Page 1: Rise of the Warrior Cop & Globalist · Amendment has been gutted, and police today have been conditioned to see the citizens

Rise of the Warrior Cop & Globalist Agendas

Posted May 11, 2014 By

“The last days of colonialism taught America’s revolutionaries that soldiers in the streets bring

conflict and tyranny. As a result, our country has generally worked to keep the military out of

law enforcement. But according to investigative reporter Radley Balko, over the last several

decades, America’s cops have increasingly come to resemble ground troops. The

consequences have been dire: the home is no longer a place of sanctuary, the Fourth

Amendment has been gutted, and police today have been conditioned to see the citizens

they serve as an other—an enemy.”

- Radley Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's

Police Forces (2013), Book Review at

“When the people fear the government there is tyranny; when the government

fears the people there is liberty.”

- Thomas Jefferson

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves”

- Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965)

And Weekend Greetings Again,

I have been meaning to comment on the land grab by the BLM at the Bundy Ranch last month

and now we are learning the real facts surrounding this show of force in Nevada. Sen. Harry Reid

is at the center of this controversy and has labeled the protestors in Bunkerville, NV as “domestic

terrorists” in a state that is 84% controlled by the feds. On April 5-11, 2014 an armed caravan of

BLM officials confronted Cliven Bundy and his family over disputed grazing rights and some talk

of the desert tortoise as an “endangered species” on his property. In a display of “shock and awe”

the local sheriff brought in militarized snipers and forces to help confront the Bundy family. This

is becoming a distressing pattern in America and it needs to be briefly addressed below.

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Reid calls his Opponents Domestic Terrorists / by Martin Armstrong / April 18, 2014

You can tell a REAL journalist from a propaganda artist by their characterization of Bundy as a

tax cheat who breaks the law. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing to prevent Congress from

passing ANYTHING that crosses their mind. So to simply justify the massacre of Bundy and his

supporters in Nevada based upon the fact they have broken a LAW is totally outrageous and we

had better understand the government structure we have. What is UNLAWFUL is the fact that

we have a pretend tripartite government where Congress can enact absolutely anything its member

think of or are paid to do corruptly and it is the Judiciary’s job to say it is lawful or not - but only

if it wants to hear the case. READ MORE

Do the Fed’s Really Own the Land in

Nevada? Nope! / by Martin Armstrong / April 19. 2014

QUESTION: Is it true that nearly 85% of Nevada is still owned by the Federal Government who

then pays no tax to the State of Nevada? This seems very strange if true as a backdrop to this entire

Bundy affair. You seem to be the only person to tell the truth without getting crazy.

REPLY: The truth behind Nevada is of course just a quagmire of politics. Nevada was a key pawn

in getting Abraham Lincoln reelected in 1864 during the middle of the Civil War. Back on March

21st, 1864, the US Congress enacted the Nevada Statehood statute that authorized the residents of

Nevada Territory to elect representatives to a convention for the purpose of having Nevada join

the Union. The current land conflict in Nevada extends back to this event in 1864 and how the

territory of Nevada became a state in order to push through a political agenda to create a majority

vote. I have said numerous times, if you want the truth, just follow the money. So why was Nevada

rushed into statehood in violation of the law of the day? When the 1864 Presidential election

approached, there were special interests who were seeking to manipulate the elections to ensure

Lincoln would win reelection. They needed another Republican congressional delegation that

could provide additional votes for the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery.

Previously, the attempt failed by a very narrow margin that required two-thirds support of both

houses of Congress. READ MORE

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Pat Buchanan Sums Up Nevada Ranch Standoff:

Sending ‘Seventh Cavalry to Collect A Bill’ The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, “The powers not delegated to the United

States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States

respectively, or to the people.” The Constitution delegates only three crimes to the federal

government: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. That’s it. No other crimes are mentioned. That

means that all other crimes are the purview of the states--including local and State police, sheriff’s

deputies, and citizen militias and posses. Of course, the problem is the Congress (and Court) in

Washington, D.C., has used the “Necessary and Proper Clause” of Article. I. Section. 8. to justify

all sorts of federal law enforcement enactments. The result of this unconstitutional federal

expansion of police powers is we now have scores of federal agencies that are using unchecked

and unbridled power--power that is turning the United States into a giant police state.


