Side !


    Farms, Houses, Vacant Property, Business Sites, Property for rent, etc.

    List your property for sale WITH ME.


    It is Better to

    BE ON

    The Safe Side

    of the


    Question !

    John W. Baker's Insurance Agency

    ROA7r1-6,13ROILLF6 Don't forget the needs of the kitchen while you are planning for

    the holiday.


    and it can't he right unless the chef has the proper equipment. We are making a special showing of the things required to

    make your kitchen complete—and offering them at especially low prices—as these will prove.

    Lan Larsen 0 Son Dwight, Ill.



    R. D. Gregg went to Adams Monday. Mrs. Burton Orr went to Wilson

    Monday. Mrs. Dr. Reynolds was a Chicago

    passenger Saturday. Buy a useful and lasting present in

    silver at Lewis'.—Adv. James Ryan, of Kinsman, was on

    our streets Wednesday. Mrs. Hansen, of this city, visited

    relatives in Gardner Saturday. Your gift is sure to please "him" if

    you get it at Carey & Seabert's—Adv. For Salo — One seven-room house

    cheap. Inquire of Andrew Nielson.-Adv. 44tf.

    A complete assortment of men's hol-iday slippers at Frank Reeb & Sons'. —Adv.

    Mr. William Daniher and mother, of Kinsman, did shopping in Dwight Tuesday.

    The Eveready miniature flashlight, an inexpensive Xmas gift. W. V. Roeder.—Adv.

    C. 51. Baker & 'Son are now carry-ing a line of golf goods, the Spalding Quality.—Adv.

    51r. and Mrs. Howard Boyer return-ed home Sunday evening from Chica-go where they had spent the past week visiting relatives.

    Why not make father, brother, son or sweetheart happy with a gift select-ed at Carey & Seabert's, "the style store for men and boys."Adv.

    It will not be necessary for you to purchase your Christmas gift books out of Dwight, inspect the line C. 51. Baker & Son are showing.—Adv.

    'Miss Emma Pickles and nephew, Ray Pickles, of Gardner, returned to their home Tuesday after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornberger.

    The Rebekahs will hold a regular meeting next Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows hall and initiate several new members. Election of officers will also be held.

    We have on hand a large and care-fully - selected stock of Johnstons, Whit-man and Bunte celebrated chocolates for our Christinas patrons. O'Mal-ley's Pharmacy.—Adv.

    Mr. Arthur Scott returned this week from Minnesota, where he has been visiting relatives. His return was on account of sickness and he is under the doctor's care at present.

    Come and look at our holiday goods, they have the merit. Our assortment contains in great variety, the very latest and most pleasing novelties of the season. E. B. Lewis.—Adv.

    Mrs. John Tock and sister-in-law, Elnora, attended the Red Men's dance in Pontiac Saturday night. They also visited over Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Claudin.

    For 'Sale — Some fine white Ply-mouth Rock roosters, also Walkers Walko Remedy, very good for prevent-ing little chick diseases, and for roup. Mrs. Martin Jepsen, R 5, B 36, Dwight. —Adv.

    Jewelry takes precedence over all other remembrances at this time of the year. There is not another store in this section where worthy jewelry is displayed in such profusion as at Lewis'.—Adv.

    Why not give him a useful Christ-mas auto gift, such as a 'Shrader Fire Tester, road guide, electric horn, auto clock, pair of goggles, electric trouble lamp, for sale at special prices by Fer-guson & Naffziger.—Adv.

    What would 'be a better Xmas gift than any of the following: Hot Point electric iron, toaster, percolator, stove, grille, warmer, curling iron or a nice piano or portable lamp. See display window. Orr Bros.—Adv.

    The Christmastide prayer service of the W. F. M. S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Manning 'Smith this aft-ernoon at 3 o'clock. All members and friends of the Woman's Foreign Mis-sionary Society are earnestly request-ed to be present. If attendance is im-possible please send the offerings.

