  • 8/7/2019 Rights Respecting Book


    Rights for every childThe UN Convention on the Rights of the Child lays down the rights of

    all children and young people under the age of 18 years .

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  • 8/7/2019 Rights Respecting Book


  • 8/7/2019 Rights Respecting Book


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    All children should be protected fro mviolence, abuse and neglect, and

    governments should protect them.Article 19

    Children should not be allowed to dowork that is dangerous or might makethem ill, or stops them going to school.Article 32

    Children have a right to be protectedfrom dangerous drugs, and from thebusiness of m aking or selling them.Article 33

    Nobody can do anything to your bodythat you do not want them to do, andgrown-ups should protect you. Article 34

    No child should be punished in a waythat humiliates or hurts them. Article 37Over 100 million children do dangerous work, often

    away from their families, and dont go to school.




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    All children have a right to be able togive their opinion when adults are

    m aking a decision that will affect them,and adults should take it seriously.Article 12

    All children have a right to find outthings, and say what they think throughspeaking, writing, drawing etc. unless it

    breaks the rights of others. Article 13

    All children have the right to meet, makefriends with, and join clubs with otherchi ldren. Article 15

    All children have the right to privacy.

    Article 16

    All children have the right to informationfrom TV, radio, newspapers and theinternet. These media should providei nformation that children canunderstand. Article 17

    A girl speaks on a local radio station, run by thechildren themselvesa at an after-school project inBrazil.



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    All children have the right to think andbelieve what they want, and to practise

    their religion. Article 14

    Parents should help children learn whatis right and wrong. Article 14

    Children who are refugees or asylumseekers in another land have the right to

    special protection. They have the samerights as children who were born in thatcountry. Article 22

    Children who come from a minoritygroup have the right to learn and use thelanguage and customs of their families.

    Also to practise their own religion anduse their own language. Article 30

    Friendship knows no barriers of country, culture,race and religion.



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    All children have the right to aneducation. Article 28

    The purpose of education is to developevery childs personality, talents andmental and physical abilities. Article 29

    Education should teach children torespect their parents, their own and

    other cultures. Article 29

    Education should prepare children to liveresponsibly and peacefully in a fre esociety. Article 29

    Education should teach children to

    respect the natural environment.Article 29

    All children have the right to relax andplay, and to join a wide range ofactivities. Article 31

    An Iraqi teacher helps his pupils.


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    All children have a right to live. Article 6

    Children who are disabled, eithermentally or physically, have a right tospecial care and education so they canlead full and independent lives.Article 23

    All children have a right to good health

    and good quality health care. Allchildren should have clean water,nutritious food and a clean environmentso they stay heal thy. Article 24

    The Government should help famil ieswho cannot afford to provide a decent

    standard of l iving for their children, towhich they have a right.Article 27

    In Mexico, mothers come together everyday atCommunity Kitchens to cook healthy meals for theirchildren.


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    Chi ldren under the age of 16 yearsshould not take a direct part in any

    conflict. Article 38Children who are affected by an armedconflict should have special protectionand care. Article 38

    Children who have suffered in any way

    have a right to get help in a safe place,to help them recover. Article 39

    * Rehabilitation means that things aredone to put life back to normal.

    A homeless refugee family wait to be given theirsupplies of food and baby goods, which have justarrived.


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    AcknowledgementsIllustrations from FOR EVERY CHILD,the rights of the child in words andpictures, published by Red Fox, a division of Random House Childrens Books,61-63 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 5SA.

    Credits:Cover P.J.Lynch, pg 2 Ken Wilson-Max, pg 4 Claudio Muoz, pg 6 John Burningham,pg 8 Rabindra & Amrit K.D. Kaur Singh, pg 10 Satoshi Kitamura, pg 12 Peter Weevers,pg 14 Shirley Hughes.

    This publication has been produced with funds from the UNICEF/British Airways Change for Good programme.

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