"The right to life, liberty and property are bound together to be essentially one right. To

give a man his life but to deny him his liberty is to take from him all that makes life

worth living. To give him liberty but to take from him the property which is the

fruit and badge of his liberty is to still leave him a slave."

- George Sutherland, Associate Supreme Court Judge (1922-1938)

Martin Armstrong has made a couple of comments above worth noting. Our government can enact

any law it wants against the people, and Nevada has been heavily controlled since the days of

Lincoln. Pat Buchanan has written an article above (you can link the title), and it is interesting

that the 10th and 13th Amendments are mentioned here. The 10th Amendment is all about State

Rights and the 13th Amendment asserts that “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude…shall

exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” It is safe to say that all

of Americans have become indentured servants of the State with passage of the 16th Amendment

and thousands of other laws coming out of the District of Criminals. I love the quote above that

states that to take away a man’s property is to essentially make him a slave of the State.

Mr. Bundy’s problems began back in 1993 when the BLM assessed grazing fines upon him and

53 other ranchers in the area. Since then all of the other 53 ranchers have been driven off the land

and Mr. Bundy is “the last man standing” as he states it. Bundy claims grazing rights dating back

to his maternal grandmother in 1877 and the Desert Land Act that provides for free grazing of

cattle. In 1946, the Bureau of Land Management was established to manage 245 million acres of

federal land. In 1998, Bundy was ordered by a federal court in Clark County to stop grazing and

his fines have since exceeded $1 million! In the past month the feds have used “contract cowboys”

and agents to round up his cattle and sell them in Utah, but Utah Governor Gary Hebert refused

to let the cattle in his state. In the process several bulls and cattle were shot by federal agents.

You can read the sordid details at

ranch/, and also the full story at

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What does the struggle in Bunkerville, Nevada tell us? It tells us that we are not getting the whole

truth on this BLM land-grab by the feds. What you are not being told about the Bundy Ranch is

that the BLM and Department of Energy have a stake in his 160 acre ranch and vast federal lands

for globalist agendas by the United Nations and radical environmental groups. Yes, we are

talking about Agenda 21 and the need for “sustainable development” and solar energy and so on.

The following deals with solar energy and I will comment on the Reid family conspiracy below:

What You are Not Being Told about the

Bundy Ranch:, April 20, 2014

The BLM and the DOE’s joint venture is — stated concerns about tortoises aside — about the

generation of solar energy. An article published by The New American in September 2012 noted

that Rory Reid, the eldest son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), is the chief

representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant

on public land in Laughlin, Nevada. The plan generated a great deal of controversy because Clark

County officials voted to sell ENN the public land for $4.5 million, a figure far below its $38.6-

million appraised value.

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It is important to recognize that the land on which Bundy grazes his cattle is not the same land that

ENN sought near Laughlin, which is over 200 miles away. However, the Bundy grazing land is

within the BLM's Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, an area the BLM and DOW also want to use for

“utility-scale solar energy development,” whether constructed by ENN or someone else. As

blogger and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from California’s 8th District Rodney

Lee Conover recently wrote: As part of the plan for the Dry Lake solar zone, any solar developers

are expected to pay into a fund to “mitigate” the Gold Butte area. However, the “mitigation”

activities can’t take place with cattle grazing in the area. If the mitigation doesn’t take place, no

money for the BLM. Conover’s assertions are supported by the BLM’s document entitled “Cattle

Trespass Impacts,” which states that grazing by Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more

specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy

for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for

impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the

presence of trespass cattle,” an article by Kit Daniels posted by Infowars quoted the document as

saying. Motivations are not always easy to prove, but in this case, Senator Reid’s hand has shown

up more than once. The BLM’s principal deputy director, Neil Kornze, previously served as

Senator Reid’s senior policy advisor. And we have noted Rory Reid’s role as the chief

representative for China’s ENN Energy Group, which has sought to develop solar energy in

Nevada. Whether these suspicions are proof of wrongful or illegal acts remains to be seen.