    Only a few days to have those Christmas photos taken. Make an ap-pointment today, twelve Xmas pres-ents to twelve friends, which will 'be more appreciated than anything you could select if taken where you get them as good as the best and 'better than the rest. Wright Studio.—Adv.

    We sell Hoosier cabinets because we are satisfied that they combine the greatest number of conveniences in the smallest space, and are the best constructed from the standpoint of durability, style and finish of any cab-inet on the market. This is also the reason why more people use Hoosiers than any other cabinet. C. M. Baker & Son.—Adv.

    Misses Hazel Scott and Irma Jones returned Tuesday night from a visit to the Soldiers Orphan Home at Nor-mal very much pleased. An entertain-ment was given which was very pleas-ing. The amount of money to the credit of the Home from the S. of V. and Auxiliary is nearly $250. Misses Scott and Jones visited 'Mrs. Clarence Clover (nee Zella Bartholic) while in Bloomington.

    Mr. Deutsch has succeeded in mak-ing a mighty advantageous purchase of seasonable merchandise. Ho tells us that he caught the wholesaler early in the morning when he was overanx-ins to sell, and, among other things, managed to buy an exceptional stock of new Holeproof Hosiery. Slaving saved considerable himself he is pass-ing the saving on to his patrons and friends.—Adv.

    OPPORTUNITY By Walter Malone

    They do me wrong who say I come no more,

    When once I knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door, And bid you wake and rise to light and

    Wail not for precious chances passed atoay,

    Weep not for golden ages on the wane; Bach night I burn the records of the day, At sunrise every soul is born again.

    AMBITION and purpose are the keys to the door of hope, to the unfortunate

    and fortunate alike.

    They give to one a newer and brighter outlook, and to the other they encourage further accomplishment.

    As the Statue of Liberty gives to the aliens a new born hope for better things ahead, so will an account in this bank give to you and yours a sense of security, peace, comfort and provision and prepare you for a richer and nobler life.

    000000000000000000 O 0

    O DWIGHT NOTES 0 O 0 000000000000000000

    John Dawson was in Adams Monday. Mrs. Ida Brown was in Kankakee

    Saturday. Dr. C. F. Smith, of Reddick, was in

    Dwight Monday. Mr. B. A. Chubb transacted gusiness

    in Chicago Saturday. Toilet sets in silver, silver plate,

    and ivory, /it Lewis'.—Adv. Miss Martha Jensen and father were

    Chicago passengers Saturday. Buy / Marigold Oleomargarine at

    Drews and save on your butter bill.-Adv.

    Miss Myrtle Hansen spent Sunday in Chicago visiting relatives and friends.

    A dollar is well invested if spent for an Eveready flashlight. W. V. Roeder. —Adv.

    Get "Him" something to wear at Carey & Seabert's, "the gift store for men and boys."—Adv.

    Wanted, a middle aged lady to act as housekeeper for an old gentleman. Inquire at this office.—Adv. 45-tf

    Miss Edna Seabert returned home Monday evening after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Broughe, of Peoria.

    Women who know are bent on hav-ing the Hastings kitchen cabinet. It's the better. West Side Furniture Co. —Adv.

    Your picture wants can always be supplied at the Wright Studio where we make them as good as the best and better than the rest.—Adv.

    A vrey complete line of choice Ha-vana cigars in packages to suit all Christmas shoppers at O'Malley's Pharmacy.—Adv.

    Get your dressmaking done by Miss Sophia Chelario at Miss E. Cass Mil-linery, 104 West St., next to Adams & Orr's. Phone 306.—Adv.

    Trade has picked up every day since the cold weather came, and our mer-chants are doing lots of business. "Do it now" is working full time.

    Estimates on house wiring or the furnishing of fixtures cheerfully fur-nished by Orr Bros. Phone 113-W or call at Park News Depot.—Adv.

    All holiday goods attractively boxed and a gift card enclosed without any extra charge at Carey & Seabert's, the gift store for men and boys.—Adv.

    A little baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chase Tuesday morn-ing, but died that afternoon. Their friends sympathize with them in their sorrow.