Well, there you have it. Yes, the Bundy Ranch is 190 miles away from this deal struck by Senator

Reid and the Chinese Communists on a 2011 visit to the Beijing, but the Bundy Ranch falls within

the 9,000 acre Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone that has now been sold to the Chinese ENN Energy

Group for 10% of the appraised value for future “mitigation” activities that do not include cattle

grazing. Do you get the picture here? This is the largest land grant in all of the US, and the entire

affair has been led by Sen. Reid, his son Rory Reid and other cronies from the Reid orbit in

Nevada. As noted above, no mitigation rights…..and no money for the BLM……$$$$$$. Need

I say more? Follow the money and follow the power….the power to destroy! $$$$$$$$

It is interesting to note that the 300-page UN publication Agenda 21 was published in 1993 with

40 Chapters relating to everything from the pseudo-science of global warming to women’s rights.

In Chapter 15 we read the following regarding the need for biological diversity:

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“The loss of the world’s biological diversity continues, mainly from habitat destruction,

over-harvesting, pollution, and the inappropriate introduction of foreign plants and animals.

This decline in biodiversity is largely caused by humans, and represents a serious threat to

our development. Urgent and decisive action is needed to conserve and maintain genes,

species and ecosystems.”

Golly, this sounds serious. Mr. Bundy has apparently introduced “inappropriate” animals into the

natural habitat of the “desert tortoise” (you know, that lowly turtle who never gets any mention

in the media anymore), and he (as a human) is a “serious threat” to “our development” (meaning

the globalist agenda of controlling all of the earth through the UN), thus he is in violation of the

provisions of Agenda 21. In 1998, The Center for Biological Diversity was founded in Tucson,

Arizona for the purpose of protecting “lands” and “species” in the western states. Their suit was

the alleged purpose of confronting the Bundy family in Nevada, but the turtle issue has rarely been

heard since. Why is this? What is the ultimate end game here? The end game is to drive people

living in rural areas into what Agenda 21 and radical social engineers refer to as “Mega-Cities”

in which the globalists will ration both energy and food to the masses. Globalist Henry Kissinger

famously said that you control people with food, and nations with oil. These globalists intend to

herd people into megacities, and utility companies all around the world are adopting what they call

“Smart-Meters” to monitor energy use and ration both energy and food resources. You can learn

more at the links below. The pretense of global warming is being used as a cover to do all of this

and I have additional links here from John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and

another website exposing the “green mask” of the radical global environmentalists:

Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman slams Federal climate 600-page climate

change report: A ‘total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad

science gone berserk’ Read the Full Article

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What? You say that you don’t want to live in an ecologically-biodiversified-environment with

sustainable development being managed by an unelected cadre of globalists and social engineers?

Well, that is just too bad! According to the following your fate has been decided to live in the

green areas of this map, and here are the percentages of federal lands in the west:

Nevada: 84.5 percent

Alaska: 69.1 percent

Utah: 57.4 percent

Oregon: 53.1 percent

Idaho: 50.2 percent

Arizona: 48.1 percent

California: 45.3 percent

Wyoming: 42.4 percent

New Mexico: 41.8 percent

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I watched a video recently in which then-Congressman Dr. Ron Paul warned about arming the

BLM, and now his words seem prophetic, as with all he has said and warned about throughout his

entire political career of forty years. What does he say about the federal land-grab in Nevada?

You can read the following and click the link for more. Basically, he is saying what he has always

been warning about. What is that? That we have a Government of Bullies as his son Rand Paul

has documented in his recent book. Check it out:

Nevada Standoff a Symptom of

Increasing Authoritarianism / by ron paul / Sunday april 20, 2014

The nation’s attention has for the past several weeks been riveted by a standoff in Nevada between

armed federal agents and the Bundys, a ranching family who believe the federal government is

exceeding its authority by accessing “fees” against ranchers who graze cattle on government lands.

Outrage over the government’s use of armed agents to forcibly remove the Bundys’ cattle led many

Americans to travel to Nevada to engage in non-violent civil disobedience in support of the family.

The protests seem to have worked, at least for now, as the government appears to have backed off

from direct confrontation. Sadly, some elected officials have inflamed the situation by labeling the

Bundys and their supporters “domestic terrorists,” thus justifying any future use of force by the

government. That means there is always the possibility of another deadly Waco-style raid on the

Bundys or a similar group in the future. In a state like Nevada, where 84 percent of the land is

owned by the federal government, these types of conflicts are inevitable. Government ownership

of land means that land is in theory owned by everyone, but in practice owned by no one. Thus,

those who use the land lack the incentives to preserve it for the long term. As a result, land-use

rules are set by politicians and bureaucrats. Oftentimes, the so-called “public” land is used in ways

that benefit politically-powerful special interests. READ MORE


Could We Have another WACO this time in

Bunkerville, Nevada? / By Martin Armstrong / April 23, 2014

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The Feds are gathering and have brought in hired guns. We are more likely than not headed into a

military confrontation – the first since WACO. Keep in mind that Obama’s head of the Justice

Department, Eric Holder now Attorney General, called the shots on WACO back then. He

got away with it before – why not again?



Now, it is highly noteworthy that Dr. Paul’s warning about another Waco-style raid on the Bundy

Ranch in the near future. This fact has not also been lost on Martin Armstrong reporting from

London. The mere fact that the same person, Eric Holder, called “the shots” (metaphorically and

literally) back in Waco, Texas from February 28 to April 19, 1993 is chilling. Would this rouge

so-called Justice Department launch a similar attack? It can’t be ruled out and this brings us to my

main topic as documented in John Whitehead’s new book along with Radley Balko’s book

concerning “the militarization of America’s police forces as noted at the beginning. Read this

short commentary below and I will continue below:

The United States of SWAT? / By John Fund / APRIL 18, 2014 4:00 AM

Regardless of how people feel about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff with the federal

Bureau of Land Management over his cattle’s grazing rights, a lot of Americans were surprised to

see TV images of an armed-to-the-teeth paramilitary wing of the BLM deployed around

Bundy’s ranch. They shouldn’t have been. Dozens of federal agencies now have Special Weapons

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and Tactics (SWAT) teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not

controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the

Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the

Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish

and Wildlife Service? All of these have their own SWAT units and are part of a worrying trend

towards the militarization of federal agencies — not to mention local police forces.



John Whitehead is a Constitutional attorney and president of the institute

in Virginia. He borrowed the quote by Ed Murrow for his book title. Radley Balko is a policy

analyst for the Cato Institute and won the 2011 LA Press Club for journalist of the year. Together

they are warning of a disturbing trend in law enforcement today – the rise of the warrior cop. In

response to this trend since 9/11, the Oathkeepers was founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, a

Yale graduate and attorney with 40,000 members in active duty and law enforcement who swear

to respect their oath to the US Constitution and protect Americans! Put simply, peace officers

are to “serve and protect” the public, not the State. This is called due process and the rule of law.

In a poll taken by Oathkeepers 90% of cops and military personnel have never read the US

Constitution or Bill of Rights! Increasingly Americans are being labeled as “domestic terrorists”

and databases at the DHS fusion centers, FEMA and local states are compiling names of citizens.

Note the following along with ten orders that Oathkeepers swear to disobey:

10 Orders Oath Keepers Swear to Disobey 1. We will not obey any order to disarm the American people.

2. We will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their

homes, vehicles, papers, or effects—such as warrantless house-to-house searches for

weapons or persons.

3. We will not obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants”

or to subject them to trial by military tribunals.

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4. We will not obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to

enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s

legislature and governor.

5. We will not obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and

declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state

entered the Union.

6. We will not obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant

concentration camps.

7. We will not obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps

under any pretext.

8. We will not obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil

against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any

emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against

our people to be an invasion and an act of war.

9. We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including

food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext.

10. We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to

peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.


Louisiana Creates Database of Citizens

Who Represent “A Risk to the State”

Paul Joseph Watson,, April 23, 2014

Authorities in Louisiana are compiling a database of information on every citizen in order

to identify people who are “a risk to the state,” as well as pinpointing future criminals in an

effort to allow the state to “intervene in that person’s life”.