    Hoosier cabinets make happy homes. They meet every requirement of the housewife; no unnecessary extras on a Hoosier. Sold by C. M. Baker & Son.—Adv.

    Messrs. Peter and Chris Sonder-gaard left last Sunday for a visit with relatives in Reisby Mark, North Sles-vig, Germany. They will be away un-til about the 1st of March. •

    Ladies if you want to make your husband happy I will tell you what to do. Just phone down to the Pioneer and have a milk fed chicken sent home to you. Orville Brown.—Adv

    51rs. Fenn had the misfortune to slip Sunday morning while descending the porch steps, breaking her wrist. Mrs. Fenn is in the seventies and her many friends sympathize greatly with her.

    You are sure to enjoy Christmas shopping here where assortments are large, styles authentic, qualities de-pendable and prices attractive. Carey & Seabert, "the gift store for men." -Adv.

    Why not give him a useful Christ-mas auto gift, such as a Shrader Fire Tester, road guide, electric horn, auto clock, pair of goggles, electric trouble lamp, for sale at special prices by Fer-guson & Naffziger.—Adv.

    Those wishing first-class laundry work done give the Johnson Laundry Company a trial. Adams & Orr, ex-clusive agents. Basket is sent on Wed-nesday and returns Saturday. All work guaranteed.—Adv.

    The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society met with Mb's. McClung Satur-day afternoon. After business mat-ters were attended to a very enter-taining program was given, 'which was followed by a delicious luncheon.

    A real "Comfort Rocker" of the "Taylor" quality will please the par-ents for Christmas, and make them happy indefinitely. A solid comfort insurance goes with every Taylor Rocker. Sold only at C. M. Baker & Son's.—Adv.

    Some criticism has been offered to the managers of the Saturday night dances, on account of the new grape vine reel being allowed. This dance is making a big hit in the cities and is recommended. as a proper and respect-able dance. We aim to conduct these dances so that it will be perfectly proper for any lady to attend. Geo. Jensen, Mgr.—Adv.

    The piano recital given at the West Side Furniture Store last Saturday by the pupils of Miss McGreevy, was a great success. As a souvenir, a narcissus was given each guest pres-ent. Those on the program were Max Grush, Dorothy Jenkins, Irene Steich-en, Loretta and Irene Bannon, Mary Brawn, Maude Nelson, Clara Beyer, Nora Pfeifer, Helen Wright, Marvin Pfeifer, Esther Rime and Dorothy Aye, and all played very nicely indeed.

    SPRINKLER SYSTEM, to be effective against fire must reach all sections of a plant with an

    instant supply of water. The Telephone System of a large establishment for its purposes should be laid out with the same care and comprehensiveness.

    The Private Branch Exchange is to the interior telephone system what the water tank is to the sprinkler system—the reservoir that ensures quick, accu-rate and adequate distribution of tele-phone service.

    Central Union Telephone Company W. J. Baer. Manager

    Telephone 200

    Escape the Hard, Tiresome Work of Washing at Home Don't fuss and bother at home with your family washing.

    Our laundry will take all the work, muss and trouble off your hands

    We call for your clothes regularly each week.

    We wash them all, starch the pieces that need it, dry all the clothes and iron and fold, ready for use, your bed and table linen towels, etc.




    Dwight Artesian Laundry GREGORY 0 WRIGHT, Props.


    0.0.24 ■-•,


    The radiator is one of the most important parts of a warn air furnace. A poorly construct ed radiator will condemn an otherwise good furnace.

    We *have given this part of Moore's Furnace particular at tention and as a result the ra diator on Moore's Furnace 1s very much larger than that used on other furnaces of the

    same size firepot and of similar construction.

    Repairs for all kind of furnace*

    Dealer also in tin, iron and slats roofing.


    -- ILLINOIS ++4.4.47++++,,,,,,+•:+++++.?4,,:4++44+.1,




    vottk OF CIWIGhr Estab. by David McWilliams, 1855


    THIS PAPER is worth more than the subscrip-tion price, $1.50. Are you getting it regularly?

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