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Notice that Oathkeepers is merely stating rights that citizen’s should already assume in the Bill of

Rights and so on. Americans are seen as a risk to the State (and their globalist agendas) and we

are not far off from the US military under USNorthcom being used against “enemy combatants”

on American soil! This is in direct violation of Posse Comitatus established in 1878 under federal

law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that prohibits the military being used for law

enforcement. Unfortunately, that federal law is never read either and we are now in grave danger

of a military occupation and a fascist dictatorship. You think I’m kidding? The DHS has compiled

a list of Americans considered as potential terrorists. Are you on that list? Click below and see:

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered

“Potential Terrorists” In Official

Government Documents By Michael Snyder, on August 26th, 2013

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion,

globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do

you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you

ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those

questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.



At a recent speech at the University of Connecticut (4/23/14), Hillary Clinton said she was

“puzzled” that Edward Snowden would “flee” to Hong Kong and Russia because “we have all

these protections for whistleblowers.” I won’t even respond to that. Edward Snowden went to

Hong Kong because they have higher respect for the rule of law and due process than in America.

Now comes the latest assault on our liberties and you need to read this from Chris Hedges below:

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We're Losing the Last Shreds of Legal Rights

to Protect Ourselves from Tyranny A ruling elite that accrues for itself total power, history has shown, eventually uses it.

Photo Credit: WeAreChange; Screenshot /

May 5, 2014, Chris Hedges, |

The U.S. Supreme Court decision to refuse to hear our case concerning Section 1021(b)(2) of the

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which permits the military to seize U.S. citizens

and hold them indefinitely in military detention centers without due process, means that this

provision will continue to be law. It means the nation has entered a post-constitutional era. It means

that extraordinary rendition of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil by our government is legal. It means that

the courts, like the legislative and executive branches of government, exclusively serve corporate

power — one of the core definitions of fascism. It means that the internal mechanisms of state are

so corrupted and subservient to corporate power that there is no hope of reform or protection

for citizens under our most basic constitutional rights. It means that the consent of the governed

is a cruel joke. And it means that if we do not rapidly build militant mass movements to overthrow

corporate tyranny, including breaking the back of the two-party duopoly that is the mask of

corporate power, we will lose our liberty. “In declining to hear the case Hedges v. Obama and

declining to review the NDAA, the Supreme Court has turned its back on precedent dating back

to the Civil War era that holds that the military cannot police the streets of America,” said attorney

Carl Mayer, who along with Bruce Afran devoted countless unpaid hours to the suit. “This is a

major blow to civil liberties. It gives the green light to the military to detain people without

trial or counsel in military installations, including secret installations abroad. There is little

left of judicial review of presidential action during wartime.” See the complete WND report

here: Supreme Court Green Lights Detention Of Americans

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Folks, this is a dark day in America. Just this past week while the nation is fixed on missing

airliners, racial comments, natural disasters…and of course climate change….the Supreme Court

has stripped our most basic Constitutional rights! Now, I have warned about this in my book

below, but it is happening at a breathtaking pace. All that is needed is the right crisis – because

you never want a serious crisis to go to waste, right? And what crisis is looming for the perfect

context to impose a paramilitary state and force globalist agendas? Did you say a financial and

monetary crisis? You bet. Veteran market analyst Doug Casey has just produced an urgent

documentary on how we are facing a reckoning day and what this monetary meltdown might look

like. David Walker, former Comptroller General (1998-2008) is featured with his dire warning

of the fiscal cliff along with others. The documentary notes that a collapse in the dollar and

Treasury complex will “bring down” our military reach and the reserve currency status of the

dollar will render us a Third World nation (as I also cover in my book). I urge you to check into

this documentary at and the link below:

A Financial Reckoning Day is Coming!

Meltdown America Documentary Link:

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So what is holding up the entire monetary system today? Only one thing: Confidence…and

people are losing confidence fast. This is why Russia and China (and OPEC) are moving away

from the dollar as I have written before and will cover in my next geopolitical blog that will deal

with the Trans Pacific Partnership and other secret trade deals along with a new trade region for

Eurasia that will destroy the dollar. China is hoarding gold for this very reason and I will

comment further after these two articles of interest:

Loosing Confidence in the US dollar / BY GREG CANAVAN / ON APRIL 21, 2014 AT 10:00 AM

With the World War D investing conference done and dusted, we pause to reflect on it all. What

was our key takeaway from the two-day event? In short, ‘bear fatigue’. That is, the keynote

speakers (Marc Faber, Jim Rickards and Richard Duncan) all made the case that we are heading

towards a financial collapse…we just don’t know when. More to the point, multiple forms of can-

kicking can potentially delay the inevitable day of reckoning for some time to come. While no

one knows how long the financial system can continue its debt based expansion, Marc Faber

suggested that with the bull market now entering its sixth year, it’s getting old and due for a

correction. Jim Rickards thinks we’re in a bubble, while Richard Duncan reckons the US

government could in theory keep the music playing by running up debt levels from the current

100% of GDP to a Japanese-like 250% of GDP. In practice he doesn’t think this will happen and

he nominates collapse as the likely outcome. Nevertheless we subsequently asked him how this

was possible given that Japan is a net creditor nation (and therefore has accumulated savings to

fund its deficits) while the US is a net debtor nation and relies on the savings of foreigners to

finance its debts. In other words we wondered whether the rest of the world would finance a more

than doubling in the US’ already gargantuan total debt levels.



China and U.S. likely cooperate in gold

suppression, researcher Koos Jansen says / By CHRIS POWELL / Thu, 2014-04-24 02:40

Dear Friend of GATA:

China and the United States are probably cooperating for the time being in suppressing the

price of gold so that China can obtain gold to hedge its foreign exchange surplus of U.S.

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dollars without collapsing the dollar’s value or exploding the gold price, China gold market

expert Koos Jansen tells Sprott Money News in an interview today. Jansen, a consultant to GATA,

adds that he expects China’s next official announcement of its gold reserves to be in the range of

4,000 to 5,000 tonnes. The interview is available in both audio and text at the Sprott Money Internet

site here:



What is being said above by GATA is something you are not supposed to know about. Have you

wondered why the price index for gold and silver has been flat-lined for almost two years? Do

you know why? GATA has been reporting that a deal was struck with China and the US to short

the gold/silver markets to allow China to acquire metals on the cheap. Why? To compensate for

their inevitable losses with US currency/bond assets ($2 trillion+). Jim Rickard’s suggest that

demand is so heavy for gold in the East that they will strip their own mining and the West will fail

to deliver in the near future. That is when we will see gold and silver explode.

I want to conclude with some comments about the silver market and summarize all of the above.

Below is a chart for the total silver coin sales worldwide for 2013. A record 125 million ounces

were sold and fully one third of this were American Silver Eagles at 42,675,000 (a new record at

the US Mint). The Silver Institute predicts that 2014 will be another record year with 55 million

ounces sold at the US Mint. Global demand has doubled since 2008 and the pace continues…..

If there is this historic demand for silver why is the paper index price trading around $20 at a

whopping 67:1 silver/gold oz. ratio? This is a good question! And the only answer is artificial

price suppression by desperate central banksters and corrupt exchanges like COMEX (CME). Can

this continue forever? Most certainly not and things are about to get explosive. Read on:

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Ted Butler: Silver is Akin to a Lit Match & a

Barrel of Dynamite! / By Ted Butler, Butler Research / APRIL 29, 2014

It is said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but in the case of silver, I don’t see how that can be

avoided. In more ways than not, silver today reminds me of the time when it traded under $5 per

ounce. As was the case back then, the thought that it might eventually climb more than ten times

in value was widely disbelieved and openly scoffed at. That’s because silver was the most

undervalued asset in the world, both then and now. If you didn’t catch the first run, you’ve just

been given a second chance. And it is also interesting that silver is registering as the most

undervalued investment asset precisely at the same time when there is more total investment net

worth and buying power in the world than ever before. The assets in hedge funds alone are now at

a record $2.7 trillion; 1 percent of which ($27 billion) is more than the value of all the silver

bullion in the world (if it could be bought). The 100 million oz of new silver available for

investment annually would take only one-tenth of one percent ($2.7 billion) of hedge fund assets.

Unless hedge funds have stopped looking for undervalued assets, I can’t help but feel that’s a

set up akin to a lit match and a barrel of dynamite. First off, it is pretty audacious to label any

investment asset as the world’s cheapest when you consider the implications of that claim. Most

of the world’s investors are value oriented, always on the prowl to find undervaluation and if they

could identify the single most undervalued investment opportunity, it would only be a matter of

time before they descended upon it. Simply put, if you could identify the most undervalued

investment asset in the world that would be another way of saying you had identified the

world’s best investment opportunity. And that would be silver. READ MORE


Ted Butler has been a respected silver expert for almost 30 years. What he is saying here needs

to be taken to heart. If you are holding silver (like I am) you simply need to stay the course. Forget

the daily/monthly trading action. It is all noise. Silver is the world’s most undervalued asset

class and trillions cannot fit into a billion dollar market. If you are looking at silver, you have been

given a second chance to get on board and you can contact me below for more information.

Page 18: Rise of the Warrior Cop & Globalist · Amendment has been gutted, and police today have been conditioned to see the citizens

Finally, I know this has been a heavy message on this Happy Mother’s Day, but as I like to say,

I am just the messenger. Or as John Loeffler likes to remind, your lack of being informed does

not make me a wacko! Oops, almost said Waco. Anyway, all the best to you mothers out there I

leave you with a tip from Dave Hodges at the bottom. When I think of our mothers I also think

of God’s omnipresence and omniscience (infinite knowledge). I leave you with this majestic psalm

by David in Psalm 139 that speaks of how God knew you in your mother’s womb, and how God

has ordained every day of your life…even before you were born! How’s that for comfort and

inspiration? He is acquainted with all of your ways and always will be:

God's Omnipresence and Omniscience. 1 O LORD, You have searched me and known me. 2 You know when I sit down and when I rise

up; You understand my thought from afar. 3 You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are

intimately acquainted with all my ways. 4 Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O

LORD, You know it all. 5 You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it. 7 Where can I go

from Your Spirit ? Or where can I flee from Your presence ? 8 If I ascend to heaven, You are there

; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. 9 If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in

the remotest part of the sea, 10 Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay

hold of me. 11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, And the light around me will be

night," 12 Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness

and light are alike to You. 13 For You formed my inward parts ; You wove me in my mother's

womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your

works, And my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made

in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth ; 16 Your eyes have seen my unformed

substance ; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet

there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God ! How vast is

the sum of them! 18 If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am

still with You. 19 O that You would slay the wicked, O God ; Depart from me, therefore, men of

bloodshed. 20 For they speak against You wickedly, And Your enemies take Your name in vain. 21

Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD ? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

22 I hate them with the utmost hatred ; They have become my enemies. 23 Search me, O God, and

know my heart ; Try me and know my anxious thoughts ; 24 And see if there be any hurtful way in

me, And lead me in the everlasting way.

Friends, these are tough times and times are going to get tougher. As I always like to say, God has

never promised a smooth flight in this life, just a safe landing when we have trust and faith in Jesus

Christ as our Savior (Jn. 3). The wicked and enemies of God may have a global agenda, but

God’s Global Agenda is certain. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

(Mt. 6:10). This is the only Globalist Agenda I want to be a part of. Amen? Amen.

Until next time, yours to the everlasting way, Your Messenger

Page 19: Rise of the Warrior Cop & Globalist · Amendment has been gutted, and police today have been conditioned to see the citizens

This Mother’s Day, Buy Your Mom a Three

Day Bug-Out Bag / Dave Hodges / May 11, 2014

The country is on the verge of economic collapse which will be followed by massive civil

unrest. If you truly want to give your mom worthwhile gift on this Mother’s Day, give her

something of practical value. On this Mother’s Day 2014, you should buy her a three day

bug-out bag and 12 gauge shotgun.

Today, many Americans believe that the United States is on the verge of a total economic collapse

and will soon be entering another Great Depression. The government believes it as well. However,

unlike most Americans, the government is prepared as evidenced by DHS and their recently

purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers. DHS is not

going to Afghanistan. Who is this ammunition for? Why will it be necessary? Only a very small

percentage of the people are prepared for what is about to happen. Just what does it take to be

prepared? How much of this and how much of that, are questions that many preppers ask.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not asking any questions at all. Most of these ignorant people

will be among the first to die. There are two major types of crises which could come to our country.

We could get lucky and have a soft landing, which will be catastrophic, but survivable. The other

possibility is that we will be looking at a complete collapse of everything and this country could

become a very dangerous place in which to live. This article examines strategies for dealing

with a complete breakdown of our society and the prevailing and collective wisdom of our

mom’s just might get us through to the other side.READ MORE

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